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Catholic Advance

AvanceCatólico páginas 13-14

the official newspaper of the diocese of wichita Friday, March 20, 2009 • vol. CXLIV No. 6

Bishop takes prudent steps forward in TOGETHER vision

The diocesan-wide special appeal is Though we do not yet know
how long we will wait, Bishop
now in an extended preparation phase Jackels has declared that there is
no question if we will proceed but
A recession hurts. ever taken the decision to move when we will invite everyone to
We have lost savings. We have forward with this vision lightly. In make a sacrificial gift.
lost jobs. We have lost businesses. his November letter, Bishop Jack- The priorities of this special
And the headlines continue to tell els wrote about the Divine Guid- appeal will not go away. In fact,
us that the economy will get worse ance that calmed his fears and the number of lives who will be
before it gets better. gave him a sense of trust. touched by the appeal will only The TOGETHER vision logo incorporates the diocesan “window”.
Now is a difficult time to talk “This decision was not made swell over time. The cost both in
about money. Yet conversations with insensitivity to those affected dollars and effort will only in- All of these goals are reflected olic Advance where he can speak
about money are everywhere – by the economy,” he wrote. “Rath- crease. in the name. TOGETHER: We directly to each member of the di-
even at church. er we care about and for people, But this special appeal is about gather. We learn. We serve. ocesan family about TOGETHER.
On November 4, 2008, Bishop especially those hurting.” more than funding three valuable During the extended prepara- In addition to the Bishop’s articles
Michael O. Jackels sent a letter to But since November, the reces- priorities: seminarian education, tion phase for TOGETHER, the in the Advance, you will see the
the faithful of the diocese about sion has become even more pain- Catholic formation programs and diocesan staff is working hard to logo in stories that highlight dif-
his decision to move forward with ful. And the Bishop’s compassion renovation of the Cathedral cam- develop the TOGETHER story ferent aspects of the TOGETHER
a special appeal. for those hurting during this reces- pus. It aims to strengthen the one- and create the necessary materials vision.
The intention of the appeal has sion is unfailing. ness between parish and diocese to communicate it. In the TOGETHER vision,
always been greater than fundrais- In December 2008, the Bishop and deepen our practice of stew- You will begin to see the TO- each Catholic and every parish
ing. It is a vision for the growth of resolved to extend the preparation ardship as a way of life, sharing GETHER logo more often. Begin- can come to a greater sense of one-
our diocese. phase of the appeal until economic responsibility for the mission of ning April 17, Bishop Jackels will ness. TOGETHER: We gather. We
But at no time has the Bishop indicators show some stability. the Church. write a monthly article in the Cath- learn. We serve.

Live as another Christ, show

kindness in response to need
Bishop Jackels’ Lenten message about love
By Bishop Jackels good works that God has prepared
The Good News recorded in in advance, that we should live in
Scripture describes Jesus coming them” (Ephesians 2:10).
among us, dying to redeem us from Living as another Christ, we too
punishment for our sins, and rising show kindness in response to a need,
from the dead to admit believers into regardless of whether the person de-
the eternal life of heaven as God’s serves our kindness, but just because
gift to us, showing his love, mercy, … this is what Jesus would do.
and kindness to us. We can show kindness like Jesus
to someone in need by contributing
“For God
money to charitable organizations.
so loved the For example, Catholic Charities is
world …” always in need of donations to help
We did not them help others with food and oth-
deserve such er emergency services. Other local
treatment; God organizations are also in need.
did this in spite We can show kindness like Jesus
of our sinfulness to someone in need by volunteering
and indiffer- our time to places like the Lord’s
ence. Jesus did Diner that provide food for the hun-
Bishop this, not because gry. Other local organizations have
Michael O. God needed us, the same need.
Jackels but because we We can show kindness like Je-
need God and sus to someone in need by joining
cannot enjoy communion with God groups like the St. Vincent de Paul
here and in heaven if Jesus did not Society or the Knights of Columbus
do for us what we cannot do for our- that exist to help others in so many
selves. different ways.
Kindness in response Living as another Christ. Show-
to a need ing kindness in response to a need.
Making a pilgrimage As a result, we who believe in How we do this might vary from
Jill Martin, a member of Blessed Sacrament Parish, Wichita, holds a processional cross while Jesus and are baptized are saved one person to the next, but for those
praying the Stations of the Cross last Friday at the Spiritual Life Center, Wichita. The stations and made a new creation: another who bear the name Christian this is
are prayed there at 3:30 p.m. each Friday – indoors in bad weather. The stations help the Christ, our lives hidden in Christ, not an option; it is an evangelical im-
faithful to make a spiritual pilgrimage to the chief scenes of Christ’s sufferings and death. The living our lives in Christ, imitating perative. The gift you have received,
stations originated in medieval Europe when wars prevented pilgrims from visiting the Holy Jesus. Christians are God’s “handi- Jesus says, give as a gift (see Mat-
work, created in Christ Jesus for the thew 10:8).
Land. (Advance photo)

2 We worship as we 10 Kansas Senate
have for millennia
debates death penalty
3 Winfield planning for 4 Holy Savior gets big 9 436 participate in 11 Ministry has some 10 BC’s God Squad
future vocations gift for its library Rite of Election Lenten food ideas getting pumped up
2  March 20, 2009 catechesis/evangelization CA

Moses fled Egypt because Bible facts

• The word Bible comes for the Greek

Why does the old testament nev-

he murdered an Egyption word Biblia, which literally means

•Two men in the Old Tes-
er put ‘YAHWEH’ in print?
Out of reverence for God’s holy
name, Hebrews (and Jews today)
Test yourself on your knowledge of Exodus tament never died: never pronounce the name of God.
Enoch and Elijah. In ancient times, it was blasphemy
By Msgr. William Carr Later, when there was a dispute for a Jew to say God’s name — for
between two Hebrews, Moses God took them into
Who is Moses? the reasons given above.
Moses is the great law-giver of tried to stop it; one of the Hebrews heaven.
Only once a year, on the Day
the Old Testament. He led the chil- taunted him with “Are you going of Atonement (Yom Kippur) did
dren of Israel out of slavery from to kill me as you did that Egyp- one person (the High Priest) pro-
Egypt. tian?” Moses realized that the kill- mystic notion Semitic peo- nounce the name YAHWEH. This
ing was known and he fled across ples had about names. If you was in the Holy of Holies of the
What is the story of Moses’ the Sinai peninsula to the land of come knew someone’s name, you had Temple when he sprinkled the Ark
infancy? Midian. to deliver them.” Read a power over that person. When of the Covenant with blood. As he
The Bible says that Pharaoh had the story in Exodus 3. Adam “names” the animals, it is did so, he called on God to forgive
ordered male Israelite babies to be What happened to Moses in a sign that he has dominion over all sins committed during the last
killed. Moses’ mother hid him in Midian? Did Moses want to go back to them — and shares in the domin- year. He pronounced the name of
a basket daubed with pitch and set Moses married a wealthy man’s Egypt? ion of God. When an Egyptian God: YAHWEH.
the basket afloat amid the reeds daughter. He had a family, and No. Moses made every possible child was born, the child was
of the river. Pharaoh’s daughter would have been content to live objection to God. He objected that given a real name which no one In most translations of the
found the baby and brought him to the rest of his days in comfort in Pharaoh would not believe him. ever knew, and another “nick- Bible, what word is used in place
be reared in Pharaoh’s household. Midian. He objected that the Hebrews name” which everyone knew: of YAHWEH?
She called him “Moses” because would not accept him. He objected This was so that the “demons The word used in place of
she said she drew him out of the Why did Moses go back to that he was an escaped murderer. in the nether world” would never YAHWEH is LORD.
water. This is a popular etymology Egypt? He objected that he was a stutterer know the person’s real name, and
for Moses’ name. The word which Moses was tending the flocks and no one would understand him. thus have power over the per- Some Protestant groups have a
means “one who has been drawn of his father-in-law, Jethro. He saw (“Slow of speech” means “stut- son! So, when Moses asks God’s word different from YAHWEH.
out” sounds like the Hebrew for a bush which was burning but not terer!”) God answered all his ob- name, it may be a sign that Mo- Yes. They use the word “Jeho-
Moses. consumed. When he went to in- jections and said he would be with ses wanted to have control over vah.” They used different vowels
vestigate, he heard a voice saying, him. God! God told Moses, “I am who I for the Hebrew consonants. Jeho-
Why did Moses flee Egypt? “Moses, take off your shoes; this am.” Ever afterwards, the Hebrew vah was never a word; it was con-
Moses saw an Egyptian beat- ground is holy ground. I am the Why did Moses ask God’s people’s used this as the name for trived by using the consonants for
ing a Hebrew. He killed the Egyp- God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, name? God. In Hebrew, “he who is, who YAHWEH and the vowels for the
tian and buried him in the sand. and the God of Jacob. I have heard There may be several reasons, was, and who will never cease to Hebrew word for LORD.
the cries of my people and have but one intriguing one is the be” is ‘YAHWEH.’ Read Exodus

This Sunday Word of

all celebrated the Eucharist.
This is the background for We worship as it has been
is Laetare done for two thousand years
today’s readings. The unifying

the Lord theme is “priesthood” — not just

the ministerial priesthood, but
Sunday Prepare for Sunday’s Mass your priesthood by your baptism
and confirmation. By Denise Bossert
One of the primary questions
the manner that they desire.
For example, I don’t like phones.
The entire Gospel of John is Most people who are close to me
By Msgr. William Carr lem. God had warned his people summarized in the prologue: “He many non-Catholics ask them-
selves when choosing a church is know that I prefer to be reached
Fourth Sunday of Lent to return to him; they did not; came unto his own, and his own
whether or not the worship style of by email. My children text each
therefore the city of Jerusalem and received him not…but to as many
II Chronicles 36:14-17,19-23; that faith community is a good fit. other. I’ve decided to learn how to
the temple were destroyed and the as received him, he gave the power
Ephesians 2:4-10; John 3:14-21 How structured is the service? text because that’s their mode of
people languished in captivity for of becoming children of God.”
This Sunday is usually called Do they have old hymns or con- communication. My uncle doesn’t
seventy years. The first half of John’s Gospel is
“Laetare Sunday.” “Laetare” (lay- temporary music? Do they have text or do email. When I want to
The second reading gives us called the “Book of Signs.” By
TAH-ray) is the first word of the altar calls? Can one yell out a communicate with him, I use the
reason for joy: seven signs,
Latin Entrance Antiphon. It means hearty “Amen” in the middle of phone. Yes, I set aside my personal
Even though we Jesus replaces
“Rejoice!” It is a long story, but the sermon? Or is worship more preferences and just make the call.
have offended Daily reflections online the forms and
this Sunday came to be a Sun- reserved? The prospective parish- The emphasis is on the one we
God, he is rich A link for reflections on the institutions of
day of rejoicing in the midst of a ioner considers these things (at seek, not on self.
in mercy. He daily readings is located at the Judaism with
penitential season: Today, the or- least subconsciously) and makes And this should be our goal
saves us not diocesan website: something new
gan and other instruments may be a determination based on personal when we come together as One
because of any and better. (For
played; and there may be flowers preference. Body to worship God. We worship
good we do or example, manna
on the altar. As Catholics, our primary goal in the manner that pleases Him.
merit of ours, but solely from his is to be replaced by the Eucharist;
The “long story” is this: In an- is to worship God in the way He Malachi chapter one prophetically
loving kindness. Let us thank him the Torah is to be replaced by the
cient Rome, Mass was celebrated wants to be worshipped. We ad- described the Mass, saying, “Ev-
for his mercy by living lives of living water of the Spirit in bap-
by the pope and people in different here to a sacred liturgy that has erywhere they bring sacrifice to
righteousness. tism.) Unfortunately, “his own”
churches on different days. These been passed down through the my name, and a pure offering.”
The gospel contains the most did not accept him. Today’s gos-
churches were called “stational ages. We simply don’t factor in What is this perfect offering? It
famous sentence in the Bible: “God pel selection is the climax of the
churches.” The liturgy often took personal preference. is the Body and Blood of Our Lord
so loved the world that he gave his gospel: “His own” did not receive
its readings and theme from the While in RCIA class a few years Jesus Christ. As wonderful as all
only Son, that whoever believes him, but Gentiles (Greeks) came to
“stational church.” The “stational ago, I read The Catechism of the other forms of worship are, this is
in him may not die, but may have him: “To as many as received him,
church” today is the “Church of the Catholic Church. I was struck by the pure and perfect offering.
eternal life.” (John 3:16.) he gave the power to become chil-
Holy Cross in Jerusalem” which is the solid teaching on every page, The Book of Revelation magni-
We rejoice today because of dren of God!” Jesus proclaims that
in Rome. This church was built by but one passage on the structure of fies what happens in the Mass by
God’s mercy which we do not de- now he is glorified! His priesthood
St. Helena to house the cross and the Mass by St. Justin Martyr was saying, “Worthy are you. . . for you
serve. We rejoice that he sent his extends to the world. And what is
the relics of the Lord’s Passion particularly memorable. were slain and with your blood
Son to save us. We rejoice in our the essence of that priesthood? It
which she brought back from Je- With meticulous precision, this you purchased for God those from
Elect who are nearer to the Eas- is his self-giving: “Whoever loves
rusalem. She used dirt from Jeru- Church Father describes early every tribe and tongue, people and
ter sacraments. Let us always be a his life loses it; whoever hates his
salem as ballast for her ships. This Christian worship. Moreover, the nation. You made them a kingdom
people of joy. life in this world preserves it for
dirt was then placed around the rubric for worship didn’t just drop and priests for Our God. . .”
(Today we celebrate the second life eternal.” Our share in Christ’s
foundation of the Church of the out of the sky in 155 A.D. St. Jus- People from every nation come
of the three Scrutinies.) priesthood is to “lose ourselves” in
Holy Cross — so it really was in tin Martyr summarizes how the together to present a pure offering,
him in the service of others. giving to God what He most de-
Jerusalem (or on Jerusalem soil) Church always worshipped God.
even though it was in Rome. The Fifth Sunday of Lent thatThe second reading proclaims
Christ was heard because of Here’s the kicker. Line by line, sires, the perfect Sacrifice of His
Church represented Jerusalem Jeremiah 31:31-34; Hebrews his obedience. We, too, share in we see that his description of wor- Beloved Son.
— the ancient city as well as the 5:7-9; and John 12:20-33. ship is identical to the structure of Throughout the week, private
his priesthood when we joyfully worship can be expressed through
heavenly Jerusalem. The Entrance Sixteen centuries ago, there accept our crosses. the Catholic Mass.
Antiphon, then, was “Rejoice Je- was no special Mass on this Sun- It is all a matter of historical personal preference. You can turn
The first reading, from Jer- up the volume on your inspira-
rusalem! Be glad for her, you day in Rome. All Rome gathered emiah, proclaims that the new record, a record that dates back to
who love her!” The “rejoicing” in St. Peter’s Basilica on Sat- covenant will be written on hearts just 55 years after the writing of tional music or pray the Rosary or
theme in the middle of Lent urday evening for an all night and not on stone. We are the liv- some New Testament books! Even meditate while playing the piano
came from this antiphon! vigil. At the conclusion of ing stones of the temple of God. so, why don’t Catholics emphasize (or a round of golf or a game of
The first reading the Vigil, the pope or- Through baptism and confirmation personal preference? God made us racket ball).
(the conclusion of dained priests, and we are called to bring this world each unique. Why not let each one But when we worship Him as
II Chronicles) approach God on his own terms? one – those from every tribe and
to God, and to bring God to the tongue, people and nation – we
is anything but On a very simplistic level, wor-
world. do it in the way Christians have
joyful. It tells of ship begins with communication.
(Today we celebrate the third worshipped Him for two thousand
the pathos of the When we want to communicate
and final Scrutiny.) years, by praying the Mass and of-
destruction with someone we love, we fig-
of Jerusa- ure out how they want to be ap- fering the Heavenly Father a pure
proached, and we pursue them in and perfect offering.
CA News March 20, 2009   3

