SCDL Latest Attempt Principles and Practices of Management Assignment 16/04/13

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PPM-Assignment-16/04/13 Q-1 Business is environmentally dependent upon external factors, so it has to be

(Multiple choice single select) Flexible Rigid Changeable Fixed

Answer Q-2 The __________________ will change work conditions and the skills required for work

(Fill in the Blank) Changing environment Liberalisation New Executive Board Changing environment

Answer Q-3 Following are part of scalar chain of any organisationVice President Department heads Lawyers Distributors (Multiple choice multiple select)

Answer Q-4 Sales promotion and sales force activities works individually and do not have any relation with each other (True or False) Q-5 True False Management keeps on navigating in the world of (Multiple choice multiple select) Risk Uncertainties Organisational culture Gossiping

Answer Q-6 Match the following


Organisational control built to support controls Controlling is part of Signalling deviations and to correct them Self control

Organisational Values Planning system Data controls Self Corrections

Q-7 Working with experienced people who can handle the work property will contributes to maintain (Multiple choice multiple select) Answer Q-8 Any manager need not have to work as a substitute for any one of his subordinate is absent False True Employees Work ethos Work culture Stability

Answer Q-9 People who comes through ____________ are absorbed at higher management level Specialisation Rich Family Traditional Background Poor Family

Answer Q-10 Alternatives which cannot be operated from the beginning need to be discarded from the first time True False

Answer Q-11 When we write or express a message in a language and this denotes ________ of the message AnswerQ-12 In any organisation, plans are prepared according to (Multiple choice single select) Encoding Decoding

Financial year Calendar year Academic year For 5 years

Answer Q-13 Decision making is more (Multiple choice single select) Psychology based Art based Science based Sociology based

Answer Q-14 In a group, leaders use emotions to (Multiple choice single select) Join the group Influence the group Work the group Stay away from the group


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