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International Guild of Occult Sciences College and Research Society

Ancient Grimoires Pulp Fiction or Magical Guides?

Thor Templar, IGOS Grand Master

Copyright 2013 IGOS Thor Templar

International Guild of Occult Sciences

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Ancient Grimoires Pulp Fiction or Magical Guides?

In the Occult Sciences as taught at the Guild, grimoires are interesting study guides. In most of the occult world they are seen as mysterious powerful guides to seek hidden knowledge from.

Very few occult students even understand the true meaning of the word Grimoire, in traditional occult mystery school understanding. It is one of the many occult terms misused and misunderstood. There is even one uneducated occult moron, calling the tradition he follows, the Grimoire Tradition. This laughable statement, proves, the lack of understanding and education modern occultists have and this person in particular, he even has the gall to call himself an author. When questioned about the meaning of the word grimoire, Mister Grimoire Tradition could not correctly define it. Now this is truly amusing. Without the proper training of Occult Guilds, occultism has fallen to the lowest level ever. With most students, seeking the uneducated, ego driven fools of Black Lodges to fill their education gap. Like with the misunderstanding of the word grimoire, most occultists think that Black Lodges hold some kind of power, beyond what White Lodges have to offer. A reflection of what is thought about the state of the world today in general.

In the Occult Sciences, it is very important to have a clear understanding of occult terminology. All science based fields, must have a universal understanding of terminology, so the science can move ahead without the error of confused understanding, or using incorrect terms to describe general procedures. This is the first basic step in all scientific fields. Making sure that independence research is based in a clear understanding of the field. Without this, total confusion will destroy the field, something that the Black Lodges seek to achieve. If one occultist uses a term meaning something completely different from another, only confusion is the end result. Properly trained Occult Scientists have a developed, universal terminology, used in Occult Guilds. This needs to be common knowledge, and in common use, as is done in all regular scientific fields.

The uneducated amateur occultist era, must come to an end. It is time for skilled Occult Guilds and Mystery Schools, to lead the way to a new era, of highly educated Occult Scientists.

To get to the value of grimoires, I need first to inform you of the correct meaning of the term, grimoire. This will be done covering the modern usage and the correct ancient usage. Those seeking Apprenticeship in IGOS, are asked the correct original meaning of the terms Grimoire, Sorcery and Lucifer, to judge their level of occult understanding at the present. No one in the last 50 years has correctly answered all three. I will only cover the correct terminology for Grimoire, in this article.

Grimoire, WTF is it????

The common modern usage of the term grimoire, is any practical how to text detailing a magical system or ritual. It is often defined incorrectly, as a Black magic text for summoning devils and evil spirits. A grimoire is a general text and can be about any tradition of magic, whether that be Black or White in nature. This is a typical misunderstanding you will find the general occult public has. This is further complicated by modern dictionaries, written by ignorant Christians or other bias religious writers, or plain ignorant writers, labeling everything occult as evil. This has been done with many occult terms, Sorcery being another misunderstood term, labeled as evil conjuring, by Websters and other ignorant dictionary sources the average public uses and believes in. Grimoire is used by many writers to give the text an image of great power, as Ancient Grimoires are thought to contain great power. This is often confused with, a Book of Shadows. A Book of Shadows is, a personal diary of an individuals magical experiences, and usually does not included the detailed how to instructions that are expected in a grimoire. If you search for books using the word grimoire, you will find all kinds of modern practical how to texts, mixed with classic Ancient Grimoires, with modern meaning of just an instructional magical text, in common use. When you add ancient to the word grimoire, things change dramatically. We are starting to get back to the true meaning of the term, when we seek the ancient meaning. Grimoires in general, are thought of as ancient texts or contain ancient knowledge.

