A Touch of Evil Product Contents

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A Touch of Evil product contents A Touch of Evil

Base Box AToE FFP0201 2008

Rulebook Shadowbrook board 8 Hero miniatures 16 dice Darkness Track and circle marker First Player marker 10 5 Investigation markers 50 1 Investigation markers 8 5 Wound markers 32 1 Wound markers 6 +1 / +2 Wound markers 6 +1 Combat / +1 Honor upgrade markers 12 +1 Spirit / +1 Cunning upgrade markers 6 Town Elder markers (Doctor Manning, Lady Hanbrook, Lord Hanbrook, Magistrate Kroft, Reverend Harding, Sophie, the Midwife) 5 character markers (the Coachman, Franklin, Jack, Lucy Hanbrook, Selena) 3 Militia markers 4 Villain markers (the Scarecrow, Spectral Horseman, the Vampire, the Werewolf) 4 Minion charts (the Scarecrow, Spectral Horseman, the Vampire, the Werewolf) Minion markers (square) - 4 Assassin/Living Trees, 2 Assassin/Locust Swarm, 8 Barghest Hound/Ghost Soldiers, 3 Bats/Succubus, 2 Bats/Walking Dead, 2 Bats/Wolves, 8 Feral Kin/Rat's Nest, 2 Highwayman/Locust Swarm, 2 Living Trees/Locust Swarm, 2 Locust Swarm/Spectre, 4 Spectre/Highwayman, 4 Succubus/Walking Dead, 3 Succubus/Wolves, 2 Walking Dead/Wolves Minion markers (round) - 15 Crows/Rats 10 Transformation markers 3 Magistrate's Mandate markers 1 "A" marker Soundtrack CD
Heroes Locations Abandoned Keep Locations Windmill

1 Ghosts in the Fog 1 Highwayman 1 Honor Among Thieves 1 Jack, the Servant Boy 2 Musket 1 Old Carving 1 Old Prison 1 Relic 1 Rogue's Rapier 1 Rosary 1 Sign of the Dark Omen 1 Spectre
Manor (the)

2 Attacked! 1 Beast in the Dark (the) 1 Black Feather 1 Book of Town History 1 Broken Spectacles 1 Coachman 1 Crates of Foreign Soil 1 Gunpowder Keg 1 Hunting Rifle 1 Lantern 1 Lucy's Diary 1 Murky Water 1 Pistol 2 Pitchfork 1 Voodoo Doll 1 Whistling Wind 1 Wicked Altar 1 Wooden Stake

1 Attacked! 1 Bleeding Wall (the) 1 Book of Medicine 1 Cloaked Assassin 1 Cross 1 Family Bible 1 Holy Water 1 Loose Floorboards 1 Lucy Hanbrook 1 Meeting of the Elders 1 Night Watch 1 Nightmare 1 Poisoned 2 Saber 3 Secret Passage 1 Selena, the Housemaid 1 Whispered Rumors
Olde Woods (the)

1 "I Say" 3 "I Think Not!" 2 "If I Could Just Reach" 1 "I'll Handle This!" 1 "You've Come to Save Us!" 2 Aggressive Combat 2 Autopsy 2 Brilliant Deduction 2 Daybreak 1 Duel of Honor 3 Endurance 2 Escape 2 Gossip and Rumors 2 Honorable Gesture 2 Intuitive Hunch 2 Just a Scratch 2 Knocked Away 2 Leading Questions 2 Magistrate's Mandate 4 Militia 1 Near Miss 2 Party Invitation 2 Reassuring Speech 1 Recovery 1 Strength of Battle 1 Strength of Courage 1 Strength of Spirit 1 Strength of Will

Anne Marie, the School Teacher 1 Anne Marie, the School Teacher Heinrich Cartwright, the Drifter 1 Heinrich Cartwright, the Drifter Inspector Cooke 1 Inspector Cooke Isabella Von Took, Noble Woman 1 Isabella Von Took, Noble Woman Karl, the Soldier 1 Karl, the Soldier Katarina, the Outlaw 1 Katarina, the Outlaw Thomas, the Courier 1 Thomas, the Courier Victor Danforth, the Playwright 1 Victor Danforth, the Playwright

2 Angry Trees 2 Attacked! 2 Axe 1 Blunderbuss 1 Book of Witchcraft 1 Charm 1 Crossroads 1 Franklin, Old Hound 1 Garland 1 Hanging Skulls 1 Healing Herbs 1 Shallow Grave 1 Smuggler's Camp 1 Timber Wolves 1 Trail of Bones 1 Witch of the Woods (the) 1 Woodsman's Overcoat

