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INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION PROCESS RECORDING Initials of the client: J.D.A. Student Nurses Name:Olfindo, Kristine Joy T.

Date: April 16, 2013 Place of Interaction: CCMH

INTERVIEWER (what the student nurse said)

TECHNIQUE USED (Label for the technique used (T) for therapeutic and (NT) for nontherapeutic



Upon the arrival Female ward.



Goodmorning po nanay Joan. (T) Suotin niyo po itong tsinelas na dala ko para hindi po madumihan ang paa niyo sa paglalakad.

Giving recognition or Greeting NV: Client greeted the interviewer with a smile on her face and nodded.

V: Goodmorning din!Sige, salamat!

Greeting the client by name indicates awareness of the student nurse regarding their identity of the assigned patient.

Ako nga po pala si Kristine. Tintin na lang po ang itawag (T) niyo sakin, nay Joan.

V: Sige. Tintin. NV: Client nodded. smiled and

Offering self

Kristine Joy Olfindo/ BSN 3-2/ Group 2

INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION PROCESS RECORDING Initials of the client: J.D.A. Student Nurses Name:Olfindo, Kristine Joy T. Date: April 16, 2013 Place of Interaction: CCMH

While walking from the ward towards the sink. Nay Joan, punta po tayo doon (T) sa may lababo. Maghilamos na po muna kayo at hugasan niyo po yung kamay at paa niyo. Tapos po ay magsipilyo po kayo. V: Sige! Naghilamos na din ako kaso di ko pa Giving recognition nahuhugasan ang kamay Stating the at paa ko. observed Suggesting NV: The patient slightly collaboration smiled and held the hand Accepting of the student nurse Making indicating excitement. observation

Giving them instructions on the next activity and recognition toward it will help her to understand what she will do independently or with proper assitance of the student nurse. Dorothea Orems self-care theory states that self-care is where an individual performs independently throughout life to promote and maintain personal well-being. (Kozier and Erbs Fundamentals in Nursing, 5th ed. Volume 1; p. 452 and 19)

(NT) Overloading: The interviewer shouldnt have talked rapidly and shouldnt have changed the topic too quickly. While walking from the sink
Kristine Joy Olfindo/ BSN 3-2/ Group 2

This will indicate if she is socially

INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION PROCESS RECORDING Initials of the client: J.D.A. Student Nurses Name:Olfindo, Kristine Joy T. to the Social Hall. Kamusta Nay? naman po kayo (T) Date: April 16, 2013 Place of Interaction: CCMH active in the given activities of any situations that she will encounter and the readiness of the patient towards any given activities.

V: Ayos naman ako. Giving broad openings NV: The patient looked Giving down the floor and Giving them the instruction will help information observing the other them to be aware of the activities patients. that they will be executed.

(NT) Overloading: The interviewer shouldnt have talked rapidly and shouldnt have changed the topic too quickly.

Nay pupunta lang po tayo sa social hall. Tapos po may

Kristine Joy Olfindo/ BSN 3-2/ Group 2

V: Sige. Marunong naman ako magdrawing.

INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION PROCESS RECORDING Initials of the client: J.D.A. Student Nurses Name:Olfindo, Kristine Joy T. gagawin lang tayo na mga activities doon. Magdradrawing po at gagawa ng pamaypay. Mahilig po ba kayo magdrawing? Arrival at the Bayanihan hall. Upo po tayo. Tabi po ako sa inyo. (T) Suggesting collaboration Date: April 16, 2013 Place of Interaction: CCMH

NV: The patient noded and looked me in the eyes and smiled. The patient followed the instructions. She responds in every action that are being asked to her. V: Sige lang. NV: The patient noded and smiled Vital signs monitoring is a baseline of knowledge of the student nurse and comparing it to the normal V: Sige, ayos lang. deviation. It is an important factor of assessing the patient. This can be NV: The patient noded and done by inspections and palpation. smiled back. Through this, you can analyze if there are existing problems toward your patient. (Bierman A (2001). "Functional Status: The Sixth Vital Sign". J

Sitting at the Bayanihan hall. Nay, bago po tayo magkwentuhan. Kukuhaan ko muna kayo ng B/P sa may braso niyo po at ng temperature sa may kili-kili po. Malalaman po natin kung mataas po ba ang B/P niyo at kung may lagnat po kayo o wala. Ayos lang po ba nay?

