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Mock exam

2nd year Bac

1955 2 : 2005_200 6 2 : 2 : Television Changes the Rules The influence of television on sports cannot be overestimated. The influence is based on the insatiable appetite of the public for sporting events. This vast market can be reached at one time only by radio and television, and television is by far the preferred medium. . The visual impact of television has brought hours of every known sport, from arm wrestling to yachting, into the living rooms of millions of viewers. The influence of television derives from its visual immediacy, but its power over sports is based on money. The money comes from commercial sponsors, who buy broadcast time from the television companies. The television stations and the networks then must often pay the professional leagues or other organizations for the right to broadcast the events. By 1989 more than 400 corporations had established budgets for sports marketing. Direct corporate sponsorship makes the company name known to television viewers; General Motors, for example, was spending 581,000 dollars a day. Another aspect of corporate marketing involves obtaining the services of well-known athletes to do commercials. The power of television to create and sustain viewing markets has allowed it to influence the playing of the games. In some cases the rules have been changed to accommodate programming. Changes such as the 20-second rule and the 3-point basket in basketball have not necessarily been mandated by television, but they have been adopted to speed up the game and to make it more appealing to viewers. The

tiebreaker that was introduced to shorten televised tennis matches was soon adopted for regular tournament play. The number of time-outs has been increased during games to allow for commercials. Everyone who watches professional football is aware of the two-minute warning near the end of each half. The time is, of course, used for commercials. And viewers who once enjoyed football halftime shows now must usually miss them, while commercials and scores from other games are broadcast. Television has also been responsible for changes in the scheduling of games. Because of television marketing, baseball has become largely a night game. Most World Series games, except for those played on weekends, are broadcast at night. Games that were once played at the same time are now spaced out to hold viewers. A. C O M P R E H E N S I O N : 15 MARKS I- Find in the text words or expressions meaning the same as: 3 marks 1. effect of the picture. 2. keep 3. attractive II- What do the underlined words in the text refer to? 3 marks 1. this vast market (line 2) 2. they (line 17) 3. them (line 23) 2/2 1955 2 : 2005-2004 : 2 : 2 : III- Complete the following sentences with information from the text: 4 marks 1. In order to fit the programming of TV, some------------------------------------------- . 2. During football halftimes, ------------------------------------------------------------- . IV- Answer these questions according to the text: 5 marks 1. How does TV get money? 2. Pick out from the text two reasons explaining the great influence of TV on sports. 3. How do sport sponsors benefit from their sponsorship? 4. What is the writers purpose? One- To show the importance of TV in the life of sportsmen. Two- To persuade the reader to practice sport. Three- To show the power of TV over sport. Four- To present different sports to the reader. B. L A N G U A G E : 10 MARKS I- Rewrite these sentences as indicated: 3 marks 1. TV has brought sporting events into the living rooms of millions of viewers. Sporting events------------------------------------------------------------------------ .

2. The Moroccan football team didnt win the last African Cup in Tunisia. We wish ------------------------------------------------------------------------- . 3. Morocco has lately launched a new channel. This channel aims to educate its viewers. The new channel ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- . II- fill in the blanks with the correct word from the list: 2 marks Come across- find out- turn down- pick up- Fill in You didnt (-1) the application form correctly; they will certainly (--2-it--). III- Give the correct form of the words between brackets: 3 marks Parents are worried about the (1-harm) effects of TV on their children. They believe in the (2-necessary) of guiding their children and the need for more (3- education) channels. IV- Fill in the blanks with an appropriate word to form collocations: 2 marks There is no (--1--) evidence about the effects of TV on children; there are just some plausible (--2--) about them. However, all specialists agree that parents should be vigilant when their children are watching TV. C. W R I T I N G: 15 MARKS Write an article to your school magazine showing the effects of TV on students.

Test 1

Reading - TV

In the past the choice of entertainment was very limited. But nowadays, there are different means of entertainment. One of them is television. Since 1950s, and due to its constant change and development, TV has won a universal popularity. It has had more influence on peoples lives than any other technological innovation in the 20th century. Television has already transformed our daily life structure by changing different traditional routines and ways of dressing, eating, thinking and communicating. Thus, it has become the most powerful means of communication since practically every family has a set at home. It keeps us informed about the world news, and broadens our horizons by enriching our knowledge of other nations cultures, history, sciences

and arts. Besides, TV provides a lot of entertainment to people of different ages. However, TV has dominated all our free time by replacing traditional entertainment and pastime activities such as playing games. It has even destroyed social and family interaction as there is no time left to our family gathering. It is time to control the dominance of the magic box on our daily life. We shall not allow it to kill our childrens physical and mental development. A- COMPREHENSION: I-Find in the text the synonym of: (2 marks) 1 has changed completely: .. 2.enlarges: . II- What do the following words refer to in the text: (2 marks) 1. them (paragraph 1) : .. 2. the magic box (paragraph4) : III-Are these statements true or false? Justify with evidence from the text . (2 marks) 1.television has positively affected the family relations. 2.Television has taken the place of the classical free time activities. IV- Basing on the text give one advantage and one disadvantage of Television: (2 marks) 1.Advantage: .. 2.Drawback: ..

