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Saturday, 13 April 2013

Binus International School Simprug
8th Floor Multipurpose Hall

2 15
Ganesha Andhika
Richard Johnson
Nico Leonard Kabo
Jason Chandra

Beware The Phantom Of The Opera....
One of the most legendary musicals of all time written by Andrew Lloyd Webber, The
Phantom of the Opera is a love story like no other. With amazing musical numbers,
astonishing set and an unforgettable story. Five years ago, as a grade level, we per-
formed this play which was then directed by our teacher, Mr. Al Joloro Fernandez. I
was happily amazed at how it was able to pull us all together as a team. Directing a
production has become a dream of mine since and I decided to finally achieve this
dream and direct a 5th year anniversary production of The Phantom of the Opera. The
road towards achieving a successful performance was ultimately very difficult. I could
not have been able to do this performance without the help of all of my friends who I
cannot have been more grateful for.
Inca, for being the person who inspired me to push through with my dreams of thea-
tre, thank you for helping me realize my dreams and also design me the most amazing
Stevi, as annoyed as you are of me thank you for keeping up with the long talks and
endless stressful conversations and for your enthusiasm to be my choreographer.
Malvin! You are amazing! Thank you so much for the amazing props and set that you
were able to create in the short amount of time and even if you will not gain credit,
without you this play wouldn't have happened.
Reza, you deserve a shout out, for being the man of the most exemplary attendance
and for going the extra mile with designs and accompanying me for the long hours of
work, I can't thank you enough.
To all my friends in the cast and crew. You guys are the reason I go on, THANK YOU
SO MUCH for the hours of dedication you guys have given for this play and for me
especially. I really appreciate every second of effort given, even as it was only for the
fun. You have given me the best working experience anyone could ask for and support
even when I was so close to giving up. To John, for being the most amazing Phantom,
to Inca not only did you design for me but also played Christine! I love you. Reza, the
most enthusiastic Raoul ever imaginable. To Eldric and Ridzki, thank you so much for
the acting and singing even if it was hard for you, you don't know how much I appreci-
ate it. To Esta and Natal, you make the best mother-daughter pair! To Kenzie and Na-
tasha thank you for being my entourage, where would Carlotta be without you? To
Bryan, Yohanes and Patrick and the dancers of this show, thank you guys for your help

no matter the circumstances, thank you. To Malvin and his team, the set was drop
dead amazing, thank you so much!
To Mr. Hary Wisnu and Mr. Clarence Gonzales. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I
wouldn't have been able to perform and direct this play if it was not for the knowledge
the both of you have given me through the years. Thank you to all my teachers.
To Kevin, for the long hours of recording and re-recording and re-recording and for
not shouting at me for making you repeat your takes even when I know how much you
hate it. But most importantly, for your support through any thick and thins, the hours
when I want to give up and you urged me on, thank you for always being there for me.
To the parents of my cast and crew, thank you for letting your sons and your daughters
participate in my play, even with the long hours of practices and the extra effort they
have to give. I extend my greatest gratitude.
To my parents. I love both of you so much. Thank you for supporting me in the many
different ways possible and for supporting my dreams. You are the best parents a
daughter could ever ask for, even when I forget to show you sometimes just how great
you are. No amount of gratitude would ever be enough to thank both of you.
To my audience and everyone else who helped and supported me through the produc-
tion of this play, thank you so much. Without all of you, there would have been no
reason for me to make this happen. This play is dedicated to you.
Finally, my greatest thanks to Allah SWT for the many blessings I am given in life and
the opportunity to bring this play together.
I hope that this performance of The Phantom of the Opera will leave you with the
memories of a lifetime as it did for me. Enjoy the show!

Farah Labita
We have finally reached the end of this incredible journey. With hard work, dedica-
tion, passion, and perseverance we have managed stand here today and present you
our adaptation of the iconic Broadway musical, The Phantom of the Opera. Five years
ago, when we were in the 5th grade, our batch had a chance to perform the play.
However, as a juvenile little girl, I had no idea how to portray my role correctly and I
did not have the drive to give my best. This year, the personal project gave me the

opportunity to redeem myself, not only as a performer but also as the costume de-
No words could express how grateful I am for my loving family; my brother, my
mom, my dad, who constantly supports me in whatever I do. Thank you to Mr. C,
my supervisor, for being such an inspirational teacher. I would also like to thank my
relentless partners in crime, Stevi, Farah, and Malvin for all they had given to make
this production what it is now. I am so darn proud of what we have put together. To
all the cast and crew, thank you for all the time you have sacrificed and thank you for
putting up with all our crazy antics. We could not have done this without each and
every one of you guys. So thank you for making my dreams come true. Above all, I
would like to express my deepest gratitude to Jesus Christ for his endless blessings
unto my family and I. And you. Yes, you who reads this book, thank you (and your
money) for purchasing tickets to watch this performance. I hope you will enjoy the
show as much as I enjoyed the journey of presenting it to you on this stage. Be
prepared to witness awesomeness far beyond your wildest imaginations. May the
angel of music be with you.

