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The Illuminated Heart

The Illuminated Heart

The month of August is a time of ripening and completion, a time to celebrate the forces that fuel the creation process. With the light of the Leo Sun filling the matrix with the same spirit that moved the Chieftains of old to come down from the Highlands to honor the power of the Sun god, the heart of humanity has an opportunity to awaken to the oneness and the beauty that surrounds and connects us all. As the Earth spins deeper into the 2012 mysteries our outer reality looks chaotic enough to make us wonder if we have any reason to celebrate. These are disturbing and changeable times. Only through the clear light of Truth can we see through the madness long enough to understand that nothing is what it appears to be. Leo rules the heart. With that in mind, we can draw upon the power of the Leo Sun, to illuminate the heart of humanity with visions of light, and truth, and unconditional love. Welcome to our August edition.


Morning Messages with Peggy Black

Peggy Black began receiving messages from her guides back in the Seventies. They first came to her in the form of stick figures, multi-dimensional sprites who danced lithely across the pages of her sketch book. As her life changed and her connection to the invisible realms deepened, Peggy began to receive audible messages from the very same spirits who came dancing into her life forty years ago. Ever since she began to hear her guides, she has channeled their every word onto paper. Her Morning Messages are direct transmissions from a group of Souls who have a lot to say about life, and about the changes that are calling all of us to create a unified vision of a new and better world.


Chief Editor
Cal Garrison

Business Manager
Diane M. Cooper

Products and Shipping

Dani Lodes

Drunvalo Melchizedek

August 2012

After months of anticipation, preparation, and announcements that were meant to prepare you for this, we are proud to welcome all of you to the very first edition of the all new Spirit of Maat. We have been so busy getting everything ready, only now, as I sit down to write my first Letter from the Editor, am I beginning to understand what an honor it is, or me, and for all of the people who work here, to be part of this endeavor. What began back in the year 2000 came out of Drunvalos desire to create an information source that would provide its readership with articles that would loan some semblance of truth to questions about internal and external changes that at that point were just beginning to gather momentum. It was in that year, at one of the early Earth-Sky Workshops, that Drunvalo announced his plans to launch a webzine called the Spirit of Maat. I happened to be present at that workshop. The night before it started, I rolled my sleeping bag out on the ground, outside a tent that was inhabited by a gal who introduced herself to me as Susan Barber. In a 3 AM encounter with a skunk, it was Susan who woke up long enough to tell me how to avoid getting sprayed by the little bugger. I will never forget it and what comes to mind now that I think of it is; on the second or third day of the workshop, when Drunvalo asked if there was anyone in the room who knew about editing and understood computers, Susan raised her hand and in an instant, became the first editor of his new magazine. I remember thinking how lucky she was. It never occurred to me that, five years down the road, I would get a call from Diane Cooper, asking me to pick up where Susan left off. Reflecting on the people and events that brought me here, after seven years as the Editor in Chief of The Spirit of Maat I see that in the time that it has been up and running, the magazine has yielded something that seems to have value for all of us. As we launch the first edition of the all new Spirit of Maat I am here to say that the fruit that has ripened with time, is about to honor the seed that gave birth to it. Looking back, it was twelve years ago that Jupiter, the planet that governs the search for higher knowledge, was making its way through Gemini, the sign that governs every form of communication. The Jupiter cycle tracks the way anything expands and grows over time. As of this writing Jupiter has come full circle and is now exactly where it was when all of this began. Somehow I am awed by the thought that The Spirit of Maat has come this far and is ready to move on to explore the next octave of higher knowledge and communication. If I am humbled by the fact that I seem to be the steward for this, I am also jumping for joy. Unable to contain myself, I get the feeling that its time to lighten up and give that which came into being from the inside out, a chance to Strut its Stuff! So lets stop being so serious. We came here to celebrate! I, and all of the wonderful people who made this possible invite you to celebrate with us by opening the pages of this beautiful new creation and taking the time to enjoy a harvest of articles and media presentations that have been expressly chosen to launch the next incarnation of The Spirit of Maat, and to open and awaken The Illuminated Heart. Thank you all for being there. It is a privilege to serve you. With Love, and Gratitude,

Letter from the editor

Cal Garrison

Editor in Chief at the Spirit of Maat


5 Becoming In a beautifully written article Julia takes

us down the rabbit hole, into the heart of her inner world and brings us from the point of entry, all the way to the space where the answer to every question resides. When the end of the world can mean the beginning of new life. An Interview with Dr. Alexander Trofimov. Cal Garrison uses her addiction to the Tabloids to bring up the subject of lies, their consequences, and the things that keep us from remembering who we are.

7 Disillusionment

11 Onward To Mars With Kozyrevs 15 Stayin Alive

19 What It Means To Be A Soulshaper 23 Dont Believe Everything That You Believe

(A Work In Process...) Article from Jeff Brown

2012 is a transformational year. Its pretty obvious. That means letting go of old stuff and opening to new experiences.

27 Ground Control To Lightworkers

The community of light has been gathering for years, and now, the community has come together.

29 Crystal Clarity

When tuned to larger coordinates, synchronicity is the rule - not the exception.

31 The Silent Stones

In such a small area of land, ancient religions and cultures collide with what should be 21st century reasons for peace. Yet, despite sporadic periods of dialogue, violence and rigid opinions prove peace is as illusive in the area as it ever was.

37 THE MER-KA-BA The Creation Process, And The Imagery Process 39 The Archangel Michael Grid In the case of the Archangel Michael Grid, it

is an energy framework around Planet Earth, designed to help raise the vibration of the planet to the next dimension of love, joy and gratitude.

41 What Does The Sacred Feminine Really Mean? An Invitation to all Women Part II in a
series by Dr. Judith Long.

44 Redefining The Masculine In The Face Of The Returning Feminine

Men may need to begin to honor how they feel rather than creating an artificial shell that appears to strengthen them in the face of competition and rivalry.

45 Maats Market Place

Events, Workshops and community events.

46 One Heart During The Autumn Equinox

After hearing Drunvalos words I more than ever wanted to do this massive event. Everything fell into place, I met the right people and the messages of how to do it kept coming to me.

47 Film and Video Articles

Two featured films and articles

49 Conscious Media Showcase

Selection of video and media presentations that have been previewed and hand picked to take your mind right out of the box.

B ecoming


s I sit in the heat of the Southern summer, I listen to the cicadas and the hunting owls. As the sounds of darkness grow in the lingering blue twilight, I feel the earths rhythm as it extends through my body and alters my perception. There are no stars, no wind. The sky above looks deep blue. Although I love to exercise, meditate or write late in the evening, I stay to hear the night and feel the new currents of life. Around ten oclock, the stars will rise, and I decide to remain in the delicious night and wait. Flat on my back on the bare earth, I look toward my garden to see the shapes of my roses --their vague color appears as dull reds and pinks in the weak illumination. The delight 5 Aug 2012 SpiritOfMaat

Story: Julia Griffin

ful fragrances of white bee balm, lemon balm, mint, and pennyroyal come on the first wave of the wind. The wind carries moisture and coolness from the top of the mountain. Pressing into the warmth of the earth, I go into myself where the currents of my inner light meet with the outer light. Beneath every shape, stone or animal, there is an inner shape of light. As I go deeper, I perceive the ethereal form of plants, trees and rocks. Briefly I revel in it. My heart opens with joy when I see the inner world. I want to stay here all night, to see what lies beneath everything. My orange cat comes to me. He lies against me and purrs. His vibrating voice blends with the cicadas, and

the earth draws the tension from my body. Now the entire night sings. I move back and forth between the inner light of objects and my own inner light. I focus on the plants and trees until their light expands and radiates into my inner being. Then I expand my light and radiate it back to them. After a time, the light grows. It fills the neighborhood. I think about a troubled friend and the light draws a path to her location. Without asking, the light radiates and fills this person. Now my mind turns toward friends, students and loved ones. I watch as the light moves to each of them. A few Kabbalistic names of angels pop into my mind, and I recite the letters, focusing on the colors

Those of us who meditate know that the act of going within is a personal thing, one that would be hard to describe if anyone asked us to put it into words. In a beautifully written article Julia takes us down the rabbit hole, into the heart of her inner world and brings us from the point of entry, all the way to the space where the answer to every question resides.
and meanings of the letters of each name. I imagine drawing their sigils or symbols in the sky. Then I feel their energy, the power of their presence. Beauty comes with angels, as does protection and support. Glimpsing their inner beauty, my heart space grows and amplifies its light. The light coalesces, joining with nature. Then it flows to me and its original source back into the trees and earth. The exchange is so delightful I may never go back indoors. But I want to know and learn more. My spiritual quest never seems to end, my appetite sometimes seems insatiable. With the thought, the light returns. It takes on a luminescent shape in the darkness, seen by my inner eye. Sometimes when the light is strong, Im free to ask questions and the universe answers. Yes, on this beautiful night, it is what I want when Im alone and accompanied by the light. Of course, I cannot just ask questions. I know better. I carry questions around like a backpack for the times the Universe answers, but they are rarely appropriate at the given time. I have to think carefully and choose wisely. I think about the new influx of light that Ive experienced intensely since days surrounding the solstice. I ask to know more about the light. As I look at the light, I realize that it looks quite different from my past perception of light on the planet in the past months or years. I feel into it, link with it and intuitively guess then recognize it as a new, greater light on the earth. It feels harsh to me at the first glimpse but then I realize Im not capable of traveling deeply into it. Its too bright and strong too much light at one time brings instability. I ask to see it properly, from a perspective that is correct for me. I focus on the light through my heart chakra, and I can see it more clearly. I ask to know more. Now the stars are rising against the dark blue sky. I stop asking questions while they glitter and heighten in the sky. My inner peace returns as I become conscious of the earth around me, but then I return to the new light. What are you about? I ask, as the question floats away from me up toward the stars. Becoming, a voice answers. I turn the answer over in my heart. I want to know more. Oddly I see and hear Bob Dylan singing Dont Think Twice. The lonely loud sounds of harmonica and his strange voice flood through my mind. I think about how his songs touched the world. I hear Beethoven and then Mozart. Great paintings flash before me. I briefly glimpse the words of philosophers, see an image of Socrates and then it all passes. Greatness, genius, I think. Everyone has it. The light responds. Everyone is awakening to it. For a moment I feel great melancholy. All of the great geniuses pass from the earth, even if their masterpieces stay to inspire. Whats the point of it all? Then I see the times that my heart was broken, when I became fragmented or lost a part of myself but continued onward. Sometimes I feel as though I am lost at sea. The world has changed so much in only a few years. I feel its rollicking, the choice of every soul to choose to move with the light or not. It doesnt have to be like that. The light says. You can heal your heart. Love heals the heart. Then I see the light moving outward throughout the world, briefly touching everyone with its flame. I realize that well become accustomed to it in time. I think about adapting, evolving and cellular change, but I feel the light pull away and hear the word becoming again. Suddenly, I understand that becoming means wholeness, the repair of the schism of the soul through many lifetimes, with the old patterns of misunderstanding the self and others. False perceptions --including dark emotions and thoughts -- on the inner plane must cease. When the inner plane changes, then the outer world will reflect the shift of higher consciousness. Then I see the greatness, the beauty of the light in so many souls. I remember that not everyone feels the light yet. But everyone will feel it in their own way and time. I realize the message has traveled full circle from my first vision of the ethereal body to a glimpse of the outer planetary light. Now Im amazed and awed by the appearance of the light in the world. The sounds of the cicadas grow louder, and I return to the night. For the moment, I want nothing. I am replete. I listen to the sound of the wind and watch the dance of the flowers, the flight of the stars.
- Julia Griffin

The Illuminated Heart

SpiritOfMaat Aug 2012 6

DISILLUSIONMENT When the End of the World can mean the Beginning of New Life


ome of the most memorable and difficult times of my life were when I found out that something or someone I invested and believed in wasnt what it seemed; the quintessential feeling of being duped and the loss and trauma that ensued. Having reality shattered by external forces that once helped to shape, define and secure your reality can make you feel like youre freefalling into an abyss; no place to land.And when you do come crashing down, its often not to a new stable reality, but a fragmented picture of disjointed pieces that your mind is not capable of putting together in any coherent order. This, my friends, is what I call disillusionment. 7 Aug 2012 SpiritOfMaat

Story: Jessica Bahr

Disillusionment comes in all forms, varying in severity: the beloved guru who is abusing his power to get into womens pants, your favorite elementary school teacher who you found out was a racist, a parent who cheats on your other parent, the religious institution who is molesting children, the non-profit organization who is embezzling money, your abstinent teenage daughter who comes home pregnant, the list goes onAnd when youre sensitive, like I am, and place a great deal of faith in something, even a small disillusionment can feel catastrophic. These are all examples of disintegration, splitting off, and compartmentalization in others.How can a person be such a shining example of

love and integrity and the next minute be a lying and cheating asshole and sometimes not even know it?! Jekyll meet Hyde. And what does it mean about the so-called positive traits they presented; were they REAL?! What part wasnt, what part was?! and down the rabbit hole we go, as we grasp at the filaments of a broken reality that flutter around us. We see this in politicians, our parents, sports figures and spiritual leaders just the same.Who are they, really? Some hardened pragmatists might say this is life, deal with it. But this doesnt get us very far, as the trauma and heartbreak associated with disillusionment doesnt respond to numbness and flippant gestures. It is true that dealing with it isnt for