Test n 2

Reading TV 2

People in Britain have the choice of three different channels beside the satellite ones. Two are rune by the BBC. BBC1 runs from 10 am to 12 pm including three hours off lessons for school. BBC2 is for the more serious viewers. It includes programmes on art, literature and politics. ITA runs the third channel. It gets its income from commercials which interrupt programmes every 12 or 15 minutes. Television now reaches 98 % of the population all over the country. Television has radically changed the habits of the British people. They read less, go to bed late and eat meals in front of the TV set. TV films have led to the closure of many cinemas and have enormously influenced politics, religion and the press. Shopping has changed a lot because of TV advertisements. But television has also had its advantages. It has broadened the minds of people in the country areas and encouraged many others to start new hobbies and listen to serious discussions. The old and sick have the comfort of having television in their homes. There is even a TV university which offers the opportunity to study new subjects. In short, the world of television has come into the homes of millions of people. ( 8 MARKS ) 1. Find in the text words with the same or similar meaning to: (2MARKS) a. totally / completely :............................. b. Have caused :................................... 2. Are these sentences true or false? Justify your answer. (2 MARKS ) 1.TV has a litte influence on what the British buy . 2.Cinemas have suffered because of the comercials. 3. Answer the following questions without copying from the text. (2 MARKS ) a. Which paragraph talk about the positive side of TV? b. Why does ITA present many advetisements? 3. What do the uderlined words refer to in the text (2 MARKS ) 1.It:.......................... 2. they:...........................

Test n 3

Health in America

Health in America.

When Americans go abroad, one of their biggest concerns is, "Can you drink the water?" You may find asking yourself the same question, especially in a hip, urban setting where you may notice many people, young and old, drinking from large and small plastic bottles. And these people will tell you, fiercely to put the fear of God in you, that "No! You cannot drink the tap water in this country anymore!" Ignore these people. These are the same kind of people who will also inform you that you will drop dead before 40, or worse, become ugly fat, and stupid if you don't jog or join an expensive health club where you pay to sweat. Now simply turn the tap water and drink long and deep to quench your thirst. Do not be surprised the next morning if you still feel healthy and energetic. Unless you come from a country, or stopped over in one, where dreaded diseases such as cholera, malaria, yellow or dengue fever are a fact of daily life, you do not need inoculations to enter America. Availability of certain drugs are also restricted. What you have been able to get at your neighborhood pharmacy in your country may require a doctor's prescription. So if you take medications, (e.g., for blood pressure or cholesterol), you must find an American doctor who can prescribe them for you. Or bring extra enough to last during your stay. ( 8 MARKS ) 1. Are these statements true or false? JUSTIFY your answer with evidence from the text: a. The water from the tap is not good in America. b. You need to be vaccinated if you travel to America. 2. Answer the following questions according to the text (2 points). a. What can you do if you go to America after having been prescribed a certain medicine? b. Why do some America people drink water from plastic bottles? 3. What do the following words refer to in the text? a.these people b. where: 4. Find in the text words which mean almost the same as: a.worry,anxiety.. b. satisfy by drinking:.

Test N 4
Genome map

A six country scientific association revealed that it had drawn up a complete human *genome map, completing one of the most ambitious scientific projects ever, and offering a major opportunity for medical advances. The president of this association which comprises Britain, China, Germany, Japan and the United states of America, said the work had been finished two years ahead of schedule. The heads of governments of these countries said in a joint statement that now revolutionary progress will be made in biomedical sciences and in the health welfare of mankind. Scientists have predicted that major progress can now be made in many incurable and genetic diseases. The National human Genome Research Institute, the leading agency in the United States, said the work was historic. It added in a statement that the international efforts to sequence the three billion DNA letters in the human genome is considered by many to be one of the most ambitious scientific undertakings of all time, even compared to splitting the atom or going to the moon. Francis Collins, the leader of the international team said, all the projects goals have been completed successfully- well in advance of the original deadline and for a cost substantially less than the original estimates. The human genome map cost about $ 2.7 billion to draw up, about $300 million under the predicted cost, according to the US institute. Research by hundreds of experts at 20 centres in the six countries started in 1990 and a first draft of the human sequence was made public in June 2000. Scientists announced last February that they had completed a map of 95 % of the human genome. Their outstanding work will be noted in the history of science and technology, and as well in the history of humankind, as a landmark achievement. Knowledge of the human genome will enable scientists to find better ways of preventing medical problems, new drugs to treat previously untreatable disorders and medicines with fewer side effects, according to experts. The Observer, April 2003 I- COMPREHENSION A- Answer these questions. 1. What scientific achievement did the association announce? .. .. 2. How do scientists describe the human genome map? .. .. 3. How long did it take the experts to complete the genome map? ..

.. B-Are these sentences True or False? Justify 1. The heads of states in the six countries reacted positively to the genome map. .. .. 2. The cot of the project was over-estimated at the beginning. .. .. 3. The research was conducted in the USA. .. .. C. What do the underlined words refer to in the text: 1. the work (paragraph 1) 2. these countries ( paragraph 1) 3. their ( paragraph 1) D- Find in the text words or expressions which mean almost the same as. 1. planned programme ( paragraph 1 ) 2. Prosperity ( paragraph 2 ) 3. approximate calculations ( paragraph 3 )

