Milk Products

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In todays dynamic world we find that the practical knowledge is procuring more importance than the theoretical knowledge. It a mere fact that the knowledge acquired during the industrial visit is more than that of the knowledge acquired in the classroom. As per the syllabus of the university in T.Y.B.B.A, we have done the visit of one of the firm GIRIRAJ MILK PRODUCT PVT. LTD. and this report is the result of it. There is no doubt that this project is due to the sincere efforts of mine and the firm provided also all the information inside on the day of the visit.

During the visit at the GIRIRAJ MILK PRODUCT PVT. LTD. and during the preparation of this project I got the help from many people. It was a great experience to visit a firm like GIRIRAJ MILK PRODUCT PVT. LTD. as a student of management. I would thankful to our principal Mr. K.J.Thankachan, who guided us very much in preparing this project report.

I undersigned Vishal H. Jani a student of T.Y.B.B.A. here by declare that the project work presented in this report may own and has carried out under the supervision of professionals. This work has not been preciously submitted to any other university for any examiner.

Date: Place: Roll no: Signed by: -

(Vishal H. Jani)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


5 13 22 26 29 31 34 40 45 51 56 57 58

6. 7. 8.



INDIA has become the centripetal force of globalization. The country is attracting capital and companies at an accelerated pace. With the resurgence of the industrial sector, propelled by bound exports and the brightening of the domestic investments climate, both business optimism and consumer confidence rose. Business activity contains a vast amount of force both knowledge and special skills behind it. This project report is an approach of gaining or developing such type of skills. This report contains the information about one of the recently established pioneer exporting organization in the Brass part industry of Jamnagar. The Firm about which we are going to study is Giriraj Milk Product Pvt. Ltd.. The report consists of the information regarding the firm.

GIRIRAJ MILK PRODUCT PVT. LTD. started in 2001 as a committed vision to procure surplus cow milk from the farmers and to pay reasonable price

for the procured milk to produce milk and milk products through superior technology and process. We are, now a MMPO certified dairy company with processing capacity of 75,000 liters of cow milk per day, covering entire Rajkot. The products produced include ghee, paneer, Milk Powder, butter milk unit is under progress. Located in Mota Mova, Mamta Dairy ensures the quality standards. There is in - house R&D and technical team to monitor every single aspect of production, which follows TQM, TPM and QC circles. Mamta Dairy has also set up a demonstration dairy farm to educate milk producer in clean milk production, regulated feeding, disease control and genetic improvement of cows artificial insemination, vaccination, treatment of animals, loan arrangement for farmers and mass contact programs.


Name of the company:



PVT. LTD. Address of the company: Mota Mova, Plot No. 2 Nr. Bus stand Rajkot 360 004. Phone No.: 0281-2567278


We know there are 3 types of units, which exist in the company. These units can be comprehended in the following manner

I. Small scale unit II. Medium scale unit III. Large scale unit The small scale units are those which do not need much capital investment the Labour employed is also very small. The medium scale units need moderate amount of capital investment the Labour force employed is not so very large. The large scale units need a huge amount of capital investment. The Labour employed is also very large. The power consumption is also very high. As far as Giriraj Milk Product Pvt. Ltd. . is concerned it is Medium scale industry because we can apply all the relevant feature of the large-scale organization to this unit









CHART 1: Organization structure


Research and Development plays a vital role for the success of the company. Highly sophisticated equipments and plans not only help in meeting the higher quality product and the demands of the market.


In recent times Mamta Dairy has shown its interest in the following programs: Increasing its Local Union market by increasing more relationships with the companies through online marketing or through different exhibitions globally.

Locating a plant involves a large investment and a great amount of skills as well. While selecting a site, it is necessary to consider technical, commercial


and financial aspects and then select a site that may provide maximum advantages. Mamta Dairy is located near the Industrial estate and the companies like area. We strongly conclude on positive side for locating this business plant in this location.





Production function is an important function in all the industrial or manufacturing enterprises. Most of the other activities in other in these enterprises revolve around the production function. Therefore, it is essential that production function is managed properly so that it may contribute effectively to the objective of the enterprise. DEFINITION OF PRODUCTION: Production means conversion of raw materials into finished product with the help of certain processes. The main aim of any production system is to produce desired goods and services effectively and efficiently. In order to achieve that aim, it is essential to plan, organize, direct, and control the production system which is the task of production management. Production management ensures the conversion of inputs into outputs which will satisfy the wants of the customers. ORGANISATION STRUCTURE OF PRODUCTION DEPARTMENT: As the structure of the whole organization is based on line type of organization, the production department is also line type of organization. The head of production department is the manager (plant). Then comes the deputy and assistant and other technical staff. The organization chart is shown in the next page.