Occult Scientists Definition of the Term Grimoire

Grimoire is similar to a French word that means Grammar. It originally comes from the Greek grammar, which meant any book in general, at that time. Actual speaking of words in ancient times held great power. The mispronunciation of a word would mean the Spirit would not appear. It was critical to say the spirits name perfectly or failure would surely follow. This was a time when language was still fairly new, or at least the proper use of language was rare. Grammar is still complicated in most European languages even to this day. Grammar is not just the correct pronunciation of a word, but the entire sentence structure the word is used in. It can be extrapolated to mean in the occult sciences, proper ritual details as well, and actual procedures for correctly performing a specific ritual, including the correct pronunciation of spirit names, and other words of power. A Grimoire is generally thought to be ancient in origin, and hold powerful secrets from master magicians, that details proper sentence structure or a correct way to perform a ritual. This is an excellent definition of the term and it is used by professional Occult Scientists as the standard for the science. Modern terminology is incorrect, as usual, and the modern occultist is misinformed, as usual. Understanding the correct Root meaning, is critical for proper understanding of the term. I will not go into further details on the origin of the term. It just gets confusing and boring, with little further insight for the occultist. A grimoire is Not a tradition, or type of magic. Anyone stating this is ignorant beyond belief, and should be steered far away from. Modern books are not really grimoires they are courses, manuals, instructions, spell or ritual books. A true grimoire is ancient or at least dating back a few hundred years. It can be from any tradition, witchcraft, voodoo, ritual magic or any other kind of magic. The ignorance of the average occultist today, is frightening.

You now have the basic understanding of what a grimoire is. I can now explain the value of grimoires in general. An Occult Scientist takes nothing for granted, whether this is occult information or any other information for that matter. The most important text ever written on occultism is The Nature of Wisdom and How to Obtain it. This text, details the nature and value of information and how wisdom is developed from it. This core understanding few have ever been taught. Yet, without this core understanding no one can grow in power and wisdom. You become doomed to follow liars, deceivers, and ignorant fools. This is why mankind in general is so mess up and corrupt. While wisdom is accessible to most of mankind, few recognize it and fewer follow its path. Most people like to follow the common easy path the crowd follows. Thinking on your own, following the hard unused path of wisdom, is for the select few willing to be guided by higher level consciousness, instead of base level demonic spirits that promise earthly power without fulfillment.

Ancient Grimoires
Ancient Grimoires are fascinating texts. They bring images of Wizards, Dragons, Castles and mystical realities only dreamed of, the problem with all these images are, they are based in Hollywood movie fantasy and not historical reality. Life in ancient times was very different than in modern times, we live in now. Few think of this when reading Ancient Grimoires. I am not only talking about basic life, but everything in ancient times was different. Younger people have no idea what the reality of life in the ancient world was. Most people under fifty do not understand the reality of the modern world, not to mention ancient times. It is not just proper thinking, it is educated understanding, that 99% of occultists lack.

Few people have researched the age a grimoire was created in and the author of said text. Few, also understand that grimoires were written to be sold and as such, had added text to attract buyers. All grimoires were highly censored. Writing magical texts alone was an easy way to lose your head. In ancient times there was only one Church, and it ruled with an iron hand. Very few people could read and write. Those that did were almost entirely made up of church monks. The medieval era was a dark time in the history of the human race. Witchcraft and Paganism was practiced in total secret, least you be murdered by the Church. Oral tradition was the only way magical traditions were passed on. Writing and even paper, were for the rich and educated only. Magic was generally kept to a small select group and written training was not needed nor even understood. Few could read!

Even in the Middle East where writing, reading and access to certain books were possible, only the elite had access to certain texts. The Jewish communities around the world with their dedicated Priesthood had numerous religious books, many of these of a magical nature. Here we have again, religion controlling information and judging value, as well as whom, is allowed to access the information they deem is acceptable. The Jews have kept their traditions and texts for thousands of years. Few other religions offer such a vast number of ancient texts. This is why most grimoires have roots in Jewish mysticism. Jewish and Ancient Arabic texts, found their way into Islamic and Christian texts. Jewish texts draw their information from many ancient sources including, Egyptian and Pagan Arab sources. Almost all the Ancient Grimoires, the common occultist is familiar with are, Jewish magic or religious based, most being accredited to King Solomon. Jews also borrowed much from Greek sources and many others. Many scholars think Hebrew originated from the Greek language.

The Value of Ancient Grimoires

Now that we understand the basics, I can get more specific about Ancient Grimoires. I could go into further detail about what I just covered, but this is a general article, not a detailed book. Like much of the Occult Sciences, it takes many years to fully understand the field. I will cover very briefly some of the wisdom in the book Nature of Wisdom. It is critical you buy the book. It is critical to deeply understand the difference between Information, Knowledge, and Wisdom. Information is what we are supplied with 24/7. Advertising is information, it certainly nothing close to Knowledge. Information is nothing more than opinion offered as knowledge to those foolish enough to believe it as something more than that. FORD motor company tells you their cars are better than GM cars. Is that knowledge? No, that is nothing more than bias opinion. Knowledge is unbiased fact. Finding these unbiased facts is not easy. It takes great skill and years of carefully learned higher spiritual understanding, that rejects everything known. Few understand this and fewer are able to think in this manner. Wisdom is the application of Knowledge in your life. This is a very short explanation of how to obtain wisdom. This is covered in great detail in the text Nature of Wisdom and How to Obtain It. Full understanding of this method is critical to obtain Wisdom and further to obtain powers beyond the low basic human condition. Ancient Grimoires are nothing more than information. It takes a skilled Occult Scientist to take the information and understand it on a Knowledge basis. That is, if there is Knowledge in the Ancient Grimoires at all!

