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Nurse Licensure Examination ______________________________________________________________________ Instruction: Select the correct answer for each of the following questions; mark

only one answer for each item by shading the box corresponding to the letter of your choice on the answer sheet provided. STRICTLY NO ERASURES ALLOWED. Use pencil number 2 only. Situation: a patient with long history of alcohol abuse is admitted in the ward. 1. a. b. c. d. 2. The nurse suspects an elderly client has become impacted when the client says: I have a lot of gas pains I dont have much of an appetite I feel like I have to go and just cant I havent had a bowel movement for 2 days

c. d. 4. a. b. c. 5. a. b. c. d. 6.

50 ml of saline and increase pressure of suction 15 ml of distilled water and disconnect suction for 30 mins

8. a.

While administering an enema, the maximum safe height at which the container of fluid can be held is: 30 cm ( 12 inches) 37 cm ( 93 inches) 45 cm ( 18 inches) 66 cm ( 26 inches) A client has peptic ulcer in the duodenum. He would probably describe the associated pain as: an ache radiating to the left side an intermittent colicky pain a gnawing sensation relieved by food a generalized abdominal pain intensified by moving

When performing a colostomy irrigation the nurse inserts the catheter into the stoma upto: 5 cm (2 inches) 10 cm ( 4 inches) 20 cm ( 8 inches) a client is to have an enema to reduce flatus. The rectal catheter should be inserted upto mark: 5 cm ( 2 inches) 10 cm ( 4 inches) 15 cm ( 6 inches) 45 cm ( 18 inches) When teaching a client to irrigate a colostomy, the nurse indicates that the distance of the container above the stoma should be no more than : b. 15 cm ( 6 inches)

b. c. d. 9. a. b. c. d.

10. Diagnosis of malabsortion syndrome is made in a client. Striking clinical improvement should be noted after administration of: a. b. c. d. Folic Acid Vitamin B12 Corticotropin A glutein free diet

a client with hepatic cirrhosis begins to develop slurred speech, confusion, drowsiness, and a flapping tremor. With this evidence of impending hepatic coma, the diet would probably be changed to: a. b. c. d. 7.

15 cm (6 inches) 25 cm ( 10 inches) 30 cm ( 12 inches) 45 cm ( 18 inches) The physician has ordered a rectal tube to help a client relieve abdominal distention following surgery. To achieve maximum effectiveness, the nurse should leave it in place for a period of:

a. b. c. d. 3.

20 g protein, 2000 calories 80g protein, 2500 calories 70g protein, 1200 calories 100g protein, 1500 calories After a partial gastrectomy is performed, a client is returned to the unit with an IV solution infusing and a nasogastric tube in place. The nurse notes that there has been no drainage from the NG tube for an hour. There is an order to irrigate the nasogastric tube PRN. The nurse should insert:

11. A flat plate X-ray of the abdomen is ordered for a client. The nurse recognizes that the client should receive: a. b. c. d. no special preparation a low soapsuds enema nothing by mouth for 8 hrs a laxative the evening before the surgery

a. b. c. d.

15 minutes 30 minutes 45 minutes 60 minutes 12. a pancreatic pseudocyst is; a. b. c. d. generally malignant growth filled with pancreatic enzymes cyst containing necrotic tissue and blood a pouch of undigested food particles

a. b.

30 ml of saline and withdraw slowly 20 ml of air and clamp off suction for 1 hour

d. 13. When teaching a client about intussusception, the nurse explains that it is: a. b. c. d. kinking of the bowel onto itself a band of connective tissue compressing the bowel telescoping of the proximal loop of bowel into the distal loop a protrusion of an organ or part of an organ through the wall that contains it. a. b. c. d.