Mock exam


Small doses of aspirin, taken regularly, may prevent fatal colon cancer, the American council society has concluded after a major study designed to help researchers find links between cancer and lifestyle. The study, based on an American cancer society survey that began in 1982, involved 662424 People in all 50 US states, Puerto Rico and Washington DC and was published in todays New England Journal of Medicine. Dr Michael J. Thun and his colleagues found that the people who took aspirin 16 times or more per month subsequently had a death rate from colon cancer that was 41 % lower than the rate among people who did not take the medicine. Colon cancer kills about 53000 Americans a year. Among people aged 35 to 74, colorectal cancer is the second leading cause of cancer deaths among men and the third leading cause among women. Only lung and breast cancers are bigger killers. If something as minimal as one aspirin every other day can reduce that number, then this could be an important public health intervention, said Thun, the societys director of analytical epidemiology. Many doctors already recommend an aspirin every other day to prevent heart disease. Among patients now following that advice, it is distinctly possible that they may reduce their risk of fatal colon cancer also, he said. Besides aspirin, other nonsteroid drugs that fight inflammation may produce the same effect. But people who regularly took acetaminophen, the active ingredient Tylenol, did not see a reduction in their cancer risk. Whether aspirin directly cuts the risk of developing a colon tumour, or whether the age-old drug simply increases the likelihood that a person will survive the disease, is not known because the Thun study only looked at death rates. A. C O M P R E H E N S I O N : 15 MARKS I- Answer the following questions: ( 2 MARKS ) 1. What the biggest killing cancers in the United States? 2. Why do many doctors advise their patients to take an aspirin everyday? 3. What can prevent heart disease and colon cancer? II- Find in the text words or expressions meaning the same as: ( 3 MARKS ) 1. Particular way of living of a person (paragraph 1) 2.connections (paragraph 2) .. 3. Advise (paragraph 2) 4. Moreover (paragraph 2) 5. Probability (paragraph 2) III- Say whether these statements are true or false. Justify:( 3 MARKS ) 1.Becuse of colon cancer, more than 53000 Americans die a year. 2.A lot of physicians prescribe aspirin to prevent heart disease 3. people who suffer from colon cancer do not risk danger if they take aspirin regularly. IV- Complete these sentences according to the text ( 2 marks ) 1. Lung and breast cancers kill more.. 2. It is unknown that aspirin can..

IV- What do the underlined words in the text refer to? ( 2 marks ) 1. medicine 2. that advice B. L A N G U A G E : 10 MARKS I- Rewrite these sentences beginning with the words given: (3 marks ) 1.You shouldnt expect immediate results from the experiment. Immediate results ------------------------------------------------------------------------ . 2.I dont earn much money . I wish ------------------------------------------------------------------------- . 3.Morocco has lately launched a new channel. This channel aims to educate its viewers. The new channel -------------------------------------------------------------------------------. II- fill in the blanks with the correct word from the list: ( 3 marks ) Fall for find out put off - come across pick up tell off1. Ive lost my extra car keys. If you ------------------------- them while youre cleaning the room, please put them in a safe place. 2. The boss was obliged to his secretary for making private telephone calls from the office. 3. The football match was .because of the bad weather . III- Give the correct form of the words between brackets: (2 marks) 1. What is so impressive about European societies is the (efficient) of the public services. 2. The college is not able to expand because of (restriction) planning laws. IV- Fill in the blanks with an appropriate word to form collocations: (2 marks) During the war in iraq, the US army used harmful chemical (1) which led to a severe (..2..) among the (3..) population. C. W R I T I N G: (15 MARKS)) Before independence womens place was at home but nowadays more and more women are working side by side with men Write an article to your school magazine showing the advantage and disadvantages of this social phenomenon.

Test N 5
Illiteracy and health

Educate a boy you educate a man. Educate a girl and you educate a generation Of the one billion people worldwide who are unable to read, 2/3 are women. In most

societies, girls are given less chance to complete their schooling. If money for school fees is short, priority will nearly always go to boys. Parents reason is that boys are more likely to find work and continue working than girls who are expected to marry and have children. However, surveys have shown that in fact mothers education is rather important than the fathers. Educating a woman has a greater long-term effect both on her health and that of her family. Researches show that educated mothers are more likely to use heath clinics, and are more likely to return to the clinic if their childrens health does not improve. Educated women tend to have fewer healthier children. They also tend to begin their families at a later age. Researchers for the United Nations studying 46 countries, found that 1% rise in womens literacy is 3 times more likely to reduce deaths in children than a 1% rise in the number of doctors. They also found that 4 to 6 years of education for women led to a 20% drop in infant death. A girl who grows up healthily and confident in her own ability has much better chance of safe motherhood, and of rising her own children to meet their full potential. Women with more education have better health and nutrition. They feel they can influence their own lives and those of their children. The families of women with some education tend to have better water and sanitation, income, housing, and clothing. Literacy programmes can therefore have far reaching effects on health. If women are given access to literacy and better education, they will be able to make their own choices to improve their lives. I- COMPREHENSION A- Answer these questions. 1. Why do parents in most countries give priority to boys education? 2. What should be done to improve families health and nutrition? B-Are these sentences True or False? Justify 1. 50% of people all over the world who cant read and write are women. 2. Educated women get married at an early age. 3. Womens education reduces infant deaths. C. What do the underlined words refer to in the text: 1. who refers to .. 2. they refers to. 3. those refers to.. D- Find in the text words or expressions which mean almost the same as.