If the road to enlightenment is paved with disillusionment, Jessica Bahr is here to talk about what happens when we wind up standing in the corner where loss and fear prompt us to wonder if its worth it to keep going. Weve all been there; and this article does a beautiful job of reminding us that as desolate as it feels when we hit the bottom line, the truth and its lessons are there to teach us how to create a new, more authentic life.
the faint of heart, but the way I figure it, if you dont deal with it, the heart will only become fainterleaving us less likely to handle the other inevitable blows (big or small) that are on lifes agenda. If we dont deal with our stuff, it deals with us. When youve been let down beyond comprehension, you can go into shock, feeling alienated, isolated, and very much alone in the world not even sure who you are anymore. Because if what or who we believed in isnt worth their salt, who can we turn to? Who are the dependable? When our beliefs no longer hold water, we feel like were the ones with the holes, and often shame sets in. How do we reconcile ourselves to the painful discovery that has shaken us to the core? Often in the process of coping with our disillusionment, we become just like those who have disappointed us - we too split off, compartmentalize, dissociate, as if thats the only way we can manage what has happened. To become that which has harmed us is a defense mechanism. It is hard not to mirror this way of being back to those who have disappointed us, but its not ours to mirror.There is another way, one that doesnt result in us perpetuating this dispiriting way of being, one that allows us to rise from the ashes with our wings intact. I am a sensitive person who wears her heart on her sleeve. I try to be who I appear to be in most moments in my life. In the same way, I tend to take people and their word at face value, perhaps to a fault.Though disillusionment has caused me to feel very unsafe at times, leading to all kind of trust issues and skepticism, I simply refuse to close my heart off. So how do I handle it? I turn to the one person who depends on me just as equally as I depend on her myself. There are times in this life when the safest place to be is in your own skin and if you feel like you dont know yourself (as is often the fallout of disillusionment) its the best time to get acquainted or re-acquainted. Disillusionment has been the great destroyer and subsequently the great builder in my life. I dont long for it, but I have learned how to show up at my own inner temple when it comes my way. It is there that I find my faith again. My context for these painful experiences is a psycho-spiritual one. To me disillusionment is an existential crisis of the alchemic kind. Im not talking about the spiritual bypass or spiritualizing a very real situation by side-stepping or repressing the uncomfortable emotions that arise. I am talking about letting the emotions be as fluid as emotions are meant to be- energy in motion- so that they become a tributary to the soul and all of the lessons harbored there. It is in the soul where heartbreak is converted into expansion. This is not easy. When the wrecking ball of disillusionment comes crashing through your life it can take you right back to ground zero, which can be a scary place to be. Its neither pretty nor fun, but ground zero is often the only place where you can construct a more authentic reality one that is soul grown and not factory farmed by external influences. Its not to say that you dismiss external influences, it just means that you hold to your center in their presence. So many of the lost parts of ourselves end up being recovered and transformed in the process of going through loss that is the great irony. What looks and feels like a wasteland can actually be the vast space we need to cultivate new sustenance for ourselves and others; here a deepened level of awareness emerges. One persons compost may well be the fertilizer needed for our expansion. One of the most disillusioning events that I experienced as a young adult, was when my best friend since 8th grade and I went off to college together and became roommates. Soon after living on campus, she became involved in a religious cult. I saw her become a different person before my eyes, losing her personality and turning very ugly in her way of being in the world and towards me all in the name of God.She had been so much a part of my being, my identity - like a sister, and her disappearance and the heart- breaking loss I felt set me off on a dark nights journey.Disillusioned and aimless in my confusion, I somehow found a way to keep coming back to a sort of selfreliance in the heart of it; my emotions being my Sherpa on this steep climb up the mountain of uncertainty. I began asking questions, which led to answers found deep in my soulSpiritOfMaat Aug 2012 8

The Illuminated Heart


bones, and this great startle led to a path of deep emotional, psychological and spiritual inquiry.It was a turning point in my life; so much self-growth came from it and still does. The thing about loss and disillusionment is that after the initial shock, it can propel you in new and courageous ways.It is what all the great heroes and heroines journeys are made up of. When we feel we have nothing left to lose, up is our only direction. In words of J.K. Rowling, Rock bottom became the solid foundation on which I rebuilt my life. Every time youre faced with lifealtering disillusionment, it is a not-sodiscrete call back home to yourself; a summons to go deep inside for the truth that lies within; to recognize the place God dwells, waiting to hold the space for that groundswell of anger, rage, grief, sorrow and disbelief. We soon learn that we cannot reconcile what happened with our minds. Feelings, when allowed to be felt and not judged, will take us where we need to go. If we numb and distract ourselves, it keeps us from learning the skills needed to really navigate the waters 9 Aug 2012 SpiritOfMaat

meant to be sailed by us! If we dust off and calibrate that inner compass, adjust the sails, find good crew, and heed our course,then perhaps when the earthquake of disillusionment tremors below us, it is not the tsunami we get, but some sizeable yet manageable waves, which can get our attention but dont drown us.It is not the end of the world, but a chance to dance with what is raw and vulnerable underneath our habitual ways of being so that we come through

more jaded, maybe a bit more cautious, but mostly more solid in WHO WE ARE.It is us after all, who steers our own ship, sets the anchor and with whom we fall asleep with every night under the stars. Be true to that person, so that when others let you down, you can take refuge in your own skin.The more you know and trust yourself, the safer you will feel in the world.
- Jessica Bahr

to the other side yes, maybe a bit

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SpiritOfMaat May 2012 4

An Interview with Dr. Alexander Trofimov

Onward to Mars with Kozyrevs Mirrors

Story: Carol Hiltner

Several years ago, I interviewed the Russian physician Alexander Trofimov,

a ground-breaking researcher into the nature of consciousness, regarding his use of a hypo-geomagnetic chamber and Kozyrevs Mirrors apparatus. These are horizontal or vertical tubes, open at one end, large enough for a person to crawl into. The hypogeomagnetic chamber shields a human subject from cosmic electromagnetic energy. The effect of entering the hypo-geomagnetic apparatus is that the veil that occludes our consciousness is lifted, and the occupant is capable of accurately seeing any distance across space. Kozyrevs Mirrors concentrates and shifts energy-time, so one sees is ones greater self reflected back, but in an entirely different wayhence, the name mirrors. Recently, Dr. Trofimov has launched on a new direction of researchusing the expanded consciousness that the Mirrors open for the exploration of space, starting nearby with the Moon, but heading on to Mars.


11 Aug 2012 SpiritOfMaat

Carol Hiltner: Why are you now exploring space with the Mirrors? What do you hope to accomplish? Alexander Trofimov: Use of the Mirrors technology opens new horizons in the investigation of Space. Upcoming Moon or Mars missions by physical astronauts will need very careful advance preparation of the landing places. With our virtual expedition in Kozyrevs Mirrors, we have

netic induction, phases of the Moon, etc. When we put in the birthday of the astronaut, we receive information about his or her physiological system; we have more sensitivity. The computer prognosis about individual sensitivity to the Moon and to the Sun is our primary tool for preparation. The second thing we test for is the individual magnetic sensitivity of the human organism. This is very important because, during our expedition,

cial spaceKozyrevs spacewhere there are different laws. Our usual physical laws do not apply; the laws are unknown. Our understanding is that they shift from three-dimensional space plus one-dimensional time to one-dimensional space plus threedimensional time. This increases the density of their personal energy-time, creating a time capsule that enables their consciousness to travel in a quantum manner to different points

Russian Medical Doctor Alexander Trofimov continues to push the edges of science, sending virtual explorers to explore outer space through the mysterious mechanism of Kozyrevs Mirrors.
demonstrated that we can get startlingly accurate and detailed views of very distant places. Please, look at the photos of our first virtual Moon expedition using Kozyrevs Mirrors. Then compare these, side by side, with frames from the American photos from Jose Escamillas film Moon Rising, which became available to us six months after our virtual expedition. CH: How did you do this? Do you choose astronauts who are already known to be psychically gifted, or can anyone see such things inside your apparatus? AT: We dont need to use only psychically gifted persons, but not everyone could see such things inside our apparatus. After testing and very long (3-5 months) special preparation in Kozyrevs Mirrors, our virtual astronauts can be ready to fly. CH: What was the regimen you used to prepare your astronauts to travel to the Moon? AT: At first, we use a computer program that we call Helios. We make a computer prognosis of the candidates individual sensitivity to the factors of lunar gravitation and solar activity. This is a very important component for the realization of our program. This computer program includes special information about helio/geophysical factors over the past hundred yearsabout solar activity, maghuman consciousness stays outside the magnetic field of our planet. We use a specially developed test for magnetic sensitivity. CH: So, even though they are not traveling physically there, they are still affected by the lack of gravity and magnetism? AT: For us, Kozyrevs Mirrors are like a new type of telescope. Yes, of course they stay physically on our planet. But through the Mirrors telescope, we open a special channel for information about the Moon or the Sun. The influence of different cosmic factors can go through this informational channel, here, inside the mirror. We know about this. CH: Really! AT: It is a telescopenot a physical expedition. You understand that? But across the informational channel, it is possible to go into open spaceopen Cosmosand we must know all the details of influence of different cosmic factors. CH: So, let me get this clearly. Even though they are here, there is still some impact from where they are journeying because they are inside the Mirrors? Maybe Im not understanding. AT: Its very important to understand. When a person modulates inside Kozyrevs Mirrors, he modulates a speof Universe! It is another physical reality, but with different, unknown, physical laws. There are two kinds of space: Minkowski and Stein, which is our kind of physical reality with three spatial dimensions plus time; and another space, the space of Kozyrev, with three time dimensions and one spatial dimension, in which the laws of interaction are now unknown. Therefore, we are very careful to prepare and monitor our astronauts. Inside our Mirrors telescope, we use energy-time impulse to go directly to different points in our universe in this moment, independent from the speed of flight, independent from distance. CH: Got it! AT: Okay, to continue with your question: after we do the computer prognosis and the magnetic testing, we test the individual sensitivity of the astronaut inside Kozyrevs Mirrors for fifteen minutes. We dont know, now, anything about individual sensitivity. We register, for example, very important parameters using an electroencephalogram. For us, it is very important to observe how to change the different frequencies of our brains alpha, beta, theta. For example, an increase in the amplitude of alpha rhythm on the encephalogram is a very important marker for individual sensitivity to Kozyrev space. If you look at the BBC film, you can see in detail, how we test during this whole
SpiritOfMaat Aug 2012 12

The Illuminated Heart

expedition with electroencephalography. And there is another very important moment in the preparation of our astronauts, using our new technology for their protective security during this virtual trip to different points of the universe: we use holographic water. It is special water for the expedition in our new device. You probably remember the large hypomagnetic chamber I showed you when you visited. But now we have small chamber. We use a small hypomagnetic screen, small Kozyrevs Mirrors, and a special holographic technologya Russian patenta hologram with information about physiological activity. We include, we put special test information in this hologram. It is our special technology, and to prepare the astronauts, they drink this specially treated water, approximately 100 ml before their trip. It is our new method for security during this experiment. CH: Do they drink the water only just before going into the Mirrors, or do they drink the water in some way to prepare themselves? AT: We start with the drinking of this water more than a month before, as a special element of preparation. During that month, the astronauts organism becomes more autotrophic, because his body has received information about some activity factor. For example, proton energy is different from electron energy. The energy of the Sun is concentrated in this water, and when our astronauts drink it, they receive a unique opportunity for protection against the direct influence of proton energy, etc. It is very important not only for our expedition; in my opinion, it is important for all investigation of spacethe different planets: Moon, Mars, etc. We are ready to discuss this possibility for the security of the human organism during physical flights, especially long trips like missions to Mars, where there will be direct influence of Sun protons.

differentwith protons of low and high energy. Protons of low energy come from the Sun. Protons of high energy come from different parts of the galaxy. And we have a unique means for the improving the security of real, physical astronauts, not only the virtual astronauts, from this direct influence. CH: Is the water simply prepared by putting it inside the Kozyrevs Mirrors, or is it more complicated than that? AT: It is a different technology. It can be used before going into the Mirrors and while inside the Mirrors, so that more information can be received by the astronauts. There is information in English on our home page, It is a special light-holographic device shielded from the geomagnetic field and opened to the energy-time of the Universe for the preparation of autotrophic water. The name of this device is TRODR (The inventors are A. Trofimov and Mr. G. Drujinin from Krasnoyarsk). We prepare this water in a highly concentrated form. If this water is used in solution with a concentration of 1:100,000 for drinking water, this water becomes autotrophic water, not only as a protection against the Suns rays, but also as gerontological protection. This is a message for our colleagues in the United States. CH: So, once your astronauts are prepared, how do you enable the astronauts to navigate to the Moon rather than to somewhere else? AT: This is a very important question. For a concrete address to the Moon, we use a special informational conductoror stalker. For instance, photo maps and photo pictures, such as a detailed photo of a specific crater on the Moon can be used as a stalker. We take quantum-physical information from this photo, included across our special (patented in Russia) apparatus, to a channel inside the Mirrors, and in this channel inside the Mirrors appears this informational Moon conductor. Do you understand, Carol? CH: I think so: you basically provide

them with specific photographs. AT: Yes, of a concrete part of the Moon, for example. But it can be much more than that. This patented method and device (Patent RF 2163491) can extract and transmit different quantum states, not only from photos, but also from real living and unliving matter. Unfortunately, we do not have samples of Moon dirt. If we could receive real Moon samples even less than a gramfrom the Apollo expedition and include these Moon artifacts in this channel, the effectiveness of our Moon expedition could be increased very many times. Maybe its possible when we collaborate with a university in the United States. I dont know. CH: What are the next steps in your research? AT: To continue this investigation, it is very important to increase the modern equipment inside the Mirrors. Weve been discussing this question with different American companies. It is very important for us to have, for example, modern electroencephalography, because when our astronauts sit for two hours under the electrodes of electroencephalography, its physically very hard on their heads. So we need the modern variant of electroencephalography and other psychophysiological apparati, because it is a long expedition, and at this time, we unfortunately have very old equipment inside the Mirrors. I want to say that when our astronauts have sat twice under the electroencephalography hat on two occasions, their heads got too hot. This is very subtle work, and the physical condition of our astronauts is very important. Our plan is to create an alternative project for the study of Mars, using the possibility of Kozyrevs Mirrors. For us, the Moon is only training. Maybe you know about the plan of NASA to go, step by step, to Mars during the next fifteen years. In our plan, we can realize this project in five years using the new technology of a Kozyrevs Mirrors telescope. The information that we can receive through this technology can help in the preparation for the real expedition


