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‘To show
Young Voices of the New Europe
modern man
his true face.’
Otto Wagner

Euro 2,- | June 2006 The Newspaper of Webster University Vienna | Vol. 4 No. 2

Fears Flooding
In Iran: ‘No
Smoking Gun’
On the Danube US Amb. Schulte
Speaks at WUV
Record Water Levels in Eastern Europe Threatened by Mazin Elfehaid
Thousands and Suggest Impacts of Global Warming In an Apr. 12 guest lecture at

Courtesy of the City of Vienna: Eine Stadt Ein Buch

Webster University Vienna, U.S.
by Duska Gonja 15 bn. And history seems repeat Ambassador to the International
Something is amiss in Europe. itself year after year in Central and Atomic Energy Agency Gregory
Sickness-inducing algae in Genoa, Eastern Europe. Schulte fielded tough questions
severe flooding in central Europe, In April, a swollen tributary from students about his govern-
Portuguese wildfires, ticks carry- of the Danube river rose to a ment’s policy towards the per-
ing Lyme disease northward into record level in Hungary and Ser- ceived threat of a nuclear Iran.
Sweden – all are recent occurrenc- bia, threatening at least 160,000 While admitting that there
es that scientists have attributed people and 50,000 homes as was no “smoking gun” that could
to global warming. Countries and southeastern Europe battled mas- prove that Iran seeks nuclear weap-
politicians, faced with the severe sive floods. Emergency crews ons, Schulte maintained that “the
evidence of the trend, are starting scrambled to bolster the banks of greatest security challenge facing
to consider the changes they will the Tisza River that flows into Ser- Europe and the world is [Iranian
have to make in order to adapt to bia from Hungary after it reached president Mahmood] Ahmedine-
Literary Encounter: Writer John Irving, author of best sellers, The World According to Garp and Cider House
a warmer Europe. its highest level in parts of the two jad and his nuclear ambitions,”
Rules, was in town for the annual celebration of literature, “Ein Buch – Eine Stadt” (One Book – One City). This
Eastern and Central European countries already hit by flooding while Iran’s actions threaten the
year, 350.000 special-edition copies of Irving’s Free the Bears, set in Vienna, were distributed free. Story on Page 19
regions that had still not recovered of the Danube. Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty
from the devastating floods of Further downstream in Ro- (NPT), of which it is a member.
2002 were once again were forced mania, the rising Danube forced The lecture sponsored by
to battle the rising waters. In
2002 economic losses amounted
to EUR 9.2 bn in Germany, EUR
authorities to evacuate more than
4,700 people, mainly in the south-
ern towns of Calarasi and Fetesti.
In Austria, Crime Is Down WUV and the IAEA gave the
50 or so students gathered in the
Conference Center the opportu-
2.9 bn in Austria and EUR 2.3 In neighbouring Bulgaria, With More Policemen on the Beat and Better Cross-Border Cooperation, nity to get a first hand glimpse of
bn in the Czech Republic. Total thousands of volunteers joined More Crimes are Solved, and Vienna Remains One of Europe‘s Safest Cities international diplomacy in action.
economic damage exceeded EUR Continued on Page 20 Schulte, who is charged with
by M.T.M. Childs been committed nationwide than ber countries.” Prokop stated in pushing US President George
Crime is down in Austria. for the same period the previous the ministry’s monthly report? Bush’s agenda in negotiations with
Although you would never know year, a decrease of 2.1%. And “The acceptance of these new EU the Iranian government, proved a
it, judging by the headlines in the the percentage of solved crimes countries has made cooperation skilled public speaker, unfazed by
Subway tabloid Heute. has actually risen from 0.2 % to Continued on Page 3 Continued on Page 6
“Kriminalität wächst: 16% 39.5%.
mehr Häftlinge!” (“Crime is Up: The decrease in crime rates
16% More Prisoners”) was the has to do, to a great extent, with
screaming front page headline in the organised, cross-border strat-
early April. The newspaper had egies to uncover the members of
made a deceptive leap from the Eastern European gangs, accord-
increase of prisoners to an increase ing to public statements by Interi-
of crime. or Minister Liese Prokop. This has

Wiener Börse Booming In fact, the reverse is true.

The actual monthly statistics
meant more thorough checks at
EU entry points, pin pointed ac-
After years of respectable growth, the Austrian Stock Index ATX has seen of the Ministry of the Interior, tion in more populated areas and
a 285.71% rise since 2000, while other European and U.S. indexes have published in February, show a many EU-instituted changes for the
hovered nearly unchanged for six years. As Western European markets bat- nationwide decrease in reported divisions of Police and Justice.
tled for control, Vienna has quietly pursued collective interests to the East, crimes in Austria. “Our successes in crime fight-
in a region whose growth shows no signs of waning. Story on page 23 In the first two months of ing are due in part to the close
2006, 2,026 fewer crimes had cooperation with new EU-mem-
Courtesy of Agence France Presse

Europe and the East:

‘Neighbors by Necessity’
What’s Inside
Joschka Fischer Fears ‘We Are Forgetting the 90s’ Land of Migrants? Paid Company
At a time when E.U. restric- For thousands of young
by Dardis McNamee attract a crowd. tions are becoming tighter, Austria women from all over Eastern
The coincidence was un- But the former Foreign Min- continues taking in immigrants in Europe, poverty and dreams of
canny: March 28, an ordinary ister would be speaking “from a increasingly large numbers and a perfect life leads them into Iranian Pres. Mahmoud Ahmedinejad: “Wipe Israel Off the Map“
Tuesday evening at the Wiener distance” tonight, he said, not folding them into economic and selling their bodies. Page 12
Rathaus, and Joschka Fischer,
former German Foreign Minister
from any political position: Josch-
ka Fischer representing himself.
social life. Page 3
‘The Downfall’ Can the West Really Make
and pillar of the Green Party, had
come to Vienna to speak about
With his boyish face, even
now that his hair has turned sil-
‘Code‘ of Sacrilege
The Vatican is right to be scared
Whatever else it was, direc-
tor Oliver Hirschbiegel’s deci-
Peace With Nuclear Iran?
the importance of the Middle East ver grey, Joschka Fischer looks of the Da Vinci Code. In an age sion to make The Downfall was In Spite of Reassurances, Much Remains Hidden
for European Security. younger than his 57 years. Yet for when psychology has supplanted daring. Would anyone want to
It was also Election Day in Is- 40 years, he has been close to the philosophy as the defining language watch a film that humanized by Karla Bavoljak information on sources of pluto-
rael, and the revolutionary Hamas heart beat of change, and hearing of human experience, organized re- Adolf Hilter? Page 18 and Nika Bracun nium, another crucial element for
regime had come to power with him speak of his experience is to ligion is in trouble. Page 3 Controversies over Iran’s nu- the development of the atomic
a solid majority, leaving the West become, fleetingly, a witness to Quaint or Racist? clear program were sharpened bomb.
shaken and uncertain. modern German history. Future Unknown Familiar things easily pass April 28 with the submission of “Gaps remain in the Agency’s
The Rathaus Festsaal was Today, Fischer is troubled by In spite of increasing pressures unnoticed. Originally designed a report to the United Nations knowledge with respect to the
packed for the 2006 Jan Patocka the speed with which the lessons from an increasingly demanding in 1924, the Julius Meinl logo Security Council by Dr. Mo- scope and content of Iran’s centri-
Memorial Lecture, of the Institute of Europe’s past are being lost. job market, Webster Vienna stu- was once thought exotic, evoca- hammed ElBaradei, Director of fuge program, the Report said.
for the Human Sciences. Fischer “With all these discussions of dents feel on the whole optimistic tive of Baroque Angels. Is it now the International Atomic Energy On their visit in 2003, the
smiled as he looked out at the who will be excluded or included, about their futures. Page 7 simply bad taste? Page 20 Agency (IAEA) in Vienna. IAEA inspectors found the cen-
rows fading out past the lights. we are forgetting the 90s,” Fischer The report, entitled Imple- trifuge facilities hidden behind
Even out of office, he could still said. In a time of globalization, Chernobyl +20 Measuring Beauty mentations of the NPT Safeguards a wall, showing traces of highly
Europe cannot close off borders, Controversies over nuclear There is little more mysteri- agreement in the Islamic Republic enriched uranium. Officials were
or slow economic growth, popula- safety and a laundry list of trou- ous and unrevealed than the defi- of Iran, confirms information pre- able to trace the equipment back
tion growth or terrorist threats. bling health issues linger long nition of beauty. Is it possible to viously given to the IAEA by the to Pakistan; but not the highly
Europe and the Middle East are after polluted reactor sites have reduce attraction to a math formu- Iranian government on its nuclear enriched uranium, whose source
“neighbors by necessity.” been cleaned. What can happen la? For centuries philosophers have material and activities. However, remains unknown.
Continued on Page 4 if things went wrong. Page 11 sought answers. Page 25 the agency discovered conflicting Continued on Page 6
2 Special Reports
AUSTRIA’S CRIME RATE case of one 12-year-old boy liv-
Continued from page 1 ing in the 2nd District, a mug-
“Our successes in crime ging by a group of 14 year olds.
fighting are due in part to the Benjamin was in the Prater
close cooperation with new with three friends in mid April
EU-member countries.” Prokop when the group of older boys
stated in the ministry’s monthly threatened and then robbed him
report. and his friends, taking their cell
“The acceptance of these phones and about 40 Euros in
new EU countries has made co- pocket money. The boys phoned
operation between the various their parents and went to the
national police departments pos- Prater police station, where the
sible - making it clear that the officers took down the reports.
expanding of the EU has made They did not immediately
Austria a safer place.” go after the perpetrators.
The picture in Vienna is a “There’s no point, really,”
little less rosy. As a crossroads for said Reiter. “By Austrian law,
migration from the East, there a 14 year old cannot be fined
is a continuing risk of the city or punished in any way for his
becoming an involuntary transit crime,” Reiter said, “except for a
hub for travelling criminals. call to the parents, which might
In Vienna itself, the crime result in a punishment and might
rate has risen by 1.3 percent, not.” He sighed. These types of
although the quotient of solved reported crimes also become part

Courtesy of Cafe Sperl

crimes has remained the same. of the statistics, and in this in-

In 2002, 73.1% of all

drug-related criminals
The Viennese meet with clients, have private talks with lawyers, and rendezvous with lovers discretely in a coffee house: Here, the Cafe Sperl.
were Austrians and only
Everyday Gemütlichkeit 26.9% foreigners, a level
There is no Sense of Hurry in a Viennese Kaffeehaus; Even the Cell Phones Ring Quietly that has not increased
since the opening of the
by Meinrad Knapp A Viennese Kaffeehaus is a Ms. Human Resources Director was much older than “she” was.
It is Monday afternoon, at veritable stew of activity and a in person at a coffee house: if they Were they meeting for the first E.U. borders.
the Café Griensteidl in downtown sampling of life in the city. It is agree, your chances have improved time? Or was he married and they
Vienna. This is an old, traditional the best place to get together in- immensely. were having an affair … And what
Viennese coffee house, which was formally, to try out an idea, discuss Consider a coffee house as were those two men dressed in the So the city is on the alert. stance, the case was not solved.
once the meeting point for the a project, or develop a contact. It’s your resource center. The typical gray suits talking about? They have An internal police reform put Have the Vienna Police been
so-called “Jung Wien,” the artists a private spot outside the office Viennese Kaffeehaus is equipped been sitting and whispering at the into action on July 1, 2005 cut given any special orders to shape
and intellectuals of the Jugendstil to do some reading or get some with an unwilling and remark- same table for hours. Are they dis- desk jobs to allow for more offic- up? Apparently not, because no
movement after which this news- thoughts on paper. It is the place ably unfriendly waiter, who also cussing a major business deal, or a ers on the street, according to a one is surprised. “The weather
paper is named. where first dates take place, has a remarkable memory. After secret political affair? And why is police spokesman. gets warmer, so crime goes up.”
This meeting place of writers where G’spusi (an your third visit, if you are a that young man sitting alone at a And first-hand observation Reiter assures us, “it’s not unu-
Arthur Schnitzler and Peter Al- Austrian’s secret generous enough tipper, nearby table, reading newspapers, confirms that beat police are be- sual.”
tenberg was, I deemed, the perfect love affairs) be- he will remember what taking notes and reading a book at coming more and more visible. The fear of crime increasing
spot to meet with a friend from gin and end. your usual order is and the same time? Is he a student? But “The types of crime are as a result of immigration is also
Philadelphia, a place where the But per- provide you with a he looks too old to be a student. changing,” said Andreas Reiter, not substantiated.
strong injections of caffeine set the haps I am ‘Surely all wide variety of local Maybe he is doing some research of the Vienna Police Depart- In 2002, for example, 73.1%
gears of the brain in motion and moving and international for his father’s company … ment. “We don’t have the mas- of all drug related criminals were
the air is full of ideas. too fast. these people newspapers. And I left my American friend sive drug dealing gangs to piece Austrians and only 26.9% for-
So my friend Michael and Let me as a bonus, he will Michael in the Griensteidl, in together, but rather separate fel- eigners and although the current
I drank our coffee and talked, explain. A chatting, sipping pass along a little his own world, thinking about ons and instead of serial burglars numbers of foreigners in jail has
watching the waiters sidling Viennese gossip and you the stories behind the faces. He we have 20 different ones. That’s reached 46.3%, the level has not
among the tables. Busy as they are, coffee
their coffee and can eavesdrop on hadn’t realized it yet, but sitting what makes the crime rate rise.” increased since the opening of
there is no sense of hurry in a Vi-
ennese Kaffeehaus.
house is
the city’s
reading the news- the other guests
to pick up the
in the coffeehouse, doing what-
ever you are doing while having
Small crimes may be small
crimes but the Viennese pride
EU borders.
In fact, 43.9% of foreign
It seems as if a magic hand
touches the people on the shoul-
ground, a
paper must do latest on current
issues, giving you
fun observing the other guests,
is a very integral part of Viennese
themselves on how safe Vienna
is, so it is exactly those types of
prisoners are doing time on ac-
count of their illegal residency,
der; they move at their own speed,
selecting their newspapers and set-
sity meet-
something for a good feeling
of what Viennese
But I will fill Michael in on
crimes that give the feeling of
not for criminal activity.
So, while it’s still a good idea
tling in. Even the cell phones seem ing place, a living! people are really this fact the next time he visits A stolen wallet or handbag, to hold tight to your handbag,
to ring more quietly here. for business, concerned with. Vienna. It is definitely easier to an offer of illegal drugs on the over all, Austria and Vienna can
“But don’t these people have professional or Finally, and very enjoy than to understand. way out of the subway, or in the still be seen as a safe place.
to work?” my friend asked me, personal life. Ini- important, a Kaffeehaus
incredulous. Surely all of these tial meetings with is the setting for romance:
people sipping coffee, reading clients, private talks If you meet with somebody,
their newspapers, involved in with lawyers and consultants, even you are interested in, the first date
conversations and talking on the headhunters meet with their po- is usually at a coffeehouse. It is in-
phone must do something for a tential clients for the first time in a formal. You do not have to spend
living! And indeed, they looked coffee house. the whole evening together. If it
far too young to be retired. “Are The choice of such a setting is turns out to be boring, you can
the people in Vienna so wealthy clearer if you understand the hi- conveniently part ways. And if
that they can sit for hours in coffee erarchical world of Austrian busi- you enjoy each other’s company,
houses on a Monday afternoon,” ness. When you make an appoint- you can move on to dinner.
he asked? ment with a Viennese business In the end, Michael was, to
Sometimes you need some- person, the venue is chosen ac- say the least, impressed. And could
body from the outside to give you cording to who is the more influ- I perhaps leave him for a while, so
another perspective. I was raised ential and powerful. If you want to that he could sit by himself in Cafe
here in Vienna, so I am used to the show your client who is the Don- Griensteidl?
picture of a busy Viennese Kaffee- ald Trump of this deal, then he has I smiled. The magic hand had
haus on a Monday afternoon. to come to your office. But if you finally touched him. He had start-
But people doing nothing? If want to meet on level ground, you ed to feel comfortable within the
you think that these people are meet in a coffee house. cover zone, and he spent his time
doing nothing, you do not un- If you are applying for a job, by studying the people surround-
derstand Vienna. Just be patient, you have two choices: You can ing him: Like the young couple
I told my American friend. And send in your CV and wait. Or sitting next to him, laughing and
watch. you can suggest meeting Mr. or talking and touching. But “he”
Special Reports 3

top places went to the countries

with the strongest social welfare
programs: Austria placing 3rd
The Da Vinci Code after Sweden and Denmark, in
a European Commission study

conducted by the Center for Eu-
ropean Reform in London.
Immigrants represent a more
flexible labor reserve, often more
willing to take jobs that require
The Church Fathers Have Every Right to be more relocation and mobility
Afraid: Organized Religion is in Trouble than natives. It seems no coin-

Courtesy of the European Union

cidence that the European coun-
Speaking at a Rome conference on April 28 Archbishop Angelo Amato, tries with the most comprehensive
Vatican secretary of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, urged his migration policies, Sweden and
audience to consider boycotting the film “The Da Vinci Code,” as one way Denmark, also have some of the
“to let the world know the story offends and defames the church.” strongest economies.
If the kind of “slander, offenses and errors” contained in Dan Brown’s In addition, while immigra-
best-selling novel and the film based on it had been written about “the Quran tion does influence government
or the Shoah (the Holocaust), they rightly would have provoked a worldwide budgets, and thus social spending,
uprising,” the archbishop told Catholic communications directors. the report concludes, “the effects
– Catholic OnLine,
are complicated to calculate, while
by Dardis McNamee Or even ascribing sinister motives the net impact at the national level
Oh my! Poor Archbishop to the Order of Opus Dei that it is negligible.”
Amato! Poor Catholic Church! probably doesn’t deserve. The study points to two main
It’s hard not to smile. In an age But religion never had any- reasons why immigration can be
when psychology has supplanted thing to do with facts; actually, beneficial -- both of which apply
philosophy as the defining lan- religion is, by definition, based on in various ways to Austria. Firstly,
guage of human experience, and something called a “leap of faith,” Students at an EU forum: In the European context, immigration is not only helpful but also neccessary. most rich industrialized nations
morality is best understood in the by which you simply decide to be- have a shortage of skilled labor,

Austria - a (Reluctant)
framework of law and society, or- lieve something for which there is, particularly in fields such as Infor-
ganized religion is in trouble. and can be, no proof. mation Technology, or as in Aus-
And anyway, this is fiction, tria, in engineering and the highly
ESSAY and these quibbles are beside the skilled building trades. The

Science, communication and

prosperity have all conspired to
real point.
Because there is a real point.
And you can be sure that if these
Land of Immigrants OECD reports that unemploy-
ment rates in these fields are dra-
matically lower than elsewhere.
make religion feel obsolete. Sci- quibbles were all that was at stake, The second reason is that Eu-
ence makes it look primitive; the Church would most probably While Ambivalent, Austria Continues to Absorb Thousands rope has an aging population, with
communication makes it paro- have left well enough alone. Even the proportion of people of retire-
chial, and prosperity relieves the they know that censorship is one by Mazin Elfehaid Austria – including parts of Po- workers in the workforce. ment age increasing, and overall
feelings of helplessness on which of the best ways to guarantee the Austrians worry a lot about land, the Czech Republic, Slova- These issues have polarized population of the continent fall-
religious belief is often built. So success of a film. immigration. Of course they wor- kia, Hungary, Croatia, and Serbia. Austrian politics, and public at- ing between 12 to 17 percent over
in most developed countries, The real point is that ry about pretty much everything. Many contemporary Austrians titudes towards immigration re- the next fifty years. In 2040, the
But in this case, common wisdom have roots in these countries, main ambivalent, as evidenced by percentage of the Austrian popu-
tells them that more immigrants and roughly 9.1% of its current the curtailing of labor-migration lation over 60 will reach 35%, up
will mean higher unemployment, citizenry is foreign-born, signifi- and family reunification programs from 20% in 1995. This means
lower wages, and increasing bur- cantly higher than the EU average following in the wake of the 2002 there will be significantly fewer
dens on the social welfare system. of 5.3%. Its quota of foreign resi- Aliens Act, which called for “in- people paying into pension sys-
And while immigration is a dents is 12.5%, even higher than tegration before immigration.” tems, as well as a drop in the over-
contentious issue throughout the in the United States. This policy, which slowly tries to all standard of living, at least as
European Union, it is especially The controversy surrounding incorporate long-term migrants measured in financial terms.
so in countries like Austria, where immigration largely economically through required “integration Immigration can change these
a high quality of life, economic motivated. Many worry that an courses,” and attempts to make age structures, says the OECD.
stability and social benefits attract increase in immigration will bring them part of the social network, “Increased immigration would
more migrants than most other lower average wages, higher un- remains in force today. have an immediate impact on the
parts of the continent. employment and strains on social Despite this ambivalence, working-age population,” wrote
Yet at a time when restrictions supports like health care. It is for Austria continues to absorb grow- the authors. The report notes,
throughout the E.U. are becom- this reason that Austria’s Freedom ing numbers of immigrants: Ac- however, that in many places the
ing tighter, Austria continues tak- Party (FPÖ) has called for zero cording to the web-based Migra- age-profile of immigrants is simi-
ing in immigrants in increasingly permanent immigration, stating tion Information Source (http:// lar to that of the native popula-
large numbers and folding them that “unrestricted immigration, tion, and for this reason immigra-
into economic and social life. lead to serious distortions of the the number of naturalizations in tion alone cannot always be relied
In 2002, Austria natural- job market and to substantial Austria has continued to increase on to solve this problem.
ized 36,382 new citizens, double pressure on wages” in their party from 17,785 in 1997 to about However, in the European
the 18,321 in 1998, triple the program. 36,400 in 2002, with the total context, immigration in most
number in 1990, according to On the other hand, Europe number of migrants reaching cases is not only helpful, but
Michael Jandl and Albert Kraler also faces an aging population, 74,786 in 2001. necessary, in order for countries
of the International Center for whose pensions could depend on The evidence in favor of im- like Austria to continue grow-
Migration Policy Development the new energy and earning pow- migration is strong, and contrary ing. While not always openly
(ICMPD). And while these new er immigrants could bring to the to popular wisdom, a well-planned immigrant friendly, Austria has
citizens come from more than workforce. immigration policy can be benefi- generally been pragmatic, relying
100 different countries the world While it has been suggested cial to a country’s economy. on immigration fuel growth and
over, a full half from the former that migrants may help stem these First of all, there seems to be supply missing skills.
church attendance is dwindling The DaVinci Code dramatizes Habsburg lands. problems, “the EU… says that “no obvious relationship between This style of accommoda-
and candidates for the priest- to a mass reading public that the Austria has a long history of the numbers of projected immi- immigration and unemploy- tion, too, is an old tradition of the
hood increasingly few. What Catholic Church is the way it is by immigration, largely due to its grants would not be enough to ment,” according to a study by Empire. And anecdotal evidence
young man of talent will give up chance – it is something invented historical importance and geo- overcome the lack of people of the Organization for Economic suggests the trend is likely to con-
a natural human life of sexual love that can, therefore, be changed. It graphic influence. Large parts of working age,” Steve Schifferes Cooperation and Development tinue: With the Austrian economy
and family for a place in a power could have easily been some other what is now Central, and South of BBC News reported. It has (OECD), Trends in Immigration booming, Austrian consulates
structure that is collapsing before way, if someone, or several some- Central Europe was, at the height instead proposed increasing par- and Economic Consequences. throughout Central, Eastern and
his eyes? ones, had won a round or two of the Hapsburg Empire, part of ticipation of women and older According to the OECD, South Central Europe swarm with
Enter Dan and Blythe Brown somewhere along the way. while immigrant populations ex- people hoping for a visa.
and the worldwide best seller, The The novel also brings out into But for the public, it’s break- tution, like any other. It shows perience greater unemployment Applications are up, and while
DaVinci Code. In the guise of a the open old church battles over ing news, the evidence many been that Roman Catholicism as we and lower wages than native ones, there are no formal statistics of
high-energy intellectual thriller, the position and role of women. waiting for that there is nothing know it emerged out of a confu- immigration also “creates demand how many people are left waiting
the Browns have pealed away the These, as much as the feminist spiritual about male supremacy. sion of sources and that for politi- for goods and services produced in line, officials in consulates in
mask that has protected the Cath- movement of the 1970s, threaten It is now, and has only ever been, cal, rather than spiritual, reasons by the host population,” which Budapest, Belgrade and elsewhere
olic Church from prying icono- the foundations of patriarchy in about power. developed a set of rules, called means there is also a larger de- have been caught issuing hundreds
clasts for nearly two centuries. societies the world over. The his- Together, these radical no- doctrines, that, like civil law, were mand for both goods and labor. of unauthorized entry documents
Yes, we all know that they played tory on this point – that women tions are like land mines in the arrived at through negotiation, In other words, immigrants can over several years in exchange for
around with the “facts,” discover- were definitively closed out of the pastures of the Good Shepherd. power struggles and wars of domi- fuel economic growth. cash, resulting in recalls and em-
ing foundations under a cathedral Church’s power structure by the Think of it: The DaVinci Code nation... Studies support this hypoth- barrassment at the Foreign Min-
that aren’t there, inventing an aca- reign of Constantine in the 4th reveals the Church to be fallible, …whose winner got to write esis. In recent EU competitive- istry. Sometimes the reality is best
demic discipline that doesn’t exist. Century – is not contested. a flawed, evolving human insti- the history. ness rankings, for example, the revealed by what goes wrong.
4 Politics
NEIGHBORS BY NECCESITY But open societies are not au- and they will stay our neighbors.”
Continued from page 1

Autocrat in Belarus
tomatic, and gains can be lost. On Iran, he urged great cau-
Fischer’s realism has helped In Central Europe, the idea of tion. “All I can say is, I have expe-
make him popular outside of Ger- freedom means a great deal. But rienced [things like this, and the
many, and particularly here in so- the chances are not good that all harm] is not only the suffering of
cialist Vienna. of their newly-built institutions the people, but the damage to the
Winning Soundly, Lukashenko Ended Hopes for Change “Fischer is certainly a per- will succeed without a single gov- spirit of the country”
sonality admired by Austrians,” ernment. “You cannot have a Eu- From a recent gathering of
agreed Karl A. Weilguny, a man- rope that is open and have these American, European and Middle
by Andrey Siletski to obtain 50% of Beltransgas. With Lukashenko ignoring agement consultant in Vienna countries closed off,” he said. “We Eastern leaders in Washington
As the smoke of public dis- However, uncomfortable with the warnings, the E.U. Council of who had come simply out of in- cannot live under two different D.C., Fischer had left convinced
sent and revolutionary temper the practical takeover of essential Foreign Ministers on Apr. 10 de- terest to hear this important, if principles.” that “we must combine moderni-
settled on October Square in the national economic resources, Lu- clared Lukashenko and 30 mem- often controversial leader. By extension, Fischer sees zation with an Islamic govern-
center of Minsk, ardent support- kashenko demanded harsh terms bers of his government persona Joschka Fischer was a “ ‘68er,” an open Europe dependent on ment” – an opinion he expected
ers of Alexander Lukashenko were that had left Russian authorities non grata, restricting their pres- part of the German student protest the success and stability of all of to be unpopular. Yet how quickly
celebrating the re-election of their resentful. ence in any of the 25 European movement against and a left-wing its neighboring countries. In the this could happen was very prob-
president for the third term. Win- Referring to international member states. labor organizer at the automobile East, he sees a “cultural decision” lematic. Even Turkey, far more
ning an overwhelming majority market prices, Lukashenko esti- The list of top officials, factory where he worked. How- to make, to bring the New Inde- modern than many of its neigh-
of votes, Lukashenko successfully mated the cost of Beltransgas to banned from traveling to Europe, ever left-wing terrorist attacks by pendent States under the Euro- bors, he expects, will be hard
dismantled Europe’s last hope for be at least $5bln, while Moscow included senior members of the the Red Army Faction pressed to meet EU stand-
change in Belarus, vainly strug- tagged its price at only $700 mil- presidential administration, top (RAF) during the 1977 ards within the 10-year goal
gling for democratic elections and lion.
freedom of speech. Nevertheless, since the early
officials of the KGB, or Commit-
tee of National Security, which still
Deutscher Herbst (Ger-
man Autumn) caused him
‘I have the set for membership.
However, he did not see
Scheduled for Mar. 31, the 1990’s, Russia has been enjoying bears its name from the Soviet Era, to abandon violence as a impression that how Turkey – the southern
presidential inauguration was privileged transit prices on gas election supervisors, judges, and a tool for change, and turn most member of NATO
postponed for twenty days, dur- and its export to Western Europe. prosecutor involved in processing to the new Green Party. the better things “ensuring our security
ing which Lukashenko unexpect- Currently, it pays $0.75/tcm per cases against opposition members, Today, Fischer de- against the USSR” – could
edly disappeared according to scribes himself as “the last get and the more be kept out.
from the nation- the Interna- of the live Rock-and-Roll- “If we close the door,
al media, raising tional Herald ers of German politics,”
we overcome the where will we be?” he
the speculation Tribune. in the era of “the Play- ghosts of the past, asked. “We will have a Tur-
of his dete- Praising back-Generation.” key full of disappointment,
riorating health Europe’s ac- He is puzzled by the the less popular with a Russia standing by.”
among opposi- tion, presiden- political mood he sees to- Whether modernization
tion activists. In tial candidate day, as seen in the French Europe is with will happen in these coun-
reality, however, Alexander “non” and the Dutch tries is, then, the decisive
L u k a s h e n k o’s Milinkevich, “nee” to the EU Consti-
the young’ question for Europe, with
orchestrated tri- also leader of tution. Although the Eu- decisions based on the con-
umph was over- the Belorus- ropean standard of living sequences.
shadowed by a sian United keeps rising, the idea of Europe pean umbrella. For while Russia “But decide we must,”
series of unfortu- Democratic appears to becoming less and less has European roots, it is “so huge Fischer said. “Because when Af-
nate events. Forces, called popular. it has its own character” that must rica begins to export its problems,
Courtesy of the Associated Press