St. Joseph Novena for

Winfield parishioners plan ahead for the unemployed online

future priest or religious life vocation

A novena to St. Joseph the
Worker is online on the Down-
loads page at
The novena was prepared by
Holy Name Parish, Winfield, it also increases awareness of “The hallmark of this event
the Sisters of St. Joseph of Toronto
has never produced a vocation to vocations in the parish.” is vocation awareness,” said Fr.
who invite those who are unem-
the priesthood and hasn’t had a The parish has been praying Bernie Gorges, pastor of Holy
ployed or in stressful employment
vocation to the religious life in for vocations, Toon said, adding Name. “And second to that is the
situations to pray the novena.
recent years. But that isn’t stop- that the prayer and events, such fund.”
The Sisters prepared the nove-
ping parishioners from praying as the dinner, help young men Father Gorges said he wants
na keeping in mind that Pope Pius
and planning for one, or two, or and women understand the par- parishioners to understand that
XII established the Feast of St. Jo-
more. ish’s support for religious voca- vocations to the priesthood and
seph the Worker. In so doing, the
The parish has started what tions. religious life come from normal
Holy Father placed an emphasis on
could be described as a college “We’re hoping by the time families.
the dignity of work.
fund for the next young man we have a vocation there will “We want parents to realize
A novena is a nine days' private
who begins seminary work or be enough money in the fund to that vocations are possible in
or public devotion to obtain spe-
the next young woman who en- help them out considerably,” she their own families,” he said. A statue of St. Joseph holding
cial graces.
ters the religious life. said. Guest speakers will be Father the baby Jesus inside St. Peter
The Religious Education Office
Julie Toon, a convert of about Julie and her husband, Tim, Michael Simone, director of Vo- Chanel Church in Roswell, Ga.
of the Diocese of Wichita received
seven years, said the parish will are chairpersons of the prime rib cations for the Diocese of Wich- The feast of St. Joseph was
permission to promote the novena
be hosting its third dinner Satur- dinner which will be held after ita, and Jim and Connie Armour,
in the diocese. celebrated March 19.
day, April 4, to raise money for the 5:30 p.m. Mass Saturday, whose daughter is a nun.
their future vocation. April 4, in the parish. Several
The dinner does two things, parishioners are acting as chefs just a few hours.
she said. “Not only will it help
pay for books when they go to
for the event. A silent auction
will also be held. Want to go? Briefly For more information, contact
Gates at (316) 744-0167, or by e-
school or enter the religious life, The dinner will be held af- mail at
Life After Layoff Event
ter the 5:30 p.m. Mass Satur-
Next Advance April 3
The interior
day, April 4. For tickets call
(316) 221-0230 or email
March 29 at Newman The next print edition of the
of Holy Name jtoon@holynamewinfield. Newman University is hosting a Catholic Advance will be deliv-
Church, Winfield. org. “Life After Lay Off Event” from 2 ered on Friday, April 3, to most of
to 6 p.m. Sunday, March 29, in De the diocese.
Mattias Hall. Admission is free. Those wishing to receive the
Presentations on a variety of Advance electronic newsletter
topics will be made ranging from may sign up at the Advance web-
financial counseling, resume assis- site:
tance, interview skills, and educa-
tional opportunities. 4 p.m. Vigil Mass at
Newman is also offering up to WSU Newman Center
50 percent savings per credit hour St. Paul Parish, the Newman
for those who have been laid off. Center at Wichita State University,
For more information call (316) now has a Sunday Vigil Mass cel-
942-4291 ext. 2230, or go to www. ebrated at 4 p.m. on Saturdays. The parish is at 1810 N.
Garden help needed at Roosevelt, which is on the north
side of 17th Street, about halfway
Spiritual Life Center between Hillside and Oliver.
As spring unfolds, there are a Midwest Catholic
number of opportunities for gar-
den help available at the Spiritual conference Aug. 7-9
Life Center in Wichita. The Midwest Catholic Fam-
Tami Gates, the center’s volun- ily Conference’s website is up for
Those interested in teer coordinator, said adopting a those who want a preview of this
the second phase garden is an ideal service project summer’s conference Aug. 7-9 at
of Shepherd’s for youth groups, men’s and wom- Century II in Wichita.
en’s clubs, Knights of Columbus The website address is www.
Crossing may
councils, and others.
contact Courtney She suggested that those with Among those scheduled to
Wolfe, marketing green thumbs and not so green speak are Tim Staples, Fr. Bill
director, at (316) thumbs might enjoy gardening at Casey, Johnette Benkovic, and
771-6550. the center on a regular basis, or for Brother Isaiah.

Second phase The Catholic Advance

of Shepherd’s
(ISSN 0008-7904)
Official Catholic Newspaper of the Diocese of Wichita
Published by the Catholic Diocese of Wichita,a non-profit corporation

Crossing given 424 N. Broadway, Wichita, KS 67202

Phone: (316) 269-3965 • Fax: (316) 269-3902

a thumbs up
e-mail: •
master plan of 134 residences,”  The patio homes are located on President: Most Rev. Michael O. Jackels, Bishop of Wichita
said Tom Church, CEO.  “Several the Catholic Life Center campus Business Manager: Bryan Coulter
WICHITA – Plans for the sec- couples have already made reser- and within walking distance of the Communications Director: Fred Solis
ond phase of Shepherd’s Crossing vation deposits.”  Church of the Resurrection. Resi- Editor: Christopher M. Riggs
at the Catholic Life Center have He said the homes have been dents have access to the many pro- Advertising Coordinator: Heather Welch
been given a green light. with senior needs in mind, such grams and services offered within Production Manager: Donald G. McClane, Jr.
The second phase will contain as no threshold entry and internal the main campus buildings, in- Art Direction: Kellee Kruse
eight duplexes and four four-plexes safe rooms.  cluding daily Mass and a number Circulation: Sonya Brinkman
totaling 32 residences. They will “Residents have priority admis- of community gathering areas. Published semi-monthly on the first and third Fridays of the month.
be located on about 6.5 acres next sion to the constellation of services Shepherd’s Crossing and the Periodicals postage paid at Wichita, Kansas.
to the 22 residences that made up provided on the campus,” Church Catholic Care Center are jointly
Member Catholic Press Association, Catholic News Service.
Postmaster: send address changes to The Catholic Advance, 424 N. Broadway,
phase one. added. “The monthly maintenance sponsored by the Catholic Diocese Wichita, KS 67202.
“We are excited to get the next fee is one of the lowest among of Wichita and Via Christi Senior Deadlines: classified ads, noon Monday; news and display ads, 5 p.m. Monday
phase moving towards our full competitors.”  Services.

Ron Helten, DVM St. Joseph Altar Society Annual Knights of Columbus #4118

Quilt Party Lenten Catfish Dinner

21 handmade quilts • One will be auctioned Friday, March 27, 2009
Helten Veterinary Clinic Sunday, April 15, 2009 5:00-7:30 p.m.
6630 W. Central (East of Applebee’s)
3202 W. 13th St. N. in Wichita
Visit our website
Conway Springs, Kansas Adults $7 Children under 10 $5
member St. Francis of Assisi Refreshments 12:30 p.m. Games 2:00 p.m. Parking in rear
4  March 20, 2009 News CA
Two volunteer librarians, Linda Lauer, left, and Alice
Johnson, stand among a group of Holy Savior Catho-
lic Academy students in the school’s library which was
a recipient of a large gift from the Junior League of
Wichita. (Advance photo)

Donation to Holy Savior

brings tears to principal
By Christopher Riggs to get interested in reading and
Delia Barnett said she began to gain a love of reading than to have
weep when the Junior League of a very effective and up to date
Wichita told her that Holy Savior library.”
Catholic Academy was going to The volunteer librarians and
receive a grant for the school’s the students love the new library,
library. she said, with its new books, new
“Over the last 11 years we computers, new furniture, and
haven’t had an official library,” other equipment.
the principal said. “Our books The $45,811 gift for the proj-
were outdated and we were lack- ect was raised through Holiday
ing in technology.” Galleria, the Junior League of
She said the library wasn’t Wichita's annual upscale shopping
high on her list of priorities event featuring more than 100 the gift ties in well with what the on the books. May God bless the educational and charitable.
because the school had so many regional and national merchants. St. Katharine Drexel Catholic Junior League of Women for their The Drexel Fund was estab-
other pressing issues. Before the improvements were School fund does. generosity and thoughtfulness.” lished to benefit parishes that are
“The Junior League made it made, the library could be com- “Being able to read and loving The Junior League of Wichita financially challenged to provide
possible,” Barnett said. “It is truly pletely inventoried in 45 minutes. to read are key to any successful is an organization of women com- a Catholic education to the youth
a blessing because it came at a Many of its books dated back to academic achievement. I hope that mitted to promoting volunteer- of the parish.
point when we are focusing on the early 1900s. the children get so excited about ism, developing the potential of
school improvements and focus-
ing on reading. What better way
Bob Voboril, superintendent of
diocesan Catholic Schools, said
reading that they wear out the fur-
niture and wear out the binding
women, and improving commu-
nities. Its purpose is exclusively
Contact: criggs@ CA
Bishop Jackels to speak at KCK regional Charities, The Lord’s Diner part of
stewardship meeting on March 26-27 annual Feinstein Foundation challenge
When members of Region IX as a way of life in the Catholic Catholic Charities and The 5 p.m., mail donations to 532 N.
of the International Catholic Stew- Church,” Wescott said. “Every two Lord’s Diner are joining with the Broadway St, Wichita, KS 67214,
ardship Council meet in Kansas years, the four states that comprise Feinstein Foundation to fight hun- or donate on the Web at www.
City March 26 and 27 they’ll step Region Nine come together to ger and raise awareness and sup- Regular-sized
a little deeper into their on-going offer parishioners in our respec- port for the hungry. non-perishable food items are re-
stewardship journey. In all, 15 tive dioceses the opportunity to Each year, Alan Feinstein is- quested for the food pantry, seeing
dioceses from Region IX – Iowa, hear speakers from throughout sues a challenge nationwide for a list online.
Nebraska, Missouri, and Kansas – the country.  Our hope is that we food assistance agencies to collect To donate to The Lord’s Diner
will attend the gathering. can further spread the message of food and money. Feinstein will mail to 520 N. Broadway, Wichita,
Bishop Michael O. Jackels will stewardship through these confer- issue $1 million match to agen- KS, 67214. Food items may be de-
be one of the keynote speakers of Bishop Michael cies across the country. Food and livered to The Lord’s Diner Mon-
the two-day conference, which is Jackels Wescott Founded in 1962, the ICSC’s money donated to each agency, day through Friday between 10
called “Growing Deeper.” The Wescott, director of Development primary goal is to promote the Catholic Charities or The Lord’s a.m. and 4 p.m. Larger quantities
Wichita diocese has built a prac- and Planned Giving, and Father concept of Christian stewardship. Diner, will be eligible for part of of food items are helpful.
tical model for fostering steward- Jarrod Lies, chaplain at Bishop Through seminars, publications that money. As participating agencies,
ship as a way of life over the past Carroll Catholic High School in and conferences, the ICSC empha- Two outreach programs of Catholic Charities and The Lord’s
30 years. Wichita. Wescott’s talk will cover sizes that all members of our fam- the Diocese of Wichita, Catholic Diner will count every food item
The conference will build on “Creating a Parish Pastoral Plan, ily of faith are called to be Chris- Charities and The Lord’s Diner, and dollar that comes donated
previous meetings and give par- and Fr. Lies’ will speak on “En- tian stewards and share their time, offer food to the hungry. The chal- from March 1 to April 30 toward
ticipants the spiritual nourishment couraging a New Generation of talent and treasure in proportion lenge continues through April 30. the Feinstein Challenge.
needed to deepen their communion Stewards: Stewardship Among to the blessings they have received How to donate Donations of canned and non-
with Christ, with the hope of bear- Generation Wh(y).” from God. To donate to Catholic Charities, perishable food items in their
ing fruit and prospering in their “The mission of the ICSC is Jody Paulsen, assistant direc- call us at (316) 264-8344, deliver original sealed packaging are ac-
respective communities of faith. to foster an environment in which tor of Parish Stewardship for the food to 437 N. Topeka, Monday cepted and included in the chal-
Other presenters from the Christian stewardship is under- Diocese of Lincoln, will talk about through Friday between 8 a.m. and lenge. Food items will be valued at
Wichita diocese include Mike stood, accepted, and practiced practical stewardship. $1 per item or pound.
CA News   5
March 20, 2009

Operation Rice Bowl assists Transplant Transmission

people around the world
Off of highway 96 at 69th Street North, Colwich, Kansas

The country for this week is Honduras. The person being high-
36 years
Call now 316-773-4591
Free tow within Wichita area
lighted is Martín Reyes Granados.
My name is Martín Reyes Granados, and I am a farmer liv-
ing in Estancias, Honduras. Estancias is a small rural town in the
western part of the country. Like many people here, I have always $100 OFF allgood
rebuilt transmissions
through March with coupon
worked very hard to provide for my family, but it was difficult put-
ting food on the table. I prayed for the day when I could make my Se habla español 3 yr warranty available
small farm more productive. Standards • Automatic • T-Cases • Differentials
My prayers were answered when CRS came to the region and
offered farmers like me the opportunity to join the
Country School for Small Farmers. Through
the school I learned clear and simple skills to
help me improve my farming operations. The
school is based on the concept of learning by
discovery, where the farmers and teachers are
able to exchange knowledge through experi-
ence and experimentation. Through this pro-
cess we learned about animal nutrition and health,
livestock improvement, production, and marketing strategies. I
have been able to go from owning a few cows that barely produced
milk to being the proud owner of a small dairy farm.
Some other farmers and I formed a local co-op and now have
access to a dairy plant where we can bottle and market our milk
and dairy products. Our income has increased and our lives have
changed. The school training provided me with the skills to be-
come a successful farmer, and a businessman who is working to-
wards the improvement of my community and my region. Today,
I am the president of the local co-op, and a member of the Fair
Trade network in Honduras.
Recipe: Plantain Turnovers (serves 4)
3 plantains (soft to the touch) ½ cup cooked black beans
¼ cup of sugar ½ cup of vegetable oil
½ Tbs. of cinnamon powder
Wash and cut plantains into three pieces. Boil until soft, drain
and mash plantains. Place beans in a blender until you have a soft
puree. Fry beans with a little bit of oil and add the sugar and cinna-
mon. Heat remaining oil in another frying pan, add plantain mix-
ture, 1 Tbs. at a time, and spread with a fork into shape of a small
pancake. Fry 3 minutes. Place 1 tsp. fried beans on each pancake
and fold shaping into a turnover. Fry for 3 minutes on each side
until brown.

Holocaust survivor to call 943-4351, ext. 2228.

Klein, a prisoner of several Nazi
speak at Newman Germany work camps and one of
University Wednesday very few survivors of a 350-mile
forced march, will share her story
Author, human rights activ- of despair and hope.
ist, and Holocaust survivor Gerda Klein, whose story was made
Weissmann Klein will present a into the Academy Award-winning
public lecture at 7 p.m., Wednesday, documentary “One Survivor Re-
March 25, at Newman University. members,” has written several books
The lecture will be in the Dugan- with her late husband, a U.S. Army
Gorges Conference Center. soldier who liberated her in 1945.
The event is free but seating They started the Gerda and
is limited and reservations are re- Kurt Klein Foundation, which
quired. To reserve seats, visit http:// promotes tolerance, respect, and, or empowerment of students.

Fish Fry
Colwich – St. Mark’s Knights of Columbus #9510

Friday, April 3
Sacred Heart, Colwich
In the REC Building
Serving 5 to 7 p.m.
Fried catfish, baked cod, hush puppies, French fries,
potato soup, coleslaw, mac & cheese and fruit salad
Freewill donation to support our seminarians

Mexican Dinner
St. Margaret Mary Parish
2635 Pattie

Sunday, March 29
Serving from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Carry out available – 267-4911
Tacos • Spanish Rice • Burritos • Refried Beans
Tostados • Enchiladas • Taco Burgers
Hot Dogs • Desserts • Drinks
6  March 20, 2009 News CA
Center of Hope dinner April 26
Newman University to host annual fundraiser
for the homelessnes prevention ministry
This year’s Center of Hope Adorers of the Blood of Christ.
benefit dinner, its major fund- Now in its 25th year of service
raiser, will be held in the spring in the Wichita area, the program
this year instead of in the fall. helps clients with rent, util-
The dinner will be held on Sun- ity bills, other emergency needs,
day, April 26,, at Newman Univer- counseling, referrals and case
sity’s Dugan Library & Conference management.
Center, 3100 McCormick, Wichi- “We’re seeing many people
ta. Tickets are $70 per person with who’ve never needed to ask for
$50 of that amount tax deductible. help before,” said George Din-
A table of eight is $500. kel, executive director. “When
Reservations are necessary their unemployment benefits end
and must be made by April 15th and they’ve exhausted their sav-
by calling (316) 219-2121 and us- ings, we truly are the last hope
ing a MasterCard or Visa charge for many people.”
card. Reservations may also be Members of the Newman
made by mailing a check for $70 University Troubadours will en-
per person to Center of Hope tertain at the dinner. The social
Dinner, 400 N. Emporia, Wichita hour will be held in the Macias
KS 67202. Gathering Space and the dinner
Father Matthew Marney enjoyed the annual Catholic Charities Cruise Night with his parents Te-
Center of Hope is a home- and program in the Conference
resa and Richard in the Wichita Hyatt Regency.. lessness prevention program Center. A raffle and auction will

Cruise Night raises $150K to Chicago, a hunting trip, and a sponsored by the religious order be part of the program.
five course dinner prepared by

Proceeds help support Harbor House ministry to

KAKE’s Susan Peters and Harry
Pape. The live auction was lively
‘Love & Logic’ parenting series
help women break cycle of domestic violence and guests showed great support.
Catholic Charities is a min-
begins March 24 at Resurrection
WICHITA – Cruise Night, held can Republic; Vancouver, British istry of the Diocese of Wichita. The Office of Family Life and School in Wichita, who are both
Sunday, March 1, at the Hyatt Re- Columbia; and San Diego, Cali- Cruise Night helps women break Natural Family Planning will certified and experienced Love
gency, raised about $150,000 to fornia – created by local florists. the cycle of domestic violence at again offer the “Becoming a Love & Logic teachers. The classes
help Catholic Charities Harbor Chefs from across Wichita created Catholic Charities Harbor House. & Logic Parent” series. include humorous video presenta-
House. tantalizing cuisine. Harbor House is a shelter for Weekly sessions will be held tions, practical suggestions, and
“During this difficult eco- The captain and host for the abused women and their children. at Wichita’s Church of the Resur- question and answer periods.
nomic time, we are pleased with evening was Terry Newman, Since opening in 1992, Harbor rection school library from 6:30 to The Love & Logic Institute
the results of this event,” said Ja- president of Papa John’s Pizza House has helped thousands of 8:30 p.m. for six consecutive Tues- says, “Love and Logic is a com-
net Valente Pape, executive direc- and Genghis Grill. Newman and victims of domestic violence days starting March 24 through monsense approach that teaches
tor of Catholic Charities. “It has his wife Kris joined Janet Valente through shelter and outreach ad- April 28. parents skills that cultivate confi-
been reassuring to see and hear Pape, Catholic Charities execu- vocate services. The cost to participate is $10 dence and good decision-making
from many of our past supporters tive director, Harry Pape, Sheri The new shelter facility opened and includes the “Love & Logic” in children by offering choices,
and new supporters too. We are Bent, director of Harbor House, in 2006, making Harbor House the workbook. To register or for more empathy, and respect while adults
thankful for the help of those who and Norman Bent to greet guests. largest domestic violence shelter in information please call the Office avoid anger, threats, warnings or
organize this event and to those As host for the evening, Newman the state. This Catholic Charities of Family Life and Natural Family lectures. Love and Logic is easy
who support it. The money goes a offered an “extra” live auction program is able to make a differ- Planning at (316) 685-5240 or by to learn and can be put to use right
long way – we see to that.” item: large pizzas every week for ence not only in the lives of those e-mail at away; it changes lives, and raises
Guests enjoyed the ports of a year – this brought $600 for the who stay at the shelter, but also The classes will be presented responsible children. And isn’t
Hong Kong, China; Ensenada, charity. in the lives of thousands of others by Annette Clutter and Marceline that what we all want for the chil-
Mexico; Casa de Campo, Domini- Other hot items included a trip who receive outreach services. Arnold, educators from St. Anne dren in our lives!”