administer antacids such as sodium bicarbonate


alanine aminotransaminase level

17. Postoperative care for a client who has had a hemorrhoidectomy should include: occlusive dressings to the area encouraging showers when needed administration of laxatives and stool softeners administration of enemas to promote defecation c. 18. a client complains of abdominal cramps during a colostomy irrigation, the nurse should: a. b. c. d. discontinue the irrigation lower the container fluid clamp the catheter for a few minutes advance the catheter about 2.5 cm (1 inch) 22. When caring for a client with nasogastric tube attached to suction, the nurse should: 19. Twenty amino acids are involved in body metabolism. Building various tissues. Of these 8 are essential amino acids. This means that: a. b. c. d. these 8 amino acids can be made by the body because they are essential to life these 8 amino acids are essential in body process and the remaining 12 are not the body cannot synthesize these amino acids and thus they must be obtained from the diet After synthesizing these 8 amino acids, the body uses them in key processes essential for growth 20. The laboratory test that would indicate that the liver of a client with cirrhosis is compromised and Neomycin enemas might be helpful is: a. b. c. ammonia level white blood count culture and sensitivity a. 24. A client has taken mega doses of Vitamin A. The nurse questions this practice because: this vitamin is highly toxic even in small amounts a. b. c. d. 23. fro an elderly client who has had a subtotal gastrectomy , the wisest dietary would be to: increase intake of dietary roughage avoid oral feedings for a prolonged period gradually resume small, easily digestible feedings allow selection of personally preferred foods d. a. b. c. irrigate the tube with normal saline use sterile technique when irrigating the tube withdraw the tube quickly when decompression is terminated allow the client to have small chips of ice or sips of water unless nauseated d. a. b. 21. an acute attack of pancreatitis may be precipitated by heavy drinking because: promotes the formation of calculi in the cystic duct the pancreas is stimulated to secrete more insulin than it can immediately produce the alcohol alters the composition of enzymes so they are capable of damaging pancreas alcohol increases enzymes secretion and pancreatic duct pressure, which causes backflow of enzymes into the pancreas.

14. Health teaching program for a client who has had a gastrectomy should include: a. b. c. d. a warning to avoid all gas forming foods an explanation of the therapeutic client of high roughage encouragement to resume previous eating habits as soon as possible a thorough explanation of the dumping syndrome and how to limit or prevent it 15. Barium salts used for GI series and barium enemas serves to: a. b. c. d. fluoresce and thus illuminate the alimentary tract give off visible light and illuminate the alimentary tract dye the alimentary tract and thus provide for color contrast Absorb X-rays and thus give contrast to the soft tissues of the alimentary tract 16. A client with a hiatus hernia complains about having difficulty sleeping at night. The appropriate nursing intervention would be: a. b. c. make the client sleep on two or three pillows eliminate carbohydrates from clients diet suggest drinking a large glass of milk before retiring

b. c. d.

the liver has great storage capacity for the vitamin, even to toxic amounts this vitamin cannot be stored, and the excess amount would saturate the general body tissues although the bodys requirement for the vitamin is very large, the cells can synthesize more as needed

a. b. c. d.

bile lipase cholesterol amylase

b. c. d.

low in fiber content high in carbohydrate as close to normal as possible

33. A client with ascites has been ordered 29. A client complains of abdominal discomfort following ingestion of milk. The nurse recognize that this may be the result of genetic deficiency of the enzyme: a. b. c. d. lactase maltase sucrase amylase 34. A typical food combination that can be served to a client with malabsorption syndrome is: 30. The earliest indication of parenchymal damage to a. b. c. d. roast beef, baked potato, carrot and tea cheese, omelet,noodles, green beans, coffee creamed turkey on toast, rice, green peas, milk baked chicken, mashed potatoes with gravy the liver in clients with hepatitis B is usually: a. b. c. d. a rise in bilirubin an alteration in proteins a rise in alanine aminotransaminase an elevation of alkaline phospatase 35. The nurse explains that visualizations of the GI tract after a barium enema is made possible 31. When caring for a client with an ileostomy the nurse would: a. b. c. d. a. b. c. d. encourage the client to eat foods high in residue explain that the drainage can be controlled with daily irrigation expect the stoma to start draining on the third postoperative day anticipate that emotional stress can increase intestinal peristalis 36. When teaching a client to care for a new colostomy, the nurse should advice the client that the irrigations be done at the same time everyday. The time selected should: a. b. Be approximately 1 hour before breakfast Provide ample uninterrupted bath room use at home because: Barium physically colors the intestinal wall Barium has the X-ray absorbing properties Barium has X-ray transmitting properties Barium chemical interacts with electrolytes a. b. c. d. paracentesis. Before the procedure the nurse should instruct the client to: empty the bladder eat foods low in fat remain NPO for 24 hour assume the supine position

