Grand Jury in The Commonwealth of Virginia 9

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1. According to the Virginia Court Clerks association, Clerks have been in existence since the first legislative assembly in Virginia in 1619 in Jamestowne. Research may show the Grand Jury has been in Virginia since that time or before, with temporary clerks before. Originally its functions were judicial, legislative and executive in nature. 2. The Grand Jury in English Common Law tradition derives from Article 61 of the Magna Carta of 1215, where 25 Barons controlled the excesses of King John. 3. In Maryland, a Grand Jury1 is composed of 23 Citizens who serve for one year, whereas in Virginia, the term of service or session is usually three months, and the number of jurors in each session is 5 to 7, thus times 4 quarters in a year, would total 20 to 28 Citizens, in the same range as the 25 Barons of the Magna Carta. 4. There are two basic functions of the Grand Jury, deciding on Indictments as a True Bill, (the Sword of the Citizenry) or Not a True Bill (the Shield for the Citizenry from the over-reaching government), and Investigations, primarily to assure accountability of government servants to the letter and the spirit of the law in serving the Citizens. In Virginia, Investigations are best done by a Special Grand Jury of 7 to 11 Citizens. In Maryland, one investigation required by law is at least an annual inspection of the local jail to assure it is operated in a humane and proper way as a Shield for Citizen inmates. 5. Grand Juries in early America expose political corruption (today, being revived !) An independently acting grand jury probed and toppled the notorious Boss Tweed and his cronies in New York City in 1872. (Age 13, Teddy Roosevelt observed it, and as a freshman state legislator at 22, impeached a supreme Court justice.) Without the prosecutor's assistance, the Tweed grand jury independently carried out its own investigation in a district that had otherwise been very loyal to Tweed. The media played a crucial role in this case. The NYT highly publicized the case despite being offered $5 million to keep quiet. (The Court of Public Opinion) In 1902, a Minneapolis grand jury on its own initiative hired private detectives and collected enough evidence to indict the mayor and force the police chief to resign. In 1907 in San Francisco, a grand jury indicted the mayor and replaced him.
In In

2013, in Detroit, the mayor was convicted based on grand jury indictments. 1972 to 1974, two Watergate Grand Juries forced the resignation of Nixon.

6. ! The Authority of a Grand Jury is on par with the Governor and Attorney General, as indicated on the Virginia State Police website -The Virginia State Police provides a thorough and comprehensive investigation of all criminal matters mandated by statute and established Department policy through the Bureau of Criminal Investigation (BCI). The Bureau is mandated to investigate any matter referred by the Governor. The Attorney General, commonwealth's attorneys, chiefs of police, sheriffs and grand juries may request the Department to investigate matters that constitute Class 1, 2 or 3 felonies. The Bureau also conducts investigations of elected officials when directed by the Governor, Attorney General or grand juries.
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GRAND JURY in the COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA...and all across America