CH: Are those are what would be called cosmic rays? AT: Yes, yes, yes. It is an element of a cosmic ray. Cosmic rays can be 13 Aug 2012 SpiritOfMaat

to Mars. Over the next two years, it is important for us to prepare the new technology for a long expedition to Mars. For one month, our astronauts must live inside the Kozyrevs Mirrors station. We must create a special Mirrors station for the preparation and realization of this expedition. We must attempt to transmit the bio-thermodynamics of the human organism on a new levelon the autotrophic level. Then, across different variants of food, the human organism can be more autotrophic. The human organism must receive proton and electron information, but must be safer under the direct influence of these factors. It is a special aim for a long expedition inside Kozyrevs Mirrors. The Moon expedition is very shortonly two hours. Mars is another situation, and another condition for security of our astronauts. Its very important to register the dynamic of stable isotopes (13-C, 12-C, and others) in the tissues of our astronauts on the different stages of the virtual Mars expedition, which will be useful as well in the physical expedition. The stable isotopes are important markers of the level of openness of living systems to cosmic influences. CH: Why does it take a month to do the trip if they are traveling in their consciousness? AT: It needs to be an extended period because there exists an opinion that Mars was a planet with civilizations, and that this civilization was destroyed during a change in cosmophysical conditions. It is an opinion only. For us, it is very important to understand, to find the elements of this civilization on the surface of Mars. This is aim number one. It is possible across the Mirrors telescope. And after this, aim number two: we must attempt to understand what happenedhow it changed. With what cosmo-physical condition was this civilization destroyed. It is very important for our human civilization here. And in connection with this aim, it is very important to create a station on Mars, on the Moon, or on an asteroid, for example, to directly monitor the cosmo-physical situation, for

the security of our planetnot only with an astronomic telescope. You know, we receive information about asteroids only after three days. If we can organize this virtual monitoring across different planets and different asteroids, and maybe even comets, we receive a unique possibility for the security of our planet. Up until now, this has been just science fiction. It is only now, from a position of Kozyrev space, that this is a new scientific reality and a new scientific aim. We will attempt to find a solution within the next year. CH: Amazing! AT: It is no fantasy, Carol. You know us. In the beginning, people say, Oh it is fantasy. And in the second step, people say, Oh it is scientific fantasy. And in the third step, Oh, it is a new scientific reality! This is the evolution of science. - Carol Hiltner Interview copyright 2012 by Carol Hiltner. All rights reserved. Academician of International Academy of Energy-Informational Sciences, Professor of International Slavs Academy and Doctor of Medical Sciences Alexander Trofimov is the director of the International Scientific-Research Institute of Cosmic Anthropo-Ecology (ISRICA) in Novosibirsk, Russia ( During more than thirty years of investigation, he has authored more than 300 scientific works (7 monographs) on heliobiology, cosmic anthropo-ecology and transpersonal psychology. Dr. Trofimovs book with V.P. Kaznacheev, Reflection on Life and Intelligence on Planet Earth: Problems of Cosmo-Planetary Anthropoecology, is now available in English. Published by the Academy for Future Science in Europe, 2008: Germany, Wasserburg, academy@affseurope,org Dr. Trofimov will be in New York, August 2-4, 2012, and will be available for meetings with potential scientific collaborators as well as possible project funders (contact e-mail : isrica2@

Please read before contacting Dr. Trofimov: Since publication of the first interview in Spirit of Maat, numerous people have contacted Dr. Trofimov, wanting to experience Kozyrevs Mirrors and/or asking for plans to construct the Mirrors themselves. Because the effect of the Mirrors on an individual is unpredictable and the resulting psychological and physiological shifts may require an extended, supervised adjustment period, Dr. Trofimov uses the Mirrors only in the course of his research, which involves a long-term scientific commitment. While he actively invites scientific collaboration, he neither offers nor recommends joy-rides please dont ask. Writer/artist Carol Hiltner, (Carol@, 206-525-2101), has spent half of the past decade in Siberia. Carol is founder of Altai Books,, which publishes books about Spirit-inspired routes to human sustainability on Earth, and Altai Mir University,, which brings people together to access peace, by creating a knowledge bridge between ancient wisdom and todays world, focusing on the unique cultural/spiritual heritage of the Altai Republic in southern Siberia. She is a prolific visionary artist and author of several books, including two Altai Chronicles: Tablets of Light and Out of Time, as well as many articles for Spirit of Maat.

The Illuminated Heart

SpiritOfMaat Aug 2012 14

Story: Cal Garrison


he cat is out of the bag. Enquiring minds all over the planet have finally been informed that John Travolta is gay. For over forty years, ever since he showed up in the guise of Vinnie Barbarino, the aging movie star has been packaged and sold to the sleeping masses as one of Hollywoods sexiest ladies men. Now, all of a sudden, anyone who didnt figure it out a long time ago has to face the fact that Mr. Travolta likes to dress like a lady, and when it comes to sex, he prefers men. Hey, its OK with me. I wish to God it was OK with him. And I wonder; now that hes fat and old, and in the midst of an identity crisis that would bring anyone to their knees, how will his agents, and the people who tricked everyone into believing he was sexy and straight, manage to keep the myth alive until it finally goes up in smoke? Poor John;

doesnt he know that its the lies that kill us? And what about Tom Cruise? Another one of my favorite Hollywood, Lets pretend were not gay, sex symbols, a week after the photos of John Travolta in drag showed up on the front page of the National Enquirer, the same paper published snap shots of Tom Cruise making out with two beautiful brunettes. They sure didnt waste any time making it seem like he was an oversexed, two-women-at-a-time-kinda-guy. What was the rush? Did they think that poor Tom would be next on Hollywoods homosexual hit list? One has to laugh at these things but as you can see, the checkout line is where I collect a lot of important information. The last time I went through, I picked up a copy of LIFE Magazines, special edition on, The Hidden World of Secret Societies. And what I bought thinking that it was a sign that the mainstream media might actually be blowing the whistle on a few things, turned out to be a lot of old photographs and a pack of lies. Poring through this overpriced piece of deception I realized that anyone with five-cents and half a brain could poke holes in what got spun out to dupe the public into believing it is the last word on the subject. And then it occurred to me that I had been born and raised

15 Aug 2012 SpiritOfMaat

In an article that takes its inspiration from the mundane, Cal Garrison uses her addiction to the Tabloids to bring up the subject of lies, their consequences, and the things that keep us from remembering who we are. By the time she gets from A to B hopefully you will have a little more insight into the lie of separation, and the need to free ourselves from the obstacles it creates as we move along the path to Unity Consciousness.
on LIFEs original brand of programming; all of us Baby Boomers might as well have been Guinea Pigs in an experiment that was designed to fill our heads with misconceptions. Because the pack of lies that has been telling us about LIFE since 1936 has never been what it appears to be - and it has a lot to do with the fact that we get confused whenever it comes time to see the truth. SO WHAT? You may ask; why am I so wound up about lies and their consequences? Of late I have been forced to look at a situation in which a lot of people who should have known better wound up lying about a few things. Watching them go through the business of saying one thing, doing another, and dressing it all up to look righteous, as everyone played their part, I noticed that it was the lies that were tripping everyone up, and that my own behavior and responses werent exactly transparent. After a few days of rehashing all the stuff that goes on whenever we start pointing the finger at everyone but ourselves, I got to a place of understanding that feels a lot better than where I was at before all of this came to a boil. Unfortunately, I am under certain constraints because much of what happened came to pass in a ceremonial atmosphere, and its details are confidential. But I wouldnt take you this far down the path if I wasnt going to make it worth the trip. As far as this story goes, the best I can do is talk about what I learned from the experience. WHERE DO WE BEGIN? The whole concept of separation is a fundamental lie. We fell into that state, otherwise known as polarity consciousness, approximately 25,000 years ago, when we left the heart and started living in our minds. The ego is a product of the mind; it is its firstborn child. Just like the mind, the ego is polarized; it divides us into factions. It tells us we are right and they are wrong, it sees everything as good or bad and it lives to make sure we never see things any other way. Rooted in the lie of separation, this aspect of our consciousness would cease to exist if we remembered the truth that we are all One. Born and raised to make sure that everything remains polarized, when we operate from the ego lies pretty much go with the territory. Relative to the situation in question, it was my anger that made it obvious to me that I had to be stuck in my ego because the deeper part of me knows that it does no good to get angry with people when their ego instructs them to reinforce their sense of separation with a lie. When anger, contempt, righteous indignation, and/or pride keep us from remembering that when we find fault with someone for whatever it is that makes us see them as separate from us, we are immersed in our ego just as much as they are, providing our share of fuel for the very same lie. Looking at the ways in which I had tricked myself into believing that these people were lesser mortals, unevolved beings who were struggling with issues that had nothing to do with me, I saw how I was feeding my sense of separation by: 1) Thinking I was superior 2) Thinking I was more spiritual 3) Knowing for sure that it was their problem 4) Having not one ounce of compassion 5) Being totally unwilling to forgive them for not knowing better 6) Pretending to be wise 7) Knowing I was right How about that for an over inflated ego? Whew! Do you believe it? This point of disdain and suSpiritOfMaat Aug 2012 16

The Illuminated Heart


periority is where I was coming from. When I got down off my high horse I could see that no matter what you put on to make it look like youre living there, when youre higher, better, overly righteous, and unforgiving you know for sure that youre not in your heart. Too much was at stake for me to ignore what was right in my face. We had all entered this arrangement knowing that its success depended on everyone coming to the table from a place of oneness, co-creation, and unity. By the time I saw the light, I was so far from it I looked exactly like the ones whose actions had prompted me to say; How could they possibly be in this position if they dont know enough to leave their egos and their developmental issues at the door? Once I came to my senses, I dropped into my heart and from there, everything looked totally different. The I am right and they are wrong attitude morphed into knowing that I am them and they are me. I knew that I was there to help them, that we were all one single soul; that we were 17 Aug 2012 SpiritOfMaat

all in this together, on the path at a critical bend in the road. When one of our fellow travelers trips over their ego, their trial is as much ours, as it is theirs; it does no good to leave them flailing around in their lies just because they forgot about walking their talk and didnt know enough not to tell them. Weve been in their shoes. We should know better - because it doesnt help them when we judge. It doesnt teach them anything, and it prevents us from seeing that those of us who understand the ego and its pitfalls, are there to give them a hand, there to help them understand that a better world and the unity we seek will never be real for any of us if the ego, its lies, and the separation they require keep us from returning to unity consciousness. Dont ask me what it was that made John Travolta, Tom Cruise, and LIFE Magazine the springboard for this epiphany. If I take my inspiration from the mundane, when I started writing I was thinking about what happens to us when we lie, and why lies become so much easier to tell than

the truth. By the time I got to the part about the Guinea Pigs, the lies in my own back yard took me on a detour that at this point makes me wonder how I got here in the first place. Maybe it doesnt matter and maybe it just comes down to this: I wish the Lets pretend were not gay movie stars didnt have to lie. I wish the ones who bribe them to be something that theyre not could get rich without messing up peoples lives. I wish the media moguls would have a complete, and total spiritual awakening, and stop filling our heads with bullshit- and I wish all of us understood that if the truth hurts, its the lies that kill us, and at this stage of the game Stayin Alive has everything to do with surrendering to the truth, and living from the place that makes it possible for the collective soul to remember Unity.
- Cal Garrison