Immediately the sanctions “I have the impression that not be allowed to influence East- the Mediterranean will not be
after his victory “one of the the better things get and the more ern Europe. wide enough, walls will not be
on Mar. 19, Lu- most effective we overcome the ghosts of the Bigger challenges await in the high enough, to protect us from
kashenko re- measures that past, the less popular it is with Middle East, also “our immediate all this.”
ceived an urgent the European the young,” Fischer said, “—how neighbor.” he said.
note from Mos- Pa r l i a m e n t much the EU Expansion means, “Globalization means that The Jan Patocka Memorial Lec-
cow, in which and the Eu- and yet how unpopular it is.” we have to care for our neighbors tures are in honor of the Czech phi-
Russian authori- ropean Com- This is the paradox of EU – not (just) militarily, but with losopher, who though banned from
ties declared a mission have,” ambivalence, that the success of chances for development. We have teaching and publishing under com-
sharp increase in according to transformation carries within it to invest not primarily financially munist Czechoslovakia, became an
Alexander Lukashenko won the presidency by a huge margin
gas prices to Eu- Belorussian the seeds of forgetfulness and the – although that when necessary intellectual and moral leader of the
ropean export rates. one hundred kilometers through news agency Belaplan on April dangers of complacency. In 1989 – but with opportunity.” Czech underground.With poet-presi-
Russian gas would be sup- Beltransgas pipelines, a ridiculous- 10. Berlin was still divided. “To overcome a moderniza- dent Vaclav Havel and others, Pa-
plied at prices “equivalent to Eu- ly low charge that Belarus grants Meanwhile, there is growing “We had the luck to break tion blockade – this is our special tocka was also a signer of the Charter
ropean levels,” announced Alexei its neighbor for both political and concern that Lukashenko’s gov- this control,” he remembered. “I challenge – without coming to 77 defense of human rights.
Miller, head of Russian gas giant economic support, according to ernment, labeled by the E.U. the thought so often during those ne- any military conflict.” The series has included finan-
Gazprom on Mar. 30, to $270 per Interfax on Mar. 7. “last remaining dictatorship” in gotiations, ‘You won’t be able to In relation to the US invasion cier and philanthropist George Soros,
thousand cubic meters (tcm) in Thus, Russian vindictive- the West, may be confronted with hold out, to find a solution to all of Iraq, he seemed to make a dis- distinguished Middle East scholar
2007, from the current $46.99/ ness is nothing less than a note of a new kind of resistance that no these different issues. tinction between US government Edward Said, former U.S. Na-
tcm, according to a report in the warning that may have irreversible security apparatus will be able to During the Cold War, Germa- policy and the American people. tional Security Advisor Zbigniew
Financial Times the next day. consequences for Lukashenko. contain. ny had the greatest U.S. military “Most Americans would not Brzezinski, Polish Nobel Prize win-
Energy Minister Alexander By accepting Russian terms A series of blasts that shook presence in Europe and a budget have done that,” he said. “But we ning novelist Czeslaw Milosz, and
Ageev was bewildered. Prospects of ownership, Beltransgas will the city of Vitebsk in the north- growing every year. In 1989 this all have to deal with the conse- Austrian writer and human rights
of skyrocketing gas prices were become a powerful political and east of Belarus last year suggest a disappeared overnight.” quences. These are our neighbors, activist Eli Wiesel.
causing panic in official Minsk. economic tool in hands of Krem- shocking pattern that could devel-
The Belorussian president’s un- lin authorities, while Lukashenko op if the current political scenario
disguised confidence quickly will most likely see the demise of persists.
changed to uncertainty and even his power and the gradual take Troubled by predictions of in-
despair. over of Belorussian sovereignty. creasing unrest, Lukashenko was a
He realized that his widely The twilight of Lukashenko’s changed man when he reappeared
heralded success in the elections presidency has been further accel- before the public after his twenty-
was largely due to perceived eco- erated by EU diplomatic sanctions day absence. He appeared pale
nomic stability and promises of protesting the allegedly fraudulent and sullen on television, stand-
increasing social welfare benefits. elections in Belarus, a true mile- ing most of the time with his fists
Aware of Russia’s vindictive re- stone for Europe. clenched.
sponse to complaints by Ukraine Speaking on behalf of the There were noticeable bags
and Moldova of soaring gas pric- European Union on March 24 in under his eyes, even at the eu-
es, which had led to a brief cut in Brussels, Austrian Foreign Minis- phoric announcement by the head
supply of natural gas in January, ter Ursula Plassnik announced the of the Central Election Commis-
Lukashenko realized that he is not decision to take restrictive meas- sion, Lydia Ermoshina that “people
in the position to bargain. ures, including a ban on travel made this decision in free, fair and
The surprise was Russia’s for Lukashenko and other top democratic elections,” according to
drastic policy reversal, which now Belarus officials, to “express our the Moscow-based Kommersant.
threatened to remove Lukashenko misgivings about the violations of Lukashenko seemed to sense
from power. Apparently, he was international electoral standards,” the growing resentment – of politi-
paying for the unsettled dispute according to a report in the Associ- cal isolation from Europe and eco-
over privatization of Belorussian ated Press on March 24. Plassnik nomic pressure from Russia, of his
state-owned Beltransgas, a gas dis- also called on Belorussian presi- political status as the dictator and
tributor that controls 6,742 km of dent to stop violent persecution oppressor of freedom and democ-
pipelines and transports devalued of protesters, after police forces racy. Finally, it was resentment of
Russian gas to Europe. stormed an opposition tent camp his unwelcome presidency that will
In May 2003, Gazprom held in the center of Minsk and arrested bring the last autocratic govern-
official negotiations with Minsk more than 200 demonstrators. ment in Europe to its end.
Politics 5

Still in Hiding
Serbia’s Ties to the EU Hang on Delivering Karadzic and Mladic
by Duska Gonja their territory. But the truth was, Carla Del Ponte, remains com-
The April 30 deadline has that most of the time, they didn’t mitted to their capture and has

Courtesy of Romano Prodi’s Website

come and gone, and Serbia’s know whether he was or wasn’t. promised to expose those who
leading war criminals are still at Radovan Karadzic has been have been blocking the arrest of
large. Accused of genocide, the somewhat harder to track down, Karadzic and Mladic, as an es-
two former Bosnian-Serb leaders, as very little evidence of his move- sential step for establishing EU
Ratko Mladic and Radovan Kara- ments has emerged since he disap- standards for human rights.
dzic have been on the top of the peared from his former wartime The deadline expired on
Hague’s “most wanted” list since headquarters in the Bosnian-Serb April 30, and the European Un-
the capture of former president stronghold of Pale. ion has called off talks on closer
Slobodan Milosevic in 2001. For Most recent intelligence re- ties with Serbia because of its fail-
more than a decade, the two had ports suggest Karadzic has been ure to arrest war crimes suspect
managed to evade arrest. living in the remote mountains of Mladic. Olli Rehn said he was dis-
With failure of Serbia & Mon- North-western Montenegro, not appointed that Belgrade had not
Prime Minister-elect, Prodi: How could the predictions, pre-election and exit polls be so wrong? tenegro’s Prime Minister Vojislav far from his hometown of Niksic. detained Mladic.
Kostunica to hand over either one International peacekeepers cannot Rehn said he had discussed

In Italy, No Clear Winner

as agreed, the European Union act there, as the area is part of Ser- the situation with Carla del Ponte,
Commissioner for Enlargement bia and Montenegro. who said Serbia had let the tribu-
Olli Rehn has suspended talks on Unlike Mladic, Karadzic is nal down.
closer ties with Belgrade, prompt- not believed to be protected by “Her assessment is negative,”
ing the resignation of Serbian military structures, but rather by he said. “I must say that it is dis-
If You Look Inside the Political Scene, There is Chaos Deputy Prime Minister Miroljub devoted followers. Peacekeepers appointing that Belgrade has been
Labus, head of the county’s nego- have carried out a number of ar- unable to locate, arrest and transfer
by Endri Fuga of the election, Berlusconi will the shares of the Italian audience tiating team. rest attempts that resulted in fail- Ratko Mladic to The Hague.
The Italian elections are over. try in the coming weeks to form watching his channels. By doing Radovan Karadzic, the former ure. Some believe that much of “The Commission has there-
The outcome is a divided country a parliamentary commission that, so, his political advertisements political leader and his military the information about Karadzic fore to call off the negotiations on
without a clear winner or a clear according to him, “will investigate would influence more and more commander Ratko Mladic have is actually disinformation put out the stabilization and association
loser. the numerous irregularities.” Italian voters. managed to exploit not only their by his followers. agreement.”
Romano Prodi, after having But the question most of A.C. Milan, one of the top in- hero status among many Serbs Circumstances have been al- Del Ponte said: “The obvi-
the Italians are asking themselves ternational football clubs, owned but also the remote, inaccessible tered recently, however, in ways ous conclusion I can draw is that I
NEWS ANALYSIS these days is: “How could the by Berlusconi as well, was part of mountains and valleys was misled when I was
predictions, pre-election polls, as the trick. As soon as the football where they are believed told at the end of
led the European Commission for well as exit polls, turn out to be club made it to the semifinals of to have spent much of March that the ar-
nearly five years, managed to be so wrong”? the Champion’s League, Berlus- their time hiding. rest of Mladic was
back on top of Italian politics and Yes, in Italy everyone had pre- coni was proclaimed by his media In 2004, docu- a matter of days or
will be heading the government dicted the victory of the left, but as “a man who leads only to vic- ments prepared by weeks.”
for the second time in the last not by this tiny margin. All polls tory.” Not a bad move consider- western diplomats sug- Ko s t u n i c a ,
10 years since 1996-1998. Silvio and surveys had shown Prodi at ing the strong relation of Italians gested that Mladic was who had promised
Berlusconi, will have to step down least 5-8 points ahead of Berlus- to football. still enjoying the pro- that Mladic would
as Italian Prime Minister, but will coni. The overall opinion was that Furthermore, Berlusconi had tection of the Bosnian be located, arrested
be remembered as the only head Berlusconi’s government had not studied the Italian electorate quite Serb military. The EU and transferred
of the Italian government able to achieved much. The economy well. He knew that the left coali- peacekeepers in Bos- to the Tribunal,

Courtesy of CNN
govern for a full four-year term. was stuck and taxes had not been tion, successor of the Communist nia opened up a secret said everything
But if you take a look inside lowered as promised. More to the Party, had very strong roots with Bosnian-Serb under- had been done to
the Italian political scene, there is point, the leader of the right and older people, the unions and the ground military com- try to bring in the
chaos. The center left coalition led richest man of Italy had himself poor. Berlusconi understood that plex near the town of fugitive. He said
by Prodi was able to win only by a been accused of tax evasion, of leftist voters were a very rigid Han Pijesak, where it Mladic was “alone”
Serbia’s Former General Ratko Mladic
remarkably thin margin of 24,000 controlling the media and accu- group of people that had voted in was claimed that Mladic on the run since the gov-
votes, meaning only 0.1 percent of mulating too much power into his every past election for the left and had been as recently as July 2004. that have made the arrest of either ernment had cracked down on his
the overall vote. Although many own hands. And according to the would continue to do so. However, a NATO-led operation man more likely in Serbia. support network.
believe the center-left coalition the polls, there was a clear majority of That is why he decided to ap- at the time failed to find him. One is that the Serbian gov- “His entire network has been
Union (L’Unione) is strong and Italians who were against Italy’s peal to the undecided voters. It It was also revealed that ernment has changed its attitude uncovered; Mladic is now hiding all
united, there are already a couple involvement in the war in Iraq. was in Bersluconi’s favor to have Mladic was still an official mem- and now is co-operating with The alone,” Kostunica said. Serbia was
of small leftist parties that have Most of the foreign newspa- as many people as possible partici- ber of the Bosnian-Serb military Hague Tribunal. hoping to reach a new deal with the
started asking for more represen- pers as well as almost all the Ital- pate in elections. Only by having as recently as 2002 and was still A video showing killings of EU by July to take its first step on
tation in the new government that ian dailies not owned by Berlus- a large number of those that were receiving a military pension. Srebrenica captives shocked many the road to eventual membership.
is yet to be formed. coni had clearly positioned them- undecided or had not voted in the Although he is originally Serbs who, up until now, had All other countries in the Balkans,
A new election law that came selves in favor of Prodi and the past, could the right narrow the from Bosnia, however, there are simply not believed a massacre of except Bosnia, already have such
into force only a couple of weeks left. The Economist’s front page disadvantage and maybe win the strong rumors that his real sup- 8,000 Muslims had actually taken stabilization and association agree-
prior to the elections favors the headline on the election day was: elections. port comes from Serbia. Leading place in Srebrenica in 1995. With ments, providing for closer political
Union in the lower house, the “Berlusconi, Basta! (Berlusconi, Finally, one must never forget Serb politicians have admitted for less sentiment on Mladic’s side, and economic ties with the EU.
Chamber of Deputies, where Enough!)” that in Italy anything can happen. some time that democratic con- Serbian Prime Minister Vojislav But Del Ponte has already
they hold a comfortable majority Nevertheless, the Union won This is a very curious thing about trol over every aspect of and part Kostunica pledged to hand over called for the EU to take a tough
of more than 60 votes. But when elections by only 0.1 percent of Italians; most of them do not be- of the Serbian security structures Mladic by the end of April. stance on Belgrade and Rehn said
it comes to the Senate, the lead the votes. Berlusconi’s party, Forza lieve in the state, rather they tend has been little more than wish- And in the background, the that the next round of talks, set for
narrows down to only two votes. Italia, ranked first among the po- to believe in the person. And from ful thinking. Serbian politicians irrepressible figure of the UN’s 11 May, could be called off unless
Knowing that the Italian constitu- litical parties, leaving the biggest this perspective, Berlusconi has have always denied Mladic was in Chief Prosecutor at The Hague, Mladic is arrested.
tion allows perfect bicameralism, leftist party, Democrats of the always appeared in their eyes as
Prodi will have a tough task get- Left, more than 8 points behind. a successful entrepreneur. More
ting his program through the Sen- How can this all be explained? than a vote between the Italian
ate. More to the point, the Italian As a start, Berlusconi had right and the left, as in the last
Senate has seven lifelong mem- more media support on his side elections in the United States,
bers, who are all respected senior throughout the weeks of the elec- Italians voted in favor or against
politicians, but at the same time toral campaign. One of the biggest Berlusconi. And although most of
unpredictable, when it comes to daily newspapers as well as three his critics accused him of not hav-
casting their votes. national private TV channels, all ing done enough for the Italian
The situation isn’t much better owned by Berlusconi, obviously economy, North Italy, the most
in the other camp. Berlusconi and played his game. According to industrialized part of the country,
his House of Liberties Coalition a study published by the Italian still voted for him.
(Casa delle Liberta) are having a Institute of Media Monitoring, Even after the elections it is
difficult time accepting defeat. In- investments in Berlusconi’s three hard to tell who the real winner
deed, Berlusconi has made it clear national private TV channels had in Italy is. It is hard to predict
that he will ask for a recounting increased by 15% during the final what will happen in the coming
of the votes because of the many month of elections. months. But one thing is for sure:
irregularities that, according to Recently released movies, Prodi will form the new govern-
his party, occurred. Although the soap operas and serials were being ment of the left, while Berlusconi
courts have given their final deci- televised by Mediaset, Berlusconi’s will not be Prime Minister any-
sion and have validated the results media group, in order to increase more – at least for the time being.
6 Politics
NO SMOKING GUN ernment announced that, along Bookstore. “This would have no
cent) unemployment rate among Continued from page 1 with having enriched Uranium, impact,” Schulte said, though shied
young people. The need for more controversy and capable of it was also building a complex of away from any further comment on
flexibility in hiring seems obvi- smoothly incorporating pointed 3000 centrifuges to be operational what appeared to be a diplomatic
ous in the wake of last year’s riots challenges into his argument. by March 2007. According to taboo.
in poor, largely Arab suburbs of “I just want you to know that Schulte, such a large number of The US has joined with the
Paris, where joblessness runs far in light of yesterday’s important centrifuges of this kind can spin UN in calling for a Weapons of
higher. announcements [that Iran has en- enough uranium to make nuclear Mass Destruction-free zone in the
Many of the protesters did not riched uranium for the first time], weapons within a year. Middle East “In order to achieve
seem to have much to do with the I have asked my assistant to clear Most experts disagree with this this, countries need to feel free and
law proposed by the French gov- my schedule except for Webster number however. A report pub- safe,” he said. “Israel and Palestine
ernment. Those affected were stu- University. In fact, I worked on lished by the Institute for Strate- need peace and Iran is the biggest
dents who had just finished Uni- a schedule with President Ahmed- gic Studies in London states that, opponent to this.”
versity but who were without out inejad personally so that I could if Iran wanted to, it would take a The Arab League, a council
connections or recourses to enter come here,” Schulte said, speak- minimum of 3 and could take as consisting of political leaders in
the job market. For instance, the ing in a clear, succinct and some- long as 15 years to produce nuclear the Middle East, has also recently
Courtesy of The Associated Press

marchers were not poor. Besides what informal manner. weapons. called for such a WMD-free zone,
union members, those leading Iran has been developing a nu- It is with this in mind that the Gulf Daily News reported in
the protests were politically active clear program since the 1950’s and Schulte says that tough, multilat- late April, and as reported by the
high school and university stu- has been party to the NPT since eral diplomatic aims are in order BBC, Iranian Supreme Leader Ali
dents, often with clear objectives, 1970. Members of the NPT are to “reinforce IAEA authority and Khamenei has issued a fatwa forbid-
pre-set political goals. obliged to refrain from producing demonstrate to Teheran that they ding the production, stockpiling, or
One could argue, of course, nuclear weapons, though they may are isolating themselves.” The goal, use of nuclear weapons.
that solidarity was a value shared develop nuclear technologies for he maintains, is to convince the Ira- When asked what evidence
by most of the revolutionaries, peaceful means such as energy pro- nian leadership to “step off the path there was for the possibility of Iran’s
thus anybody was justified in par- duction. of confrontation and choose coop- nuclear ambitions being anything
ticipating in the protests. True, Iran’s recent announcement eration.” other than peaceful, Schulte re-
but in this case those who had of a uranium enrichment program The questioning began with ferred the audience to the IAEA’s
Privileged protesters forced the Prime Minister to back down little to do with the issue directly has faced severe criticisms from the WUV director Dr. Arthur. website ( The nu-
outnumbered those affected by it. international community. Because “I know this may be a naïve clear program had proven links to

French Riots Slogans against the prime minister

and the French government were
far more visible than those against
the proposed law.
its program was kept hidden for 18
years, the international community
continues to be mistrustful of its true
question,” Dr. Hirsch began, “but
why shouldn’t Iran have nuclear
weapons?” The disarming simplic-
ity brought smiles to spread on the
the Iranian military, he said, and to
the Shahab missile program.
Iran having a nuclear program
makes no economic sense, Schulte
A Sign of Failiure of the Economic Elites Perhaps the British, Germans There has, however, been no faces of several students. Sometimes continued. However Iranian lead-
and Americans have accepted too conclusive evidence that Iran is striv- the obvious needs to be asked. ers maintain that in the face of
by Endri Fuga what France will need to do soon- easily the job insecurities, falling ing to obtain nuclear weapons, and Schulte’s answer was simple: dwindling oil supplies, it requires
As Alexis de Tocqueville wrote er or later. wages and vanishing pensions that in fact the Uranium it has enriched “Nukes are something we want to nuclear energy as a source of cheap-
more than 200 years ago, “the The first signs of the French globalization has brought. And is only 3.5% pure, not clean enough reduce and eliminate [around the er and cleaner energy.
French constitute the most bril- revolutionary spirit were visible perhaps Prime Minister Domin- to be used in weapons. Many students seemed dissatis-
liant but also the most dangerous two years ago when France voted ique de Villepin did a poor job of Despite heavy international fied with Schulte’s answers.
nation in Europe. They are the down the European Constitution, selling his package, causing politi- pressure, Iran’s government main- “He was a pure diplomat,” An-
best qualified, to become in turn and then, a year later, when the cal setbacks. tains that it has the right to en- “Iran’s drey Siletski said after Schulte left.
an object of admiration, hatred, French government did not allow Deep inside, it’s hard to be- rich uranium for what it states “He really didn’t say anything.”
pity or terror – but never indif- the fusion of a private French gas lieve that a job with a two-year are peaceful purposes. As a reaction has Concluding, Schulte
ference.” company with an Italian energy trial, possibly leading to per- result, Iran was referred to said: “It is important that

concern. The second raised many
doubts as to whether the French
manent employment could be
worse than the short-term jobs
the United Nations Security
Council by the IAEA board
been defiant dialogue continue. Ameri-
cans can be impatient;

He was right then, and recent

– both people and government
– were ready to accept the con-
available today.
International Herald Trib-
of governors last February,
by a vote of 27 to 3.
and in disregard they want things done
right away. Sometimes we
events in France have proved him
right again, even now, in more
sequences of a unique economic
market within the European Un-
une columnist William Pfaff de-
scribed the situation in late April
Schulte, who is in di-
rect contact with the Iranian
of the people of forget cultural barriers. It’s
important that all involved
modern times. But today it is
sad to watch France pretend that
ion, or in a broader concept, the
idea of globalization.
as “…a failure of the French
political and economic elites to
delegation and President Ah-
medinejad, says he is working
the Islamic discuss their concerns.” He
described two options that
the world has not changed, that a
globalized economy is an illusion,
The recent proposal put for-
ward by the French Prime Min-
confront the demands of the glo-
balized economy.”
together with the IAEA board
of governors to “find a diplomat-
Republic” he sees for Iran—either fol-
lowing the current course to
that the republic can still afford ister Dominique de Villepin, a French society, he argued, ic solution.” increasing isolation from the in-
the same generous level of job proposal to encourage the hiring is hiding behind an unrealistic “Iran’s reaction has been defiant ternational world, or to comply
security and social protection for of workers under 26 by allowing notion, a “French social model” and in disregard of the people of the with the EU’s demands to end its
young workers as for past genera- employers to dismiss them during that no longer has a place in the Islamic Republic,” he said, making world]. I r a n uranium enrichment program.
tions. It cannot, and by listening their first two years on the job, modern world. And while the his case that if the government of presents a danger because its lead- Where non-diplomatic op-
to the young protesters, President was a minimal first step toward world changes, France cannot Iran truly cared about its people, ership denies the holocaust and has tions to the solution of these
Jacques Chirac has only delayed attacking a troubling (23 per- stay the same. it would pursue ways to deal with stated that it wants to wipe Israel off problems are concerned, the am-
problems such as unemployment the map. It is also the largest state bassador was quick to deny that
NUCLEAR IRAN As a member of the NPT, Iran Iran has never officially ad- and energy distribution in a way sponsor of terrorism, and is actively the US intended to make strategic
Continued from page 1 has an obligation to report on all mitted its desire to create a bomb, that does not ostracize it from the trying to block middle east peace.” military strikes within Iran. “We
The uranium was traced in of its nuclear activities, permitted however, Ahmedinejad’s sugges- international community. In ad- Would conducting inspec- do not want to go to war over
an earlier investigation to Dr. Ab- only for civilian purposes. There- tion of “wiping Israel off the map” dition, he stated that, due to its oil tions on Israel’s weapons program this,” he stated, later adding, “We
dul Qadeer Khan, the Pakistani fore, by not reporting for since and resuming uranium enrich- and gas reserves, Iran does not need be a sound diplomatic approach, are looking for a diplomatic solu-
citizen who worked for years in 1987, Iran was in violation of the ment had induced further concern nuclear power. asked Benjamin Fasching-Gray, tion. I don’t think I can be any
the Uranium enrichment facil- treaty. within the International Com- On April 11, the Iranian gov- manager of the Webster University more clear than that.”
ity at Almelo in the Netherlands, “The Iranians have simply munity. During the EU summit
returned to Pakistan to create the gone by not telling the Agency for at Hampton Court, in October bers, and three unofficial ones – We have the bomb,’ nobody did publicly advocating diplomacy in
bomb, becoming a national hero. 18 years what they have done, or 2005, UK Prime Minister Tony “India, Pakistan and Israel.” Israel anything against them.” order to stop Iran from pursuing a
In 2004, Dr. Khan confessed to even what they have not done,” Blair asserted: “if they (Iran) con- has never officially commented on Following all these recent nuclear weapon, … has intensified
operating an international black Evrensel said. “Therefore, last tinue down this path, then people its nuclear program, as it is not a developments, the International planning for a possible major air at-
market in nuclear weapons mate- September the Board of Gov- are going to believe they are a real signatory of the NPT, and is not Community appears increasingly tack” within the Pentagon.
rial, according to IAEA Press and ernors found that Iran stood in threat to our world security and usually included on lists of this frustrated about the (un)diplomatic Dr. Kneissl doubts this will oc-
Public Information Officers Peter non-compliance with its NPT stability.” kind. North Korea, which has ac- paths Iran is pursuing. Opinions cur. “In our current context of the
Rickwood and Ayhan Evrensel, in obligations.” The Board of Gov- There is no real evidence that knowledged possession of nuclear remain open as to whether Interna- very, very bad situation between the
March. ernors reported the Iranian case Iran is developing a nuclear bomb. weapons, was not mentioned. In tional Community will persist on Islamic world and the West,” she
The investigation is still ex- to the UN Security Council on However, suspicion is still strong the context of the Israeli-Iranian the diplomatic course, or whether it insisted “we will not see the UN
ploring whether Iran was one of March 29. that Iran may be interested in the diplomatic conflict a mention of will decide to apply hard power. Security Council resolution lead-
his customers. “When Pakistan This newest report has par- nuclear bomb for simple reasons Israel as a nuclear power could ex- “The U.S. goal remains to be ing to some sort of sanction or even
sold material to Libya, it was sold ticular significance in light of the of security among its neighbors, plain Iran’s possible desire to pre- diplomacy,” according to Perma- Chapter VII operation, in terms of
to 30 countries, including Spain, May 5 Security Council meeting, as deployment of nuclear weapons serve its security. nent Representative to the IAEA and a military strike against Iran.”
Lichtenstein, Turkey, Poland, US, which will discuss possible puni- would mean a return to the threat Dr. Karin Kneissl, a Middle UN Vienna, Gregory L. Schulte, Such a resolution can only pass
etc.,” Evrensel said. Tensions have tive actions for Iranian refusal to of mutually assured destruction East expert and Webster Vienna who stressed that the United States if all of the five permanent members
been growing since 2003, when fully cooperate with the IAEA. between US and Soviet Union professor of International Rela- has “no incentive to go to Iran.” to the Security Council agree not to
the IAEA Board of Governors “The Iranian nation won’t during the Cold War. tions, draws a parallel to the case Nevertheless, Pulitzer-prize win- use the veto power, and Dr. Kneissl
discovered Iran had long been give a damn about such useless “Countries enjoy security be- of North Korea, a country that ning journalist Seymour M. Hersh, does not see Russians or Chinese
operating a secret nuclear devel- resolutions,” stated the Iranian cause they have nuclear weapons,” has also acquired nuclear weapons writing in the April 8 edition of agreeing to that.
opment program, and was thus in president Ahmedinejad, on the Rickwood explained, citing the for purposes of security: “While The New Yorker magazine, claimed Besides, she proceeded, “Who
violation of the Non Proliferation same day the report was sent to five official nuclear powers – per- North Koreans were shouting to have found the evidence of how has got the guts, who has got the
Treaty Safeguards. the Security Council. manent Security Council mem- from the top of the roofs ‘Hello! “the Bush Administration, while stamina to attack Iran?”
University News 7

Education Lost & Found

At the University of New Orleans, People Make Huge Sacrifices
by Günter Bischoff this week and the regular spring members will be laid off (65 on
The news about the future of term on January 30, 2006. Apart the uptown campus, the rest from
education in New Orleans contin- from the 6-week post-Katrina the downtown medical school).
ues to be mixed – despair is set- hiatus, UNO was never closed! President Cowan somewhat mis-
ting in here too, but there are also No faculty or staff have been laid leadingly called it the biggest “rein-
actions that give hope. Over 100 off, if they registered and kept vention” of an American university
of badly performing New Orleans checking with the university in in a century. Flooded Xavier Uni-
public schools (now taken over the course of this fall; if sufficient versity, so admirable led by Nor-
by the state of Louisiana) are all students come back in the spring, man Francis for the past 38 years,
shut; only one elementary school hopefully none won’t have to be is facing a repair bill of 35 million
is open in the city (= one percent fired. UNO has 6,500 students and was forced to terminate 89 fac-
of public schools). already enrolled for the spring se- ulty members (=36 percent). 2,800
Webster University President Richard Meyers at the podium, giving his best to new graduates
The flagship public high mester and needs 12,000 to even of its 4,000 students enrolled in

Future Uncertain
school Ben Franklin will open the budget (pending 22 million in August have indicated they will
in January as a charter school federal relief money to come). return in January when the cam-
– turned into a charter school With 12,000 enrollments and pus opens again. Both UNO and
like many other public schools the federal aid, no faculty and Xavier will set up trailer colonies
to restart while the dysfunctional staff positions will have to be cut. on their campuses in January to
In Spite of Pressures, Most WUV Students Feel Confident elected School Board continues to Two colleagues in the History De- house faculty and staff that lost
be marred by their usual infight- partment retired a semester earlier their houses in Katrina.
by Andrey Siletski observe the environment and give “Now, as look I back, I realize ing and backbiting, usually divid- than planned. But no stories of Many people are making
and Rita Pollozhani some critical thoughts about the that it was my fault that I haven’t ed along racial lines. colleagues “abandoning the ship” enormous personal sacrifices to
In spite of increasing pressures world that surrounds us.” learned it,” he noted with a deep Ben Franklin will open be- and moving away have come to rebuild New Orleans, in higher
from an increasingly demanding In specific situations, how- sense of resentment. cause the principal and teachers my attention yet, even though education and elsewhere. These
job market, Webster Vienna stu- ever, students were less clear. Clear plans for graduate and parents took matters into one would expect everyone pon- personal commitments will fuel
dents feel on the whole optimis- Austrian companies do not give school were rare, reported by only their own hands (without asking dering his/her options. Former the come back, but we will con-
tic about their futures hoping to hiring preferences to Webster three students. The others were the School Board) and cleaned Presidents Bush and Clinton were tinue to need the nation’s help as
bring their plans to life, accord- degree holders, reported 38% of willing, but had little to no idea of up and rebuilt the first floor of on the UNO Lakefront campus well to achieve full recovery.
ing to a recent survey of student the students. And some suggested where they wanted to go. their badly flooded school. They this week to announce the dis- On Dec. 3 the D-Day Mu-
opinion. And while three quarters Webster was not yet competitive (In this group were also sen- got enormous help from plenty of persals of some 90 million dollars seum opened up again, after the
of seniors had no fixed job at the enough in the Austrian higher iors about to graduate in Spring, volunteers and also UNO. from their “Bush-Clinton Katrina opening of the zoo and “Christ-
time of graduation, the major- education system. Summer or Winter of 2006, and The quiet determination of Fund” raised from private dona- mas in the Oaks” in City Park
ity had a clear direction and were Even though WUV is now most of the application deadlines the University of New Orleans to tions. 35 million will go to higher this past weekend, another ray of
confident they would be able to accredited in Austria, a Webster for Master Programs end before be up and running as quickly as education, 1,5 million to UNO hope of rebuilding/reconstituting
find an opportunity in their cho- Bachelors’ is sometimes chal- the February or May 2006. These possible seems to be the best kept (most Gulf Coast area universities of key institutions defining public
sen field. lenged by the University of Vi- students felt that some kind of secret in town and has not been will receive support). Here too, it and civic life in the city.
“I’m planning to work in the enna as qualification for pursuing support from the Webster fac- reported in the media here. UNO was individual initiative and pri-
field of management after I com- the advanced degrees many stu- ulty and administration as to the reopened classes on Oct. 11 on its vate generosity that brings hope Günter Bischof has been “post-
plete my studies at Webster,” said dents find all important. requirements and timing of these satellite campus in Jefferson par- and relief to New Orleans. Katrina” visiting professor of his-
Business Administration major “I think that obtaining a applications in general would be ish (1,000 students enrolled in Meanwhile, across town Tu- tory at Louisiana State Univer-
Irena Kraljevic with unconcealed Masters degree is essential to con- helpful.) regular classes and 7,000 in on- lane University has announced sity in Baton Rouge during the
excitement. “I am waiting for a temporary highly competitive job So how might Webster Univer- line classes); meanwhile the main major retrenchments in academic fall of 2005 and will return to
positive response from a company market,” said a Business major stu- sity be helpful to its graduating sen- Lakefront campus opened again and athletic programs. Nine ath- the University of New Orleans
in New York, where I could finally dent from Slovakia. “A Bachelors iors? First, students recommended early in December and so did the letic programs will be cut (pre- in January to teach and chair the
apply my skills in practice.” degree is simply not enough.” He thematic workshops, such as those Library; intercession classes begin dictably not football). 230 faculty department of history.
The survey measured opinion was considering continuing his organized by the Career Develop-