Scarecrow (the) (the) 1 Scarecrow Spectral Horseman 1 Spectral Horseman Vampire (the) (the) 1 Vampire Werewolf (the) (the) 1 Werewolf
Locations Abandoned Keep

2 Attacked! 1 Book of the Occult 1 Broken Mirror 2 Collapse 1 Dagger


A Touch of Evil product contents A Touch of Evil

Base Box AToE FFP0201 2008
Mysteries Lairs Shadowbrook

3 "It's Struck Again!" 7 "Murder!" 1 "There's No Such Thing!" 3 "These Roads Aren't Safe" 1 "They Brought This Evil!" 1 "We Mustn't Linger!" 4 Agents of Evil 1 Book Burning 1 Chill Wind (a) 1 Choices To Be Made 1 Dark Omen (the) 3 Deadly Encounter 1 Evil is On the Move 1 Fog 1 Full Moon 1 Growing Power 2 Growing Strength 1 Hour is Late (the) 1 Howling in the Night 1 Late Night Experiments 1 Laying in Wait 2 March of Darkness 3 No One is Safe 1 Paranoid Delusions 1 Rumors Run Rampant 3 Tide of Darkness 2 Traitor's Blood 1 Wicked Manipulation

1 Magistrate's Office 1 Town Hall


2 1

1 Coward 1 Darkest Secret 1 Darkest Secret 2 Hero of the People 1 Inner Strength 1 Knows Too Much 1 Little Secrets 1 Little Secrets 1 Little Secrets 1 Little Secrets 1 Little Secrets 1 Little Secrets 2 On The Hunt 1 Reluctant Hero 1 Selfless Martyr 3 Servant to Darkness
Town Elders Shadowbrook

+1 Combat +2 Wounds

Drunkard Full of Lies Second Life (a) Voyeur War Criminal Witchcraft

Doctor Manning 1 Doctor Manning Lady 1 Hanbrook Lady Hanbrook Lord Hanbrook 1 Lord Hanbrook Magistrate Kroft 1 Magistrate Kroft Reverend Harding 1 Reverend Harding Sophie, the Midwife 1 Sophie, the Midwife
Town Items

the "Good" Doctor Lady of Darkness Lord of Madness the Executioner Grand Inquisitor Sophie, the Vixen

1 Abandoned Keep 1 Abandoned Keep 1 Manor (the) 1 Manor (the) 1 Olde Woods 1 Olde Woods 1 Windmill 1 Windmill 1 Covered Bridge 1 Covered Bridge 1 Crossroads 1 Fields 1 Fields 1 Marsh 1 Marsh 1 Blacksmith 1 Church 1 Doctor's Office

2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 1 2 1 1 2 1 2

1 Book of Lore 1 Book of Town History 1 Charmed Relic 2 Healing Herbs 1 Horse 1 Horse 1 Musket 1 Padded Jacket 2 Pistol 1 Runic Amulet 1 Silver Shot 1 Tools of Science 2 Torch

Boreas Euros

6 1a: the Game Round 6 1b: a Hero's Turn 6 2a: Curse of the Werewolf 6 2b: Werewolf Hero

3 2 2


A Touch of Evil product contents Something Wicked

Large Box Expansion SW FFP0203 2009
Rulebook Echo Lake board 4 Hero miniatures 22 1 Investigation markers 18 Resolve tokens 8 character markers (Abigail Sturn, Ben, Brother Darius, Brother Janus, Carla, Delani, Familiar Cat, Sebastian Skinner) 4 Militia markers 6 Villain markers (the Bog Fiend, the Banshee, the Gargoyle, the Unspeakable Horror, the Necromancer [HP1], the Delion Dryad [do]) 4 Minion charts (the Bog Fiend, the Banshee, the Gargoyle, the Unspeakable Horror) Minion marker (octagonal) - 1 Grounds Keeper Minion markers (square) - 8 Barrow Shade/Crimson Hand, 8 Betrayer/Fallen, 8 Crimson Hand/Living Statues, 6 Demon Host/Stalker, 12 Grotesques/Mosquito Swarm Minion markers (round) - 22 Swamp/Sunken, 20 Summoning Circle/Void 6 Stone Statues markers (1 - 6) 6 Bomb tokens 2 Boat markers (A, B) 5 Journal Pages markers (1 - 4, X)
Heroes Locations Windmill Locations Monastery

1 Trapdoor 1 Writhing Tentacles

Forgotten Island

2 Quiet Reflection 2 Secret Ritual 1 Shrieking Shadow (the) 1 Suffian Crypt (the) 1 Test of Torment 1 Tolling of the Bell 1 Vow of Silence