1. Not enough ( paragraph 1 )=.. 2. Get better ( paragraph 2 )=.

Mock exam

Katrinas aftermath*

Families displaced by Hurricane Katrina are suffering from mental disorders and chronic conditions like asthma and from a lack of prescription medication and health insurance at rates that are much higher than average, a new study has found. The study, conducted by the Mailman School of Public Health at Columbia University and the childrens health Fund, is the first to examine the health issues of those living in housing provided by the Federal Emergency Management Agency. Based on face-to-face interviews with more than 650 families living in trailers or hotels, it provides a grim portrait of the Hurricanes effects on some of the poorest victims, showing gaps in the tattered safety net pieced together from government and private efforts. Among the studys findings: 34 per cent of displaced children suffer from conditions like asthma, anxiety, and behavioural problems, compared with 25 per cent of children in urban Louisiana before the storm. Fourteen percent of them went without prescribed medications at some point during the three months before the survey, which was conducted in February, compared with 2 percent before the Hurricane. Nearly a quarter of school-age children were either not enrolled in school at the time of the survey or had missed at least 10 days of school in the previous month. Their families had moved an average of 3.5 times since the storm. Their parents and guardians were doing no better. Forty-four percent said they had no health insurance, many because they lost their jobs after the storm, and nearly half were managing a least one chronic condition like diabetes, high blood pressure or cancer. Aftermath*: the period which follows an unpleasant event or accident, and the effects which it causes. A. C O M P R E H E N S I O N : 15 MARKS I- Choose the appropriate answer from the list given: ( 2 MARKS ) 1. This text is most probably taken from: a- an encyclopaedia b- a childrens magazine. c- an American newspaper da novel 2. What is the writers purpose? To show that Hurricane was dangerous. To shed light on the suffering of families after the Hurricane. To persuade people not to live in Louisiana. To urge people to help the victims of the Hurricane. II- Find in the text words or expressions meaning the same as: ( 3 MARKS ) 1.Permanent. (paragraph 1) 2.Subjects (paragraph 2) 3. security (paragraph 2) III- Find in the text words or expressions meaning the opposite of:( 3 MARKS ) 1.favourable (paragraph 2). 2.tranquility (paragraph 3) 3.stayed (paragraph 5) 2/2 2005/2006 : : : .

IV- What do the underlined words in the text refer to? ( 2 marks ) 1.It (paragraph 2) 2.they (paragraph 6) V- Are these statements True or False? Justify your answer: ( 3 marks) 1. The study presents a horrible image of the Hurricanes consequences. 2. More than a quarter of displaced children suffer from conditions like asthma, anxiety and behavioural problems. 3. The parents situation didnt aggravate after the Hurricane. VI- Answer these questions according to the text: ( 2 marks ) 1. What did the study discover? 2. What are the institutions which lead the study? B. L A N G U A G E : 10 MARKS I- Rewrite these sentences as indicated: (3 marks ) 1.You shouldnt expect immediate results from the experiment. Immediate results ------------------------------------------------------------------------ . 2.I dont earn much money . I wish ------------------------------------------------------------------------- . 3.Morocco has lately launched a new channel. This channel aims to educate its viewers. The new channel -------------------------------------------------------------------------------. II- fill in the blanks with the correct word from the list: ( 3 marks ) Fall for find out put off - come across pick up tell off1. Ive lost my extra car keys. If you ------------------------- them while youre cleaning the room, please put them in a safe place. 2. The boss was obliged to his secretary for making private telephone calls from the office. 3. The football match was .because of the bad weather . III- Give the correct form of the words between brackets: (2 marks) 1. What is so impressive about European societies is the (efficient) of the public services. 2. The college is not able to expand because of (restriction) planning laws. IV- Fill in the blanks with an appropriate word to form collocations: (2 marks) During the war in iraq, the US army used harmful chemical (1) which led to a severe (..2..) among the (3..) population. C. W R I T I N G: (15 MARKS)) Before independence womens place was at home but nowadays more and more women are working side by side with men Write an article to your school magazine showing the advantage and disadvantages of this social phenomenon.

Mock exam



In most of our cities, the air is becoming dangerously full of carbon monoxide and hydrocarbon. These substances are increasing threats to everyones health. To reduce the amount of carbon monoxide and hydrocarbon, environmental protection groups in the United States have proposed ways of limiting the use of automobiles. One way would be to make people use buses, trains, subways and other forms of mass transportation rather than private cars for much of their travel. It has been proposed that people be prevented from driving into the central business areas at least one day a week. It has also been proposed that cars be prevented from parking on certain streets in the city. Here are some letters from newspaper readers, each expressing the writers opinion of these proposals. 1.Just think what would happen in this city if, on any Monday at 8:00 a.m,, everyone who usually drives a car decided to use mass transportation and appeared on the nearest street corner. I think the city would have to provide 4000 additional sixty passenger buses to carry these people to their jobs. Patrick J. Kelly. 2. Trucks and buses and airplanes are worse polluters than the average well-kept automobile. But the individual car owner has no power to protect himself against government control. Unlike the airplanes and trucks and bus companies, the motorist has no influence, so once again the individual cannot defend his rights against government control. Joseph E. Barnes 3. What can we do to reduce pollution? For one thing, we can forget our love affair with the automobile and find other means of transportation which may not be as convenient as the auto but would be less expensive and less harmful to the environment. We may learn to like it once we try it. It may encourage the development of more satisfactory high-speed mass transportation systems, too. Besides consider the benefit to your nerves. Youll avoid fighting rush-hour traffic and youll have more time to read the newspaper while letting the bus driver worry about taking you home safely. And think of the many interesting people youll see and meet on the way. Edward D. Riis A. C O M P R E H E N S I O N : 15 MARKS I- Find in the text words or expressions meaning the same as: (3 marks) a- quantity. ( P1) b- suggestions. (P2) c- defend (P4) II- Find in the text words or expressions meaning the opposite of: (3 marks) a- to increase. (P1) b- allowed. (P1) c- dangerously. (P6) III- What do the underlined words in the text refer to? ( 2 marks) 1. their. (P1) 2. I. (P3) IV- Pick out from the text expressions or phrases which show that: (3 marks ) 1. Life in most US cities is dangerous for people's health. 2. Citizens are unable to protect themselves against government control. 3. Relatively well-maintained cars do not pollute the air as much as some

other means of transport.