There has been little to no research in the occult sciences. Only IGOS has ever researched the success rates of those using grimoires and other occult methods. I hope to publish the results in a few years. Most magical organizations have their systems and make use of other texts rarely. The Golden Dawn and OTO are very set in their own traditions and have little interest in other systems, whether that is Ancient Grimoires or any other information. Aleister Crowley channeled most of his information from Spirits and only used Grimoires for basic information. He preferred is own systems, even though there are references to him using classic Grimoires like the Abramelin and the Goetia. He claimed to have completed the whole Abramelin ritual to acquire great powers. Yet this certainly was not achieved. Meaning, the Grimoire did not work for him. Most of his training came from the Golden Dawn system. There are no references of him seeking hidden secrets from grimoires known at that time. Read my article on Crowley for insights into this strange occultist. While many versions of the same grimoires are published over and over, very few insights are gained from these new versions, mostly because the authors are untrained, unskilled, teacher types that are skilled writers, but not skilled occultists. Being a researcher and writer, does not make you a skilled occultist. The opposite is usually true. If you do not have a Guild education, you probably know very little about occultism in general. Lots of new versions of the same grimoires, stating pretty the same thing as the old version the author copied the information from, does nothing to assist the occultist, even if a few new insights are added to the text. Only secret Occult Guilds have researched the success rates of various grimoires and almost all of these Guilds are not open to the public and they will never share their information outside their Guilds. This leaves the general occult public in their usual state, misinformed and ignorant. This of course, is because the general pubic refuses to support serious

Occult Guilds, instead it supports Black Lodges that offer powers that are never manifested. Plain and simple, there is no research whatsoever supporting that grimoires are effective. Let me make it clear, the Occult Sciences are very effective when you are properly trained in them. Part of this training involves the use of Ancient Grimoires in a special occult scientific manner. If a person is not properly trained, they cannot manifest past a basic Witchcraft level. Ancient Grimoires used by the average untrained person are useless and even dangerous. As a general rule, all Ancient Grimoires should only be used by those that have proper training of some kind. IGOS has always stated Grimoires are for experienced practitioners only. Dealing with Spirits, Gods and Demons may seem exciting but, there are dangers involved as well, when using them in the wrong manner. The average person seeking occult empowerment, should seek courses that take the student step by step through whatever magical system they are interested in learning. These courses should have personal tutors available as part of the training. This is the correct way of properly learning any occult system. Just buying a book or course and being left on your own, is a path to failure or even causing your greater problems in the future, by doing incorrect practices that can link you to unwanted Spirits or Entities. Anyone that sells you a book or course without a personal tutor is an ignorant fraud that knows and cares nothing about training you properly. All these people are interested in are profits, as well showing their lack of understanding of occult training. This further means what they offer is probably bogus junk of little value. Lots of beginning students do not want to invest in quality courses that offer tutors. They prefer to buy cheap books and courses and train themselves. This huge error produces the terrible quality of students we see everywhere today, from so-called authors to self-appointed experts. All offer nothing more than copies of old materials from the past that was not written well in the first place. You get results based on your

commitment level, like in any other practice. From sports to Professional Careers, it all requires special training done by professionals. Would you go to a doctor that trained himself from a book? Invest in your occult education, it, will pay huge benefits in the future. Manifesting your desires is priceless.