25.A client with liver cancer complains of fatigue because a readily available from of energy although limited in amount, isstored in the liver by conversion of glucose to: a. glycerol b. glycogen c. tissue fat d. amino acids 26. The emergency medical treatment that is unrelated to the control of hemorrhage, in a client having bleeding esophageal varices is: a. b. c. d. gastric lavage gastric suctioning balloon tamponade aminocaproic acid ( amicar) 27. Which of the following is essential for absorption of fat soluble vitamins in the intestine? a. b. c. d. hydrochloric acid bile salts lipase amylase

28. The nurse would expect a client with cancer of the liver to have difficulty digesting fatty foods because the liver is involved in the production of:

32. A client who has had a colostomy should follow a diet that is: a. rich in protein

c. d.

Approximate the clients usual daily time for elimination Be about halfway between the two large meals of the day a. 41. Assessment fro signs of respiratory complications is important following cholecystectomy because the: incision is in close proximity to the diaphragm length of time required for surgery is too prolonged c. d. clients resistance is lowered because of bile in the blood bloodstream is invaded by microorganisms from the bleary tract b.

c. d.

stimulant bulk-forming

45. When a client has extensive carcinoma of the descending portion of colon with metastasis to the lymph nodes the operative procedure that would probably be performed is a ( an) : a. Ileostomy c. colostomy b. colectomy d. cecostomy

37. If intubation is indicated in a client with bleeding varices, the type of tube most likely to be used would be (a) (an) : a. b. c. d. Levin tube Salem pump Miller-abbot Blakemore-sengstaken tube

46. clients with gastrectomy may develop pernicious anemia because:

38. When teaching a client with permanent colostomy, the nurse is expected to discuss the: a. b. c. d. Need for special clothing Importance of limiting activity Periodic dilation of the stoma Bland, low residue diet regimen

42. Fractured mandible is usually immobilized with wires. The life threatening postoperative problem that can develop with this procedure is: a. b. c. d. infection vomiting osteomyelitis bronchospasm

a. b. c. d.

Vitamin B12 is only absorbed in the stomach The hemopoeitic factor is secreted in the stomach The parietal cell of the gastric mucosa secrete intrinsic factor Chief cells in the stomach secrete the extrinsic factor

39. The chief complaint in clients with Vincents angina is: a. b. c. d. chest pain shortness of breath shoulder discomfort bleeding oral ulceration a. b. 40. Before scheduling a client for endoscopic retrograde cholangiography (ERCP) the nurse should assess the clients: a. b. c. d. urine output bilirubin level serum glucose blood pressure 44. Phospho-soda is cathartic, classified as: a. b. saline emollient c. d. 43. A subtotal gastrectomy is performed to treat a client with cancer of the stomach. This client develops dumping syndrome. The dumping syndrome refers to: nausea due to a full stomach rapid passage of osmotic fluid into the jejunum reflux of intestinal contents into the esophagus buildup of feces and gas within the large intestine

47. In clients with cholecystitis, the utilization of bile is interfered. The ejection of bile into the alimentary tract is controlled by the hormone: a. b. c. d. gastrin secretin enterocrenin cholecystokinin