Rachel’s Vineyard

Fish Fry
Colwich – St. Mark’s Knights of Columbus #9510

Sacred Heart Gifts Ministry expanding

to Southeast Kansas
Beautiful gifts for First Communion,
A Rachel’s Vineyard retreat is
Confirmation, RCIA scheduled to be held in Southeast
SALE • 15% Off any one item (in stock) Kansas for the first time. It will
Limit one coupon per customer • Valid through 03-31-09 Friday, March 20 be offered on April 24-26, during
113 S. Hydraulic, Wichita, KS 67211 the Easter season, and is open to
Hours: Mon-Fri: 10-5 & Sat.: 10-2 St. Mark’s Parish Life Center persons of all faiths.
19230 West 29th Street North Registrations can be made
(316) 262-2610 Serving 5 to 7 p.m. now by calling 269-HOPE
Fried catfish, baked cod, hush puppies, French fries, (4673) in Wichita or toll free
potato soup, coleslaw, mac & cheese and fruit salad 888-456-HOPE (4673). The min-
Freewill donation to support our seminarians istry appreciates early registra-
tions. All inquiries are confiden-
The ministry of Rachel’s
Vineyard empowers people to
break the silence of abortion by
voicing their grief and guilt over
losing a child or children in such
a traumatic fashion.environment
enables true healing to begin.
Prayer intentions of
Here are Pope Benedict XVI’s
Boys & Girls (6-14) $395 prayer intentions for next month.
June 8-12 • 9-Noon Boys (6-14) Girls (6-16) General Intention: Farmers and
World Hunger. That our Lord may
Kapaun Mt. Carmel H.S. Bobby Bribiesca June 21-26 bless farmers with abundant har-
June 15-19 Southwestern College vests and sensitize the richer na-
tions to respond to the ravages of
Friends University Winfield, KS hunger throughout the world.
Mission Intention: Christians
as Signs of Hope. That Christians
working in desperate conditions
among women, children, the poor,
and the weak may be signs of hope
in their courageous witness to the
gospel of solidarity and love.
Daily and monthly reflections
on these prayer intentions may be
found at www.apostleshipofprayer.
CA News March 20, 2009   7

Trio of St. Peter first graders get Diocesan employees taking Spanish
early start in stewardship training
A trio of first grade girls initiat- classes to better serve the faithful
ed a book drive at St. Peter School
to gather texts for Books for Life. By Yrene Corona de Lewis
“My daughter heard about How can I help my neigh-
the book drive on television and bor if he or she is only able
wanted to help get some books for to speak Spanish? This is the
the children,” said Corri Roberts, ever-increasing obstacle when
mother of one of the girls. it comes to serving others
“She asked Emily Bosley, and throughout our diocese.
Abby Scheer to help her with the A group of employees from
book drive. These three girls prac- the Catholic School Office, the
ticed a speech for three days, went Chancery, and Catholic Chari-
to all the classes and delivered ties are taking a Spanish con-
their speech. versation class at the Hispanic
The books are being sent to Li- Pastoral Center to overcome
Three St. Peter School, Schulte, that hurdle and better serve the
beria, West Africa, in response to pupils are learning about stew-
a teacher’s request. The Liberian Spanish-speaking community
ardship at an early age. The of the diocese.
teacher said students there have
about one book for every 27 chil- girls are from left Abby Scheer, Mercedes Villanueva, a
dren, which makes it difficult to Emily Bosley, and Madeline Cuban immigrant since 1960,
teach reading. Roberts along with Principal teaches the Spanish class from
Their goal was 500 books. They Brenda Hickok. A larger photo 5:30 to 7 p.m. on Mondays
gathered 1,200. is online. to about 15 students, some of
whom, she says, are familiar
with the language because

Briefly Knights Good Friday they might have taken Span-

ish classes in high school or
Mercedes Villanueva teaches about four Spanish verbs to a
group of diocesan employees studying to improve their con-
blood drive April 10 college. versational Spanish. The verbs are to cry, to eat, to read, and
Knights of Columbus Council Villanueva, who holds a to live. (Advance photo)
Annual Books for Life 4118 will host its annual Good major in Spanish from the
Catholic University of Great
sale set for March 21 Friday Blood Drive from 1:30 to
Falls and Carroll College in
talents to the service of others. enrich my life,” she said.
5:30 p.m. Friday, April 10, at the She coordinated the effort to Welch said Villanueva and
Books and other media, such Montana, is a volunteer teacher
Knights of Columbus Hall, 3202 offer classes to English-speak- Fernandez are very patient with
as CDs and DVDs, are being so- for the class. She also vol-
West 13th. ing employees. “I decided to the group. “They know they have
licited for the ninth annual Books unteers at the Church of the
Healthy individuals who weigh offer the classes because know- to speak slowly and enunciate
for Life sale 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sat- Magdalen, her own parish, and
at least 110 pounds and are at least ing another language is the for us,” she said. “My goal is to
urday, March 21 at the Knights at the Spiritual Life Center.
17 years old, or 16 with a com- first step towards communion learn enough vocabulary and
of Columbus Hall, 3202 W. 13th, “When I arrived in Wichita two
pleted parental consent form, may and solidarity with another sentence construction to serve
Wichita. years ago I was eager to help.
donate blood. culture.” my Spanish-speaking neighbor if
Donations may be dropped One day I asked the bishop
Go to Heather Welch, a student of the opportunity arises.”
off from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. today how could I better help and he
to print the required form and Villanueva’s Spanish class and For more information about
at the Sarah’s Hope Foundation, sent me to Jo Fernandez at the
reading materials. advertising coordinator for the the class contact Jo Fernandez
3202 W. 13th St., Ste. 6, Wich- Hispanic Pastoral Center,” said Catholic Advance, said to un- at (316) 269-3919.
ita. Looking for a Mass? Villanueva. derstand other people and their
Help is needed to set up the sale
at 4 p.m. today, and to break down
the sale at 5 p.m. Saturday.
Going on vacation and looking
for a church? Check out “http://
Fernandez, director of the
Office of Hispanic Ministry,
ways of life she must do her
part to learn about them. “The
Contact: yrene@
had little to think about when beauty and richness of the His-
For additional information”. You’ll need
it came to putting Villanueva’s panic cultures, including the
call Tony at 209-5029. an area or a Zip Code.
language, is something that can

Fish Fry
All Saints Annual

Lenten Dinners
Meatless Mexican
Every fourth Saturday
after 5:30 p.m. Mass
Friday, March 27, 2009 Every Friday of Lent Christ the King
Serving time: 5:00 to 7:30 p.m.
Our Lady of Perpetual Help 4411 W. Maple in Wichita
3205 E. Grand in Wichita Parish Center For more information,
In the gym contact Deacon Len
Dine-in or carry-out 2409 N. Market in Wichita  5:00 p.m. at 773-2016

St. Joseph’s 49th Annual

Society of St. Vincent de Paul
Parish Dinner serves the poor
and Raffle The Society of St. Vincent de Paul may be able
to help those facing difficulties resulting
from the recent economic downturn.
values of the Society is the dignity of the
human person. Charity and justice are
among our primary concerns.”
Sunday, March 22, 2009 John Mavec, president of the So- He said there are 12 conferences
ciety’s Wichita Conference, said in 12 parishes in the Wichita area,
145 S. Millwood, Wichita Bishop Michael O. Jackels, urged Hutchinson,and El Dorado.
11 a.m.-5 p.m. the Society to be active in serv- “Those who wish to help their
Adults $7 Children under 12 $4 Preschool $1 ing the poor. brothers and sisters in need may
“The Society is an international contact them,” Mavec added.
Roast Beef & German Sausage society of friends united by a spirit “Also, those who might be in need
All-you-can-eat, family style dinner of poverty,” he said. “Among the core are invited to contact them.”
Society of St. Vincent de Paul conferences and contact information
Grand Prize: $10,000.00 All Saints: (rectory) 682-1415
Other prizes: 5-Day Cruise for Two, 32” LG LDC Blessed Sacrament: John McKenzie 685-1758
Flat-Screen TV, Handmade Quilt, iPod Touch Cathedral: John Mavec 262-8759
Many more prizes Holy Cross, Hutchinson: Ron Kelley (620) 662-1979
Donation: $1 a ticket - or - Book of 6 tickets for $5 Holy Savior: Ric Camargo 680-9808
Plus a boardwalk of games! Magdalen: Jim Weldon 652-0396
St. Anne: Galen Slusser 943-7388, 
For more information call (316) 261-5800
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton: Barb Mayer 722-8925 
If you are unable to attend but would like raffle tickets, complete the fol- St. Francis of Assisi: Pat Burns 706-7185
lowling form and send it to the parish office at 132 S. Millwood, 67213:
Name: ___________________________________________________________
St. John, El Dorado: Pam Pirotte 742-3430 
Address: _________________________________________________________ St. Peter, Schulte: Jim Belvilacqua 721-0277
# of books ____ x $5 = ______________ enclosed. SVDP, Andover: Kent Weixelman 733-5759
8  March 20, 2009 News CA

Obituaries KENNEDY
Helen L., 65, St. Patrick, Par-
sons, March 3.
Vocation Marjorie, 83, St. Mary, Derby,
Joe N., 74, St. Teresa, Hutchin-
banners Feb. 9. son, March 3.
Allye Pletcher of TIPPIN KAYSER
Joyce D. (DeVault), 78, St. Jude, Don, 89, St. Joseph, McPher-
Sacred Heart,
Wichita, Feb. 16. son, March 4.
Colwich, carries IDLEMAN RENTERIA
her banner into Edith Marie, 67, St. Francis Marie “Angie,” 85, Our Lady of
the Church of Xavier, Cherryvale, Feb. 25. Perpetual Help, Wichita, March 4.
the Magdalen for CAFFREY RAUSCH
the processional Edward Robert “Bob,” 85, St. Alberta B., 78, St. Joseph, Con-
opening the 2009 Elizabeth Ann Seton, Wichita, way Springs, March 5.
Vocations Faire. Feb. 26. WENGBERG
Pletcher is a 6th ORTH Neva J.,
grader at Sacred Stanley D., Please pray for 82, Kingman,
Heart Catholic 68, Blessed Sac- March 6.
School. The faire
rament, Wichita, the departed MAUS
Feb. 26. May the souls of the faithful Robert R.
was sponsored by PADGETT
the Serra Club. departed, through the mercy of “Bob,” 78, Sa-
Idabelle, 79, cred Heart, Col-
God, rest in peace.
St. Anne, Wich- wich, March 7.
ita, Feb. 26. NGUYEN
NEDEAU Carlene Mustamaa, 57, Our
Noreen Emmajane, 71, St. Jo- Lady of Guadalupe, Newton,
seph, Wichita, Feb. 27. March 7.

900 participate in Serra Vocations Fair

Margaret Anne, 85, All Saints, LaVon K., 91, St. Thomas Aqui-
Wichita, Feb. 27. nas, Wichita, March 8.
“What Does God Want?” was God wanted of them. Maybe he is The students listened to talks Virginia R., 93, Our Lady of Billie L. “Bill,” 86, Holy Cross,
the theme for the Serra Club’s Vo- telling you to become a teacher, from several sisters and priests on Guadalupe, Hutchinson, Feb. 28. Hutchinson, March 8.
cations Fair held March 5 or 6 for doctor, a mother, a father, he said, subjects such as living the life of a ARMOUR BOHRER
about 900 sixth graders in Hutchin- and maybe he is asking to lead you sister, religious sister discernment, Evelyn C. (Jansen), 90, St. John, Dale A., 52, St. Peter, Wil-
son, Parsons, and Wichita. down a path to become a priest or living the life of a priest, and dis- Clonmel, Feb. 28. lowdale, March 10.
Father Michael Simone, dioce- a sister. cerning a priestly vocation. The UNDERWOOD FAGER
san director of Vocations, celebrated Pray and open up your heart to sessions were given a recess where Marie V., 90, St. Patrick, King- George L. “Sonny,” 84, St.
Mass at St. Patrick Church in Par- God and you will find your way, Father Bernie Gorges helped to get man, Feb. 28. Francis, St. Paul, March 10.
sons. Bishop Michael O. Jackels cel- Bishop said. rid of some pent up energy with ROTTERING SCHAUF
ebrated Mass at Our Lady of Guada- Banners were brought by the his famous shoe relays. Herman J., 91, St. Leo, St. Leo, Edna Ann, 76, Sacred Heart,
lupe Church in Hutchinson and the schools to be judged for the use The Serra Club’s of Wichita March 1. Halstead, March 10.
Church of the Magdalen in Wichita. of the theme “What Does God and Reno County coordinate the KERNS GUZMAN
In his homilies, Bishop Jackels Want?” They also led the proces- annual event with the schools, par- Gregory Alan, 61, Church of Ezequiel, 56, St. Mary Cathe-
asked the youth what they thought sion into the church for Mass. ishes, and diocesan personnel. the Resurrection, Wichita, March dral, Wichita, March 11.
Colwich-St. Mark fish
We repair all lines of farm equipment
and all brands of hydraulic cylinders Sunday Mass Schedule fries today, April 3
Our mechanics are experienced on all brands of farm equipment to help seminarians
8:00 a.m. The Mass in Latin The Colwich-St. Mark’s
HELTEN FARM REPAIR 9:30 a.m. The Mass in English Knights of Columbus Council
New address: 1050 S. McCOMAS IN WICHITA 9510 has two more Friday Lenten
11:00 a.m. The Mass in Vietnamese Fish Fries planned.
943-0203 St. Anthony Roman Catholic Church A fish fry will be held today at
St. Mark’s. Another will be held on
For out-of-town toll-free calling 258 Ohio, Wichita, Kansas April 3 at Sacred Heart, Colwich.
dial 1-866-943-0203
Joe and Diana Helten family, members St. Joseph, Ost
The fish fries will be held from
5 to 7 p.m. Free-will donations
will be accepted. Proceeds sup-

Fish Fry
St. Thomas Aquinas Knights of Columbus Council 10242
port diocesan seminarians.
On the menu will be fried cat-
fish, baked cod, hush puppies,
French fries, potato soup, cole
Friday, April 3 • 5:00 to 8:00 p.m. slaw, macaroni and cheese, and
1321 N. Stratford in Wichita fruit salad.