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SpiritOfMaat Aug 2012 8

Illuminated Heart


Story: Jeff Brown


s the model of Grounded Spirituality at the heart of Soulshaping continues to deepen its roots, I continue to work on clarifying my lens on what it really means to be a Soulshaper. I am not attached to these ideas, but identify them as a good starting point for the discussion. What I have come to love about this approach is that it does not leave anyone out. Too often, as I was struggling on my path, I felt like I was not spiritual if I wasnt blissful, or detached, or able to get what I wanted from the universe simply by asking for it. What I wanted was a model for spirituality that met me right where I lived, and that honored my struggles down here on Mother Earth as actual 19 Aug 2012 SpiritOfMaat

reflections of my spiritual path, that is, the idea that my grounded challenges were the grist for the soul mill for my spiritual growth, and, in their essence, indistinguishable from it. I want us to celebrate ourselves right where we are on the journey, recognizing that our journey is always spiritual, as we seek to uncover and to embody the divine purpose that sources our birth. WHAT IT MEANS TO BE A SOULSHAPER MEANING-DRIVEN: The Soulshaper believes in something more than the arbitrariness of the universe. Life has directionality and purpose. The Universe is inherently benevolent. The key is to uncover the meaning that threads through our existence. TRUE-PATH: At the heart of the

soulshaping journey is the quest for true-path- that path which reflects our particular purpose in this lifetime. The Soulshaper makes a conscious distinction between truepath and false-path. True-path is reflected in our innate image- an encoded vision of who we are here to become in this lifetime. Embodying that vision depends on our ability to identify and honor our soul scriptures- those particular callings, lessons and archetypal pathways that live at the heart of our transformation. To the extent that we honor true-path, our souls consciousness expands. To the degree that we misidentify, we come back the next time with the same lessons waiting in the wings. DIVINE PERSPIRATION: The


Soulshaper works hard to develop his inner muscle, the soul-driven determination to deal with whatever challenges come his way. Under no illusion that the processes of self-creation are easy, he recognizes that walking a sacred path is often challenging in a survivalist world. Before even identifying his scriptures, he may have many obstacles to overcome- economic challenges, emotional debris, patterns of self-distraction, negative beliefs, the weight of the world. He works hard at it, persistently and courageously, until true-path is liberated and rises to the rafters of consciousness. SOUL ADVENTURER: To clarify the path, the Soulshaper has no attachment to any one tool or technique. She is willing to explore any and all pathways of possibility. At times she sits in the place of not knowing and practices the art of detachment. At other times, she befriends her confusion, lives in the question, jumps into experience. A swashbuckler of the spirit, she ignites depth charges- intentional efforts to excavate her callings- whenever necessary. With a relentless sense of wander, she eagerly lets go of her localized frame of perception, and adventures into broader and more inclusive realms of consciousness. When a calling is excavated, she tries it on for size, checking its authenticity against her soul-scriptures. She boldly goes where her soul has not gone before. SOUL-TRACKER: The Soulshaper strives to become an expert soul-tracker, ever sensitive to directional signs as to path that emanate from within. These signs can take many forms- an intuitive hit, a spiritual emergingcy, a sacred grumble, a lingering truth ache. A student of inner dissonance, he looks hard for symptoms of his own falsity. Ever vigilant, he faces his patterns of avoidance head-on. He identifies his escape hatches. He names his game. He is all about living in truth. INTENTIONALITY: The Soulshaper is all about a soulful intention. He is not interested in the act itself, so much as what compels it: Am I doing this action to honor true-path, or to distract from it? Am I ending this relationship because I am afraid of going deeper, or because it is a distraction from my callings? Depth-avoidant behavior or Soul-driven action? THE BODY GARDEN: The Soulshaper honors her body as the karmic field where her spiritual lessons are harvested. Far more than just a vessel for the soul, the body is the embodiment of the soul- the souls garden of truth. She tills the soul-soil with purifying practices- enlivening exercises, armor-busters, heart-openers- in an effort to create space inside for true-path to emerge. A built-in authenticity-mometer, her body dulls when she is living falsely, and glows when she is true to path. THE SCHOOL OF HEART KNOCKS: To actualize his karmic lessons, the Soulshaper surrenders to his emotional processes, making no distinction between his emotional life and his spiritual path. Although mindful of the perils of misidentification (the thinking that we are ONLY our identifications), he recognizes that the state of his incarnation is a direct reflection of the shape of his soul. Therefore he works hard on his stuff, clearing his emotional debris both because it creates space inside for his authentic self to emerge, and because inherent in those feelings and memories are the lessons he needs to grow in his spiritually. Although lessons can be pleasurable, they are often painful at this stage of our collective transformation- the ladder to heaven is made from broken rungs. Our ascension depends on our capacity to cell our soul, to bring our suffering through our emotional body until our spiritual lesson is birthed. Fully actualized, these lessons are the grist that grows the soul, karmic fodder for the mill of spiritual expansion. Karma yoga meets therapeutic process.
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The Illuminated Heart


GOD IS IN THE PEOPLE: In its essence, Soulshaping is an immersion model. It is about jumping into life, immersing ourselves in our feelings and experiences in an effort to learn what we need to expand our souls consciousness. It is about embodied spirituality. It is about feeling God, not thinking God. It is about healthy, selective attachment. It is about the inextricable relationship between the opening of the heart and the expansion of the soul (Openbless-a-me). It is about heartfelt connection as the path to God, connection in all its forms: We-God. BE REAL NOW: The Soulshaper is not seeking enLIGHTenment-a word that implies that the most advanced forms of consciousness are brightly lit, perpetually blissful. She is seeking enREALment: an inclusive consciousness that incorporates all planes of awareness at one timeshadow and light, subtle and gross realms, ego and soul, earth and sky, localized lens and archetypal wave. That is, a model that weaves the Eastern quest for the Eternal with the Western quest for Emotional and Mental Health. Unity Consciousness meets Self-concept on a bridge across forever. A SOLE TO SOUL PHILOSOPHY: At the heart of Enrealment is a vision of a human being that Ascends with both feet on the ground. The Soulshaper understands that our ascension to the Godself can only be sustained if it is an embodied unfolding from the ground up. We begin with the root chakra- the quest for Om begins at home- and we work our way up from there. It is not enough for our feet to merely skim the ground. The mythic life begins with our feet planted on Mother Earth. With our soles firmly planted, our Soul has a leg to stand on in its efforts to go higher. As we develop a healthy ego and work through our chakras, we become organically present in our bodies and in the moment. From this stable presence emerges a natural and sustainable movement upward, toward God. Instead of settling for the occasional peak experience, we are now capable of sustaining a more heightened way of being. Sole meets soul on sacred footpaths. 21 Aug 2012 SpiritOfMaat

HONORING THE UBS: The Soulshaper has faith in the Universal Broadcasting system, the dynamic and benevolent network of relatedness that brings lessons and messengers onto our path in an ongoing effort to grow our soul. He works hard to clarify his inner channel so that he can summon and receive what he needs more readily. He has no expectation that the universe will send him everything he asks for, but he does have faith that the UBS will send him just what he needs to grow to the next stage. If the universe is attuned to anything, it is attuned to our soulular state, how close or how far we are from honoring our divine purpose for this lifetime. SOUL SUCCESS: The Soulshaper is ever conscious of the difference between egoic and soulful notions of achievement. She is governed by a notion of success that is directly linked to the actualization of her soulscriptures: lessons, callings, authentic expansion. Material success is only meaningful to the extent that it reflects and actualizes her innate image. ONLY SOUL KNOWS: The Soulshaper recognizes that only he can know his souls path. Other may have opinions that are of value, others may call out to and remind him of his knowing, but only he holds the key to his kingdom. He is always his primary guru. In the same way, he will always attempt to give others back their own power, refusing to exploit their projections onto him as knower. At heart, the Soulshaper believes that every individual is here for a profound reason, however simple or humble it may outwardly appear. Through this lens, he strives to make the Presumption of Essence in those he encounters. Instead of seeing individuals exclusively in terms of their adaptations and disguises, he seeks to honor and connect with the soulful being that lives at the core. INCH WORMS: Although persistent, the Soulshaper recognizes that real change takes time. The Soulshaping journey is life-long and lives long. Growers are inch worms. The fall back to habitual ways is a natural part of the journey home. So long as we persist in sticking our

head back out a little further each time, we continue to grow: Three steps forward, two steps back is progress. GENDER BRIDGE: The Soulshaper does not see the world through a gendered lens, recognizing that the most inclusive soul contains all aspects of traditional gender roles in equal measure. Gender is just a way-station, an opportunity for the soul to embody particular archetypes and work through its karmic lessons. The ultimate being is poly-gendered. At some point, the assertive and the surrendered become indistinguishable. SOULPOD-SEEKING: The Soulshaper understands the relevance of the soulpod on her evolutionary path. The soulpod is that person or group of people whom our soul finds resonance with at any given moment. They are so often the key to our expansion. Although her growth may demand a disconnection from certain family and friends, she honors her ancestors wherever possible and attempts to see their actions in context. She honors those souls that established the foundation for her to go higher, those souls who died on battlefields so she could live, those souls who did anything positive to light her way. At the same time, she does not bypass her feelings or forgive the past arbitrarily, but only when that forgiveness is an organic manifestation of genuine emotional resolution. GIFT BACK: The Soulshaper inherently understands that the individual soul is inextricably linked to the collective soul. We are each here as part of the sacred dance, stepping on each others toes and turning each other toward god, one clumsy step after another. Once he reaches a measure of soul satisfaction, the Soulshaper begins to actively look for ways to benefit other souls who are stumbling on the dance floor. He gifts back to the Universe that gifted him with this precious life. We are in this together. We are this, together.
- Jeff Brown


Story: Sarah Biermann

2012 is a transformational year. Its pretty obvious. That means letting go of old stuff and opening to new experiences. The eclipses in May and other astrological energies have been supporting the process of transforming anything in the realm of Gemini, which is all about thinking, communicating and beliefs. The Solar Eclipse on May 5th was at the very beginning of Gemini. The Cosmic energy coming from the Galactic Center to our Sun and ultimately to Earth was interrupted by the moon. Its like we had a new mental operating system installed and the Eclipse was the rebooting of the system. Since then the cosmic wind at our backs is blowing away belief systems like crazy. We are being forced to look at our thoughts and beliefs, see them for what they are, ONLY BELIEFS, not truths, and let them go. Out with the old and in with the new.
Humans are creatures of habit. Its easier to do things that are familiar. It literally requires less brain activity to do things that youve done before. The drive to the grocery store that you have done many times requires no thought. Driving to a store in a foreign city in a rental car requires concentration and energy. You have to stay aware, pay attention, and solve problems.


Unfamiliar situations can provoke anxiety. What if you get lost? What if you offend someone because you dont know the rules or language? New experiences can be exciting, but also exhausting. Its so wonderful to go on vacationand soooo wonderful to get home again! When I was twenty-one I traveled through Europe with my mother and sister for six weeks. We rented a Mini Clubman (like a Mini Cooper) in London, explored England and Scotland then took that car to the continent. (Dont ask me why we took an English car with the 23 Aug 2012 SpiritOfMaat


system, and especially our brains. The left and right hemispheres are reconnecting. The split between the two sides is what creates the Veils of Illusion and polarity. And parts of our brains that were previously not used (they say we only use 10% of our brains) are reactivating. New abilities and senses are awakening. For more information read Psychic Explosion: Get Ready for 2012 Its not just the 6th sense; its more like 60 senses (or more)! The right hemisphere is always in the now moment and is connected to the whole universe. Up until now most of what happens in that part of the brain was un-conscious. We arent aware of keeping our hearts beating, for example. As the left and right combine we are able to access that information on a conscious level. We can perceive things in other dimensions and this triggers memories of past experiences in those dimensions and that awareness of the part of us that now lives in those dimensions. Is anybody having weird dreams that just dont make any sense when you wake up? Its like the experience cant be translated in a way that is understandable to our 3-D selves. Words certainly dont describe it; There was a something that did something and I knew something somewhere. Our minds compare what we experience to previous experiences. When you see a small, furry creature with four legs, a long tail, pointy ears and whiskers, immediately your mind pulls up cat. Experiencing something that is completely different from anything weve ever experienced before baffles the mind so much that sometimes it completely denies what it perceives. There is a famous story that when Europeans first came to America, the natives were unable to see the ships on the ocean. Many years ago my car was stolen from my driveway. Its Monday morning, 7:40 a.m. and its time to drive my kids to school. I exit my house and the driveway is empty. There was a blank moment then I thought, I must have gotten drunk last night and gotten a ride home. I spent a moment trying to remember where Id left my car. This was so

driver on the wrong side to the continent.) It was quite an adventure camping our way through at least ten countries. When I got home I was amazed at how easy everything was. Leaving for the grocery store I have a momentary jolt of anxiety. How would I find the store? What language did I need to remember? Did I have the right money, etc? Then I laughed with relief when I remembered that I was back in a familiar place. Easy Peasy, Lemon Squeezy! Right now so many things are changing and unfamiliar. The weather is different, our bodies are transforming everything from our digestion, to our hormones, to our endocrine

weird because as a single mother of three, theres not a chance in hell that I was out getting drunk. But that was the only thing my mind could find to relate to my empty driveway. Everybody I talk to has had weird, unexplainable things happen, especially lately. The gum I had in my purse was suddenly not there. I dumped everything out and it wasnt there. The next day I was searching for my nail file and the gum was back in my purse. Heres another example for you: a crystal that I had given to my sister showed up in the seat of a car she had never been in before. The space heater in my bathroom disappeared too. Im hoping it will show up again when the weather turns cooler. Though it can be frustrating, its not happening just to drive you crazy. Its happening to give your mind an experience of magic and miracles so that you can have more of that in your life. A few years ago, I wanted a skirt. I pictured it clearly in my mind; fuchsia silk, soft and billowy and inexpensive. I asked, Where is this skirt? Ive had success before with this process. Immediately, I got Macys Department Store. Once in the store I asked where? again and headed in the direction that popped into my head. I went straight to a sale rack and there it was. There was only one and it was my size and on sale from $200 to $25! The cashier asked me where Id found it because shed never seen it before. I guess I hadnt manifested it yet. I was pretty pleased with myself but wondered why I couldnt just create it to be in my closet? My mind could not quite allow that much magic at that time. Ive had more success lately, but usually with small things that can seem like they just might be possible. Maybe I forgot that Id bought the rubber strip for the shower door and left it in the shed? It could be a coincidence that my neighbor who was moving didnt want to bring an unopened bag of potting soil to her new house. And it could be a coincidence that it was the exact brand of organic potting soil that I use and she gave it to me the day before I planned to buy it? Are you open to having more miracles and magic in your life? The
SpiritOfMaat Aug 2012 24