(T) Giving information Focusing Accepting Making observation Consensus Validation

Kristine Joy Olfindo/ BSN 3-2/ Group 2

INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION PROCESS RECORDING Initials of the client: J.D.A. Student Nurses Name:Olfindo, Kristine Joy T. Date: April 16, 2013 Place of Interaction: CCMH Gen Intern Med 16 (11): 785 6. doi:10.1111/j.15251497.2001.10918.x.PMC 1495293. PMID 11722694.)

(NT) Overloading: The interviewer shouldnt have talked rapidly and shouldnt have changed the topic too quickly. Sige po at magkwentuhan tayo nay! Ayos lang po ba sa inyo nay na pag-usapan natin ang tungkol sa buhay niyo po? (T) V: Sige.

Using broad openings is a form of therapeutic communication and is Giving broad openings NV: The patient noded and usually used by the student nurse in order to start a conversation with Focusing looked down at the floor. the patient. This is used to make Accepting the patient lead the conversation Encouraging themselves and to check if the Description of patient is interested to talk to the Perception student nurse. Consensus Validation (Barbara Johnsons PsychiatricMental Health Nursing, 2nd edition; p. 46) V: Nanay ko Giving broad Evangeline. Tatay ko openings Ronaldo. May pamilya din ako. Tatlo nga anak si The patient introduces her identity si to the student nurse, indicates na establishing rapport. ko

Nay, ano po ang pangalan ng mga magulang niya


Kristine Joy Olfindo/ BSN 3-2/ Group 2

INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION PROCESS RECORDING Initials of the client: J.D.A. Student Nurses Name:Olfindo, Kristine Joy T. e. NV: The patient looked from a far view and then looked at me and smiled. Begun to formed silence. May pamilya na po pala kayo. Di po ba? Sige po, kwentuhan niyo po ako tungkol sa pamilya niyo. At kung anu-ano po ang pangalan nila. (T) Seeking clarification is a method of making the patients broad overall Restating Focusing meaning of the message more Accepting understandable. It is used when the Clarifying paraphrasing is difficult or when the Encouraging communication is rambling or Description of garbled. To clarify the message, the Perception NV: The patient looked me nurse can restate the basic in the eyes. message or confess confusion and ask the patient to repeat or restate (NT) Overloading: the message. The interviewer shouldnt have (Kozier and Erbs Fundamentals talked rapidly and in Nursing, 8th Ed, Vol 1; p. 470). shouldnt have changed the topic too quickly. (T) Asking question V: Sa Burban. The patient verbalizes the place where she thought she came from. She used to detailed the place V: Oo. Tatlo anak ko. Yung asawa ko si Zaldy. Ang mga anak ko ay sina Reymark, Trina saka di ko na kilala. Date: April 16, 2013 Place of Interaction: CCMH

Ah. Nay, saan po kayo nakatira dati?

Kristine Joy Olfindo/ BSN 3-2/ Group 2

INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION PROCESS RECORDING Initials of the client: J.D.A. Student Nurses Name:Olfindo, Kristine Joy T. Accepting NV: The patient scratching her head. Date: April 16, 2013 Place of Interaction: CCMH is where she thinks she belongs.

(NT) Changing the subject: The interviewer couldve restated the clients opinion to validate and explore more about the coping mechanism/ways of the client in solving problems instead of changing the subject right away. (NT) Laughing at the client: The interviewer should not laugh at the clients experience. Stating the observed would have been fine and sounded alright if I
Kristine Joy Olfindo/ BSN 3-2/ Group 2

INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION PROCESS RECORDING Initials of the client: J.D.A. Student Nurses Name:Olfindo, Kristine Joy T. didnt laugh. Next time, I must learn to control my emotions in front of the client. Saan po ang Burban? (T) Asking question V: Malayo pa yun. Sa may doon. Tapos magbabarko ka pa. Doon din nakatira ang pamilya ko. The patient pointed out the place where the so-called Burban is. She used to clarify the type of transportation and where her family belongs. Date: April 16, 2013 Place of Interaction: CCMH

NV: The patient pointed her finger vertically. Before executing exercises. Nay Joan. Magsasalita lang po ako sa harap. Tapos mag eexercise na po tayo. The patient followed the instruction that is given to her. (T) Giving information NV: The patient nodded her head. After executing exercises. Napagod po ba kayo? (T) Asking question The patient verbalizes he feelings after the activity that she had V: Hindi naman. Tama accomplished. This will promote lang. sense of well being.This statement of the patient indicates her V: Okey.