7. Justice Scalia in United States v. Williams, 504 U.S. 36 at 48 (1992) calls the Grand Jury the Fourth Branch of Government because: the grand jury is mentioned in the Bill of Rights, but not in the body of the Constitution. It has not been textually assigned, therefore, to any of the branches described in the first three Articles. It "`is a constitutional fixture in its own right.' 8. While the Clerk of the Court or Sheriff, depending on the state, is responsible for impartial, and random selection of the Jury pool; and the Presiding Judge conducts the swearing of the Oath of service as Jurors, the Grand Jury usually functions in the Courthouse, yet meets in secret, independent of any Judge, Sheriff or Clerk. 9. Throughout the 19th century, the Grand Jury often acted on their own independent initiative in the face of direct opposition from a Public Prosecutor. 10. In modern times the Grand Jury has been criticized as a rubber stamp of the Public Prosecutor, in Virginia called the Commonwealths Attorney, in Maryland called the States Attorney, other states, the District Attorney, on the Federal level, called the United States Attorney. Sadly, often the Grand Jury is derided with the saying, The Grand Jury will indict a Ham Sandwich., related to the following data: In 1838 of 448 cases examined, there were 80 "no bills." - 17.8 per cent rejection. In 1976 there were 23,000 federal indictments returned but only 123 no bills rejection rate of half (.5) of one per cent. The rise of the "public prosecutor," both at the federal and state levels, has drastically altered grand jury function. Citizen Control of our Courts, primarily by the Grand Jury, has seriously suffered. 11. Key to the foundation of Citizen government in Virginia is the CONSTITUTION OF VIRGINIA with its ARTICLE I Bill of Rights that states (in part): A DECLARATION OF RIGHTS made by the good people of Virginia in the exercise of their sovereign powers, which rights do pertain to them and their posterity, as the basis and foundation of government. S e c t i o n 2 . P e o p l e t h e s o u r c e o f p o w e r. That all power is vested in, and consequently derived from, the people, that magistrates are their trustees and servants, and at all times amenable to them. Section 8. Criminal prosecutions. That in criminal prosecutions a man hath a right to demand the cause and nature of his accusation, to be confronted with the accusers and witnesses, and to call for evidence in his favor, and he shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of his vicinage, without whose unanimous consent he cannot be found guilty. (continues) 12. The Grand Jury provides Citizens peer review of the cause and nature of the accusation to determine if sufficient to bring charges with a True Bill of Indictment.
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13. Typically both sides are NOT heard by the Grand Jury, either the Public Prosecutor decides what charges are to be filed, with what law enforcement personnel or other witnesses to testify to establish sufficient cause for the Grand Jurors to vote a True Bill (the Sword of the People), or vote NOT a True Bill (the Shield for the People). 14. Then a completely separate, second group of Citizens in a Trial Jury (Petit, or small with 7 Citizens in a Civil Case, and 12 Citizens in a Criminal Case, as contrasted to the total 20 to 28 Grand Jurors - on a yearly basis) who see the evidence, listen to witnesses, and the arguments of both sides, to evaluate what evidence is true, and which witnesses are telling the truth, in relation to the law alleged to have been violated; then render a verdict of Not Guilty or Guilty. If Guilty, the Trial Jury then hears arguments before deciding the sentence. 15. Because of the extra effort involved, many Defense Bar lawyers advise their clients that You cant trust a Jury, jurors are fickle and they can give tougher sentences than a judge, and even if you win with a Jury, the extra time will cost you much more. Thereby, the Bar member lawyers persuade or in reality, coerce their clients to either accept a Plea Bargain with the Prosecution to eliminate or reduce jail time, or just go with the judge because of some such reason as I know the judge that when considered objectively, almost sounds like the Bar member lawyer can bribe the Bar member judge to get a better verdict for his client. If false, it reveals the dishonesty of the Bar member lawyer, if true, it reveals dishonest lawyer and judge. Investigative reporters have uncovered many cases of bribery of judges, sadly. 16. In Point # 4 is written: In Virginia, Investigations are best done by a Special Grand Jury of 7 to 11 Citizens. The logical reason for this derives from the fact that the Regular Grand Jury has enough responsibility already in its functions where it is impaneled for a SPECIFIC PERIOD of time, and its main duties are to hear the Indictments presented primarily by the Public Prosecutor through his witnesses, whereas the Special Grand Jury is impaneled for a SPECIFIC PURPOSE, that may last a day, a week, a month, a year, or even more. [Real World Example: In a very poor Deel or Wheeler investigation (so-called), one Special Prosecutor Commonwealth Attorney Wheeler, and Virginia State Police Special Agent Deel, operating under authority of a Judge, not properly under a Special Grand Jury, took 19 months from June 2010 to January 2012 to investigate a simple case of Felony alteration of a Court Transcript by a Court Reporter Lanell Hockman who slept with a Prosecutor, Commonwealth Attorney Paul Thomson, a Federal Convict]. 17. Further, given that the Regular Grand Jurors already have important responsibilities, the fact is the Virginia laws are silent as to whether the Regular Grand Jury may, or even should if wise and truly impartial, name one or more of the members of the Regular Grand Jury as members of a newly impaneled Special Grand Jury by the vote to impanel. 18. In many Virginia jurisdictions, often only 5 Regular Grand Jurors are named to serve each session, a number insufficient under Virginia law to be impanelled as a Special Grand Jury that starts with 7 and goes up to 11 members to form a Special Grand Jury. 19. In October 2010, the Virginia supreme Court revised the Handbook for Grand Jurors Every Citizen should receive a copy when first notified of potential service as a Grand Juror.
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20. The Handbook for Grand Jurors consists of 18 pages, the Regular Grand Jury is described in Sections 7 to 22 on Pages 4 to 11, the Special Grand Jury is described in Sections 23 to 43 on Pages 11 to 17. (This far more extensive Review is 13 pages.) 21. The Code of Virginia addresses the Grand Jury in Chapters 13 and 14 of Title 19.2 CRIMINAL PROCEDURE. (see pages at end of this overview listing Chapters 13 & 14)