St. Margaret Mary’s
One block east of 13th & Woodlawn
Boiled Shrimp, Fried Shrimp
Fried Fish, Onion Rings, Cole Slaw, Fries & Beverages Mexican Dinner
Delicious dessert booth will be available Sunday, March 29
Bring the Family Great Food & Lenten Event St. Margaret Mary Parish will
hosts its annual Mexican Dinner
from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday,
Cochran Mortuary & Crematory March 29.
The dinner will be held at the
Wichita’s only Catholic-owned parish at 2635 S. Pattie, Wichita.
traditional family funeral home Traditional Mexican food is on the
No-cost consultations No-cost aftercare counseling menu. Pricing is a la carte.
Free online guestbook Free DVD life tribute videos Carryout will be available by
Personalized award-winning service calling 267-4911.
No extra charges for rosary/vigil services
St. Joseph, Wichita,
dinner March 22
Conveniently located in the historic Midtown district
Wichita’s only member of the International Order of the Golden Rule
(A professional association of locally owned and independent funeral homes) WICHITA – St. Joseph Par-
ish, 132 S. Millwood, will host
its 49th Annual Parish Dinner
Chapel of the Roses from 11a.m. to 5 p.m. on Sunday,
March 22.
1411 N. Broadway A family style dinner will be
Wichita, KS 67214 served. On the menu are roast
(316) 262-4422 beef, German sausage, mashed
(800) 960-4422 potatoes and gravy, cole slaw, applesauce, and corn, as well as
Bob & Terri Cochran Phifer • Owners/4th generation • St. Vincent de Paul parish
The grand prize in the raf-
Todd & Brandi Phifer • Managers/5th generation • St. Vincent de Paul parish fle will be $10,000. For tick-
Rory McCandless • Assistant Funeral Director • All Saints parish ets contact the parish office at
CA catechesis/evangelization March 20, 2009   9

436 participate in
Cathedral of the Immaculate Candidates – Richard Benish,
St. Mary, Newton Conception, Wichita Daniel Bliss, Alex Duivenvoorden,
Catechumens – Laramie Law- Catechumens – Scotty Barlow, Kendra Foltz, Landon Grams,

Rite of Election
rence, Jennifer Pfannenstiel Sana Christmann, Xariel Leija Shirley Hansen, Lana Harrington,
Candidates – John Carper, Tracy Candidates – Jennifer Gonzalez, Ashley Igo, Derick Jones, Jim Jury,
Eustace, Shelby Evans, Jonathan Xavier Leija, Courtney Sapp, Carol Sharon Jury, Whitney Jury, Ralph
Joy, Shanna Joy, Trinity Muth, Kelli Thompson Kimble, Julie Lueger, Linda My-
Schulte ers, Randy Myers, Janie O’Neil,
Deb Osborn, Angel Quirarte, Zach
Please pray for our baptized and unbaptized Christ the King, Wichita Thorpe, Hope Vogel, Betsy Vogt,
as they prepare to enter the Catholic Church St. Patrick, Parsons Catechumens – Fred Brooks, Anay Wenningham
Catechumens – Ron Dickens, Maria Gonzalez, Jo Ellen Taube,
Four hundred thirty-six persons Melvetta Sevart, Anna Smith, Oren Teri Taylor
St. Francis of Assisi, Wichita
participated in the Rite of Election Smith, Clint Stoy, Sawyer Wood- Candidates – Emily Brown,
St. Cecilia, Haysville McKenzie Posch, Glen “Dave” Catechumens – Sarah Baker,
Sunday, March 1. Catechumens are worth
Catechumens – Trenton Ames, Candidates – Sonja Herman, Probst, Tracy Wolf Payton Carter, Chad deMontfort,
unbaptized. Candidates are bap- Tracy Marie Rausch, Brayden Rich- Zoe Fredrick, Michael Greening,
tized. Melvin Hutchinson, Susan Hutchin-
ard Reiling, Kaleb Andrew Overton, son, Mary Sanders Gracie Gutierrez, Raina Martinez,
Here is a list of those who par- Church of the Magdalen, Austin Milner, Dylan Milner, Ryan
Nina Marie Williams
ticipated in one of three rites March Candidates – Jeff Ames, Tiffany
Wichita Milner
1 at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Renae Knight, Sarah Kirby, Darrell St. Mark, St. Mark Catechumens – Elizabeth Bui, Candidates – Daniel Benefiel,
Conception, Wichita. J. Schenk, Karen Schenk, Lisa Ma- Catechumens – Connie Chris- David Ho, Alina Tos, LeKhanh Van Shellie Brandt, Margaret Close,
St. Vincent de Paul, Andover rie Nicole Shuck, Tara R. Smith tine Wiss Candidates – Sheena Colvin, Jessica Cornejo, Carl Haas, Daniel
Catechumens – Madison Ast, Candidates – Kara Lynn Par- Gabriel Dollmann, Peter Huynh, Hopkins, Estella Meraz, Roxanna
Nathan Ast, Nolan Ast, Chasity rish, Katrina L. Roybal Alison Kirkham, Allyssa Kirkham, Moore, Minh Duc Pham, Am-
Holy Cross, Hutchinson Jack Kirkham, Mylissa Lara, Mar- ber Rau, Herb Shaner, Christian
Carney, J.J. Carney, David Stanley Catechumens – Megan Burdette,
Candidates – Cortney Ast, St. Francis, St. Paul shall Porter, Gregory Reed, Jorge Stafford, Pam Stead, Stephen Sy-
Nataylie Burdette, Linda Caley, Kate Romero, Lisa Slavens, Beverly Jean monds, Tyler Viramontez, Stanley
McKenzie Ast, Nick Ast, Kyler Copeland, Jonathon Tyler Hooper, Catechumens – Dara Dillinger
Fisher, Dale Franz, Armando Gar- Smitherman, Leon Smitherman, Jr., Williams
Jules Martinez, Paige Martinez, Kayla Steele, Jennifer Walker
cia, Jessie Garcia, Nikki Gillespie, Kristin Sorensen St. Peter, Schulte
Shiloh Hoffman, Ressa Lakey, Dani Candidates – Todd Brown, Car- St. Joseph, Wichita
Marstall, Wade Martin, Chris Sch- Catechumens – Jayson Cherry, Church of the Resurrection,
rie Copeland, Daniel Copeland, Heather Cooper, Jay Johnson Catechumens – Ryan Allen,
euber, Debora Spicer, Cody St. Ger- Chris Endress, Shannon Martinez, Wichita Richard Johnson, John Klein, Brian
main Candidates – Courtney Clymer,
Philip Young Catechumens – Joanna Craw- Toedmann, Scott Toedmann
ford, Nhung Dao, Joshua Evans, Candidates – Haley Busch,
Sacred Heart, Arkansas City Jessica Herold, Damon Herrington, Shelly Chaffin, Erin Flinn
Our Lady of Guadalupe,
Catechumens – Nickelus Em- Chris Looney, Hang Nguyen, Mai
South Hutchinson Nguyen
ery Brookshire, Justin David Byers, St. Jude, Wichita
Catechumens – Zoltan Csendes, Candidates – Larry Canup,
Dalton Jacobs, Jacob Michael Shep- Catechumens – Heather Maddox,
Gina Imel, Nancy Prater Wayne Herold, Arlene Laveist,
herd, Alyssa Dawn Trammel Roger Morton, William Paronto
Candidates – Kevin Crabbs, Mi- Bryce Laveist, Michael Moore,
Candidates – Darrin Brett Butler, Candidates – Betty Coon, Karen
chelle Mog Amanda Muller
Thomas Carl Mulkey, Cheryl Anne Dao, Patrick Drennan, Walter Han-
Shepherd, Mitchell Todd Shepherd, sen, Martha Klassen, Joel Maddox,
Kayla Marie Strickland St. Teresa, Hutchinson Holy Savior, Wichita Joseph Rodriguez
Catechumens – Leslie Barnes, Catechumens – Shyla Thomp-
St. James, Augusta Tim Bishop, Stephanie Larsen, Jes- son
sica Nelson St. Margaret Mary, Wichita
Catechumens – Randy John Candidates – Gwynne Birzer,
Candidates – Dalton Adams, Catechumens – Ekko Buzzell,
Leonard, Laryssa Jaye Overby Goldie Carr-Davis, Leonard Fields,
Scott Drush, Steve Ellingboe, Tiffa- Chelsa Roudybush, Shelli Roudy-
Candidates – Carolyn Marie Galena Frazier, Jelenis Winesberry,
ny Schofield, Gracee Smith, Jerome bush
Buchanan, Linda Gail Drouillard, Nayuvel Winesberry
Smith, Riley Smith, Shelly Smith Candidates – Emily Clark,
Marvin D. Hartley, Eric William Charles Vaught
Larsen, Vicky Lynn Leonard, Jes- Our Lady of Perpetual Help,
sica Marie Morgan, Jonathan Blake St. Andrew, Independence Wichita
Morgan, Jayna Dane Overby, Lacey Catechumens – Cory Dillon, St. Patrick, Wichita
Catechumens – Julius Cato, Catechumens – Eloysa Hernan-
Nicole Prockish, Nathan A. Zorn Marci Horning Raquel Espinoza, Rosa Elvira Fu- dez, Miriam Rodriguez
Candidates – Art Bourbina, Bri- entes, Jairo Emilio Samuel
an McBride, Jon Risner Candidates – Annelise Day,
St. Patrick, Chanute Candidates – Edgard Aguilar, Yancarlo Rodriguez
Candidates – Alexis Hosack, Claudia Coronel, Martin Becerra,
Janeese Pruitt, Leon Smith St. Patrick, Kingman Ana Julieta Cato, Alejandra Del-
Catechumens – Michael Du- gado, Samantha Dominguez, Ga- St. Paul, Newman Center,
mond, Emily Harrison, Katy Har- briel Garcia, Vanesa Garcia, Reggie Wichita
Holy Name, Coffeyville
rison Jones, Gracida Montanez, Isabela Catechumens – Michelle Lim
Catechumens – Lyndia Letter- Ramos, Victor Raymundo, Jesus A. Candidates – Robin Brown
man Rodriguez, Johnatan E. Salas, Juan
Candidates – Wendy Isle, Sam- St. Bridget of Sweden,
Villanueva St. Thomas Aquinas, Wichita
uel Wilson Lindsborg
Candidates – Jaycee Gfeller Catechumens – Kenneth An-
Newman University, Wichita drews, Jessica Antle, Amber Hein,
St. Rose of Lima, Council
Catechumens – Lindsey Laird Carolina Maine, Christopher Sw-
Grove Holy Trinity, Little River
Candidates – Amy Overmiller yers
Candidates – Jerre Hollis, Gold- Candidates – Carly Tomlin Richard Crum, Cody Gerberding, Candidates – Justin Antle, James
en Horada, Brandy Villalobos, Am- Christopher Gwinup, Brad Johnson, Armstrong, Richard Brown II, Rob-
ber Weeks Cheryl Peters, Sharon Streit, Chad St. Anne, Wichita
St. Paul, Lyons ert Burgess, Matthew Butler, John
Wallace, Eloise Wigal Catechumens – Delaney
Catechumens – Bryan Becker, Byers, Patricia Lyons, Kristi Ham,
Cowden, Michelle Cowden, Sophia
St. Mary, Derby/Rose Hill Kristina Silva Eric Jarvis, Harold Kammerer, Ross
Cowden, Jamie Ray Criser, Michael
Catechumens – DeAngela In- Candidates – Tim Weber St. Anthony/St. Rose, Kelsey, Breanne Lasoro, Shane
Kelty, Timmy Tran
galls, Christina Juarez, Lynn Nguy- Wellington Phillips, Kate Rohr, Joel Sutherland,
Candidates – Yessenea Lopez,
en, Derek Piskorski, Jennifer Web- St. Joseph, McPherson Candidates – Autumn Christine Melissa Templin, Kelli Warren
James Newman, Dorothy Tull
ster Catechumens – Kevin Felix Dvorak, Candace JoAnne Giefer,
Candidates – Ron Brown, Car- Candidates – Elizabeth Felix Pamela Ann Hadden, Shelley Renee Holy Name, Winfield
issa Hunt, Evin Hunt, Kathy King, St. Catherine of Siena,
Hansel Catechumens – Alex Bowker,
Joey Kippenberger, Jodie Leeser, Wichita
St. Michael, Mulvane Ashley Cooley, Katina North
Rusty Lewis, Luan Sparks, Tyson Catechumens – Corey Hurst, Candidates – Lori Aikins, Mat-
All Saints, Wichita
Webster Catechumens – Emily Peavey, Dalton Hurst, Lisa Hurst, Ashley thew Aikins, Richard Alba, Katie
Travis Phillips, Shawn Rogers, Eliz- Catechumens – Casey Duang- Rathbun, Kim Rathbun, Kirk Rich-
praseuth, Misty Whitaker Allender, Scott Bevilacqua
Sacred Heart, Fredonia abeth Sarchet ards, Stacy Terwilliger
Candidates – Dale Kline, An- Candidates – Donna Becker, Candidates – Jeremiah Bishop,
Candidates – Terri Floyd, Chris- drew Phillips, Herbert Phillips, Jack Margaret Blecha, Jerry Earlywine, Matt Burroughs, Kelly Charters, Sue St. Dismas Ministry
tine Zambon, Marshall Nienstedt, Theobald, Luca Trooren-Smith, German Rodriguez, Maria Rodri- Christensen, Amanda Dolechek, Catechumens:  Jos Chavez, Ron-
Eddie Wheeler Nikki Trooren-Smith guez, Jack Smith Julie Goldston, Jona Rohling, Jerry ald Allen Easley, Treck William
Thompson, Brent Wooten Fetters, Nicholas Wade Flowers,
St. Anthony, Garden Plain Our Lady of Guadalupe, Blessed Sacrament, Wichita Cameron Lee Johnson, John Joseph
Catechumens – Stacy Ayres Catechumens – Mark Conklin, SEAS, Wichita Leas, Matthew Dean Siemens, Rob-
Candidates – Lance Gordon Adrianna Moore, Amber Moore, bin Wayne Tweedy
Catechumens – Seth Claassen, Catechumens – Kirk Bliss, Hai- Candidates:  Stanley Mitchell
Edward Hodgkins, Cade Valdez, John Muir, Barb Oberly, Ryan ley Brewer, Penny Caporale, The-
Church of the Holy Spirit, Robertson, Christina Rogers, Julie Elms Jr., Marcos Martinez, Mar-
Cailen Valdez, Cristian Valdez, Hai- resa Chase, Deja Grant, Bryce Har- cus Martinez J.M.Z., Miguel Angel
Goddard ley Valdez, Lisa Valdez Schmidt, Maddox Senethivisouk vey, Monica Lubbers, Alex Myers,
Candidates – Bryan Buck, David Martinez, Miguel Martinez, Timo-
Candidates – Stacy Jo Aylward, Candidates – Raymond Garcia, Dominique Rodgers, Jesse Rodgers, thy Mildfeldt, Jerome Ryan, Juan
Scott Reichenborn, Jennifer Rebec- Jr., Laurie Robinson Pendarvis, Dan Phillips, Christine Shanan Ryan, Elle Vogel, Maddy
Powers Triana
ca Francois, Amanda Lynn Bentley Vogel, Amber Wimer, J.R. Yost
10  March 20, 2009 catechesis/evangelization CA

Senate bill would abolish state’s death penalty

By Christopher Riggs haven’t executed anyone in the ment has ceased to be a matter of
A Kansas Senate bill that state for over 40 years,” Schuttlof- necessity.”
fel said. Catholic tradition allows for
What does the
would abolish the death penalty
was given new life this week. The executive director of the the taking of human life in cases Catechism say?
Catholic teaching does allow Michael Schuttloffel, executive Kansas Catholic Conference pre- of defense against an aggressor, The Catechism of the Cath-
for capital punishment, but director of the Kansas Catholic sented testimony to the commit- the bishops testified, but added olic Church says in paragraph
only when there is no other Conference, said a committee tee Feb. 26 on behalf of the four that church teaching makes no 2267: If...non-lethal means are
way to protect society. voted Wednesday, March 4, to bishops of Kansas. room for killing for the sake of sufficient to defend and protect
The bishops said in their state- revenge. people’s safety from the ag-
One reason the bishops recom- gressor, authority will limit itself
mended that capital punishment to such means, as these are
be abolished in Kansas was to more in keeping with the con-
prevent the execution of an in- crete conditions of the common
nocent person. good and are more in confor-
“In the last 35 years, over 100 mity to the dignity of the human
Americans have been released person.
from death row due to evidence of
their innocence,” the bishops said.
“The fact that innocent persons they said.
were near to being executed in this “We should not kill our prison-
country is so astounding, so shock- ers for the same reason that we
ing, that we have no choice but to do not torture them. We do not
seek alternate forms of justice.” want to be the kind of people who
Society has failed if only one kill human beings out of anger,
innocent person is put to death, revenge, hate, bloodlust – the
the four bishops said. “The only same dark emotions that animated
way for society to have the peace the original crimes we seek to
of mind that no guiltless person punish.”
will ever face execution is for The bishops concluded their
send SB 208 to an interim study
Want to contact your committee rather than advancing ment, “Abolishing the Death Pen- there to be no executions.” statement by saying the death
alty in Kansas,” that the Catholic The bishops testified that by penalty, “by vainly trying to repay
representative? it to the chamber floor for debate.
killing with killing, does great
“Then the next day the com- Church takes a nuanced position imprisoning a convicted criminal
To contact your represen- with regard to capital punishment. rather than killing him, society harm to the society that dispenses
tative or senator, go to www. mittee unexpectedly reconsidered,
“It has traditionally been gives itself time to ensure that a this false justice, while permitting re-voted, and approved to pass it
allowed, not as a form of ven- correct verdict has been reached. the guilty to avoid a lifetime of
out of committee,” Schuttloffel
geance, but rather as a means In addition the criminal is given confinement and reflection upon
said. “It can now be brought out
Full statement online for consideration by the whole of protecting people in cases of time to reflect on what he did. their crimes.
The testimony by the four absolute necessity: in other words, The Kansas bishops also chal- “The guilty have blood on their
Kansas bishops to the sen- when it would not be possible lenged the faithful to pray for the hands,” the bishops said. “Let our
The bill was considered by the
ate committee is available in otherwise to defend society,” the conversion of criminals. hands be clean.”
Kansas Senate earlier this week
full on the Downloads page but was eventually returned to bishops said. “While the wounds that have
at committee for further study.
The bill would bar new death
However such circumstances
rarely, if ever, exist in modem in-
been inflicted by crimes of vio-
lence cannot ever be fully mended
Contact: criggs@ CA
sentences after July 1 but would dustrialized societies, they added. in this world, would it not be
not affect the 10 state inmates “We have the technological better to know that the perpetrator
already awaiting execution. “We means to ensure that those who has come to regret his actions?”
would do us harm are incarcer-
ated for life. Thus, capital punish-

Rachel Stanley, senior at Bishop Carroll Catholic

High School, leads about 150 fellow members of
the God Squad in the Liturgy of the Hours. The
group meets every morning, Monday through Sat-
urday, during Lent to devote time and energy to
strengthening their spiritual life. The God Squad,
led by Father Jarrod Lies, has been in place for
five years. (Advance photo by Fred Solis.)

