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Buns na Gaeilge - Basic Irish Language There is no other way to revive Irish than for a crowd of people to spread

it. - Douglas Hyde Note: The spellings and pronunciations used are based on Aideen's own natural use of Connemara Irish but they have been kept simple, so as to be understood where there are differences in the language. For example, the word 'feicfidh' is used only in Connemara Irish; in Leinster, Ulster and Munster the word is 'cfidh'. There are two pronunciations; Leinster/Munster - kee-fee; Ulster - chee-fee. The biggest problem for people whose native language is English is that the soft 't' and 'd' are in Irish, but not in English; it's difficult to 'reproduce' them in writing. Where I use 'th' and 'dh' here, they are best achieved by putting your tongue gently behind your front upper teeth." Click here for our words & phrases Index. Lesson 51: Holiday Shopping 'Tis the season to be shopping! And, while our resident Irish speaker Aideen, detests it, she has gallantly provided us with words and phrases related to the annual buying frenzy. Note: If you'd rather not get mauled at the mall, you can shop on-line in peace and comfort. To explore the offerings we have from a wide variety of Irish sources, please click Shopping. Photo Credit: ecofriend Word: shopping Irish: siopadireacht Pronunciation: shup-ah-dhoh-ir-ukth Word: shop

Irish: siopa Pronunciation: shup-ah Phrase: shopping centre (mall) Irish: ceantar siopa Pronunciation: ki-ahn-thahr shup-ee Phrase: department store Irish: shiopa ilranna Pronunciation: shup-ah ill-rah-nah Word: shopkeeper Irish: siopadir Pronunciation: shup-ah-dhoh-ir Word: shopper Irish: ceannaitheoir Pronunciation: ki-ahn-ih-hoh-ir Phrase: shop window Irish: fuinneog siopa Pronunciation: fwinn-ih-ohg shup-ah Phrase: shop soiled* Irish: smolta n siopa Pronunciation: smull-thah ohn shup-ah *Display item that's marked down in price Phrase: shopping bag Irish: mla siopadireacht Pronunciation: mawl-ah shup-ah-dhoh-ir-ukth Phrase: Good buy (bargain) Irish: margadh maith Pronunciation: mahr-gah mye Word: gift/present Irish: bronnntanas Pronunciation: brun-thah-nahs Word: buying Irish: ag ceannach Pronunciation: egg ki-ahn-ukh Phrase: to buy for... Irish: a cheannach do...

Pronunciation: ah khih-ahn-nukh dhuh Word: price Irish: costas Pronunciation: kuss-thahs Phrase: sale price Irish: luach saor-reaca Pronunciation: loo-ukh seer-rah-kah Word: errands Irish: teachtarachta Pronunciation: tshock-thahr-ukh-thee Phrase: fitting room Irish: seomra tstla (literally: tasting) Pronunciation: shohm-rah thaws-thaw-lah Phrase: toy store Irish: siopa bragin Pronunciation: shup-ah bray-gaw-in Phrase: ribbons and bows Irish: ribn agus libn Pronunciation: rib-een-ee ah-gus loo-been-ee Phrase: gift boxes Irish: bosca bhronntanais Pronunciation: buss-kee vrun-thahn-ish Phrase: Christmas list Irish: liosta na Nollaig Pronunciation: liss-thah nah null-ig Word: receipt Irish: admhil Pronunciation: oddh-waw-il Phrase: Customer Service Irish: seirbhs costaimara Pronunciation: sher-veesh kus-thah-may-rah Word: Return Irish: cur ar ais Pronunciation: kur err ash