Chapter 13 Grand Juries (19.2-191 thru 19.2-215.11) Chapter 14 Presentments, Indictments and Informations (19.2-216 thru 19.2-238)
22. The Handbook for Grand Jurors generally aligns with the Code of Virginia, in Section 3 is written where the strike through words do not align with the law as written:

If a majority of the regular grand jurors so request, and if the judge nds probable cause to believe that a crime has been committed which should be investigated by a special grand jury, a special grand jury must be empanelled to be composed of the grand jurors so requesting and willing and such additional members as are necessary. If a minority so requests, a Special Grand Jury may be empanelled. [Note: empanelled spelling as in original.]
23. The Code of Virginia states the requirements for impanelling a Special Grand Jury as: 19.2-206. When impanelled. A. Special grand juries may be impanelled by a circuit court (i) at any time upon its own motion, (ii) upon recommendation of a minority of the members of a regular grand jury that a special grand jury be impanelled, to perform the functions provided for in subdivision (2) of 19.2-191, or (iii) upon request of the attorney for the Commonwealth to investigate and report on any condition that involves or tends to promote criminal activity and consider bills of indictment to determine whether there is sufcient probable cause to return each such indictment as a "true bill." B. A special grand jury shall be impanelled by a circuit court upon the recommendation of a majority of the members of a regular grand jury if the court nds probable cause to believe that a crime has been committed which should be investigated by a special grand jury impanelled to perform the functions provided for in subdivision (2) of 19.2-191.
(Code 1950, 19.1-149; 1960, c. 366; 1975, c. 495; 1978, c. 741; 1980, c. 134; 1987, c. 136; 2001, c. 4.)

(Note: the court and the judge are NOT fully synonymous. The court includes both judge
and jury. If a majority of Grand Jurors vote to impanel a Special Grand Jury, the Jurors have established there is Probable Cause for an investigation, and thus the court finds probable cause.)

19.2-191. Functions of a grand jury. The functions of a grand jury are twofold: (1) To consider bills of indictment prepared by the attorney for the Commonwealth and to determine whether as to each such bill there is sufcient probable cause to return such indictment "a true bill." (2) To investigate and report on any condition that involves or tends to promote criminal activity, either in the community or by any governmental authority, agency or ofcial thereof. These functions may be exercised by either a special grand jury or a regular grand jury as hereinafter provided. (1975, c. 495; 1980, c. 517; 2001, c. 4.)
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24. Thus the difference between the Law as written by the Virginia General Assembly and the Handbook as written by an employee of the Virginia supreme Court is the Court injects, improperly, the discretion of the judge always approves a decision by a Regular Grand Jury to impanel a Special Grand Jury. That insertion is contrary to the law. The law is: (1) If a minority of Regular Grand Jurors vote to impanel a Special Grand Jury, THEN the judge has discretion, the judge MAY approve or MAY reject, however, (2) If a majority of Regular Grand Jurors vote to impanel a Special Grand Jury, that establishes Probable Cause, and so the presiding judge has NO need to add a second judgement of Probable Cause, the Court SHALL impanel a Special Grand Jury. 25. Also, a dangerous development is that many Citizens believe that the Commonwealth Attorney controls who may appear before the Regular Grand Jury. The Commonwealth Attorney ONLY decides what witnesses appear before the Regular Grand Jury for the cases for which indictments are sought. Indeed, the Law limits the public prosecutor: 19.2-201. Ofcers to give information of violation of penal laws to attorney for Commonwealth. (Limits in the Regular Grand Jury) ... Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, no attorney for the Commonwealth shall go before any grand jury except when duly sworn to testify as a witness, but he may advise the foreman of a regular grand jury or any member or members thereof in relation to the discharge of their duties. 19.2-210. Presence of attorney for the Commonwealth. (Limits in the Special Grand Jury) The attorney for the Commonwealth shall not be present at any time while the special grand jury is in session except that during the investigatory stage of its proceedings he may be present. When the special grand jury is impanelled upon motion of the court or recommendation of a regular grand jury, he may be present during the investigatory stage only when his presence is requested by the special grand jury and may interrogate witnesses provided the special grand jury requests or consents to such interrogation. When the special grand jury was impanelled upon his request, he may examine any witness called to testify or produce evidence, but his examination of a witness shall in no way affect the right of any grand juror to examine the witness. The attorney for the Commonwealth shall not be present during or after the investigative stage of the proceedings at any time while the special grand jury is discussing, evaluating or considering the testimony of a witness or is deliberating in order to reach decisions or prepare its report, except that he may be present when his legal advice is requested by the special grand jury. 26. Also important is that when a Citizen serves as a witness before the Grand Jury, the Citizen may have assistance of counsel as a protection of the Citizens RIghts: 19.2-209. Presence of counsel for a witness. Any witness appearing before a special grand jury shall have the right to have counsel of his own procurement present when he testies. Such counsel shall have the right to consult with and advise the witness during his examination, but shall not have the right to conduct an examination of his own of the witness.
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27. Thomas Jefferson famously said, Eternal Vigilance is the Price of Liberty. Similarly, General George Washington of Fairfax County Virginia wrote to his neighbor Henry Light Horse Harry Lee on 31 October 1786, with a wise observation related to law:
Precedents are dangerous things; let the reins of government then be braced and held with a steady hand and every violation of the Constitution be reprehended, if defective, let it be amended, but not suffered to be trampled upon whilst it has an existence.