Manager (Plant)


Assistant Manager

Shift Manager

Technical Officer

Dairy Supervisor

Plant Operator

Dairy Attendant

CHART 2: Production Department


RAW MATERIAL RECEIVED ON THE DOCK: It is a big open area were raw milk from various societies is being received by the way of tankers and cans. Cans and tankers are emptied in the milk tank. 15

Before empting the milk in the milk tank milks weight is automatically stored in the computer by a machine. So that dairy comes to know from which village and how much milk has come. The name of the village is written on every can. The color of the letters on the cans indicate whether the milk arrived is cows milk or buffalos milk. The dairy receives 80% of buffalos milk and 20% of cows milk. Samples are taken from can and tested for fat and SNF content. Once the milk is collected in the tank, the next process will start to separate fat and SNF from the milk each will be stored separately in the tanks. So, this procedure is continues. Can washer: The cans in which milk comes to the society are washed in the dairy itself. There is a separate machine which washes cans with the help of water and steam. On an average every minute 5 to 6 cans are washed. They are washed thoroughly for hygiene purpose. Crate washer: In crate washer crates are washed in the same way as cans are washed with the help of water and steam. The capacity of the machine is to wash 800 crates per hour.

CHILLING PROCESS: Once the milk is collected then it is passed through the chiller where milk is cooled. Hot or room temperature milk is passed through chiller and milk instantly gets chilled. This process is done with the help of water. In one pipe


water is passed and in other pipe milk is passed. When they pass through each the water absorbs the heat of the milk and milk gets cooled. PASTEURIZATION PROCESS: A Brief History: Though not as well-known as the man who gave his name to this process, Italian biologist Lazzaro Spallanzani (1729-1799) laid the groundwork for germ theory by showing that microbes do not just 'appear' spontaneously. His early work with the heat sterilization of food in the 1760's formed the basis for research done by French chemist Louis Pasteur (1822-1895) nearly a century later. In the 1850's, Pasteur began to examine why products like wine and beer sometimes went sour during the fermentation process. This led to his discovery that the souring was caused by certain unwanted strains of Bacteria and yeast, or 'germs,' as he called them. Taking a cue from Spallanzani, he found that heating below boiling, then rapidly cooling wine, killed the spoilage organisms busily trying to turn it into vinegar. This heat sterilization process, dubbed pasteurization was first proposed for use on milk in 1886 by German agricultural chemist Franz von Soxhlet.

The first commercial pasteurization machines came on-line in the mid1890 and remained the standard for decades. Recently, ultra-high temperature


pasteurization, commercially available since 1948, has become more common due to the increased shelf-life and total sterilization it gives milk. Types of Pasteurization: There are basically two methods of pasteurization in use today- batch and continuous flow. In the batch process (batch pasteurizer,), a large quantity of milk is held in a heated vat at 149F. /65C. For 30 minutes, followed by quick cooling to about 39F. /4C.


In the continuous flow process -also known as HTST, for high temperature, short time, milk is forced between metal plates or through pipes heated on the outside by hot water. While flowing under pressure, the milk is held at 161F/72C. For at least 16 seconds. Before being chilled back to 39F. /4C. Or cooler, it flows through a heat exchanger to pre-warm cold milk just entering the system.

After the milk is chilled it is stored into the tank and then milk is pasteurized. Cold milk is poured into the pasteurizer and here milk is heated up to 75C to 76C and then it is cooled again for 5 seconds at 4C to 4.6C. There is a computer monitor to control the temperature while pasteurizing the milk. After pasteurization of milk is done milk is stored into tanks. From the tanks then milk is packed into 500ml pouches there are 5 machines for packing of milk and butter milk into pouches. Every machine has 2 fillers. First the roll of the pouch (packet) which has all the detail about the product and the manufacturer is closed from 2sides then milk along with air is filled into the pouch simultaneously and then pouch is automatically packed and sealed. An average output of number bags per hour is 5000 pouches.



Chillers. Pasteurizers. Pouch filler. Auto Clave. (For sterilizing milk). Can Washer. Separators. Dairys 80% of work is done by automatic machines. After 15-20 years machine is changed

Aluminium alloy milk cans, capacity 20 & 40 litres.

Figure : 1 Aluminium alloy milk cans

Milk Cream Separators, capacity 60 to 550 litres per hour.

Figure : 2 Milk Cream Separators


Electronic Milk Fat Tester Machine.

Figure : 3 Electronic Milk Fat Tester Machine

Milk Fat Testing Machine, Hand & Electric driven for 12 & 24 tests.