48 Before a cholecystectomy the physician order vitamin K. Vit. K is required for the synthesis of: a. bilirubin b. prothrombin c. thromboplastin d. cholecystokinin

c. oxidize fatty acids to produce energy 49. Hormone that stimulates the flow of pancreatic enzymes is: a. enterocrinin b. pacreozymin c. enterogastrone d. cholecystokinin 50. A client is admitted three days back for a cerebral vascular accident, he is receiving intermittent feedings through nasogastric tube. The nurse evaluates if a prior feeding has been absorbed by: a. evaluating the intake in relation to the output b. aspirating the residual volume and reinstilling it c.instilling air into the stomach while ausclutating d. comparing the clients body weight to the base line data 51. The ascites seen in cirrhosis results in part from: a. the escape of lymph into abdominal cavity directly from the inflamed liver sinusoid b. increased plasma colloid osmotic pressure due to excessive liver growth and metabolism c. the decreased levels of ADH and aldosterone due to increasing metabolic activity in the liver d. compression of the portal vein with resultant increased back pressure in the portal veins system 52. acute appendicitis is a condition associated with a. poor dietary habits b. infection of the bowel c. hypertension and resultant edema d. compromised circulation to the appendix 53. The main role of liver in relation to fat metabolism is to: a. produce phospholipids b. store fat for energy reserves 57. Varicose veins can be expected in clients with cirrhosis. This is because of: a. increased plasma hydrostatic pressure in veins of the extremities b. toxic irritating products released into the blood from the diseased organs c. ballooning of vein walls from decreased venous pressure and incompetent valves 56. The assessment finding, which indicates the probable presence of a fecal impaction in a client with limited mobility would be: a. tympanites b. fecal liquid seepage c. bright red blood in the stool d. decreased number of bowel movements 55. Neomycin sulfate is administered to clients, before colon surgery to: a. destroy intestinal bacteria b. increase the production of Vit. K c. decrease the incidence of any secondary infection d. decrease the possibility of postoperative urinary tract infection 54. a client is scheduled for pyloroplasty and vagotomy because of strictures caused by peptic ulcers. The nurse reinforces the clients understanding of vagotomy by satting, that the vagotomy serves to: a. increase the heart rate b. Hasten Gastric emptying c. eliminate pain sensations d. decrease secretions in the stomach d. convert fat to lipoproteins for transport out into the body

d. decreased plasma protein concentration resulting in the pooling of blood in the venous system 58. The nurse should assess the client with cirrhosis for signs of hepatic coma. The classic sign of hepatic coma is: a. bile-colored stools b. elevated cholesterol c. flapping hand tremors d. ressed muscle reflex 59. The symptoms associated with colitis are: a. leukocystitis, anorexia, weight loss b. anemia, hemoptysis, weight loss, abdominal cramps c. fever, anemia, nausea and vomiting, leucopenia, diarrhea d. diarrhea, anorexia, weight loss, abdominal cramps, anemia 60. The terms saturated and unsaturated fatty acids relate to degree of: a. color b. taste c. density d. digestibility 61. A client is being admitted to the hospital on the day before a scheduled surgery. Which of the following is the most appropriate initial question to ask this preoperative client? a. b. c. d. "Has your doctor talked to you about the type of surgery "What questions do you have about your surgery?" "What type of surgery are you having and why are you "What do you know about what will be done to you?"

you are having? What did the doctor say?"

having it done?"

62 A pre-surgical client asks the nurse for more information about the advantages of a general anesthetic. The nurse's answer would correctly reflect what information? a. b. pain. c. d. The anesthetic agent is not rapidly excreted so that the General anesthesia reduces the chance that the client timing of surgery can be adjusted. suffers from amnesia. 63 A benzodiazepine has been administered to a client The respiratory and circulatory functions are depressed. The client loses consciousness and does not perceive

b. c. event. d.

