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Works Cited Primary

Bachman Turner Overdrive. Takin Care of Business. Disk. Mercury, 1973. 7 Mar 2013. Used for User Friendly Phase page. Bachman Turner Overdrive. You Aint Seen Nothin Yet. Disk. Mercury, 1974. 7 Mar 2013. Used for Today page. Brawand, Kallie. Personal Interview 17 Feb. 2013. Used for personal opinion of the typewriters advantages and disadvantages. "Display Ad 43." New York Times 21 Dec 1982: C7. Display Ad. Used for User Friendly Phase page. "Display Ad 147." New York Times 21 Dec 1982: C7. Display Ad. Used for Mass Production page. Ferguson, Bruce. Personal interview 11 Apr. 2013. Interviewed for use of typewriters and early computers in business. Grant, Eddy. Electric Avenue. Disk. Parlophone, EMI, 1982. 18 Feb 2013. Used for Home page. Hansen Photography. "Factory." Photograph. Hensen Photography. Industrial Photographer in the Berkshires, 2008. Web. 16 Feb 2013. Used for slideshow for Mass Production page. Huber, Michel. "ENIAC image 2." Photograph. The Franklin Institute. The ENIAC Team, 1940's. Web. 25 Feb 2013. Used photograph for Room Computer page. Land, Rebecca. Personal interview 13 Mar 2013. Interviewed for typewriter information and why she wouldnt go back. Mattingly, David. Personal Interview 1 Mar. 2013. Interviewed him for firsthand early Microsoft GUI usage.

Melena, Joseph. "Steve Jobs with Apple I." Photograph. Computer History. Steve Jobs with Apple I, Apr 1976. Web. 27 Feb 2013. Used photograph for Hobbyists page. Melana, Joseph. Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs with Apple I. Photograph. Computer History. Steve Jobs with Apple I, Apr 1976. Web. 15 Feb 2013. Used photograph for Home page.

Monkees, The. Im a Believer.Disk. Colgems Records, 1966. 8 Mar 2013. Used for B.C. the P.C.

Works Cited Secondary

admin. "Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak with Apple Computer." Photograph. Xeobits. First Apple 1 Gets A New Owner, 15 Dec 2010. Web. 10 Feb 2013. Used for header for Hobbyists page. Admin on. "home-desktop-computers" Photograph. Soluci Computer. Best deals on desktop computers, Used for the slideshow for Home page. Angelica, Amara. "typewriter." Photograph. Kurzweilai. Passing of the typewriter 27 Apr 2011. Web 19 Feb 2013. Used photograph for Home Page. Bellis, Mary. "Bill Gates." Inventors. Web. 23 Apr 2013. Used for Hobbyists page. Bellis, Mary. "The Role IBM in the History of Computers." Inventors. Web. 23 Apr 2013. Used for Hobbyists page. CBS. A typewriter renaissance. Photograph. CBS News. A typewriter renaissance, 5 Feb 2012. Web. 21 Feb 2013. Used for slideshow for Typewriter page. Edward, James."Vizio has new computers with touch screen for Windows 8" Photograph. Tech News Science & Technology. Vizio has new computers with touch screen for Windows 8. 11 Oct 2012. Web. 20 Feb 2013. Used for slideshow for Today page. Egnst, Tonya.iPad mini black. Tid Bits. Apple Introduces the iPad mini and Fourth-Generation iPad, 23 Oct 2012. Web. Used for Today page. Friedman, Vitaly. "How To Draw A Vintage Typewriter" Photograph. Noupe. 35 Hand-Picked Illustrator Drawing Tutorials From 2010, 14 Sept 2010. 20 Feb 2013. Used for Typewriter page. Grahame, James. "Look at the pretty colours!" Photograph. Retro Thing. Get Programming With BBC Basic. 21 Sept 2006. Web. 17 Feb 2013. Used for slideshow for User Friendly Phase page. Hartman, Dennis. "Advantages And Disadvantages Of A Manual Typewriter." Olivetti Printer. 1 Jan 2013. 19 Feb 2013. Used quote for Typewriter page.