BC’s ‘God Squad’

getting pumped up
again this Lent
Students gather in the morning before school
in auditorium for a spiritual workout

By Fred Solis the idea on 1 Timothy, 4:7, which

Every morning during Lent encourages us to “train yourself
– Monday through Saturday – for devotion, for while physical
teams of Bishop Carroll Catho- training is of limited value, devo-
lic High School students gather tion is valuable in every respect, who facilitate small groups) who student must attend “training Senior Rachel Stanley, a
in the school’s auditorium for since it holds a promise of life lead prayers and discussion. days” (daily activities) 80 per- captain, has been on the God
their spiritual workout. This both for the present and for the Sunday is referred to as cent of the time. Junior varsity Squad for four years. She does
Lent marks the God Squad’s future.” “game day,” and the “arena” or members must participate 50 it “because it makes such an
fifth anniversary. Because Fr. Lies is so “court” is free will. “Studying percent of the time, and C-team impact on me and my spiritual
Initiated by Father Jarrod Lies, involved in sports at the high the playbook” means meditation members participate without life,” she explained. “It would
the school’s chaplain, the squad’s school, he adopted sports terms on scripture. Other translations specific accountability. It’s be beneficial to continue while I
intent is “to take the training for for the God Squad’s activities. include “doin’ ropes” (praying even possible to “letter” in God had the opportunity.”
spiritual life as seriously as music, There are “coaches” (chaplain the Rosary), “scrimmage (daily Squad. Winning a Liturgy and
and teachers) who assist in orga- Spirituality letter signifies that
sports or other things.” He based Mass) and “huddles” (student led Contact: solisf@
nizing and arranging God Squad discussion groups). the student has made the varsity
events, and “captains” (students Team designations carry squad two consecutive years.
metaphors as well.
To be on the varsity team, a
CA News March 20, 2009   11

Trena Lopez, program man-

ager for the Women’s Initiative
Network, holds a basket of
food items sold by the minis-
try. She is standing in front of
a display of other items the
ministry sells to help women.
(Advance photo)

Ministry has
some Lenten
food ideas Children holds signs welcoming Pope Benedict XVI in Yaounde,
Cameroon, March 17. Making his first papal visit to Africa, the
pope said the Catholic Church can help bring answers to the
Women’s Initiative continent’s chronic problems, including poverty, AIDS and trib-
Network helps women alism. (CNS photo/Alessandro Bianchi, Reuters)
overcome the cycle
of domestic abuse
flavors of Trappist jelly,” she said.
Sister Diana, development di-
In Africa, pope says Gospel is
answer to continent’s problems
rector for the ministry, said Lent
Want to help
The Wichita Women’s Initia- helps the faithful improve their women in need?
tive Network store has some ideas spiritual lives through prayer, pen- The Wichita Women’s Initia- YAOUNDE, Cameroon cian, to a continent where the
for Friday Lenten meals. ance, self-denial, and alms-giving. tive Network store is located at (CNS) — Arriving in Africa, saving message of the Gospel
The WIN store has several “Buying our products helps 510 E. Third Street. To order Pope Benedict XVI said the needs to be “proclaimed loud
soups: Tomato & Rice; Split Pea; women break the cycle of abuse,” online go to www.wichitawin. church’s message of hope and and clear.” The encounter with
Hearty Chili Bean soup and Prai- she said. “Donations cover only a org, or call (316) 262-3960. reconciliation was sorely need- Christianity, he said, can trans-
rie Bean soup with five different small portion of our budget.” ed by a continent suffering dis- form situations of hardship or
beans. Sister Diana added that there proportionately from poverty, injustice.
Sister Diana Rawlings, an are many items available online cational and employment opportu- He cited the regional conflicts
conflict and disease.
Adorer of the Blood of Christ, sug- and urged the faithful of the dio- nities fostering their healing and in Africa that have left thou-
At a welcoming ceremony
gested WIN’s Lentil & Rice Salad, cese to visit the store or go online self-sufficiency. WIN, a sponsored sands homeless, destitute and
March 17 in Yaounde, the pope
which can be turned into a one to view their soups and speciality ministry of the Adorers of the orphaned, as well as human
said he was making his first visit
dish meal. “For something more items. Blood of Christ, started in 1997. trafficking that has become a
to Africa to respond to the many
unique try our oatmeal pancakes Purchases help women survi- Since that time 106 women have new form of slavery, especially
men and woman who “long to
topped with one of five assorted vors of domestic abuse with edu- been served through the program. for women and children.
hear a word of hope and com-
fort.” “At a time of global crisis in
nership with them to make that ed- In Africans’ fight against in- food shortages, financial tur-
Briefly ucation even better,” said Newman
Provost and Vice President for Ac-
at Tiller’s abortion clinic April 4.
The rosary is prayed to end
justice, he said, the church is
their natural ally.
moil and disturbing patterns of
climate change, Africa suffers
abortion and for the establishment “In the face of suffering or disproportionately: More and
ademic Affairs Michael Austin. of a culture of life in our society.
Newman U. signs Newman has also signed simi- Tama Dutton, director of the di-
violence, poverty or hunger, more of her people are falling
prey to hunger, poverty and dis-
lar agreements with many other corruption or abuse of power, a
agreement with Butler community college in Kansas.
ocesan Respect Life and Social Jus- Christian can never remain si- ease. They cry out for reconcili-
tice Office, said that although any- lent,” the pope said. ation, justice and peace, and that
WICHITA – Newman Univer- For more specific information one is invited to join in the monthly
sity recently signed an articulation on transferring credits from Butler The 81-year-old pontiff stood is what the church offers them,”
recitation of the Rosary on any first on a platform at Yaounde’s air- he said.
agreement with Butler Community Community College to Newman, Saturday, specific parishes will be
College that will allow for a seam- contact Austin at (316) 942-4291, ext. port next to Cameroonian Presi- “Not forms of economic or
asked to support the Rosary. dent Paul Biya, who welcomed political oppression, but the glo-
less transition for Butler students 2367 or These parishes are scheduled for
who want to further their goals in the pope on a hot, humid after- rious freedom of the children
April 4: Christ the King, Wichita;
a four-year institution. First Saturday rosary St. Thomas Aquinas, Wichita; St.
noon. Groups of schoolchildren of God. Not the imposition of
sang and cheered, waving paper cultural models that ignore the
“Butler Community College
does a tremendous job of educat-
April 4 at Tiller’s Patrick, Chanute; St. Joseph, Hum- flags with the Vatican’s colors. rights of the unborn, but the pure
WICHITA – The First Satur- boldt; St. Francis, St. Paul; St. Am- The pope said he came to healing water of the Gospel of
ing students in the Wichita area, brose, Erie; St. Joseph, Ost; St. Rose,
and we are proud to work in part- day Rosary will be prayed at 9 a.m. Africa as a pastor, not a politi- life,” he said.
Mt. Vernon; St. Louis, Waterloo.
12  March 20, 2009 News CA

Holy Spirit St. Joseph School’s librarian

Catholic School said Jakob Eck spells well
because he is an avid reader.

St. Joseph’s
• New Preschool opening for 2009-2010
• Enrolling Preschool-8th grade now!
• Come learn about our growing community.
• Small student/teacher ratio

Jakob Eck
• Full day kindergarten available Located at 183rd and Kellogg
Contact Mrs. Kelly Bright with questions: 316-794-8139

wins county
18218 W. Highway 54 Goddard, KS 67052

LD Carney & Associates

RCB Bank Pioneer spelling bee
Residential mortgage rate 4.875% apr When that last word came up
at the Sedgwick County Spelling
Contact Matt or Larry Carney, (316) 721-9660 Bee Feb. 28, it probably didn’t
hurt that Jakob Eck has German-
We do construction and first-time homebuyer’s loans ic ancestors on his mother and
Rates subject to change father’s sides of the family.
Member FDIC Equal Housing Lender The word he correctly spelled
Member St. Francis of Assisi was “schnitzel,” a thin slice of
veal or other meat that has been
breaded and fried. But Jakob
Catholic Cemeteries of wasn’t hungry at the time.
The St. Joseph School sixth
the Diocese of Wichita grader said he was really ner- schnitzel with nary a hiccup. Principal Dan McAdam said he
vous when there were only two To prepare for the competi- was in his car when he heard
Providing loved ones a consecrated resting place contestants remaining in the au- tion, Jakob studied words from that the school’s spelling cham-
that proclaims our faith in the resurrection and promise of ditorium of East High School. So the national spelling bee list, pion had won the county bee.
eternal life was his father. from a school dictionary, from “I was cheering with excite-
Call 316-722-1971 for information “My mom said his eyes were the Wichita Eagle, and the ment for him, but not terribly
on the chair in front of him and Catholic Advance. His parents, surprised,” McAdam said. “Ja-
Ascension Cemetery he was nearly sick,” Jakob said. Kirk and Laura Eck, coached kob has always been an outstand-
Resurrection Cemetery But all those hours of study him with words and meanings. ing student. We are very proud of
Calvary Cemetery paid off. He spelled the word St. Joseph Catholic School him at St. Joseph’s.”

Cena Mexicana One word away from winning St. Teresa School
student couldn’t speak
Parroquia Santa Maria Margarita
2635 South Pattie English as a child
HUTCHINSON – Esmeralda
Domingo Marzo 20, 2009 Tovar, an immigrant from Mexico
City, couldn’t speak English when
11 a.m.-4 p.m. she started in St. Teresa School’s
Servicio de Ordenes para llevar • LLamar: 267-4911 three-year-old preschool.
On Jan. 29, Esmeralda, now a
Tacos • Arroz Mexicano • Burritos • Frijoles Refritos sixth grader, took second place at
the Reno County Spelling Bee.
Tostadas • Enchiladas • Taco Burgers It wasn’t easy to get from there
Hot Dogs • Postres • Bebidas to here. Like many immigrants, the
child worked hard to adapt to her
new country. She also followed the
example of her father, Pablo, who
also spent hours studying English
using language tapes.
Esmeralda’s teachers at St. Te-
resa said she also learned English
by studying hard at school, being
diligent with her homework, and
Esmeralda Tovar, center, was one word away from winning the
– just like thousands of other kids
– by watching cartoons on televi- Reno County Spelling Bee this year. With her is Jesse Bribiesca,
sion. left, who helped Esmeralda prepare for the bee, and the sixth
“My parents said that they are grader’s teacher, Molly Perser.
very proud of me and have told me
to keep working hard and doing roll, will be a student next year at mother, Carmen, are members of
good work,” she said. Trinity Junior/Senior High School. Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish in
Esmeralda, who is on the honor Esmeralda, her father, and her South Hutchinson.

works from Vivaldi, Beethoven, at St. Joseph School, Wichita, has

Briefly and Albinoni’s “Adagio in G mi-
nor” for strings and organ.
qualified for the April 3 State Ge-
ography Bee in Abilene. 
She qualified by winning the
ASK ABOUT OUR SPECIAL CATHOLIC ADVANCE DISCOUNT! Way of the Cross Resurrection auction school’s geography bee and then
and dinner April 25
receiving one of the top scores in
with Music April 3 at the state on a written test submit-
WICHITA – Those attending
Resurrection Parish the Eighth Annual Resurrection ted to the National Geographic
WICHITA – Church of the Catholic School Auction Saturday, Bee.
in Sales and Service! Resurrection, located at 4910 N. April 25, will take a trip to the Im- Kids fastpitch softball
Woodlawn, will host a special Sta- perial Far East.
Mitsubishi No int
tions of the Cross service at 7 p.m. The $30 tickets go on sale clinic set for April 22
TV’s • DVD’s • VCR’s Friday, April 3. March 14 and include dinner. They WICHITA – Kapaun Mt. Car-
financerest Home Theatre It will present “The Way of the may be purchased after Masses or mel High School is hosting a Kids
availa ing
Washers/Dryers • Refrigerators Cross with Music for Prayer and on weekdays at the school office. Fastpitch Softball Clinic from 4:15
LG ble Microwaves • Freezers Meditation,” which incorporates a For more information and for to 6:15 p.m. Wednesday, April 22.
variety of choral and instrumental auction items, go to www.resur- The cost for the clinic and a T-
music. shirt is $20.
Music will be provided by the
Cy’s TV Service, Inc. Church of the Resurrection Choir St. Joe student going To sign up contact Head Coach
Missy Congdon at 250-3415 or
2219 N. Broadway in Wichita with parish and guest instrumen- to state geography bee Sign up
talists. Selections will include
—SHOP CY’S (316) 838-0811 • Fax: 838-0812 Maureen Dowell a 7th grader by April 1 to guarantee a T-shirt.
El periódico oficial de la Diócesis de Wichita Vol. 8, No. 3 Viernes 20 de marzo del 2009

El perdón es el
principio para
imitar a Jesús
Un grupo de matla-
chines acompañan
al Padre Andrew
Un mensaje de cuaresma Heiman, pastor de
del Obispo Jackels la parroquia con
el nuevo nombre
Por Obispo Jackels San Antonio-Santa
“Éste es mi hijo amado” (Mar- Rosa, en una
cos 9,7). Pedro, Santiago y Juan procesión con el
oyeron una voz que provenía de una
nube que decía esto de Jesús. “Hijo Obispo . La pro-
amado” es lo que es Jesús para Dios cesión se realizó
Padre. de la parroquia Sta.
Esto es también lo que nosotros, Rosa a la parroquia
aquellos quienes profesan su fe en San Antonio. (Foto
Jesús y son bautizados, somos para
Dios. La misma voz diría de cada cortesía de Teresa
uno de los bautizados, “éste también Lee, Wellington
es mi hijo amado”. Daily News).
Hay, por supuesto, una diferencia
entre Jesús y sus seguidores. Jesús
es la Palabra encarnada de Dios, la
segunda Persona de la Santísima
Trinidad, el único Hijo engendrado
del Padre eterno.
Parroquias de Santa Rosa y San Antonio en Wellington se unifican
Nosotros, por Obispo Jackels celebra una Misa para unificar nueva parroquia San Antonio-Sta. Rosa
otro lado, somos
y seremos siem- Por Christopher Riggs Considerar que una parroquia los mexicanos que estaban siendo roquia que ahora será llamada San
pre humanos. Los feligreses hispanos de cierre sus puertas es muy difícil, reclutados para trabajar en una Antonio-Santa Rosa.
Pero por virtud Wellington quienes se esforzaron dijo el Obispo, y agregó que se sin- empresa ferrocarrilera. El Padre Andrew Heiman, pas-
de nuestra pro- para crecer en su fe por casi 60 tió tan indeciso como lo fue San “Nunca debieron de existir dos tor de la parroquia dijo que un fe-
fesión de fe y Pablo en la segunda lectura de ese parroquias”, dijo. “Las parroquias ligrés le dijo que cuando la Misa
bautismo nos años fueron honrados el sábado
21 de febrero en una Misa cel- día. “Con respecto a la parroquia normalmente son divididas por había comenzado se sentía una
convertimos en
una nueva cre- ebrada para unificar las dos par- de Sta. Rosa, después de conocer límites geográficos y este nunca tristeza como la de un funeral, pero
Obispo ación y somos roquias de este pueblo. las razones por la cual fue creada, fue el caso aquí; las parroquias al final había un sentimiento de
Michael O. adoptados como En su homilía, el Obispo Mi- tengo que confesar que nunca me fueron divididas por la discrimi- unidad para avanzar juntos como
Jackels hijos de Dios. chael O. Jackels dijo que había sentí tan indeciso”. nación. Por esta razón creo que es una sola parroquia.
La nueva sentimientos encontrados con El Obispo Jackels explicó que lo correcto y lo mejor que las dos El Padre Heiman dijo que tiene
creación en la que nos convertimos respecto a la fusión de las dos hay evidencia que Sta. Rosa fue parroquias se fusionen”. la visión de crecer como una sola
es … Jesús. San Pablo describe el parroquias. creada “para proveer un hogar es- El Obispo Jackels terminó su parroquia. “Nuestros corazones
efecto de la profesión de fe y el ser “La tristeza de los feligreses piritual sin tensiones para la gente homilía pidiéndole a la parroquia han cambiado, nuestras mentes han
bautizado en términos de convertir- que hablaba español en Welling- concentrarse en el futuro y en lo cambiado. Ahora somos todos uno,
nos en miembros del cuerpo de Cris- de la parroquia de Sta. Rosa es
real y debe ser respetada”, dijo el ton” en un tiempo donde había que Dios está haciendo para unifi- como debió de haber sido desde un
to (ver I Corintios 12) y ser vestidos
con Cristo (ver Gálatas 3,27). Obispo. cierta discriminación en contra de car dos comunidades en una par- principio”.
Así como nos referimos a los sac-
erdotes, un cristiano es otro Cristo.
Dios Padre ve a los cristianos como
hijos en el Hijo de Dios, Jesús. Esto
La Pascua, la fiesta principal de la Iglesia
conlleva la misión de los cristianos: La Pascua es la fiesta principal y mas antigua de liturgia de la Cena del Señor que da comienzo al Triduo
conversión continua para imitar los cristianos. Es el corazón del año litúrgico. León I Pascual. El Viernes Santo se hace el “ayuno pascual”
cada vez más la mente y el corazón la llama la fiesta mayor (festum festorum), y dice que que se continúa el sábado santo, preparatorio a la gran
de Jesús. la Navidad se celebra en preparación para la Pascua celebración pascual . El triduo culmina en la Vigilia
El camino rápido en la imitación (Sermón xvii en Exodum). Pascual del sábado por la tarde.
de Cristo es amar como Jesús amó La pascua conmemora la Resurrección del Cordero Los primeros ocho días de la pascua constituyen la
y a quien Jesús amó. Esto dijo Jesús Inmolado: Jesucristo. Manifiesta la victoria ganada en
a sus discípulos: “Así como yo los octava y se celebran como solemnidades del Señor. El
la Cruz por Jesús sobre el demonio. Los hombres es-
he amado, también ustedes deben agua bendecida en la Vigilia pascual se usa para los
tábamos bajo la esclavitud de Satanás pero en Cristo
amarse los unos a los otros” (Juan bautismo en toda la temporada de pascua.
tenemos vida nueva.
13,34). Una lectura rápida del evan- En el día 40 de la pascua se celebra la ascensión
Siendo la fiesta mas importante de la liturgia, la
gelio muestra claramente cómo del Señor y los 9 días de la ascensión a Pentecostés (la
pascua se celebra por 50 días, desde el domingo de
Jesús amaba en términos de perdón, novena original) son días de intensa preparación para la
Pascua hasta Pentecostés. Según la liturgia actual, la
servicio y sacrificio. venida del Espíritu Santo.
cuaresma termina en la tarde del Jueves Santo con la
(Continúa en pag. 14)