The Illuminated Heart

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imagination is the key for three main reasons: It activates the right hemisphere, which is very magical. The RH is not logical. It can go right to step ten without doing one through nine. Your imagination is your Creative Machine. Nothing can be manifested without first being imagined. You can train your mind to allow for magical things by exposing it to the experience in your imagination. If the Native Americans had imagined huge ships with sails they would have been able to see them. Can you imagine the perfect article of clothing magically showing up in your closet? Start with small things. Manifest small things. The more significant something is, the less likely that you can do it. I wanted a couple of tennis balls to put in a sock to use as a massage tool.Hey, Universe. Can you send me tennis balls please? The next morning there was a tennis ball in my driveway. Cool! Thanks! Gratitude is an important part of the 25 Aug 2012 SpiritOfMaat


process. More please. A week later, I had to laugh and ask the Universe to stop sending me tennis balls. I found another one in my driveway. One showed up in the trunk of my car; another came rolling down the street and stopped at me feet. Change small habits and beliefs. Years ago I realized that I always put my left shoe on first. It was mentally uncomfortable to put the right one on first. I decided to start putting the right one on first even if it felt weird. Eventually it didnt matter anymore. When you are functioning from habit your mind is inactive. You are not paying attention. Living in these interesting times requires us to stay conscious and to keep our minds active. Breaking out of habits expands your minds ability to do new things. Also; pay attention to the meaning that your mind attaches to your experiences, and to possible, future experiences (whatever you can imagine). What would it mean if you could instantly manifest a shirt? Youll find hidden beliefs with this process. A funny thing about beliefs; we really believe them! A way to loosen a beliefs hold on

your mind is to change the wording. Once youve identified a belief, write it down. Heres an example, Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Change it to Breakfast is the least important meal of the day. or Dessert is the most important meal of the day. When you turn it around you realize that those beliefs can be silly and not even make sense. Is it possible that the version that you have believed in, is just as silly? Maybe it isnt any more true than the others. What would it be like of you didnt have that belief? How would you feel without that belief? Would you feel more peaceful? Check it out. Once you get some experience with small beliefs, you can start exploring beliefs that are more significant. I recently had a very big, core belief about myself and my childhood ripped apart, and thrown into a blender set at frappe...My childhood story was that no matter how hard I tried (and I really tried), my mother didnt love me and my sister was the favored child. In 1987 my mom died of cancer. Six months later my dad told me that I wasnt his biological child. I was devastated. He also instructed

me to not tell my sister and upset her. Upset her?! What about me? Six month later, my sister came for a home leave from her Foreign Service job in Africa. She told me that Mom had told her that she (Mom) had done some really awful things to my dad when they were getting divorced. Shed cut the sleeves off of all of his jackets and (my sister hesitated) shed told him that I wasnt his daughter. This blew me away! It meant Dad was really Dad, but it also meant that I was no more important to Mom than Dads jacket sleeves. But, at least she made sure that I learned the truth eventually. A few weeks ago my sister confessed that the story about Mom telling Dad that I wasnt his child was a lie, concocted by Dad because he felt bad about telling me. My father has also passed away. My mind had a field day with making more meanings about all this: Mom didnt care enough about me to make sure that I would find out that I was Dads biological daughter. Dad really wasnt my biological father. Maybe those jokes about the Milkman being my dad were true. I didnt look like everyone else. If Mom never confessed to my sister about saying I wasnt Dads daughter, then maybe she never did say it. Did Dad make it up? Honesty was not his strongest suit. But why? To push me away? To make Mom look bad so hed look better? How could my sister, whom I love and trust, have, a) lied to me like that, and b) how could she not realize how her conscience-clearing confession would affect me? And now Ill never know the truth because both parents are dead. Doesnt anyone in my family love me enough to care about how I feel? I dont usually spin out on things, but evidently it was time to clear the core belief that somehow I wasnt considered lovable by my family. A few days into my self-torture, my

daughter said, Mom, youve been so sad lately. Whats the matter? I told her it wasnt anything she needed to know about. (I guess I believe that parents shouldnt use their children as therapists) She said, Just tell me. You need to tell someone. I very briefly told her just the Cliffs Notes version of it. She said, I love you and so do my brothers and lots of other people. If your mom and dad didnt love you, it was their fault, not yours. And that was so long ago. You can let it go now. I wanted to say, But, you dont know what its like! You have always known without a doubt that I love you! But, just like that, something clicked, that made me see: She felt loved because I am capable of love. This dysfunctional pattern is ended, over, done. I am loved by many, many people. My daughter has in her field the frequency of knowing unquestionably that she is lovable and loved. I can duplicate that frequency And I did! So instead of what I was going to say, I replied, Thank you, youre absolutely right! The next day I realized that my stepmother (Dads wife after my Mom) would probably know what really happened. And I realized that I didnt care anymore. It doesnt matter. Thats why my favorite quote is, Dont believe everything that you believe!
- Sarah Biermann

The Illuminated Heart

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SpiritOfMaat Aug 2012 26

he community of light has been gathering for years, and now, the community has come together. Through festivals, Facebook, YouTube, workshops, meditation flash mobs, ceremonies, demonstrations, prophesized reunions...the tribe has connected and collected. The template is built. Im over it. So what do we do now? I think there is a lot to do and we have only just begun. Heres my suggestion. Lets infiltrate the most corrupt parts of the world with our love, our talent and our action. 27 Aug 2012 SpiritOfMaat

Story: CC Treadway


I admit, I am in the visioning stage of this idea, so I am not really sure how this is going to look, in fact I have no idea what to do and not a lot of experience. But Im putting out the call to lightworkers to get on the ground. And I know there are people out there who know exactly what to do. I recently was at a music festival in California called Lightening in a Bottle. I went because a few friends of mine were going and then we had plans to road trip across the country. I had heard many stories of how the level of consciousness was so high at these gatherings and there was this festival movement sweeping the land, I even saw a TED talk on the subject. Naturally I was curious.

There were 20,000 people at this festival. Thats a lot of people. There were lots of activities and lectures, and words like new paradigm and abundance were thrown around like hackey sacks. A lot of cheering and patting ourselves on the back for how 5D we all were was goin on. There were excellent yoga classes and mini workshops. Daryl Anka was even there channeling Bashar, which was the highlight for me. Outside of that .I was underwhelmed. At the end of the day, or I should say 24 hours a day, it was a party like any other. It was 20,000 people high and tripping on the dance floors all night, jumping into a short inspirational workshop where it was impossible to go too deep. This is kind of my


The community of light has been gathering for years, and now, the community has come together. Through festivals, Facebook, YouTube, workshops, meditation flash mobs, ceremonies, demonstrations, prophesized reunions...the tribe has connected and collected. The template is built. Im over it.
worst nightmare so I might be a little biased when I say that this seemed like a colossal waste of conscious energy. There was this way everyone had of celebrating the event as if all of society agreed that in this new world was made up of fire spinners, marijuana farmers, hula hoopers, artists and dubstep. As I was dancing, cuz I do love to dance, it was obvious to me that this was a subculture separating itself to celebrate itself. While there is technically nothing wrong with this, its not effective in making long lasting, effective changes in the world, or creating a new paradigm. It is effective in creating a safe haven for like-minded people to gather and express themselves. But that is not a new concept, and definitely not a new world. I couldnt help but picture all the other amazing members of society that could care less about this particular subculture who are really making a difference. There is power in numbers. Conscious people gather to party. Monsanto gathers to take over the food supply. Think about it. So now that this safe haven is established, theres an opportunity. What if all these conscious people used these gatherings as a way to actually effect change in our day to day lives? In the livesof our children? And still get to party and express themselves! I might be a grumpy old lady, but this seems like a no brainer. Even gathering all that crazy astral party energy and then focusing it in meditation with all 20,000 people for 30 minutes, twice a day for the entire festival would make a difference. Burning man attracts 50,000 people for a creative, slumber party in the desert. Then they have parties all year long in different cities celebrating their subculture (consciously). Its highly organized. What if the theme for the year was infiltrating the public schools and educating about nutrition and self care? Or conflict resolution? Or getting out of poverty and into abundance? There are many amazing organizations to team up with. Action pods could be put in place. We cant really work with the system, it takes too long and is nonfunctional. We just need to infiltrate, lovingly, courageously and effectively. We all have a friend or 10 who are teachers who would invite us in to speak and inspire, to plant seeds and educate. What if this happened all over the United States, or the world, as a result of a large party? That is just exciting. Conquer that; then, lets save children from sexual slavery. Abuse in all forms is unacceptable with the level of consciousness we are now holding. Its time for it to end and for all the courageous lightworkers to take it to the next level. You may say Im a dreamer but I saw 20,000 people who would probably love the opportunity to see their good intentions go somewhere tangible. I bet many of them are doing great things already. When target goals are reached, then a huge party with aerial dancers and scantily clad tribal dancers will await, I promise. If you are a community leader, a festival creator, or anyone who deals with large numbers of conscious people, the next level of gathering is the action plan. If you have been living in community with a bunch of people who think just like you, I invite you (if youre ready) to come out into the world a bit more and share your gifts. In our collective strength we can team up with on the ground leaders, reaching into our world much more deeply. It may sound scary, but its time.
- CC Treadway

CC Treadway is a teacher and speaker for spiritual transformation. She leads students through a yearly curriculum based on the energies spiraling in from the cosmos and the seasons expressed through Mother Earth. Born spiritually sensitive, CC has been practicing energy work for 15 years, teaching workshops on healing, sound healing, channeling, psychic development, and spiritual growth. Her work stretches globally through lightwork activations, channelings, writings, telecourses and healings. She is known for her compassionate presence, sense of humor and natural spiritual connection and expression. A graduate of the fouryear energy healing and personal transformation program, the Barbara Brennan School of Healing. CC does not believe in one stop shop healings, but in the delicate unfolding of the souls desires with the development of consciousness. CC lives in Brooklyn, New York. To learn more about CC and the Treadway Esoteric curriculum, please visit For her collection of articles, channelings and blogs, please visit http:// Follow CC on Facebook

The Illuminated Heart

SpiritOfMaat Aug 2012 28



Story: Lance White

ucid dreams have been piercing the night of my dreamscape. Mystical other side experiences are crystal clear. Here, the many Is are looking through a glass darkly. Thankfully, multi-dimensional awareness shifts consciousness into many worlds simultaneously. Like Dorothy, my grandparents came from Kansas to California to start a new life. Pioneers blaze trails. Covered wagons creak aside for the MerKaBa, enveloping each ball of cosmic Light for traversing new lands. Cosmic events are perfectly staged and timed where synchronicity rules in playful co-creation with infinite intelligence, love and light. Each has its own unique journey. We didnt enter

at the same time, so why expect all to leave simultaneously? Years ago, the idea of being a dreamer in this dreamscape first caught my imagination at the old site, SpiritWeb. Were seeing fields such as remote viewing, astral travel, NDEs and OBEs, quantum physics and multiple string theories merge into unified fields of harmonic resonance. When tuned to larger coordinates, synchronicity is the rule - not the exception. Peering into the crystal ball of light within, I see a brilliant future tipping into our present. Vast resources are poised and ready to fulfill our wildest dreams. Cities, islands and pyramids of light raise the frequency. Soon, the debris and rubbish from our shared and co-created

past vanish. There are no accidents. Moving into the heart-mind, not simply the heart chakra, connects to all sentient life. It is not difficult to tune into the heart of all creatures great and small from the inner core of essence. Respect is one key to unlock the doors. It seems like a long haul, this one lifetime encompassing many lives and all life. From projection to fragmentation then compression and integration, the birthing process is unfolding. Silent witnesses watch our lower selves as they release unnecessary weight; the Wizard within begins floating. Lessons are best learned in the mirror of our own lives. Compassion without judgment releases the illusion the metaphoric Kraken. Beings within the

29 Aug 2012 SpiritOfMaat

illusion gradually crystallize awake, timing reaches critical mass and all get it. One particle tilts the scales, similar to the weighing of the heart in ancient Egypt. The brain was tossed; a dire warning for those caught in too many trains of thought going nowhere fast! Nightly, there is synchronization or tuning with the heartbeats of all, to align with the Light Bodies in the myriad filaments of interpenetrating light. It is an endless journey going nowhere, yet everywhere in one eternal now. The need for personal power, the mantra of the last decade, is collapsing in earnest. Governments vanish. Energy is free. Creativity overflows when unleashed in unlimited abundance. Future and past selves are here guiding all through the emerging process.

