4th Sem Syllabus

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Course Code: MIB 401 Credit Units: 03

Module I: Information Technology in Management Fundamentals of Information Technology in management Organizations, Environments, IT & IS E-business/E-commerce in global scenario: Role in transforming business and management in organizations with focus on IB Use of communication systems in information management Module II: Information Systems within Business Management Introduction to common used system and models Relationship between IS, organizations and business processes Types of IS(TPS, OAS, MIS, DSS, ESS and SIS) Information management and decision making Managing international Information systems Module III: Knowledge based systems Intelligent support systems & concepts of Artificial Intelligence Data Mining & Data warehousing Emerging trends in Information management systems Module IV: Managerial implications of IT/IS in Global business Planning, Organizing and controlling Information Security, Tools and techniques Legal and Ethical issues Future of Information management Module V: Practical aspects and applications of IT/IS Introduction to MIS packages and tools Web interface and techniques Introduction to ERP & CRM solutions


Module I: Negotiation fundamentals The nature of Negotiation Strategy and Tactics of Distributive Bargaining Integrative Negotiation Negotiation Strategy and Planning Module II: Negotiation sub-processes Perception Cognition and Emotion Communication Finding and using negotiation Power. Influence: Routes to Influence Role of Receivers in Influence Ethics in Negotiation Module III: Negotiation context Relationships in Negotiation: Key Elements in Managing Negotiations within Relationships Parties in Negotiation: Coalitions, The nature of Multi-party negotiation Module IV: Understanding Basics of Global Sourcing Definition, need and relevance of Global Sourcing Evolution of sourcing Purchasing a dynamic profession- origins of purchasing and transition to supply chain management Five major developments- cross functional teams, supply chain and supply networks, supply alliances, strategic sourcing, e-procurement, global sourcing Module V: Types of Global Sourcing Global sourcing of HR, Accounting or Finance Global sourcing of Procurement/Supply Chain Global sourcing of Innovation Global sourcing Governance: PMO, contracts, key roles Emerging Trends Module VI: International Sourcing Decisions Manufacturing/National brands Private label brands Premium branding International sourcing Costs associated with global sourcing decisions Foreign currency fluctuations Tariffs Free trade zones and Retailing Managerial issues associated with Global sourcing decisions International vendor management Module VII: Foundations of Entrepreneurship Development Concept and Need of Entrepreneurship Development Definition of Entrepreneur, Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Invention, Creativity, Business Idea, Opportunities through change. Concepts of Entrepreneur, Manager, Intrapreneur / Corporate Entrepreneur comparative study Roles, Responsibilities, Career opportunities. Entrepreneurship as a career, Entrepreneurship as a style of management, The changing role of the entrepreneur: mid career dilemmas Closing the window: Sustaining Competitiveness Maintaining competitive advantage. (8) Module VIII: Theories of Entrepreneurship Innovation Theory by Schumpeter & Imitating Theory of High Achievement by McClelland X-Efficiency Theory by Leibenstein Theory of Profit by Knight Theory of Social change by Everett Hagen (9) Module IX: Influences on Entrepreneurship Development Entrepreneurial Traits External Influences on Entrepreneurship Development: Socio-Cultural, Political, Economical, Personal. Entrepreneurial culture with special reference to Intrapreneurship / Corporate Entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurial Success and Failure: Reasons and Remedies.

Course Code: Course Objective:
The influx of multinationals, FDIs and Retail Management makes global communication a harsh reality and offers cultural communication challenges. This course is designed to inculcate transcultural communication skills among the young Amitians.

MIB 442

Credit Units: 01

Course Contents:
Module I: Importance of Culture in Communication Principles of effective cross cultural communication Developing Communication Competence Module II: Barriers to effective communication Sender, Receiver and Situation related barriers Measures to overcome the barriers Listening skills Module III: Cross cultural communication Characteristics of culture Social differences Contextual differences Nonverbal differences Ethnocentrism


Course Code: Course Objective:
This course aims at imparting an understanding of: Build and leverage your professional reputation Maintain focus in pressure situations Make a balanced choice between professional and personal commitments