The anesthetic agent is injected into the dura mater of The client is sedated and has some awareness of the

wound. A family member observes the drain and asks why the tube was left in the wound. The nurse explains drains: a. Allow drainage of excessive serosanguinous fluid and Allow healing to occur at a very rapid rate. Have to be shortened to allow healing to occur from the Have to be connected to suction tubes.

the spinal cord for epidural anesthesia.

Regional anesthesia produces analgesia and amnesia.

purulent material. b. c. d.

66. The client arrives in the PACU in an unconscious state. In what position is the unconscious client placed in the immediate postanesthetic stage? a. b. c. d. 67. Side lying with the face slightly down Side lying with a pillow under the client's head Semi-prone position with the head tilted to the side Dorsal recumbent with head turned to the side. The client has been in the PACU unit for 1 hour. The client is

inside out.


A client is being discharged following outpatient surgery. The

nurse is providing the caregiver with instructions for wound care. The nurse would instruct the caregiver to report which of the following findings to the surgeon?

preoperatively. After the drug has been administered, the nurse needs to monitor the client for which of the following side effects? a. c. 64. Anxiety Hypocalcemia d. b. Hypotension

now groggy but able to respond to voice commands. While assessing the client, the nurse checks the bedclothes underneath the client. The nurse is assessing:

a. b. c. d.

Scar formation Increased redness or drainage No odor of the wound drainage No unusual color of the drainage

Extrapyramidal reactions

A preoperative client has an elevated hemoglobin and a. balance. c. Hemorrhage. d. Perspiration. Drainage from the tubes or drains. b. Fluid

hematocrit. What would the nurse suspect regarding the significance of this increased value? a. c. Immune deficiency Malignancy b. d. Kidney dysfunction Dehydration


The client is in the operating room for a surgical

procedure. The nurse in the operating room is monitoring the 68. A client is in the postoperative stage and the physician has ordered ambulation. The client has shown a difficulty understanding the necessity for early ambulation. An appropriate physiological integrity of the client. Which of the following activities is most appropriate? a. b. a. c. Self-care deficit. b. Ineffective coping. Knowledge deficit. d. Risk for injury. c. d. Determine client satisfaction with care received Assess client's emotional status Monitor asepsis in the environment Calculate fluid loss and its effects


The nurse has completed preoperative teaching to a pregnant

nursing diagnosis for this client would be:

woman. During the discussion, the nurse describes the different types of anesthesia available. Which statement by the client indicates understanding of regional anesthesia? a. In spinal anesthesia, the anesthetic agent is injected into

69. The nurse is assessing the client on return to the hospital unit from the PACU and notes the presence of a drain in the surgical

the subarachnoid space.

72. A client questions the surgical nurse about the personnel in the operating room. Which of the following responses by a nurse to the client's concern is most therapeutic? a. b. c. d. "The nurses are well-qualified for the job they do." "Have you had a bad experience in the OR?" "You're concerned about the personnel, but you have no "Can you tell me about why you are interested in the

a. b. c. d.

Providing adequate time for the client to process the Encouraging the family members to make the decision Encouraging the client to sign immediately before the Providing the client with reading material about the


A family member is sitting at bedside and observes the nurse

information for the client client forgets the purpose of the surgery surgery and the postoperative instructions 76. The nurse is demonstrating surgical scrub to a group of student nurses. Which of the following principles is true?

admitting the client from the PACU (postanesthesia care unit) following a surgical procedure. The family member asks why the area around the surgical wound is orange. Which of the following statements about surgical skin preparation is the best response to the family member? a. b. c. d. 79. "It reduces the risk of all postoperative complications." "It reduces the risk of postoperative wound infection." "It lessens the chance for decreased tissue perfusion." "It decreases the possibility for dermatitis." The nurse is preparing a client for surgery. Prior to

need to worry." personnel?" 73. When a client preparing for surgery suddenly bursts into tears, the nurse's most therapeutic initial approach is to do which of the following? a. b. c. d. Close the door and leave the room to provide privacy. Be silent. Ask the client what is happening. Ask the client to explain the behavior.

a. scrub. b. c. scrub. d. scrub. 77.