this story, with the perfect crystal, where everything is crystal clear. As dolphins swim in the ocean, we too are literally swimming in a sea of infinite energy, light and love. Time and space travel are here nowjust click those heels and repeat 3 times, Theres no place like home! Sweet Dreams Zany Mystic My name is Lance B White. I was born in Santa Barbara, California in 1950. In 1983 I was told that I had contracted HIV. My journey has taken me to the depths and heights which is ultimately part of a spiritual journey. For over 29 years I have miraculously transformed the experience of living with HIV and AIDS on a Positive note! In 2007, I wrote an irreverent account of my journey called Tales

of a Zany Mystic, offered at Amazon Books. One year prior, I was asked if I wanted to do a weekly radio show. This marked the birth of a weekly internet radio show on BBS Radio: A Fireside Chat With Zany Mystic. Famed & gifted psychic healer, author, and exceptionally adept practitioner of question triggered channeling, L.B. White broadcasts as the Zany Mystic. He can be found live and free each Saturday at 7:00 p.m. PST at, , along with an eclectic array of fascinating guests, fellow travelers and family, and conversations that are guaranteed to enlighten, inform and delight! - Lance White

When tuned to larger coordinates, synchronicity is the rule - not the exception. Peering into the crystal ball of light within, I see a brilliant future tipping into our present. Vast resources are poised and ready to fulfill our wildest dreams.
When this thought is entertained, past, present and future become as redundant as the flat earth. The flatlanders are being lifted up and out of limited, narrow bands of frequency - free at last! Imagine a world in which all life feels the same heartbeat, tuned to the planetary being, tuning to solar beings, the galactic core and its center with Source. Matter is affected simultaneously in many places, so Spock might say, Its logical, Captain, to surmise that we are suspended in a colloidal state in which movement is illusory. As we know, this is not a new story. There is nothing new under the sun. It is, at best, a metaphor using archetypes and myth to access the unspeakable and unthinkable. One must be out of ones mind to tune into larger minds or mind fields, in which we are being moved holographically. Envision the scene in The Matrix when Neo is waiting for the Oracle and a child tells him that its not the spoon that bends, but rather everything else around it moves. Change is non-linear and malleable where nothing is as it appears. This reconnects us to the beginning of
SpiritOfMaat Aug 2012 30

The Illuminated Heart

Story: Jo Mooy


n such a small area of land, ancient religions and cultures collide with what should be 21st century reasons for peace. Yet, despite sporadic periods of dialogue, violence and rigid opinions prove peace is as illusive in the area as it ever was. Into that restlessness we went, charged with a mission to hold a harmonic state of being while withholding all judgment on what was being observed. That was the peace pilgrimage to Israel we embarked upon a month ago. Most impressions of Israel are based on what weve seen on the news. Id never visited the country before, nor was it on my bucket list so I had no preconceived ideas on what to expect. Which 31 Aug 2012 SpiritOfMaat

The Silent Stones

was probably a good thing - for it allowed Israel, Palestine, Jerusalem and its stones to happen to me independent of any expectations. The first thing I noticed about Old Jerusalem was the stone. It was everywhere. Massive, high stone walls towered above you as you walked on ancient stone roads shined smooth by centuries of pilgrims shoes. Old Jerusalem is a vertical, walled-in stone city. It occupies one-third square mile of space and is holy ground to 35,000 people of different religions, beliefs, cultures and political affiliation. Arab women in long flowing robes and devout Jews in black and white attire scurry to and fro intent on their daily business, never looking left or right or interacting with anyone not of their culture or religion. Eye contact is always averted. The shops lining the stone walls cast you further back in time. The merchandise spills out onto the crowded stone streets as tourists and residents navigate around the displays trying to avoid knocking anything down. In daily walks through this maelstrom of behavior and activity I felt the stone-like rigidity of centuries of beliefs and hurts. The people carried within themselves all the competing drama and pain of eons of cultural conduct. Meanwhile, the cold stones above, below and around held and mirrored those same bewildering passions and traditions. The stones felt like a colossal hundred foot high fortress

constricting the heart of the city and its people. It was suffocating. Then one night something remarkable happened. Our group visited the roof-top home of one of Jerusalems inter-cultural peacemakers. The tone of our meeting was gentle and easy providing a tiny breath of hope for right relations between differing cultures. Around 10:00 pm we climbed down six flights of stairs to the street below. As we reached the main stone road to the Damascus Gate, there was a sudden stillness all around us. The shops were shuttered and closed. All the people were gone. The streets were deserted. Even the occasional soldier was barely visible against the dark walls. The quietness was notable. In that moment I felt something detectable in the air. The ancient stones were breathing. There was a subtle rhythm in the walls that felt like the labored release of eons of weariness. With the people and all the religious and cultural baggage removed from the streets, the living stones could finally take a deep breath. I sensed them wearily breathing in and breathing out. In this brief respite of time the stones could recharge themselves until the next days onslaught of emotional disquiet. The ability of these ancient stones to endure humanitys contempt and still renew themselves filled my eyes with tears. The Silent Stones spoke volumes that night. The fortress around the heart of the city could still be eased. And Peace was no longer such a distant concept. - Jo Mooy

Hearts and Flowers

SpiritOfMaat May 2012 10



e are here and honored to express our gratitude and acknowledgment for you are reaching a turning point in your evolution. More and more individuals are remembering who they are as members of the celestial family. Realize when 51% of your global citizenry are awake and aware there is a shift that occurs within all. Within humans there is always an ebb and flow between states of consciousness. However what is occurring with many individuals is that you are bridging two or more different levels of consciousness at the same time. The realization is becoming obvious to many that you are straddling multi-realities. This has always been a truth as a multidimensional being; the shift that is happening now is that you are more aware that you are easily shifting from one dimension to another. You are aware of the so called solid reality, your physical surroundings, those frozen in your perception, and you are also becoming aware of receiving information from another level of awareness and source. You are beginning to have sensations that your normal beliefs can not account for. You are having a visceral experience with no need for proof. You are beginning to experience other realities and dimensions. This is sometimes just a flash or a quick shift in your perception 33 Aug 2012 SpiritOfMaat


of what is real. These brief unexplained occurrences are happening more and more. Celebrate, acknowledge and welcome these experiences, invite and encourage them to be more and more a part of your life. These types of shift of consciousness, these supernatural gifts have been the honored and the curious space of the shaman, the psychic, the one with paranormal abilities. This is changing as increased numbers of humans awaken and realize that they are endowed with all these extrasensory perceptions. They are able to shift their reality, read the subtle changes in vibrations, and receive guidance and knowledge from a source beyond their conscious knowing. You are beginning to acknowledge and welcome these expanded

states of awareness that is becoming a part of your daily life. There are times in which you may be standing next to a stranger waiting to make your purchase and you begin to have images of their life or hear their thoughts or feel emotions. It can be a bit disarming and even frightening. Be gentle with yourself when you notice this occurring. Remember you can set the guidelines to how you want your paranormal abilities to unfold. Gently begin to welcome this expanded knowing and the data and information wanting to come forth beyond your normal senses. Let us assure you it is only one aspect of your multidimensional self coming forth with new perceptions of your reality and the

mind. Realize that you are connected to everything in your reality and beyond. You life, your bills, your relationships, your jobs are just one, simply one aspect of who you truly are. We are aware in this physical dimension these are all important, however we would like to invite you to continue to stretch your awareness and include the real possibilities that you are moving rapidly between dimensions at all times. You are receiving frequency codes from all living things as well as downloads of data from the stars and the galaxy. Every cell in your body responds to this input of vibrations you have just been pre-occupied and have not noticed. You can sense this is changing, you are feeling these shifts in

you were aware of so much in your reality, all things were possible. You could easily travel to other existences and timeframes and often did. Those skills are still available. Open the doors once again that perhaps you closed when someone invalidated your experience or shamed your imagination. Begin to invite and practice traveling to other timelines, sense when you have shifted to another vibration or dimension. Allow yourself to sense and feel the energy surrounding you, read the impressions and begin to trust in the input you are receiving. Allow your extrasensory gifts to emerge once more. There are tools to shift your consciousness that have been offered by your wise

As we step into a new paradigm our 3-D perceptions are expanding to include other-dimensional energies, and other-worldly forms of communication. Whether we know it or not, those of us who are already attuned to these new influences are anchoring, and stabilizing changes that, according to this months message from Peggy Black and the team, are about to rouse all of humanity from its sleep.
world around you. You consider yourself solid in your physical form, contained within your body, comfortable with your thoughts and feelings. This has been your security, your reality yet on many levels of which you are not aware you are reading the energies around you, you are picking up sensations and thoughts of others as you pass them on the street. Since this is neither your focus nor where your attention is place most of this data is ignored. We are inviting you open the doors to your your body and your bones. Embrace this! Remember as you welcome these expanded states of mind and awareness you open the doors so to speak for others to do the same. Your energy field triggers their awakening. Own the possibility that you offer expanded states of multidimensional awareness to everyone your encounter, everywhere at all times. Now you can see how this would exponentially shift the remaining 49%. Think of yourself as an activator. Remember as a child ones and sages through out time. Mediation and stillness invites the opportunity to visit other states of being and move between the dimensions. Keep in mind that the dimensions are simply another state of energy vibrations. The important thing to understand is that constant interaction with other can be a distraction to the subtle ability to alter your awareness and shift your focus to the nested dimensions in which you can explore. This is why it is important to honor solitude, walk, meditate, and allow
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The Illuminated Heart


stillness and a quieting of the busy mind. It is in these places that you gently slip into another dimension. The key is to make space for this to happen. The key to unlock the mystery is to know that energy follows thought. It is a matter of where you place your attention. Shift your thoughts and shift your feeling nature and you will throw off your conditioned beliefs and the limited net that would keep you anchored to only one experience of reality. When you invite and allow, when you relax and honor the other experiences and realities will become available. It is so important that you know that you interface with these other realities. You are the physical link to this dimension and it is the density and the mis-qualified energies that are to be uplifted and transformed. You are the portal for this to occur and materialize. You are the focus, you are the anchor for divine consciousness, which is offering the frequency of ascension. What is ascension? It is becoming aware that you are more than you physical body, it is the awareness that you are pure divine energy and consciousness. You physical body is morphing; it is recalibrating to allow every cell and every aspect to hold and radiate more and more light frequency. As this occurs you begin to shift in how you see and sense the many realities that are always available to your awaken state of presence. Do everything possible which will allow you to freely expand into your true Starself, that beautiful multidimensional being who is aware, loving, connected to 35 Aug 2012 SpiritOfMaat

source and others. Heal all real or imagined wounds; forgive all real or imagined wrongs. Do your personal work knowing that you are adding the light of consciousness to this dense dimension and lifting yourself and others up into an existence in which thoughts are shared from the heart. Call forth and welcome a dimension that is beyond the dense mis-qualified thought forms and actions of hatred, prejudice, pain and sorrow, past the limited, powerless unconscious beliefs of what is being out pictured on your screen of reality. You are courageous! You are powerful! You are magnificent! You are here to anchor change!. Open up to your incredible paranormal abilities and begin to interface with this reality from your place of true authentic knowing. Open up to your awesome abilities to travel time and the dimensions. Open up to your hearts awareness and invite the power of love to flood you life and all experiences. The goal that is being offered is to remind you that you are not alone and you can easily connect with the nonphysical support systems. However what is required of you and anyone who seeks this connection and awareness of the multi-verse is to open to your awesome abilities and make space for this to happen. Realizing as you connect in this way your vibrations and frequency will light the path for other to follow. There is assistance being offered to earth from the starfamily, the planets, the great central sun, the holiest of holy and the divine mind of the creator. We invite you and other awakening star humans to

hold and anchor the focus for these energetic gifts that are being showered upon you as we speak. We are honored always to have this exchange with you. We are grateful for who you are and your continued willingness to offer yourself in service and in love to the whole. Know that you are acknowledged and appreciated as your transform any and all challenges that are before you. The team. - Peggy Black


Articles and Messages From Drunvalos

Of all the things that have evolved out of Drunvalos teachings, after more than thirty years, it is the heart work that has put the capstone on everything that came before it. Because of the times were in, as a means to get this information out to the public, Drunvalo had the foresight to enlist the support of men and women from all over the world who are now certified, Awakening the Illuminated Heart facilitators. With the light of the Leo Sun shining down on the premier edition of the all new Spirit of Maat, to honor the man whose spirit has kept this magazine alive, we decided to invite the teachers who have been chosen to carry on Drunvalos work to give us a chance to publish their thoughts and ideas, and to give all of you a chance to know more about who they are. THIS MONTH Dr. Jon Veranese Paola Marquez Dr. Judith Long Daniel Mitel

The Illuminated Heart

SpiritOfMaat Aug 2012 36



bviously the world is excited by the Heart Mer-KaBa. It is natural and brings a powerful vibration and a subtle energy within and around us. However, there is an aspect of the newest workshop Awakening The Illuminated Heart which we cannot neglect. We speak about it within the last hour of the workshop although most people are more excited about programming the new Mer-Ka-Ba. It is the Creation Process. We dont have words to express the importance of The Creation Process in The Heart Meditation. This meditation can save us. This meditation can save our Earth. Literally. 37 Aug 2012 SpiritOfMaat

Story: Daniel Mitel

There is something in us, something unique. This something is called the power to create. We are all co-creators and Drunvalo helps us to remember the magic power of creation from the Heart. It is enough to go in the Tiny Space of Your Heart and open your Third Eye. Then you feel again the love for your Divine Mother Earth and Divine Father Sun. Your Spirit stays in the Tiny Space of Your Heart and you will see Images. The way you feel about it will determine whether or not you manifest it in the outer Reality. We also now understand why Drunvalo spoke so many times about Claudette and the Imagery Process. There is a link between these processes. Or we can say that the Cre-

ation Process is closely related with the Imagery Process. As Claudette was teaching us, the Images coming out of us have much higher value than the images that are guided (meaning you are told what to see). Recently, a person who attended the ATIH workshop wrote to me asking if there is something wrong, because when she does the Creation Process there are no images in the Tiny Space of The Heart. She only sees Light and feels Peace and Unconditional Love, and she stays there for hours in this state of bliss. I told her that Light and Peace and Unconditional Love are also Images -- possibly the most beautiful Images we can see in our Heart. It took me almost a year to put all

the pieces together after Drunvalo brought the ATIH Workshop to Humanity, like in a giant puzzle made by the Infinite Spirit. What I found in Tibet with the Tibetan Monks, or with the Qi Gong Masters, or in Anastasias teachings and in what Drunvalo and Claudette are teaching us, is that all these teachings are related through two words: Creation and Imagery. The Ancient secret of Creation from the Tiny Space of the Heart, and the accompanying Imagery, is a way of changing our world. It shows us that

Workshop to the world. This is a workshop covering the entire life work of Drunvalo Melchizedek. Daniel is proud to call Drunvalo a mentor and teacher, and considers Drunvalos work to be among the most profound and important material in the world at this time. By teaching Awakening The Illuminated Heart, Daniel is sharing a message of hope and possibility to anyone who wants to experience a new understanding of life; an understanding which comes from the heart.