If you are a person that has studied occultism for a while and you feel you have some abilities, will Grimoires work for you? To answer this, I need to detail what generally is in a Grimoire and where did that information come from. Here again, understanding where everything comes from is essential. What I am going to write here holds true for all information, not just occult information. It is a sad, but true fact about the reality we live in. The state of grimoires from ancient times to modern times is at its lowest level ever. Most people believe anything written on a fancy website or bound in a fancy leather cover. No matter how fancy you present something or wrap it in leather, a turd is still a turd! IGOS was the first to translate the Red and Black Dragon Grimoires, as well as offer all the major grimoires to the public, along with offering all the main traditions in one central place. These were sold to the public and to Guild members with a hidden understanding, only known to a few Inner Order Guild members. These translations were basic research material that needed much greater research to find the hidden powers within these grimoires. They were never meant to be complete, they were meant to be the starting point for greater research. Further, Inner Order Members were given specific details on the correct way of using these texts, all others were not. The original text was included with the translated text to see if others could gain greater meaning than the original translation offered. Lots of unclear wording was used to see if others could figure out the true meaning. No one ever did, expect for the Inner Order Researchers. New editions of our classic texts have been published by fraudulent

researchers copying EXACTLY our old texts. These new editions still included the unclear translations of the past, no corrections or added clarifications were made. Certainly none of the Inner Order secret methods of use, were added either. Only exact copies of the classic material were provided. IGOS set this trap to expose future frauds, as we knew this would happen. The one small area of the IGOS classic texts changed were the actual occult Seals themselves, another error made by these amateur frauds. Changing ancient Seals to look good with perfect circles and what these frauds thought were the correct English words, for the ancient words already on the Seals, causing the Seal to become worthless for occult use. Here was an excellent basic translation that was ruined for future generations to come! It is unlikely the small press run of IGOS texts now selling for thousands, will be found over the large production run of these new terrible editions. Meaning, an entire generation and many more to come, will access information of little value because the Seals were ruined! I detail this for several reasons, one being, this is not the FIRST time this has happened to grimoires. This has happened hundreds of times throughout the ages to all the popular Grimoires of this age. There are endless versions of classic Ancient Grimoires created from the past and more being created in the present. Most occult authors lack any real understanding of occultism and are only able to redo the classics over and over again. Adding and changing details they know little to nothing about, giving the occult community more and more junk to mislead them. Much of this is done on purpose to mislead serious occultists into the abyss of demonic failure, thus keeping the real secrets for the ruling Illuminati. If there was any potential power or secrets in Ancient Grimoires, these have been changes so many times by ignorant unskilled occult authors or by Black Lodges to purposely hide any real secrets offered, making,

Ancient Grimoires poor magical guides that are useful only to highly trained occultists. You need the guidance of Occult Masters to help you properly interpret what is offered in Ancient Grimoires. You need to know how to read between the lines. Seeking the inner wisdom it holds, is for those that have reached a Master Level of wisdom through classic training. Wisdom, that allows you to see where false information has been added, changed or deleted. Some of this is really blatant, like changes to Seals and the lack of clarification of ancient terms. Others are hidden deep within the Grimoire itself, only meant to be revealed to a Master. Grimoires are not simple how to books of ancient knowledge, they are Secret guides to worlds of unlimited power. Powers, only the initiated were meant to understand and access. Packed with secret encoded messages only, Initiates of an Occult Order will fully comprehend. The massive changes made to Ancient Grimoires over hundreds of years and still being made today, make them, interesting fun texts with little value to the average student. Ancient Grimoires could be excellent additional magical training if, their hidden secrets were revealed by the few that know them. This of course, is against Occult Order tradition. Knowledge is power and knowledge given is power lost. What the average occultist can access on the internet and offered in books, is generally worthless junk of little value. The basic skills of concentration with focused attention on a desired goal, is the only thing that make this garbage teaching of some value. Anything that you focus on, concentrate on, and visualize on, will manifest in your life in some manner. While natural ability is part of becoming a Master Occultist, it is years of dedicated training with an Occult Guild or Mystery School that truly the secret. Sadly, like all areas of modern life, occult information is controlled by the Black Lodges. The Black Lodges will not allow powerful occult knowledge to be offered to the public. All successful occult businesses are controlled by the Black Lodge. Leaving the occultist with, garbage information written by skilled writers that make the information appear to be of quality,