Precious Words
in four essential areas: confidence studies at Webster, although. ment Center (CDC), as well as in-
in career choices, experiences in Thus it was not clear why formation sessions about Austrian
the Austrian job market, ambi- these same individuals had shown labor laws for non-Austrian citizens.
tions to continue with higher so much confidence in their Web- Second, information sessions
graduate education, and finally, ster undergraduate degree. Only about alternative systems of higher
recommendations on how Web- 2% thought companies give pref- education, i.e. US vs. British vs. GAO Study: Book Prices Up at Twice the Rate of Inflation
ster could support them better. erences to Webster degree holders, French universities, so that stu-
The survey included forty stu- although only a sixth had so far dents would be able to make more by Sean Delaney for Webster Vienna Student. For deciding factors in making a sale.
dents from all majors, with six- applied for one or more jobs re- informed decisions about their op- Every semester book prices at Ben Fasching-Gray, manager of the Tenured professors usually cre-
teen seniors, twenty juniors and lated to their major, and one had tions for graduate school. Finally, Webster rise another few euros. The Webster Vienna Bookstore, it was a ate their materials, Fasching-Gray
four freshmen. been hired on the second try. help with graduate entrance exams trend is not just at the European management decision. said. However granting only part-
Twenty five percent of seniors Perhaps surprisingly, a full would be very helpful, with support campuses, but has been a trend at “If I buy back a book that goes time status to faculty is an easy way
reported finding a job related to 77.5% had never even applied for from language and math teachers or campuses across the U.S.. out of date, then I am stuck with for institutions to save money. The
their major before graduation, a job related to their major in the advisors for GMAT, GREs or Law So the Government Account- the cost,” he says. Many univer- costs are simply passed on to book
leaving three quarters as yet un- Austrian job market, and only five Boards and university specific exams ability Office (GAO) of the U.S. sity bookstores are owned by large companies, and ultimately on to
committed. A comfortable ma- for an internship, one of whom such as those for Oxford or Cam- Congress decided to look into the chains like Barnes & Noble, and students.
jority of those still without a job was accepted on the first try. It bridge, or the Columbia Graduate matter and has generated a study on for them it is relatively cheap to buy With students spending over
(65%), knew the kind of job or is possible that Webster students School of Journalism. Students also textbook cost increases. What they books back. five billion dollars a year on text-
career they wanted to pursue. rely on personal contacts and suggested workshops where students found was that the cost of textbooks Perhaps Universities should books, the industry has become a
However, this left a third of the other “special arrangements,” as can take sample tests and exercises. has increased at more than twice take a page from Viennese interna- money making giant, and with fre-
interviewed uncertain o their fu- described earlier. Overall students appear gener- the rate of inflation, an average of 6 tional schools a start a loan system. quent revisions, it becomes harder
ture prospects. The question then was why ally satisfied with their studies at percent per year instead of inflation’s Mr. Fasching-Gray supports a sys- to buy used books that are current.
Yet overall, confidence was such a large proportion of stu- Webster. At the same time, they are 2.5% for 2004. Book price inflation tem that would have Universities Publishers, however, must re-
high. Of those who did not have dents feel so negatively about the generally uninformed about their has kept pace with the rate of tuition buy enough books for a few years lease lower-cost books in interna-
a job already, a considerable ma- Austrian job market, when only a possibilities and oddly unmotivated increases, which is about 7%. and would charge a small fee over tional markets to meet standard pric-
jority felt that their Webster un- small faction had any first-hand to address the problem, either from The result is that from 2003 those years to loan out the books es abroad. And for some students in
dergraduate degree would be very experience with it. In follow-up confusion or fear, or because of the to 2004, students in four-year in- each year. Many books change very the U.S., these books have become
advantageous in they job search. interviews, many assumed that if lack of support. stitutions paid an average of $898 little from edition to edition, so an option. But book companies have
Only four students had had any they didn’t speak German profi- “Support from the faculty is a year each for textbooks and sup- only subjects like computers would limited the number of books that are
doubt that their time at Univer- ciently enough and did not have something that our university lacks”, plies, 26% of their tuition and fees. need the latest update of a book. allowed to re-enter the U.S.
sity had been valuably spent. Austrian citizenship, they would confessed Ivana Markovska, a senior It was even worse for first-year stu- The GAO study cites several rea- So maybe more teachers should
“Webster helped shape my have little chance. student from Macedonia. “I think dents in institutions attended by sons for the consistent rise in textbook use handouts; or maybe we don’t
understanding of the world,” said “When I think of Austrian that if students were given a more many low-income students, whose prices: The availability of used books, always need the latest edition. Or
Ruta Kurselyte, Computer Sci- job market, I feel a certain level of transparent picture of employment average cost 3/4 of their total costs demand for textbooks, and rising pro- maybe universities and govern-
ence and Media Communications restraint,” said Mladen Kovacevic, opportunities, the result would have for tuition. In both cases, the study duction costs all affect prices. ments should be required to take a
major, as well as teaching her im- an International Relations student been significantly different. Some- said, textbooks alone represented Quite a bit has been invested in refresher course in Economics 101,
portant skills that she can now ap- from Croatia. “I think that for- times I feel that vital information the overwhelming majority of these supplementary materials for adjunct and remind themselves that educa-
ply in the rapidly changing world: eigners have a hard time finding a simply doesn’t get to students due to non-tuition costs. faculty, the study said. These supple- tion is a Public Good, and that in
“During my studies, I was not job here, especially if they do not organizational failures.” One way that students at most ments are particularly important for just a few years, the students of
aware of how much I was learning, speak the language. Perhaps, there is a certain truth universities keep prices down is by adjuncts whose earn-as-you-go sta- today will be paying the pensions
but now, when I look back, I see “The only solution, I guess, is in this statement. Another question buying used books and selling them tus does not allow them the time to of their parents’, their professors’,
an enormous change in my ability to learn German as soon as pos- is how do we overcome it? back to the book store at the end create their own supplemental ma- and the politicians who ought to
to write stories, to raise questions, sible and try to integrate,” he said. of the year. This is not an option terials. These materials can be the know better.
8 Scenes of Vienna
marionette starring at him while
being held together only by a cou-
ple of strings. He didn’t look too White Roses
Mozart’s look-alike was giving On Every House, Victims Remembered
directions to a young Australian
couple when I left Stephansplatz By Dardis McNamee cathedral, while thousands looked
to proceed down Kärnternstrasse, Friday May 5th. Walking on. Along the wall, a hand full
perplexed yet also amused at the home along the Hollandstrasse in of enlarged portraits of a few of
sum of nonsense and cultural Vienna’s 2nd District, I was puz- the more famous bore witness yet

courtesy of
clashes one witnessed on a 20 zled to see in nearly every door- again to the depth of the loss.
minute walk. way a handful of delicate white The names on the tags had
I decided for myself that I roses. Sometimes they were at the been written out by hundreds,
liked the variety of guests for side of the stoop, sometimes along maybe thousands, of middle
bringing color and diversity to the the window ledge beside it. school children, a massive under-
picture; and lets not forget their They were young roses, only taking of thought and coordina-
economic contributions to the partly open, in white somehow tion. That day the children were
city whilst they are here. more fragile. At first I thought… let out of school, to walk through
It did however make me won- But who would abandon such the streets of their neighborhoods,
der how Vienna, a city that so ve- lovely flow- delivering
hemently denied foreigners could ers? the tagged
They have a dance, the tourists and the Viennese, each aware of the other yet never holding on to tight.
stand a tourist invasion like the It was flowers, to
one I witnessed. a warm the build-

The Tourist Ballet I had to picture the grumpy

elderly of Vienna going up walls
and choking on their melange
cut flowers

wilt quickly
ings that
had once
been other
On Stephansplatz: A Potpourri of Languages and Maps while witnessing the lack of ap- without wa- p e o p l e ’s
preciation that I find normal com- ter, unpro- homes.
By Paul Krauskopf with me. I escaped “ehrot-en- places as their glasses, hair, wrist ing from tourism. tected. I
Walking my 20 minutes turm-ehstrasse” unharmed just to and even ears! Maybe we are in a time where T h e y picked
home through the first district walk right into the next danger But this group stood out certain diffusion takes place; tour- were tied one up
last turned into a neck-tourning zone: a bunch of drunk British more than anything because they ists invade, Viennese make way with stream- and read
tourist safari. I could not believe guys. had all surrounded a single square and hide. They have a dance, the ers, and I had the tag:
the amount of tourists that were Please remember, this was a meter on the “Stephansplatz” for tourists and the Viennese, each the fleeting On one
paving the streets in and around Saturday afternoon, about 3 p.m. no apparent reason; aware of the other yet never hold- thought they side, was
Stephansplatz. A potpourri of lan- I began to wonder; not so Only by blending in and ing on to tight. might be printed
guages and city maps awaited my much why they were already progressing your way through While Europe is Vienna’s left from a bridesmaid’s bouquet, the memorial:
still sleepy eyes. drunk at 3 p.m., but much more, the uniform crowd could you see guest in these beautiful months of or someone’s table decorations, “More that 80,000 Austrians
While I walked the first ques- where had they been able to raise and hear a puppeteer dangling his summer, Viennese retire to hold tossed aside with festive abandon. were murdered under the Na-
tion arose: where in the world to get this smashed in the middle marionette. He had picked out a their summers rest until the tur- But no; they were single stems; tional Socialist Regime,” it read.
have all these Italians been for the of the day? As I walked passed little Japanese infant, had sat him moil is over. no arrangements, no settings. And “On the 5th of May, we are taking
last couple of weeks? What are the them I picked up a sentence; one in front of his little fake piano and Just wait until the snow then I remembered. 80,000 white roses inscribed with
odds of hundreds of Italians book- of the drunken young lads felt it created an impromptu stage play comes, the icy wind returns that It was a day of commemora- the names of the victims to the ad-
ing Rome -Vienna all on the 25th was time to board a fiaker in or- in which the marionette together blows your hat off or sends you tion for those who had died in the dresses in Austria where these peo-
of March? Although the sky was der to make their way around with the Japanese baby where per- running after your umbrella. Holocaust. On Stephansplatz, in ple lived – as our neighbors – be-
grey and clouds hung low around Vienna quicker. He thought he forming a duet-cover version of That’s when you will see them the company of Austrian survi- fore they were taken away. These
Stephansdom, a warm breeze could declare his destination and the “Eagles” classic “Hotel Cali- emerge, mummified by countless vors, now aging and increasingly are the flowers of memory.”
eased its way through the Gassen the well-trained horses would take fornia”, surrounded by cameras layers of clothing, the cane held frail, 80,000 white roses, tagged On the other, in a round,
and swept over Stephansplatz. him there. that rattled off their flashes as if it in firm grip by the leather glove, with the names of the dead, were childish hand, the name Ernestine
I really couldn’t understand Still grinning at the thought was gunfire. mumbling and uttering how bad brought in buckets and arranged Hilfreich – which means Little Se-
how „Rotenturmstrasse“ had of the four attempting to board The Eastern-European pup- they have it and how much they in a vast meadow at the feet of the rious One; last name: Helpful.
turned into „ehro-ten-turm-es- the fiaker, probably all at once, I peteer was having the time of his hate the snow.
trasse“ within a day, the smell of see a rather familiar assembly at life, the dollar signs revolving in And just sometimes, when
„due expressi“ or a slice of „quat- Stephansplatz. About 250 Japa- his eyes as the Japanese crowd they suspect no ones looking, they
tro formaggi“ oppressing even the
rustic stench of the Fiaker riding
nese tourists, each equipped with
about 4 kg of photo equipment.
laughed and moaned at the pecu-
liar situation.
let their old, icy blue eyes roam
over the harsh emptiness of the Saturday Morning
by. The tour guides where easily iden- I left hoping that one of Stephansplatz, the corners of their
Without wanting to be mean tifiable by red and blue balloons them would soon be identified as mouths will shake and crack as if When Assaulted by Sound, Retreat!
it was shocking as I’m sure you that dangled above their heads, at- the parent of the poor child and awoken after years of Stone Age,
would agree, had you been there tached to them at such interesting take him far away from the brittle and they while actually, smile.
by M.T.M. Childs notonous agony of his persistent
this explanation, I proceeded to ing, and sorting out belongings Many a sleep-in Saturday party techno.
queue up in a somewhat different, from the overhead rack, long be- morning, my deep slumber has It was then when it started.

Germans Airborne German style -- patient and order-

ly, focused on my newspaper.
fore we had even come to a stop.
They pushed and shoved their
been hammered out of existence
by the electronic-music enthusiast
Bzzzzz, kuthunk, Bzzzzzzz. Spring
cleaning…? Or was it a motorcy-
Once on board, I was finally way into the aisle, climbing over across the courtyard. Un-ts, Un- cle from the street…? Now loud-
able to sit down – next to two of me and others, dragging down ts, Un-ts. The never-ending bass er, the high nasal echo of a drill
Miraculously, We all Managed to the possibly glummest tourists their numerous pieces of hand goes pounding on - with fleeting twanging, cutting through the
Disembark Without the Aid of the Police I’ve ever had the pleasure of meet- baggage, depositing them on the pauses for so-called “melodic un- calm of the cooing pigeons and
ing. Faces set, expressions joyless. seat in front. dertones” - and chirping spar-
by Nena Goelz was sadly lacking in the design of I prepared myself for an entertain- “Sure, why not. Go ahead then right back rows.
Roughly one month ago, a Frankfurt International Airport, ing trip. and put your bags on my seat,” to the Un-ts I was back
good friend of mine offered me a veritable rabbit warren of small And sure enough, within snapped the woman who had Un-ts Un-ts. in hell.
the chance to take a break from corridors and passport controls. moments, the complaints began: been sitting there just seconds My head E v e r y
the run-of-the-mill life at Uni- I was lucky to have had a three Their seats were too narrow, the before, sarcasm dripping from her (still throbbing morning since,
versity. The opportunity to go on hours change over and eventually emergency exit was in the way; voice and barely escaped a painful from the sins I have been
holiday to La Palma in the Canary managed to find my gate, where I it was too cold, they couldn’t see encounter with a carry-on bag.. of the night awakened
Islands was one I simply could not waited patiently for the flight to the television – nothing was right “Ok then,” was the reply, fol- before) was promptly at
let pass. board. for these poor afflicted couple. lowed by a series of disgruntled thus relieved eight a.m. by
So, after much effort finding This is where we see the sec- Thankfully with headphones on, huffs and puffs and a couple of two weeks ago, hammering,
a suitable flight to this secluded ond little nuance of occasional I was able to suffocate their whin- warning shots fired by stray el- when I glanced drilling, a clat-
Island, it was finally arranged: A Germanic behavior. Sitting qui- ing with the soothing melodies bows moving around the cramped over to his ter of break-
bit of a round-about way to the etly until we were summoned to of Jack Johnson and Tracy Chap- aircraft. window, one ing glass or the
sun, via Frankfurt on a German board, I started noticing people man. Somehow we all managed to floor below our shrill hum of an
Charter flight, thus setting the beginning to gather around the The coup-de-grace came when disembark without the aid of the kitchen, and electric saw.
scene for what was to be a very desk. The tension mounted situ- it was time to exit the aircraft. police. saw the windows thrown wide In warm weather, I love Vi-
intriguing glimpse into national ation when a member of staff had The pleasant voice of the On reflection, though, I have open and a caterpillar-like exten- enna – so many parks to idle in,
contrasts. the audacity to even shuffle some flight attendant came wafting over to say that I would have been sion arm reaching to a dumpster so many Schanigärten in which
Flying from Munich, I set off papers to rouse the awaiting mass- the loud speaker: “Please remain curious to see them again (very outside. Yes! to enjoy countless hours of
with the usual excitement of go- es, but still the boarding call. seated until the seatbelt lights briefly!) after their restful week of As I started to make coffee, reading, or time with friends.
ing on holiday to the unknown. Eventually it dawned on me have been switched off.” surf and sun, to see if the beauti- I sighed the sigh of a thousand Everyone hits the street when
So far so good – until I arrived in that everyone was most likely just No way my neighbors were ful volcanic landscape of La Palma sleepless mornings, rejuvenated summer comes to Vienna.
Frankfurt. I was shocked to find excited about going on holiday, putting up with that! From their could have soothed the souls of by relief. He was gone, exiled for- Why? Because the Vienna tra-
the usual efficiency one comes to and short on impulse control, inside seats, they were instantly on these unfortunates as it did me. ever by the Hausverwaltung. No dition of fair-weather construction
expect from the German people they couldn’t wait. Pleased with their feet, shaking out their cloth- Somehow, I doubt it. more suffering through that mo- makes being home intolerable.
Scenes of Vienna 9

etc…. Smoke a cigar (outside).

First Day of Spring Spontaneously yell out to anyone

within ear shot that your wife/
friend/significant other is hav-
When the City Warm Up and Wakes Up, ing a baby, boob job etc… And
when all other means have been
The Viennese are Caught Off Guard exhausted, enthusiastically pace
the hallway.
By Sean Delany sipping coffee and nibbling Category II: This is for tragic

Courtesy of Medizinische Universitaat Wien

I walked outside into the on Buttersemel. Stephansplatz occasions, such as accidents, ill-
first truly warm day in Vienna. is again filled with tourists, ness, etc.. Keep quiet, sit still,
It was spring. annoying possibly, but an es- avoid eye contact with all other
The wind that had been sential part of the reawakening tragic-occasion visitors. Focus
sending shivers up my spine, of the city. on surrounding diversions such
only pulsed in soft waves I was greeted by my friend as joyous occasion visitors. Smile
through my hair. It was in fact James. It was a bit of a walk, politely (however nothing overtly
the first day of Spring, and I but I didn’t mind; I could have toothy, remember the occasion).
was on my way out of town to walked miles in this weather. Smoke a cigarette (anywhere - this
hang out with my favorite ex- We were to dine on home is Austria).
tended family. made tacos. As we came around And when in need of a fall
I boarded the S7 to Schwe- the last corner, I picked up the back, think of all of the bad things
chat, heading toward the only smell of the tacos wafting down you’ve ever done in your life to de-
friend that lives more “am Ar- the street. serve this.
sch der Welt” than I do.
It was a lazy afternoon; the
sun was shinning and the tem-
We would be inside, but
with all the windows in the
house opened. That was enough
Bedside Manners But to be honest, I really don’t
know anything about Category
I activities. I have never been to
perature mild. for me. Back in the city, chil- Here has Been “here” Five Times This Month AKH for a birth or an aesthetic
Nearly every person that dren had taken over the parks procedure.
boarded the train had a heavy and people were riding bikes in By Kelsey Baird of air. A mystery to me, because scribable as an anti-smell: an ob- I automatically fall into
coat in hand and a slight all directions. There is a draft. I wrap the there are no windows in the en- ject or place unable to be sensed Category II. And by now, pas-
smile on a winter-weary face I went back to James’ place dead women’s scarf tighter around tire hallway of the AKH Accident by the receptive nerves in the nose sive existence is my thing! I can,
-- though some simply looked to escape all that commotion, to me. I inherited it. It’s plaid and Ward. It “must” be the generally due to it lacking any distinguish- through a concentrated act of
confused. have a beer and relax as the sun it’s ugly, something that you cold nature of the place. I don’t able odors. I wish fondly for the will, inertly whittle away days at
Clearly the Viennese had set. I sat on the window ledge lo would throw around your neck in like it here very much. oily pong of day old Chinese take- a time in this place. My inactivity
been caught off guard. king out over the square below. a hurry on laundry day because it Where I am sitting, have out: just to introduce a little rec- is an anomaly really, because the
Spring is the best time of Children were playing tag was the last clean, warm thing in been sitting, waiting, since last ognizable humanity to the place. AKH has all of the ingredients of
the year in Vienna. It is when and parents were sitting on your closet. night, feels absurd, devoid of any To erase this anti smell in this anti a kid-in-a-candy-store situation.
the city comes back to life. benches, catching up on the I ponder briefly if one can go remnants of joy. room. I sincerely dislike it here. Sure it’s devoid of warmth,
This lumbering giant of gossip they may have missed to hell for criticizing the fashion Which is down right demor- Here, has been “here” five but what other place in the heart
culture and history slowly during the winter. sense of the deceased. There are alizing, considering that this is a times this month. Five times and of Vienna so expertly consoli-
peels away the layers as the But it was still March; I other things to be considered, I place sick people frequent. As if three different reasons (one of dates a supermarket, a hair salon,
grey haze melts under the knew it wouldn’t last. Winter convince myself, like if one volun- the sick need to be protected from which resulted in my acquisition a café, a bank and a church, with-
warmth of the sun. clawed back a few days later. teers or recycles. I promise myself color. Purple might send them into of the scarf.) in 50 meters? Just the thought
Along the sidewalk in front Children were forced back to do both next week. a raging cough, pink, a case of the I am always the visitor, the of it, the sheer Americanism of it
of nearly every café, the gravel inside, tables and tourists would I move one seat over to the bird flu. I envision the tall over- comforter, the powerless. “Nur – everything one could ever need
and salt have been replaced have to wait weeks for the nice left, a solo game of musical chairs, muscled, reception nurse with the zum Besuch,” (“Just visiting”) I placed at your finger tips – is dis-
with bright tables and people weather to return. to escape the invisible current uni-brow violently scouring the say, whenever the nurse inquires arming.
corridor with a vacuum, suck- as to the nature of my presence. I am sitting in a café in a city
ing clean any charm the build- I am an expert visitor. If there was within a city, an entity, entirely
ing might, by default, have had. a handbook on the role of social independent of Vienna.
(A blue stripe there, an ironically conduct in odd life situations the But my enthusiasm to shop or
pleasant shaped crack in the wall section on hospital visiting would style is continually road blocked
here.) If I was engaged in word as- read like this: by a single thought: I am sitting
sociation, blankness would be the Category I: This is for joyous in a world built for beginnings
first thing to pop into my head- occasions, such as births, plastic and endings, the cycle of life ka-
Psychiatrist: “AKH?” surgery, etc.: Jump about so as to leidoscoped over and over, with
Me: “Blankness.” demonstrate enthusiasm, not so the intensity and tasteless routine
But beyond the aesthetic much however that you disturb of a soap opera, and at best it re-
shortfalls, the smell is getting to the stitches, the room mates or sembles a Wal-Mart.
me more than anything. Or more the other visitors. It could not, if it tried, be any
accurately, the utter absence of Smile widely, vigorously ques- less momentous, less personal or
smell. Cleanliness is one thing, tion any passing nurse/doctor/ less warm. I lean back, defeated,
but this is something else entirely. hospital employee, to see if there in my chair. I make a pact with
A freakish phenomenon, only de- is any news on baby, boob job, myself to die at home.
10 Modern Times
ny. In fear of losing profit, Edison
Film Review
and his sponsors started promot-
ing Tesla’s electricity as more le-
thal than his and sought to con-
vince the public to connect it with
risks of injury and even death. By
tricking Westinghouse into selling
‘Sex Traffic’
them equipment from Tesla’s sys- David Yates’ 2004 Docudrama
tem, they installed the first elec- Portrays an All-too-Common Story
tric chair at Sing Sing prison and
promoted a term “Westinghousa- By Sandya Gain tent of power that forces women
tion,” for electrocution. The film Sex Traffic opens into such terrible situations and
Tesla’s response was dramatic. with a young girl, Vara, sitting in make them so vulnerable.”
Choosing the setting of the Chi- a dark room at a small table with The movie is particularly
cago World Columbian Exposi- two men speaking in a language timely because of the dramatic
tion 1883, he wired him self up she doesn’t understand. Her increase in trafficking of women
to an electric dynamo and allowed sister Elena is standing to one since the fall of the Soviet Union
the electricity to go through his side, staring at the scene, shiver- in 1991. On the website of Am-
body without harm, proving the ing with fear. Suddenly the men nesty International, it is assumed

Courtesy of
safety of his current and earning force Vara to take off her clothes, by the EU, that about 140.000
him the epithet of ‘a wizard of she starts screaming and immedi- women and girls from Eastern
electricity’. The Chicago Expo- ately gets slapped. Europe are secretly brought to
sition was the first large public The 2004 docudrama by Western Europe annually.
event to be lightened by electric-
ity fully operated by Tesla’s alter-

Courtesy of Mental Health Abuse Organization

nating current system.
The event that finally ended
the War of Currents in Tesla’s fa-
vor was the construction of the
power plant at Niagara Falls in
1895, again fully operating on the
principles of alternating current.
For the first time in history, elec-
tricity could be transmitted to the
distance of forty kilometers, from
Niagara Falls to the city of Buf-
falo. Soon after, Tesla’s alternating
power plants were built through-
out the United States. By bringing
light into people’s homes, Tesla
had achieved his own oft-stated “The dramatic power that forces women into such terrible situations”
goal of ‘liberating the world’,
In its day, Tesla‘s Wireless Telegraphy Machine was a revolution in technology. He also ignited the Second award-winning British director The movie also takes into
Industrial Revolution, Dr. Richter David Yates tells the story of two account a political aspect; shows
added, “in particular with respect Moldavian girls, aged 17 and 18, several individual fates that are

Harnessing Lightning to power distribution and ma-

chines using alternating current.”
Tesla’s electricity brought
who are kidnapped by a slave
trade ring and forced into pros-
titution. Without embellishing
connected with each other at the
end. Abrupt cuts and extracts of
amateur videotapes give the film
about changes in people’s private this story the movie shows the an edgy quality. Yates System-
Inventor Nikola Tesla is Celebrated in Croatia and professional lives. Difficult desperate situation and the brutal atically uses dark and filthy loca-
and time-consuming household reality many women from East- tions to show the circumstances
chores were lightened by Tesla’s ern Europe are trapped in. of the prostitutes in the brothels
By Nika Bracun The year of Nikola Tesla will Throughout his career, Tesla alternating current motor, whose Capturing this terror was a sharply contrasted with light,
Strikes of lightning have al- be marked by many events, such had many rivals, most notably small size and light weight were top priority for British screen warm scenes for the rich and
ways been an amazing untamed as lectures on Tesla’s life and work Guglielmo Marconi and Thomas suitable to power various electri- writer Abi Morgan, named the wealthy. The movie doesn’t sug-
natural phenomenon. Numerous in Croatian primary and second- Alva Edison. Although Marconi cal machines, enabling the com- 2001 Lawrence Olivier “prom- gest a solution but aims to call on
pictures evidence this second of ary schools, round-table discus- is widely believed to be the fa- mercialization of household ap- ising playwright of the year.” people’s awareness.
color grandeur, this second when sions and conferences of scien- ther of radio, it was Tesla who pliances. A ventilator, produced Her intention in the four - hour One early scene of the three
earth becomes fully enlightened, tists. Croatian government is also invented it. by Westinghouse Company, was documentary broadcast on ARTE girls seems harmless at first, but
this second when breath stops to reconstructing the house in which “In 1915 Marconi was named the first electric appliance that and Channel 4 was to portray, she changes abruptly. Vara, Elena
admire the light and wait for the he was born in the village of Smil- as inventor of the radio. However, hit the market. Development told the Guardian newspaper in and a third girl are sitting in their
trembling of thunder. jan near the town of Gospic. on June 21, 1943 the Supreme of other appliances quickly fol- an interview, “the dramatic ex- Continued on page 11
And when lightning struck Tesla, the owner of over 700 Court of the United States re- lowed - in 1889 a hair dryer,
on July 10, 1856, at midnight, patents, began inventing as a vised [this claim] and declared 1901 an electric vacuum cleaner, COMPANY FOR CASH stand to see the happy family pic-
according to Croatian legend, the child, when at age five, he made Tesla as the inventor,” Dr. Richter 1904 an electric mixer, 1913 an Continued from page 12 tures in those men’s wallets. The
day dawned when this electrical a bug-propelled engine. His first explained. The Justices of the Su- electric refrigerator. than one could imagine, man, who was smiling from the
force itself would be tamed. patented invention was a tele- preme Court of the United States “Tesla’s inventions greatly im- often with a constant cycle of photo, hugging his children, now
2006 marks the 150th an- phone repeater or amplifier, which overturned Marconi’s patent be- proved the average standard of liv- violence and abuse: no life, lit- was snoring on the bed in another
niversary of the birth of Nikola was followed by many others that cause they found it had been pre- ing,” Dr. Richter said. “Nowadays tle money and no future. Over girl’s (no, not woman’s!) arms:
Tesla, the electrical and mechani- have contributed to the basic ceded by Tesla’s practical achieve- most of the equipment in the a hundred thousand girls, from “I began to hate those men
cal engineer best known as the electro-mechanics of the world in ments in radio transmission. household is powered by electric Eastern Europe only, are being for what they were doing to their
father of the alternating current, which we live. Tesla’s rivalry with Edison was energy and the majority compris- trafficked annually. The scope families,” she said. Gradually,
and less well as the true inventor Scientists have trouble rank- termed as The War of Currents es AC motors, e.g. dishwashers, of this worldwide problem is things calmed down, and Jane
of the radio, for which Guglielmo ing his many inventions. “It de- at the time, a fans in electric stoves, vacuum unimaginable. And money is found a boyfriend from her uni-
Marconi is usually given credit. pends on the race to cleaners etc. etc.” what it’s all about. versity world. “A normal one,” as
Long unrecognized outside point of Today, Tesla is called a ‘hu- From her “job”, Jane got re- she calls him.
the former Yugoslavia, Croatians manitarian’ and a ‘unifier’ as much spect and attention; she was taken Only sometimes, when the
and Serbians – and scientists in as the ‘wizard of electricity’. on business trips, and she stayed in bank account was low, she would
the know -- see him as a man “I would call him something five-star hotels. still go to meet her “clients.” Soon,
who changed the course of his- of all,” Dr. Richter said. “He loved She went shopping and en- she broke up with her boyfriend,
tory, harnessing lightning for the to show off his most spectacular joyed the most exclusive pleasures as he was simply too boring for
good of the mankind. Now, with experiments to the public. On of the city they stayed in: expen- someone who had experienced so
2006 proclaimed The Year of the other hand, he was more in- sive designer stores, beauty salons, much of life already.
Nikola Tesla by UNESCO, and terested in making his inventions and luxury dinners in premium For the last two years, Jane has
the Croatian and Serbian Govern- available to people than in making restaurants – things she could been working a regular job and liv-
ments, his name may begin to be money from them.” have only dreamed about just a ing in a big city, where, with luck,
better known. Thus Tesla died on January 7, few years ago. her past ghosts will not follow her
“We are really proud of view,” stated Dr. Kurt R. Richter, electrify the world. It started 1943, poor as a ‘church mouse.’ She was using the money she – although she still gets birthday
Nikola Tesla as he was one of Professor Emeritus from Tech- with Tesla’s invention of the in- “Let the future tell the truth, earned only for herself. She could and Christmas cards, and doesn’t
Croatia’s, and the world’s, greatest nical University of Graz, Tesla’s dustrial arc lamp, and sale of his and evaluate each one accord- not reveal her income to her fam- know from whom.
scientists,” said Ivo Sanader, the alma mater. “There is more than patents to George Westinghouse, ing to his work and accomplish- ily, who believed she was just a “Are you sure, you’ve quit all
Croatian Prime Minister, com- just one: The induction motor, whose company, Westinghouse ments,” he is reported to have said poor student. that,” I asked, because her salary
menting that this year, “together the 2-phase and 3-phase alternat- Electric, remained the only com- on his death bed. “The present is What else could she want, af- looks just too big for her position.
with Mozart,” Tesla will be a name ing current, the radio and wireless petitor to Edison’s giant empire theirs. The future, for which I re- ter all that? “The boss likes me,” she
on everybody’s lips. transmission….” Edison General Electric Compa- ally worked, is mine.” With time, Jane could not smiled…
Modern Times 11

