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Act 3: Quiz 1 Revisin del intento 1

Comenzado el: mircoles, 2 de abril de 2008, 20:08 Completado el: mircoles, 2 de abril de 2008, 20:45 Tiempo empleado: 37 minutos 2 segundos Puntuacin bruta: 14.25/20 (71 %) Calificacin: De un mximo de

1 Puntos: 1 Reading comprehension Read the following letter and answer the questions 1 to 3. Dear friends Im writing this letter to tell you how Im feeling here since I arrived. Im having a very good time here in Miami. First, I have new friends and Im working in a mail delivery company. I work on weekdays and I usually go to the beach on weekends. Also I have been in Orlando visiting some parks like Magic Kingdom, Sea World and Universal Studios. Well, these are the things I usually do. Im planning to go to Las Vegas next summer vacations so Im saving money to the trip because Im thinking to take my girlfriend with me. O.k. thats all I can tell you now. Sincerely yours, Angelo Because he is thinking to take his girlfriend with him Angelo works on weekdays and he usually go to... Angelo is planning to go to... Angelo says: "I have been in Orlando visiting..." PUNTO UNO---- ANGELO IS SAVING MONEY PUNTO TRES LAS VEGAS WITH HIS GIRLFRIEND PUNTO CUATRO .. SOME PARK

Parcialmente correcto Puntos para este envo: 0.25/1. 2 Puntos: 1 Reading comprehension Read the following letter and answer the questions 1 to 3. Dear friends Im writing this letter to tell you how Im feeling here since I arrived. Im having a very good time here in Miami. First, I have new friends and Im working in a mail delivery company. I work on weekdays and I usually go to the beach on weekends. Also I have been in Orlando visiting some parks like Magic Kingdom, Sea World and Universal Studios. Well, these are the things I usually do. Im planning to go to Las Vegas next summer vacations so Im saving money to the trip because Im thinking to take my girlfriend with me. O.k. thats all I can tell you now. Sincerely yours, Angelo Mark the correct option to the reading. 1. Angelo thinks to go to Orlando on summer 2. Angelo lives in Las Vegas with his girlfriend 3. Angelo wants to travel to Las Vegas with his girlfriend 4. Angelo works in a mail delivery company Seleccione una respuesta. a. 1 y 2 are correct b. 2 y 3 are correct c. 3 y 4 are correct d. 1 y 4 are correct Correcto Puntos para este envo: 1/1. -----------------------------------------------------------------3 Puntos: 1 Reading comprehension

Read the following letter and answer the questions 1 to 3. Dear friends Im writing this letter to tell you how Im feeling here since I arrived. Im having a very good time here in Miami. First, I have new friends and Im working in a mail delivery company. I work on weekdays and I usually go to the beach on weekends. Also I have been in Orlando visiting some parks like Magic Kingdom, Sea World and Universal Studios. Well, these are the things I usually do. Im planning to go to Las Vegas next summer vacations so Im saving money to the trip because Im thinking to take my girlfriend with me. O.k. thats all I can tell you now. Sincerely yours, Angelo According to the reading. Mark false or true next sentence. Angelo is working in a mail delivery company on weekends Respuesta: Verdadero Falso Correcto Puntos para este envo: 1/1. ----------------------------------------------------------------------4 Puntos: 1 Reading comprehension Read the following letter and answer the questions 1 to 3. Dear friends Im writing this letter to tell you how Im feeling here since I arrived. Im having a very good time here in Miami. First, I have new friends and Im working in a mail delivery company. I work on weekdays and I usually go to the beach on weekends. Also I have been in Orlando visiting some parks like Magic Kingdom, Sea World and Universal Studios. Well, these are the things I usually do. Im planning to go to Las Vegas next summer vacations so Im saving money to the trip because Im thinking to take my girlfriend with me. O.k. thats all I can tell you now. Sincerely yours,