El Obispo toma pasos prudentes en la visión de la campaña JUNTOS

La campaña especial de apelación a nivel Jackels ha declarado que no queda
duda de si procederemos o no, sino
diocesano ha extendido su fase de preparación. de cuándo se hará la invitación a
Una recesión económica duele. continuar con esta visión con liger- todos para hacer ese regalo que
Hemos perdido ahorros. He- eza. En su carta, el Obispo Jackels implica sacrificio.
mos perdido trabajos. Hemos per- escribió sobre la Dirección Divina Las prioridades de esta campa-
dido negocios. Y las titulares los que calmó sus miedos y le dio con- ña especial están presentes, no de-
periódicos continúan diciéndonos fianza para seguir adelante. saparecerán. De hecho, el número
que la economía va a empeorar “Esta decisión no fue tomada de vidas que serán beneficiadas
antes de mejorar. sin tener sensibilidad por aquellos por la campaña se incrementarán
Ahora es un tiempo difícil para afectados por la economía”, es- con el tiempo. El costo, tanto en
hablar de dinero. Sin embargo, las cribió. “Al contrario, nos preocu- dólares como en esfuerzo, sola- El logotipo de la compaña JUNTOS es parecido al logotipo uti-
conversaciones sobre dinero están pamos por la gente, especialmente mente aumentará. lizado por la diócesis.
en todos lados, hasta en la iglesia. aquellos que están sufriendo”. Esta campaña especial es para
El 4 de noviembre del 2008, el Pero desde noviembre la re- tres prioridades importantes: la jadas en el nombre “JUNTOS: sual en el Avance Católico donde
Obispo Michael O. Jackels mandó cesión se ha hecho todavía más do- educación de seminaristas, pro- Nos Reunimos. Aprendemos. Ser- hablará directamente a cada miem-
una carta a los fieles de la dióce- lorosa y la compasión del Obispo gramas de formación católicos y vimos”. bro de la familia diocesana sobre la
sis sobre su decisión de seguir ad- por aquellos que están sufriendo la renovación de la Catedral y sus Durante la extensión de la fase campaña JUNTOS. Además de los
elante con la campaña especial de en esta recesión es constante. alrededores. La campaña pretende de preparación para la campaña artículos del Obispo en el Avance,
apelación de fondos. En diciembre del 2008 el fortalecer la unidad entre la par- JUNTOS, el personal diocesano comenzarán a ver el logotipo en
La intención de esta campaña Obispo decidió extender la fase de roquia y la diócesis y profundizar está trabajando para desarrollar la artículos que destaquen diferentes
ha sido siempre más profunda que preparación de la campaña hasta nuestra práctica de compartir historia y crear los materiales nec- aspectos de la visión de JUNTOS.
la de una simple recaudación de que los indicadores económicos nuestros bienes, talentos y tesoro esarios para comunicarla. En la visión de JUNTOS, cada
fondos. Es una visión para el crec- mostraran estabilidad. como una forma de vida, compar- Así comenzarán a ver el logo- católico y cada parroquia pueden
imiento de nuestra diócesis. A pesar de que todavía no sa- tiendo la responsabilidad por la tipo de JUNTOS más seguido. A llegar a tener un mejor sentido de
Pero en ningún momento el bemos por cuánto tiempo más misión de la Iglesia. partir del 17 de abril, el Obispo unidad. JUNTOS: Nos reunimos.
Obispo ha tomado la decisión de tendremos que esperar, el Obispo Todas estas metas se ven refle- Jackels escribirá un artículo men- Aprendemos. Servimos.
14  March 20, 2009 CA
Escuelas parroquiales agradecen ayuda del Fondo Drexel Calendario Católico Hispano
en Haysville. Marzo 27-29
La parroquia de Sta. Margarita
María en Wichita, la cual sirve a Curso Felipe
una comunidad muy diversa que Organiza Escuela de Evangelización Juan Pablo II en Parroquia de
incluye estudiantes de origen his- Santa Ana, Wichita. Info. Simona o Carmelo Gomez (316) 293-9531.
pano, vietnamitas y anglosajones, Abril 2
planea utilizar los fondos recibi-
dos para contratar a un maestro de Presentación: Jóvenes sexualidad y
educación física de medio tiempo, fidelidad a las enseñanzas de la Iglesia
comprar computadoras y actualizar Para jóvenes de 12-18 en el Centro Pastoral Hispano 6:30 PM. Info.
los libros de texto. Centro Pastoral Hispano (316) 269-3919.
Por otro lado, la pequeña escuela Abril 9-12
parroquial de Holy Name en Cof-
feyville ubicada en una zona rural Semana Santa
del sureste de Kansas, agradeció Abril 7 (1er martes del mes)
a los donadores del Fondo Drexel
por sus contribuciones, las cuales Rosario de Mujeres Hispanas
Alumnos de la escuela de Sta. Margarita María utilizan parte de los ayudarán a la escuela en sus necesi- Información con Martha Schweiger al (316) 721-7732.
fondos recibidos para actualizar el laboratorio de computación. dades tecnológicas y para dar in- Reuniones de Oración Carismática en Wichita
De las 39 escuelas católicas en la Ana está agradecida por las con- strucción que cubra necesidades de
aprendizaje de los estudiantes. En Nuestra Señora del Perpetuo Socorro, miércoles 7 p.m. y Hora
diócesis de Wichita, 25 pueden ben- tribuciones dadas a nuestra parro-
eficiarse del Fondo Drexel, el cual quia a través del Fondo Drexel. Los Para que las escuelas o parro- Santa de Sanación, último jueves del mes 9 p.m.
fue creado para ayudar a las parro- planes para utilizar este dinero son quias puedan beneficiarse de este En la Catedral de la Inmaculada Concepción, jueves 7 p.m.
quias con dificultades económicas cuidadosamente estudiados para fondo un 30 por ciento de los estu- En Santa Margarita María, viernes 7 p.m.
para proveer educación católica a obtener el mejor beneficio”, dice diantes deben calificar para recibir En Santa Ana, viernes 7 p.m.
niños y jóvenes de la parroquia. una carta de agradecimiento de di- almuerzos gratis o a bajo costo, un Si tiene algún evento, acontecimiento, suceso o cursos en su par-
En el año fiscal 2007-2008, el cha escuela. 50 por ciento o más de las ofrendas roquia que quiera dar a conocer en este calendario católico escriba a
Fondo “St. Katharine Drexel” dis- “El Fondo Drexel nos ha permit- dominicales de la parroquia deben o llame al (316) 773-6703 con Yrene Lewis.
tribuyó $349,020 a varias parro- ido comprar computadoras y con- de ser para la educación católica
quias y escuelas católicas de esta vertir uno de nuestros salones en y la parroquia debe de tener un
diócesis. laboratorio de cómputo”, dice otra programa activo de “Compartir”
“La escuela católica de Sta. carta de la parroquia de Sta. Cecilia (Stewardship en inglés).

Empleados diocesanos toman clases Clases de Planificación

de español para servir mejor Familiar Natural
Mercedes Villanueva, una inmi- Aprenda el método aprobado
grante cubana desde 1960, enseña la por la Iglesia Católica sin riesgos
clase todos los lunes por la tarde a para la salud física y espiritual
cerca de 15 estudiantes quienes dice de la pareja para espaciar los
que algunos de ellos saben algo de nacimientos de sus hijos.
español por haber tomado clases en Sta. Margarita María
preparatoria o en la universidad. Martes 24 de marzo
Villanueva tiene un título uni-
versitario en español y en francés (cada 4to martes del mes)
y también sirve de voluntaria en Clase de introducción.
su propia parroquia, la Iglesia de Método de la Ovulación
la Magdalena y en el Spiritual Life Info Oficina Parroquial (316)
Center. 262-1821 o Kristina Sample (316) “Pure & Simple”, clases de abstinencia para jóvenes
Heather Welch, coordinadora de 685-7540
Mercedes Villanueva, maestra publicidad para el Avance Católico 30 jóvenes de 12 a 17 años participan en la clase de abstinencia
y una de las estudiantes en la clase “Pure & Simple”, ofrecida por Silvia Landers en el Centro Pastoral
de las clases de español dijo: “La belleza y riqueza de las Clausura de clases Hispano. Los jóvenes aprenden los beneficios de la abstinencia
Un grupo de empleados de la culturas hispanas, incluyendo el
Oficina de Escuelas Católicas, la lenguaje, es algo que puede en- del Instituto de hasta el matrimonio, las consecuencias de la toma de malas de-
Cancillería católica y Caridades riquecer mi vida. Mi meta es apren- Formación Pastoral cisiones y maneras de no dejarse llevar por la cultura de muerte y
Católicas están tomando una clase der suficiente vocabulario y con- el consumismo dirigido a los jóvenes. Para más información llame
de español en el Centro Pastoral struir oraciones para servir a mis 56 estudiantes recibirán certifi- al (316) 269-3919.
Hispano para servir mejor a la vecinos hispanohablantes cuando cados por haber participado en las
comunidad hispanohablante de la se presente la oportunidad”. clases en el Instituto de Formación
Arquidiócesis lamenta de-
Pastoral en el semestre de invierno.
Se invita a familiares y amigos a AvanceCatólico
(Continuación de pag. 13) cisión de Corte Suprema la clausura de clases el 28 de marzo Periódico Oficial de la Diócesis de Wichita
Obispo, mensaje de El cardenal Norberto Rivera a las 7 p.m. en San Patricio. Habrá
Carrera y sus obispos auxiliares una Misa y después una comida. • Sección en español publicada
cuaresma expresaron el “profundo dolor” Las próximas clases del Insti- el tercer viernes del mes
Perdonar a todos por todo es el de la Iglesia Católica porque ocho tuto comenzarán el mes de sep- • Para publicidad llame al (316) 269-3965 (inglés)
comienzo para practicar nuestro ministros de la Suprema Corte han tiembre. Para más información • Para contenido y editorial llame a: Yrene Lewis al (316)
amor imitando a Jesús. El no querer comuníquese al Centro Pastoral 773-6703 (español/inglés); E:mail:
perdonar aunque sea a una sola decidido avalar la despenalización
del aborto en el Distrito Federal. Hispano (316) 269-3919.
persona estropea nuestro parecido
a Cristo. Pero no es fácil perdonar;
nuestra naturaleza humana quiere
desquitarse. Por esto progresamos
gradualmente en nuestra imitación
del perdón de Jesús.
Comenzamos al aguantarnos sin
responder con daño al daño que nos
han hecho. Con el tiempo, como
fruto de nuestra imitación de Jesús,
encontraremos que podemos rezar
por las bendiciones de Dios por
medio de nuestros atormentadores,
y luego ayudarles cuando lo neces-
iten, y finalmente, hasta comportar-
nos como si el daño nunca hubiera
Jesús, manso y humilde de
corazón, haz mi corazón como el
Tuyo. Que así sea. Amén

Feria de Recursos para

Será el sábado 4 de abril de
1 a 4 p.m. en la parroquia de St.
Francis of Assisi, Cana Hall
Habrá 30 agencias que
podrán resolver preguntas e
información para todo tipo de
necesidades: financieras, edu-
cativas, espirituales, vocacio-
nales, residenciales, sociales o
de recreación.
Para más información llame
al Centro Pastoral Hispano al
(316) 269-3919.
CA News March 20, 2009   15

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ticipated in a Project Freedom took first place in the Cathe- Proceeds go to support Holy Savior Catholic Academy
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the Apostle Catholic School, 10-0. In post-season tourna- families or sell them at significantly below market value,
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Advance on tape
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ing the Advance on tape should
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Libros y regalos
en español
16  March 20, 2009 Calendar/News CA
N. Arkansas, Wichita.  Cost $5.  All If special
March Catholic women welcome.  Reser-
vations required by March 18. Call
Email your event
Email your calendar item to ad- Briefly accommodations are required to
participate in this event, please
20 838-6853 or 744-1010.
Colwich-St. Mark’s Knights Reconciliation topic of email no later
24 than March 20.
of Columbus Council 9510 Fish
Fry, March 20 at St. Mark’s, 5 to Sedgwick County Chapter March 30 presentation The Fair will feature repre-
7 p.m. Free-will donations will be Right to Life of Kansas, 7:30 10 at Newman University sentatives of disability providers
accepted. p.m. Tuesday, March 24, Sacred Knights of Columbus Council and agencies from throughout
The first lecture of The Ger- the Wichita area who will answer
Catholic Adult Network - Sin- Heart REC, Colwich. 4118 Good Friday Blood Drive,
ber Institute for Catholic Studies, questions about and explain their
gles, Friday, March 20, Stations of 1:30 to 5:30 p.m. Friday, April 10,
“How Christians Understand Rec-
the Cross, St. Thomas Aquinas, 29 Knights of Columbus Hall, 3202
onciliation,” will be presented at
available services.
1321 N. Stratford, 6:30. After the St. Margaret Mary Parish an- West 13th.
Stations, they have soup or light nual Mexican Dinner, 11 a.m. to Novena to the Divine Mercy
7 p.m., Monday, March 30, in the KMC students place
Dugan-Gorges Conference Center
supper in the basement. 4 p.m. Sunday, March 29, 2635 S. begins, 3 p.m., Good Friday, April
at Newman University. Admission at regional contest
Pattie, Wichita. Traditional Mexi- 10, at the Church of the Resurrec-
is free. WICHITA – Kapaun Mt. Car-
21 can food is on the menu. tion.
Father Robert Schreiter, a Vati- mel journalism students partici-
Books for Life, 7 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Saturday, March 21, K. of C. Hall, Newman University’s “Life 18 can Council II Professor of The- pated in Kansas Scholastic Press
St. James Parish, Augusta, ology at the Catholic Theological Association Regional Competition
3202 W. 13th, Wichita. After Lay Off Event” 2 to 6 p.m.
annual parish and school auc- Union in Chicago, will make the at Wichita State University Thurs-
Catholic Adult Network - Sin- Sunday, March 29, in De Mattias
tion Saturday, April 18. Silent presentation. He directs the Pro- day, Feb. 19.
gles, Saturday, March 21, Christ Hall. Admission is free.
auction at 5 p.m. Dinner at 7 p.m. gram in Reconciliation and Peace- Eight students placed in the com-
the King Singles Potluck and
Game Night, 4401 W. Maple in 31 with a live auction immediately building at its Cardinal Bernardin
Center for Theology and Ministry.
petition: Emily Adamson, third in
Charity Hall. You can attend 5:30 Oblates of St. Benedict, 7 following. Cutline Writing, junior Emily Cook,
p.m., Tuesday, March 31, St. Paul’s The Gerber Institute, named for honorable mention in Editing, Kate
mass and the potluck immediately
follows at 6:30 with games after Parish, Newman Center, 1810 N. 19 Eugene J. Gerber, Bishop Emeritus Cunningham, second in Editorial
Roosevelt, Wichita. Columbian Squires Esto Dig- of Wichita, furthers the Mission of Cartoon, Rachel King, first in News
that around 7 p.m. of cards and do-
nus Car, Truck, and Bike Show, Newman University by promoting Writing, Max Martin, first in News-
minions. Bring a dish to share.
April 2 to 5 p.m. Sunday, April 19, St. interdisciplinary dialogue explor- paper Sports Writing and second in
22 3
Jude Parish, 3130 N Amidon, ing Catholic thought and practice Editorial Writing, Andrew Patton,
St. Joseph Parish 49th An- Wichita. in the diverse realms of education- third in Yearbook Sports Writing,
Colwich-St. Mark’s Knights al, philosophical, political, social, Soli Salgado, third in Yearbook
nual Parish Dinner, 11 a.m. to 5
p.m. on Sunday, March 22, 132 S.
of Columbus Council 9510 Fish 25 and cultural life. Copy Writing, and Zack Reed, first
Fry, April 3 at Sacred Heart, Col- Eighth Annual Resurrection in Yearbook Sports Writing. Stu-
Millwood, Wichita.
wich, 5 to 7 p.m. Free-will dona- Catholic School Auction Satur- SFA ministry hosting dents will compete at state in Law-
Catholic Adult Network - Sin-
tions will be accepted. day, April 25. For more informa-
tion and for auction items, go to
disabilities resource rence on May 2.
In a related matter, the Kapaun
gles, Sunday, March 22, St. Joseph,
132 S. Millwood, Parish Dinner,
4 fair Saturday, April 4 Mt. Carmel 2008 DVD Yearbook
The St. Francis of Assisi Min-
WICHITA – The St. Francis of is one of eight finalists for the
11 a.m. If you want to attend mass istry with Persons with Disabili- 26 Assisi Ministry with Persons with National Scholastic Press Asso-
beforehand, it’s at 10 a.m. ties Resource Fair, 1 to 4 p.m. Center of Hope annual bene-
Disabilities is hosting a Resource ciation’s (NSPA) Digital Yearbook
Saturday, April 4, 861 N. Socora. fit dinner Sunday, April 26, New-
Fair from 1 to 4 p.m. Saturday, April Pacemaker.
man University’s Dugan Library
23 5 & Conference Center, Wichita.
4, for people with disabilities, their
Are you moving?
Newman Book Club, 1 p.m., Secular Franciscan Order, 1 families, caregivers, and advocates.
Reservations are necessary and Are you moving or changing
Monday, March 23.  Book Review p.m. Sunday, April 5, St. Anthony The fair will be held at the parish,
must be made by April 15. parishes? Help us keep track of
by Jeanne Cardenez.  Mother Tere- Parish. Call 832-1357. or go to 861 N. Socora. Use the office en-
sa’s Room, St. Patrick Parish, 2023 trance off the main parking lot. you by sending your new address
For more information email to:

an “eclectic but orthodox” community of

that nourish the imagination and intellect
Spiritual Life Center
7100 E. 45th St. N. Sign up for our monthly
classics Wichita, KS 67226 Capstone E-Newsletter
of faith and history, philosophy, literature (316) 744-0167 Go to:
and art (316) 744-8072 (FAX) Click on “Newsletter”
(plus a hobbit-hole full of children’s
books) RETREAT: “Palm Sunday Weekend Retreat” with Bishop Jackels
gif ts We have a very few openings for this retreat weekend set for April 3-5, 2009. REGISTRATION DEADLINE IS
for thinkers, for dreamers, for children and TODAY, Friday, March 20. Call the Center or register online.
the childlike
RETREAT: “Purposely For God: Come visit our new location Being Our Best Devoted Selves” with Fr. John Graden, OSFS
Open 10 a.m.– 8 p.m. M-F and see for yourself. This retreat set for June 12-14 with Salesian Father Graden is based on the classic thought of St. Francis de Sales.
10 a.m.– 6 p.m. Saturday 2838 east douglas, wichita Come to explore a variety of themes including the universal call to holiness, deliberately deciding for God, prayer
(316) 683-9446 and the sacraments, our heart’s transformation by growth in daily life’s virtues, obstacles and temptations along the
(just 3 blocks west of hillside) way and holding on to the Lord who holds us forever. Discounted earlybird rates available now through May 29.