Microorganisms do not breed on the hands during a Keep the palms up throughout the scrub. Keep the hands above the elbows during the surgical

completing the skin preparation, the nurse assesses the surgical site for which of the following? a. Only betadine can meet the requirements of the surgical b. c. d. Presence of pustules or abrasions Absence of hair growth Presence of lanugo Absence of pulsation The client was taught calf-pumping exercises prior to surgery

74. The nurse has been instructed to obtain informed consent from a client who will be undergoing a surgical procedure. What is the most essential information to include in the discussion prior to the client signing the permission? a. b. c. d. The client's diagnosis Treatment proposed and the cost The technical aspects of the procedure Right to withdraw consent

A client asks the nurse about the planned anesthesia for an 80. to decrease the possibility of thrombophlebitis developing postoperatively. The nurse observes the client performing the procedure and notes that client correctly understands the technique when the client is observed doing which of the following? a. b. c. d. Alternately contracting and relaxing the leg muscles Alternately flexing and extending the knees Raising and lowering the legs Alternately dorsiflexing and plantar flexing the feet

upcoming procedure. The nurse knows the procedure will be performed under conscious sedation. Which of the following statements should the nurse make to the client concerning conscious sedation? a. b. c. "You will be able to breathe and respond appropriately to "Your pain threshold will be decreased so you can "You will have a patent airway and will be able to "You will not be awake but you will still feel slight pain verbal and physical stimuli." tolerate the pain." remember and comprehend what is happening." d. during the surgical intervention."

75. An 86-year-old client will be undergoing a surgical procedure. Changes that the nurse makes in the informed consent process for this elderly client include which of the following?

81. Which nursing diagnosis is the most common for clients receiving opioid medications? a. b. c. d. 82. Risk for infection Constipation Ineffective breathing pattern Sleep pattern disturbance Using the WHO three-step analgesic ladder as a guideline for

c. d. 85.

Ask the physician why an additional analgesic is needed. Obtain a complete set of vital signs on the client. Which of the following concepts would be used by the nurse


The client with a terminal illness who is considered at

end-of-life 88. A client with cancer-induced pain using distraction as a coping mechanism may have the best outcome from which of the following activities? a. b. c. d. Writing a friend a letter Watching television with family Working on a needlepoint project Listening to classical music

considering massage as a nonpharmaceutical method of pain management? a. Massage for relaxation should be done with circular movements and kneading of the tissues. b. It is preferable for the client's family or significant other to provide the massage. c. The client on bedrest must be able to move or turn in order to receive massages.

pain management, the nurse would expect a client with moderate pain to receive which medication order? a. b. c. d. Fentanyl (Duragesic) transdermal patch every 72 hours Hydromorphone (Dilaudid) 4 mg IV every 2 hours Hydrocodone (Lortab) one tablet every 4 hours Ibuprofen (Advil) 200 mg every 4 hours

89. A client is receiving morphine 10 mg/hour as a continuous infusion. The nurse anticipates administering which of the following bolus doses of morphine for occurrence of breakthrough pain? a. 12 mg b. 24 mg c. 30 mg d. 40 mg

d. A regular time period should be established with the client for massage therapy. 86. The nurse is planning care for a client taking codeine 60 mg tablets every 6 hours for pain. Which client goal would be

90. A client had an epidural catheter placed for a continuous infusion of opioids for pain management. The physician orders urine output to be measured and recorded every 4 hours. Which of the following nursing diagnoses is most likely to apply to this client's situation? a. b. c. d. Incontinence, urge Incontinence, reflex urinary Urinary elimination, altered Urinary retention