2/2 2005/2006 : : : . V- Complete this sentence : (2 marks) 1.Whlie Edward D. Riis supports the idea of using mass transportation, Patrick J. Kelly and Joseph E. Barnes are .. VI- Answer these questions according to the text: (2 marks ) 1. what are two of the suggestions made by environmentalists to fight pollution? 2. What are two of the advantages of public transportation according to Edward D. Riis? B. L A N G U A G E : 10 MARKS I- Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words from the list: ( 1 mark) (Useful uninhabitable extinct contamination requirementsuntreated) Efforts to improve the standard of living for humans- through the control of nature and the development of new products- have also resulted in the pollution, or _______1_______ of the environment. Much of the world's air, water and land is now partially poisoned by chemical wastes. Some places have become ______2________. This pollution exposes people and animals all around the globe to new risks from disease. II- Rewrite these sentences as indicated: (3 marks) 1.The students and their teacher are painting the classroom. The classroom------------------------------------------------------------------------ . 2.I didnt see my friend yesterday. I wish ------------------------------------------------------------------------- . 3.Tourists mustnt take photos inside the National museum. Its------------------------------------------------------------------------------- . III- fill in the blanks with the correct word from the list: ( 3 marks ) Fall for find out put off - look after pick up tell off 1. Im sorry that you didnt know the meeting had been cancelled. I didnt ________myself until just a few minutes ago. 2. If you want to go out I will _____________ the children for you. 3. The meeting has been ______________ for a week. IV- Fill in the blanks with the correct word from the list : ( 1 mark) on - about for - with - in 1. Are you satisfied________ the new arrangement? 2. Whether I go to university or not is dependent ________ what exam grades I get V- Fill in the blanks with an appropriate word to form collocations: (2 marks)

The idea of (equal) between men and women is fairly recent in the Arab world. But it seems that Arab women are (determination) to have their rights at once and soon. C. W R I T I N G: (15 MARKS) Write an article to " Environment newspaper" about the reasons behind the problem of water pollution in your country and suggest ways to fight it.

Test N 6

2005/2006 : : : .

UNEMPLOYMENT High unemployment has become one of the greatest problems in most countries nowadays. In Western Europe, more than twenty million workers are on the dole, and nearly half of them have been out of work for more than a year. In the first time, millions of workers have part-time jobs that they may lose at any time and in which they have no social guarantees such as health and retirement benefits. The rise in unemployment is partly due to the economic crisis. Because of the competition with Japan and other Asian countries which produce better quality goods at a minimum cost, thousands of factories in America and Europe have been forced to close or to reduce the number of their workers. On the other hand, millions of unemployed people are jobless because the work they once did is now unnecessary or has been made easier by machines: farming, mining, automobile assembly and banking rely more and more on robots and computers. To fight unemployment, people have to adapt to a fast changing job market. More importance is now given to information, education and knowledge. Although workers still use their hands, their work is less physically tiring, but they also have to think and take more important decisions when doing a task. As an expert in economy said:The future belongs to people who use their heads instead of their hands. It is estimated that tomorrows young qualified worker can expect to change careers six times during his working lifetime. If a worker learns a job today, within ten years or less, this job will probably disappear. The best way for people to prepare for these changes is through continuous training and education while they are looking for a job or in their place of work. : 12 MARKS I- Answer the following questions: ( 3 pts ) 1. What caused unemployment in America and Europe ? .. 2. How can people fight unemployment? .. 3. Do you think a single job is enough for workers nowadays? .. II- Say whether these statements are TRUE or FALSE. Justify: (2 pts ) 1. Millions of workers full-time jobs in USA..

2. Machines have replaced men in doing jobs. III- Complete these sentences according to the text ( 3 pts ) 1. Nowadays jobs depend on. 2. On the one hand, less tiring. But on the other hand, 3. Continuous training and education are two necessary means for . IV- Find in the text words or expressions meaning almost the same as: ( 2 pts ) 1. depend (p2).. 2. skilled (p3): V- What do the underlined words in the text refer to? ( 2 pts ) 1. them: .. 2. their:. : 08 MARKS I- Rewrite these sentences beginning with the words given: ( 2 pts ) 1. My secretary was laid off because she didnt do her job well. The boss informed me that ------------------------------------------------------------------------ . 2 To control birth a woman has to take contraceptives. Contraceptives ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------II- put the verbs in brackets in the correct form: ( 2 pts ) I wish TV (not, exist)...Presently, I (think). of (get) ... rid of mine and (lead ) a peaceful without a TV set. II- fill in the blanks with the right prepositions: ( 2 pts ) 1. The majority of Moroccans are dissatisfied__________ the programmes shown by our channels. 2. The president ________ France is going to visit Morocco ________ two days. 3. The final exam will take place will take place____________ June the seventh. II- fill in the blanks with an appropriate word from the list: ( 1 pt ) Eclipse Hazards side effects - commodities - casualtie 1. Medicine is necessary to fight all kinds of diseases, but almost all drugs have -------------2 . 50% of the second world war ------------------------were civilians. III- Give the correct form of the words between brackets: ( 1 pt ) 1. The judge asked the suspect to tell the whole ( true) -----------------------2. The Moroccan textile industry is facing a serious ( compete) -----------------------from the Chinese one. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------C. W R I T I N G: In Morocco, most people prefer lifetime jobs in the public administration to setting up their private business Which sort of job is more appealing to you? What are the advantages and disadvantages of the jobs you prefer?