Daniel is blessed to be working with children, teaching them Tai Chi and Meditation. Lastly, in recent years, Daniel has changed the life of hundreds of children through his work at the Montessori Schools.

The Ancient secret of Creation from the Tiny Space of the Heart, and the accompanying Imagery, is a way of changing our world. It shows us that in fact the power is within us. We are the only ones who can change it.

in fact the power is within us. We are the only ones who can change it. We have all the tools now. We can do it. Now we are able to experience the way of creating prior to falling into polarity consciousness. If not now then when? If not us then who? - Daniel Mitel For over 30 years, Daniel Mitel has searched for spiritual meaning around the globe. Everywhere he travelled -from Tibet to Africa, Siberia to Egypt, Canada to South Korea -- he found a hunger among the people to find a new way of life. So many people want to understand their relationship to their inner and outer worlds. Daniel has been practicing martial arts and meditation since 1981, and teaching worldwide. As a martial arts master, Daniel is dedicated to inspiring the world to move from violence to peace, and from anger to love. He has been teaching the Tibetan Heart Meditation, Cleaning the Past Meditation and chakra cleaning worldwide Since 1996. Daniel also created the Body, Heart and Soul Workshop and the Meditation Day Workshop. Throughout his work, workshops and spiritual conferences, Daniel has changed the lives of thousands of people. Now Daniel is bringing the Awakening The Illuminated Heart

Drunvalo Melchizedek appointed Daniel to the first Council of School of Remembering: the Awakening The Illuminated Heart (ATIH) Teachers Council. Daniel is now travelling all over the world teaching the Awakening The Illuminated Heart Workshop.

The Illuminated Heart

SpiritOfMaat Aug 2012 38


Story: Phoenix Rising Star

Welcome to the Archangel Michael Grid. What is a grid? A grid is an energy framework, designed for a specific purpose. In the case of the Archangel Michael Grid, it is an energy framework around Planet Earth, designed to help raise the vibration of the planet to the next dimension of love, joy and gratitude. Placed by Archangel Michael and the archetypes that are part of each layer of the grid, the intention for this grid is to help shift consciousness needed to facilitate change in our personal and planetary frequency and expedite ascension.


Who is Archangel Michael? Sometimes known as Saint Michael, or Michael, he has been referred to in many religious texts as a protector against negative forces. The Archangel Michael Grid was presented to me in 2009 when Archangel Michael answered my question, I know about the Christ Consciousness Grid and I know about the World Angel Grid, but what other grids are there? Well, he said, theres the 39 Aug 2012 SpiritOfMaat

Archangel Michael Grid. It was about that time Leon, my partner, and I were in Kauai, and I saw a rainbow deep in the Waimea Canyon. See? I heard Archangel Michael say. Just like that rainbow, the Archangel Michael Grid is comprised of seven layers. Each layer has a higher energy frequency to it. Each layer raises the vibration to the next dimension of love, joy and gratitude. Which

Each archetype shared its layer of the grid through a brief description. Archangel Michael has the first grid layer, a layer he calls Safety. Safety is the foundation for love. When we feel safe, we can feel love. If were not safe, we feel fear. Love and fear cant coexist in the same place. Through my support, this grid layer brings the safety of Divine Love within and helps eliminate fear of all kinds.

group of souls whose intent is helping all beings to open their hearts, has the sixth grid layer called Humility. We teach you to understand and embody the greatness of who you are. Feeling this with your heart, and understanding it with your presence. Letting go of any attachments to your ego self. Archangel Michael has the seventh and last grid layer called Self-Love. I teach you that self love and the

Phoenix trusts her inner guidance in a way that frees her up to tap into pretty much anything. Her description of the Archangel Michael Grid comes straight from her own source and will be of interest to those of you who want to deepen your heart connection and develop a direct relationship with the angelic realms.
is what humanity on this planet is needing most, and aspiring to in order to change frequency and ascend. Each layer has an archetype assigned to it; similar to an angel or archangel, but not always. This archetype is part of a soul collection whose mission is to raise humanitys vibration and instill more love and compassion. These archetypes bring knowledge, awareness and techniques to help stay in that space of love, joy and gratitude. To stay in the heart, if you will. Thank you for asking about the grid. Thank you for bringing the awareness of it to the planet. Archangel Michael shared this prayer with me to invoke the presence of his grid and to set the intention for love, joy and gratitude. Archangel Michael and other beings of your grid, we honor you and your service to humanity and ultimately our universe and beyond. Thank you for holding space for us to join you and therefore join forces of servitude and gratitude to all that is. Our love knows no boundaries. Thank you for co-creating our connection to the divine feminine/masculine and oneness grid; to all that is. For this is, and is to be. Now and forever in humanity. And so it is. Archangel Zadkiel has the second grid layer, a layer he calls Seeing the Divine in Others. Bringing the Divine Love within helps one to see the Divine in all things. Although this can be challenging when individuals act in unloving ways, I teach you to open your heart. Allow me to help you understand that all life is ONE. The Nature of Light, also known as Zannah, has the third grid layer, called Trust. I help you to clear your collective dirty laundry and to trust that everything is in divine order and timing. Quan Yin, the Goddess of Compassion has the fourth grid layer, called the Compassion Expansion. I teach you to expand the fullness of your being into your true potential. To release judgment, to take on the essence of compassion through empathy, and to support one another with love. The Self Mastery Collective, a group of souls whose intent is helping all beings to ascend with grace and ease, has the fifth grid layer, called Limitlessness. We teach you to let go of all thought and to be present now. All the time. To unfold completely into your expanded self and beyond. As part of your normal daily routine. With grace and ease. The Compassionate Collective, a unconditional love of others is the way home. Each archetype then provided me with a longer, more complete message about its layer and offered techniques or meditations to help increase the love, joy, gratitude, and grid layer intention. The more I studied their complete messages, the more they made sense to me. First I took in the words, and then their essence. Last I was able to take the messages into my heart and begin to embody them. Although they are expressed simply, the profoundness is deep. The meditations and techniques shared by the grid archetypes are simple and effective. Easy to quickly repeat any time I need them. And the results are different every time I use them. I feel my vibration raising and my being expanding more fully and completely. Its easier to feel love, joy and gratitude. Easier and easier. I share this with you, dear readers, as this grid is a simple and effective way to stay in the heart. Thank you Archangel Michael for this grid! For more information, visit - Phoenix Rising Star

The Illuminated Heart

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WHAT DOES THE SACRED FEMININE REALLY MEAN? An Invitation to all Women Part II in a series by Dr. Judith Long

Story: Dr. Judith Long

For every woman who can be named There are a hundred who speak. For every hundred who speak There are a thousand who know. For every thousand who know There are ten thousand who do not yet know, Because their truth lies still deeper than all those who speak and know and can be named. And every one of us is needed now. ATI H T EA C HE R S
- Elizabeth Debold he feminine holds the mystery of creation. This simple and primordial truth is often overlooked, but at this time of global crisis, which also carries the seeds of a global transformation, we need to reawaken to the spiritual power and potential of the feminine. Feminine qualities belong to both men and women and they draw us into the depths within us, 41 Aug 2012 SpiritOfMaat

into the mysteries of the soul whose wisdom is sometimes called Sophia. Without the feminine nothing new can be born, nothing new can come into existence we will remain caught in the materialistic images of life that are polluting our planet and desecrating our souls. We need to return to the core of our being, to where the sacred comes into existence. And the mystical feminine holds the key to this work of redemption and transformation. - (Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee) With the Dawn of A New Time upon us we look to guidance as to how we are to be. Where is this guidance going to come from? The term Sacred Feminine seems to be unprecedented in our time. We dont really have a road map to it. Weve been told by the patriarchal system how women are supposed to act.

You know what I mean. sweetness and lightalways! Banishing God to the heavens, weve lost touch with the sacredness of the earth and its many forms of life. We are slowly becoming conscious of this imbalance and the danger caused by the rejection of the Goddess. We see how our whole planet is suffering from the abuses of masculine technology. At the same time, many patterns of the repression of the feminine have surfaced. Women have had to confront both individual and collective experiences of abuse. The masculine power principle has been recognized as responsible for tremendous feminine suffering to the individual and to the ecosystem. In

express them. The key is to embrace all situations and be one with them. The Sacred Feminine understands this and she does not shove anything under the carpet. All things and people are important to her. She sees every opportunity as one of transformation. She holds the space for miracles to happen. Reinstating the feminine, all embracing Goddess should not mean denying our instinctual awe for His omnipotence. Nor should the feminines fear of repression and abuse result in rejecting His majesty. The Great Spirit is our father, but the Earth is our mother. She nourishes us; that which we put into the ground she returns to us, and healing plants she gives us. Can we look to

work for the feminine now, who shares every activity with her Beloved. Cooking, we stir the pot with Him; walking, we feel Him accompanying and protecting us. In difficulty we talk to Him. In delight we praise Him. Repeating the mantra we constantly remember the Beloveds name with love. We bring Him who we love into every corner of our life. In our meditation and our daily life we come to know what our culture has forgotten. We hear the sacred song of divine presence in the market and in our hearts. But we also feel the sorrow of a society that is dominated by a collective sense of divine absence. We overlook nothing. Women have the magical substance in their being

Women have the magical substance in their being that has to do with the real mystery of creation in which light takes on form and takes on human consciousness and yet remains true to it essential nature.
response to this deep and dangerous imbalance, the feminine aspect of the divinity, the Goddess, has begun to be reinstated. Reinstating the Goddess means restoring the sacredness of a nurturing, all embracing divinity. Gods masculine omnipotence and transcendence need to be balanced by the feminine aspects of care and nearness. Care and nearness involve deep feelings. The Sacred Feminine gets involved with life, all aspects of it. She cares deeply about every situation in which she finds herself. Often time, this brings up deep powerful feelings like sorrow or joy and she is free to experience and her for guidance in how to be? I think so. Like the Native American, the mystic is familiar with the caring, all-embracing aspect of the divine, the feminine. Experiences of oneness, which are so central to the mystical path, include every atom of creation; every leaf of every tree is experienced as sacred. One of the first mystical experiences is often a sense of divine presence, and the knowledge of the Beloveds tenderness and closeness grows with devotion and practice. The mystic seeks and finds the Beloveds name in everything and everyone. The practice of the presence of God is essential that has to do with the real mystery of creation in which light takes on form and takes on human consciousness and yet remains true to it essential nature. The spirit of our mother sets this mystery into action in every aspect of nature that she nurtures and in which she tenderly exemplifies her essence. The Sacred Feminine sees the divine essence in everything and everyone even if they do not. She reminds them of the truth of their being just by the way she treats them; just by the way she nourishes them and reminds them. Our guidance comes clearly from our Mother Earth. Her Spirit reigns true
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The Illuminated Heart

in everything that we see, hear and touch. She is our guidance. She is our roadmap. Getting close to her reminds us and opens our memory to the sacred feminine within us. She is awesome. We are awesome. Lets remember this together! Just in doing so we are creating something new. When we see the divine essence deep within all things and people, we cannot destroy, we attempt to transform, to resolve. We do not blame, we understand. We do not hate, we empathize. Its simple really. Not allot of complicated things to do. Just recognize the truth. All of life is divine. This is the Secret of the Sacred Feminine. Get close to your Mother. She will help you remember. Dr. Aureiah Juditn Long is a renowned counselor and author, a lifelong intuitive helping people worldwide. She is a teacher and mentor in Drunvalo Melchizedeks School of Remembering and also joyfully serves on the ATIH council. In the fall, Dr. Long will be holding a 10-lesson internet course on Woman Awareness. If this interests you write to her. She will respond and keep you posted on dates and times and other details. - Dr. Judith Long

Awakening Avalon 2012

October 2nd -10th, 2012

Welcome to Avalon where

the legends and mythos of ancient mysteries, the Holy Grail, and Star Temples have been held throughout the veils of time.