Chernobyl: 20 Years After


Theft of the Holocaust

Controversies Over the Nuclear Safety and a Long List of Troubling
Health Issues Linger Long After Polluted Reactor Sites Have Been Cleaned These Days, Moral Outrage Seems to
Serve Nearly Everybody’s Political Ends
By Duska Gonja plant. It was only then that the chological scars – extreme anxi- the site are now relatively low.
Today, 60 years after Hiroshi- Soviets, under extreme interna- ety, stress, apathy, despair and However, the emphasis at the time By Gregory Weekes nological advances for genocide.
ma, nuclear energy continues to be tional pressure, owned up. The withdrawal, as a result of reset- was on rapid containment, and it If you think that the Holo- No one wanted to believe that an
controversial and stirs great depth cloud was tracked thereafter and tlement, social degradation, was never meant to be a perma- caust is no longer an issue in in- advanced Western nation could
of feeling. While it is beneficial, passed over Scandinavia, Holland, poor economic conditions and nent solution. The operation itself ternational relations today, over commit crimes of this magni-
offering huge amounts of power, Belgium and the UK, carried by the inevitable fear of continuing created a large amount of waste, sixty years after it happened, think tude. When reports of atrocities
a fuel source that would last for the north-westerly wind. It then health risks. currently stored in various sites again. Hundreds of references are and mass murder leaked out,
thousands of years, it also has the went south, covering much of The number of people who within the 30km exclusion zone, made on television, in newspa- they were dismissed simply as
potential to be environmentally the rest of Europe after the wind could eventually die as a result of and facilities are under construc- pers, and on the radio every day “war propaganda.”
devastating, producing dangerous changed. Contamination was de- Chernobyl is highly controver- tion for the processing and long in every possible language to this, The Holocaust is ever-present
wastes and manufactures raw ma- tected in nearly every country in sial. An extra 9,000 cancer deaths term storage of fuel, liquid and the most horrific genocide of the and used to justify all sorts of
terials for nuclear weapons. the northern hemisphere, as far are expected by the UN-led Cher- solid waste. twentieth century. The contexts modern political decisions. On
The accident that occurred as North America and Japan, al- nobyl Forum. But most people’s A lot has changed since for these references vary, but the one hand, headlines such
at the Soviet Chernobyl plant on 1986 and certainly a lesson has all of them have one as “Our generation’s
26 April 1986, slanted the world’s been learned. Leaving aside the thing in common: responsibility to the
view on nuclear energy. It was one verdict of history on its role in They are an attempt survivors” or “Why
of the worst nuclear accidents in melting the Soviet iron curtain, to gain possession of the ghettos of Poland
history, and left the world aware some very practical benefits have the Holocaust for are still important”
of what could happen if things resulted from the Chernobyl ac- political ends. testify to the signif-
went wrong. cident, especially concerning re- Just listen to icance that Holo-
Despite worries over shrink- actor safety, notably in Eastern the leaders of Hamas, caust memory has in
ing fossil fuel reserves and global Europe. Certainly the safety of all Iranian President Mahmoud Israel and the United States.
warming, nuclear power’s contri- Soviet-designed reactors has im- Amadinejad, U.S. President On the other hand, complete
bution to the global network is proved vastly. This is due largely George W. Bush, Israeli Prime denial, like that of Iran’s President
declining. There are about 440 to the development of a culture Minister Ehud Olmert, think Amadinejad, former Austrian par-
operational reactors in 32 coun- of safety encouraged by increased tank analysts, nuclear strategists liamentarian John Gudenus or
tries, generating 16 percent of the collaboration between East and or even animal rights activists. British pseudo-historian David
Courtesy of UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism

world’s electricity, according to West, and substantial investment The Holocaust, to listen to their Irving, are also an attempt to gain
the World Health Organization. in improving the reactors. statements, belongs to each and possession of this morbid event by
Only 27 new reactors are under In the early 1990s, some every one of them. The memory removing it from historical mem-
construction, and not one out of US$400 million was spent on of the Holocaust is misappropriat- ory entirely.
the remaining 22 countries with improvements to the remaining ed on a regular basis for a myriad What better way to possess an
nuclear power is currently build- reactors at Chernobyl, while in of purposes: “Palestinian Holo- event than by completely denying
ing any new reactors, including March 2001, a US$36 million caust” [sic], “Nuclear Holocaust,” that it ever occurred?
the U.S., Canada and the West- contract was signed for construc- and “Animal Holocaust,” to name But what is the motivation?
ern Europe. tion of a radioactive waste man- just a few. Why misappropriate the Holo-
The western world has put agement facility to treat spent Comparisons of Saddam Hus- caust? Everyone recognizes this
its nuclear power program on fuel and other operational wastes, sein, Osama bin Laden, Kim Jong event as significant and powerful
hold – in part, at least, because of as well as material from decom- Il and most recently Mahmoud and realizes that fascination with
Chernobyl. No matter how small missioning units 1-3. Amadinejad to Adolf Hitler are mass murder and its emotional
the risk, people say, it is just not It still remains unknown useful for justifying military ac- impact can be used to influence
worth it. The World Health Or- whether the accident could have tion and building political coali- people.
ganization (WHO) suggests that been prevented by the operators tions. Why not instead compare There are far too many politi-
this perception may change in the Miroslava is one of many Ukrainian children receiving daily treatment in Chernobyl. It’s clear that some these leaders to Joseph Stalin, who cal interests that have a great deal
using placental extract and ultraviolet lamps developed by Cubans
future, but only because the pres- safety procedures were violated admittedly killed more people to gain by “owning” the Holo-
sure to reduce CO2 emissions is though the southern hemisphere problems are “economic and psy- by the station’s technicians. Dur- than Hitler and whom Saddam caust. Let us be clear: The Holo-
even stronger. seems to have escaped. chological, not health or environ- ing the accident only 6-8 control Hussein regarded as his idol? caust does not belong to anyone,
But the reality of what hap- National authorities were mental,” the Forum reports. rods were used despite there has The answer: The industri- and remembering it should serve
pened is nonetheless harrowing. surprised at the scale of the prob- The environmental lobbying been a standard operating order alized mass murder of millions to remind us of what evil deeds
The explosion at Chernobyl, lem, and none had effective se- group Greenpeace predicts more stating that a minimum of 30 makes the Holocaust unique and we are capable of as human be-
is thought to have been caused curity plans in place. Outside of serious health effects, anticipating rods were required to retain con- causes us to question our very ings. Instead of invoking it on all
mainly by steam pressure and the Soviet Union, countermeas- up to 93,000 extra cancer deaths, trol. humanity. Stalin may have mur- possible occasions, we should in-
chemical reactions with the ex- ures were pretty much limited with other illnesses taking the toll Despite all the costly safety dered more people than Hitler, ternalize it and let it guide us in
posed fuel, blowing the 1000- to restrictions and prohibitions as high as 200,000. precautions, no experts deny that but he did not do it in assembly- our future decision-making.
tonne lid clear of the core. A on the marketing, consumption The actual site of Chernobyl there is always a possibility of hu- line fashion. Whether out of disrespect,
second explosion threw out frag- and importation of certain foods was cleaned up quickly following man error. How could we ever be The Holocaust combined false motives or misguided inten-
ments of burning fuel and graph- thought to be contaminated or the event -- with the initial insu- sure that no planner, no designer, modern technology with primor- tions, any appropriation of the
ite from the core and allowed air from contaminated areas. lating ‘sarcophagus’ completed in no maintenance engineer, and dial racism. It defied comprehen- Holocaust should be questioned.
to rush in, causing the graphite The health consequences are only seven months in November ultimately no political leader, sion that a modern, industrial- We owe at least that much to the
moderator to burst into flames. enduring strongly, according to 1986 -- and radiation levels on would ever make a mistake? ized nation could use its tech- memories of those who perished.
The exact cause of the second WHO. A notable rise in thyroid
explosion remains unknown, but cancer in the most contaminated
it is thought that hydrogen may areas, rising from 4-6 incidents SEX TRAFFIC desperately struggling in the affection, as when Elena escapes all, thought-provoking.
have played a part. per million children annually in Continued from page 10 water, screaming and crying for her pimp and wanders through Tantalizing as a thriller, but as
After the explosion, a plume the Ukraine between 1981 and apartment when their pimp en- help. Her fight not to sink is the streets of London or tries to realistic as a documentary, this
of smoke, radioactive fission 1985, to 45 incidents per mil- ters, and without any warning, portrayed from under as well as console her sister. movie is based on an excellent
products and debris rose up lion between 1986 and 1997. In pulls out a gun and shoots the over water for several minutes. Mostly, however, the film screenplay which holds up on
about 1 km into the air. The all, 64% of all Ukrainian thyroid third girl dead. She had con- With screen writer Mor- makers rely on the acting of repeated viewings.
material was carried northwest cancer patients under 15 lived in tracted herpes, and she was now gan and cinematographer Chris their characters, their voices Though shocking with its
by the wind- mainly to Belarus the most contaminated regions, useless. Seager, David Yates creates a and facial expressions and relentless clarification of forced
though other areas were affected, the provinces of Kiev, Chernigov, The scene is shot all in one world of realistic brutality, cor- bearing. prostitution, it still may not
including Ukraine. Zhitomir, Cherkassy, and Rovno. take, and there is no music. Only ruption and violence that the All unknowns, the cast change much.
It is estimated that about The cancer is most prevalent the sound of the short sound of prostitutes are forced to live in. delivers strong performances But it does help to inform
3.5%, or 6 tons, of the uranium in children under five at the time the pimp’s firearm is heard, fol- In this production we see all throughout -- especially An- the public about this world of
dioxide fuel and fission products of exposure, and is thought to be lowed by the cars driving past aspects of this business -- the amaria Marinca, in the lead role horror, not easily forgotten.
escaped as well as many other ra- caused by radioactive iodine con- -- and a deadly silence. Though perspectives of the prostitutes, of Elena,, for which she was
dio-nuclides - principally xenon, tamination in milk and certain the two Moldavian sisters make the pimps, the customers and named ‘best actress’ 2005 by Sex Traffic - Great Britain 2004;
krypton, iodine, tellurium and foods collecting in the thyroid no noise, the shock and look of the prostitutes’ families. BAFTA. Granada Television Production
caesium, around 200 times that gland. The disease is treatable horror is unmistakeable. Overall, Yates uses ordinary This movie, as shocking and David Yates – Director, Abi Morgan
of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki and not often fatal. Although the Later in the film, Vara and sounds, like cars passing, tones brutal it may be, is a powerful – Screen writer, Chris Seager – Cin-
bombs according to the WHO. risk has subsided as the iodine Elena are brought to Italy on a of voice, bird calls, or club mu- portrait of a true-to-life situa- ematographer
At first, the Soviet govern- has decayed to low levels, the dis- boat on a cold night. When a sic in the brothel scenes. tion without any glorifications. Actors: Anamaria Marinca – Elena
ment tried to deny that anything ease takes years to show up and coast guard ship appears, their There is little if any drama It contains many brutal scenes, Visinescu, Maria Popistasu – Vara
had happened, until the plume the number of cancers diagnosed pimp just throws Elena over to the music, either sentimental but they are essential, as it is Vivinescu, John Simm – Daniel Ap-
was detected outside of the USSR is still increasing. board. And while she is res- or anxious, used only to sup- they that make the film so up- pleton, Wendy Crewson – Madeleine
by workers at a Swedish nuclear The accident also left psy- cued, it is horrible to watch her port the few scenes of relief or setting, touching and most of Harlsburgh
12 Modern Times
quire that both men and women my. Unfortunately, many listen

Real Islamic Feminism

work. Since women have achieved only to the first part of the law,
high levels of academic education and not to the section that im-
as well as economic independ- poses fairness and equality.
ence, they cannot be considered Mandatory Veil
In terms of equal opportunities, Islam is one of the fairest religions “subhuman” as in the time of little-
educated Arabian societies, from
The formal religious covering
(Hijab) was enforced in Iran two
which Islam originated. years after the fall of the monarchy
By Shadi Jahangard Women and Feminism Islamic terms, she is called “the though both husband and wife In today’s societies, there are and victory of the Islamic revolution
There are many Islamic Iranian feminism is on rise. closest thing to a feminist in Ira- suffer as a result of a divorce, a cases when it is the woman who in February 1979.
countries, where legislation is During the campaign for the fifth nian politics.” man has the additional burden of is financially responsible for the Since the Revolution, an alter-
based on the Sharia (Islamic majlis (legislative assembly) in Today Iranian women have a heavy responsibility,” consider- family, while the man stays at nate form of acceptable dress has
Law). The question remains if 1996, both religious and secular to live with certain contradictions ing mainly the financial part of home. But since in most Islamic emerged – a long dress with full
the laws follow exactly what women began calling for more in their society. Even though they the practice. The pure fact that countries legislators have mainly length opaque stockings, a long
Islam states. From this perspec- attention to women’s issues. They can be elected to parliament, they even after divorce, it will be the been men, one can realize why the sleeved coat, and a head scarf. The
tive, women’s rights are an issue agreed that the system was not cannot leave the country without man who will have to provide laws have been carefully selected dress has gradually evolved into a
worth discussing. protecting its women and that their husbands’ permission. Those money for the raising of a child, by them. thin shoulder to ankle smock called
In terms of equal opportuni- Islamic family law was securing unmarried have to obtain the same makes the women financially de- Employment a “manto”. In adopting this dress,
ties for men and women, Islam is male domination at home. In the permission from their father. pendent on their husbands. Women in Islam have no duty women have been wonderfully in-
one of the fairest religions observ- 1996 elections 190 women ran In the face of these disturbing On the other hand, men, con- to do the housework or to feed ventive. The “manto,” though dark
ing the two genders from a very alongside more than 3,000 men contradictions, Iranian women sidering the high financial loss of a their babies. They have the right in color, is often made of silk or other
neutral perspective. Its standpoint for the 270 seat majlis. Women are provoking reform. There is possible divorce, are not willing to to ask for payment for everything fine fabric, embroidered, finely tai-
for scrutinizing men’s and wom- give women equal rights in decid- they do at home. lored, with elegant closures. Women
en’s rights is very impartial and ing whether the marriage should Even though this is a largely wear it over jeans or other Western
balanced. Hence, Islamic coun- come to an end. That is why in known regulation, it is almost fashionable clothes.
tries would have had the fewest of practice the right to divorce be- never practiced. This new code of dressing has
sexist discrimination problems if longs to men. Polygamy helped many women from conserva-
the regulations had been followed A woman has the right to ini- Polygamy was well known tive families integrate better in soci-
correctly and entirely. tiate the divorce only with permis- amongst Arabian tribes prior to ety. “Before the revolution, religious
Women after the Revolution sion of her husband. the advent of Islam. In fact, there parents would not let their girls even
Authors addressing the issue of “It does not mean that Islam were no set limitations for the go to school fearing they would be
women in Iran claim that women does not give the wife the right number of wives the husband dishonored,” said Parvaneh Rashi-
have suffered enormous setbacks in to break the marital bond when could take in wedlock. With the di,” a Tehran schoolteacher.
the last decade, due to the rise of she wants to. It only checks the advent of Islam, polygamy was ‘Now they have no trouble let-
Islamic Fundamentalism. abusing of such right,” says Mah- condoned; however, a man was re- ting their daughters go anywhere.”
Yet, William O. Beeman says mudul Hasan stricted and limited to four wives Judging from the large number of
that “on a recent trip to Iran – my Inheritance only. Moreover, Islam set certain women on the streets, in retail man-
first in many years – my greatest “From what is left by parents rules and regulations to organize agement, in offices and on university
surprise was the clear evidence that and those nearest related there is and control this important feature campuses, Ms. Rashisi´s assessment
Iranian women are better off today a share for men and a share for in the social life of Muslims. Po- appears to be correct.
than they were under the Shah.” women, whether the property lygamy was also well known to the But religion is a matter of belief,
Courtesy of

The average marriage age for be small or large – a determinate Persians, Assyrians, Japanese and not a matter of force. “Let there be
women has increased from 18 share” (Qur’an 4:7). Hindus. Russians and Germanic no compulsion in religion: Truth
years old before the Revolution to A woman’s share of any in- people also practiced it as well as stands out clear from Error: whoever
21 today. Education for women heritance is half of a man’s. What some Egyptian and Greek kings. rejects evil and believes in Allah hath
is obligatory and universal. More some scholars argue is that be- During the many wars that grasped the most trustworthy hand-
than 75 percent of the population cause of men’s financial obliga- occurred between Arabian tribes, hold that never breaks. And Allah
is under the age of 25 – well over tions, which by far exceed those of where thousands of soldiers were heareth and knoweth all things.”
90 percent of both men and wom- the women’s, the share cannot be killed leaving many widows be- (Qur’an 2:257) The question is if
en are literate, even in rural areas. equal. The man is responsible for hind, Prophet Mohammad re- the same logic should also apply to
University enrollment is nearly earning money and for supporting ceived revelations from God al- the Hijab.
equal for men and women. And as generally voted for women. 13 a marked rise in the number of the whole family; whereas a wom- lowing a man to take up to four There is a major debate wheth-
women’s education has increased, women were elected to the majlis women working as journalists, an has no responsibilities towards wives on the condition that he was er religion is violating women’s
Iran’s birthrate has fallen stead- and began campaigning to change publishers, professors, and even her family’s income and expendi- capable of treating them all fairly rights in Muslim countries. But
ily and is now estimated at 18.29 the status quo. The most popular elected heads of universities or tures. Her property is for her own and providing support to them. if anyone studies Islam, it will be
births per thousand people. woman to run was Faezeh Hashe- members of parliament. use, unless she wishes to spend it Since in most of the Arab easy to understand that there is
The new Islamic Woman is a mi, the daughter of ex-president Divorce for her family voluntarily. countries men have continu- much difference between how the
reality, and will undoubtedly be a Rafsanjani. Even though she still Dr. Jamal A. Badawi, a promi- In the modernized life of today ously married more women, the laws are interpreted and what the
force to reckon with in the future. formulates her calls for change in nent Islamic scholar, says that “al- the economic situations usually re- culture has adjusted to polyga- Qur’an says exactly.

it’s just simpler for them to act

Company for Cash out this nice normal family.”

Jane showed me a photo –
his wife looked better than any
model, with long curly brown
Or, How to Study and Still Afford All the Good Things in Life: hair, smooth tanned skin, per-
The Dream of Thousands of Girls From All Over Eastern Europe fect proportions and bright, se-
ductive eyes.
By Ruta Kurselyte Jane was in high school. She desirable man. Over time, Jane developed
Let’s call her Jane. She’s very grew up in a small town, with- “How about your parents,” pretty well-defined standards
attractive: slender, about 165 out many prospects, but she I asked? “They trusted me,” she for her clientele – no one who
centimeters tall, blond – a real had always been a good student said. She was just 16 years old. earned less than 5,000 Euros a
Northern beauty, with a smile – the best, in fact – in that lone- For the last couple of years month, which is an enormous
that never leaves her face. ly school in her town. And that of the high school, she went on amount of money in Lithuania.
Her moves are easy and el- promised her more out of life to study in a bigger city and en- These were men who could
egant – even the way she picks than the others. tered a carousel of (older) men afford leaving her a couple of
up a tiny cup of coffee cannot Then she met a man from and money, that turned faster hundred Euros per night – a
go unnoticed, as if she is hold- a neighboring town. He was and faster, and brought her ever dream-come-true for a girl from
ing the most precious thing in older, much older, with family more “clients.” The money was the countryside.
the world. and all the things that accom- growing. She still managed to This is a dream that lives
With the same calmness and pany a nice settled life. He was finish high school with premi- on in the heads of thousands
Courtesy of Look Models

elegance, she puts it down again, rich enough to attract any girl’s um grades and get accepted to of young women from all over
without making a sound. Not a attention, and looked pretty de- University. Professors liked her; Eastern Europe.
single detail gives away what is cent for his age. her female classmates didn’t. Low living standards, pres-
really on her mind. They met in a hotel one No, she didn’t use her body to sure for a perfect appearance
Jane is 24, but she has al- evening. She told him she need- get good grades. She was simply from the media, and the wish
ready experienced many things ed money. smarter and faster than the oth- for a perfect, fantasy life – it all
in life that others never will – He did not hesitate. Again ers. leads them to jump onto a fast
and wouldn’t want to – in a life- and again, they met for secret She was gifted somehow. train of selling their bodies.
time. She gets a lot of attention rendez-vous, It was very com- When I met up with her two children. an international company.” He Some, like Jane, succeed,
on the street, and she’s aware of fortable – she got money for all in the capital city, where she “He was gay when we met,” said she was the only woman for if you want to call this success.
it. She knows not only how to the things her parents could not was keeping company with one she said. “But he cannot take whom he felt any attraction. But mostly, the girls end up in
use it, but also how much it’s afford, and he had the company of “her” men. He was a well- the risk of being uncovered. “What about his wife,” I local and foreign whorehouses,
worth. of a pretty young girl – just one known public figure, hand- He is too famous and respected asked. “He respects her a lot,” where they are treated worse
Everything started when more proof that he was still a some, with a beautiful wife and – a Lithuanian headquarters of Jane said. “She knows it all, but Continued on page 10
On the Town 13

colonized my couch.
Then someone (it might have
been me) had the bright idea of
having an Irish Car Bomb, fol-
A Night at Do & Co
lowed by other shots of some-
How One Last Beer Turns thing else. Eddie looked at me as
A Warm Atmosphere and Good Food: Worth the Extra Cost
Into Oh-So Many More if I were the devil. Perhaps I was;
and poor Eddie would be the one
By Sean Delaney For one thing, we decided to who would pay for it. By Sandya Gain Candles were burning and flowers lacquered platter and consisted of
Monday night drinking is meet at the Merry Monk, But I was will- It was Easter Sunday evening were placed on each. Visitors are several fresh varieties of Sushi, like
never a good idea. But I was alone, hardly a sober deci- ing to make a when we arranged to meet at able to see into the open kitchen, California Roll, Sake Maki which
doing some reading when Eddie sion. The Irish pub gesture. He DO&CO, a restaurant right which I think is always a good is with Salmon, Kappa Maki
called, and asked me if I wouldn’t was empty when we was leaving, so across from Stephansdom in cen- sign. All the fresh and colourful – with cucumbers, Tuna Maki,
like to have just “one last beer” arrived, but for the I figured that tral Vienna. The restaurant is on vegetables were laid out on a huge Maki with shrimps, San Francisco
before he left for the US. Me, my few friends sitting I would pay top of the Haas Haus, a controver- chopping block. Yet although the Roll, Hotategai Nigiri (scallop)
book, and the US colonialism I at the bar. These for everything. sial modern masterpiece by Hans restaurant was full, we didn’t have and Trout Nigiri.
was reading about were not both- are friends who Later I would Hollein that offers a view over the I ordered beef which was
ering anyone. “Why did he have claim to like the regret this; whole of Stephansplatz through sprinkled with tiny pieces of chilli
to call tonight,” I thought. “dank,” the thick, the bill was its floor to ceiling windows in and rice as a side dish and a deli-
I was exhausted; the seven red unwholesome €73…
€ Oh, which the Dom and surrounding cious spicy sauce. Though I was
bulls I had guzzled were wearing darkness that hides Vienna, Vienna, buildings are reflected. the only one who ordered a Sor-
off; sleep had hegemony over my our problems from the how could you betray Already a few minutes late, I bet for dessert, no one could resist
thoughts. He said he didn’t care; world and maybe even me? And what have was relieved when the cathedral the colourful ice balls that came in

Courtesy of DO & CO
maybe not, but I would be the from the others in the you done to my bank appeared in front of me. The four colors.
one with the last laugh. bar. A waitress, yes, account? As morning entrance is a little hard to find, The waiters were very friend-
A little more “negotiation” – I Jen, sitting on a stool broke, we took the tucked away around the corner on ly while not intrusive, and most of
wouldn’t see him for a month -- behind the taps serv- first U-bahn home, Stephansplatz 12, but eventually all attentive, immediately refilling
and I was putting some pants on ing drinks, was talking to my and I said good-bye to my good I found my way. With an eleva- our wine and water glasses as soon
Courtesy of Blain Hefner

and heading for the bar. I mean friends. She’s good at her job and friend. tor that was lit a smoky red from as their volume tended to become
this was the friend that, on a proceeded to give me great head Arriving home at 5:30 in inside, I was taken up to the 7th less. Conversation flowed, with
whim, agreed to go to Oktoberfest on my beer. Well she is good, but the morning; I was exhausted. I floor where a greeter took off my many interesting and funny tales
with me. How could I miss this? this night she was also sore and collapsed on my couch, not re- cloak and escorted me to the ta- to raise our voices to be heard. of our summer trip to the states,
Seconds out the apartment, hardly moved from that stool the ally sleeping, but merely waiting ble where the others were waiting. All of us ordered Asian food the postage-stamp hotel my
I turned around. I had forgotten whole evening. for the punishing hangover that The restaurant was fully booked, and only to smell it and see how friend’s mother was staying at, the
my phone. Seconds later, it was One beer turned into five and would strike when my alarm beck- but luckily we had a table right beautifully it was prepared and Italian elections as well as some
my book. This was pathetic. the night meandered on in spite oned me to class. And this was all next to the windows and enjoyed presented on the plates. The Wok funny stories of the week before.
My mind was trying to tell me of the 9am wake-up call Eddie on a Monday. the fantastic view over the magical vegetables were served on round, While it’s not inexpensive,
it was a bad idea. I was damning would be needing in a few hours If the rest of the week had the night lights of the square. deep dishes with cushioned rice DO&CO is definitely worth the
my friend for leading me astray. I to make it to the train heading for same in store, I might just decide The atmosphere in DO&CO and a sweet sauce. They were a prices. After we finished dinner,
kept telling myself it would be a the Munich Airport. to give up drinking, a thought is elegant, yet somehow not over colourful composition of mixed we wanted to have a drink down-
quiet night, but somewhere in a I kept feeding him drinks; that had never crossed my mind done. The whole restaurant is kept vegetables, lettuce, sprouts, cau- stairs in the bar but found it full.
more honest corner of my mind, soon he would understand how before that night. in warm light - beige and sand liflowers, turnips, carrots, mush- For the bar as well as for the res-
knew it would surely turn into a
01.03.2005 I had felt
19:58 just Seite
Uhr a few hours
1 before As I said, drinking on a Mon- colours, the tables decorated with rooms and pieces of bamboo. The taurant, reservations should be
night of pure debauchery. at home where I had thoroughly day night is never a good idea. bright tablecloth and napkins. Sushi Mix was served on a narrow made in advance.

Max Schmeling. Peter Paul

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14 On the Town

Vienna Events
Events Calendar
As usual, the Jugendstil Events Calendar team will be presenting the latest, hippest,
most cultural and coolest happenings in order to make your life in Vienna as enjoyable
and (if you’re sober enough) unforgettable as possible. The Vienna Events Team wel-
comes any information on upcoming events: please email us at newjugendstil@yahoo.
com and we try to make space for it in the next issue.
For all future Webster party entrepreneurs: If you want your party or happening men-
tioned in our publication, please make sure to let us know as early as possible for listing
in the Parties section of the Calendar.