Test N 7


Waste Disposing of the rubbish we produce every day is a major problem in cities around the world. In Britain, 85% of waste is disposed by landfill, a system which is supposed to prevent pollution, since waste is buried in the ground. This method is far from perfect; however, finding new areas is becoming difficult. Recycling is an increasingly popular way of getting rid of waste, and in Britain a target of recycling half of all domestic recyclable waste has been set for the coming years. A city that has solved its waste disposal problem in an unusual way is Machida, in Japan. They have developed a totally new approach to waste disposal. The key to the operation is public co-operation. Families must divide their rubbish into six categories. 1. rubbish that can be easily burnt (combustible), such as kitchen and garden waste. 2. non-combustible rubbish such as small electric appliances, plastic tools and plastic toys. 3. products that are toxic or that cause pollution, such as batteries. 4. bottles and glass containers that can be recycled. 5. metal containers that can be recycled. 6. large items such as furniture and bicycles. The items in categories 1-5 are collected on different days; (large items are only collected on request.) Then the rubbish is taken to a centre that looks like a clean new office building or hospital. Inside, special equipment is used to sort and process the waste. Almost everything can be reused. Kitchen or garden waste becomes fertilizer; combustible items are burnt to produce electricity; metal containers and bottles are recycled and old furniture, clothing and other useful items are cleaned, repaired and resold cheaply or given away. The work provides employment for disabled people and gives them a chance to learn new skills. Nowadays, officials from cities around the world visit Machida to see whether they can use some of these ideas and techniques to solve their own waste disposal problems. I-Comprehension A . True or false? Justify. 1. The British bury all their waste in the ground. 2. In Machida old furniture is gathered at weekends. 3. The handicapped benefit from the Japanese recycling system. B . Answer the questions.

1. How do the inhabitants of Machida contribute to the new system of waste disposal? 2. Do other countries show interest in the Japanese system? Explain!

C . Find a word or a phrase in the text that means the same as burnable ( 2) D . What do the underlined words in the text refer to? 1. This method 2. they

Mock exam

Bird Flu

Bird flu, or avian flu, is an influenza virus *strain that typically infects birds including wild birds like ducks and domestic birds like chickens. There are many forms of bird flu, and most are relatively harmless, producing mild symptoms or even no symptoms. However, several strains of bird flu produce a highly contagious disease that kills quickly and could lead to a massive bird flu epidemic. These dangerous viruses are known as "highly pathogenic avian influenza." One such bird flu virus is currently spreading among chickens in Asian countries. In recent years it was discovered that the bird flu virus can infect people who have close contact with live birds. The current strain cannot be passed from human to human, but health officials say it may mutate and become contagious in our species. "It's a little concerning because the virus is still trying new things in its evolution," said Perdue, who is overseeing the agency's response to the Turkish outbreak from World Health Organisation WHO headquarters in Geneva. Influenza experts are studying the apparent change to determine its significance, Perdue said. A spokesman for Britain's Medical Research Council, which is involved in the research, said it would take a few days to confirm the preliminary findings. If that happens, according to David Navarro of the U.N. and World Health Organization, "an epidemic could kill between 5 and 150 million people," which would be a much larger disaster than 2004's Asian Tsunami and 2005's U.S. hurricanes combined. There are many symptoms of bird flu (avian flu) in humans such as Cough, Fever, Muscle aches, Sore throat, severe cases of breathing problem and pneumonia. This disease is fatal. Anyone with bird flu symptoms should see a health care professional immediately. The bird flu virus currently infecting birds in Asia that has caused human illness and death appears to be resistant to Tamiflu, according to officials at Queen Mary Hospital in Australia. The drug which is the most common drug used to treat flu in humans. There currently is no vaccine to protect humans against the strain of bird flu virus that's been detected in Asia. However, research studies to test a bird flu vaccine to protect humans began in April 2005. *strain By George McKenzie ( internet source) A. C O M P R E H E N S I O N: 15 MARKS I- Find in the text words or expressions meaning the same as: (3 marks) 1. infectious 2. change 3. epidemic II- What do the underlined words in the text refer to? (3 marks)