Angelo According to the reading. Mark true or false next sentence. Angelo is planning go to London on summer vacations Respuesta: Verdadero Falso Correcto Puntos para este envo: 1/1. --------5 Puntos: 1 Read the following story and mark the correct answer. Lupita's Day Hello. My name is Lupita Gonzalez. I work in a large company in Monterrey, Mexico. We make bottles and cans for soft drinks. I am a secretary. I answer the telephone and take messages. I also use a fax machine and a computer. My first language is Spanish but sometimes I speak English. Many of our clients are from the United States. My supervisor is Mr. Torres. He is an engineer. I start work at 8:00. I usually drive to work. I have lunch from 1:00 to 2:00. I finish work at 5:30. I go home and help my mother prepare dinner. We have dinner at 9:00. After dinner I usually watch television a while. I usually go to bed at 11:00. Where does Lupita work? Seleccione una respuesta. a. She works in a company that makes bottles and cans. b. She starts work at 8:00 c. She answers the telephone. d. She is a secretary Incorrecto Puntos para este envo: 0/1. --------------------------------------------------------------------------6 Puntos: 1 Comprehension Cooking (At a friend's house)

Carol: This is a lovely house! Martha: Thank you. Carol, we call it home. Carol: It's very close to work, isn't it? Martha: Yes, it is. I always walk to work - even when it rains! Carol: I usually take the bus. It takes so long! Martha: How long does it take? Carol: Oh, it takes about 20 minutes. Martha: That is a long time. Well, have some cake. Carol: (taking a bite of some cake) this is delicious! Do you bake all of your own cakes? Martha: Yes, I usually bake something at the weekend. I like having sweets in the house. Carol: You're a wonderful cook! Martha: Thank you, it's nothing really. Carol: I never cook. I'm just hopeless. My husband, David, usually does all the cooking. Martha: Do you often go out to eat? Carol: Yes, when he doesn't have time to cook, we go out to eat somewhere. Martha: There are some wonderful restaurants in the city. Carol: Too many! You can eat at a different restaurant every day. Monday - Chinese, Tuesday - Italian, Wednesday - Mexican, on and on ...

Which statement is true? Seleccione una respuesta. a. Martha likes meat. b. Carol is working at home c. Carol is in China d. Martha could visit Carols house. Incorrecto Puntos para este envo: 0/1.

-------------------------------------------------------------------7 Puntos: 1 Comprehension Cooking (At a friend's house) Carol: This is a lovely house! Martha: Thank you. Carol, we call it home. Carol: It's very close to work, isn't it? Martha: Yes, it is. I always walk to work - even when it rains! Carol: I usually take the bus. It takes so long! Martha: How long does it take? Carol: Oh, it takes about 20 minutes. Martha: That is a long time. Well, have some cake. Carol: (taking a bite of some cake) this is delicious! Do you bake all of your own cakes? Martha: Yes, I usually bake something at the weekend. I like having sweets in the house. Carol: You're a wonderful cook! Martha: Thank you, it's nothing really. Carol: I never cook. I'm just hopeless. My husband, David, usually does all the cooking. Martha: Do you often go out to eat? Carol: Yes, when he doesn't have time to cook, we go out to eat somewhere. Martha: There are some wonderful restaurants in the city. Carol: Too many! You can eat at a different restaurant every day. Monday - Chinese, Tuesday - Italian, Wednesday - Mexican, on and on ... According to this reading it refers to: Carol talks about. Seleccione una respuesta. a. that she works in a restaurant b. that she use to cook in her house c. that she wants to cook d. that her husband cooking for her.

Correcto Puntos para este envo: 1/1. -------------------------------------------_-----------------------------8 Puntos: 1 Reading comprehension Read the following letter and answer the questions 1 to 3. Dear friends Im writing this letter to tell you how Im feeling here since I arrived. Im having a very good time here in Miami. First, I have new friends and Im working in a mail delivery company. I work on weekdays and I usually go to the beach on weekends. Also I have been in Orlando visiting some parks like Magic Kingdom, Sea World and Universal Studios. Well, these are the things I usually do. Im planning to go to Las Vegas next summer vacations so Im saving money to the trip because Im thinking to take my girlfriend with me. O.k. thats all I can tell you now. Sincerely yours, Angelo According to the reading. Mark true or false next sentence. Angelo is thinking to take his girlfriend with him to Las Vegas Respuesta: Verdadero Falso Correcto Puntos para este envo: 1/1. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------9 Puntos: 1 Comprehension Cooking (At a friend's house) Carol: This is a lovely house! Martha: Thank you. Carol, we call it home.