Ruta Kurselyte, Mazin Elfehaid and Jugendstil staff

In concentrating on the signifi- by Stephen Oliver. A Turkish del- time a second couple enters the
cance of the bus stops, this ex- egation from Cairo, a goose ´in room, but their future projection
hibit attempts to show that there disguise´ and a hilarious plot of is dim. Finally, an old man enters
is much more to these common mistaken identities. the room… Dreams of the young,
landmarks than most assume. Presented by the Wiener Kam- experience of the old, and fragil-
According to the exhibitors, they meroper in cooperation with the ity of the life itself converge in an
serve as “post office, coffee house, Wiener Mozartjahr 2006 exciting musical by Jon Fosse, di-
advertising column and a place May 11, 13, 16, 18, rected by Luc Bondy.
to sleep.” Bus stops have much May 23, 25, 27, 30
more impact on our daily lives June 1, 3
than we are perhaps even aware of. All performances at: 19:30
Markus Steinmair’s exhibit tries to Wiener Kammeroper
bring awareness to that. 1., Fleischmarkt 24
May 11-29. (01) 512 01-77
Architekturzentrum Wien
7., Museumsplatz 1 MANON LESCAUT
(01) 522 31 15-32 By Puccini
‘La Cage aux Folles’ at the Volksoper: the popular, provocative comedy musical of homosexual love. Manon Lescaut is an opera in four
acts by Giacomo Puccini to an
BLACK, BROWN, WHITE Italian libretto by Domenico Ol-
THEATER in English Markowsky and Laura Mitchell. EXHIBITIONS Rather than focusing directly on iva and Luigi Illica, based on one
May 9- Jul. 1, 19:30 South Africa’s deep social cleav- of the greatest novels of the 18th
DRESDEN The Intertnational Theater H.R. GIGER ages, this collection of images century, L’ histoire du Chevalier Black Brown and White
The play by Ian Leonard Directed 9,. Porzellangasse 8 A surrealist painter combining taken by photographers from all des Grieux et de Manon Lescaut
by Danny Scott takes place in (01) 319 62 72 airbrush and freehand painting around the country aims to al- by Abbe Prevest. First perform- May 15-20, 20:00; May 21,
a hospital in Munich in the late techniques, Swiss national H.R. low the viewer a glimpse into the ance:Teatro Regio, Turin, 1893. 19:00; May 27, 20:00; May 28,
1950s. The Characters are caught Giger has contributed more than country’s everyday existence. Of His third opera, and first success. 19:00
in sexual personal and political a fair share of icons to popular special note are photographers June 2, 6, 10 Akademietheater
post-war divisions. Each storyline culture. Most famously, Giger David Goldblatt and Omar Bad- Wiener Staatsoper 3., Lisztstraße 1
captures the idiocyncracies and THEATER in German created the creatures for the “Al- sha, who focus on black workers 1., Opernring 2 (01) 514 44 4140
humanity of the characters as each ien” movies, but his work was also commuting to central Pretoria, (01) 51444 2250
struggles with his own quirks and seen on “Poltergeist II” and “Spe- and the Indian population living
weaknesses and some find the DIE STADT OHNE JUDEN cies.” This exhibit features more in the city of Durban.
ability to love and forgive. Helmut Peschina’s dramatisation than 100 of Giger’s originals. Until June 18. MUSICALS THE GOSPEL AT COLONUS
Premiere: May 22 of Hugo Bettlauer’s novel is being Opens May 24. Kunsthalle Wien (in ENGLISH)
May 24-26, June 2 and 3, 19:30 satged in the legendary Bellaria Kunst Haus Wien 7., Museumsplatz 1 Written by one of the greatest an-
Interkulttheater, Kino under the Direction of Ma- 3., Untere Weissbergerstrasse 13. (01) 521 89-1201 SATURDAY NIGHT FEVER cient Greek tragedians, Sophocles,
6., Fillgradergasse 16 tin Oelbermann. (01) 712 04 95 (in ENGLISH) Oedipus (Do you mean The Gos-
(01) 587 05 30 “Die Stadt ohne Juden” (The City The Hot and funky 70’s are back pel at Colonus?) at Colonus tells Without Jews) was Bettlauers with an exciting performance on the story of Oedupus’ tragic life.
most successful novel, was trans- EVERYDAY LIFE the stage of Wiener Stadthalle. Blinded and doomed for exile, he
LOVE’S A LUXURY lated into many languages and Focusing on everyday technology, Descend into a colorful realm of seeks a place where he can finally
Written by Guy Paxton and Ed- was made into a film in 1924 (two this exhibit aims to enlighten the IL BARBIERE DI SIVIGLIA Disco with the greatest hits of rest in peace.
ward V. Hoile, Love’s a Luxury is years after its publishing) with visitor on the application, func- The Barber of Seville is a French the Bee Gees, including “Night In this original production, a phil-
an archetypal frenzied farce set in Hans Moser playing thr lead. The tion, and history of things such as play by Pierre Beaumarchais writ- Fever,” “Staying Alive,” and “You osophical narrative is combined
the 1940’s which includes mari- Author was murdured by reac- the light switch, mixers, refrigera- ten in1775, and originally enti- Should be Dancing.” by the brightest voices of New
tal misunderstandings, mistaken tionary Austrian copnservatives tors, vending machines and cos- tled Le Barbier de Seville. Acomic May 16-28, 20:00 York gospel chior and world-fa-
identities, female impersonation, in 1926. metics. By focusing on each item opera in two acts entitled Il Bar- Wiener Stadthalle, Halle F mous soul band, The Blind Boys
a knobbly kneed scout master, May 5-6, 20:00 individually, the exhibit begs the biere di Siviglia by Giacchino 15.,Vogelweidplatz 14 of Alabama.
pretty girls, a missing dog and the Bellaria Kino question: Is technology affecting Rossini was based on Beaumar- (01) 98 100/0 June 14-15, 21:00; June 16-17,
very secretive A.B.C.I.D – ‘the 7., Museumstrasse 3 our daily lives so much, that it is chais’s comedy with a libretto by 21:30
Actor’s Branch of the Criminal (01) 523 75 91 in fact dictating its direction? Cesare Sterbini. The story of The Gustav Adolf Kirche
Investigation Department’! Until Oct. 31. Barber of Seville is continued in 6., Lutherplatz 1
May 22 - Jul. 1, 19:30 MARIA BILL SINGT EDITH Technisches Museum Beaumarchais’s play The Marriage LA CAGE AUX FOLLES (01) 597 34 30
Vienna’s English Theatre PIAF 14., Mariahilferstrasse 212 of Figaro and theMozart opera (in GERMAN)
8., Josefsgasse 12 20 of her most famous songs lead (01) 899 98-6000 based on it, which was composed A provocative comedy musical
(01) 402 12 60-0 the audience through Edit Piafs in1786. The Barber Of Seville is by Jerry Herman. In sunny St. NOTE: This performance is life. Milord, Mon Dieu, La vie en WAITING FOR THE BUS one of the most famous operas Tropez the extravagant family of based on the ancient Greek myth
rose and Non, je ne regrette riens. ever written. Especally the aria Georges, owner of the legendary “Oedipus at Colonus”, while the
PLAY IT AGAIN SAM The little sparrow drank herself to “Largo el Factotum” with its “Fi- night club “La Cage” is about to musical arrangement is presented
In one of Woody Allen’s finest an early death at 48 but has stayed garo”-chant is well known to most face an intricate challenge that in the form of gospel (choir with
romantic comedies, Allan Fe- in the hearts of all all who hear her people. would change the life of his son religious motifs). Hence, the
lix, film critic and worshipper of musik. An unforgettable evening May 30 Michel. name of the event is “The Gospel
Humphrey Bogart, has been re- of laughs and tears. June 1 May 12, 19:00 at Colonus”.
cently deserted by his spouse. His May 17-19, 19:30 Both nights at 20:00 Volksoper Wien
friends, step in and console him Theater Akzent Wiener Staatsoper 9., Währingerstraße 78
by fixing him up with a variety 4., Theresianumgasse 16-18 1., Opernring 2 (01) 514 44 30
of eligible young women. Little (01) 501 65 3306 (01) 51444 2250
do they know that Allan is being MONIKA STADLER
coached by Humphrey Bogart. Jun. 29 19:30 L’OCA El CAIRO “Vom Barock zum Jazz”
Allan tries to assume the persona Wiener Urania (The Cairo Goose) SCHLAF (GERMAN) Monika Stadler is an Austrian
of Rick- the tough macho man 1., Urainiastrasse 1 A new libretto by Stephen Oliver A couple, in search of a new harp player who initially special-
from Casablanca- and is a dismal (01) 712 61 91 including the eight sketches by apartment enters an empty room. ized in classical music, but is now
failure in the dating game. Direct- Varesco and W.A. Mozart. Trans- They dream of a new life with successfully using her instrument
ed by Jack Babb and starring Jason Get groovy on Saturday Night lated by Luisa Saviori to music their happy family. At the same for fine jazz tunes. She manages
On the Town 15

Vienna Events
to delicately mix classical music, Halle E Museums Quartier. 20, Adalbert-Stifter-Strasse 73 Holmes Place romantic, of the life of Wolfgang
jazz improvisation and influences (0820)600600 (01) 332 46 41-0 22; Wagramer Strasse 17-19 Amadeus Mozart.
of foreign cultures. Good show. 7., Museumsplatz 1/5 (01) 263 8989 Reservations required.
May. 28, 14:00 Jun. 16, 16:00
Liechtenstein Museum Wien, LECTURES Filmarchiv Austria
Herkules Saal BIKING IN VIENNA (01) 332 36 94
9., Fuerstengasse 1 MOZART’S ENLIGHTMENT The cheapest way to combine
(01) 31957670 ROCK CONCERTS By Peter Gay workout with sightseeing. There Yale University Professor Peter are different routes in Vienna with Gay will present a fresh overview special biking paths, you can bike OTHER
LOCAL HEROES BAND of the period in which Mozart around the ring, or if you want to ENTERTAINMENT
DIANNE REEVES WITH CONTEST FINALE worked, suggesting ways that this fill your lungs with fresh air enjoy
RUSSEL MALONE The last stage of the show will be new social and political environ- Spanish Riding School the Donauinsel, where no cars THE SPANISH RIDING
& ROMEO LUBAMBO held in Viennese Arena. The show ment influenced Mozart and are permitted. As a service to all SCHOOL
Dianne Reeves a.k.a “The Queen is about young bands and new continues to frame wide-ranging REMEMBERING FORCED guests and residents alike, bikes This is the oldest and last riding
of Jazz” is back in Vienna. Several hopes of Austrian music scene. debates on religion, politics, and MIGRATION IN EUROPE are available for rent at special sta- school that still practices classic
shows that Reeves really walks in Influences and styles of bands personal identity. By Claus Leggewie, Philipp Ther tions in Vienna, with a credit card riding in its pure and original
the footsteps of Sarah Vaughana or range from pop, hip-hop, to rock May 2, 19:00 Forced migration has accompa- inserted in an automat. The first form, right down to the attire.
Ella Fitzgerald. This time she will and electro music. The show will Vienna City Hall, Festsaal nied religious and political per- hour is free. Senior instructors demonstrate
be accompanied by two extraordi- culminate in late May where win- 1., Lichtenfelsgasse 2, Feststiege I secution, as well as war, through- For rental stations and routes see: the classic equestrian rearing of
nary guitarists. Russel Malone who ners will pick their prize. (01) 4000 out human history but has only the Lipizzan horses from young
already supported the programs of May, 27, 20:00 become a topic of serious study fahren/stadtrad/ stallions to the fully trained hors-
Mary Connick jr. and Diana Krall, Arena Wien and discussion relatively recently. es. This is presented with a com-
as well as Romero Lumbambo who 3, Baumgasse 80 CLEANSING THE NATION Contemporary internal and inter- SPECIAL EVENTS mentary on history, tradition, and
has lent his talent to artists such as (01) 798 85 95 AL BODY: PUBLIC HEALTH, national displacement of persons breeding of these special horses.
Maria Monk and Al Jarreau. WELFARE AND “RACIAL HY- will be discussed in comparison to This presentation gives insight
May. 16, 19:30 GENE” IN WWII VIENNA the historical ones. VIENNA FESTWOCHEN into the ‘Secrets of the Spanish
(01)242002 By Herwig Czech June 1, 14:30 This year’s Wiener Festwochen Riding School.’
3., Lothringerstrasse 20 30 JAHRE ARENA OPEN AIR In accordance with the National Institute for Human Sciences, offer presentations From coun- Shows run year round. In June, Viennese Arena is cel- Socialists’ racist and biologist 9., Spittelauer Lande 3 tries like China, South Africa, 1., Michaelerplatz 1 ebrating 30 years of existence, so views, Nazi medicine did not (01) 313 58 - 109 Sweden, France and music, art
during the month every few days concern itself with care for the Sabine Assmann,
ULRICH DRECHSLER JAZZ various bands will be performing sick, but with the protection of
QUARTETT for the anniversary, local as well the ‘national body’ and in par-
Saxaphonist Tord Gustavson has as foreign. Some of the perform- ticular with keeping the ‘national
broken out of the back up band to ing bands are Papermoon, Denk, genotype’ pure. Human life was CONFIGURATION III: WHAT
present present his own music in Texta, Tito & Tarantula, Arctic subjected to a relentless cost-ben- THE WORLD THINKS IS
his own personal style, described Monkeys, Hatebreed, etc. efit analysis. IMPOSSIBLE
as bring his experiences, people June, 01-28, 18:00 May 17, 14:30 Those in 18th century Viennese
and locations now coming to life Arena Wien The Institute for Human Scienc- society seen as “figures” or “ob-
in his own blend. 3, Baumgasse 80 es, Library jects”- a historical narrative al-
Mai. 29, 19:30 (01) 798 85 95 9., Spittelauer Lande 3 most unchanged to this day. How
(01)242002 (01) 313 58 - 109 Black women, men and children
Human & Places Sabine Assmann, of those times resisted and how Tito Tarantula appearing at the ‘30 Years-Arena’ Festival
3., Lothringerstrasse 20 they developed forms of breaking DIE KILLERPILZE out and persistence. and theatre many more. A special Prices range from 20-160 euros. Die Killerpilze are very young June 21, 19:00 highlight will be the production (01)533 90 31-13
Austrian punk-rock band. Age of Kuffner Sternwarte of Sophocles’ tragedy “Oedipus” (01)533 90 31-40
INSEN: ALVA NOTO band is between 13 and 17 years. DOMESTIC PLAN PRODUC- 16., Johann Staud Strasse 10 in a new version by the Gospel at
& RYUICHI SAKAMOTO They have produced and com- TIVITY AND MARGINAL SP- (01) 914 81 30 Colonus.
Sakamoto plays the piano parts, posed their debut album them- ILLOVERS FROM FOREIGN remapping.mozart@initiative. May 12 – Jun. 18
while Alva Noto refines the tunes selves and been touring the coun- DIRECT INVESTMENT Fr – Sun 10:00 – 21:00 ARCHAEOLOGICAL PARK
via digital post-production. This try for some time already. Their By Carlo Altomonte of Bocconi Musikverein Wien CARTNUNTUM
is done in a subtle way which Debut single has appeared on 21st University, Milan, will give an in- Börsendorferstr. 12 Celebrating the 2000 anniver-
leaves enough of the soft piano of April called “Richtig Scheisse”. sight into the real option theory of (01) 5892222 sary of the former Roman town
notes to surface. Their music can Really young hopes of Austrian investments and its implications, SPORTS of Cartnuntum, the archaeologi-
be described as a successful and punk-rock scene. which were empirically tested by cal park that sits in this former
rare combination of free associa- May, 26, 20:00 the author himself through a de- HORSE RACING Roman town is opening a large
tion and dreamlike beauty. Planet Music veloped database of foreign direct Top horse racing weekends at BALKAN FEVER 2006 exhibit on Legionsadler and Bru-
Jun. 29, 20:30 investment (FDI) operations in the Magna Racino, 15 kilome- This is the only music festival idenstab (Roman Eagle and Druid
Central and Eastern Europe. tres south outside from Vienna from the Balkan. Not to miss is Staff). The Cartnuntum Museum
May 18, 16:00 in Ebreichsdorf. You can watch the guitar music by the Trio in- is located just outside of Vienna at
The Institute for International the horse races from a classical fernal presenting old Macedonian Bad Deutsch-Altenburg. Visitors
Economic Studies, tribune browse through the ra- folk music. can experience the rapid develop-
Seminar Room cino area,don`t forget to bet on Apr. 21 – May 14 ment from a military camp to one
1., Oppolzergasse 6 your favourite horse and feel the Various locations of the most important cities of the
(01) 533 66 10 24 spirit of Englands famous Ascot. (0699) 1 9131411 Roman Empire. Computer anima-
Julia Woerz, Noblesse oblige, so please dress tions assist in this time travel to properly, even if the races start in ancient eras.
the morning you will be expected March 21-November 12
THE “SCIENCE OF CON- to dress. MUSEUMS QUARTIER Hauptstraße 3,
SCIOUSNESS”? : A CRITIQUE Every Saturday and Sunday In the whole yard of MQ there 2404 Petronell-Carnuntum,
OF NATURALISTIC THEO- morning, but starting time differs will be anchorages offering the (2163)33 77 0
RIES OF THE MIND a little bit, so check the details on opportunity to relax and drink.
By Thomas Szanto their webpage: There will be music and fashion
The efforts made in contempo- highlights like Brazilian festival CRUISE TO WACHAU
rary cognitive science towards and the Modepalast 06. Every Sunday the MS Admiral
the establishment of a naturalistic YOGA May 4 – Sept. 30 Tegetthoff travels between Vienna
framework for phenomenology For the stressed and burned out Museums Quartier and the Wachau. There are short
are undoubtedly of significant sci- after too many parties in your last (0820) 600600 stops in Korneuburg, Tulln and
entific relevance. term. You might just ease your soul Krems, before a final 2 hour stop
May 24, 14:00 and body with a little oga. Close in Durnstein before returning to
The Institute for Human Scienc- to Webster University the Holmes the Vienna.
es, Library Place Life Style Club offers now MOZART ON FILM Every Sunday from May 14 to
9., Spittelauer Lande 3 special Yoga sessions twice a week. The Austrian Film Archive invites September 24, 8:35
(01) 313 58 - 109 You will get addicted to this relax- guests to dig deep into the back Reichesbrucke, DDSG Schif-
Ms. Assmann, ation soon. And after your session shelves to see a fine list of film por- fahrtszentrum, Handelskai 365, take a swim at Vienna`s pool with traits of the composer in honor of Vienna (U1 Vorgartenstrasse) the most spectacular view over the his 200th birthday. Countless ver- Price: 22 Euros
‘Schlaf ’ at Akademietheater, by Jon Fosse, directed by Luc Bondy NETWORK OR CENTER? : whole city.. sions: classic, bizarre, modern and
16 On the Town

‘Beauty De Luxe’
Ms. Pretty Goes to a Cosmetics Trade Fair and
Finds Herself Trapped in a Kafka-esque Nightmare
By Ruta Kurselyte foot with plastic bags. A most Later things got a little better.
After a cold winter and slow charming man in a tasteless tie A very tall, very solarium-ed girl
spring this year, we decided to and badly-cut suit launched into in very vulgar high-heels, the ones
visit a widely advertised (in Vor- a fast patter in German describing that strip dancers wear so proudly,
magazin, at U-bahn) Beauty the wrappings – showing some and a string took the stage – a
de Luxe exhibition at the Wien pictures of bubbles that were sup- model for body painting. All body
Messezentrum, and sent our best posed to be human cells and tox- – that was it. No clothes.
‘man, “Ms. Pretty,” who knew her ins between them and how magi- Ms. Pretty looked at her
way around this mad world of cal those bandages are and so on watch, then at the band of dancers
marketable aesthetics, and articles and on… that were surely not older than 16,
“The birds just didn’t sound right,” in a sightless world. Charlie Chaplin greets a blind girl in City Lights
of must-have-style. “What are these plastic bags then again at her watch…
The website promised a lot: for?” asked Ms. Pretty. “Where were the censors

Dialog im Dunkeln
new trends in plastic surgery, “For those toxins to collect when we needed them?” she won-
the sun-tan shower (the one that after they come out of patient’s dered. But nobody was listening.
is explicitly shown in new Pink skin,” the man explained. Impres- Thank God. Nobody would have
video “Stupid Girls”), state-of- sive. And slightly disgusting… By understood her anyway. What do
the-art professional make up and looking closer at those bags, our they care about mental beauty?
hair dressing, and other exciting reporter found the brand – “Top- Overall, this was all about THE
Discovering First Hand What it Really Means to be Blind
things. pits” cooling bags. BODY.
“Wow”, thought Ms. Pretty, “Well thanks,” she smiled All in all, it was getting to be By Paul Krauskpf but the trees, the grass, the smells Maria calmly answered questions
“that looks like a place to start a sweetly, and walked away, nearly too much. Did you ever wonder what it and even the miniature waterfall and shared anecdotes. I ordered a
spring shape-up.” crashing into a woman toasted Ms. Pretty was just heading was like to be blind? What it was were real. As far as I could hear. beer and when asked what it was.
At the Wienerin magazine to a golden brown by a solarium towards the exit when a petite like to spent your time - from Although the birds somehow just “Ottakringer,” Maria answered
booth, visitors were welcomed (which the magazines now admit Asian girl crossed her way. “Let walking around in your living didn’t sound right. quickly. In a moment of cocki-
with a gift subscription of two free is not entirely healthy…). She me tell you about acupuncture,” room, to visiting a crowded bar From the beginning the lack ness, I ripped off the label. It’s
issues and a glass of champagne. forced a piece of paper at Ms. she said, taking Ms. Pretty’s fin- - in complete darkness? It seemed of dimension made it impossible what I do with every bottle, but
People were smiling and seemed Pretty to fill in, so, if she were ger, put on it a little angled circle impossible at first, but once you’re to walk in a straight line. I ran what was the point this time when
to be really enjoying the event. lucky, she could win some fantas- made of wires and starting to pull- exposed to it for over 45 minutes, around like Frankenstein, holding I couldn’t even see it?
Already? tic machine not unlike a vacuum ing it up and down, while going you learned to adjust. “Dialog im onto everything I found in order After an hour in the world of
Dunkeln” catapults into a numb to compensate for the loss of my darkness, it all ended as abruptly
world of sounds, smells and vision. Maria quickly became the as it had started. Suddenly around
touches. While leading through safe haven, when it was time to the corner there was light and in-
an obstacle course that would’ve end the “ten step expedition to stantly the cane, which had been
usually been a daily routine, it the left”. As soon as we were com- so essential, became a useless stick
made you instantly dependant on pletely lost we shouted out her again, our steps firm and the pace
one person. In my case, her name name and she would firmly grab fast. We were welcomed by a
was Maria. our arm and lead us further along warm, dimly lit hall and involun-
After we had paid the 7,50� the way. tarily, several shouted out:
we were huddled into a group I realized later that the for- “Licht!”
of 5.We headed down the stairs, est, even with all its intensive Maria slowed her pace as we
Courtesy of Ruta Kurselyte

a wide, gradually descending sounds and smells, was an easier rushed towards it, and I wondered
aisle adjusted for the blind, and world to decipher than man what it was like for her to expe-
stopped at a dimly lit corridor made environments because of rience that every day, to be left
marking the entrance to the world the high contrasts. behind by her once-helpless flock
of darkness. We were each handed Not so the gate to an un- as they returned as masters to the
a white cane, shown how to hold known house, our next station, world of light. It was then that
it about 20 cm away from our where merely finding the entrance we saw Maria for the first time, a
bodies and make a semi-circle would have been impossible with- young woman in her late 20’s with
while walking. out Maria. curly hair and a warm face. Now
A solarium-ed girl in vulgar high heels took the stage for body painting. All body – that was it. No clothes.
Easy – until I tried to do it. Lumbering through the house the situation was reversed and
Ms. Pretty came to a big cleaner, to purify the air in her liv- on about its useful effects for “eve- The cane was to become one out the back door, we were forced suddenly Maria seemed helpless
room filled with bubbling con- ing room. The woman tossed in a rything in one’s life.” Ms. Pretty wiggly pointing stick, a measure to cross an intersection on the and vulnerable.
versations, polished nails and the piece of candy as compensation. felt a little sick. Besides her fingers of my uncertainty as I stumbled way to our bus stop. The board- We thanked her and went on
buzz of a tattooing machine and, Time to move on. Faces were had started hurting from the sharp about in the dark trying to make walk ended abruptly, causing us to our way into a world of color that
and music from some far-away changing and loud voices compet- angles of those idiotic circles. But out objects a meter away from us. bump into one another while try- now seemed dense, full of high
stage. Colorful bottles with magi- ing – and frustrations rising. From the Asian girl was looking some- As soon as the dim light ing to line up at the traffic light. contrasts and a grey sky that had
cal creams and cure-all vitamins all sides, colorful pamphlets were where off in the distance and just turned green, we walked in to The slow clicking signalled us a new shimmer to it I didn’t re-
filled the bright displays; up-beat flying, offering to lengthen and/or talking, talking, talking… meet our (blind) guide Maria. a green light, so we crossed in a member seeing before.
sounds spilled out from speakers thicken hair, get rid of cellulite, or “Two circles cost 12 euros, but The first meeting wouldn’t be in manner that would have caused Vision is the sense we use for
hanging from the ceiling. improve your career success with for you I can give both for 10,” my world, but in hers-- in the hysterical laughter in broad day- 80% of our perception, Maria had
The whole event seemed alive the help of some magic magnets she whispered conspiratorially. dark. After a minute of clumsy light. The bus was clearly a hy- told us. Now that I had gained it
– maybe a bit too alive. worn an hour per day. Or was it But Ms. Pretty had already step-by-stepping and grabbing for draulic construction of some back, it seemed like a superpower.
“Where to start?” Ms. Pretty two hours…? turned her back and was head- a handrail, I heard the voice that sort, but Maria refused to admit And just as I was looking
thought for a second, when she Then suddenly, eyes turned ing for the exit, her head spin- would become very familiar in the to any ruse, and insisted it was a around, astonished at all the
was accosted by a countrified to the stage, where a show of posh ning from all these smells, faces, next 45 minutes. real bus. detail, I remembered the beer
woman with a very loud voice hairdressing was getting under sounds and colorful packages. It We would participate in She didn’t want us only going label that must still be in my
insisting she should try a gooey, way. It looked funny: young girls took another 10 minutes wander- what it was like to live a day in through the motions. pocket. I took it out and un-
ketchup-like spread slathered pretending to be podium super ing through the bewildering floor her life, emphasizing she had said After another stop at the folded the paper.
across a piece of bread. “All natu- stars and one very arrogant hair- plan, before she finally found the participate, not experience. There greengrocer we hit the bar. Here It was not Ottakringer, but a
ral,” apparently, with special vita- dresser dispensing trade secrets. door. The exit was probably hid- were seven of us, which suddenly we met other groups and were random brand I had never heard
mins and other mysterious ingre- One girl had to get down on her den on purposely, she mused, seemed like a lot. supposed to interact. Yet the help- of. I mused over the many reasons
dients. “Ketchup? But I thought knees while her hair was being so unhappy customers end up In case we got lost, we were lessness and disorientation made for this. But in the end, in came
this was a beauty exhibition!” Ms. done – all this for beauty? trapped in this Kafka-esque night- to just call out her name and she small talk almost impossible. Af- down to the fact that I had be-
Pretty was getting confused. Beginning to tire, Ms. Pretty mare. would come get us. There were a ter five minutes of silent interac- lieved her and so experienced the
Maybe a foray by brand was headed for the bar that was situat- Finally outside, she breathed few giggles of nervous laughter. tion in the dark, Maria called us vulnerability of being blind.
not such a bad idea. So off she ed right in front of the stage, just in the fresh air, thought nostalgi- Shouting out for help to a person to a table. I had really tasted the familiar
went – to a Panasonic booth of- in time to take in a Girl Band of cally about a bike ride in the park we’d just met? What other choice Like little kids, we toddled in brand of beer – or thought I had
fering big massaging chairs, which six dressed in fashionable hip-hop on a Sunday morning and juicy did we have. her direction, kicking over chairs – merely because someone else
many were already enjoying. Well, outfits trying to dance to the hit apples from the market, experi- I blinked; my eyes tried hard and hitting our knees on table- had told me it was so.
no, that wasn’t what Ms. Pretty song “Can I Have It Like That” ences that could actually work to focus; Open or shut, there was legs. From around the bar guides Not until I could see again,
was looking for. by Pharrell and Gwen Stefani, but bigger miracles than all those no change. yelled out their names, and groups could I even argue or question
Suddenly a plastic model never quite catching the beat. magical soaps and creams, most First encounter; the forest. of 4-5 grown up men and women what Maria had told me. I was
appeared right in front of her “Do those singers know what likely boiled up in a witches caul- They had avoided any brush or trudged towards them like in the glad, no, unendingly grateful,
wrapped all around with colorful their song is being used for?” won- dron somewhere deep in the for- rough ground, branches or fallen movie March of the Penguins. that I was able to leave this state
bandages and covered hand and dered the reporter. ests of Poland. logs lying around to trip over, Sitting around the table of complete dependency behind.
add for 3/29/2006 11:37:11 AM
Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries

Oil is everywhere,
whether it is your iPod, laptop,
contact lenses, sunglasses,
mobile phone, backpack
or jacket.







OPEC is an international Organization of 11 oil-exporting developing nations. It was The principal aim of OPEC is the co-ordination and unification of the petroleum
established in September 1960, in Baghdad by five founder Members — the Islamic policies of Member Countries and the determination of the best means for safeguarding
Republic of Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. their interests, individually and collectively.

Qatar joined the Organization in 1961, Indonesia in 1962, the Socialist People’s Libyan Arab The Organization is committed to providing a stable oil market, with fair prices for both
Jamahiriya in 1962, the United Arab Emirates in 1967, Algeria in 1969 and Nigeria in 1971. producers and consumers, on a sustainable basis.