Figure : 4 Milk Fat Testing Machine

Aluminium & Stainless Steel Dipper for milk sample.

Figure : 5 Aluminium & Stainless Steel Dipper





It is very important for any organization to know how much an employee in the division can work continuously. As we know that a person cannot work more than 8 hours continuously. It is also important to know whether how many workers can work at a time. For this the organization has got time keeping system, which handles the timings of employees working in the division. There are three normal shifts in the Mamta Dairy 1. 8:00 a.m to 4:00 p.m. 2. 4:00 p.m to 12:00 midnight



Whether it is a large scale, medium scale or small-scale organization, the performance has to be checked that whether or not the results are according to the targets or objectives they have set. MAMTA DAIRY eventually is not having any specific system for the performance appraisal. But they do take attention in appraising the performance after being got any response to the actions done.



Wages constitute the major factor in the economic and social life of any community. In an economic sense, wages represent payment of compensation in return for work done. It constitutes one of several elements of job satisfaction and is instrumental for the satisfaction of some needs more than other. Wages are the remuneration paid for, skilled, semi-skilled, and unskilled operative workforce in whose case, the element of corporal labor is much more in comparison to mental efforts and capabilities. On other hand, salary is the remuneration paid to only those who apply their mental labors example, supervisor, and accountant. MAMTA DAIRY gives wages to their workers in every 15 days and provides salary to its employees at the end of each month. The company also provides the benefits and facilities like many health services to their children and housing facilities also.




Financial planning estimates the resources required to carryout operations and determine how far the firm itself can generate these resources internally and how far they will have to be obtained externally. Some important functions of financial planning are: Forecasting cash flows. Analysis of past performances.

Partners and employees of administration department are the finance planners of the Mamta Dairy. They are responsible for all the cash flows.


Every company works with the large amount of responsibilities and finance with it. They may not have such massive amount of money. For obtaining the amount they take help of financial sources like banks. Finance for the running of the production process and all other costs of metal alloys corporation comes from these main sources: Partners of the firm. Banks




Marketing is a business activity whereby goods and services flow from producers to ultimate consumers. It is also concerned with assembling consumer needs and initiating suitable actions to meet them to mutual satisfaction of the consumer and the producer. In other words, marketing involves the chain of processes starting with the anticipation of demand or its creation to the task of putting the goods into the hands of the consumers.

Marketing management is the process of planning and the execution of all the marketing functions so to ascertain maximum customer satisfaction. Such functions are determining type & standard of the product, conducting continuous market research.





The concept of marketing mix involves a deliberate and careful choice of organizing product, price, promotion and place of strategic policies. Marketing mix is the basic ingredients in the marketing programme that influences consumers decision or whether or not to patronize the organization. Marketing mix is the set of marketing tools that the firm uses to pursue its marketing objectives. McCarthy classified these tools into four broad groups that he called four Ps of marketing namely Product, Price, Promotion and Place. Mamta Dairy have drawn its fine strategy towards the product, price, promotion and place. Product: - the company produces the brass components of different grades of high quality and features. This product gives services to the industries like electronics etc. Price: - the company sells its product at a price prevailing in the market. Promotion: - the company also uses the strategies like sales promotion, advertising, or direct marketing. Place: - Mamta Dairy does not have any distribution channels and they directly deliver their product to different customers in different countries by the means of transport facilities.








CHART 3: Marketing mix


Product mix is the entire collection of the product lines and the items that are particular company offers for sale to the customers or buyers. A product mix denotes the range or variety of the product of a multi-product organization and is also called Product Assortments. It is the set of all product lines and items offered by an organization. The product mix for the Mamta Dairy can be described under following format: Product variety (product lines) Quality (standards) Design Features Branding Packaging Services (uses) Warranties and guarantees


Mamta Dairys production department is designed systematically so that there isnt any problem of confusion. Most of the work is done on machinery. They are using machinery with high technical advantages, which function nearly 80% automatically.

RAW MATERIAL: To produce any products the basic sources required is raw material. In the Mamta Dairy the only raw material required for the production of any of its products is MILK. PRODUCTS OF THE DAIRY: 1. Mamta Milk a) Mamta Tazza Milk b) Mamta Shakti Milk c) Mamta Gold Milk



As a company expands its production activities and engages itself in producing more and more goods, marketing managers need to group the products to be marketed on the basis of some common relationships among them. A product line is a group of the products that are related in someway as serving the same customer need, being sold to some target markets or group of customers, marketed through the same distribution networks or outlets or falling in a common price category or given price range.