28. A dangerous precedent of law was issued on February 29, 2008 in the Gilman v. Commonwealth of Virginia decision of the Virginia supreme Court that allows a Citizen to be denied the Right to face ones accusers in a Contempt of Court appeal. At the very least, a Citizen appeal of an accusation of Contempt of Court should go before a Regular Grand Jury to decide if full Due Process Rights are to be honored during the Appeal, or if that Right to face ones accusers is denied by his peers. 29. Another dangerous precedent is the 1993 Powell v. Ward where a Pro-Life sidewalk counselor was arrested, tried and convicted, and denied a Jury Trial on the outrageous judicial ruling of the charge being a petty contempt, thus jail punishment imposed would not exceed six months, so a Citizen is not entitled to a Jury Trial. Now prosecutors will stipulate they seek 179 days in jail so to deny the accused a Trial by Jury! In denying the motion for a jury trial, the judge ruled that because the matter would be treated as petty contempt and any punishment imposed would not exceed six months Steinberg was not entitled to a jury trial. -- Powell v. Ward, 15 Va. App. 553, 425 S.E.2d 539 (1993). The jury trial question was not raised on appeal. 30. That outrageous court ruling has been used by other judges and Bar members as precedent to deny other Virginia Citizens the Right to a Jury Trial in non-Pro-Life cases. 31. Where George Washington said, Precedents are dangerous things; how much do these denial of Jury Trial precedents contribute to the 69 per cent decline in use of Jury Trials in Virginia in the 9 years from 1999 to 2008, according to the 2008 State of the Judiciary Report by the Chief Justice of the Virginia supreme Court? 32. And how much is the Citizens confidence in the Integrity of OUR Government, and OUR Courts undermined when the Grand Jury role in the Control of the Courts has been minimized by both gate-keeper commonwealth attorneys, and judges who impose their will upon the Grand Jury, rather than presiding at a Grand Jury session? 33. The proper independent functioning of the Grand Jury is sometimes denigrated as a runaway grand jury, yet the true runaway problem is that excess power of the employees of the Courts and Criminal Justice system, rather than involvement, and even control by Citizens serving in a Jury, both the Grand Jury and the Trial Jury.
Virginia Grand Jury Analysis prepared by Legal Historian James Renwick Manship, Sr., former Director of Legal Aid at Auburn University. Manship was appointed by former Governor and former Attorney General James S. Gilmore, III, to the Mount Vernon Board of Visitors, and served from 1998 to 2001. Manship has written three books on history, and many legal briefs. In 1985, in a policy proposal when he was nominated by his Admiral for a White House Fellowship, Navy Cryptology Officer LCDR Manship studied the Posse Comitatus law in relation to Navy or Army applicability, that led the way a few years later for Navy assistance to the Coast Guard in fighting Narco-Terrorists. Manship has researched the Lincoln Law of 1863 and its twin False Statements Act, as key Whistleblower laws for Citizens to use to create better government by accountability of government servants to We the People.

