6dB Sizing

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Half amplitude / 6 dB drop technique : Half amplitude technique for defining the ends of a discontinuity is used when it is longer

than the crystal size of the probe. This is the most popular technique for discontinuity length measurement. After maximizing the discontinuity indication, set this signal to a convenient height [ ~ 80 % ]. The probe is then moved towards right, parallel to the discontinuity or the weld seam as appropriate, up to the position where the signal drops to half the set amplitude. A point is marked with a marker above the discontinuity location corresponding to the centerline of the probe crystal. A similar point is found by moving the probe towards the left. The distance between these two points is the length of the discontinuity. The discontinuity length measured by this technique always results in an over estimation of the actual size. This is because the half intensity line is located at an angle to the main axis of the beam [ centerline of the crystal ]. The error will depend on the size and frequency of the probe and the beam path distance to the discontinuity. The shape at the ends of the discontinuity will also influence the measurement. Small crystal probes [ 4 MHz, 8 X 9, 10 mm ] should be preferred for the measurements. This measurement error can be minimized by plotting the half amplitude beam boundary in the horizontal plane using the IOW beam profile block and using the graph thus obtained for correcting the length at the applicable flaw depth. Edge approach technique : When the discontinuity size is much smaller than the size of the crystal, half amplitude technique of measurement does not produce satisfactory result. A different method called edge approach technique is used.

In this method the edge of the ultrasound beam is used to find the starting edge of the discontinuity. Once the presence of the discontinuity is confirmed, the scanning starts from a position where the discontinuity signal is not visible on the CRT screen. The probe is now slowly moved towards the discontinuity up to the position where the discontinuity indication just begins to appear on the CRT screen. A point above the discontinuity location is marked which coincides with the line passing through the sidewall of the probe, facing the discontinuity. A similar point is to be found by scanning the discontinuity by probe movement from the other end. The distance between these two points is the length of the discontinuity.


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