Looking Ahead
INDIVIDUALLY DIRECTED RETREAT: Guided by several spiritual directors, July 12-20, 2009.

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CA Classifieds March 20, 2009   17

Call Business directory and classifieds now available online.

Go to .
to place a Cleaning serv. Cosmetics Legal Services Miscellaneous
classified ad Good Christian Lady wants to clean medium homes w/
no house pets, offices or apts. West-side only. $25.00
an hr. (316) 729-1766 or 648-0203.
Ternes Law Firm
Stephen J. Ternes, lawyer
On the Spot Gold!
Trustworthy, Wichita owned. We
Deadline: Monday Office and residential cleaning, west Wichita, profes-
sional references provided. (316) 722-8869.
Family, Juvenile & SS disability law
pay TOP $$. Gold parties or mail
order! Call 316-304-9010.
for all classified ads House and office cleaning. Reasonable. Reliable. Hon-
135 N. Main v Wichita, KS 67202
est. Call Katie at (316) 807-1583 or (316) 729-6230
Advance payment is Member St. Thomas Aquinas Members, SEAS-Wichita.
Let us clean your home or office with a detailed look!
required for all
Translation Automotive
Rates that are great and a cleaning job you will tell
your friends about. Call Angie (316) 640-8104 or Patty
occasional classified (316) 617-5890.

advertisers. Looking for a cleaning lady – look no further! Will clean

residential and commercial. References available. Call
Sandy, (316) 729-7328. Dependable, Christian woman will clean your house.
Call (316) 617-9657. Translation
Jobs needed Foot care
Business documents, letters,
ads, manuals, books, etc.

Mature, dependable woman, member of St. Joseph
Parish, BBA accounting major, seeks accounting/ Foot care in your home for the elderly, disabled or
Free estimates and
bookkeeping, receptionist or general office work. diabetic. In-grown and thick nails, corns, calluses. professional references
(316) 308-6338. Only $35. Call Brenda Ingram, RN, BSN at (316)
available upon request
Mature, dependable woman will care for elderly, Computer sick? Call Yrene Corona de Lewis:
Frank’s Computer Services
  Appliance serv.
house sit, or pet sit. References. Experienced with
own Alzheimer mother. (316) 308-6338. or
Affordable in-home diagnostic & computer repair 316-773-6703
Alterations. 25 years experience. Pick up and deliver. • Free pick-up & delivery • Tune-ups

Joyce, (316) 744-8144. • Virus & spyware removal • Networking
• Software installation • Lessons
Quality Inspector seeking full-time position, (316) Quality 619-8391

You Might be Looking for Me – I have been a legal

Appliance Member St. Mary Cathedral

secretary and have worked in various call centers Repair

here in Wichita. Because of asthma I need to work
either at home or in a perfume-free environment. I All major appliances Lisala Computer
can type very well and can do any kind of phone work
necessary to complete the job. Please call Mary at 316-409-3560
Website & Computer Services
Website Design Computer Repairs
(316) 871-9443.

Lawn & garden

Shopping Carts Computer Upgrades

Help wanted
Maintenance Networking
Logos Virus Removal
Banners Computer Configurations
Cutting Edge Lawn Mowing. Free Estimates. Very Web Video Servers
Construction Help Wanted. Experienced remodelers, affordable. Serving the Wichita area. Call (316)
full-time. Call Jeff Vap, 841-4415. 847-3086.
Business Cards Data Storage
Graphics Design Computer Sales
Molly Maid–Are you looking for excellent hours (Mon-
Contact Alain Eboma
Fri), and good wages? Use of company car, good
working conditions? Molly Maid can offer you all of
the above and more. Call 684-6243.
Helten Gardens Tel (316)833-3944
32300 W. 21st St. N., Website:
I am looking for a sharp individual to learn my business. Garden Plain, Kansas E-mail:
Cleaning services
I will train right person. 1-888-236-1652. SC5 1.5 miles west of 295th St. on 21st

Religious prod.
Members of St. Joseph, Ost
Your life, Your dreams, Your business! Work at home
partners achieving lifelong success! I would like to (316) 531-2602
partner with others who are determined to work from   Email:

home. No matter what your reason is, if you are as
determined as we are, I would like to hear from you.
No sales, no retail, no inventory, no risk. Visit my Sacred Heart Gifts
website at Brian Ernstmann M-F: 10-5 113 S. Hydraulic “Specializing in Residential Cleaning”
AWESOME job opportunity! Work from home. Make 942-2966 Sat.: 10-2 1/2 blk S. of Douglas
a difference in people's lives. Earn an income. For Mobile: 641-4431 Closed Sun. Wichita, KS 67211 H Scheduled Cleaning or One-Time Specials
recorded info. call today 1-888-241-2940. (316) 262-2610 H Trained Cleaning Team
1410 Lieunett Beautiful First Communion H Fidelity Bonded — Liability Insured
Seeking care-giving on weekends during the day. H Supplies and Equipment Furnished
Elderly lady with Alzheimerís. Call (316) 721-4161. Wichita, KS 67203 veils now in stock
Free Estimates
Find-a-Job Darren’s
The Rosary Ladies West East
With vast experience as:
Placement Consultant All Events Photography
Looking for something special?
A variety of unique gifts are available!
721-2341 264-0110
Owners Mark and Betty Danahy, members St. Francis of Assisi parish
Darren Greiving
National Recruiter
Phone (316) 269-0961 Fax (316) 267-2292 1-866-620-6989 toll free
Financial services
Corporate Employment Manager 1608 E. Central, Wichita, KS 67214 Members of SEAS and OLG – Newton
Human Resources Member St. Thomas Aquinas
I am able to give you
the help you need. Music & ent. Kathy S. Mikols, CFP®
Call today and set an appointment: Financial Advisor
Tony Stutey 209-5029 “we play what you want to hear” Helping Families Make
Visit our website at
◆ IRA’s, Pensions, Investments
Wichita’s Best and Most Affordable DJ
◆ Retirement Strategies
Now hiring •  Sound and Light LARRY PERLMAN For Your Important Times! ◆ Estate Preservation Strategies
High-quality company seeks present- •  Any Occasion (316) 721-1384 Choose from the best selection ◆ Educational Funding Strategies
able, motivated self-starters.
for Lent, Easter, First Communion, ◆ Asset Protection Strategies
Cashier/In-Store Clerk: F.T./P.T. Exp. Confirmation and Graduation
woth computer cash register (P.O.S.) a
Receptions • School Functions • Parties 1861 North Rock Road, Suite 100, Wichita, KS
Bibles, Books, Religious Gifts
Music and Art (316) 652-7005
Landscape Foreman: 1 year exp. as Serving our diocese since 1984
crew forman. Valid D.L. & good M.V.R. a Sarah’s Catholic Member SIPC
must. F.T. /w benefits.
Help wanted
Professional disc jockey to serve all your musical needs!
Garden Center Laborer: Farmer, fire-
man, we will work with your schedule.
Larry Schuckman Special orders are welcome!
(316) 655-1767 Ref. available
F.T./P.T. must be 18 & have tractor/skid- 304 N. Main Street

steer experience. Drug & tobacco-free
company. Hutchinson, KS 67501
Brady Nursery, 11200 W. Kellogg 620-662-3023 Administrators needed for Catholic Schools in the Diocese of Wichita

David Lies ★
★  ★  ★  ★  ★

★  ★  ★  ★  ★

St. Anne, Wichita

Workers Plumbing, Inc.
(316) 945-0117
Christ the King, Wichita
St. Cecilia, Haysville
Needed Residential • Commercial
New • Remodel • Repair
Lic. # 1542 1420 S. Sabin Candidates must:
St. Patrick, Chanute
The U.S. Census Bureau WPP82 (Since 1978) Wichita, KS 67209
needs you! If you are a U.S. ★  ★  ★  ★  ★  ★  ★  ★  ★ • Be a practicing Catholic
citizen, at least 18 yrs old • Be eligible for Kansas certification as an administrator
and have work experience, Jerry R. Forshee • Promote a standards-based instructional program
call the U.S. Census Bureau Plumbing • Possess strong interpersonal and organizational skills
at 1-866-861-2010 today. 832-9373 If interested, please contact:
Pay depends on the area “We care about our customers” Dr. Fred Saab, Asst. Superintendent, Catholic Diocese of
Remodel & repair Wichita, 424 N. Broadway, Wichita, KS 67202.
where you live. EOE Members St. Jude parish Family-owned and operated
18  March 20, 2009 Classifieds CA

Services Remod., redec. For rent Real estate

Dave’s Handyman Services—Free estimates, senior Cabin in Cascade, Colorado. 3 bd., 2 baths. Sleeps
discount. Home repairs, painting, plumbing, fences & Old School Estate Sales PAINTING 10. Call Jody (913) 685-0466 Hedgecreek Estates–Andale: 24120 Hedge Creek
decks, etc. Small jobs welcome. 686-8796. Professional Sale Cir. 2200+sq ft ranch on 3 acres under construction.
Specializing in Nice home in the country near Valley Center. 3 Spacious kit & hrth rm. 3 BR up, w.o. bsmt. Ready for
Management Services Interior/Exterior Home Painting bedroom, 2 bath, fenced back yard, pole-shed. buyer to pick colors & fixtures. Call John–841-1790.
AirTechs Heating & Cooling LLC: 8829 Woodside
Haysville, KS 67060, (316) 440-3298, airtechsllc@ Free Estimates and Light Repair (620) 728-0292., Service, Installation, 24 hour Emer- Family Owned and Operated Home for Sale – 1550 sq. ft. full-brick ranch on æ acre.
gency Service. Ask us about our Maintenance
618-0538 Oak cabinets. Sprinkler system. Very nice landscaping.

Real estate
Gennine Westerman (316)706-9739 “Call Mike for the price that’s right” St. Peter Parish. Call 516-6789.
Shane Neal (316)644-8488 Mike Manning, member St. Mary’s Cathedral
Need energy? Look great. Feel great. Call
Heating & Helten Construction, Inc. Mary Kay Martin Peggy Church
Remodeling and New Construction Prudential Dinning-Beard, Realtors
Custom Air Conditioning Licensed and Insured
Specializing in Decks, Kitchens & Basement Finish
796-1691 Member St. Mark parish 721-9271
Silver Lake Rd. lots – Nice location, price, schs & hwy
Hay Frank Wille Over Roger Helten access. 3 10-acre lots. Buy one or all. Great country Dinning Beard Realtors
Grinding Maintenance 30 years member, Christ the King
Lic. #
sites with several small ponds, paved rds, and only
$26,000 per lot.
Serving YOU with care

(316) 871-2408 office (316) 721-9271

Clint & Patti Eck
cell (316) 648-9705
(620) 532-2246
Paul & Kay Donham
Remod., redec.
Kingman, KS
J.P. Weigand & Sons Inc.
1906 N. Glen Wood $649,900
(316) 992-9808
Odds and Errands
Magdalen – Gorgeous ranch on waterfront lot
Free Estimates 1. 1103 Lakewind – Sandpiper Bay Lake Condo – in Reeds Cove. Eastside deck & great view!
New Homes  •  Garages  •  Add Ons Kitchen & bathroom remodeling • Window & door swim-fish updated neut. décor-all appl. incl. frig, stove, Over 5200sqft with 3 bdrms/2.5 bths on MF; 3
Transportation • Errand Running Patios  •  Decks  •  Custom Builder replacements • Cabinetry • Formica • Tile • Interior washer & dryer-garage-3 baths $97,900. bdrms/2 bths in Bsmt. Many Extras! Fin W/O-
L.N. 165 — L.N. 00600 woodworking • Basement remodeling 2. St. Vincent de Paul – 1062 S. Glenmoor Ct. – 5 V/O Bsmt w/ awesome Theatre Rm. MUST
Shopping • Gift Wrapping • Wait Service
In business for 20 years br rnch-3 baths-3 car-lake setting. $250,000. SEE!
Gift Certificates available CLASEN CONSTRUCTION Mark Schwebke, owner Phone/Fax (316) 687-3401 3. Andale – 7833 N. 295th West – 5 Acre-4 br ranch-
3306 Bayview $484,900
(316) 295-6936 & REMODELING very nice one owner. $199,000-west out of Andale to
295th. Follow signs. St. Jude – Stunning lakefront property w/ up-
Member of Christ the King Parish “Since 1954” grades & extras galore plus 4+car garage w/
4. All Saints – OPEN SUN MARCH 22 – 1638 So.
(316) 722-2793 Drollinger – 1700 SF rnch plus bsmt-all brick-lrg fam lake storage underneath. Over 3900sqft w/ 4
member St. Elizabeth Ann Seton parish room-lrg master-nice. $86,000. bdrms & 3 bths plus full W/O Bsmt w/ office &

AirTechs 5. Christ the King – OPEN SUN MARCH 22 – 1066

No. Bayshore – Sandpiper Bay Lake Condo-rnch-
wet bar. MUST SEE!!
Shari Boehlke
Heating & Cooling LLC Quality Construction swim-fish-walkout to lake-2 car-$159,900.
6. All Saints – 3007 Sunnybrook – 3 br rnch-1 car-wide
RE/MAX Realty Professionals
722-0001 x 146
Service • Installation • 24-hour emergency service
Ask us about our Maintanance Agreements! and Remodeling driveway-lrg back yard-$56,900.
8829 Woodside, Haysville, KS 67060 By Jeff Vap
(316) 440-3298 All types of work If you are looking to buy, sell, lease or rent to own a home,
Commercial & Residential
Jarod Eck call or email Sue today!
Concrete work • Kitchens • Baths

KENNEDY Basement finishes • Decks • Fences

Garages • Room additions
Drive-Right School • Teens/Adults
• Convenient, flexible, one-on-one instruction
Painting • Roofing & Siding
Loader & dump truck service available
Custom Homes & Remodeling
Licensed and Insured
Sue Langston-Ames
• Authorized for obtaining your driver’s license All work guaranteed with low, low prices Lic. #@7146 Acting Managing Broker
through the M.V.D.
841-4415 New Homes Keller Williams Signature Partners, LLC
800-557-7357 Member St. Peter, Schulte
#2486 Lic., bonded and insured
Additions • Garages
Replacement Windows Member St. Thomas
Lic. #SP00220497KREC
Jarod Eck Visit sue at or on Facebook.
Member St. Joseph, Ost
Garage Doors, Inc. She’s available to help wth all of your residential real
Electric Operators & Garage Doors
Support our advertisers (316) 706-0173 estate needs!
Sales & Service
member St. Francis of Assisi Mid America Exteriors, Inc 800-278-5444
Julie & Scott Stremel
1625 E. Central FAX 316-265-5220 J.P. Weigand & Sons, Inc. Realtors
Lic #1364 • Licensed
• Bonded
Wichita, KS 67214
• Insured 265-5444 Scott cell: 518-9083 Julie cell: 519-9083

Molina Electric • Seamless Vinyl Siding — no • Uniframe Replacement Windows

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton parishioners
Commercial, Residential seams (exclusive) (exclusive) Listings
Remodel & Service Wiring
• Traditional Vinyl & Steel Siding • Bay, Bow & Garden Windows 606 Forestview $350,000.00 St. Elizabeth
Al Molina, owner • 461-2199
• Trim Coverings — Overhangs/ • Patio & Entry Doors 3133 Landon Circle $294,900.00 St. Elizabeth Open 2-4 March 22
Windows/Doors 14006 Taylor Circle $267,855.00 St. Elizabeth
• Sunrooms
Hair Care
In-Home  •  Home-Bounds
1429 N. Aksarben
1137 N. Manchester
St. Elizabeth
St. Elizabeth
Will come to your home for City License #2646 Financing Available Gregg Schmidt, Co-Owner 13404 W. Links $275,000.00 St. Elizabeth
Perms — Cuts — Styling County License #1084 Member BBB & WABA Member of St. Jude 2231 Stoneybrook $225,000.00 Magdalen Open 2-4 March 22
Ask for Mike 10118 W. Westport $187,500.00 St. Francis
—Licensed— 11303 Valley Hi $250,000.00 St. Elizabeth
263-8794 (days) 2444 N. McLean
11805 Lost Creek
St. Jude
St. Elizabeth
2704 Wilderness $475,000.00 Magdalen
2422 Lindberg $244,900.00 Magdalen Open 2-4 March 22
6223 E. Brookview $189,900.00 Resurrection
814 N. Parkridge $168,500.00 St. Elizabeth
Contact Scott or Julie for additional infomation or to set up a showing.