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The Virginia supreme Court Handbook for Grand Jurors is NOT QUITE accurate in relation to Virginia law (Code of Virginia) passed by the General Assembly that governs the Grand Jury. Grand Juries (19.2-191 thru 19.2-215.11) Presentments, Indictments and Informations (19.2-216 thru 19.2-238) The full Handbook for Virginia Grand Jurors can be downloaded from the link below: ! This GW StatesManship Document can be downloaded from:
3. Function of a Special Grand Jury
A Special Grand Jury is composed of from seven to eleven citizens of a city or county, summoned by a Circuit Court to investigate and report upon any condition which tends to promote criminal activity in the community or by any governmental authority, agencies, or the officials thereof.

23. Function of a Special Grand Jury

As has been set out in Section 3, a Special Grand Jury is composed of from seven to eleven citizens of a city or county, selected by the Circuit Court and summoned to investigate any condition which tends to promote criminal activity in the community or by any governmental authority, agency or official. The Special Grand Jury, composed entirely of private citizens, is the one non-political body with legal authority to make such investigations.

O n N e w Ye a r s E v e , 31 December in the Year of Our Lord Jesus 2011, the Grand Jury of Cecil County, Maryland, indicted two medical doctors (abortionists) for killing a viable baby in the womb (late term abortion or aborticide) in violation of Maryland state law, that in effect challenges the erroneous presumption that underlies the flawed U.S. supreme Court decision in Doe v. Bolton (1973). One doctor was arrested in New Jersey, the other in Utah. Extradition of the NJ doctor was accomplished and the doctor arraigned on $500,000 bond. The proAbortion Governor OMalley pressured the local States Attorney to drop the charges thereby voiding the Will of the People expressed by the Grand Jury.

Newsweek, 17 March a.d. 2003

George Washington on 3 July anno domini 1776 wrote: The fate of unborn millions will now depend, under God, on the conduct and courage of this army Citizens on the Grand Jury can be the Army to Recover Our American Republic from Judicial Tyrants.

Above: Page 31 from Second to None: Americas Washington. The book may be purchased from, or, or from the author, James Renwick Manship, Sr., (nickname: GW or StatesManship) at:
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Thomas Jefferson in the Declaration of Independence wrote ...the Laws of Nature and of Natures God appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world do, in the Name, and by Authority of the good People with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence,... The Declaration of Independence is still today part of the organic law that founded this Union and forget not, this Constitution states in its Preamble statement of purpose, We the People, in Order to form a more perfect Union... This American Law tradition of Gods Laws of Nature derives from the English Law, and in his Commentaries on the Laws of England, 1765, Sir William Blackstone wrote, This law of nature dictated by God himself, is of course superior in obligation to any other no human laws are of any validity, if contrary to this; In Gods Word is the Law; in the Holy Bible, the first verse of Chapter 25 of Deuteronomy, King James Version, is wise to apply to the duty of Justice in our more perfect Union: If there be a controversy between men, and they come unto judgment, that [the judges] may judge them; then they shall justify the righteous, and condemn the wicked. Justify the righteous is like a SHIELD, and condemn the wicked is like a SWORD, functions of Justice done by the first clause of the Bill of Rights Fifth Amendment, the requirement for a Grand Jury, known by scholars as the Shield and the Sword of our American Justice System, separate from the Judicial Branch, but with power over it: No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury The Grand Jurors may judge those who come unto their judgment (the accused), justify the righteous relates to a majority of the Grand Jury to judge NOT a True Bill, the Grand Jury to SHIELD people who are falsely accused, and condemn the wicked relates to a majority of the Grand Jury to judge TRUE Bill for those who are properly, or fairly, accused, the Grand Jury as a SWORD of We the People. Unjust accusations are a first step in unjust law, yet the Grand Jury may judge NOT a true bill. The maxim unjust law is not law (lex injusta non est lex in Latin) is the core concept behind the Shield function of the Grand Jury, the Shield and Sword of the Citizens. In the Bicentennial Year of 1976, Governor Ronald Reagan, echoing Governor Winthrop of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, spoke of America as the shining City on a Hill, yet related are the words of Saint Augustine from his work City of God (4:4): Take away justice, then, and what are governments but great bandit bands? A Grand Jury of private citizens is our last defense against our Government as a Great Bandit Band.
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A county grand jury is responsible for investigating possible public offenses, including corrupt or willful misconduct in ofce by public ofcials [and] return a criminal indictment or true bill, formally accusing someone of a crime... Rebecca White Berch Chief Justice of the Arizona Supreme Court
Note: Admittedly, these words are not from Virginia Chief Justice Cynthia Kinser, but justice is justice.