Carol: It's very close to work, isn't it? Martha: Yes, it is. I always walk to work - even when it rains! Carol: I usually take the bus. It takes so long! Martha: How long does it take? Carol: Oh, it takes about 20 minutes. Martha: That is a long time. Well, have some cake. Carol: (taking a bite of some cake) this is delicious! Do you bake all of your own cakes? Martha: Yes, I usually bake something at the weekend. I like having sweets in the house. Carol: You're a wonderful cook! Martha: Thank you, it's nothing really. Carol: I never cook. I'm just hopeless. My husband, David, usually does all the cooking. Martha: Do you often go out to eat? Carol: Yes, when he doesn't have time to cook, we go out to eat somewhere. Martha: There are some wonderful restaurants in the city. Carol: Too many! You can eat at a different restaurant every day. Monday - Chinese, Tuesday - Italian, Wednesday - Mexican, on and on ... According to this reading it refers to: Seleccione una respuesta. a. Carol is a good cooking b. Carol bikes sweets c. Martha doesnt know to bike d. Martha likes to cook on weekends Correcto Puntos para este envo: 1/1. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------10 Puntos: 1 Comprehension Cooking (At a friend's house)

Carol: This is a lovely house! Martha: Thank you. Carol, we call it home. Carol: It's very close to work, isn't it? Martha: Yes, it is. I always walk to work - even when it rains! Carol: I usually take the bus. It takes so long! Martha: How long does it take? Carol: Oh, it takes about 20 minutes. Martha: That is a long time. Well, have some cake. Carol: (taking a bite of some cake) this is delicious! Do you bake all of your own cakes? Martha: Yes, I usually bake something at the weekend. I like having sweets in the house. Carol: You're a wonderful cook! Martha: Thank you, it's nothing really. Carol: I never cook. I'm just hopeless. My husband, David, usually does all the cooking. Martha: Do you often go out to eat? Carol: Yes, when he doesn't have time to cook, we go out to eat somewhere. Martha: There are some wonderful restaurants in the city. Carol: Too many! You can eat at a different restaurant every day. Monday - Chinese, Tuesday - Italian, Wednesday - Mexican, on and on ... Which statement is true? What does Martha do to come to her job? Seleccione una respuesta. a. Run in a roadway. b. She comes in a bike. c. Walk to work d. She has a car Correcto Puntos para este envo: 1/1. -----------------------------------------------------------------------11 Puntos: 1 Select the best option.

My husband is a good cook ! Seleccione una respuesta. a. I agree with you. b. You agree me. c. I agree you. d. I agree to you. Incorrecto Puntos para este envo: 0/1. ---------------------12 Puntos: 1 Reading comprehension Read the following letter and answer the questions 1 to 3. Dear friends Im writing this letter to tell you how Im feeling here since I arrived. Im having a very good time here in Miami. First, I have new friends and Im working in a mail delivery company. I work on weekdays and I usually go to the beach on weekends. Also I have been in Orlando visiting some parks like Magic Kingdom, Sea World and Universal Studios. Well, these are the things I usually do. Im planning to go to Las Vegas next summer vacations so Im saving money to the trip because Im thinking to take my girlfriend with me. O.k. thats all I can tell you now. Sincerely yours, Angelo According to the reading. Mark true or false next sentence. Angelo is writing a letter to his old friends Respuesta: Verdadero Falso Correcto Puntos para este envo: 1/1. --------------------------------------------------------------------13 Puntos: 1 Comprehension

Cooking (At a friend's house) Carol: This is a lovely house! Martha: Thank you. Carol, we call it home. Carol: It's very close to work, isn't it? Martha: Yes, it is. I always walk to work - even when it rains! Carol: I usually take the bus. It takes so long! Martha: How long does it take? Carol: Oh, it takes about 20 minutes. Martha: That is a long time. Well, have some cake. Carol: (taking a bite of some cake) this is delicious! Do you bake all of your own cakes? Martha: Yes, I usually bake something at the weekend. I like having sweets in the house. Carol: You're a wonderful cook! Martha: Thank you, it's nothing really. Carol: I never cook. I'm just hopeless. My husband, David, usually does all the cooking. Martha: Do you often go out to eat? Carol: Yes, when he doesn't have time to cook, we go out to eat somewhere. Martha: There are some wonderful restaurants in the city. Carol: Too many! You can eat at a different restaurant every day. Monday - Chinese, Tuesday - Italian, Wednesday - Mexican, on and on ... 1. Which statement is true? What kind of transportation does Carol use ? Seleccione una respuesta. a. A Bus b. A limousine c. A car d. An airplane Correcto Puntos para este envo: 1/1. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------14