Kristine Joy Olfindo/ BSN 3-2/ Group 2

INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION PROCESS RECORDING Initials of the client: J.D.A. Student Nurses Name:Olfindo, Kristine Joy T. Date: April 16, 2013 Place of Interaction: CCMH willingness and voluntary NV: The patient wiped her cooperation because she is sweats in her forehead. interested as well with the activities provided. Before doing the occupational and art therapy. Nay, gawa na po tayo ng pamaypay tapos drawingan na po natin yun. Kulayan natin tapos ilagay niyo po yung mga gusto niyo na designs. Tulungan ko po kayo nay. (T) Giving information Offering self Accepting Making observations The patient shows that she possesses low self-esteem and that she has no confidence in doing the things expected to her to be done V: Sige. Ikaw bahala. since she always feel detach from Pwede ba ilagay ang others companion and that no one pangalan ko. Pati na din give words of encouragement to yung sayo. her. NV: The patient tapped me (Kozier, Fundamental of in the shoulder and smiled Nursing 5th edition 2002, at me. Taxonomy of Nursing Diagnosis,page 123)

(NT) Overloading: The interviewer shouldnt have talked rapidly and shouldnt have changed the topic too quickly. Hehe. Ayan nay! Kulayan niyo (T) pa po yung pamaypay. Giving recognition

V: Yang kulay blue at The patients promotes yellow gusto ko, Tin-tin! independence towards the activity

Kristine Joy Olfindo/ BSN 3-2/ Group 2

INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION PROCESS RECORDING Initials of the client: J.D.A. Student Nurses Name:Olfindo, Kristine Joy T. Dagdagan niyo pa po kung anong design ang gusto niyo para mas gumanda. Offering General NV: The patient pointed the Leads/Facilita color she wants. tion Making observations Date: April 16, 2013 Place of Interaction: CCMH that has been given to her. Increases the artistic skill and cognitive ability of the patient toward the certain activity.

(NT) Laughing at the client: The interviewer should not laugh at the clients experience. Stating the observed would have been fine and sounded alright if I didnt laugh. Next time, I must learn to control my emotions in front of the client. While doing the occupational and art therapy. Nay. Naalala niyo pa po ba
Kristine Joy Olfindo/ BSN 3-2/ Group 2


Exploration is being used therapeutically if the nurse wants to know more about the patient and the patients history as well. This V: Oo. Nasa wheelchair will also determine the ability of the

INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION PROCESS RECORDING Initials of the client: J.D.A. Student Nurses Name:Olfindo, Kristine Joy T. kung kelan kayo napunta dito sa CCMH? Seeking information Placing the event in time or sequence Date: April 16, 2013 Place of Interaction: CCMH ako noon. Tapos kinausap patient to answer and convey his ako ng doktor. Galing ako thoughts in an understandable way. sa Burban tapos ayun napunta na ako. (Barbara Johnsons PsychiatricMental Health Nursing, 2nd Ed; p. NV: The patient smiled at 46) me. V: Hindi na. Simula ng The patient reminisce the time dumating ako dito, hindi ko when her family visits her. As na sila nakita. observed, she feels disappointed and sad about it. NV: The patient slightly looked at me and looked down. Formed a fake smile. The patient shows the fan that she decorated and interpret what she had put on her fan. She introduced V: Ah doon sa harapan. herself as part of greeting and Sige. presenting what she have done. NV: The patient held my hand and then slowly walked and approched the
Kristine Joy Olfindo/ BSN 3-2/ Group 2

Ah. Ganoon po pala. Dinadalaw pa din po ba kayo ng pamilya niyo? Gaya po ng sinabi niyo kanina

(T) Seeking information Accepting Restating

Before doing the music and dance therapy. Sige po nay. Ipakita natin sa kanila yung ginawa niyo tapos po magpakilala ka po. (T) Giving information

INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION PROCESS RECORDING Initials of the client: J.D.A. Student Nurses Name:Olfindo, Kristine Joy T. micropone. While performing the music and dance therapy. Nay. Gusto niyo po bang sumayaw? (T) Asking question The patient refused to do certain activity because of feeling of exhaustion and is being tired due to V: Ayoko. Uupo na lang the activities that have performed. ako. NV: The patient looked at the floor and watching the other patients singing and dancing. Sige po nay. Upo na lang po tayo doon. Napapagod na po ba kayo o nagugutom? (T) Sige po nay. Pagtapos po nila sumayaw. Kakain na po tayo. (T) Making observations Giving information Asking question Accepting Offering self Seeking information Making observations V: Hindi pa naman. The patient shows feeling of relaxation towards the activities that NV: The patient looked at we have participated. She needs to the food corner. rest herself for the next activity that she wants perfom. Date: April 16, 2013 Place of Interaction: CCMH

V: Ikaw bahala. NV: The patient looked at me and smiled.

The patient agreed on what the student nurse is saying.

Kristine Joy Olfindo/ BSN 3-2/ Group 2

INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION PROCESS RECORDING Initials of the client: J.D.A. Student Nurses Name:Olfindo, Kristine Joy T. Nay, tignan niyo po sila. Nasayaw at nakanta. Marunong po ba kayong kumanta? Sige po nay. Kanta po kayo. (T) Seeking information Date: April 16, 2013 Place of Interaction: CCMH V: Oo. Paborito ko yung The patient improves her selfNang ibigin kita. esteem through the used of singing her favorite song. NV: The patient smiled at me. V: Nang ibigin kita mundo The patient proves that she used ti ko ay nagbago... remembered her favorite song and is happily singing it. NV: The patient smiled while singing and looked down. The patient verbalizes the need for food. This indicates that the patient is concerned about his physiologic needs as an individual. V: Ayoko. Ikaw na lang. Abraham Maslows hierarchy of needs in which he used a pyramid NV: The patient looked at to arrange and illustrate the basic me at scratching her head. drives or needs that motivate people. The most basic need is the physiologic needs that include food and water. The patient followed the instruction of the student nurse and used to V: Ayos naman. Mahilig compliment the food that was

(T) Accepting Exploring

After the music and dance therapy. Kain na po tayo nay! Kuha na po tayo ng pagkain. (T) Giving information

During the feeding time. Masarap po ba ang pagkain

Kristine Joy Olfindo/ BSN 3-2/ Group 2


INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION PROCESS RECORDING Initials of the client: J.D.A. Student Nurses Name:Olfindo, Kristine Joy T. Nay? Dahan-dahan lang po ah, baka mabulunan kayo. Asking question Giving information ako sa tasty. NV: The patient removed the ham and cheese and continously ate the bread. V: Ayos lang din. Sapat The patient answered what is being na. asked to her as part of the feedback. NV: The patient nodded her head. The patient enjoyed the day being with her student nurse and that she V: Sige Tin-tin salamat! still wants and expects another day Bukas ulit. to be with her. It is a good sign of trust and improved self-esteem NV: The patient smiled at because the patient is already me and held my hand. verbalizing her feelings. Date: April 16, 2013 Place of Interaction: CCMH prepared for them.

Kamusta naman po yung pagkain sa ward niyo po. Masasarap naman po ba?

(T) Asking question

Sending back to the ward. Nay, balik na po tayo sa ward (T) niyo. Bukas po ulit magkikita tayo. Maglalaro naman po tayo bukas. Bukas na lang din po natin ipagpatuloy yung kwentuhan natin. Salamat po Nay!

Giving information

Kristine Joy Olfindo/ BSN 3-2/ Group 2

INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION PROCESS RECORDING Initials of the client: J.D.A. Student Nurses Name:Olfindo, Kristine Joy T. Evaluation: On the first handling of the patient, J.D.A. appeared to be shy and anxious. Though, she responds in every questions that are being asked by the student nurse. She used to walked slowly and was not seen to be as cheerful unliked the other patients. When we are doing our activities of daily living, J.D.A independently do all the tasks that are being assigned to her. She talked in a gentle manner. While taking her at the Social Hall, she always agrees in the diffrent activities that are being executed. She used to smile, looked down at the far view or in the floor and looked in my eyes. She also scratches her head when thinking of the answer when being asked on a certain situation. All in all, patient J.D.A. followed every intructions and very cooperative in any situations or activities that are given to them. Though, she does not participates in some activities but still you can noticed the smiles and joys on her face based on the non-verbal cues.s Date: April 16, 2013 Place of Interaction: CCMH

Kristine Joy Olfindo/ BSN 3-2/ Group 2

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