without it having any value whatsoever. Those that have powerful knowledge to offer, are soon attacked , put out of business or suppressed in a multitude of ways. Thinking that an Ancient Grimoire, by itself, will open realms of great power , is a false understanding that untrained occultists believe. Occult knowledge is a controlled medium that few will ever be allowed into the inner sanction of the Occult Masters. The Black Lodge controls all and the White Lodges are under continual attack on all levels. If you think that the Black Lodges will allow quality training, books and courses to be offered to the public, you are very incorrect. The Black Lodges saw that open access to powerful knowledge empowered too many average people. With everything in life under complete control of the Black Lodges, why would you think occult training would not be? IGOS knows the truth. IGOS knows the truth because we have become one of the many real Occult Orders that have come under attack ever since we became public many years ago. Many fools think that the Internet is so vast that it cannot be controlled. This type ignorant thinking is beyond basic understanding on how the Internet works. It was hard to control printed information to some degree. The Postal Authorities have always controlled the mail, opened packages and destroyed products and information. It was somewhat harder to do this physically and with freedom of Speech laws difficult to maintain once discovered. With the loss of all Rights in the USA and the advent of the Internet, complete control is very easy. Without going into complete details on this issue, Internet URLs, domain names can be instantly blocked, cancelled and completely removed from internet access within seconds. Other blocking and rerouting methods are easily applied as well. Not to mention the commonly applied, Search Engine listing block. This is done in a subtle way, by just ignoring your Internet Site. Your Web Site is just never found, an effective censorship method that skirts basic laws. I detail this in my article on Who controls the

Occult. There are numerous ways the information on the Internet can be easily controlled, censored, removed and blocked, by hackers, police agencies, governments and criminals. The ILLUSION of freedom on the Internet, is a terrible thing, as it is in all of life. Nothing is on the Internet that is not wanted on the Internet by Illuminati Occult Black Lodges and their local and national criminal gangs that enforce their will. Quality occult knowledge is closely controlled and kept for the use of the Illuminati only, all known common authors and occult publishing houses are all controlled by them, giving the occult public more and more trash with no value whatsoever.

This article has clearly defined the value of Ancient Grimoires and occult knowledge in general, for anyone that understands the REAL world and not the world created to misguide and deceive you. The world and the information it offers in all areas of life, is kept to an EXCLUSIVE CLUB of criminal elite. This is true in medicine, finance, stocks, military and any other area of knowledge in life. There are SECRETS in all professions that are kept to that profession alone. Occultism has a long history of doing this just for the reasons stated above, and on the opposite side, for keeping Powerful Wisdom from the Black Lodges and the evil masses. The Black Lodges control all public information so only they, have access to REAL authentic occult power. This is a basic fact, you need to understand when judging any information you are given. Further, Ancient Grimoires, as with anything ancient, are mostly contrived, guessed at, created, changed, poorly translated and misunderstood information. The uneducated or self-appointed, College Professor occult experts, have no idea the true meaning of a grimoire text, only their biased ego based conclusions. The only interpretation of

value would come from a formal Occult Guild or Mystery School organizations, these pseudo-educated people refuse work with. All we need to look at are ancient religious texts, and the hundreds of versions of these books offered. These many versions have created hundreds of religions that use the same text but, interpret it totally differently. Meaning, it is NOT only the text that is important but, those of knowledge who read the text and interpret the meaning and how it is to be used in practice. This is beyond just having a quality translation, it is about understanding the information provided in a correct or useful manner.

Different translations from different languages, results in the finding of completely different words in the basic translation, thus altering the meaning dramatically. These new words then foster completely different interpretations and actual implications in real world usage. New translations of the Koran from the original language it was first written in, has birth new understanding of what the Koran really meant to state. Instead of what some bias or ignorant translator wanted it to state for his or his cults own purposes. Each word in occult or religious texts, are of critical importance. Changing a WORD can completely change a ritual, making it worthless and even dangerous! Some modern redone Ancient Grimoires like, the Black and Red Dragon have had major changes done to the Seals , that make them worthless. No matter how pretty and so-called well written they appear to the brainwashed modern student. All modern grimoire editions, I have seen, all have made changes for the sake of making the Symbols look pretty, instead of their functional use. This uneducated, ignorant occultist, of the lowest level, is doing great harm for generations to come. This happened in the ancient past as well. Making the modern scum writers that change things, nothing more than double frauds, changing what was already changed hundreds of times before. This is

being done to cause greater and greater confusion among occultists to keep them from gaining power.

Ancient Grimoires are fun interesting information that can be used somewhat by the advanced occultist that can borrow from systems and use them in his own system. They are worthless and dangerous to beginners. Even if you obtained a quality translation of an original text, it requires the help of a skilled Occult Guild, to assist you in understanding the basic translated text for practical use, especially in the modern occult systems of today. Ancient grimoires are never complete and never directly tell you the secrets and the hidden codes within them.

Ancient Grimoires are nothing more than Pulp Fiction, with lots of hidden dangers, as they should be.



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