Phrase: After Christmas Sale Irish: dolachin iar-Nollaig Pronunciation: djeel-ukh-aw-in eer null-ig Phrase: I would like this gift-wrapped, please Irish: ba maith liom seo a beith fillte mar bheartn bhronntanais, led' thoil Pronunciation: bah whye l-um shuh ah veh fill-tjeh mahr vahr-thawn vrun-thahn-ish, ledh hell Phrase: I would like this sent to... Irish: ba maith liom seo a chur ar agaidh ag... Pronunciation: bah whye l-um shuh ah khur err eye egg... Phrase: Do you have this in a (large/medium/small/extra large?) Irish: bhfuil s seo ar fil agat i miosr (literally: measure) (mr/men/beag/sr-mhr?) Pronunciation: will shuh err faw-il ah-guth ih mis-oor (mohr/mi-awn/bi-ug/sawr-wore?) Phrase: You have come to the right shop/place Irish: t t sa siopa/it ceart Pronunciation: thaw thoo sah shup-ah/at-itch ki-ahrth Phrase: He/She loved having his/her photo taken with Santa Claus (Father Christmas) Irish: Bhain s/s sr-taithneamh as a griangraf/ghriangraf a dhanamh le Deada na Nollaig Pronunciation: wahn shay/shee sawr-thah-nuv oss ah green=grahf/ghreen-grahf ah yaynuv leh daddy nah null-ig Phrase: we have a limit of ten euros on our gift exchange at work. You can't buy much for that these days Irish: san it oibre s'againne t teorainn de dheich Euro ar nr malart bhronntanais. N fidir mrn a cheannach leis sin san l at inniu ann Pronunciation: sahn aw-itch eye-breh shog-inn-neh thaw choh-runn djeh yah Euro wee nawr mahl-ahr-thoo vrun-thahn-ish. nee fay-djir mohr-awn ah khih-ahn-nukh lesh shin sahn law ah-thaw inn-nioo on Phrase: I'm all done with all my shopping. What a relief! Irish: tim crochnaithe lem siopadireach uilig. Nach faoiseamh sin! Pronunciation: thaw-im kreekh-nih-heh lem shup-ah-dhoh-ir-ukth ill-ig. nokh fwee-shiv shin! Phrase: I have some shopping to do Irish: T agam le ruda a cheannach Pronunciation: Thaw ah-gum leh rudh-ee ah khi-ahn-ukh Phrase: I bought this ( ) cheaply Irish: Fuair m an ( ) seo i saorchonradh

Pronunciation: foo-ir may on ( ) shuh ih see-khun-rah Phrase: I always budget in advance for Christmas Irish: Danaim solthar roimh r le haghaidh na Nollaig Pronunciation: Djay-nim sull-aw-hahr rev ray leh heye nah null-ig Phrase: It's always difficult to think of a Christmas gift for........ Irish: Bonn s deacair i gcna smaoineamh ar bronntanas Nollaig do.......... Pronunciation: Beeiun shay djah-kir ih goh-nee smwee-nuv err vrun-thah-nahs null-ig dhuh....... Phrase: Don't forget to buy wrapping-paper Irish: N dearmaid pipar beartn a cheannach Pronunciation: Naw djahr-midh paw-payr bahr-thawn ah khiahn-ukh Phrase: I'll meet you in the Women's Department at noon Irish: Casfaidh m leat i Roinn na mBan um nin Pronunciation: Kahs-ee may li-ahth ih reyenn nah mahn um noh-inn Phrase: We must make time to take the children to visit Father Christmas (Santa Claus) Irish: N mr dinn am a chur ar lithair na pist a thabhairt ar chuairt ar Deada na Nollaig Pronunciation: nee mohr dhoo-inn ahm ah khur err law-hirr nah pawsh-thee ah hoh-irtch err knoo-irtch err daddy nah null-ig Phrase: We'll need a big trolley* Irish: Beidh trucil mr ag teastil againn Pronunciation: Bye thruck-aw-ill mohr egg thahs-thaw-ill ah-ginn *shopping cart Phrase: Where are the toilets (washrooms/bathrooms/restrooms)? Irish: C bhful na leithris? Pronunciation: Kaw will nah leh-rish? Phrase: Do you think this will be big enough for him? Irish: A' gceapann t go mbeigh seo mr go leor d? Pronunciation: ah gih-ah-pahn thoo guh my shuh morh guh li-ohr dhoh Phrase: We can do (be able to) the grocery shopping (marketing) on the way home Irish: Bimd in ann an siopadireacht grosara a dhanamh ar an mbealach abhaile Pronunciation: Bye-meedj inn on on shup-ah-dhoh-ir-ukth gross-ay-rah ah yay-nuv err on mahl-ukh ah-wahil-leh Phrase: I did the bulk of my Christmas shopping on the Internet Irish: Dhein m mrchuid dem siopadireacht Nollaig ar an Idirlne Pronunciation: Yen may mohr-khwidj djem shup-ah-dhoh-ir-ukth null-ig err on idj-irr-