Come join us in creating a Chalice of Love. Journey together in the Heart Chakra of Mother Earth in Glastonbury, England
More information:


Your guides are Elizabeth HeartStar, astrologer & Avalon guide since 1993 ~ & Jewels Maloney, author of Mary Magdalene: The Christos-Sophia Revelation. Space is now available for 11 people. 43 Aug 2012 SpiritOfMaat


Story: Dr. Jon Veranese

In terms of consciousness and for a long period of time, Mother Earth, has been dominated by a masculine energy. This dynamic has permeated modern society creating imbalance to most of life on planet Earth. Most of humanity is disconnected from Mother Earth, destroying nature in order to feed an ever growing need to consume resources. Many indigenous earth based communities have been interfered with for the purpose of control and in order to break their spiritual connection to life. The Masculine in this imbalanced state is destined to create destruction

the face of the rising feminine. Women may need to reclaim who they are as women rather than compromise their truth to survive in a masculine world. Men may need to begin to honor how they feel rather than creating an artificial shell that appears to strengthen them in the face of competition and rivalry. Men are often initiated into Manhood through competitive sports, the military as well gangs and prisons. These initiations are all reflections of a distorted form of masculinity and the need for a return to a pure or sacred form of masculinity that honors

The key to retaining the essence of the Masculine in the face of the returning Feminine is to operate from a place of honoring the beauty, magic and mystery of the Feminine, both within and reflected without. Supporting the return of feminine consciousness without feeling insecure, needing to control, or feeling a loss of power; instead creating an energy that nurtures and helps birth the dreaming of the New Humanity, unified and one. Dr. Jon Veranese is a Conscious Dentist and Metaphysician and, an Awakening the Illuminated Heart teacher who lives and works in Byron Bay, Australia. Jon also holds mens workshops through the Veras School including one which focuses on Redefining the Masculine in the Face of the Returning Feminine and another which showcases a new modality that he has developed called Whole

Men may need to begin to honor how they feel rather than creating an artificial shell that appears to strengthen them in the face of competition and rivalry.
without the balance of the feminine. Our world is yearning for balance and to meet this need whether we are aware of it or not humanity is now faced with the return of the feminine. Hooray! This poses several questions. How has the Masculine been defined? How do we redefine the Masculine in the face of the returning Feminine? How do we as individuals retain the essence of the Masculine in the face of the returning Feminine? In our Modern society the masculine has put value and merit on competitiveness with a Win/Lose mentality, intellect over intuition, brain over heart. Success is often measured by climbing up the corporate ladder, and accumulation of material assets. Most of these things are external and cannot substitute for the pure essence of who we are.Men and Women are likely to face their own challenges in both the Masculine and the Feminine. The way back is to ride the wave of the rising feminine by connecting with the inner nature of who you are as a man, moving the primary orientation from competition to co-operation, from thinking to feeling, and from the brain to the heart. By reconnecting to the elements of nature experienced both within the body and in the outer world of nature, it is possible to remember the true nature of who you are as a Man or a Woman in the face of the returning feminine. The 4 elements of nature (Fire, Water, Earth and Air) align with the 4 sacred directions (East, South, West, North) that embody 4 aspects of human consciousness (Spiritual, Emotional, Physical and Mental) and when explored can lead to the truth of your pure essence that resides within your Heart connected to Mother Earth who loves, nurtures and supports life, and Father Sky above who guides directs and gives purpose to all life, Health. To learn more about Jon and his work, go to: - Dr. Jon Veranese

The Illuminated Heart

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Maats Market Place

Learn about local services, events and new products for the community. Connect with the market place or be a part of it. For advertising info please contact us at

Events and Workshop

Awakening the Illuminated Heart Teachers Training Workshop We are very happy to announce that the training workshop for the Awakening The Illuminated Heart teachers will be presented by Drunvalo in Chapala, Mexico on April 21 May 3, 2013. IN ORDER TO QUALIFY for the Teachers Training workshop you must have completed two Awakening the Illuminated Heart workshops with two different teachers; understand and practice with regularity the entire Creation Process meditation; read Drunvalos books and study Drunvalos Flower of Life workshop recorded on a DVD set or have completed a Flower of Life workshop with Drunvalo or an approved FOL facilitator. For for information please go to The Reawakening of the Divine Feminine Journey Amazingly, there is a cultural and prophetic context for the arising of this Feminine-based planetary transformation that is underway. The Mayan 2012 prophecies foretold of this shift of planetary stewardship into the hands of the Feminine.The Solstice on December 21, 2012precisely at 11:11 AM Universal Timemarks the completion of the 5,125 year Great Cycle of the Ancient Maya Long Count Calendar. Rather than being a linear end-point, this cycle that is closing is naturally followed by the start of a new cycle. What this new cycle has in store for humanity is a mystery that has yet to unfold Join Awakening the Illuminated Heart Teacher and Guide, Vera Lopez on this amazing and powerful journey. go to www.oneheart for itinerary and more information


45 Aug 2012 SpiritOfMaat


Story: Paola Marquez

fter I had the chance to be with Drunvalo this last January, many things in my life started to make more sense. He explained to a group of Mexicans during one of his Workshops at Chapala, the importance of teaching people what to do on December 21st 2012. He said people should know how to enter their hearts on that day, specifically during a Mayan ceremony that will be broadcasted all over the World by Cirque du Soleil during a massive show that will take place in 8 different locations including one in Mexico. Before this day there will be 3 important dates to help people practice how to enter into their hearts, and those dates are the 2 equinoxes and the summer solstice. After hearing this, I felt a huge call in my heart to do something to help my people and my country. About 6 months before this I had the wish of doing a massive meditation for peace in Mexico, I believe that that is the only way to achieve real peace: starting from within each of us. But somehow I couldnt make it happen, it was just not the right moment. After hearing Drunvalos words I more than ever wanted to do this massive event. Everything fell into place, I met the right people and the messages of how to do it kept coming to me. So along with a Mexican Radio group we are organizing this event for the Autumn equinox on September 23rd. My goal is to invite more than 30,000 people to Mexicos main Square. It is actually Mexicos heart, since that square is where Mexico was founded, where in the ancient Aztec legend the Aztecs found an Eagle eating a snake on top of a cactus. This is the symbol the ancients were supposed to find at the exact spot where Mexico was supposed to be erected and it is the symbol you can see in the middle of our flag. So it is exactly there where I wish with all my heart that many Mexicans and many people from all over the World on

September 23rd at noon (Mexican time) will enter into their hearts and meditate all together to join into One heart. If you want to find out more about how you can support this event you can find my information under the School of Remembering at Drunvalos webpage. I hope that this event on the fall Equinox will inspire many, many people all over the World to replicate it in whatever form they can in their country of origin, so that more and more people all over the planet will enter into their hearts on December 21st. It will be there, in our hearts where we all will connect as One, as God always intended it to be. It is in that tiny space where we all become one with God and where we can create our new reality, all together as One, One heart, One humanity. We just need to remember it to believe it with all the strength of our heartbeats. So if you feel this calling please enter into your heart and help me create this massive event according to Gods will and for the benefit of all humanity. It is with big joy, happiness, peace and love that I wait for you in my heart on September 23rd and from there on - Paola Marquez

Multidimensional Channel, Transducer, Scribe and Witness, Sacred Sound Salutarist, Author, Lecturer, Thirty-five years in the holistic healing field. Peggy is available for personal channeled transmissions, offering insight and guidance.

PEGGY BLACK 831-335-3145

The Illuminated Heart
Receive 88 free messages free monthly webinar Over 13,000 global subscribers. Working with her team she has created Two books, CD, DVD, Guidance Deck, Posters You may view and order products on the website.
SpiritOfMaat Aug 2012 46

Film and Video Articles

BODY FOUND MERMAIDS a Full Length Film from Animal Planet

We came across this film while we were searching for something else; it took us on a ninety-minute detour that turned out to be a very rewarding little accident. For those of you who havent seen it, BODY FOUND MERMAIDS made its debut on national television a few months ago. It is a documentation of events that took place on a beach in Washington State back in the spring if 2004. Even though the whole story never made headlines, those who were there on the scene reported that the largest whale beaching in U.S. history dredged up more than the usual supply of marine life. After discovering an anomalous looking carcass that got tangled up in the carnage that washed in with the tide that day, NOAA researchers embarked on an investigation to find out exactly what it was. In spite of efforts on the part of the government to erase this information from the records, the NOAA Team was able to salvage enough of their research to come up with a documentary that will take you into a realm where myth and reality merge to become one and the same thing. If contemplating the existence of Mermaids isnt enough to take your mind out of the box, the connection between what youre about to watch and the myths of South Africas Dogon Tribe, brings up yet another reason to be blown away by it. The oral traditions of the Dogon speak of the Nummo, amphibious Fish-Men, who came to the Earth thousands of years ago on a visit from the star-system, Sirius. The Nummo, their origins, and the idea that they bear a resemblance to what we call Mermaids or Mermen, is not unique to the Dogon myths; it is supported by evidence that has been culled from the Babylonian, Accadian, and Sumerian records as well. There is as much to the idea that the information in this movie is authentic, as there is to the idea that it could very well be a hoax. We present it here to give you something to reflect upon, and to stretch your mind far enough to see that there might be another way to look at our origins and our past. 1 Hour 28 Minutes


47 Aug 2012 SpiritOfMaat

YOUR SOULS PLAN The Real Meaning of the Life You Planned Before Birth Evita Ochel interviews author and teacher, Robert Schwartz from EvolvingBeingsTV
It was back in the Seventies that the idea that we Create our own reality began to filter far enough into the mainstream to plant itself in the collective mind. Forty years later, we have reached the point where this notion has become real for us at least intellectually. Most of us have heard, or read about this concept , and there are some of us who are clear enough about how it actually works to be able to bring it home. Anyone who decides to walk this talk quickly discovers that; as much as its easy to take responsibility for our experience when it is to our liking, its a lot harder to own our creations when life becomes too much to bear. Robert Schwartz got introduced to the idea that his difficulties were his own creation when a psychic informed him that they were just part of agreements that were signed before he entered the Third Dimension. From that day on, lit up by the desire to learn as much as he could about the way our Souls contrive to keep us connected to our life purpose, Robert took his curiosity to a depth that has allowed him to understand these things better than most. When we came across his conversation with EBTVs, Evita Ochel, we knew we had to post it because the time has come for all of us to understand and own, both the issues in our personal lives, and the chaos that currently fills every aspect of our external reality. We encourage you to take the time to listen to Robert Schwartz talk about our Soul contracts, and the real meaning of the life that we planned before we were born. 24 Minutes Learn more about Robert Schwartz, his books, and his research, at

The Illuminated Heart

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Conscious Media Showcase

Welcome to our Conscious Media Showcase! For those of you who dont have the time to comb the underground news we invite you to tune into this months selection of video and media presentations that have been previewed and hand picked to take your mind right out of the box.
CLIF HIGHS 6/16/2012 UPDATE Global coastal event alert; is it time to head for the hills? 25 Minutes

SCIENCE AND THEORY BEHIND THE TAPPING WORLD SUMMIT Bruce Lipton This for Tappers and Non-Tappers, wherever you may be! 34 Minutes

Dr. Bruce Lipton SPONTANEOUS EVOLUTION This guy is always good; and thank God, he is never boring! If you think youre chained to your genetics, open your mind and give a listen to Bruce Liptons conversation with COAST-to-COAST AMs, George Noory


1 Hour 47 Minutes

49 Aug 2012 SpiritOfMaat

TED-Talks: David R. Dow: Lessons from Death Row Inmates Mr. Dow presents us with an alternative to capital punishment, one which seems to echo with Dr. Bruce Liptons perspective on the ways in which our experience impacts our DNA. 18 Minutes

TED-Talks: Peter Norvig The 100,000 Student Classroom This is totally wonderful 6 Minutes

KEVIN ANNETT: Public Declaration to the Vatican and the Republic of Kanata X-Rated commentary on the Catholic Church and its connection to the trafficking of children, for purposes of a sexual nature.

The Illuminated Heart

32 Minutes

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OCCUPY ADAMS CALENDAR Extraterrestrial Genetic Manipulation The film is a tour de force on the science of extraterrestrial intervention and genetic manipulation of our Earth human species as seen through the genius of University of Hawaii geneticist William Brown. The film grows out of Occupy Adams Calendar, a 280,000 year-old Anunnaki extraterrestrial site in South Africa. 1 Hour

CELL PHONE DANGERS With Dr. Debra Davis Dont miss this one if your I-Phone hasnt already fried your brain this will blow your mind. 1 Hour


THE TRUTH BEHIND THE ENERGY LIE (Suppression of Technological Evolution) Finally! Ages after it was re-discovered, the powers-that-be have decided to introduce the sleeping masses to Free Energy. This is a timely flick; even if youre a veteran free-energy genius, it is well worth watching. 1 Hour 58 Minutes

51 Aug 2012 SpiritOfMaat

THIS IS EINSTEIN Just for fun. Well let Einstein speak for herself! 5 Minutes

AMAZING UFO OPENING STARGATE IN THE SKY from our good friend Clay What do you suppose is UP with this? It looks totally HAARP generated to us. The official statement is of course that it was a failed missile launch - but was that REALLY the case? Or is this a Project Blue Beam experiment, or perhaps even an opening of a stargate to other parallel universes and dimensions? 1 Minute

BRUCE LIPTON MONEY AND ENERGY One of the comments about this video referred to Bruce Lipton as; George Carlins positive twin!and it is so true. This is short, and sweet, and its about money.

The Illuminated Heart

7 Minutes

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