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Analysis of film titles

The overall layout of the film title for the The ring is ghostly and has a mysterious feeling to it. The font is simple and childlike which could foreshadow a possible character later on in the film. The use of the colour white further reinforces the innocent state of a child as well as a spiritual presence within the film. The colour is in juxtaposition with the black and this creates a striking contrast which will catch the audiences attention. The use of a ring works as an enigma and mirrors the title. This makes the audience question what significance is has to the storyline. For our title design I think it would be a good idea to include an image or illustration that will reflect the title name.

This title is very simple but also extremely arresting. I think that the colours are the most prominent feature and are used to connote certain aspects of the film. For example, the colour red connotes blood, danger, death, warning and energy whilst black connotes mystery, power, authority and evil. Both colours are frequently used in horror film titles. The big bold font also adds strength to the name and this could reinforce the character/event that is named after IT. When I produce the title design for our film opening, I think that black and red will be the colours we will use. This will enable us to use forms and conventions of real media products and appeal to our target audience.

Simplistic layout

The colour of whit e resembles innocence. This could be used to mirror the title name Orphan

Although I think that this title design is effective, I dont believe that it would suit the story of our film.

The font appears smudged as if it was handwritten

Analysis of film titles

The font resembles a homemade video that is edited on software such as iMovie. I believe that this is used to make the film appear more realistic to the audience as the film is based all around footage that a woman has filmed herself. I also think that the formal layout and ordinary font highlights the word project. I prefer more simplistic horror titles as I think they are more arresting. This title could be a key inspiration for when Dickie and I produce our own film title. Typical red and black coloured font is used to symbolise death, danger, blood and evil.

Although this title isnt using the colours of a typical horror film title (red and black) it has used ones which create similar connotations. The dark brown/green colour connotes dirt and rust. I think that this could suggest that the film is a more gruesome film and is set in a derelict/neglected area. Also the background colour could mirror the word chainsaw as the texture seems similar to one on the blade of a chainsaw. (Similar to decay)

The background effect is used to look like blood which thus reinforces the colour and genre

Large font to catch viewers attention

Central positioning of text within the layout encourages the viewer to read it

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