lee-neh Phrase: Do they take (credit) cards here? Irish: An nglacann siad le crta (thaisce) anseo Pronunciation: On nglahk-ahn sheedh leh kawrthee (hahsh-keh) on -shuh Phrase: My feet are killing me Irish: T an deabhail im chois Pronunciation: Thaw on djow-ill im khush (literally: The Devil is in my feet!) Note: This caught our eye. Yes, we know it isn't gaeilge, but it is fascinating. If nothing else, it is certainly language (and Irish language as well.) Slanguage by Bernard Share ...for all 'decent skins', 'crawthumpers', horse-protestants', 'hard chaws' and 'strong farmers'...a dictionary of Irish slang that's as amusing as it is informative. Click here for Slanguage For More Basic Irish please click here: Irish Index Image: Gaeilge Beo from All Posters and Prints. Buns na Gaeilge - Basic Irish Language There is no other way to revive Irish than for a crowd of people to spread it. - Douglas Hyde Note: The spellings and pronunciations used are based on Aideen's own natural use of Connemara Irish but they have been kept simple, so as to be understood where there are differences in the language. For example, the word 'feicfidh' is used only in Connemara Irish; in Leinster, Ulster and Munster the word is 'cfidh'. There are two pronunciations; Leinster/Munster - kee-fee; Ulster - chee-fee. The biggest problem for people whose native language is English is that the soft 't' and 'd' are in Irish, but not in English; it's difficult to 'reproduce' them in writing. Where I use 'th' and 'dh' here, they are best achieved by putting your tongue gently behind your front upper teeth."

Click here for our words & phrases Index. Lesson 52: Wrapping up the Holidays We hope you are enjoying a safe and happy holiday season. This week's offering features words and phrases which should have been included in previous lessons. Phrase: Celebration of Christmas Irish: Ceiliradh na Nollaig Pronunciation: kell-oor-ah nah null-ig Phrase: Little Christmas/Epiphany Irish: L Chinn (an D L Dag) Pronunciation: lay khinn (on ghaw law djayg) {literally: the final day (the twelfth day) } Word/Phrase: Wren/Wren Boys Irish: Dreoiln/Buachailln an Dreoiln Pronunciation: dhroh-leen/boo-khahl-een-ee on dhroh-leen (literally: little boys of the wren) Word: Pantomime Irish: Geamaire Pronunciation: gi-ah-meh-reh Phrase: Christmas Bonus Irish: Bnas na Nollaig Pronunciation: bonus nah null-ig Phrase: Happy Hannukah (to you/you plural) Irish: Hannukah faoi mhaise leat/libh Pronunciation: Hannukah fwee wash-eh lih-ath/liv Phrase: Boxing Day/St. Stephen's Day Irish: L le Stiophn Pronunciation: law leh sthiff-awn Word/Phrase: Sleigh/Sleigh Ride Irish: carr sleamhnin/turas sleamhnin Pronunciation: cawr shlow-naw-in/thruss shlow-naw-in

Word/Phrase: Advent/Advent candles Irish: Aidbhint/coinnle Aidbhint Pronunciation: ahdh-vinth/quin-leh ahdh-vinth Phrase: (The) Baby Jesus Irish: An Leanbh osa Pronunciation: on lih-an-uv eesah Phrase: Jesus, Mary and Joseph Irish: osa, Muire agus Iosaph Pronunciation: eesah, mwuir-eh ah-gus yo-seph Word: Camel Irish: camall Pronunciation: kah-mull Phrase: Three Wise Men/Three Kings Irish: Na Tr Rthe n Oirthir Pronunciation: nah three ree-heh ohn err-hir (literally: the three kings from the east) Phrase: Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh Irish: r, Tis agus Miorr Pronunciation: ohr, thoosh ah-gus myrrh Word: Toys Irish: bragain Pronunciation: bray-gaw-in Phrase: Mince Pie Irish: Pog Mhionra Pronunciation: pee-ohg mih-un-rah Phrase: Apple Pie Irish: Pog lla Pronunciation: pee-ohg ool-ah Phrase: Christmas Crackers Irish: Plascig Nollaig Pronunciation: playss-koh-ig null-ig Phrase: The Twelve days of Christmas Irish: D L Dag na Nollaig Pronunciation: ghaw law djayg nah null-ig Phrase: Family Gathering