83. A client has suffered a severe contusion injury to the lower-left forearm, which is currently wrapped in several layers of elastic bandage and has an immobilizer device in place. Which of the following sites would be least helpful for application of heat to assist with pain management? a. b. c. d. The left hand area The upper-left arm The lower-right forearm The left axilla area

expected for this individual? a. b. c. d. The client will consume four extra servings of high-fiber The client will call for assistance when getting out of bed. The client will maintain a heart rate under 100 bpm. The client will report pain rating as a "1" on a 1 to 10

food daily.

scale between doses of the medication. 87. The nurse would anticipate using oral transmucosal fentanyl

91. A preoperative client expresses anxiety to a nurse about upcoming surgery. Which response of the nurse is most likely to stimulate further discussion between the client and the nurse?

84. A client has been receiving a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) every 4 hours for pain related to a muscle strain following a sports injury. The physician asks the nurse to give the client two acetaminophen with codeine (Tylenol #3) stat. What is the appropriate action for the nurse to take next? a. b. Give the medication as soon as possible. Reassess the client's pain.

citrate (OTFC or Actiq) for which client situation? a. b. c. The client who is nauseated and cannot tolerate oral

analgesics The client experiencing breakthrough pain with wound The client who requires analgesia at nighttime to rest well debridement

a. you. b.

I will be happy to explain the entire surgical procedure to Let me tell you about the care youll receive after the

surgery and the amount of pain you can anticipate .

c. d.

If its any help, everyone is nervous before surgery. Can you share with me what youve been told about your

95. A client is admitted to a surgical unit postoperatively with a wound drain in place. Which action would the nurse avoid in the care of the drain? a. check the drain for patency b. curl the drain tightly and tape firmly to the body c. maintain aseptic technique when emptying the drain d. observe for bright red bloody drainage Situation: Mrs. Tamayao, age 50 has a blood pressure of 170/100 and heavy chest pain after a heavy physical exertion. Diagnosis is Angina Pectoris. 96. Mrs. Tamayao is receiving nitroglycerin, PRN. The most common side effect is: a. vomiting b. tachycardia c. dyspnea d. headache 97. Digitalis is ordered for Mrs. Tamayao, a patient is said to be digitalized when: a. administered over a two week period of time b. the attaining of minimum cardiac effect from digitalis has been reached c. the optimum cardiac effect has been reached d. there is sufficient slowing of the pulse 98. The nurse should watch Mrs. Tamayao carefully for symptoms of digitalis toxicity and these are the following symptoms except: a. Nausea and vomiting b. irregular rhythm of the cardiac rate c. mental alertness d. slowing of the pulse

99. The following are the digitalis preparation except: a. digoxin b. cediland c. antistine d. digitoxin 100. Mrs. Tamayao asks the clinic nurse, What is the cause of the chest pain that I experienced? The nurse replied that angina pectoris results from: a. necrosis of the myocardium b. inadequate oxygenation of the heart muscle c. coronary artery obstruction d. hypertrophy of the coronary vessels

surgery? 92. A nurse is conducting a preoperative teaching about the use of an incentive spirometer in the post operative period. The nurse would include which of piece of information in discussions with the client? a. keep a loose seal between the lips and the mouthpiece b. inhale as rapidly as possible c. after maximum inspiration, hold the breath for 10 seconds and exhale d. The best results are achieved when sitting at least half-way or fully upright 93. A nurse is preparing a preoperative client for transfer to the operating room ( OR). The nurse should take which of the following actions in the care of this client at this time? a. administer all the daily medications b. ensure that the client has voided c. verify that the client has not eaten for the last 24 hours d. practice postoperative breathing exercises 94. A postoperative client asks the nurse why is it important to deep breathe and cough after the surgery. In formulating a response, the nurse incorporates the understanding that retained pulmonary secretions in a postoperative client can lead to: a. fluid imbalance b. carbon dioxide retention c. pulmonary edema d. pneumonia

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