MIB 443

Credit Units: 01

Course Contents:
Module I: Individual, Society and Nation Individual Differences and Dimensions of Personality Socialization Process Relating to the Nation: Values, Culture, Religion Sense of pride and Patriotism Managing Diversity Module II: Components of Excellence Personal Excellence: Identifying long-term choices and goals Uncovering the talent, strength & style Analyzing choke points in your personal processes by analysis in area of placements, events, seminars, conference, extracurricular activities, projects etc. Developing professional power: Goal-setting, time management, handling criticism, interruptions and time wasters Module III: Career Planning Knowing ones Interest and Aptitude Identifying available Resources Setting goals to maintain focus: Developing Positive attributes in personality Self-reliance and Employability skills Module IV: Stress Management for Healthy Living Meaning and Nature of Stress Stages of stress Causes and Consequences of stress: Personal, Organizational and Environmental Personal Styles and strategies of coping Module V: Professional Success Building independence & interdependence Reducing resistance to change Continued reflection (Placements, events, seminars, conferences, projects extracurricular Activities etc.) Module VI: End-of-Semester Appraisal Viva based on personal journal Assessment of Behavioural change as a result of training Exit Level Rating by Self and Observer

Course Code: Course Objective:
To enable students acquire working knowledge of the language; to give them vocabulary, grammar, voice modulations/intonations to handle everyday Spanish situations with ease.

MIB 446

Credit Units: 02

Course Contents:
Module I Revision of earlier semester modules Introduction to Present Continuous Tense (Gerunds) Module II Translation with Present Continuous Tense Introduction to Gustar, Parecer, Apetecer, doler Module III Imperatives (positive and negative commands of regular verbs) Module IV Commercial/ business vocabulary Module V Simple conversation with help of texts and vocabulary En la recepcion del hotel En el restaurante En la agencia de viajes En la tienda/supermercado

Examination Scheme:
Components Weightage (%) CT1 20 CT2 20 C 20 I 20 V 15 A 5

C Project +Presentation I Interaction/Conversation Practice

Text & References:

Espaol Sin Fronteras (Nivel Elemental)


Course Code: MIB 413 Credit Units: 04

Course Objective: To prepare the students as organization change facilitators using the knowledge and techniques of behavioral sciences.

Course Contents:
Module I: Introduction Organization Development-Concept, process, assumption and values, underlying OD, foundation of OD, emergence of OD as an applied behavioral science Case Study Module II: Organizational Diagnosis Typology of organizations, techniques of organizational diagnosis, questionnaires, interviews, workshops, task forces and other methods, action research. Change Agents: Role, skills and styles of change agents, relation with client system, Case Study Module III Organizational Change, Renewal and Development: Planned change, organizational growth and its implication for change, Kurt Lewins model of change, Force Field Analysis, Change cycles, power and participative types, organizational renewal and re-energizing, role of creativity and innovation, institution building, Case Study Module IV: Organization Development Intervention Structural interventions, Work Redesign, work modules, Quality of worklife, Management by objectives, Quality circle Behavioral Interventions: Sensitivity training, Transactional Analysis, Career Planning, Case Study Module V: Inter-growth interventions Team building, survey feedback, Rensis Likert4 system of management, Grid OD, Case Study Module VI: Organization Development and Human Resource Development OD-HRD Interface, participation of top management in OD/ HRDE, OD research and practice in perspective, future of OD, Case StudY


Course Code: Course Contents:
Module I: Theory and Concepts of Industrial Relations IR Theories, Attitudes and Different Schools of thought Roles of Workers, Management & Government in IR Conditions for good IR and cause of poor IR Summary & Review Questions, Case Studies. Module II: Trade Unions and Industrial Disputes Function of Trade Union, Types & structure of Trade Union, Impact of globalization on Trade union movement. Origin and Importance of Trade unions, Forms of Unrest & Effect of strikes, Changing Public Perception of Trade unions, Future role of Trade unions in India, Trade Union Act 1926, Industrial Dispute Act 1947, Machinery for settlement of industrial disputes, key provisions of I. D Act Summary & Review Questions, Case Studies. Module III: Collective Bargaining Collective Bargaining-Meaning, Characteristics, Need, Importance, Essential Conditions for Success of Collective Bargaining, Process of Collective Bargaining, Causes for Failure of Collective Bargaining Summary & Review Questions, Case Studies. Module IV: Grievance Management Types, Causes and Effects of grievances Model grievance Redressal in India & Procedure Handling a grievance & Enforcing Grievance resolution methodology Collecting & Analyzing Grievance data Summary & Review Questions, Case Studies. Module V: Employee discipline and workers participation Importance of discipline & disciplinary actions (Process and limitations) Handling indiscipline Managements options Workers Participation in Management-Concept, Pre-Requisites, Levels of Participation, Benefits of Participation. Summary & Review Questions, Case Studies. Module VI: Labour Legislation Scope and significance of social security, legislations Labour Legislations: Industrial Dispute Act, Factories Act, Payment of Wages Act, Workmen's Compensation Act. Important Provisions of Employees' State Insurance Act, Payment of Gratuity Act, Employees Provident Fund Act. Summary & Review Questions, Case Studies.

MIB 414

Credit Units: 04

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