Irish: Baill Chlainne Pronunciation: bahl-you khlin-eh Phrase: Holiday Feast Irish: Fasta na Saoire Pronunciation: fay-sthah nah seer-eh Phrase: Lump of coal Irish: Cloch ghuail Pronunciation: khlukh goo-il Word: Host/Hostess (for the holiday party) Irish: Fear/Bean a' T Pronunciation: fahr/ban ah tchee (literally: man/woman of the house - 'house' would also mean the venue for any occasion) Phrase: Office Party Irish: Cisir Oifige Pronunciation: koh-shirr iff-ih-geh Phrase: I'm/we're going home for the holidays Irish: Tim/timid ag dul abhaile le haghaidh na saoire Pronunciation: thaw-im/thaw-midj egg dhull ah-wahl-yeh leh heye nah seer-eh What did Santa/Father Christmas bring you? Irish: Card a chur Deada na Nollaig ar fil dhuit? Pronunciation: kay-rdh ah khur daddy na null-ig err faw-il gwitch? Phrase: All the very best in the new year (to you/you plural) Irish: Athbhlian faoi mhaise dhuit/dhbh Pronunciation: ah-vleen fwee wash-eh gwich/yeev Note: This caught our eye. Yes, we know it isn't gaeilge, but it is fascinating. If nothing else, it is certainly language (and Irish language as well.) Slanguage by Bernard Share ...for all 'decent skins', 'crawthumpers', horse-protestants', 'hard chaws' and 'strong farmers'...a dictionary of Irish slang that's as amusing as it is informative. Click here for Slanguage For More Basic Irish please click here: Irish Index Image: Gaeilge Beo from All Posters and Prints.

Buns na Gaeilge - Basic Irish Language There is no other way to revive Irish than for a crowd of people to spread it. - Douglas Hyde Note: The spellings and pronunciations used are based on Aideen's own natural use of Connemara Irish but they have been kept simple, so as to be understood where there are differences in the language. For example, the word 'feicfidh' is used only in Connemara Irish; in Leinster, Ulster and Munster the word is 'cfidh'. There are two pronunciations; Leinster/Munster - kee-fee; Ulster - chee-fee. The biggest problem for people whose native language is English is that the soft 't' and 'd' are in Irish, but not in English; it's difficult to 'reproduce' them in writing. Where I use 'th' and 'dh' here, they are best achieved by putting your tongue gently behind your front upper teeth." Click here for our words & phrases Index. Lesson 53: Outdoor Countryside For those of us in the Northern Hemisphere, this time of year often finds us hibernating and longing for sunny days when we can enjoy the great outdoors again. It's also when many people begin planning their summer holidays; so, we thought it would be appropriate to offer a lesson that focuses on words and phrases associated with land, water, and related activities. Word: Outdoors Irish: Amuigh faoin Aer Pronunciation: ah-mwuih fween air Word: Land

Irish: talamh Pronunciation: thahl-uv Word: Field Irish: gort Pronunciation: gurth Word: River Irish: abhann Pronunciation: ow-ahn Phrase: River bank Irish: bruach abhann Pronunciation: broo-ukh ow-ahn Word: Stream Irish: sruthn Pronunciation: shruh-hawn Word: Mountain Irish: sliabh Pronunciation: shleeve Phrase: Mountain range Irish: sliabhraon Pronunciation: shleeve-rayn Word: Mountaineer Irish: sliabhadir Pronunciation: shleeve-ah-dhoh-ir Word: Road Irish: bthar Pronunciation: boh-hahr Word: Rock Irish: carraig Pronunciation: kahr-ig Phrase: Rock face Irish: adn carraige Pronunciation: ay-dhawn kahr-ig-eh Word: Canoe Irish: curach Pronunciation: kur-ukh

Word: Sea Irish: farraige Pronunciation: fahr-ig-eh Word: Beach Irish: tr Pronunciation: thraw Word: Waterfall Irish: bs uisce Pronunciation: baws ish-geh Word: Sailing Irish: seolthireacht Pronunciation: shohl-thohr-ukth Word: Fishing Irish: iascaireacht Pronunciation: eess-kah-rukhth Word: Bog Irish: portach Pronunciation: purr-thukh Word: Climbing Irish: dreapadireacht Pronunciation: dhrahp-ah-dhohr-ukhth Word: Sky Irish: spir Pronunciation: spayr Word: Sun Irish: grian Pronunciation: gree-un Word: Cloud Irish: scamall Pronunciation: skah-mull Word: Star Irish: ralta Pronunciation: rayl-thah Word: weather