Quality of the product is the prime factor of general attraction of the customers towards that product. So, it becomes the responsibility of the company or the firm to supply the product of best quality ever made for that product to its customers. Mamta Dairy tries its level best to produce the best quality product and export those brass part products to different customers located in different countries. For this the firm has its own quality check-in inside the firm. For this the firm has its own chemical laboratory with fully-fledged equipments to check the quality by means of the physical features of the brass part product manufactured in the firm.



Branding of a product is of critical importance in positioning the product and developing effective product policy. In modern world, branding decisions may affect the scope of success or failure of the product. BRAND: it is the name, term, size, symbol or design or combination of them which is intended to identify and distinguish the product of one firm from that of the other. It is the means to differentiate product of one producer from that of the competitor. BRAND NAME: it is that part of the brand that can be vocalized. For e.g. Maruti, Lux etc. The firm Mamta Dairy had fixed brand names for different products it manufactures as shown in the list provided in the product design.



Packaging includes the activities of designing and producing the container or wrapper for the product. Many physical products going to the market have to packaged and labeled properly. Packaging can play a minor role as well as a major role. Some packages are such as the coke bottles and eggs containers are popular and world famous. Many marketers have called the packaging as the fifth P of marketing. Most marketers however treat packaging and labeling as an element of product strategy. If we talk about Mamta Dairy packaging policy, the firm packs allots products in wooden boxes made according to the shapes and sizes of the product and a label of the companys emblem is affixed on that wooden box before exporting so that the customers at the time of receiving that material on the port may easily be identified.



Companies usually do not set a single price rather a pricing structure that reflects variations in geographical demands and costs, market-segment requirements, purchase timing, guarantees, and other factors. Companies pursue survival as their major objective if they are plaged with over capacity, intense competition or changing consumer wants. Profits are less important than survival. Many companies try to set a price that will maintain current profits. They estimate the demand and the costs associated with alternative price and choose the price that produces maximum current profits, cash flow, or rate of return on investment. By emphasizing current financial performance, the company may sacrifice long run performance by ignoring the effects of other marketing mix variables. The study regarding the price mix will be going In this format in the project: List price Discounts and allowances Payment period Pricing methods



Pricing of a product involves the company in deciding how to price its product to different customers in different locations and countries. One issue is whether the company should change higher prices to distant customers to cover the higher shipping costs and risks losing their business. List price of the product involves the benefits for the channels of distribution and customers also. This list price may be a result of laws of the government for customer benefits. This list price may be affected by speculations in the market. Mamta Dairy is the firm, the product of which list price is a result of the market speculation. The rate prevailing in the market is the list price for the brass part components that the firm manufactures.



Most companies and firms are bound to modify their basic price of the product to reward the customers for the acts such as early payment, volume or bulk buying and off-season purchasing. Descriptions of these price adjustments called discounts and allowances follow. If we talk about the purchasing of Mamta Dairy product, the firm does not offer these types of discounts and allowances. The general reason for the act is that the price is set according to the price prevailing in the market.



Another issue is how to get paid. This issue is critical when the buyers lack sufficient amount of hard currency to pay for their purchases. Many times buyers want to offer other items in payment, and this practice has led to the rise of counter trade. The above controversy will lead the company towards setting the period of payment. This decision involves lot of courage that may lead towards better enhancement of relations with customers or vice versa. If we talk about the payment period that Mamta Dairy whether or not gives to its customers, then conclusion that came to know was not. The firm generally exports the product on the payment basis only if the customer is making the payment at the time of transfer in companys account in the bank of India.



There are seven pricing methods that are as follows Markup pricing Target return pricing Perceived value pricing Value pricing Going rate pricing Auction type pricing Group pricing Mamta Dairy firm uses the going rate pricing method and decides the price according to the rate prevailing in the market in accordance wit the competitors in the industry.



After a product is developed and priced, the next important task for the marketing management of the company is to inform and make its prospective customers aware of the product, its features and benefits, convince them of the product value, quality and superior performance over competitors products through repeated contacts and communication and persuade then to purchase the product. Promotion refers to all those activities that are designed by the producer to influence buyer through communication. This project will show about the promotion mix of the Mamta Dairy in such a format: Advertising Sales promotion Public relations and publicity Direct marketing



The word advertising is derived from the Latin word ADVERTIRE in which AD means towards and VERTIRE means to turn. Advertising is one of the most common tools the companies use to direct persuasive communications to target buyers and publics. We may define advertising as follows: Advertising is any paid form of non personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods and services by an identified sponsor. Mamta Dairy advertises its products through website, information brochures provided to different visitors, different customers or others in different exhibitions outside and inside the country.