1. it 2. its 3. the drug III- Complete the following sentences with information from the text :( 2 marks) 1. The highly pathogenic avian influenza-------------------------------------------. 2. Tamiflu is used to-------------------------------------------. IV- Are these statements true or false: (4 marks) 1. An Avian influenza epidemic would be more hazardous than Asian Tsunami and US hurricanes together. 2. MR. Perdue is not worried about the evolution the virus. IV- Answer these questions according to the text: (3 marks) 1. What kind of birds does avian influenza affect? 2. What is the scientists major concern? 3. Who are the people who are more likely to be infected with Avian Flu? B. L A N G U A G E : 15 MARKS I- Rewrite these sentences as indicated: (4 marks) 1. Avian influenza has caused human illness and death. Human illness and death ------------------------------------------------------------------------. 2. There is no vaccine to protect humans against the strain of bird flu virus. We wish -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. 3. Morocco has lately launched a new channel. This channel aims to educate its viewers. The new channel ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------. 4. It isnt necessary to come if you have a cold. You-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------II- fill in the blanks with the correct word from the list: (3 marks) Tell off-Come across- find out- turn down- pick up- Fill in 1. I thought I could borrow some money from John, but when I asked him he ______ me _______. 2. Ive lost my keys. If you ____________ them while you are cleaning the room, please put them inn a safe place. 3. Where did you ____________ your Russian? III-Fill in the blanks with the appropriate word. (3 marks) 1. Avian influenza is s_____________ over Asia and reached some far-off countries such as Jordan and Turkey. 2. The high waves of TSUNAMI d____________ a large number o people in south-east Asia. 3. A s ______________ is a type of TV drama in parts, series, based on inter-human relationships. IV- Give the correct form of the words between brackets: (2 marks)

1. There is no (evident) ______________that Iran is involved in the (produce) __________ of nuclear weapons. 2. Women in many parts of the world are (deprivation) _____________of many rights and suffer from (discriminate) ______________ labour laws. V- Fill in the blanks with an appropriate word to form collocations: (3 marks) 1. The US Army is accused of using chemical_____________ against civilian___________ in Iraq. 2. __________punishment has been largely rejected inn favour of other disciplinary methods C. W R I T I N G: 10 MARKS Write an article to your school magazine showing the effects of the Internet on students. Keys: A. C O M P R E H E N S I O N: 15 MARKS I- Find in the text words or expressions meaning the same as: (3 marks) 4. contagious 5. mutate 6. outbreak II- What do the underlined words in the text refer to? (3 marks) 4. it. ----5. its -----6. the drug ----III- Complete the following sentences with information from the text :( 2 marks) 3. The highly pathogenic avian influenza kills quickly and could lead to a massive bird flu epidemic. 4. Tamiflu is used to treat avian influenza in humans. IV- Are these statements true or false: (4 marks) 1.True---- True---- which would be a much larger disaster than 2004's Asian Tsunami and 2005's U.S. hurricanes combined. 2.False---"It's a little concerning because the virus is still trying new things in its evolution," IV- Answer these questions according to the text: (3 marks) 1. Avian influenza affects wild birds like ducks and domestic birds like chickens. 2. The scientists major concern is that the AI virus would be passed from humans to humans. 3. The people who are more likely to be infected with Avian Flu are people who have close contact with live birds. B. L A N G U A G E : 15 MARKS I- Rewrite these sentences as indicated: (4 marks) 4. Human illness and death have been caused by Avian influenza. 5. We wish there were a vaccine to protect humans against the strain of bird

flu virus. 6. The new channel, which Morocco has lately launched, aims to educate its viewers. 4. You neednt come if you have a cold. II- fill in the blanks with the correct word from the list: (3 marks) 4. turned me down 5. come across 6. pick up III-Fill in the blanks with the appropriate word. (3 marks) 1. sprawling 2. decimated 3. soap-opera IV- Give the correct form of the words between brackets: (2 marks 1. evidence /production 2. deprived / discriminatory V- Fill in the blanks with an appropriate word to form collocations: (3 marks) 1. weapons / population 2.corpporal C. W R I T I N G: 10 MARKS Write an article to your school magazine showing the effects of the Internet on students.

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Biologically, there is only one quality which distinguishes us from animals: the ability to laugh. In a universe which appears to be utterly devoid of humour, we enjoy this supreme luxury. And it is a luxury, for unlike any other bodily process, laughter does not seem to serve a biologically useful purpose. In a divided world, laughter is a unifying force. Human beings oppose each other on a great many issues. Nations may disagree about systems of government and human relations may be plagued by ideological factions and political camps, but we all share the ability to laugh. And laughter, in turn, depends on that most complex and subtle of all human qualities: a sense of humour. Certain comic stereotypes have a universal appeal. Humour helps us maintain a correct sense of values. If we can see the funny side, we never make the mistake of taking ourselves too seriously. The sense of humour must be singled out as mans most important quality because it is associated with laughter. And laughter, in turn, is associated with happiness. Courage, determination, initiative - these are qualities we share with other forms of life. But the sense of humour is uniquely human. If happiness is one of the great goals of life, then it is the sense of humour that provides the key.


COMPREHENSION A. Answer these questions 1. Give a title to the text. 2.

What disturbs human relationships? What is the function of humour in our lives?



What is the key for happiness?


Are these sentences True or False? JUSTIFY. 1. To laugh is a common quality for all human beings.

2. 3.

Being too serious is a mistake. The sense of humour is common for all creatures.


What do the underlined words in the text refer to?

1. 2. D.

"it" (paragraph 1) "it" (paragraph 2)

3. "these" (paragraph 2) Pick out from the text expressions or phrases which show that: 1. Laughter is a human particularity 2.
People do their best to be happy in life.


LANGUAGE A. Put the verbs between brackets in the correct tense. 1. 2. 3. 4.