2 Attacked! 1 Camp Fire 1 Enchanted Pistol 1 Explorer's Journal 1 Familiar Cat 1 Hatchet 1 Hateful Totem 1 Journal Pages 1 Journal Pages 1 Journal Pages 1 Olde Mold 2 Sacred Stone 2 Shadow Beneath the Surface 1 Spiteful Totem 1 Stone Key 1 Vengeful Totem 1 Weathered Skull
Inn (the)

1 "Expand the Search!" Cunning Honor Spirit 2 "You Go First!" 1 Betrayal 1 Blood Transfusion 1 Bribery 2 Hold Back the Darkness

2 "Murder!" 1 Ancient Evil 1 Horror (the) 1 Laughter on the Wind 1 Order's Influence (the) 1 Order's Influence (the) 1 Order's Influence (the) 1 Order's Influence (the) 1 Order's Influence (the) 1 Something Wicked

Doctor Manning Lady Hanbrook Lord Hanbrook Magistrate Kroft Reverend Harding

Brother Marcus 1 Brother Marcus Captain Hawkins 1 Captain Hawkins Eliza, the Witch Hunter 1 Eliza, the Witch Hunter Valeria, the Eternal 1 Valeria, the Eternal

1 "Hello, Stranger" 1 "It's a Long Way Down" 1 Abigail Sturn 2 Attacked! 1 Book of Death 1 Coachman 1 Cross of Kandor (the) 2 Cutlass 1 Ghosts in the Hall 2 Gremians
Abandoned Keep

1 Order's Influence (the) Sophie, the Midwife

Banshee (the) (the) 1 Banshee Bog Fiend (the) (the) 1 Bog Fiend Gargoyle (the) (the) 1 Gargoyle Unspeakable Horror (the) (the) 1 Unspeakable Horror

1 Forgotten Island 1 Forgotten Island 1 Inn (the) 1 Inn (the) 1 Monastery 1 Monastery 1 Bog 1 North Dock 1 South Dock
Monastery Town Items

2 - no Escape 2 - Spirit 2 3 2 3 2 1 1

1 Impossible Key 1 Keeper's Registry 1 Mirrored Room (the) 1 Painted Room (the) 1 Room 216

1 Ancentral Tome 1 Forged Key 1 Ghastly Stalker 1 Midnight Meeting

Manor (the)

1 Book of Riddles 1 Exotic Meal 1 Gibbering Evil 1 Skeleton Key

Olde Woods (the)

1 Rose Room (the) 1 Window Room (the) 1 Attacked! 1 Book of Life 1 Brother Darius 1 Echoes of Forever 1 Hand of Glory 2 Host (the) 1 Key of Salvation 1 Library of Latador 2 Oath of the Hunter

1 Old Map

1 Bone Key 1 Creeping Vines 1 Lycanthrope 1 Shifting Trees


1 Burning Censer 1 Crossbow 1 Flail 1 Guide 1 Guide 2 Oath of Devotion 1 Robes innocuous menacing

1 Black Powder Bombs 1 Rusty Key


A Touch of Evil product contents Something Wicked

Large Box Expansion SW FFP0203 2009
Town Items Monastery

1 Sacred Chalice 1 Scroll of Knowledge 2 Vial of Holy Water


5 3a: Curse of Stone 5 3b: Statue of a Hero 2 4a: Possessed 2 4b: Order of the Crimson Hand 1 A1: Swamp & Sunken Markers 1 A2: Summoning Circle & Void Markers


A Touch of Evil product contents The Coast

Large Box Expansion TC FFP0205 2012
Rulebook The Coast board (w/town of Tidewater) Reference sheet (the Lost Ship Chart / Advanced Cooperative Mystery Phase Chart) 4 Hero miniatures 20 1 Investigation markers 6 Town Elder markers (the Harbormaster, Mayor Carver, the Widow Jessica) 5 character markers (Boatman, Charlotte Dubois, Lonely Spirit, Old Crow, Samson) 6 Villain markers (the Dreamweaver, the Ghost Ship, the Siren, the Sunken Seven, the Reaper [HP2], Shadow Witch [do]) 4 Minion charts (the Dreamweaver, the Ghost Ship, the Siren, the Sunken Seven) 7 Sunken Seven markers (the Father of Judgement, the Ferryman, the Heretic, the Hooded Man, the Innocent, the Matriarch of Silence, the Outcast) 1 the Ghost Ship/the Lost Ship marker 1 the Kraken marker Minion marker (octagonal) - 1 Ghost Captain Minion markers (square) - 4 Descendants of the Deep/Drowned Dead, 4 Descendants of the Deep/Smugglers, 4 Drowned Dead/Smugglers, 8 Ghost Pirates/Harpies, 8 Sandmen/Shadow Beasts 12 Haunting markers 30 Cursed Gold / Sleepless tokens
Heroes Locations Windmill Locations Smuggler's Cove