Homeasnika. "Apple Computer." Photograph. Homeasnika. Apple Computer, 15 Sept 2012. Web. 20 Feb 2013. Used for slideshow for Today page. Hooper, William."Screenshot of the included MacPaint" Photograph. The Oligarch. A Short History of the GUI and the Microsoft vs Apple Debate, Jan 2007. Web. 2 Mar 2013. Used for the slideshow for Home page. Horn, Leslie. "25 Supercomputers That Fill Entire Rooms." Photograph. Gizmodo. 25 Supercomputers That Fill Entire Rooms, 19 Sept 2012, Web. 28 Feb 2013. Used for the slideshow for Home and Room Computer page. Jeff. "Picture_1_4." Photograph. Journey Guy. Apple vs. Microsoft, 31 May 2006. Web. 24 Feb 2013. Used photograph for Home page. Keane, Greg. "Dell's Inspiron One 23 (2330) touch all-in-one desktop computer looks like an iMac, but screen quality may be disappointing" Photograph. The Guardian. Wanted: an all-in-one PC to run Windows 8, 8 Nov 2012. Web. 19 Feb 2013. Used photo for Today page. Klein, Erik S. "International Business Machines Corporation" Photograph. IBM PC. PC system, 2002. Web. 24 Apr 2013. Used for Mass Production page. Koeing, Mike. Drill sounds. 6 Oct 2009. Web. 3 Mar 2013. Available at used for Mass Production page. Koeing, Mike. Metal Grinder 15 Oct 2009. Web. 3 Mar 2013. available at Used for Mass Production page. Koeing, Mike. Robot Machine 18 Nov 2009. Web. 3 Mar 2013. Available at used for Mass Production page. Lenssen, Philipp. "Google Chrome Screenshot" Photograph. Google Blogoscoped. Google Chrome, Google's Browser Project, 1 Sept 2008. Web. 19 Feb 2013. Used photograph for Today page. Malakul, Ploi. "The IBM Selectric Typewriter." Photograph. Get Addicted To.... History: The IBM Selectric Typewriter Pioneering Word Processing, 18 Aug 2011. Web. 15 Feb 2013. Used for slideshow for B.C. the P.C. page. Mason, Christopher. "Windows 3.1 screen." Photograph. Toasty Tech. Microsoft Windows NT 3.1, 28 Nov 2008. Web. 2 Mar 2013. Used photograph for Home Page.

Mesa, Andy F. Apple I. AppleMuseum. 1998. Web. 12 Feb 2013. Used for the history of the Apple I computer. Mesa, Andy. "The Early Mac OS." AppleMuseum. 1998. Web. 24 Apr 2013. Used for the history of the System 1 OS. ODonnell, Professor Edward T. 1975 the Digital Age the Personal Computer. Turning Points in American History. DVD. The Great Courses, 2011. 30 min. Used this to understand the homebrew and hobbyists and the mass production phase. Oliver, Dave."Samsing Tab." Photograph.Wired. Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 10.1 review, 5 Nov 2012. Web. Feb 22 2013. Used for slideshow for Today page. Pack Leader. Check out this beauty. Photograph. The Wolfpack Chronicles. Typewriter,28 Feb 2011. Web. 21 Feb 2013. Used for slideshow for Typewriter page. Panakkal, Vishanth. "Apple Steve Scully Greg." Photograph. True Color of Mind. The Meaning Behind Apple's Logo, 16 Jul 2011. Web. 1 Mar 2013. Used for the slideshow for Home page. Paul. "old computer." Photograph. Blur Group. EDSAC To The Tip Of Your Imagination The Innovation Of Computing, 14 Jan 2011. Web. 13 Feb 2013. Used for slideshow for B.C. the P.C. page. Prince, Marcelo. "A production line of Apple IIc personal computers at a plant in the Dallas area in 1984." Photograph. Wall Street Journal. A Short History of Apples Manufacturing in the U.S, 6 Dec 2012. Web. 16 Feb 2013. Used for photograph on Mass Production page. Tara. "Vintage typewriter from Poetic Home" Photograph. Nothing Elegant. Things You Never Knew You Needed Until Now, 14 Jul 2009. Web. 19 Feb 2013. Used photograph for Typewriter page. Singh, Amit. "System 1" Photograph. Kernel Thread. The Grapical Age at Apple, 2009. Web. 25 Apr 2013. Used for User Friendly Page. Stern, Williams. Landmarks in Digital Computing. Air and Space. 20 November 1995. Web. 27 Feb 2013. Used this for information for the room computers and the ENIAC. SoundBoard. Beeping and clicking. 3 Mar 2013. Used for Room Computers page

Tamskp. Typewriter and Bell Sound 15 Aug 2009. 4 Mar 2013, Used for Typewriter page.

Terwillger, Ellen. "timeshare." Photograph. Manifest Vision Solutions. Cloud Computing - The New Timesharing?, 12 Mar 2012. Web. 12 Feb 2013. Used for slide show for B.C. the P.C. page. TMG Australia. HP BASIC 5.13 launch screen. Photograph. HP Computer Museum. Vectra DOS/ Windows (Software), 2013. Web. 17 Feb 2013. Vaughan-Nichols, Steven. "Windows 1.0" Photograph. ZDNet. Windows 8: A bad bet, 20 Oct 2011. Web. 26 Feb 2013. Used for User Friendly Phase page. Walsh, Larry. "IBM 5150." Photograph. Channelnomics. The PC is Dead, Long Live the PC, 12 Aug 2011. Web. 23 Feb 2013. Used photograph for Home page. Watson, Theo. "Typewriter girl." Photograph. Today's Daily Poop. Noisy Typer A Typewriter For Your Laptop, 19 Jul 2012. Web. 28 Feb 2013. Used for the slideshow for Home page. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Archives. "Image of the Day" Photograph. WHOI. Image of the Day, 28 May 2008. Web. 26 Feb 2013. Used photograph for B.C. the P.C. page. *impulse. "UNIVAC I." Photograph. Approaching40. Old Time Radio, 1 Jun 2008. Web. 11 Feb 2013. Used for slideshow for B.C. the P.C. page.

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