9915 W. 21st N., Suite A, Wichita, KS 67205

Agriculture, Residential & Commercial
Same location for 35 years
5159 N. 119th W., Maize, KS 67101
Curtis Weninger, owner Beautiful stone and brick front ranch on one acre in the country but only 2 minutes from the YMCA

and 5 minutes to Walmart and New Market Square! There’s a finished walk-out, view-out basement
Serving Wichita & surrounding areas with 4th & 5th bedrooms, 3rd bath, game room
Member Sacred Heart, Colwich and family room w/two-way gas fireplace, en-
tertainment center and wet bar! Also includes
hardwood floors in the fully-applianced kitchen,

Roof Mechanics, Inc.

breakfast area and beamed hearth room! The
master suite features marble master bath and
there’s a covered wood deck and 3-car garage
all on a private cul-de-sac. For all the details and
“We solve the problems that are over your head” extras call Doug at 942-7402 X1027.

Residential & Commercial • Construction & Remodeling NEAR CRESTVIEW CC! New 4BR, 3.5 ba, 2 fplcs, safe rm, 3-car! $389,900! Matt 942-7402 X1077
EXECUTIVE ESTATE! Terrific 5BR, 4 ba + ofc, 3 unique fplcs, hickory flrs & cabinets + SS appl’s!
Heated pool, party house & several outbuildings on 30A! $925K! Doug @ 942-7402 X1027
Free inspection and estimate ROOMY! Slick 5BR, 2.5 ba, fam rm w/ fplc, bsmt, 2-car det gar! $160K! Jerry 942-7402 X210

SMALL TOWN! Tax rebate for 6 yrs! 4th BR, 3rd ba & fplc in v/o bsmt, 3-car! Dal 942-7402 X1017
MAIZE SCHOOLS! Newer 5BR, 3.5 ba, bsmt, 3 car & cov’d deck! $182,900! Jim 942-7402 X1047
CLOSE TO EVERYTHING! – 3BR, 2 ba, bsmt, 2-car gar on cul-de-sac! Doug @ 942-7402 X1027

3205 N. Broadway in Wichita MECHANIC’S DREAM! Charming 2BR w/24x32 3-car det gar! Now $35,900! Jerry 942-7402 X210

See our ad at Roofing Contractor in your SBC Looking for a new home?
Southwestern Bell Yellow Pages and at www. WE HAVE THEM IN SEVERAL AREAS AT VARIOUS STAGES OF CONSTRUCTION! ARK CITY – Brand new homes priced from $149,900 to $189,900! 3-5BRs, 2-3 bas, fully appl’d
kitchens, some w/full v/o, daylight bsmts, some w/fplcs, main flr laundry rm, 2 & 3-car garages!
CHENEY – 7 brand new quality-built homes! Choose from 3 - 5 BRs, 2 - 3 bas, some bsmts are
fully finished w/family room & rec room w/wet bar, some w/fplcs + 2 & 3-car garages! All have main

Valentine floor separate laundry room & fully appl’d kitchen w/breakfast bar! From $131,900 - $187,900!
CLEARWATER – Super new home w/oak woodwork throughout! Fully appl kit w/breakfast bar, main
flr laundry, 3rd & 4th BRs, 3rd ba, fam rm w/fplc, rec rm in full fin bsmt, 3-car gar! $172,900!

For information on any of these new homes, please call Dal @ 942-7402 X1017 or Doug @ X1027
NW Sub – New home on 1A just minutes away from ICT! Beautiful stone & brick front 5 BR, 3
ba, hardwood flooring in kit, breakfast & hearth areas, main flr laundry, 3-car gar! Environmentally
New – Re-Roofing – Repairs friendly alternative septic system! Cov’d wood deck! All for only $309,500! Or high quality home
with a gorgeous view on 4A! 3BR, 3 ba, knotty alder kitchen w/large island, brkfst bar & granite tops,
• Buying a Business? storm room & 9’ ceilings in basement, 3-car oversize garage! $369K! Doug @ 942-7402 X1027
• Bonded Roofs • Guttering • Slate & Tile
• Selling a Business? • Wood & Shakes • Built-Up Tar & Gravel • Asphalt & Gravel
“No One Has Sold More!” • Asphalt Shingles • Aluminum Coating Land & Lots
2A & 5A lots @ 69th N & 151st W – Maize Schools – $32K-$50K. Or 1A lots at 21st N & 215th W. – Renwick Schools – Detached buildings allowed! $23,000 to $30,000. Doug 942-7402 X1027
VR Business Brokers
316-262-8722 2307 S. Mead 264-1722 Since 1950
NEAR VALLEY CENTER – Only 2 lots left, both suitable for pond! $32,500! Leo 942-7402 X260

Emergencies call 685-8035 Val Gottschalk, owner, member St. Anthony parish Go to for all available listings, pictures & virtual tours.
Members SEAS
CA News March 20, 2009   19

Marriage Encounter
Diocesan of Lima Parish by appointment. • QUALITY GRANITE AND BRONZE

June 5-7, Spiritual Life Cen- For more information please call •


Programs ter. For more information or to

register call (316) 721-1650 or
Chris & Sandy Bachura at (785)


Family Life
Marriage Encounter
(en español)
Strong City
Classes are offered at St. An-
thony of Padua Parish by ap-
July 10-12, Spiritual Life Cen- pointment. For more informa-
(316) 685-5240 ter. For more information or to tion please call Patrice & Carol “Family Helping Families”
register call Victor and Paz Ba- Coirier at (620) 273-6167.
(800) 813-2410 ñuelos at (316) 708-7289 or (316) Wichita 19864 W. Kellogg Dr., Goddard 946-9730. Saturday, March 21, 10 a.m. (316) 794-8558 Toll-Free 1-800-368-0855
Beginning Experience Retrouvaille Weekend Clifton Medical Center, 1515 S.
June 26-28, Spiritual Life Clifton, Ste. 400
July 17-19, Spiritual Life Cen- When Nursing Home Isn’t Answer
Center. For more information or Tuesday, April 7, 7 p.m. St. a the
ter. For more information or to
to register call Beverly at (316) Francis Ministry House, 866 N. HomeCare you can trust and afford
register call Tim and Betty Stolz
264-4876 or, Socora
at (316) 796-0553, or visit www. • For an aging parent who wants to remain home
or visit Monday, April 20, 7 p.m. St. • Relief for a wife or husband caring for an ailing spouse
Elizabeth Ann Seton, 645 N.
Engaged Encounter • Alzheimer’s Care
April 17-19 or May 1-3, Spiri- H 119th St. West • Trained, bonded, insured non-medical caregivers & companions
Family of the Americas
tual Life Center. For more infor- Harvest House Ovulation Method 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
mation or a reservation please Call for a free information packet
email the Spiritual Life Center (en español)
at: or call Goddard, March 20, 8 p.m.,
Wichita 316-721-6001
(316) 744-0167. Mass and breakfast at Gerrards,
Martes, 24 de marzo, 7 pm, 7348 W. 21st St., Suite 123 • Wichita, KS
Holy Spirit Church
Love & Logic Parenting La Parroquia de Santa Maria
St. Anne, March 20, 7 p.m.,
Classes Margarita, 2701 Pattie. Para reg-
soup supper after Stations of the
istrar llame al 316-262-1821
(Series of six weeks) Cross, Setter Hall
March 24 – April 28, Tuesday Coffeyville, March 24, 11:30 FertilityCare Services
evenings from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., a.m., check your local bulletin, Ovulation Method
Church of the Resurrection. Cost Holy Name Parish St. Paul
is $10 for the “Love & Logic” Andover, March 25, 11:30 Sunday, March 22, 3 p.m. St.
workbook. For more informa- a.m., Last Supper DVD, St. Vin- Francis Parish, 208 Washington,
tion or to register, please call our cent de Paul St. Paul, KS
office at (316) 685-6776 or by Chanute, March 26, noon, Wichita
email at check your parish bulletin, St. Saturday, March 28, 10 a.m.
Patrick Parish Clifton Medical Center, 1515 S.
Mulvane, March 26, noon, to Clifton, Ste. 400
be announced, St. Michael Par-

Call ish
St. Patrick, March 30, noon,
Empowering Haiti, Gail Capper,
Signed Masses
269-3968 Mother Teresa Room
St. Jude, March 30, noon,
guests of St. Patrick Harvest
St. Vincent de Paul, Andover,
9 a.m. Sunday
to place a House, Mother Teresa Room Church of the Magdalen,
Wichita, 9:30 a.m. Sunday
St. Peter, Schulte, 10 a.m.
classified ad N
Spiritual Life Center
Deadline: Monday (316) 685-6776
for all classified ads (800) 813-2410 744-0167
Advance payment is Spiritual Formation
Billings Ovulation Method Centering Prayer and “Lectio
required for all
occasional classified
Ft. Scott Divina,” Mondays at 9:30 a.m. General Contractors
Classes are offered at Mary Centering Prayer and “Lectio
advertisers. Queen of Angels Parish by ap- Divina,” Wednesdays at 6 p.m. Serving the Insurance Industry
General classified rate: $8 for four lines. pointment. For more informa-
Each additional line is 75¢. Classified tion, please call Mary Barbara Specializing in
display: $12.75 per column inch. McKay at (913) 471-4318.God-
Quantity of weeks, determined at time of dard V Fire and Water Damage Repair
order, determines rate per week. No Monday, March 23, 7 p.m. VIRTUS Training Remodeling and Restoration
cancellations or payment returns.
Church of the Holy Spirit, 18218
Credit cards not accepted.
W. Hwy 54 Lic. #306
March 22, 12:30-3:30 p.m., St

(316) 267-3321 Augusta
Thursday, April 2, 7 p.m. St. Patrick, Parsons
April 2, 6-9 p.m., Magdalen,
James Parish, 1012 Belmont Ave.
Couple to Couple League Symp- Wichita
to-Thermal Method April 25, 9 a.m. to noon, St.
Christian lady providing home health aid. Have experi- Michael, Mulvane 3711 N. Hillside • Wichita, Kansas 67219
ence and good references. Call (316) 390-0357. Couple to Couple League May 2, 9 a.m.-noon, Magdalen,
Will care for elderly at home in Wichita. Call (316) – Sympto-Thermal Method - Wichita
461-2048 or (316) 409-4992.
Series of three classes May 11, 6:30-9:30 p.m., St.

Cemetery plots Wichita Teresa, Hutchinson

Sunday, April 19, 3 p.m., May 12, 6:30-9:30 p.m., St
Blessed Sacrament Parish, 124 Elizabeth Ann Seton, Wichita
2 plots in Ascension. Very front. Section 3A, 1 and 2.
Call (785) 227-5090 N. Roosevelt Aug. 30, 1:30-4:30 p.m., St
McPherson Andrew, Independence
Calvary. Two plots side-by-side. Call (316) 744-9387.
Leave a message if no one there. Monday, April 20, 7 p.m., St.
One single plot at Calvary Cemetery. Sacred Heart
Joseph Parish, 520 E. Northview
section. $700. Call 558-5835.

Mausoleum crypt for two. Ascension. Marian Wall. Saturday, April 25, 10 a.m. Y
Includes two pre-paid entombment fees. Paid $6,200
asking $4,000. Call (316) 634-1667.
Holy Cross Parish, 2631 Indepen- Youth
dence Rd.Método Sintotérmico
Child care de la Liga de Pareja a Pareja
Family of the Americas
20-22: Young Adult Begin-
N.W. reg. daycare, M-F, 6 am-6 pm. Ages 6 wks–5 Ovulation Method ning Experience retreat, Spiri-
yrs. $25 off 1st week of care. $25 for each referral.
Call 807-6425. Chanute tual Life Center
Licensed Daycare–Lots of TLC, walks & educational Classes are offered at St. Pat- 27: Applications for CLAY
activities. Central & Maize area. Cathy, 721-1901 rick Parish by appointment. For due to the Youth Office
or 640-5045.
more information please call 28-29: DCYC – Diocesan
Openings for daycare. Call Tori Duling 305-4184. Sandy at the parish rectory at Catholic Youth Conference,
119th and Kellogg.
(620) 431-3165 or F. J. & Annette Wichita Airport Hilton
Reg. Daycare. 8 wks thru preschool age. 13th & 119th
W. area. (316) 253-9774.
Van Anne at (620) 431-9411. April
Council Grove 18-19: CLAY retreat for fresh-
Registered child care, 135th and 13th. Accepting
children of all ages. Great rate! Contact Tracy at Classes are offered at St. Rose men and sophomores, All Saints,
(316) 617-0296. Wichita
20  March 20, 2009 News CA
Master NFP training
in Winfield planned
Getting ready for March 27-29
for annual A Family of the Americas
youth Master Teacher Institute Training
in the Ovulation Method of Natu-
conference ral Family Planning will be held
Kathy Gonzalez, lower right, at Holy Name Parish, Winfield,
March 27-29.
along with Marisela Garcia,
The 20-hour institute begins
upper right, and other mem- Friday, March 27, at 5:30 p.m., con-
bers of the Cathedral Par- cludes at 5 p.m. Sunday, March 29.
ish’s youth group lay out their Trainers will be Judith and Gerald
banner design for the upcom- Leonard and Martina Holmes.
ing Diocesan Catholic Youth To register, or for questions,
Conference, March 28-29 email Judith at msjudy@nfpwichi-
at the Wichita Airport Hilton. or call (800) 813-2410.
Last year the group’s banner
took first place in the confer- Squires vehicle show
ence’s competition. This year’s April 19 at St. Jude
theme is “We suffer all kinds
The first Esto Dignus Car,
of afflictions, yet with Christ Truck, and Bike Show, sponsored
are not overcome.” The annual by the Columbian Squires and the
event is held by the Youth and St. Jude Knights of Columbus will
Young Adult Ministries Office. be held Sunday, April 19, at the
(Advance photo by Fred Solis.) parish 3130 N Amidon, Wichita.
Esto Dignus, means “be wor-
thy” and is the Squires’ motto.
Registration begins at noon.
The show is from 2 to 5 p.m. There
will be a D.J., food, drinks, auc-
tion items, and a raffle for a new
Annual Augusta Father Noel Ru- car. Registration is $10 per car and
auction April 18 castle celebrates two non-perishable items for the
AUGUSTA – St. James Parish is Mass at Our Lady of Lord's Pantry.
hosting its annual parish and school the Flight into Egypt For additional information, con-
auction on Saturday, April 18. Cathedral in Cape tact David Close (316) 755-3265.
The silent auction begins at 5
p.m. Dinner is at 7 p.m. with a live
Town, South Africa,
March 10. Parishes CLAY retreat April
auction immediately following. in South Africa and 18-19 at All Saints
Tickets are $30 and includes a other African na- A Christ’s Light in All Youth
full meal. They may be purchased tions recently began retreat will be held April 18-19 at
by contacting Cathy Phillips at the using a revised All Saints Parish, Wichita.
St. James Parish School office at English translation CLAY is for high school fresh-
(316) 775-5721.
of the Roman Missal men and sophomores. CLAY uses
Among the items up for auction
for Mass. The new skits, hands on activities, and cre-
are hand-sewn quilts, spa pack-
translation corre- ative forms of prayer to impact the
ages, hot air balloon rides  and a
sponds more literally spiritual lives of its candidates.
parachute jump.
to the Latin. (CNS The retreat starts at 6 p.m. Sat-
Divine Mercy novena photo) urday, April 18, and ends at 4 p.m.
Sunday. The cost is $45 and in-
starts Friday, April 10 cludes sleeping accommodations,
WICHITA – A novena to the
Divine Mercy will begin at 3 p.m. Vatican allows southern Africa to a mid-March statement issued by
Father Vincent Brennan, general
two meals on Sunday, and all sup-

continue use of Mass translations

on Good Friday, April 10, at the secretary of the bishops’ confer- For an application or further
Church of the Resurrection. ence and a member of the Society information please contact the
The novena, nine days of prayer, CAPE TOWN, South Africa gave them the go-ahead. of African Missions. Office of Youth & Young Adult
ends April 19, with the Divine (CNS) — The Vatican has allowed The Congregation for Divine “The congregation has agreed Ministries at (316) 269-3930, or
Mercy Service. parishes in South Africa, Botswana Worship and the Sacraments “has that the implementation continue,
Jesus asked that Divine Mercy and Swaziland that have started us- accepted the explanation” by along with continued catechesis ex- to download the CLAY applica-
Sunday be preceded by a novena ing Vatican-approved Mass transla- Archbishop Buti Tlhagale of Jo- plaining the changes,” the statement tion. The priority deadline for ap-
to the Divine Mercy. He gave St. tions to continue to do so, after the hannesburg, conference president, said, noting that “this catechesis plications is March 27.
Faustina an intention to pray for on Southern African Catholic Bish- “regarding the early implementa- should include preparation of music Adults who work with youth
each day of the novena. ops’ Conference said it mistakenly tion of the new translation,” said for singing the new texts.” are also welcome as candidates.

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