Irish: aimsir Pronunciation: eyem-shir Phrase: On land and on sea Irish: ar muir agus ar tr Pronunciation: err mwirr ah-gus err tcheer Phrase: We are going mountaineering next week. Irish: Timid ag dul ag slibhtheoireacht an tseachtain seo chugainn Pronunciation: thaw-muidj egg dhull egg shlayv-thohr-ukhth on tshock-thin shuh hug-inn Phrase: Do you know what height is that mountain? Irish: Bhfuil fhios agat ar chn airde ata an tsliabh sin? Pronunciation: will iss ah-guth err khayn eer-djeh ah-thaw on tshleeve shin Phrase: Be careful, I heard a warning that the wind is rising Irish: B/bg (you singular/plural) cramach, chuala m fgra go bhfuil an gaoth ag rd Pronunciation: bee/bee-gee (hard 'g') koo-rah-mukh, khool-ah may foh-grah guh will on gwee egg awr-dhoo Phrase: We are all going sailing (boating) tomorrow. Irish: Taimid uilig ag dul ag curachireacht amrach Pronunciation: thaw-mwidj ill-ig egg dhull egg kur-ukh-thoh-ir-ukhth ah-mawr-ukth Phrase: On retirement from business, he intends to sail the seas Irish: Ar ir as crsa gntha, t s d'intinn aige na fairrig a shiil (literally: to walk the seas) Pronunciation: err eye-ree oss koor-see gnoh-hee, thaw shay dhin-chin eh-geh nah fahr-i gee (hard 'g') ah hi-oo-ill Phrase: It's difficult rowing against the stream Irish: T s deacair bheith ag rmhadh in adan an tsruth Pronunciation: thaw shay dja-kirr veh egg raw-vah inn ay-dhahn on tsruh Phrase: I'd love to be living beside the sea Irish: Ba bhre liom a bheith im chna chois fharraige Pronunciation: bah vrhah li-um ah veh im khoh-nee khush ahr-ih-geh Phrase: We'll go out under the shade of night and watch the stars. Irish: Rachaimid amach i ndorchadas na hoche agus dul a' breathn ar na ralta Pronunciation: rahkh-ah-mwidj ah-mahkh ih nurr-khah-dhahs na hee-heh ah-gus dhull ah brah-noo err nah rayl-thee Phrase: Isn't it well (nice) for those who have a river flowing through their land. Irish: Nach aoibhinn dibh a bhfuil abhann snitheach trd a dtalamh. Pronunciation: nokh eev-inn dhoh-iv ah will ow-ahn aw shnih-ukh threedj ah dtahl-uv

Note: This caught our eye. Yes, we know it isn't gaeilge, but it is fascinating. If nothing else, it is certainly language (and Irish language as well.) Slanguage by Bernard Share ...for all 'decent skins', 'crawthumpers', horse-protestants', 'hard chaws' and 'strong farmers'...a dictionary of Irish slang that's as amusing as it is informative. Click here for Slanguage For More Basic Irish please click here: Irish Index Image: Gaeilge Beo from All Posters and Prints. uns na Gaeilge - Basic Irish Language There is no other way to revive Irish than for a crowd of people to spread it. - Douglas Hyde Note: The spellings and pronunciations used are based on Aideen's own natural use of Connemara Irish but they have been kept simple, so as to be understood where there are differences in the language. For example, the word 'feicfidh' is used only in Connemara Irish; in Leinster, Ulster and Munster the word is 'cfidh'. There are two pronunciations; Leinster/Munster - kee-fee; Ulster - chee-fee. The biggest problem for people whose native language is English is that the soft 't' and 'd' are in Irish, but not in English; it's difficult to 'reproduce' them in writing. Where I use 'th' and 'dh' here, they are best achieved by putting your tongue gently behind your front upper teeth." Click here for our words & phrases Index. Lesson 61: Personal Appearance Before we were corrected by our native Irish speaker, we always thought the phrase "he has the map of Ireland on his face" meant that

he was covered in freckles. Not so. This week's lesson is all about appearance and includes the phrase "you've lost weight" - something that many women would rather hear than "I love you"! Word: Appearance Irish: Gnith Pronunciation: gnay Word: Pretty Irish: deas (or) gleoite Pronunciation: dee-ahs (or) glohi-tcheh Word: Handsome/Good-looking Irish: dathil Pronunciation: dhah-oo-il Word: Attractive Irish: tarraingteach Pronunciation: thar-ing-tioch Word: Beautiful Irish: lainn Pronunciation: awl-yin Word: Tall Irish: rd Pronunciation: awrdh Phrase: Average Height Irish: men-airde Pronunciation: mee-awn eer-djeh Word: Short Irish: gearr Pronunciation: gi-ahr Word: Petite Irish: beag Pronunciation: bi-ug Word: Thin Irish: caol Pronunciation: kweel Word: Heavy Irish: trom

