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The words underlined are verbs and the fraces in bold are the questions.
F Hello Coni, you look a little different, Did you have any change in you look since the last five years ago when we met? Hi Fea! Youre right! I used to have long hair, the change was a month ago. And what about you?... I remember you like a funny boy Yeah! I used to be a little hyperactive, but now, Im little controlated I remember that you used to sing a lot Do you still doing that? Yes, I used to love music in general, now, I sing, play the violin and the piano, and I belong to the orchestra of my city. And what about you? Do you still loving glee? Yes!! I love it! But now I have to wait for three weeks to the new chapter And do you have any favorite serie? Amm No, I dont have one, I dont watch TV, I just listen to musicSpeaking of our likes ... I remember that you used to dance in the school musicals ... You saw the last musical that made the students? Yeah, it was good, but I prefer the choreographies of my generation ... they were good times ... Hey? And ... if you go to my house and we get together like old times to see a movie? It would be a good idea ... I carry something to eat? Amm ... Do you like popcorn? Because it would be funny eat popcorn watching movies ... or Pizza ... or better you buy popcorn and i cupbearer with pizza ... and my dad can buy drinks for us ... you like the idea? Its OK ... I dont know where do you live ... can you give me your address please? Of course! How did you make it easier? I give you the name of the street or driving directions? Amm ... give me driving directions please Well ... from school, you have to keep walking for Valdivia Street until you reach Spain street, where there is a supermarket as a reference, then



turn right to Spain street and follow the street until reaching Negrete, and then turn left. My house is the second left. Do You understand me? F C F Yes, completely ... What day would you like that i go to your house? which day you prefer? because I'm unoccupied all week ... Aam ... Tomorrow would be a good day, because the other day I have things to do ... at what time I'm there? At 18:00 Its OK? Yes, Its OK OK, I'll be waiting for you ... And ... What about your sentimental life? I'm happy with my boyfriend, we've been together 10 months ... And you? Aww ... really? ... best for you .... amm .. I'm Single ... Looking for the lucky girl... haha I wish you luck haha Do you have to do something now?, I see you a little bit hurry ... Yes! ... I was on my way to my parents' house ... Is My Little Sister's Birthday ... OK ... don't take you any more time ... Follow your way ... tomorrow I'll be waiting for you! aaam.... Do you wanna go with me? My parents will be happy to see you ... Really? Yes!... come with me!... Come on Ok Can we go to the supermarket to buy something to carry? Of Course Mind if we buy something with your money and give it back after in my parents' home? For nothing!... Lets Go



--- End of conversation ---

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