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Question : You attended a talk on How to Prevent road accidents after the talk you have been asked

to write a report on ways to prevent accidents.

endangering trip and fall down playing or talking Fatal accidents pedestrian crossing in front of or behind be careful carelessness single file wear bright colours Prepared by to avoid accidents some of the ways to be alert prevented

Point 1 Description of the problem

How to Prevent Road Accidents Every year a number of road accidents involving school students occur. They involve mainly children younger than twelve years old. Many of these accidents are caused by ________________________ either on the part of the drivers involved or on the part of the victims themselves. These accidents could have been ______________ if only certain rules followed. Firstly, always __________________ when crossing the road. Always look right and left and then to the right again to make sure there no oncoming vehicles. Do not play on the road as you cross and do not run across either for you may ____________________. And if there is a ________________________ or bridge ,please use them. It may take some time to cross the bridge but it may save your life. When cycling with friends, do not cycle together. Remember that there other road users. Cycle in a __________________ and keep close to the side of the road. You should not be ___________________ with your friends as you cycle. Pay attention to the vehicles on the road. Also ______________________so that others can see you. Playing on or near the road is another common cause of road accidents. Sometimes, when a field is near a busy road, children may end up running onto the road to get a ball and thus _______________________ themselves. Therefore, do not play near the road _____________________________. Finally do not run __________________________________ a moving car. Sometimes, the driver may not notice you, especially if he is reversing. _____________________ have occurred when a driver reverses a car right into a child who is standing or playing behind the car. On the drivers part, he or she has to look carefully to see whether there is anybody behind the car before reversing it. These are only __________________________ of preventing road accidents. The important thing here is ______________________ and take a lot of care when using the road or when near a moving vehicle. If these steps are taken, at least some of the road accidents that occur can be prevented. ___________________ Shereena Shan Form 3 Adil

Point 2 Be careful when crossing the road.

Point 3 Cycle in a single file and keep close to the side of the road. Point 4 Do not play near the road. Point 5 Do not run in front of or behind a moving car. Conclusion

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