You needn't (tell) us that joke. We already know it. jokers. by the time we get The perfect listeners avoid (interrupt) It's already 4 p.m. The comic show (end) back home. After they (study) detailed report.

the case for years, they handed in a very


Rewrite the sentences beginning with the words given 1. People should use laughter as a coping mechanism for stress. - Laughter


She forgot the ticket at home; so she couldn't see the comic film. - If only She asked them, "Why were you laughing at that poor old man?" - She wanted to know



Fill in the blanks with the appropriate phrasal verbs from the list. came across - turned down - put up - gave up

1. 2.

Adil didn't get the job. They The new teacher can't


with those noisy pupils.


Give the correct form of the words between brackets.

1. 2.

They showed some (interesting) Unbelievable! An (audacity)

in his new comic show. dog rescued a drowning cat.


Youth nowadays complain about the lack of job opportunities. What could be done to help and empower them set up their own businesses and engage in self-employment projects? [no more than 150 words]

Japan Economy
Japan is the world's second largest economy after the United States. In 2003 Japan's gross domestic product (GDP) was $4.30 trillion, compared to $10.95 trillion for the United States. Japan also has one of the world's highest living standards. Economists compare living standards in different countries using a measure called purchasing power parity. This measure takes into account the countries' differing costs of living. By this measure, Japan's per capita GDP rose from 21 percent of the U.S. level in 1955 to 56 percent in 1970. By 1992 per capita GDP had reached $19,920, 86 percent of the U.S. level. Despite the overall strength of the Japanese economy, in the late 1990s Japan was mired in its longest recession since World War II. GDP, which had grown slowly in the early 1990s, fell 0.4 percent in 1997 and another 2.8 percent in 1998. This was the first time

in the post-war era that Japan's GDP declined two years in a row. As is typical in a mature economy, services make up the largest part of Japan's economy. In 2002 services (such as trade, government, and real estate) accounted for 68 percent of Japan's GDP, while industry (mining, manufacturing, and construction) made up 30 percent, and agriculture (including forestry and fishing) contributed 1 percent. I. COMPREHENSION A. Are these sentences True or False? JUSTIFY. 1. Japan has the world's highest living standards.

ref. Encarta - Online Encyclopaedia 2005

2. 3.

Japanese economy is a mature one. Industry is what makes Japan an economically giant country.


Answer these questions 1. How do economists know the living standards in each country?

2. 3. 4.

What does GDP stand for? Can we consider Japan an agricultural country? Explain. What sector actually makes Japan a strong world economy?


What does the word refer to in the text


"this measure" (paragraph 1; line 5)


Find in the text words which mean the same as:

1. 2.

contradictory (Paragraph 1) depression (Paragraph 1)


LANGUAGE A. Put the verbs between brackets in the correct tenses.


When you read the letter, you (understand)



Their boss wishes she (have)

a firm in Tokyo.


Give the correct forms of the words between brackets. 1. I know she will do the task perfectly well. She is really (competence).


They didn't even apologize for the late (arrive)

of the bus.


Rewrite the sentences beginning with the words given. 1. When you make a lot of money, your life becomes harder and harder.


The more , the You ought to pay your bills regularly. Your bills


Match the words that go together to make collocations 1. Death a. b. c. 2. d. industrial a. b. c. d. monuments area penalty alive monuments area penalty alive


Fill in the blanks with the appropriate prepositions from the list: With for of to at about

1. 2.

She thanked them all She was fully satisfied

their valuable collaboration. the work they have accomplished.



The world is facing the problem of intensive migration of people. Write an article about the causes of this social phenomenon and try to suggest solutions to the problem.

Prevention or cure
One of the most important and difficult part of preventive care is to educate your people in the sensible and limited use of medicines. Some modern medicines are very important and can save lives. But no medicine is needed for most sicknesses. The body itself can usually fight off sickness with rest, good food and perhaps some simple home remedies. People, however, may come to you for medicine when they do not need any. You may be tempted to give them some medicine just to please them. But if you do and they get well, they will think that you and the medicine cured them. In fact their bodies cured themselves. So, instead of teaching people to depend on medicines they don't need, take time to explain why they should not use them. You can also tell the person what he can do himself to get over his sickness. This way, you are helping the person to rely on a local resource "himself ", rather than on an outside resource "medicine". In addition to this, you are protecting the person, for there is no medicine that doesn't have some risk in its use. I. COMPREHENSION A. Are these sentences True or False? JUSTIFY. 1. Preventive care tries to solve only the problem of the use of medicines.

2. 3.

The use of medicines is necessary for any kind of sickness. A local resource can be more effective than an outside one.


Answer these questions 1. What should doctors explain to their patients?


Why is it very important to use medicines carefully?


What do these words refer to in the text


"them" (paragraph 2; line 3)

2. "them" (paragraph 3; line 2) Find in the text words which mean the same as: 1. 2.
Practical. (Paragraph 1) rely on (Paragraph 3)


LANGUAGE A. Rewrite these sentences using the words given. 1. Faissal is ill. He still comes to school.

2. 3. 4.

In spite of The thieves were clever. The police caught them easily. Although They didn't feed the chickens this morning. The chickens The scientists seek knowledge by all means. Knowledge


Supply the right suffix or prefix to correct the words between brackets. to drink polluted water. They urge people to avoid (2.

Doctors argue that it is (1. safe) pure) water.


Match the sentences with the functions they express: 1. In my view Omar is a serious, kind and lucky boy. a. b. c. 2. Disagreement Opinion Probability

d. Invitation I'm afraid I don't agree with you. a. b. c. d. Disagreement Opinion Probability Invitation


WRITING Write a paragraph about aspirin and its side effects.

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