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As part of our 'Online Services' we provide the services to register the Non Governmental and Non Profitable organization

under section 6 of Foreign Contribution Regulation Act in India. Under Section 6 of FCRA, it is provided that any organization having a definite cultural/ social/ educational/ religious/ economic object shall only accept foreign contribution after obtaining FCRA Registration.

(i) It must be a duly registered organization for charitable purposes. (ii) It must agree to receive foreign contribution only through one specific bank account. (iii) Organization should have active existence for last thee years*.

*Though it is recommended, it is only directory in nature . Documents and information we need

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Name, address and status of applicant, the district/ ward circle where assessed/PAN number. Audited Balance Sheet, Profit& Loss Account or Income& Expenditure Account for the latest year and all preceding years. Certified copy of formation documents like trust deed, rules & regulation, memorandum of association etc. and registration certificate, if any. Name & Addresses of the persons managing the affairs of the organization or institution, including those who left the organization but were managing the affairs of the association or institution since its inception. If the association or institution is notified under section 10(23)(C) or is approved for the purposes of section 80G, the particulars of such approval granted. If the association is having any parent or sister or subsidiary organization, which is registered under the FCRA then the registration number along with Ministry of Home Affairs file number should be mentioned. If the association has submitted any application earlier then its reference number should be mentioned. Annual Report specifying activities of the association or institution during since its inception. Copy of any Journal or other publication of the organization. Copy of resolution of Governing Body of the organization, authorizing the registration under FCRA. Copy of Power of Attorney or the resolution of Governing Body by which the Chief Functionary is authorized to submit FCRA application. If the association has received any foreign contribution with or without the prior approval of the Central Government, then the detail should be given. Such other information as the association or institution may like to place.

Signed Authority Letter ( Download It from Here)

Undertaking letter from the chief functionary of organization**.

PRIOR PERMISSION FOR FOREIGN CONTRIBUTION As part of our 'Online Services' we provide the services to obtain Prior Permission to the Non Governmental Organizations under Foreign Contribution Regulation Act in India. Associations or an organizations can receive foreign contribution even without registration with prior permission from the FCRA department. The association or the organization obtains prior permission from the FCRA department for each and every foreign contribution. Instance in which the Prior Permission is Required/Recommended. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. The organization does not have permanent FCRA registration number. The FCRA registration number has been cancelled by the Government . The association is instructed by the Central Government to take prior permission under the provisions of Section 10 where power have been provided to prohibit any organization from receiving foreign funds. The FCRA number is suspended due to violation of the provisions and conditions specified under the FCRA. The organization is of political nature, not being a political party. Any person residing in India or any citizen of India residing outside India, receiving foreign funds on behalf of an organization of political nature.

Requirements Same as the normal FCRA registration. Additional Documents and information 1. 2. Details of the beneficiaries and details of the project for which foreign contribution is expected. The detail should include narrative as well as financial details. Letter of commitment from the foreign donor agreeing in principle to provide funds.

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