The OPEC Secretariat was initially based in Geneva, Switzerland, before moving to Vienna, Due regard shall be given at all times to the interests of producing nations and to the
Austria in 1965, where it remains to this day. necessity of securing a steady income to an efficient, economic and regular supply of
petroleum to the consuming nations; and to a fair capital return to those investing in
Membership is open to any country with a substantial net export of crude petroleum and the petroleum industry.
which holds fundamentally similar interests to those of the Organization’s Member Countries.
18 Arts & Letters
“When I think about it, I don’t be such a caring person. But then I thought you have to show it.
know anything about him -- he says… such brutal things. That’s what I did. […] It is not
Although he likes to talk,” Eva – When he’s the Führer.” humanizing. I think it’s rather
Braun muses. “He’s changed so As much as Eichinger tries responsible. I say, ‘a closer look.’
much. He only talks about dogs to humanize him, Hitler is still And maybe this is the thing to
and vegetarian meals.” the “monster” while doing busi- do in these days. What Chap-
In the 2002 German docu- ness. lin did many, many years ago
mentary, Blind Spot: Hitler’s “If there’s a battle in Berlin, [in The Great Dictator] was to
Secretary, Traudl Junge talked of we’ll fight to the last man,” Hit- make him ridiculous. That was,
him as a father figure. ler barks. “We can’t worry about at that time, the right thing to
“I admit, I was fascinated these so-called civilians now. In do. But not now.”
by Adolf Hitler,” she tells the a war like this there are no civil- “So I was looking for the
interviewer. “He was a pleasant ians.” center of this evil, and I didn’t
boss and a fatherly friend. I de- When Albert Speer begs him find a heart. I found a hole, or
liberately ignored all the warn- to spare the German people, he [an] emptiness.”
ing voices inside me and enjoyed again is cold-blooded: “If my Eichinger is convinced that
the time by his side almost until own people fail this test,” he Hitler produced his own final
the bitter end. It wasn’t what he says, “I will shed not one tear scene ‘completely and conscious-
said, but the way he said things for them. They deserve nothing ly.’ He only made other people
Bruno Ganz as Adolf Hitler greeting new recruits in Oliver Hirschbiegel’s film of the Führer’s last days
and how he did things.” else. It’s their own destiny. They believe that they would come
Hilter seems to have the themselves are to blame.” out victorious, but he knew it
same influence on his under- Performances in the film was over. He planned his down-

The Downfall lings, as you can see from a con-

versation between Walter Hewel
(Gerald Alexander Held), diplo-
mat in the Foreign Ministry, and
are universally strong. However
Ganz’ performance can only be
described as astonishing, begin-
ning with an unnerving photo-
fall with a clear view of history.
“He produced it, and if you
want to be cynical, you could
say, that he was the best director
Was Germany Ready to See Hitler as a Movie Star? Prof. Dr. Ernst-Günter Schenck
(Christian Berkel), a doctor:
graphic resemblance to Hitler
– wig and moustache perfect, his
for this you can imagine.”
However, many in the Ger-
“He made me swear a vow. permanent stoop, the trembling man press were unhappy. “Are
That I would kill myself the and twitching of a sick man, we allowed to show the mon-
by P.C. Prebensen dramatized Hitler. If he was Ganz/Hitler enters the action to moment the Russians captured many now suspect he suffered ster as a human being?” screen
and J. Hein represented at all, he was shown receive a very young, poised but me. – Hitler made you promise from Parkinson’s disease. writer Eichinger remembered
Whatever else it was, director for fractions of a second, seen nervous Traudl Junge (Alexandra to kill yourself? But why? – He But most outstanding per- reading. But how frighten-
Oliver Hirschbiegel’s decision to from the rear or from a distance, Maria Lara), who has come to be probably didn’t want me to be haps is his accent, a mix of Aus- ingly normal it is,” he says on
make The Downfall was daring. and nearly always without text. interviewed for a job as his per- forced to speak negatively of trian and Bavarian, that Ganz the film’s website, “for Hitler
Would anyone want to watch a It was an unspoken agreement: sonal secretary. It is November, him.” imitates very realistically, cap- to pet his dog and at the same
film that humanized Adolf Hil- the dread of showing a man who 1942. The job applicants It seems a paradox, that turing the rage, one hand placed time give out instructions that
ter? Critics in the United States had controlled the fantasies of had been coached: No Nazi Hewel would be grateful while behind his back, his voice rising, cost hundreds of thousands
were favorable on the whole, but Germans perhaps more than any salute, the attaché tells them. receiving a poison capsule from his breath getting shorter as his their lives.
wondered whether it could win other historical figure to date. “The Führer isn’t recruiting you Hitler. The film tries to imply body stiffens and suddenly ex- “Some day, we have to be
an Oscar (it didn’t). In Europe, With Eichinger’s fine screen- as soldiers, he’s looking for a sec- that Hitler gives him the capsule plodes. To regain his calmness, capable of telling our own his-
however, and especially in Ger- play, Hirschbiegel’s The Down- retary…Just be natural.” out of good will, and not to stop he slicks back his messy part of tory.”
many, Hirschbiegel faced criti- fall shows Hitler as a multidi- Thus the first time we meet up a leak. When his people do hair in his famous pose. Oliver Hirschbiegel agrees.
cism and even antipathy. mensional character, giving him, Hitler, we see him not as a brutal not follow him, Hitler seems There is only one known re- “It’s an obligation, really. I
The Downfall focuses on in effect, a starring role. leader -- wandering and scream- hurt, as when Albert Speer (Hei- cording that exists of Hitler in think we as Germans have the
Hitler’s last days in his bunker But have they humanized ing, ignoring the hopeless situ- no Ferch) comes to say good- a normal conversation, at Field obligation to show him as he
in Berlin in 1945, drawing on Hitler? Or are they just showing ation and oblivious to the suf- bye and admits abandoning his Marshall Gustaf Mannerheim’ was. I think we owe this to the
Joachim Fest’s Inside Hitler’s a side of him that they believe fering of his population – but command. After he leaves, Hit- 75 birthday in 1942, unaware millions and millions of vic-
Bunker, Inside the Third Reich, must have existed on some level? as a private person, considerate ler starts crying and stares at the of being recorded. Ganz studied tims. They have not been killed
the memoirs of Hitler’s architect Despite his being a monster – a towards his female staff and his wall. We also see signs of regret, this unique tape thoroughly. by an evil creature. They have
Albert Speer, and interviews and matter that is not questioned by dog, and his vulnerability in se- as Hitler leaves the screen: “To- “If I had not felt sympathy been killed, on purpose, with
autobiography of his personal the film – the portrait assumes cluded moments. morrow millions of people will for the character and had not industrialized means, and any-
secretary Traudl Junge. Scenes that there must have been a rea- He thanks them for coming curse me, but fate has taken its managed to make the audience thing else is to me nonsense.”
inside Hitler’s legendary bunker son why so many Germans fol- in the middle of the night. “In course.” feel sympathy for the creature One final irony: Many
were shot on a rebuilt set in Mu- lowed him. war,” he explains, “we aren’t al- So it is his role as Fuhrer, the Hitler, then I would have failed Germans had problems under-
nich. Exteriors took place in St. To realize what this film ways masters of our time.” And film suggests, that transforms in my job as an actor,” Ganz standing Hitler’s speeches be-
Petersburg. means to Germans, focus has he reassures his new secretary. this man, so considerate in pri- told NBC News. Ganz does not cause of his accent and explo-
Directed by Oliver Hirsch- to be put on the choice of the “Don’t be nervous,” he says. “I vate, into a monster. question that he was an evil per- sive style. Bruno Ganz did his
biegel, produced and written 63-year-old Swiss actor Bruno make so many mistakes when “It seems he doesn’t want son. But Ganz also believes, that job so well, that when our Ger-
by Bernd Eichinger, the film Ganz – one of the most beloved I dictate. You’ll never make as anyone to see inside him. I mean behind the brutal facade there man friends gathered to watch
is a milestone in German film actors of contemporary German many as I do.” deep inside,” Eva Braun says to was more. the movie, we had to turn on
history. Germans had never cinema, to play Adolf Hitler. But still, he is complicated. Traudl Junge. “In private, he can “If you dare to discover that, the subtitles.

Music Review would be great if he would again. work. Though he sings one for- the rhythm guitarist, weren’t on on his drums, Smelly’s drum work
And though the lyrics are gettable Spanish ditty with sam- board as well. This CD gives more has the power to make you say

Aging Punks
painfully clichéd at times (“Cul- pled drums, his work as a musi- vocal time to the man whose voice “my god, how does he do that?”
tural revolution / now, neo-con- cian is fun, solid, and surprisingly has been dubbed “the mel-yell.” NoFX has always worked well
servatives run outta town…”), complex. Great guitar solos here But as always, it’s the incred- together as a band, and this album
what’s here is mostly very good. and there, chugging and fast riffs ible synchronization between doesn’t disappoint. Although they
There are songs dealing with what all round, and not a whole lot of Melvin and El Hefe that make the don’t stray too far from the tried-
Getting Old and Giving a Big “60%” aging means to the guitar work a joy to and-true, it’s a formula that works
band (they don’t care listen to. The album’s and will always been fun to listen
by Mazin Elfehaid But after several (dozen) about it), the horrors title track, along with to. Couple the intensity of the
After three years of silence, times through the CD player, it of a numbing consum- “The Man I killed,” musicians with the pure wit of Fat
punk-rock band NoFX is back has, much like an acquired taste, er culture, the death and “USA-holes,” are Mike’s lyrics (“No longer svelte
with their 10th studio album in turned out to be a very solid re- penalty, and people amongst the best stuff / they gotta punch new holes in
two decades. Entitled Wolves in lease. who think they can on the CD. the Bible belt,” and “We march to
Wolves Clothing, it’s a fast paced The bad news first: Nofx change the world from One thing that re- the beat of indifferent drum”) and
punk rock frenzy that is in many frontman Fat Mike (who also the comforts of their ally stands out on this you’ve got yourself an explosive,
ways what their previous release, writes the lyrics) still has a ma- homes. album is the drums. fun, thought provoking, and yet
The War on Errorism, should have jor bone to pick with the US’s Additionally there Erik Sandin has some totally sensory experience.
been. Neo-Conservative faction, result- are the usual “silly of his best drum work Some might accuse NoFX
The last album received a ing in lyrics that seem more like songs,” this time in the of NoFX’s career of being too comfortable, maybe
tepid reaction from critics and agenda-pushing, and are anything form of a 34-second on this release, and even a little played out. The band
longtime fans, and while this lat- but timeless. Nofx have always ode to a long lost lover, its something that, would probably agree. Their first
est album, released late April, has been a socially and politically a song about Japanese by itself, warrants a song, “60%,” and the song’s re-
some of the same weaknesses, it is critical band. But listening to a hardcore sex bars, and, purchase. Never re- prise, sum up what this album is
in many ways a much more solid song about how evil George Bush believe it or not, a trib- petitive (except for all about: “Welcome to our mis-
piece of work. and his cronies are gets old very ute to all the old punk- Wolves in Wolves Clothing: A solid NoFX release the awful sampling sion statement / total self debase-
It does take some getting used quickly. And it is possible to uni- rockers who have died on “Contado En Espanol”) ment / and not giving our all.”
to though. At first, it seemed like versalize the same political points, over the years. Only NoFX could variety from a tried and true for- Sandin, or ‘Smelly’ as his band- Honesty is a very valuable thing.
another “medio-core” album, a and produce songs as timeless as make something like that amusing mula give this album a fun, fast- mates have dubbed him, is simply Clearly, giving only about
term coined by the band referring Bob Dylan. without it becoming meaningless. paced edge. an amazing drummer. Sometimes 60% is totally ok with all of them,
to music with simplistic and un- Fat Mike has done this in the Lead guitarist El-Hefe gives Of course, NoFX wouldn’t be commenting on the guitar, some- and to be quite frank, NoFX at
original songwriting. past on albums like The Decline; it the listeners more of his signature half the band it is if Eric Melvin, times almost playing the melody sixty percent still rocks!
Arts & Letters 19

Literary Encounter
Irving By Accident

Courtesy of Omar Badsha

Happening on the Great Man, but too Impressed to Speak
By Meinrad Knapp Free the Bears – that is gifted in Vienna when he was studying lous characters that you fell in
The best things sometimes 350.000 special-edition copies to at the Institut für Höhere Eu- love with, who had opened up a
happen by accident. I was just the people of Vienna. ropäische Studien and shared a new way of looking at things…
hanging loose one cold and windy John Irving looks like a busi- flat with a friend in Vienna`s 4 and here he was speaking my lan-
Saturday in March. Well wrapped nessman, wears a suit, a tie and a th District. All who are familiar guage. He talked, sipped some
up, I was drifting through Vien- white shirt. His hair is starting to with The World According to water, stopped for a second,
Two men outside their home in an Indian neighborhood of Durban na’s 1st District, maybe to end grey and his clothes hide a body Garp would recognize the mes- searching for the right word.
up in a coffeehouse, my thoughts My head was full of ques-
wandering through my mind… tions, but my mouth refused to
Black, Brown, White I didn’t even mind having to
put my gloves on, when I passed
open. I was afraid of breaking the
magic. I did not want to inter-
the back of the Burgtheater and rupt the flow, so I decided to let

Courtesy of Claudia Knoepfler

A Photo Exhibition at the Kunsthalle Wien headed for the Burggarten, a the river run. I was just too im-
Gives Insights into Apartheid’s Lasting Effects green, calm and welcoming is- pressed. So, it seemed, were the
land within the city in spring or other journalists. Even the pho-
summer, but depressing if you’re tographers stopped for a time.
there on a windy winter day. The No click, click, just John Irving
by Sean Delaney to, ironic, because main streets of snow covered most of the garden, telling about 1986, when he had
Though it has been ten years the ghetto are named for Queen which made it seem even more last come to Vienna to present his
since the end of apartheid in Victoria and other aristocrats silent than it’s unpeopled spaces new book, the Prayer for Owen
South Africa, the wounds rubbed and political leaders of the Brit- already were. Meany - when I accidentally fell
raw through so many generations ish Empire. A turn to the left, I left the in love, with this story and with
will take much longer to heal. In “Street performer. Victo- Hofburg behind me and headed this writer.
The depths of these wounds can ria Street,” he shows a crowd of downtown. I’m not sure what at- At this time the Austrian
be difficult to grasp from the out- blacks and coloreds – some di- tracted my attention first, Mayor president Kurt Waldheim was on
side, but the powerful photo ex- sheveled, some carrying their lives of Vienna Michael Häupl or the the watch list, accused of being a
hibition “Black, Brown, White,” on their backs – gathered around man following him, the one sur- member of the SS during World
at the Kunsthalle Wien, which a juggler in the ghetto, as a black rounded by reporters. But before War II. Irving paid a price for his
runs until June 18th, gives us police officer watches. I could get close, they had slipped visit in the eyes of American pub-
some insight into apartheid and In “Whitey and friends. Victo- into the Café Griensteidl. lic, alarmed that Irving would
its lasting effects. ria Street,” (1979) Badsha showed Luck was with me, though. I support support Waldheim.
The exhibit looks mainly a white man surrounded by two picked up a familiar face in the But then I had to leave; I had
through the cameras of three pre- blacks. “Why do you look, please crowd; he grinned at me and lost track of the time. Even if I
John Irving honored in Vienna for his novel Setting Free the Bears
dominant photographers through help” and “Help? Why Lord?” is I was in. Writer John Irving had taken the day off I still had
three eras are South Africa in the written on the wall behind them. – for that’s who it was – author clearly in good shape. If you had sage Garp left for his mother: an appointment I should keep.
20th century; Omar Badsha, Dav- Even though this man was white, of best sellers, The World Ac- expected a cozy writer in a tweed “”If you get lost, go to Wien IV, I went outside. The light
id Goldblatt, and Pieter Hugo, he was treated as black because of cording to Garp, Cider House jacket with leather patches and Schwindgasse 15/2.” This was his already had started to fade. My
are among others featured in this his poverty. Rules, or my all time favorite A a pullover you would have been real address in Vienna. head was spinning, as I gazed
photo exhibition. The youngest of the pho- Prayer for Owean Meany was in disappointed. Irving could eas- There was something surreal around at the cityscape I know so
David Goldblatt thought of tographers, Pieter Hugo, was town for the annual celebration ily be mistaken for the CEO of about the whole scene, being just well. I canceled my appointment
the camera not as a machine gun, born in 1976 in Johannesburg. of literature, “Ein Buch – Eine a large company talking about 15 meters away in the same room and went home, and started to
as some South African photogra- A self-trained photographer, he Stadt” (One Book – One City). going public and culling support with the person who had created reread Owen Meany.
phers thought, but rather a means has focused his work around is- Each year a novel is chosen with a from the Viennese major. such wonderful stories, who had I had a very special voice in
of navigating the complex layers sues of developing countries in particular connection to Vienna Irving talked, in a very like- made stay up the whole night my ear and in my mind. And I
of society, culture and politics. Africa. His most striking photos -- this year, John Irving’s Setting able German, about his time in reading, who had invented fabu- did not want to loose it.
One of the pioneers of South Afri- are of three men who have died
can photography, Goldblatt came from AIDS. In these giant pho-
from a mining town, the setting
for the photos in his first book,
tos of this giant problem, the
men lie in their caskets, with
A Triumphant Tosca That evening, the sound
was luxuriously rich, seizing the
musicians’ insecurity may be
explained, however, by Sutej’s
On the Mines (1973). only their heads shown. These Deborah Voight Soars Over Ensemble passionate musicality of Puc- having stepped in at the last
A second group of photos final photos in the exhibition cini’s orchestration, engulfing minute. The original conduc-
Problems at the Wiener Staatsoper
portray a white town called Boks- are perhaps the most shocking and sweet, at times, so intense tor fell sick.
burg in the 1970s and 80s. A and hard to shake off. by Ana Simundza such as Napolens’s Battle of that the audience was visibly The lack of coordination
masterful observer of the social, There are also three audio/ Rarely had an opera garnered Marengo are also true to the his- moved. could probably best be seen
economic, and cultural divides, video presentations. One on the such open hostility from the toric record. Following singers every in Cavaradossi’s E lucevan le
Goldblatt captured the contrasts second floor entitled “Drum. Pho- critics as Puccini’s Tosca when The staging of the Wiener whim of timing can be nigh stele. Despite individual tri-
between the life of the white mi- tojournalism from South Africa,” it premiered in Rome in 1900. Staatsoper production was set on impossible, though, and umphs of both the orchestra
nority and that of the blacks and features photos from the early The professional music world under an imaginative, angled one could occasionally hear a and tenor Walter Fraccaro (Ca-
coloreds, whose lives by this time days of Apartheid from photog- was “sickened by the cheapness divider, emphasizing the main second of technical insecurity, varadossi), the phrasing and
have been roped off into the same raphers like Jürgen Schadeberg, and emptiness” of the score. events in lines and the tempo were on the edge of
restricted world. who narrates the emotion and un- But the prime judge of To- the front groups of falling apart.
In one photo, “Saturday rest in South Africa as Apartheid sca’s immense success turned out without los- instruments As a drama, the acting was
morning at the Hypermarket: took hold. In “We won’t move, to be the public, who for over ing sight of f a l l i n g presentable and everybody did
Semi-final of the Miss Lovely Legs Sophiatown,” (1955) Schadeberg a century have been head over the parallel briefly out a decent job. Perhaps bari-
Competition,” (1980), Goldblatt captured these words in graffiti on heels in love with this melodra- h a p p e n i n g s of sync. A tone Alberto Mastromarino, as
captures a beauty competition, a wall, with three black men play- matic jewel of an opera. and context conducting Scarpia, could have been more
the white contestants parading ing a game below on the curb. This first tragedy of a new in the back. error? Dis- agile and the brilliant soprano
on an open stage, with a crowd of Of special interest are a series age plays not merely with feel- The set was tracted mu- Deborah Voigt as Tosca more
colored and black people stand- of photos of Nelson Mandela be- ings but with the most dramatic a perfect bal- sicians? imaginative. For example,
ing below gazing up at them. In fore he was imprisoned and others expression of deep passions. This ance – lavish Hard to while her lover Cavaradossi
another, more modern photo of the Jazz movement in South simple plot has it all - love, jeal- enough to say, and one was being tortured, she sat in
he shows a black mayor sitting Africa in the 1950s. Among the ousy, murder, politics, and the c o r r e s p o n d of the risks in place, serene and apparently
at a conference table, flanked by most dramatic and memorable of lack of aesthetic distance – has to the origi- run rou- unmoved.
portraits of Nelson Mandela and these was “Lighting Up” (1953) made Tosca one of the most be- nal early tinely at an Although the singing was
other black leaders on the wall be- by Schadeberg, showing black loved operas of all time. 19th cen- opera house excellent across the board,
hind him. man lighting a cigarette in pitch Tosca is a work of perfection- tury, yetwas that has 54 Voigt and Fraccaro simply tri-
Omar Badsha, born in Durbin, black, his hand cupped around ist musical realism. The morn- also not too operas in ro- umphed. Fraccaro’s classic ten-
Deborah Voight as Tosca
South Africa in 1945, and grew up the lighter, with only the flame ing bells of Act 3 required carry- elaborate so tation during or has a special warmth.
in a Gujarati Muslim family. A self lighting his face and the edge of ing the original bells of churches as to distract attention from the the season. A bit of good old He was also the most im-
taught photographer, he started his hat. surrounding Castel Sant’Angelo plot and the music. rehearsal could do the orches- pressive in his musicality and
his photo journalistic career in the Powerful as it is, the exhibit into the opera house. The score is challenging, tra some good. passionate expression and was
1960s in high school and released is surprisingly not depressing. Puccini learned the pitch of although not for this orchestra However, it was clear from technically impeccable.
his first book of photos, Letter to It may be in the honesty of the St. Peter’s big bell and pressed that has had it in the repertoire the body language of the or- However, flaws were few
Farzanah. (1979) visual narration, that there is his clerical friends for the pitch- for many years. Most players chestra members that conduc- and fleeting. All in all, it was a
Some of his works from the such a strong sense of hope for a es and chants. Numerous refer- can probably play at perform- tor Vjekosav Sutej had a strong musically masterful evening of
Durbin collection Imperial Ghet- brighter future. ences to historic figures, events ance level from sight. presence. One part of the Puccinian pathos at its finest.
20 Business & Media
that seems to go hand in hand self, I find it degrading, especial- for example. This is an ancient
with service, something repre- ly after learning about the inten- Indo-Aryan religious symbol
senting classic, majestic grace as tions and history behind it. Like that in India and China to this
well old fashioned charm. the political ads of the “FPÖ”, day means “good fortune,” and
Several decades later, the or the parade of pornography on can be seen on temples and stat-
logo evolved yet again, losing the newsstands, this logo seems uary. But after its use by the Nazi
the Meinl inscription, just the needlessly insensitive, giving no party, would it be an appropriate
figure of the “Mohr” that Aus- thought to how it might degrade logo for an Indian restaurant in
trians had learned to associate and aggravate people, making Vienna?
with the company and the coffee them feel threatened and dis- Julius Meinl has kept the old
products. respected by their government. logo here in Austria, with the
The opening of a Julius Austria seems rife with images “Mohr’s” dark face clearly point-
Meinl store in Chicago recently that shock. ed downwards, in a servile atti-
presented the companz with an One would hope tude, common to the slaves
interesting dilemma. What logo that change and un- of previous centuries.
would the store use in America, a derstanding would And we are reminded
country where the iconography go hand in hand of the depth of the
of a dark-skinned servant, how- with moderniza- cultural divide: What
ever exotic, would be a complete tion. And one is can seem too obvi-
taboo? Products are boycotted motivated to ask ously shocking to one

Quaint or Racist?
in America when they have the how a country so society can seem com-
slightest hint to any racial mi- heavily dependant on pletely unremarkable to
nority. Would Meinl change the tourism could not realize another.
figure of such historic signifi- the backwardness of it all, the As S.I Hayakawa said “In
cance in Vienna? hesitation – evident in the little the age of television, image be-
The Meinl Logo is a Long-Standing Tradition The logo used in America things -- towards a more diverse comes more important than sub-
looked like this: cultural understanding of the stance.”
The reds remained, but the surrounding world, is what Aus- The image of the “Mohr”
By Ardalan Maher boy wears the Fez, as he does their places of establishment a facial color was lightened, to a tria is lacking. The Viennese will will probably remain in Austrian
The significance of the logo in this 1924 version, a popular worldlier feel. mix between grey and brown, still buy their coffee, its part of culture, and the people from
the ‘Meinl Coffee boy’ says a headdress with an attached black The new logo is different. The and its structure is in some man- their culture, but will they ever around the world who associate
lot about Austria. Originally tassel. The boy’s exotic facial facial features aren’t displayed as ner more detailed. The back- try and understand that the logo with Austria and Germany, take
designed in 1924 by a Viennese features are clear to the eye, the accurately as that of the 1924 ground color is completely blue, on their cup might offend the it as it is and judge the picture
artist Josef Binder, and later classic gold earring, the servant’s image. Here, the boy’s face seems a modern touch, especially for a people of another country, may- by what it means to the local
modernized in 1950 by Otto collar with the matching gold to be facing downward, the red company such as Meinl. be an immigrant from Africa, culture, according to the history
Exinger, the company describes embroiled buttons. The boy is collar sticking out from bellow But wouldn’t what forced Morocco, Arabia? of the country they find them-
the logo as combining “Turkish depicted sipping a coffee, pick- his chin more clearly visible, the Meinl to change the logo in Imagine an Austrian drink- selves in.
Sultanate and Arabic traditions ing up the cup with one hand. facial color is clearly darker, now America, make it wise to change ing out of a cup with a swastika Foreigners accept the Aus-
with those of the Baroque Angels The color of the figures face closer to black. This in Austria as on it, or maybe a picture of Adolf trian “Mohr” because new global
of European architecture”. is clearly brown, hinting towards simplified logo has well? The glo- Hitler, Stalin, or Mussolini? Cer- understanding has made people
Familiar things easily pass either someone from an Arabic become minimalist, bal definition tainly a disturbing iconographic more tolerant. Tourists come to
unnoticed. I have lived in Aus- or African background, some- showing more by of the term image, one that would awaken Austria to learn and understand,
tria a long time. And in the Iran thing quite exotic in 1924. The showing less. The “worldliness” has awful memories for many Austri- even though they might not al-
of my childhood, I was never ex- image was supposed to give the reds echo the red changed over the ans. Minorities feel the same way, ways agree with whatever they
posed to a so-called “black” or viewer a sense of worldliness, a velvet cushions of a years, and to- the picture of a black servant can see, they respect the culture.
“colored” population. Perhaps sense of exoticness, a very popu- Kaffeehaus, widely day, something arouse feelings of shame or fear, However this doesn’t excuse
that is why it was easier to ac- lar cultural outlook towards the popular in the 20s as common as and possibly a sense of hopeless- Austrians from trying to under-
cept the glamorous historical world at a time when traveling and 30s to decorate American Logo the “Mohr” in ness toward the traumatic his- stand what effect this simple
significance of the ever popular wasn’t as easy as it is today. Cof- public spaces, like the “Café Alt Austria is looked as an insulting tory of his or her peoples. image is having on their guests;
“Mohr” figure. feehouses and Hotels often used Wien” open since the 1930s, or slight to a minority by others. Image can be astonishingly a good host should always be
In the earlier portrayals the the image of the “Mohr” to give the Sacher Hotel. It’s a color As a Middle Easterner my- powerful. Take the swastika humble.
Business & Media 21
which last year made the largest
initial public offering in Vienna’s
history, worth �1.1 billion, earns
all of its revenue there.
This long association and
CNN‘s New Look
mutual reliance helps the Wiener
Hardly Revolutionary, But at Least it’ s Calmer
Börse to accommodate local sen-
sitivities, as it did in its alliance
with the Budapest exchange.
Rather than an outright takeover, By Sean Delaney thought to be easier to grasp as a
Wiener Börse engineered a deal in Three months after the whole.
which it joined a consortium of launch of CNN International’s But none of this is particu-
banks to purchase 68.6 percent of “new Look,” media profession- larly radical, and is still far from
the Budapest exchange from the als in Europe are left scratching innovations in other markets.
Hungarian brokerages that had their heads. The change from the “CNN still has a long way to
owned it. well know multi/layered, clutter go,” said Dr. Anthony Löwstedt,
So while the Vienna Exchange screen to what some have called a Webster Professor of Media Com-

The Empire Strikes Back:

owns 16 percent directly, it has “minimalist” look, went on the air munication. Al Jazeera, which
also made it possible for the con- in Europe Feb. 5, with some pro- Löwstedt got to know this past
trolling interest to stay in Hungar- gramming available world wide. semester in Palestine, has “simply

Wiener Börse Booming ian hands.