Puntos: 1 Reading comprehension Read the following letter and answer next questions: Dear friends Im writing this letter to tell you how Im feeling here since I arrived. Im having a very good time here in Miami. First, I have new friends and Im working in a mail delivery company. I work on weekdays and I usually go to the beach on weekends. Also I have been in Orlando visiting some parks like Magic Kingdom, Sea World and Universal Studios. Well, these are the things I usually do. Im planning to go to Las Vegas next summer vacations so Im saving money to the trip because Im thinking to take my girlfriend with me. O.k. thats all I can tell you now. Sincerely yours, Angelo . Mark with x the appropriate sentence. Seleccione una respuesta. a. Angelo felling alone he has not friends b. Angelo is worrying and he wants to come back to his town c. Angelo is very happy in Miami d. Angelo is having bad time in Miami Correcto Puntos para este envo: 1/1. ---------15 Puntos: 1 Read the following story and mark the correct answer. Lupita's Day Hello. My name is Lupita Gonzalez. I work in a large company in Monterrey, Mexico. We make bottles and cans for soft drinks. I am a secretary. I answer the telephone and take messages. I also use a fax machine and a computer. My first language is Spanish but sometimes I speak English. Many of our clients are from the United States. My supervisor is Mr. Torres. He is an engineer. I start work at 8:00. I usually drive to work. I have lunch from 1:00 to 2:00. I finish work at 5:30. I go home and help my mother prepare dinner. We have dinner at 9:00. After dinner I usually watch television a while. I usually go to bed at 11:00. Where does Lupita live?

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. She lives in Monterrey, Mexico. b. She lives in a company. c. She is a secretary. d. She starts work at 8:00. Correcto Puntos para este envo: 1/1. -------------16 Puntos: 1 Select the best option. She is the _________ player in our city. Seleccione una respuesta. a. worse b. bad c. badder d. most bad Correcto Puntos para este envo: 1/1. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------17 Puntos: 1 Select the best option. The hat is _________ than the shoes. Seleccione una respuesta. a. Expensiver b. Most expensiver c. More expensive d. More expensivest Correcto Puntos para este envo: 1/1. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------18 Puntos: 1 Read the following story and m ark the correct answer. Lupita's Day Hello. My name is Lupita Gonzalez. I work in a large company in Monterrey, Mexico. We make bottles and cans for soft drinks. I am a secretary. I answer the telephone and take messages. I also use a fax machine and a computer. My first language is Spanish

but sometimes I speak English. Many of our clients are from the United States. My supervisor is Mr. Torres. He is an engineer. I start work at 8:00. I usually drive to work. I have lunch from 1:00 to 2:00. I finish work at 5:30. I go home and help my mother prepare dinner. We have dinner at 9:00. After dinner I usually watch television a while. I usually go to bed at 11:00. What languages does Lupita speak? Seleccione una respuesta. a. Spanish b. Spanish and English. c. Mexican d. English Correcto Puntos para este envo: 1/1. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------19 Puntos: 1 Select the best option. Now their dog is dead, they __________ too much . Seleccione una respuesta. a. Are cry b. Is cries c. Are cried d. Are crying Incorrecto Puntos para este envo: 0/1. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------20 Puntos: 1 Read the following story and m ark the correct answer. Lupita's Day Hello. My name is Lupita Gonzalez. I work in a large company in Monterrey, Mexico. We make bottles and cans for soft drinks. I am a secretary. I answer the telephone and take messages. I also use a fax machine and a computer. My first language is Spanish but sometimes I speak English. Many of our clients are from the United States. My supervisor is Mr. Torres. He is an engineer. I start work at 8:00. I usually drive to work. I have lunch from 1:00 to 2:00. I finish work at 5:30. I go home and help my mother prepare dinner. We have dinner at 9:00. After dinner I usually watch television a while. I usually go to bed at 11:00. What does Lupita do?

Seleccione una respuesta. a. She is a secretary. b. She answers the telephone. c. She starts working at 8:00 d. She is an engineer. Incorrecto Puntos para este envo: 0/1.

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