Pronunciation: thrum Word: Light Irish: eadtrom Pronunciation: ay-thrum Word: Plain Irish: soilir Pronunciation: sull-ay-ir Word: Freckles Irish: bricn Pronunciation: brick-een-ee Word: Complexion/skin Irish: craiceann Pronunciation: crack-un Word: Smile Irish: meangadh (or) miongire Pronunciation: mi-ahn-gah (or) mi-un-goyr-eh Word: Frown Irish: grainc Pronunciation: grank Word: Awkward Irish: ansta Pronunciation: on-aws-thah Word: Face Irish: aghaidh Pronunciation: eye Word: Teeth Irish: fiacla Pronunciation: feek-lah Word: Eyes Irish: sile Pronunciation: sool-eh Phrase: You've lost weight Irish: T mechan caillte agat Pronunciation: taw mi-awkh-ahn ah-guth

Phrase: He is very good-looking Irish: Is saor-dathil Pronunciation: iss seer dhah-oo-il ay Phrase: She is very pretty (Isn't she a pretty girl?) Irish: Nach cailn gleoite ? Pronunciation: nahkh kah-leen glohi-tcheh ee Phrase: He is growing (tall) Irish: T s ag fs Pronunciation: thaw she egg faws Phrase: How tall are you? Irish: Cn airde th? Pronunciation: kayn eer-djeh hoo Phrase: All the children in that family are good-looking Irish: T cuma dathil ar na pist uilig sa chlann sin Pronunciation: thaw kumah dhah-oo-il err nah paw-ish-thee sa khlahn shin Phrase: He has the map of Ireland on his face Irish: T cuma crigeach ar a aghaidh Pronunciation: thaw kumah kray-gi-okh err ah eye Note: Not a literal translation but 'He has a craggy face.' The colloquialism, "map of Ireland on his face", applies only to a man and implies that the person's face is like the geographic features of the country. Our native Irish speaker says she hasn't heard the phrase in years. Phrase: He looks young for his age Irish: T cuma na hige air d aois Pronunciation: thaw kumah nah hoh-igeh err dhaw eesh Phrase: She looks her age Irish: T a haois le haithint uirthi Pronunciation: thaw ah heesh leh hah-intj irr-hee Phrase: She is very fair-skinned Irish: T s gealchraicneach Pronunciation: thaw she gi-ahl-khrack-nukh Phrase: I don't tan easily Irish: N thagann dath na grine orm go hascil Pronunciation: nee hah-gahn dhah na gray-neh urm go hays-kool Phrase: You have beautiful eyes Irish: T sile aoibheann agat

Pronunciation: thaw sool-eh eev-en ah-guth Phrase: Her teeth are perfect Irish: Ta fiacla ar fheabhas aici Pronunciation: thaw feek-lah err yows ek-ee Phrase: She is always smiling Irish: Bonn aoibh go dt na cluasa uirthi Pronunciation: bee-un eev guh dtjee nah kloo-sah irr-hee Phrase: I take after my mother Irish: T rian mo mhthair orm Pronunciation: thaw reen muh waw-hirr urm Phrase: Who does the baby look like? Irish: Cn coslacht at ar an leanbh? Pronunciation: kayn kuss-oo-lukhth ah-thaw err an liahn-v Phrase: He's the image of his father Irish: T dealramh a athair air Pronunciation: taw dhahl-ruv ah ah-thirr err Note: This caught our eye. Yes, we know it isn't gaeilge, but it is fascinating. If nothing else, it is certainly language (and Irish language as well.) Slanguage by Bernard Share ...for all 'decent skins', 'crawthumpers', horse-protestants', 'hard chaws' and 'strong farmers'...a dictionary of Irish slang that's as amusing as it is informative. Click here for Slanguage For More Basic Irish please click here: Irish Index Image: Gaeilge Beo from All Posters and Prints.

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