1 Hanging Shadow (the) 1 Torch 1 Voices in the Dark


1 Maze of Caves 1 Privateer's Pardon 1 Ship's Manifest 2 Smugglers 1 Smuggler's Blade 2 Weathered Oar

1 "Stay in the Light!" 1 Attacked! 1 Book of Darkness 1 Burning Beacon (the) 1 Call of the Fog Horn 1 Dark Cellar 1 Fisherman's Net 2 Harpoon 1 Lightkeeper's Key 1 Lost Ship (the) 1 Old Bell 2 Sailor's Pistol 1 Serpent's Tooth 2 Storm Clouds 3 Tendrils of the Kraken

1 "Take Cover!" 1 Avenging the Fallen 2 Battle Fury 2 Duck and Roll 1 Hunter's Courage Cunning 1 Painful Truth (a) 1 Redemption 2 Search for the Truth 1 Skilled Hand (a)

2 "Murder!" 1 At Midnight, They Come 2 Blocked Road 1 Devil's Mark (the) 1 Devil's Mark (the) 1 Devil's Mark (the) 1 Devil's Mark (the) 1 Disturbing Collection 2 Haunted Ground 1 Order's Influence (the) Harbormaster (the) Cunning 1 Order's Influence (the) 1 Primal Evil 2 Spread of Evil 1 Tavern's Tall Tale (a) 1 Time For Sacrifice (a) 1 Unwelcome 1 Watery Graves
Smuggler's Cove Lairs

1 Attacked! 1 Cabin Key 1 Captain's Log 1 Dark Below Deck (the) 1 Dashed on the Rocks 2 Descendants of the Deep 1 Idol of the Gold City 1 Lonely Spirit 1 Lost Ship (the) 2 Pirate's Blade 1 Secrets of the Deep 2 Splintered Collapse
Abandoned Keep

Combat Cunning Honor Spirit

Argot Blackwell, Master Hunter 1 Argot Blackwell, Master Hunter Doctor Edwards 1 Doctor Edwards Liliana, Lost Soul 1 Liliana, Lost Soul Maria De La Rosa, Smuggler 1 Maria De La Rosa, Smuggler

Dreamweaver (the) (the) 1 Dreamweaver Ghost Ship (the) 1 Ghost Ship (the) Siren (the) (the) 1 Siren Sunken SevenSeven (the) (the) 1 Sunken

Mayor Carver

1 Order's Influence (the) Widow Jessica (the)

1 Chilling Presence 1 Dark Keep (the) 1 Farrow Chest (the) 1 Loveless Pendant
Manor (the)

1 Stokes' Gun 1 Tattered Sails 1 Tormented Soul 2 Treaure Map 1 Attacked! 1 Beautiful Apparition 1 Bones of a Traitor 2 Buried Gold 1 Cave In 1 Cave Worm 1 Charlotte Dubois 1 Cursed Key (the) 1 Flooded Passage 1 Jewel of Valencia 1 Lost Ship (the) Honor

1 Beyond the Lighted Gate 1 Debt of Honor 1 Poltergeist 1 Rider's Hat

Olde Woods (the)

1 Lighthouse 1 Lighthouse 1 Shipwreck 1 Shipwreck 1 Smuggler's Cove 1 Smuggler's Cove 1 Icy Waters 1 Stone Bridge 1 Barracks 1 Beach (the)

1 3 1 3 2 3 1 2

1 Babbling Beast (the) 1 Memory of Forever 1 Old Crow 1 Walking Dreams


1 Galloping in the Distance

2 2


A Touch of Evil product contents The Coast

Large Box Expansion TC FFP0205 2012
Lairs Tidewater Hauntings

1 Docks (the) 1 Town Square


2 2

1 Innocent (the) 1 Matriarch of Silence 1 Outcast (the)


(7) (7) (7)

1 Brilliant Mind 1 Little Secrets 1 Little Secrets 1 Little Secrets 1 Secret Madness 2 Shadow's Puppet 1 Werewolf Scratch
Town Elders Tidewater

Deserter Guilty Conscience Manic

1 5a/b: Drowned Dead 1 B1: the Kraken 1 B2: Haunted Markers

Harbormaster (the) (the) 1 Harbormaster Master of Death Mayor Carver 1 Mayor Elder of the Dark Gods Carver Widow Jessica (the) (the) 1 Widow the Collector Jessica
Town Items Blacksmith

