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Analyzing Contact Stresses Using Hertzian Theory By Zaniar Barzanjy Abstract We know, even institutively, that when ever

two surfaces come in contact a stress forms at that point. This even true when you have just point or line contact for curved surfaces since the load deforms the two bodies turning the point/line into an contact area. This situation regularly shows up in such things as bearings, wheels and mating parts like gears. For given set of conditions met these stresses and related parameters can be calculated using Hertzs formulation, hence the name Hertzian contact stress. Introduction In order to apply the Hertz theory and subsequent equations to analyzing stresses in contact points we have to make sure our system meets a set of conditions. These conditions are as follows: the load force is normal and the induced contact area is small compared to radii of the two bodies, additionally they are inhomogeneous, their yield strengths are not exceeded and are in rest (equilibrium). In the case you have tangential force and the parts are moving past one another then you to use another formulation called Smith-Lui Equations. Assuming these are met, we have two general cases of contacts: point contact (two convex spheres, convex/concave spheres or sphere and a plane ) and line contact (two externally touching cylinders, one cylinder inside another or a cylinder and a plane). For the plane we set its diameter in the equation to infinity and for the concave/internal surface we set its diameter as a negative value. For point contact case consider the following set up:

Fig1: Point Contact

Then the radius, a, of the contact area is given as

This can be rewritten in terms of effective radius and contact (effective) modulus: 1/r=1/r1+1/r2 and 1/E=[(1-1)/E1]+[(1-1)/E1] respectively The maximum pressure called the Hertz (compressive) stress occurs at the center and is given by: and the mean pressure over the area is pavg=(2/3)pmax The maximum deflection is max=a2/r. We can also take the principle stresses (along the 3-axis, max is on z-axis) and determine the shear stress. The max shear stress occurs on the z-axis at z=.49a (inside the bodies), it is approximately max(1/3)pmax . This is where many experts say fractures form that go to the surface and cause the part to fail. For the line contact we have a similar situation. Here we have a rectangular contact area with length l (the size of the cylinder) and half width b. In the same fashion the Hertzian equations are as follows:

Fig.2: Line Contact

and the mean pressure over the area is pavg=(/4)pmax Max shear occurs at center of contact area at z=.79a where again max(1/3)pmax. An example problem for steel bearing on an aluminum plane is given in the appendix. Conclusion For curved surfaces in contact the Hertzian model through its equations lets us quickly calculate some important parameters. These parameters include contact area, max and average compressive stress, max deflection, and max shear stress along with its location. Granted for this to work certain conditions have to be obeyed, but these are easily met in a lot of situations. Reference Joseph Edward Shigley, Charles R. Mischke, Richard Gordon Budynas, Mechanical EngineeringDesign

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