In the Virginia Lawyer magazine of October 2004 is a Special Feature article by Court of Appeals of Virginia Judge D. Arthur Kelsey , appointed by Governor Mark Warner in 2002 and re-elected by the General Assembly in January 2011, on page 15 is the bold inset quotation: To many of the Framers generation, the jury was the lower judicial bench in a bicameral judiciary and the democratic branch of the judiciary power and on page 14, Judge Kelsey wisely quotes Blackstone about the C i t i z e n s o f t h e J u r y :

the best investigators of truth, and the surest guardians of public justice.
(Editor Note: Court compares to Congress, a Jury is to a Judge, like the House is to the Senate. Properly, court means Jury or Judge, and that often judge denied, either - or meaning of court can be seen and derived by honest readers of the Code of Virginia, written by the legislature. Congress is the national legislature, General Assembly is the Virginia legislature.)

F o r m e r c o n s e r v a t i v e C h i e f J u s t i c e Wi l l i a m R e h n q u i s t w a s q u o t e d b y t h e Center for Court Excellence of the District of Columbia: Justice is too important a matter to be left to the judges, or even the lawyers, the American people must discuss, think about, and contribute to the future planning of their courts. A common man, a Private Citizen filing a Pro Se Motion or a Petition to the Grand Jury is a way to contribute in a very positive, direct, substantial way to the future of their courts, the Courts that are forums for resolution of differences and enforcing the laws of We the People, a Grand Jury enforces laws violated by public servants elected or employed by We the People. The Private Citizens in a Jury, Grand Jury or Trial Jury, are the American people who shape our Courts future.

Founding Father and future rst President under this Constitution, George Washington wrote on 10 Nov. 1787, to a future Justice of the United States supreme Court, his nephew, Bushrod Washington, to whom George gave Mount Vernon Estate, after the death of his beloved wife Martha Washington:

The power under the Constitution will always be in the people.

The First Amendment of this Constitution, the First of the Bill of Rights, says, in part: or the right of the peopleto petition the Government for a redress of grievances. A key part of our Government, often overlooked, is the Grand Jury of Private Citizens, that is the one non-political body with the authority to investigate and indict wrongdoing by Government Servants; the Grand Jury is an entity of our Government to which a Citizen can petition for redress of grievances, especially grievances against public servants who are engaged in wrongdoing, or violation of our laws.

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Below is an excellent example of Serve the Citizen attitude by a local prosecutor,

called a States Attorney in Maryland, or a Commonwealths Attorney in Virginia, District Attorney in other states

While this demonstrates a proper attitude of service to the Citizen by the States Attorney, in reality, the proper Constitutional Officer to schedule a Citizen before the Grand Jury is the Clerk of the Circuit Court; unless the Citizen is a witness requested by the local prosecutor to testify before the Grand Jury in support of a Bill of Indictment that the local prosecutor has submitted to the Grand Jury for its judgment, not the situation in this case. It is contrary to Equal Justice for All to have Gate-Keepers to keep Citizens from Citizens of the regular Grand Jury.

Notice considerate explanations. Notice Grand Jury duty to inspect jail. Notice cooperative attitude for reschedule of meeting with Grand Jury. Notice open ended invitation for future times to meet with the Grand Jury.

Notice HAND DELIVERED, not necessary, but nice. Notice Pursuant to your request Notice scheduled you Notice date is stated, and the time.

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Other RESOURCES on the Grand Jury for Grand Jurors to review to learn more of their powers: 1. As to an establishment reference, the Dayton School of Law website compiled by law professor Susan Brenner and instructor Lori Shaw is most valuable for it has links to many other references, articles of Grand Juror experiences, histories, and State Grand Jury information:

2. Another legal scholar, Dr. Roger Roots, also a law school graduate, and a professor, wrote an excellent Law Review article (CREIGHTON LAW REVIEW, Vol. 33, No. 4 1999-2000, 821) If its not a Runaway, its not a Real Grand Jury, where the footnotes / endnotes are extensive and educational to further illuminate the well written basic article: 3. Another legal scholar, Jon Roland of Austin, Texas, not a law school graduate, but twice a Libertarian Party candidate for Attorney General of Texas, hosts an excellent website on this Constitution for the United States of America. The link to the Grand Jury section is: afliated site: 4. A Grand Jury Slide Show that gives a quick overview of history and powers is at:

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