Gianca Devina
Costume Designer
First of, i would like to thank God for all the guidance He has given me and my danc-
ers though the whole process and eventually the success of our performance. I am
mostly thankful and grateful to all my dancers because without their help in this, the
whole dance would never be as great as it is. Each and every one of them started not
knowing true waltz choreography and now they have earned a new knowledge and
appreciation for it. All my dancers play an important role in the dance and together
they created a wonderful performance that would stay in memory in our hearts.
Those time we spent together in rehearsals may be tiring but those time is when it
means the most. i would also like to thank all parents who gave such a great support
to the performance and I thank my other colleagues who were there with me through
this whole process as well. Thank you all!

Steviani Hidajat
A great end has come upon our journey throughout this school year. Our long hours
of dedication, hard work and resilience has brought us to this point. Now the time has
come for us to present to you, the final product of our endeavor.
In this performance, I was entrusted the role of Stage Manager by Farah. It was a hard
and time consuming role, but it was a fulfilling task to be able to help my friends
achieve their dreams. But I would not have been able to do this task alone, I received
assistance from multitude amount of peers. I would like to first and foremost thank
God for all of His guidance and help he has given me throughout this whole process,
for without Him I would definitely have not been able to complete this task. Secondly,
I would like to thank my Parents, especially my Mom for all of her support as she was
the one who stayed with me and helped me throughout the night as I work on creating
the props. Thirdly, I would like to thank my colleagues Inca, Farah and Stevi for
without them this performance could have never come true. I would also like to thank
all of my friends, and all those who have helped me throughout this entire process,
especially Reza and my crew for all the time you have spent helping even without a
reward, Thank you.
Malvin Mahesa Julian
Stage Manager
La Carlotta
Farah Labita
Eldric Kieran
Mme. Giry
Esta Wantah
Meg Giry
Patrick Mailoa
Bryan Julius
The Phantom
Johann Prawiro
Christine Daa
Gianca Devina
Reza Stevano
Paris 1919, the once majestic Paris Opera House is now in ruins. A massive
banner hangs in the foyer, reading auction day. Raoul, The Vicomte De
Chagny arrives in his carriage, looking withered, to attend the auction. Among
the bidders, was Madame Giry, who in spite her age still maintains her health.
She shares a silent look of greeting with Raoul whom she pities. In the theatre,
the auction of objects from the ruins went on in the haunting silence. The
biggest prize, a scattered chandelier. As the chandelier rises above the theatre,
the ghost of the memories of the Phantom comes alive to haunt the theatre
once more.
Act 1
Paris 1870, the Paris Opera House is in its glory days, filled with life and
merriment. The company prepares for the new production of Hannibal. The
Opera has just been sold to a pair of successful businessmen, Gilles Andr and
Richard Firmin with the gracious support from their patron, The Vicomte de
Chagny. When the operas diva, La Carlotta decides to quit, her role is taken
by a beautiful and gifted protge, Christine Daa. Hearing her voice, the dis-
figured genius; the Phantom attempts to make Christine his. However, Chris-
tine is also visited by her childhood friend and sweetheart, Raoul. Overcome
with jealousy and hatred, the Phantom pulls Christine into his lair, only to then
release her, seeing that her disappearance had caused La Carlotta to return to
the stage. When the Phantom's orders were refused however, he murdered
Joseph Buquet and left the theatre in chaos. Meanwhile, Christine found com-
fort in the hands of Raoul. The jealous Phantom promises he will make them
pay for what they have done.
Act 2
New Year, three months after the last appearance of the Phantom of the Opera,
a magnificent Masquerade ball is held to celebrate and herald the coming new
year. Yet celebrations are cut short with the Phantoms uninvited intervention
in the event. Claiming once more that Christine must be his, he demanded the
Opera house to perform his work, Don Juan Triumphant , with Christine as
the lead, while secretly hiding his true intentions. Overwhelmed in the
situation, Christine seeks guidance at her fathers grave, only to be deceived by
the Phantom again. When the time comes for the Phantoms opera to be
performed, a series of unfortunate events leads to an unimaginable tragedy and
a final confrontation.

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