This complex structure pre-
serves the autonomy of the Buda-
What the station heralded as
a “radical break from the norm in
news channels,” observers see it
better graphics, is slicker, and the
movements, music and the cut-
ting (or editing) are all better.”
From a Provincial Past, the Vienna Exchange is Top Performer Worldwide pest exchange, and Michael Buhl, as a late-in-the-game catch up to In breaking news, for exam-
General Director of the Wiener techniques and styles already well ple, “often (on CNN) there is a
by M.T.M. Childs has seen a rise of 285.71%, while major Austrian players like the Börse, is the sole Austrian to sit established elsewhere.. blank screen. This never happens
Behind the inconspicuous the DAX, DJI, FTSE, CAC 40 Raiffeisen Bankengruppe, but also on its board. Assured of its own “This new look is nothing on Al Jazeera.”
façade of a 17th century palais and SMI have remained hover- giants like ABN, AMRO, Merrill autonomy, the Budapest exchange revolutionary,” said Dr. Michael Though there is still a ways to
in the Wallnergasse, tucked be- ing around the same performance Lynch, Templeton and Goldman can keep a firm Hungarian hand Freund, an editor at the Austrian go, Löwstedt has seen improve-
hind the Freyung in Vienna’s First numbers for the past six years (see Sachs, offer mutual funds and on the tiller, allowing it to develop daily Der Standard and Head ments. By shortening the intro-
District, the tiny Wiener Börse is Chart above). other investment products that relationships with local brokerages of the Media Communications ductory music, it now takes much
making big waves. Long trapped As Western European finan- monitor the stocks in the indices as well as fast-growing Hungarian department at Webster Vienna. less time to “get into the news.”
in an economic and political cul de cial markets argued over who will and channel money into the com- companies. “It’s just a good modification of Dr. Löwstedt thinks CNN Inter-
sac surrounded by communism, own whom, exchanges from Vi- panies listed on exchanges east of At the same time, Wiener its screen appearance, more calm, national may just have taken a
things have begun to change. enna to Budapest and Bucharest Vienna. As the banks pay royalties Börse is distributing Budapest’s less stuff moving at the bottom” -- page out of Al Jazeera’s book.
From a low-profile, regional quietly pursued collective interests for use of the Vienna based index- financial data - a vital revenue in fact, far less than the change to Senior vice president Rena
stock exchange that relied on pri- and ambitions for a region whose es, Austrians cash in. source for many exchanges - to the ORF, Austria’s national chan- Golden sees the change as “more
vatizations and long term partner- growth shows no signs of waning. Although the Börse does not companies like Bloomberg and
ships rather than the mergers and The Austrians, and particu- reveal the revenue collected from Reuters in exchange for a cut of
acquisitions of its Western Euro- larly the Viennese, are known these relationships, the net profit the profits. It is also helping the
pean and American counter parts, for their avoidance of confronta- in 2004 reached 6.3 million Eu- Hungarian exchange to create ex-
the Vienna Stock Exchange has tion and this tradition has proved ros and recently posted net profit change-traded funds, investment
emerged as the top performing profitable for the Börse. While for 2005 approaches 15.8 million vehicles that track a single stock
index world wide. others constantly seek cost-effi- Euros. market index but are listed on the
So now, in this former cient consolidation opportunities In the long run, these gains in exchange.
Habsburg administration build- that keep them rooted in mature Eastern Europe reflect the brisk Not every dream of the am-
ing, it has, centuries later, become markets, Vienna and its eastern economic growth since the fall of bitious Viennese financiers has
the hub of the financial life of pre- partners have been building net- communism, made possible by been realized. Hopes that the
cisely those Central and Eastern works to gain from the expansion low starting levels, a highly trained Warsaw Stock Exchange would
European countries that were part they knew was coming. work force and decades of pent up become a third partner in the
of the far-flung adminstrative re- Viennese practice involves demand - and an international network evaporated last year as
gions of the former Austro-Hun- buying direct shareholdings, as will to channel global investment a new Polish government put
garian Empire. when Wiener Börse secured a capital toward the region. privatization of the country’s
And it is in fact these tradi- stake in the Budapest exchange The profit is not one sided. state-owned exchange on in-
tions that help keep business rela- last year. But it also includes many Vienna lends its credibility to definite hold. The share sale was
tionships intact. smaller-scale ventures. less established eastern exchanges envisioned for this year, but the
This is not a coincidence. In February of 2006 exchang- and Vienna’s successes are derived new Polish government - now in
Throughout the years, even under es in Bucharest, Ljubljana, Sophia from their deep dependence on a bitter fight over foreign own-
communism, Austrian businesses and Zagreb, along with Wiener Eastern Europe. ership of Polish banks - offers
maintained steady, low-key rela- Börse agreed to begin publishing Both sides need the other, and little chance of that happening,
tions with Eastern Europe. the South-East European index, they both know it. A full 86% of experts say.
In the early 1990s, there was monitored and compiled in Vi- the companies that compose the However a deal may not be
talk that Vienna could greatly enna, a compendium of the 15 Wiener Börse’s ATX index do far off. Warsaw, with 80 per-
profit from the opening of markets largest copmanies in the region. business in Central and Eastern cent of the market capitalization
in the East. But many thought it Among these other indices de- Europe, with companies like the that Vienna has now and grow-
was just wishful thinking. signed for investors in central Eu- food processor Agrana and the in- ing rapidly, may soon be better nel, ten years ago. evolution than revolution.” She
This time, the skeptics have rope, the Romanian stock index, surer Wiener Städtische deriving placed to negotiate terms with “The ORF was far more radi- said the goal of the change “is to
been proven wrong. After years the ROTX, is calculated and pub- over 30 percent of their revenue the more established Austrians. cal,” Freund said. “(They) estab- ensure that our viewers around
of respectable growth, since 2000 lished by the Wiener Börse. from the region overall. Vienna’s answer to Warsaw lished a calm and cool look. Very the globe, many of whom do not
vienna Stock Index ATX
1 17/2/06 18:11 Investment
Page 1 banks including Raiffeisen Bankengruppe, has been to forge ahead with distinct, different from other TV speak English as a first language,
other forms of cooperation in stations, based on several basic understand and engage with the
Central and Eastern Europe. colors and some geometric, most- news we deliver.” In this, she hopes
In January it signed framework ly square, units.” that on CNN International, jour-
agreements with exchanges in The new look – created by nalism can “take center stage.”
Zagreb and Belgrade that should CNN International’s creative Dr. Freund sees the change as
pave the way for indexes like the director Mark Wright, in coop- a distancing from the busy screen
one in Romania. In early April eration with London based inde- developed originally by Bloomb-
Vienna agreed to help Bucharest pendent creative consultant Frank erg Business News, modified with
develop investment vehicles to Lampen, and Mark Haviland, a lot of effects and graphics – a
UND TASCHEN channel funds into that market. CNN’s marketing director for style that has become “démodé.”

MADE IN ENGLAND Five years ago, the interna- Europe, the Middle East, and Af- It was the over abundance of
tional contribution to trading rica – sets the new logo on a silver these elements, the visual clut-
BEI BERNHART UND on the Wiener Börse was nearly and gold globe. The new jingle is ter, that had become exhausting
GLOOM. zero, but it now accounts for shorter and punchier, and many for audiences. With this change,
nearly half of the exchange’s graphic elements were removed to CNN International has returned
roughly �10 billion monthly “create a cleaner look.” to a purer and simpler form.
turnover after the steady promo- One of the biggest changes is “CNN International still uses
tion of its links with Central and the removal of the “ticker” across a lot of gimmickry, with the many
Eastern Europe. The Austrians the bottom of the screen. This has squares partially covering the
and their partners are now envi- been replaced with what CNN screen,” Freund said. “But there
sioning a future that could bring calls a “flicker.” seems to be an understanding that
the same kind of success to other Instead of full sentences viewers want to concentrate on
exchanges, and build a new re- scrolling across the bottom of the main image and not be dis-
gional empire of prosperity in the screen, phrases and sentence tracted too much by supporting
Central Europe. fragments flash as complete units, information.”
22 Business & Media

Kenyan Media at Risk

In Spite of Promises for Reform the New Government
has Launched Police Raids on Newspapers and TV

By Issa A. Mansaray that was defeated in a referendum tion of The Standard.

When Kenyans went to the in November. In recent times, Security Minister John Mi-
polls in 2002, they elected Mwai Kibaki’s government has been hit chuki declared that the police
Kibaki as president under the op- my newspaper headlines after al- were simply doing their job. “If
position Rainbow Coalition, thus legation by former corruption ad- you rattle a snake, you must be
ending a quarter-century of rule viser, John Githongo, that govern- prepared to be bitten by it,” he
under former president Daniel ment minister were entrenched in said. Police spokesman Jaspher
Arap Moi. The vote for Kibaki siphoning public funds. Ombati, in a statement on the
was driven by the nations urge for In previous years, Kenya raid, claimed that the media was
political reform and to end cor- has been considered a relatively raided following information that
ruption in high places. safe country for journalists, but it intended to perpetuate ethnic
Now, this new government things have changed of late. In hatred that posed a major threat
– equally intolerant of criticism early February, government of- to national security, reported the
– is going after the media. ficials arrested many journal- East African Standard. However,
In the early hours of March ists, including newsvendors and Police Commissioner Major
2, heavily armed, masked police a receptionist. The raid on The General Hussein Ali under whose
carrying AK-47 assault riffles Standard and KTN followed two name the statement was issued;
raided the printing house of The days after Muahi Kagwe, Infor- was said to be unaware of the raid
Standard daily in Kenya’s capital mation and Communication and the statement. He was on of-
Nairobi, arresting three journal- Minister issued a warning against ficial duty in Seychelles.
ists. Another group of armed media abuse of press freedom. Information minister Mu-
police raided the Kenya Televi- Kagwe also ordered FM stations tahi Kagwe and assistant min-
sion Network (KTN) in central operating in the city and it en- ister Koigi Wa Wamwere also
Nairobi and forced it off the air. virons to relocate their transmit- disassociated themselves with the
The raid, caught on office cam- ters out of the capital. At a press raid action claiming they had no
eras, was replayed on major TV conference, Kagwe said he knew knowledge of it. The police state-
channels across the world. Both noting about the police raid. ment was reportedly released as
media had been critical of the way “We have very strong evidence an after thought.
Kabaki was handling al- “The police
legations of government statement has come
corruption. too late. If the po-

Courtesy of
The raid caused an lice were genuine it
international uproar and would have issued
huge embarrassment for that statement in the
the Kenyan government, morning immedi-
especially after mak- ately after the raids.
ing promises to uphold It’s not worth the pa-
press freedom during per it is written on,”
the International Press said Phillip Murgor,
Institute’s annual con- former Director of
Kenyan President Kibaki turned against Media
ference held in Nairobi Public Prosecutions.
in May last year. The raid carried to suggest that these acts were car- According to agency reports,
out on the printing house of The ried out by the police,” said Tom 28 foreign missions including
Standard, the country’s second Mshindi, chief executive of the the UN, 31 civil groups and the
largest-selling daily, left Kenyans Standard Group in Nairobi. Kenyan Union of Journalists con-
complaining about the govern- International reaction against demned the raid. The Standard
ment’s repressive methods. Police the media raids was swift in Af- Group’s directors said in a state-
seized and burnt about 20,000 of rica and abroad. In a statement ment that they believe the raid
copies of the Mar. 2 edition in the released by The Africa Editors’ was a move by government aimed
street, disabled the printing press Forum (TAEF), Mathatha Tsedu at crippling the operations of the
and confiscated office equipment, its leader asked Kibaki and his Standard newspapers and KTN.
including 40 computers. government to “desist from, “We believe that the extra-
“We strongly believe that the and prevent the terrorism meted judicial settling of scores has no
deployment of such a group to against Kenyan journalist. We place in any country which be-
harass and intimidate the media is call for the immediate release of lieves in the rule of law. It is our
a gross abuse of power that threat- those detained, for the return of belief that the country is still
ens the very democratic founda- equipment stolen, and for the respecting its constitution,” the
tions of the country. We respec- government to pay for the speedy statement said.
tively call on you to ensure that, repairs of broadcasting and print- In 2005, the government
in the future, such military-style ing equipment vandalized by the tried endlessly to introduce a
raids on the media organizations rouge policemen.” new constitution that would have
are strictly prohibited, and en- Statements were also released curtail media freedom. However,
courage you to hold an independ- from both the British and US Em- about 60 percent of the Kenyans
ent public inquiry into how the bassy in Nairobi. The US embassy rejected it in a referendum held in
original decision was made,” said had in part asked the Kenyan gov- November that led to the govern-
a joint statement issued by the ernment to “identify and disci- ment’s current political crisis. The
Vienna-based International Press pline those responsible, and cease president sacked 29 of his minis-
Institute (IPI), the World Associa- efforts to intimidate the press.” ters and their deputies after the
tion of Newspapers (WAN), and Series of demonstrations were referendum. It also created a tense
Distripresse (in Zurich). held in Nairobi and Kisimu to relationship between the govern-
The Standard was attacked for protest what some radio callers ment and the media.
publishing articles claiming that termed as “the darkest moment” The president’s wife, Lucy
Kenyan President Mwai Kibaki in Kenyan history and demanded Kibaki also created media up-
had secretly held a meeting with the resignation of the Kibaki’s roar when she slapped Clifford
a leading opposition member, government. The crackdown de- Derrick Otieno a KTN camera-
Kalonzo Musyoka. The paper’s scribed by government critics as a man and brought the operations
Managing editor Chaacha Mwita, ‘commando-like operation’ on the of The Nation newspaper to a
News Editor Denis Onyango media was carried out by a police standstill. Last year, the police
and reporter Ayub Savula, were squad known as the Kanga Crack repeatedly questioned reporters
charged with publishing ‘alarm- group that beat up the journalists at the East African Standard after
ing statements’ and later released and confiscated equipment and publishing confessions allegedly
on bail. Musyoka who denied computers from the KTN news- made by suspects in a murder
meeting Kibaki was dismissed room. However, by 2 p.m. local case. Criminal charges against
from the government after op- time on day of the raid, the Stand- the paper’s managing editor Dav-
posing Kibaki’s draft constitution ard Group published a special edi- id Makali were later dropped.
Sports & Travel 23

Croatia Anti-Toursim
With Summer: The Season of Embarrassment

by Ana Valjak would be in Cannes, but they still time or energy to make an effort to
The season of embarrassment don’t understand what that really be interesting to tourists. Mostly
has arrived. My foreign friends are means. To them it means stone people are just thinking about how
starting to ask me where to go to houses, donkeys, seagulls and to get as much money as they can
the seaside in Croatia. Although it pine trees coming right down to for doing as little as possible.
is beautiful, really Mediterranean, the sea. Shops are more often closed
I blush a deep red when I think The reality is big concrete then open. Coffee bars are always
of what is on offer for tourists. full of locals (the ones who have
Vacationing on the Croatian no time for tourists during the
coast usually means gambling. ‘Reality is season), so getting a table can
Maybe not in a casino, but the be like winning the jackpot.
result is the same. Tourists big concrete Croatia is proud of its cui-
come with money, spend it all, sine. Amazingly, though, we
and leave pretty much empty- block houses don’t want to offer it to foreign-
handed. ers. How dare they share in our
The other night, for ex- with charmless national pride! So it is almost
ample, I was at a dinner party
where several guests asked me
rooms to rent, impossible to get a decent meal
in a normal price-range. Mostly
to recommend a place to go.
I was in trouble. This was a
shopping malls, restaurant owners serve garbage
for the price of lobster. I find it
crowd of smart, fun people, and a lot of too embarrassing for words
interested in good traditional The most annoying
meals, pleasant small villages, plastic chairs’ drawback is the lack of op-
pristine beaches that don’t tions for tourists. There is
look like a mosaic of towels really isn’t much to do. Dur-
from the air, clubs that have ing the day people can bake
swingin’ music and so on. block houses with charmless in the sun, squeezed on the
After many hours on the In- rooms to rent, shopping malls, beach like sardines, or they can
ternet and reading brochures, we and a lot of plastic chairs. There go sightseeing and bake in the
were all in shock. The prices were may be one donkey here or there sun afterwards. It’s even hard
astronomical. Renting a family without any interest in walking, to find a nice souvenir without
house on the Adriatic is very close much less carrying anyone, only a label ‘Made in China.’ Well,
to renting a house on the Cote d maybe in posing for tourists and a global village and all that…
Azure, or chateaux in Provence. lump of sugar. The seagulls most- Restaurants and bars close at 11
Except, of course, that it’s not the ly dive into the sewage floating PM. The government doesn’t al-
Cote d’Azure, and these cottages along the shore, pine trees used low them to stay open any later
are certainly not chateaux. as hangers for towels or a trail of because the locals complain of
For some reason, my friends strewn toys, because every centim- the noise. They forget that we
still wanted to go. I guess they had eter is needed. live from the proceeds of tour-
heard so much about the wonder- The tourists imagine good ism and only have that chance
ful Mediterranean coast and warm company and even better music, five months out of year.
peaceful seaside. They know that all in all a very pleasant atmos- So how much longer can we
in Croatia the infrastructure is a phere. Boy, are they ever wrong! cheat our tourists? Maybe the
bit behind the times, as well as the They can count themselves lucky slogan should change: Pay your
clock, in most cases, so that they if the landlord smiles when you fee, but don’t bother coming;
can’t expect to be treated as they tip him. The natives don’t have the Then we’ll really love you!

Playing Pokemon
What’s This? Is somebody dying? Or being eaten alive?

by Mladen Kovacevic pearing as children playing cards to smaller towns, a pattern it has
On a freezing cold January that are the hot merchandise of continued ever since. Today, the
morning, you get up out of the the 2005-2006 season. This phe- number of players is growing by
bed to make yourself a cup of a nomenon is known as a Trading leaps and bounds.
hot coffee. During the ritual, you Card Game. With the increase of inter-
hear a hideous guttural roar from The Croatian LM Informa- est for the trade carding games
the nearby room and your blood tika, the official distributor of the among children, even the large
freezes in your veins. Is somebody card trading games, can not hide Croatian dailies promote and
dying? Or being eaten alive? As its excitement. A branch of enter- cover the tournaments. Tourna-
you enter the room you see your tainment that was almost non-ex- ments are in stages, where players
child in front of the TV watching istant only a few years ago now is must first win in their towns, then
a cartoon surrounded by little pic- a runaway success. in their counties and finally in all-
ture cards laid in a careful pattern At first, the only card trad- state finals where the winner gets
all around him. What’s this? Ac- ing game any one had ever heard a fee vacation or some other prize.
tually if you look closer, you can of was “Magic: The Gathering,” The audiences are mostly a prima-
make out the images of strange
little creatures…
played by only a few dozen fans.
But with the success of Pokemon,
ry- and high-school students.
Today, the country’s young-
Computer Consultants
This is Pokemon. Harry Potter and Lord of the sters are well acquainted with the
The creatures are the charac- Rings, Yu-Gi-Oh and others, trad- tournaments, and have turned it
ters of a popular Japanese cartoon
series in which the heroes of the
ing card games are going through
their own renaissance.
into a generational phenomenon.
How long the fever will last
PC Repair & Problem Solving
show are immersed in a quest of In 2002, the Pokemon televi- is very hard to predict. Children
becoming a Pokemon Master. sion cartoon was huge hit, at least are influenced their peers who
To become a Masters, they need for a while, and LM Informatika are players themselves, or by the Alexander Jaber
to defeat other trainers, and cap- decided to hold tournaments in movies and TV shows that lure
ture Pokemon creatures scattered the country’s two largest town, them into building their own
0676/ 181 9107
throughout the world. Zagreb and Split. The tourna- collections of cards. With fam- 10am-17pm
So they collect, and you col- ments proved so successful that ily finances improving in Croatia,
lect. And thus the creatures have they attracted a couple of hundred children can now indulge a little.
made it off the screen, becoming of fans. In 2003, LM Informatika If it’s not Pokemon, it will just be
not only specks of light, but reap- decided to expand tournaments something else.
24 Science & Technology
Continued from page 1 or along the Baltic coastline
(1°C per century).
declared on 16th April, the The northern and central
Danube reached a record 8.48 parts of European Russia also
metres (26.4 feet) on 17th have experienced greater warm-
April. ing than the European average-
The recent trend of floods in some places exceeding 3°C
had been attributed by most of per century.
the scientist and studies to the The European Environ-
global warming threatening our mental Agency (EEA) reports
World with its severe conse- that Europe’s glaciers had lost a
quences. tenth of their mass in the last

courtesy of Blue Planet

“Climate change is one of year alone. Switzerland’s gla-
the biggest threats facing our ciers are affected the most.
planet. Burning coal, oil and The 23-kilometer Aletsch
gas, but also intensive agricul- glacier in Switzerland’s south-
ture or cutting forests pollute ern Alps was the second worse
the atmosphere with greenhouse affected, after the Thift glacier,
gases that heat up the planet” which receded 216 meters over
said meteorologist Vladimir Jo- the last year, according to the
vanovic in Belgrade in April. Swiss Academy of Sciences.
According to Jovanovic Overall, 84 of the 91 glaciers in
the impacts of climate change the study shrank last year. If the
will be devastating. The world trend continues, three-quarters
is getting warmer, but higher of Switzerland’s glaciers will
temperatures do not mean nicer melt by 2050.
weather for us. “As water is one of the main
If the global average temper- integrating factors for many
ature rises, so will the number environmental and economic
and intensity of freak weather systems in Europe, currently
events such as flash floods, sensitive areas in terms of their
A Hurricane forms over Florida. An increase in the number and intensity of hurricanes in the region have been linked to global warming. storms, heat waves, mudslides hydrology include the Mediter-
or droughts, causing cata- ranean region, the Alps, north-

Global Warming, Colder Europe strophic social, environmental

and economic damages. Rising
sea levels will wipe whole coun-
ern Scandinavia, certain coastal
zones, and central and eastern
Europe. A changing climate is
tries off the globe. likely to enhance water-related
With Worldwide Weather Change Increasingly Drastic, Action is Needed According to the U.S. En- stresses in these already sensi-
vironmental Protection Agency, tive regions,” Jovanovic states.
regional differences are relative- According to a report by
by Mazin Elfehaid are currently feeling the effects of man life. Changes between one warming. Maintaining this ceil- ly high in Europe, most of Eu- ‘Friends of the Earth, Europe’
You hear it every day: News global warming, there is far reach- and two degrees could result in ing will help ensure the EU’s goal rope has experienced increases (FEE), fighting climate change
of hurricanes, floods, tidal waves, ing consensus that it will eventu- “a large number of extinctions of preventing global warming of in temperature of about 0.8°C means reducing greenhouse gas
earthquakes – the natural disasters ally catch up with us, and parts or even ecosystem collapses, ma- more than two degrees Celsius. on average in this century. emissions. Scientists say indus-
pile up relentlessly. And everyday of Europe will be hard-hit by the jor increases in hunger and water Since the beginning of the The increase has not been trialized countries will have to
the refrain: With evidence mount- eventual changes in climate. In shortage risks as well as socio- industrial revolution in the early continuous throughout reduce their emissions by
ing that the Earth’s weather pat- an international study published economic damage, particularly in 1800’s, levels of carbon dioxide the century; at most up to 80% compared
terns are spinning out of control, in Science Magazine, a team of developing countries,” wrote Bill have increased from about 275 stations, an increase to 1990 levels, to
it is time to get serious about glo- researchers concluded that the Hare of the Potsdam Institute of ppm to 380 ppm. to about 1940 limit climate
bal warming. mountainous and Mediterranean Climate Impact Research in Ger- In response the UK govern- was observed, change to save
We hear it; we may even re- regions of Europe would probably many. ment’s chief scientific advisor Sir followed by a ‘If global levels.
peat it. But few are listening. We be subject to the greatest changes The report found that, in ad- David King called aiming for leveling off As a glo-
seem to be frozen in inaction, as if in climate. dition to causing the extinction such a ceiling as “unfeasible,” stat- or even a de- average bal response
afraid that our acknowledgement In the Mediterranean, the of several species, a rise of two ing that in ten years time we’ll crease until to the threat
would make it real. Thus climate study concluded, there would be degrees would cause decreases in have reached 400 ppm. Oxford about 1970, temperatures of climate
change has become one of those an increased risk of forest fires, as worldwide crop yields, signifi- University professor Myles Allen and then change, gov-
things people know they should well as water shortages and chang- cantly poorer harvests in Europe agrees. Evaluating a “safe level… a renewed rise, so will the ernments
care about, but instead happily es in land arability, which could and Russia, water shortages for [is] a bit like asking a doctor warming to have agreed
ignore, driving to work in their affect agriculture as well as climate up to 2.8 billion people, and the what’s a safe number of cigarettes the present number and in the Kyo-
SUV’s, leaving every light in their due to carbon dioxide contained spreading of malaria in Africa and to smoke per day,” he told the period. to Protocol
house burning. in soil. Mountains would see the North America. BBC’s Richard Black. These
intensity of to reduce
The problem is, while there is elevation of snow cover rise as well The technology, however, It is clear that dealing with features are greenhouse
wide consensus among scientists as river run-off patterns becoming does exist. Renewable energy global warming and climate most pro-
freak weather gas emissions,
that global warming will eventual-
ly come to bear on all of us, there
more extreme.
“In winter, precipitation will
sources, nuclear power, and clean
coal all offer valid alternatives. In
change present many challenges
and dangers. Until now, there
middle to high
events’ but all they
could come up
is disagreement on whether or not fall as rain instead of snow. The addition, methods of conserva- has been little international effort latitudes. In the with after more
current weather patterns can also whole regime of peak flow times tion such as the replacement of to tackle these issues. The Kyoto 20th century the than ten years of
be attributed to it. changes and you get an increased traditional light bulbs with energy Accord represents a benchmark in average global tem- negotiations is a
Some have blamed the recent probability of flooding in winter saving designs can be effective so- current efforts, but only applies to perature rose by 0.7 C as 5.2% reduction by 2012
annual flooding of European riv- and spring,” said Dr. Dagmar lutions. But there are obstacles. industrialized countries and does a result of burning coal and gas- compared to 1990 levels (and
ers on the warming of our planet. Schroeter, lead author of the “The biggest problem is over- not include the United States the carbon fuels that are mainly annual emissions of industrial-
“Undeniably, people are re- study, in an interview with BBC coming the many political, social and Australia, who have voiced to blame for the rise. ized countries are up 8% since
sponsible for this disaster,” Martin News. “You will get less water in and behavioral barriers,” wrote concern that it would retard their But the rise in Europe was then).
Kravic of the Slovak environmen- summer because the water which Bert Metz and Detlef van Vuuren economic growth. 0.9 C, 35 percent higher, due The agreement, which fi-
tal think tank People and Water was stored in the snow cover is of the Netherlands Environmen- As a result, the US, which is to the continent’s vulnerable nally entered into force on 16
told the Christian Science Moni- no longer there.” These changes tal Assessment Agency. the world’s single largest contribu- location and smaller land mass. February 2005, is too weak to
tor. “Summer rains are expected would have a significant impact “Lack of awareness, vested tor to carbon dioxide emissions, The warming is most apparent save the climate, especially, be-
to increase by 20-30 percent by on the ski and hydroelectric indus- interests, prices not reflecting has done little to curb its emis- in a belt extending from Spain cause the world’s top polluter-
2010. This will cause catastrophic tries, farms, parks and gardens. environmental impacts, cultural sions and energy use. This has through central Europe into the US- has not signed up to
floods.” However, while living in Eu- and behavioral barriers to change raised questions on whether or not Russia. At some high-elevation the treaty, but it is a first step
Others, however, have con- rope will present unique challeng- and… spreading of technologies the lack of US support will enable sites in the Alps, temperature on which the world can build
tested that view, claiming that the es, other parts of the world will to developing countries” present the EU to successfully implement increases have been even more now.
link is difficult to prove. be even more affected by global the biggest impediments to ef- the Kyoto protocols. marked, exceeding 1°C in the To achieve Europe’s goal of
“We believe that climate warming, Schroeter concluded. fective worldwide energy policies, What this means is that the 1980s. limiting the rise in temperature,
change will happen in the next 50 A report, commissioned and wrote Metz and van Vuuren. world still lacks a global, concen- The 1990’s had annual global greenhouse emissions
to 80 years and it will be mostly published by the British govern- It has thus become clearer that trated effort to effectively tackle temperature anomalies that are need to be reduced substan-
the result of human activities,” ment, has concluded that “dan- questions about global warming the problems it faces. When and systematically in excess of the tially.
said meteorologist Sean Clarke gerous” changes in climate may no longer involve “if ” it happens, if this will happen is still up in the long-term mean. Due to ongoing emissions
of British government’s weather be unavoidable, adding that the but rather when and how much, air. With the situation becoming The geographical distri- of greenhouse gases, the ob-
agency, the Met Office. “It is pos- poorest countries of the world will and how to best deal with it. The increasingly urgent, it is clear that bution of temperature trends served rise is expected to con-
sible that we are already seeing be hit the hardest. EU has set a goal of maintaining if something is not done soon, emphasizes greater warming tinue increasing. It will take a
some of the effects, but it is im- How much climate change an atmospheric ceiling of 450 then humans will be faced with a (2°C per century) in the south- very long time to slow the rate
possible to know for sure.” will occur is unclear. However the parts-per million (ppm) of car- brand new global challenge: Deal- western part of Europe (Iberian of climate change, the EEA
While scientists continue to report concluded that any change bon dioxide, a greenhouse gas and ing with a planet that has become Peninsula, south and central says, because of the longevity of
disagree on whether or not we will have a serious impact on hu- one of the main factors in global too warm for its own good. France) than in the British Isles many gases.
Science & Technology 25

Measuring Beauty

Courtesy of Petya Sabinova/Sofia News Agency (

Is it Possible to Reduce Attraction to a Math Formula?