1 Old Map
Town Square

2 Boatman 1 Compass 1 Cutlass 1 Dueling Pistol 2 Exotic Herbs 1 Harbor Log 1 Old Map 1 Sailor's Jacket 1 Seaferer's Lantern 1 Town Key
Village Encounters Tidewater

1 Break in the Clouds 1 Brigands 1 Deadman's Fog 1 Founder's Journal 1 Founder's Rock 1 Judgment Stone 1 Lost Ship (the) 1 Night on the Town (a) 1 Samson, on the Scent 1 Troubled Past (a) 1 Two If By Sea 1 Whispered Word (the)


1 Father of Judgment 1 Ferryman (the) 1 Heretic (the) 1 Hooded Man (the)

(7) (7) (7) (7)


A Touch of Evil product contents Hero Pack 1

Small Box Expansion HP1 FFP0204 2009
Rules sheet 4 Hero miniatures Note: There is no Minion Chart for the Necromancer, which uses the chart for the Vampire (AToE).

Adrianna, Foreign Traveler 1 Adrianna, Foreign Traveler Harlow Morgan, the Inventor 1 Harlow Morgan, the Inventor Lucy 1 Hanbrook Lucy Hanbrook Scarlet Shadow (the) (the) 1 Scarlet Shadow

Necromancer (the) (the) 1 Necromancer

Locations Abandoned Keep

1 Tools of Science
Manor (the)

1 Moving Portrait
Olde Woods (the)

1 Runic Amulet

1 Vial of Poison

2 Spirited Attack 2 Tactical Strike 2 Teamwork


A Touch of Evil product contents Hero Pack 2

Small Box Expansion HP2 FFP0206 2012
Rules sheet 4 Hero miniatures 1 Minion chart (the Reaper)

Abigail Sturn,Sturn, Student of theof Occult 1 Abigail Student the Occult Frederic Lon,Lon, Foreign Diplomat 1 Frederic Foreign Diplomat Jack Privateer 1 Fellows, Jack Fellows, Privateer Sara, Bright WitchWitch 1 the Sara, the Bright

Reaper (the) (the) 1 Reaper

Locations Abandoned Keep

1 Cold Terror (the)

Manor (the)

1 Witching Hour (the)

Olde Woods (the)

1 Forest of Death

1 Wooden Chest

1 Ritual of Protection 2 Shocking Discovery


1 "It's Getting Closer" 2 Lightning


A Touch of Evil product contents The Madness

Web Exclusive Mad FFPWEB013 2008
Rules sheet
Locations Abandoned Keep

1 "Don't Pull the Chain!" 1 Pistol Crossbow 1 Dueling Pistol 1 Swallowed in the Night 1 Cavalry Horse 1 Whispers in the Woods 1 Green Nothing (the) 1 Rope

P006 P007
Manor (the)

P008 P009
Olde Woods (the)

P011 P010

P012 P013 P014 P005 P029 P030 P003 P004

2 Accusation 1 Out of Nowhere 1 Recovery


1 Choices To Be Made 2 Madness (the) 1 Veil of Darkness


A Touch of Evil product contents The Allies

Web Exclusive All FFPWEB016 2009
Rules sheet
Locations Abandoned Keep

1 Scarlet Shadow (the) 1 Shackled Spirit 1 Delani the Servant Girl 1 Night Terror 1 Ben, the Watchman 1 Feeding Ground 1 Carla, Blacksmith's Wife 1 Puzzle of Chains 1 Rusty Key

P018 P021
Manor (the)

P016 P026
Olde Woods (the)

P020 P023

P019 P025 P034 P017 P035 P022


2 Entourage

1 Ancient Evil 1 Domination

Town Items

1 Captain of the Watch 2 Militia Soldier

P015 P024


A Touch of Evil product contents various promos

Miscellaneous pro
Promo cards with alternate images, available from a variety of sources.
Locations Abandoned Keep

1 Highwayman 1 Secret Passage 1 Axe


P001 - AToE direct order

Manor (the)

P002 - AToE direct order

Olde Woods (the)

P028 - AToE Hero Minis P032 - SE soundtrack

1 Song of the Dead


1 Ominous Overture P031 - SE soundtrack

Town Items Blacksmith

1 Old Map

P033 - AToE Hero Minis


A Touch of Evil product contents download only

Download do
Each downloadable Villain includes a Villain sheet as well as Basic and Advanced Minion charts. The Volgovian Nutcracker also includes a counter sheet.

Delion Dryad (the) (the) 1 Delion Dryad Shadow WitchWitch 1 Shadow Volgovian Nutcracker (the) (the) 1 Volgovian Nutcracker

2008 2011 2009


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