A medium is a vehicle for carrying the sales message of an advertiser to the prospects. There are different Medias for the advertisement of the product: Newspapers Direct mail Magazines Outdoors Yellow pages News letters Brochures Telephone Internet Mamta Dairy uses the Medias like yellow pages, telephone, brochures, internet and direct mail etc.


Sales promotion is referred to as a tool of communicating with an audience through a variety of nonpersonal, nonmedia, vehicles or short term incentives to encourage purchases or sale of a product or services. The institute of sales promotion (U.K) has given the following definition: Sales promotion is the function of marketing which seeks to achieve given objectives by adding the extrinsic, tangible value to a product or service. Mamta Dairy is always on the front foot doing sales promotion at different exhibitions, promos done internationally by the means of awareness mails etc.



Public relations are another tool of promoting a product designed to improve, maintain or project a company or product image. Public relation is everything that is conducted to improve mutual understanding between the target group and the organization and all those with whom it comes into contact both within and outside the organization with the aim of building goodwill and good image. Mamta Dairy is always a scavenger when it comes to increasing public relations and publicity of the firm by attending different trade shows, exhibitions and conventions internationally.


Direct mail marketing involves sending an offer, announcement, reminder or other item to a person at a particular address using highly selective mailing lists, direct marketers send out millions of mail pieces each year letters, flyers, fold ours, and other sales people with wings. Direct mail is a popular medium because it permits target market selectivity can be personalized, is flexible and allows early testing and response measurement. Mamta Dairy also uses direct marketing by the way of internet to all its established customers and prospective customers as well.


Place mix in the marketing mix of a firm involves decision that simultaneously has some sort of relationship with the location planning. After the product has been designed and also promoted in different medias of advertising then know it becomes the responsibility of the management to make decisions regarding the planning for the right channels of distribution, the total market coverage, inventory to be maintained and the product to be transported. The discussion regarding the place mix of metal alloys corporation will include following points: Channels of distribution Coverage of market Locations Inventory Transport


In choosing the channel of distribution marketing management must consider the nature of the product (consumer or producer good), the nature of the market, the availability, and attitude of the middleman and costs of various distribution systems. There are four types of distribution channels. Direct from manufacturer to customer. Manufacturer to retailer to customer. Manufacturer to wholesaler to retailer to customer. Manufacturer to middleman to wholesaler to retailer to customer. Mamta Dairy use the first type of system. They are directly transporting to the different customers in different countries.



Market coverage of a firm implicates the success story of firms or companies productivity, advertising and distribution. Increasing market coverage by a firm or an organization evolves its efficiency in terms of the cities or countries that the organization has split its product. Mamta Dairy has market coverage in different cities like: Rajkot Jamnagar Bhavnagar Junagadh Baroda Amreli Ahmdabad


Mamta Dairy have a large storing department for the maintenance and management of Milk Product. After being packed the product of the company is either stored or Road transported to the Different Cities.


For every individual whether it is in personnel life or business environment the future planning is very important. The planning of how much investment has to be done and how much to be expend and used for a particular cause is important for an organization. The planning may also be done for the development in the productivity, marketing conditions etc. so as to attain the maximum customer satisfaction annually. Our future depends on the dedication of individuals to lead the way for the quality we wish to achieve.


During my training period, I have found out that working of all the departments of the company was very well organized and satisfactory and all the concerned managers and officers are very interested and co-operative in there work. The Labour and power supply is very smooth. The company has always to think about its competitors & market covering of them & their brands pricing policy. If the company wants to conquer the market develops all the proper skills then it is always getting in to the mind of its customer. Seeing to the past achievements of the company we can say that the company has a very bright future and is capable to earn more profit and develop in and average smooth rate. So far as marketing mix is concerned, the company has setup a good coordination. By studying the Marketing Mix I can conclude that the company cares for the customers and is very concern about the difficulties of the consumers in regard to the Marketing.


List of Chart Chart No. 1 2 3 Details Organization Chart Production Department Marketing Mix Page No. 10 15 33

List of Figure Figure No. 1 2 3 4 5

Details Aluiminium alloy Milk Cream Separator Electronic Milk Fat Test Machine Milk Fat Test Machine Steel Dipper

Page No. 20 20 21 21 21


Kotlar Philip- Marketing Management, Published by Ashok K. Ghosh, Tenth Edition, September, 2001 Sharlakar S.A.- Marketing Management, Published by Himalaya Publisher, Sixteenth Edition. Sontaki C.N.- Marketing Management, Published by Kalayani Publisher, First Edition.


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