By Ruta Kurselyte ments of the human body. or spirit, it is also obvious that
There is little more mysteri- Beauty changes its definition it is part of human nature to be
ous and unrevealed than the defi- by the time, race, gender, culture attracted to something that is aes-
nition of beauty. It is so relative and other variables. But still, there thetically pleasing.
that definitions do not even come seems to be something constant Not so long ago, beauty was
close to describing what is actually that makes it mathematically a gift of nature, to be appreci-
beautiful. precise. Students of aesthetics say ated and wondered at. Now, we
Philosophers have tried. From that we classify certain people as have plastic surgery and some
the early days, they have sought to beautiful because their face struc- of these problems can be, as it
define, count and measure what ture comes closer than most to the were, solved.
it is that makes someone more Divine Proportion. Many of the What is clear is that we have
attractive than another, what famous Hollywood stars fit these come to see them as problems in
Entire streets and bridges were swallowed up by the rising waters of the danube in Bulgaria
it is that lifts someone on po- measurements, which can be the first place. Fortunes are spent
dium, while others remain on counted by taking distances be- each year to create “perfect beau-
the ground. tween various parts of the body. ty.” But where are the limits?
The answer, they have said, is
harmony, balance…
Probably the most convinc-
ing measure has come from what
Consciously or unconsciously,
artists and architects from all the
past civilizations used the Divine
Proportions in their works. For
“Is it too much to ask that
women be spared the daily strug-
gle for superhuman beauty in
order to offer it to the caresses
Letter from Sofia
is called Pi, Proportion, ratio = example, a master sculpture of of a subhuman ugly mate?” says
3.141, named after Phidias, a a woman’s body – a Greek Aph- Germain Greer, from The Female Thousands are Forced to Walk the Planks to Safety
sculptor, who first identified it. rodite created by Agesander – is Eunich (1970). Yes, women are
Pi was thought to be a golden largely based on those golden ra- much more the target group in
number, called by Renaissance tios. The Greeks said that all beau- this crazy beauty-market-driven Hundreds of people in Bul- more tired, many turned their ever, for Bulgarians still have
garia didn’t get to church for anger towards the government. a lot to overcome. Unusually
Easter this year, imprisoned Cursing the waters didn’t do high levels of ground water,
by the elements. Even in these any good. for example, will be a problem
times of atheism it wasn’t the At the very height of the for quite a while, and so will
lack of faith that kept this peo- crisis the opposition in Bulgar- the sewage system. Until these
Courtesy of Marquardt Beauty Analysis

ple home at midnight; it was ia introduced a no-confidence waters retreat, there is no hope
the waters that had crept up to vote against the government, of cleaning up and disinfecting
their doorstep. claiming that it was unable to all the pipes, which means that
“We can’t go out in the handle the situation. drinking water in the flood-hit
evening, because we might Accusations were renewed towns is questionable.
fall off the planks we use for of misappropriating the flood- Many houses will need ma-
a pathway right into the wa- aid from the summer, and jor repairs that their owners
ter,” a woman commented for petty excuses were offered in can’t afford. And then there
private bTV channel. The first reply. In the meantime the wa- are the mosquitoes – as insig-
floor of their house in the Dan- ters kept on coming, reaching nificant as they may seem, the
ube town of Nikopol had been a critical level and entered peo- insects carry disease and are a
Even with a perfectly proportioned face, there are endless variations in coloring and shapes that make beauty individual
flooded and her family had to ple’s homes. serious threat to public health.
use the neighbours’ bathroom. Having grown up by the Their population has grown
artists the “Divine Proportion.” It ty is mathematics. society. And yes, women tend to Still, they had painted the eggs Danube, I couldn’t help but immensely and money will be
is an irrational number with many To have some firm ground to follow those predefined rules of according to tradition, and worry whether the dikes would needed for dealing with them
unusual mathematical properties, stand on, Pi followers created a their beauty. Even if it is danger- looked forward to the holiday hold, whether my family would too.
including the solution to a quad- mask corresponding to the facial ous to their lives… with excitement despite the be all right, and whether I Now it’s up to the govern-
ratic equation. shape of those worshiped for their But nature is cruel. What overflowing river. would soon be reporting with ment and kind helping hands
Pi’s connection to the divine beauty, like Marilyn Monroe. Us- a human takes from it, nature There were stories like that impartial detachment that the to rebuild what was demol-
proportion is based on the rela- ing this mask, anyone may test takes back. It starts with an in- all over Northern Bulgaria courtyard of the kindergarten ished, to clean up the mess and
tion of three lines, each 3.141 their own features, to see if they nocent nose job, but then people along the Danube this Easter, where I had once played had deal with all the immediate
times the length of next smaller. fit this model of “perfection.” fall onto a fast train of changing, and with each centimetre added disappeared under two meters problems. People hope things
“Combinations of the three line Other studies by doctors and changing, changing… We have to the waters’ height, the fears of water. Now that the crisis will move faster and more ef-
ratios are said to be the had this possibility for grew. Memories of the severe has passed, I can report that fectively than last summer.
basis for the divine pro- only a couple of dec- floods in the summer of 2005 the waters are slowly receding Then maybe the next time
portion,” writes Cynthia ades. that changed the lives of about and none of these fears came people want to light a candle
M Piccolo in Geometry But do we know 2 million Bulgarians were still true. At least for me. in church, they wouldn’t be
of Human Anatomy, “ t h e students of Pi have shown that if what’s to follow? What impact too fresh. And as the waters Thankfully no one was lost risking their lives.
basis for everything perfectly pro- someone fits this mask, it often will it have to the future society? continued to rise and the peo- in the budging waters, and last --Petya Sabinova
portional, and thus aesthetically means that he is healthier than What will happen in 20 years to ple monitoring the dikes and summer’s tragedies were not Editor, Sofia News Agency
pleasant, in buildings, art, and liv- someone who doesn’t. For exam- those who had several operations? rescuing the stranded grew repeated. It’s not all over, how-
ing things, including humans.” ple, if a person has a longer face, Will our faces, like Michael Jack-
One may call it complete non- he or she might be suffering from son’s, start to collapse under the
sense, but proportions based on Pi breathing problems and the ones strain of so many operations?
are found in animals, plants, the who have shorter faces, might New technologies are advanc-
solar system, the stock market, the have an overbite. ing; the next steps may target our
Bible and in many other things And while it may be argued genetics. A society of perfectly-
that surround us on an every day that these “standards” rob an ob- manufactured bodies will be cre-
basis – including the measure- ject of its individuality, identity ated. Where will we be then?

Green Machine parties raising the price by flood-

ing the market.
Plans are to introduce these
Laptop, eBook & TV for $100! laptops to poorer areas, extending
access to education and help bring
by Sean Delaney One of its greatest features, is these youths and their families out
A sturdy and cheap prototype its ‘mesh’ networking. Hundreds of poverty. Though still a proto-
laptop for developing countries of computers can be connected type, companies like Google, and
was unveiled by MIT’s Nicholas and can share an internet connec- media mogul Rupert Murdock
Negroponte at the UN Net Sum- tion from a single node. have expressed interest in under-
mit in Tunis in April. Initial sales will be restricted writing the project.
The computer will feature a to governments and states, re- The laptops use Linux, reduc-
500 mhz processor, wind-up crank quired to buy at least a million ing costs and allowing govern-
for power, low-power LEDs, flash units. The goal is to make sure ments to modify them for lan-
memory to reduce the number of students can own their laptops guage requirements and students
moving parts and is made from rather than borrowing them, and for their needs. Development
durable rubber. to reduce the possibility of second should be completed by 2007.
On My Mind

26 Commentary

Jugendstil Citizenship Test

assassinated Prime Minister Zoran Djindjic, one of Milosevic’s greatest
political opponents was attended by about five times the 50,000 who
came to pay their respects to Milosevic.

The Student Newspaper of Webster University Vienna

Being a good ‘Bürger’ is no piece of cake In the former Yugoslav region as a whole, however, the passing away
of Slobodan Milosevic will make little difference. Bosnia, Serbia and
Beginning March 1, applicants for Austrian citizenship have had Kosovo are still struggling with the legacies of the Yugoslav wars. The
Dardis McNamee a second test added to the existing one for German. The new test, the autonomy of Kosovo and Montenegro remains to be settled but most
Editor in Chief, Faculty Advisor
joint product of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the federal states, is expect their independence to triumph, against Serbia’s wishes.
Mazin Elfehaid Ruta Kurselyte comprised of 18 multiple choice questions about Austrian customs and “We enter every battle with the aim of winning it,” Milosevic de-
Executive Editor Managing Editor history, of which they have to answer at least nine correctly. clared in one of his early speeches. But in the end, Serbia lost all of its
Endri Fuga Izvor Moralic The questions in the test have raised quite a few eyebrows. For exam- battles and instead was rewarded with international abhorrence making
Political Editor Arts and Letters Editor ple, the Austrian national hymn was not composed by Mozart, claimed it the subject of endless controversy and aversion.
Rita Pollozhani Tizia Barci the Vienna daily Kurier, but by a certain Johann Holzer, a man whose Serbs are very proud people, whose pride has been damaged by Mi-
University News Editor Scenes of Vienna Editor name does not appear among offered solutions. The Ministry calls this losevic, just like their reputation. Now that he is dead, Serbians can
Konstantin Borovlev Oliver Zuber “nit picking.” recover their long lost status as affluent competitors in Central Europe.
Modern Times Editor Sports and Travel Editor “We should not enter high-level academic discussion,” said Minis- His death can perhaps bring about some positive change and begin the
Alexander Kiss M.T.M. Childs try spokesman Johannes Rauch, “Mozart is the composer named in the cleansing of Serbian national pride.
On the Town Editor Commentary Editor schoolbooks and people who want to become Austrians should not be -Duska Gonja
Sean Delaney Ardalan Maher treated differently.”
Business and Media Editor Backpage Editor Opposition Socialists in the parliament have complained very loud-
Tony Krickl
Political Correspondent
Ana Simundza
Music Critic
ly about the new law, the loudest voices the SPO’s National Security
spokesman, Rudolf Parnigoni, and Terezia Stoisitz, spokesperson of the
What Are We to Them?
Karla Bavoljak Kelsey Baird Green Party for minorities and human rights. Parnignoni named the A University Ought to be Able to do Better
Contributing Editor Restaurant Critic test “grotesque.” Both say that some questions are hard even for native
Austrians. The test does not contribute to integration, says Parnigoni, Webster University is a place
Jugendstil is the Newspaper of Webster University, Vienna, Berchtoldsgasse 1, 1220 Vienna,
but is only an “annoying duty.” where people meet. Not just any
published periodically and distributed in Vienna and elsewhere in Austria as well as by However, as many European countries have already required citizen- people: our students come from the
subscription. It is conceived, written and illustrated by the current and former students, ship, the logical question imposes itself, why shouldn’t Austria? In the farthest corners of the continent. All
under the direction and guidance of Dardis McNamee, Professor of Journalism. Opinions rapidly changing world, many states are trying to make sure that national arrive with different portfolios of ex-
expressed are those of the newspapers editorial staff and do not represent those of the univer- identity is not lost with the influx of the immigrants who wish to become perience, different points of view and
sity’s administration, faculty or directors. Submissions are welcome from all members of the citizens. Although some questions do not seem, at first glance, to have different expectations. But we will be
university community, as well as letters and commentry from readers. contact us either by anything to do with Austria directly, looking more deeply, we realize they shaping Europe’s future. Here, in this
post, by telephone at (01) 269-9293, or by e-mail at are connected with contemporary objectives of the country. For example, relatively small capital in Europe, stu-
questions about the Kyoto agreement reflect Austria’s support of the agree- dents find a second home; they find
ment and its emphasis on environmental issues. friends and with a little luck, food for

Jugendstil Revisited Once the test is passed, what has actually been accomplished? Will
the immigrant be more integrated? With the German language test the
the soul.
However, you might have
This student party poster was ap-
benefit is clear, but with the citizenship test it is not so easy to say. This gotten a different impression if you proved by WUV Student Affairs.
In Revolt Against an Age of Style over Substance is the age of globalization, especially in the great federations like the EU, had entered the building on Thurs-
where countries have free movement of people and goods. day, May 4th. A large poster for “just another student party” had been put
With this issue, the Jugendstil is now available on Vienna news- Today, when many are concerned by loss of identity that seems to up on a board, right inside the entrance of the University, advertising an
stands. After two and a half years of reporting on events, issues, trends come with globalization, societies feel under threat. This test is one way event at the just-opened Champagne Club at the Moulin Rouge.
and personalities, and long editorial meetings and bleary hours in front to hold the line. But why is this protection needed, and against whom? Against a background of deep glowing red, two hot chicks with the
of the computer screen, the Jugendstil has grown from a class project Now that the ideas of democracy and equality have finally become so barest of accessories are bumping and grinding to the thumping of some
to a regional newspaper, reported and produced by current and former established in Europe, after centuries of bloody wars, it seems ironic that invisible techno DJ. The one on the left, head thrown back, lost behind a
media students and faculty of Webster University Vienna. some are not happy. Some seem to want to go back to a pre-EU state fringe of hair in some unimagined ecstasy, is sliding her leopard skin hug-
Jugendstil comes to life at the height of the Media Age, an age of of things when borders were still being debated and Realpolitik held its gers down off her hip as she disappears into shadow.
shallow glamour and pre-packaged experience, of celebrity and self-im- grip on a European continent in turmoil. The one on the right, acres of skin glistening in the hot glare of a di-
portance, a kind of gilded cage of glitz and false impressions. When countries are trying to cooperate instead of compete, it seems rect spot, painted lips pouting from beneath a black fatigue cap and biker
The Vienna of today is a wider stage, perhaps, but one not so very illogical to close the door to foreign influences. Why is this fear of shades, has untied the top of her jungle bikini, and is sliding it up just to
different from that of an earlier Vienna of a century ago and the artists “other” so ever present? For some, there will always be “us” and “them.” nipple height, while a triangle of black thong just peaks out above the 5 cm
and intellectuals of the original Jugenstil movement in revolt against a But now, with Europe finally so close to unification, setting restrictions of slide-on Amazon fanny pants.
world of style over substance. on citizenship just does not feel right. Below, preposterously, are the words, “Dress Code: Evening Wear”
We, too, live in a time that seems to lack vision, when bravado -Mladen Kovacevic 22:00 – 23:00 Ladies Entry Free.
passes for courage, confessionalism for sincerity. Instead of news we get Right.

Slobodan Milosevic
staged events, instead of truth, yet another Big Lie. Sounds like a great time. Let’s go girls, “Come and get f****d!”
A century ago, fed up with the failures of political and economic Is that what women are, for those who designed -- and those who ap-
liberalism that could neither govern nor sustain the society, a collective proved - this poster?
revolt sprung up among educated young Viennese – Die Jungen, The Is the Moulin Rouge so charmless, so devoid of style and ambiance, so
Young. Playwrights Arthur Schnitzler (Dream Story, adapted for film as
The ‘Butcher of the Balkans’ is Missed by Some lacking in that special allure that makes a great nightclub, that they have to
Eyes Wide Shut) and Hugo von Hoffmannsthal, Sigmund Freud, satirical Slobodan Milosevic has lost his last battle. The former Serbian offer strippers and street walkers to get their male clients in the door?
journalist Karl Kraus, architect Otto Wagner, composers Gustav Mahler president’s death in March cut short his war-crimes trial at the Hague, What woman with a shred of self-respect would respond to a poster
and Arnold Schoenberg, artists Egon Schiele and Gustav Klimt. denying his countrymen and the European court any satisfying closure like that? And if the women don’t come, or do come and wish they hadn’t,
This was Jugendstil Vienna. to the decade of conflict and violent disintegration he inspired. Even what’s the point?
Klimt defiantly rejected what he saw as empty forms and pledged after his death, the man called the ‘Butcher of the Balkans’ continues to Saddest, perhaps, is the misunderstanding of what great seduction is all
his fellow young artists, the Viennese Secession, would “save culture divide Serbian society, and leaves behind a Serbia whose reputation is about -- the allure of understatement, of mystery and suggestion.
from their elders.” Jugendstil Vienna took on culture in the broadest badly damaged in the eyes of the world. Advertisers seem unable to find any ways of selling without using nu-
sense; to them art and politics, aesthetics and ideas, were inseparable and Today, the region is still far from overcoming the devastating impact dity and even sexual violence. It seems that their minds have got stuck in
interactive. “To every time it’s art,” wrote Hoffmannsthal. Their task, of the wars Milosevic had been so eager to start. And yet, in Serbia, few a couple of limited areas of the female body, and their development some-
said Otto Wagner, was “to show modern man his true face.” are happy that Milosevic is gone. In fact, the people were glad to see him where between ages 11 and 13, before they learned how to spell “vulgar.”
At Jugendstil, this is our task as well. behind bars hoping for justice against the man who gave their country Or “ridiculous.”
Because a newspaper matters. Part Roman Forum, part soapbox, part a bad name. The poster is not sexy, and it is not inviting.
Hyde Park Corner, part Kaffeeklatsch, it’s important to have a place to as- “It’s a pity that the court did not reach a verdict,” said Sonja Biserko, And the reality that there is ugliness on nearly every newsstand in Vien-
semble your thoughts, to speak out, to be heard, to swap stories. How do I of the Serbian Helsinki Committee for Human Rights. “The possible na is no excuse. This is a university, and we ought to be able to do better.
know what I think, until I hear what I say? And what you say. guilty sentence could have helped Serbs come to terms with crimes com- And we ought to at least be interested in what one another has to say.
Students at Webster have a lot to say. Nearly two-thirds of Webster mitted in their name. The chance is missed now.” -Ruta Kurselyte and
Vienna comes from Central Europe, countries still struggling to rebuild Since 2001, Milosevic has been facing judgment at the International Dardis McNamee
their societies and economies after 40 or more years of communism. Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia. The guilty verdict seemed inevita-
Another 10% are from the Middle East, and another from Western Eu- ble, but his death prior to the sentence allowed him to escape judgment.
rope and Asia, and a handful from North America. Students come a
long way to get here; they are ambitious, and brave. They see the world
around them – with all of its deep compromises and failed ideals - with
Most Serbians see this coincidence as the biggest injustice.
The reaction to the former president’s death in Serbia, however, still
remains divided. For some, Milosevic will always remain the saint, who
Something to Say?
a clear eye. They are not impressed by hollow celebrity, nor persuaded defended Serbian pride against their ‘enemies’. Others however will nev-
by commercial cant. They are skeptical of pomposity and can smell out er forget the fear and suffering he condemned them to and the heartless Comments?
self-interest behind the mask of condescension. destruction of so many lives and livelihoods.
They live in an age of corporate media – an age of image, sound One faction of Milosevic’s former political allies seek to gain an Questions?
bites and the tyranny of ratings, an age of global provincialism and short advantage from his death by claiming he was a political martyr. They
attention spans. But somehow they see beyond it. point out that the tribunal refused to let him go to Moscow for medical Complaints?
So read on: These are the voices of internationalism, possibly the treatment. His followers, now a tiny Socialist Party of Serbia, claim that
first real Global Generation, who respect local cultures as the key to
identity, while they reject the parochialism that insists on conformity.
Milosevic was killed by the Tribunal and have demanded the post-mor-
tem autopsy be performed in Russia, where some of Milosevic’s family
Contact Jugendstil
They ask hard questions and reject stereotypes. members are.
And they intend to be citizens of the world. Serbian president Boris Tadic expressed condolences to the Milose- Send an E-Mail:
-- Dardis McNamee vic family, but the government has refused to allow the ex-leader a state
Editor in Chief funeral and Tadic did not attend the ceremonies. In 2003, the funeral of
Commentary 27
Letters to the Editor

To the Editor, make sure that all of our students

Congratulations on the March- in Vienna have utilized what we
April 2006 edition of “Jugendstil”. have and what we plan.
The quality of this newspaper is As to how the budget is spent,
absolutely remarkable. It is maybe for the most part, Webster Uni-
the only student newspaper that versity loses money on its inter-
I have ever known in my entire national campuses. This has not
career that I look forward to read- deterred us from our goal of be-
ing. You have in-depth reports ing a global university and “trying
from various parts of the world. to change the world one student
I always can find something in at a time.” Please let me know if
there that educates me and it is you would like additional budget
well worth reading. information. Every Student is
Regarding my meeting the entitled to know how their tui-
editorial staff of the Jugendstil, tion money is being spent.
there are just a few corrections to Richard S. Meyers
the story that would make it en- President
tirely correct. The challenges in Webster University
declining enrollments because of
hurricanes have been in Florida, To The Editor
not Thailand. Also, I came from I just waited 10 minutes to
Western Oregon University, a write a letter to my colleagues via
public university in the State of and could never get
Oregon, just prior to Webster. on.
As to the subject of a physical This is typical of the worsening
library, my main concern is that internet connections the past weeks From “On the Couch,” cartoons on psychoanalysis from the New Yorker Magazine, curated by Webster Vienna professor Dr. Michael Fre-
students in Vienna give technol- which have now reached critical di- und, in honor of the 150 birthday of Sigmund Freud. Catalogue presentation May 30, 18:00, at Investkredit Bank, 1. Renngasse 10.
ogy a chance. All of our world- mensions. The WUV tech folk tell
wide research shows that students me this is Vienna campus wide and
are more connected to the web
than before, whether it be for
study, shopping, entertainment,
is caused by our now having a pro-
vider, which is controlled entirely
in St. Louis. All Webster campuses
Going Blind at the Virtual Library
or news. now have the same provider?
The University is investing a I am told that when a few peo-
How to Do All That Reading, Without the High Resolution Digital Headache
great deal of money into improv- ple at WUV download big items,
ing not only our website but all of the entire WUV system is effec- by S.R. Schubert dents are able to access newspa- library, the reality is quite differ- to read wherever they want and
the interactivity connected with tively blocked or made very slow. and Dardis McNamee pers, magazines and academic ent. Researching is one thing; can, whether riding in the under-
our classes, the library and all that It is not clear whether WUV deci- A romance with technology is journals, the very stuff of knowl- online is not only a good idea, it ground, sitting under a tree, wait-
we do on the web. sion makers are aware of these mat- all very well. But when you want edge that nurtures the curious is necessary. But reading is an- ing for friends in a coffee house
Given this incredible resource ters. Could these things be checked to read, you want to read, and you into thinkers. other, and students are apparently or curled up on the living room
and what students elsewhere have and improved? As it now stands, don’t want to be trapped at a com- Unfortunately, WUV also expected to read their findings couch.
celebrated, it surprises me that we should not count on being able puter terminal popping pain kill- seems to believe that reading that way too. Why? We are told it Of course every document
there is not the same eagerness for to communicate via Internet. ers for your high resolution digital should only be done squinting at costs too much to allow students shouldn’t be printed every time
attempting to use this technology Dr. Fred Bonkovsky, headache. a computer screen. to print out what they need to a student needs it. But there are
in Vienna. Before we invest heav- Webster University Vienna Webster University Vienna So reach for those head- read. Students pay for tuition and better solutions. Lengthy articles
ily in a physical library, I want to May 9, 2006, 10:17 am lauds its online virtual library, ache pills. books, the or digital re-
Passports, for good reason. Stu- With all the talk of a virtual logic goes, ports could
so why be printed
On My Mind From the beginning it was usually had students from all na- s h o u l d n’t and lent to
clear that we would cover not tionalities involved in the conflict, they pay to students, just
only the university but the world from all sides of the issue. What print arti- like books,

In Parting... outside. And with Austria being

at the heart of Europe and Vienna
hosting so many internationals
do you do in these cases? Do you
try to be diplomatic, or you just
ignore the topic and don’t cover it
cles from
and offered
the library,
and tourists, the niche for the Ju- at all? We have opted for a third This is where real
Of Late Nights, and Proud By-Lines gendstil seemed to be there waiting way; To make constructive debate the wrong people come
for us. We might be students, and be the center of attention. approach to education. WUV to borrow real books that they re-
By Endri Fuga But among all these nice nos- this might be a class, but we could So here I am thinking back should be encouraging reading, ally want to read.
It is only when you‘re about talgic feelings, the deepest is the also be journalists as well. to that cold Viennese winter day, not telling students in so many When someone wants a long
to be done with something, that one for the Jugendstil. This news- When I was in Paris a couple three years ago, on a bus, coming ways that it’s old fashioned, that text or report off the virtual li-
you start appreciating it. It has paper, for which I am probably of weeks ago, I found myself read- back from a film class in Grinzing, readers of physical books have brary, the journal or book should
happened to me so many times, writing my last commentary, has ing a very fine newsletter from the the very moment when I made up gone the way of the monks and be requested, the library should
and is happing again now. been the most special thing from Faculty of Law at Sorbonne and my mind about the Jugendstil. I scribes, quaint, perhaps even print out and bind a reference
I never felt home in Vienna, all my time at Webster, or in Vi- noticed that 90% of it was cover- liked the people, and the heart charming, but certainly not cut- copy, adding it to the collection.
and yet, now that I will not have enna for that matter. And it is to ing university news. they were putting in the paper. ting edge. This way all WUV students
to live here anymore, I start liking Jugendstil that I want to dedicate And suddenly, I started visu- I hadn’t even heard about the The truth is, the best reading share in each others research and,
this city. I almost never enjoyed this last piece. alizing all front pages of Jugendstil Newspaper Production Work- (and the deepest learning) often most importantly, its students can
going out at night here. These It is funny how people re- and understood that most of its shop, but I had already decided to takes place at leisure. We should read and learn anywhere they like,
days, though, only walking by member even the smallest details headlines and pictures were not join. It was where I belonged. be making it easy for students at any time.
the streets feels special. In fact, I of things that happened years ago, about the little comings and go-
have been revisiting all the places and to which you might have nev- ings of university life, but about
I went to during the first months. er given an important thought. issues and ideas, the world we live
But now, it all seems so different. But I remember how I joined in, and the way we look at the
The same thing is true for the editorial staff, when I met world.
Webster. I feel comfortable now; the people who then became my Even though university activi-
it feels cozy now when I sit and closest friends and colleagues. I ties have always been covered, we
read in the library I always hated. remember when I wrote my first were more likely to write about
There are still too few books and piece, but also all those sleepless forums on 9/11 and Austria’s Nazi
most are pretty out of date; the nights spent laying out or the long past, surveys on students’ attitudes
room is still small and most of tiring days editing and proofread- toward religion, politics and fami-
the chairs are uncomfortable. But ing. It’s not easy to forget those ly life. But we also wrote about the
– I don’t know why – these days, crazy weekends, when we had to Tsunami, the death of Pope John
whenever I have 10 free minutes, finish the paper at all costs, to Paul II, the elections in the US or
I rush to the Library. make the printing deadline. in Germany, issues of identity in
Even the hamburgers at Stars And then there were the sto- an expanding EU, terrorist attacks
& Stripes have started to taste ries: Reporting from Iraq, inter- in Spain and UK and the evolving
good. Sitting in the little restau- viewing SPOe chief Alfred Gus- crisis in the Middle – these have
rant on the ground floor, among senbauer, covering Kosovo and the all carried important weight in the
the other students, talking, watch- Orange Revolution in Ukraine, paper, and been reported by stu-
ing a little MTV… (Me? Watch- writing about politics and social dent journalists.
ing MTV?) It all makes me feel issues, are not only great memo- Sometimes it has been hard to
good, and not about how greasy ries, but also important profes- write about these conflicts – be-
and American all the food tastes. sional achievements. cause, here at Webster, we have
28 Backpage

in direction of the sun, as if he is
going to embrace it.
As if that was not enough, he
has decided to built a zoo and cre-
ate a natural habitat for penguins!!
Penguins in a subtropical desert
“I never travel without my But there is no point in telling
diary. One should always have him that. Niyazov has the power
something sensational to read in to sack meteorologists, which he
did on one occasion, because he
the train” - Oscar Wilde was not satisfied with the weather
forecast they had predicted.
Dear Diary, Niyazov recently started re-
I was walking down Mariahil- Friday mornings. If there is a ter- naming everything. The Caspian
ferstrasse with a girlfriend of mine; rorist attack, it is most likely to Sea port of Krasnovodsk, the air-
browsing through windows and occur on Friday morning since port, stadium and the main av-
observing the world bustling by. this is the time that everyone uses enue in the state capital were all
It being the first day of Spring to prepare for the Sabbath. re-named Turkmenbashi.
(and actually feeling it), we de- 4. Avoid crowded places like He has also given his name
cided to get an ice cream. Standing bus stops, cafes, and the City to a meteorite, which landed in
in line behind a rather stout man Market, Makhane Yehuda. These Turkmenistan in 1999 and to the
with a receding hairline and a tall are open invitations to attack. world’s biggest carpet, whose mak-
man with a giant Great Dane. 5. Pedestrians are an endan- ing he ordered just for the purpose
“Oh my god, he’s huge!” my gered species in Jerusalem. Cars of naming it.
friend exclaimed, meaning the dog. always have the right of way, even there is no pricetag, do not pur- 21. Journalists are never in cians, ranking right up there with Week days and calendar days
The balding man spun around if you are already in the crosswalk, chase it. danger here. They stay in the best The Holy Book of Koran. were also renamed, so January
on his heels, completely red in the er I mean crosshairs. 13. If you go to the post of- hotels, which just look like they This guy never ceases to became Turkmenbashi, April be-
face and promptly exited the line. 6. Drivers here like to honk. fice, be prepared to wait an hour. are in the combat zone if you are amaze me. Just when I think he came Gurbansoltan, a month of
“Oh no, not you!” gasped my It does not matter if it is three The bank is not much better. watching CNN. It is really cam- used up all of his moves, here he his mother and June 10 became
friend, mortified. o’clock in the morning. They also 14. The food is great. ouflage. goes and strikes again. Yet some- the Day of Yanardag, honoring his
Too late. The fellow was al- like to honk for no apparent pur- 15. There are more taxis here Hope all is well. More to follow. how, his absurdities seem to be horse, which must be admired at
ready half way down the block. All pose other than to make noise. than residents or tourists and you --Prof. Gregory Weeks tolerated. First, he won the presi- all times and criticizing or insult-
proportions aside, he had proved A quiet neighborhood is worth a can ride one of two ways, with dential elections by 99.5%, not all ing him is followed by imprison-
surprisingly light on his feet. premium. the meter and without the meter. that surprising as he was the only ment!
I shrank back into my newspa- 7. Learn Hebrew, otherwise Usually you are better without the candidate. Niyazov’s pictures appear eve-
per, trying to disappear. you may eat something disgust- meter as long as you have agreed Then he proclaimed himself rywhere, from state buildings to
– Paul Krauskopf ing. on the price in advance. No mat- Dear Diary. Turkmenbashi – the father of all people’s homes.
8. Everybody here has a story ter which way you ride, the taxi The other day over coffee, a Turkmens. And finally he became All the currency bills, the
about the attack that almost got driver will try to cheat you. friend surprised me with an article the Eternal President, installing manat, have the portrait of Turk-
him or her. One minute a bus is 16. It does not rain for three on Saparmurat Niyazov, the presi- his cult of personality. menbashi, redesigned every time
there, the next minute it is gone. weeks, but when it does rain, it dent of Turkmenistan. While Turkmen people live in Niyazov gets a medal of honour.
Dear Diary, One minute your friend is there, pours and you are drenched to the I guess word had gotten abject poverty, on the margins of His portrait also appears on local
“Things I have learned in Jerusa- the next minute, he is dead. skin. After that, you have three around of my hobby of collecting existence, Turkmenbashi has been brands of tea, vodka and yogurt.
lem” (see below) 9. Automatic and semi-auto- weeks of nice weather again. everything possible about this ex- going on a spending spree - build- Apparently health matters.
1. Police cars always patrol matic weapons are a fashion acces- 17. Everything on the buses is tremely crazy guy. ing $100 million worth of palaces, Ministers are obliged to walk 30
with their lights on. It makes them sory. Soldiers, even dressed up as a blastproof and solidly anchored. Niyazov’s latest was that those race courses and shopping malls. km every month, and are forbid-
easier to see. They started doing civilian, never leave home without 18. You can pick up the Pen- who read his book Rukhnama The centre of the capital city den to smoke.
this after the second Intifada. them. tagon Channel here. Good to three times would become go of Ashgabat is dominated by the Once a passionate smoker,
2. Cats are a plague here. 10. Get used to being wanded know in emergencies. straight to the Paradise. Rukhna- Neutrality Arch, a 75 meters high Niyazov quit smoking after heart
They pop out of every garbage whenever you enter a building 19. Do not expect great serv- ma is a tome on Turkmen origins, arch with a 12-meter golden stat- surgery and banned it in the
bin. The good news is they also and being asked if you are carry- ice. It is not included. history, spiritual values and good ue of Turkmenbashi on the top, whole country.
make sure that there are no rats in ing a weapon. 20. You know you have been behavior. which slowly rotates for 360 de- He has also banned make-up
the garbage. Just do not adopt the 11. If you speak Russian or here too long when you can laugh Obey the rules and live a ful- grees 24 hours a day. and golden teeth, a symbol of
cats until you have taken them to Yiddish, you will make a lot of at signs that say “Welcome brave filled and happy life. Reading the The intention of the rotation success. Although Niyazov him-
a vet first. friends. tourist” or “Big discount for brave Rukhnama is now obligatory for is that Niyazov, who is presented self dyes his gray hair black.
3. Do not go shopping on 12. Count your change and if tourist.” everyone, from students to politi- with open arms, is always turned -- Nika Bracun

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