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Maruti is the largest automobile manufacturer in India yet the company does not appear to have been able to develop mature relationships with its employees. Starting from 2000 right up to 2012, the company has faced labour trouble, strike, work stoppages and disruptions from time to time. A 13 day strike during July2011, partial work stoppages and disruptions during September 2000 to January 2001, resumption of confrontation during August 2005, and changes in the union, its name or its character, emergence of another union etc leave many questions unanswered . . Not only did it illustrate the unity among the companys workers, but with workers and unions across states voicing support, it threatened to flare up into a wider industrial dispute, giving strong signals of an acceptance of trade union activity in the country.

STRIKESHISTORY In many ways, the 13-day strike at Maruti Suzuki India Ltd, Indias largest automobile manufacturer, was a wake-up call for the Indian corporate sector. Not only did it illustrate the unity among the companys workers, but with workers and unions across states voicing support, it threatened to flare up into a wider industrial dispute, giving strong signals of a resurgence of trade union activity in the country. It wasnt a wage hike or improvement in working conditions but the right to form a unionsomething of a rarity in the new industrial ecosystem in Indiawhich saw 3,000 employees of Marutis Manesar plant in Haryana striking work on June 3. The plant workers wanted to register a new unionthe Maruti Suzuki Employees

Union (MSEU)and had already applied forregistration, something the management was opposed to.
Maruti officials were not available for comments when contacted. Union activities of yore, like the long-drawn Bombay textile strike in the 1980s, had of late seemed a thing of the past. In the last decade or so, due to new management practices of hiring employees on contract and not putting them on the rolls, the number of industrial disputes and strikes in the manufacturing sector had scaled down from around 250 in 2004-05 to under 100 in 2010. In 2011, this has been the only major strike so far.


Maruti Suzuki India (MSI) today said it would not resume full-scale production at its Manesar plant till workers sign a 'good conduct bond'. The condition has been placed by the company to ensure there is no repeat of quality issues that have surfaced at the plant. Maruti hired 100 new workers for troubled Manesar plant Maruti Suzuki India (MSI) said it would hire 100 new permanent employees today for its troubled Manesar plant to replace those who have refused to sign the good conduct bond. "Up to 100 new permanent workers will be recruited today," a company spokesperson said, adding so far 103 existing workers have signed the bond and resumed duties. With the standoff between the management and labour that started on August 29 continuing, the company had brought in 50 ITI-trained and experienced workers yesterday at the plant taking the total workforce to 1,100 people. MSI has about 2,500 workers the Manesar plant, out of which nearly 1,000 are permanent. Reference:

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