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We have renounced secret and shameful ways; we do not use deception, nor do we distort the Word of God.

On the contrary, by setting forth the truth plainly we commend ourselves to every mans conscience in the sight of God. 2 Corinthians 4:2

Relevant Living
Spiritual WarfareLesson Seven Telling The Truth
We have done the cursory overview of the Armor of God including the importance of prayer in spiritual warfare. In these next lessons we will go back and examine in depth what each piece of armor means in our own personal lives and discover whether or not we truly are wearing it. The belt of truth refers to our private lives, our personal integrity, and our honesty before the Lord. We cannot stand until we deal with certain issues in our hearts. Collapse begins when we allow the tempter to gain an entrance into our minds. The belt of truth is not about the knowledge we have of the Bibleit is about our lifestyle and what we do with what we know.

Days One and TwoA Clear Conscience in Gods Sight

1. Read through your memory verse (2 Corinthians 4:2) along with 2 Corinthians 2:17. a. What do you suppose Paul means by renouncing secret and shameful ways? Just use your imagination and remember he is writing to the Corinthian churchliving in the midst of a very pagan city where Christ-like worship and temple worship were absolute polar opposites.

b. Can you name any deceptions or distortions of the Word of God today? Why are these so dangerous and how do we know what truth is and what is error?

c. What does Paul say about the truth and why it is so important? 1 Corinthians 2:1-5.)

(See also

Relevant Living, Spiritual Warfare, Lesson Seven, Page 2

2. The belt of truth is having a pure heart before God and being honest with ourselves. As we have just read in 2 Corinthians 4:2-5, we tend to use deception to cover our personal weaknesses and sins. a. What does Paul say they have done rather than using these deceptions?

b. Why was this so important to their ministry? (Continue with the same passage.)

c. We have to examine our hearts regarding our conscience before God. We may know the truth but are we living it out? The two go together. Is there any area in your life where you are prone to being dishonest or not truthful? Explain. This is between you and Godbut let him put his finger on anything that is not commendable in his sight.

d. What is the Lord telling you to do about this (these) areas?

Days Three Through FiveA Tightly Cinched Belt

1. Read Psalm 15:1-3. This is often called an entrance liturgy with a would-be worshiper asking what was required to enter (dwell or live) in Gods tent, enjoying hospitality as a guest in his home. In light of our subject, write beside each phrase what God is saying to you personally. (Notice that lack of truthfulness does not always refer to the spoken word.) a. She whose walk is blameless.

b. and who does what is righteous

Relevant Living, Spiritual Warfare, Lesson Seven, Page 3

c. who speaks the truth from her heart? (Note: The truth can be spoken and yet still be a lie. We can act out a lie even when our words are actually true by the way we say it, the things we do not tell, or the fact that we leave out important details.) Give an example of a time when you were lied to (or when you lied to someone else) using half-truths and innuendos to actually deceive someone.

d. and has no slander on her tongue.

e. who does her neighbor (sister/brother) no wrong

f. and cast no slur on her fellow man/woman.

2. Read John 16:13. When you are born again, you are indwelt with the Holy Spirit. What name does Jesus give the Holy Spirit in this passage and how is that to be understood in our own personal lives as believers?

Sanctifymeans to be made holy. It is not merely a passive gift, but Christians must live out their lives in a holiness that reflects what they have received. 3. Read John 17:17-18 and explain what this means to you personally.

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What does truthfulness have to do with spiritual warfare? Just about everything. Remember that the belt of truth (the soldiers belt) was put on first and tightly buckled and stable, because almost every other piece of the armor depended upon it. 4. As you look at the box above can you see how everything in your life can fall apart when you are not a woman of the truth? Remember Jesus is the truth; his Word is the truth; and Jesus is the Word! Without Jesus and his Wordwho would you be in Christ? Think about this question in light of the box and write out your thoughts below.

5. Read Psalm 139:23 and write this as your own prayer regarding the subject of truth.

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