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Weather or Not rd 3 Grade Science Unit


Blanca Robles EDRL 451 Content area literacy Spring 201

This unit is intended to provide 3rd grade students with information about the different types of weather. Literature will be incorporated in this unit. Students will be learning about rain, snow, wind, and the sun.

Text set:
Snow By Isao Sasaki Thunder Cake by Patricia Polacco "Who Likes Rain?" by Wong Herbert Yee I Face the Wind by Vicki Cobb Sunny Day by Anna Milbourne

The Art of Rain
Mitchell D. Wilson

Falling Down, pooling up, Out of the sky, into my cup. What is this wet that comes from above, That some call disaster, and others find love. The harder it falls, the less it is nice, The colder it falls the harder the ice. The rain has an art that I may not get, So I stand still here and get soaking wet.

Whisper in the Wind

Samantha C. Fifer

I hear it calling me, In the middle of the night. A whisper at my window, Beckoning me to frolic, In the cool summer breeze. It blows gently through my hair, As I dance across, The soft green grass, The wind tickles my feet, When the breeze ruffles through the grass. I dance to a pond where, Every time I sit down, At the murky water, I can see my reflection, By the moonlight dancing,

Across the water. My reflection fades away, When a willow branch whips, At the water, and cast, A ripple that continues, Throughout the pond. I lay here gazing up, At the starry night, Wondering how it can, Be so beautiful. And if it would last forever, But then I realize that, Not every thing lasts forever, But comes once more, After anther day, Comes upon us.

Jazzmin Y. Altamira

I am the energy of life. My radiant rays look right down on all the regal planets. I have seen every creature to ever roam the earth. I am the grandfather of the universe. My bright rays shine like a new snowfall on an early winter morning. The innumerable rays of light can never compare to, All the memories I have. I give warmth to everyone and everything, As I extend my arms of heat. The heat I give makes rocks crackle and hiss. My rays are a good night kiss, That I give to my brother, the moon. The clouds are my worst enemy. I will never stop giving, For I am the energy of life.

Snow Dream
Tracy Bartley

As I was lying in bed one night, I thought I saw a tiny light. I looked out the window and saw lots of snow, And then I heard the winter wind blow. As soon as I woke up I ran to the TV, And quickly turned on channel three. 'No school today' I started to scream, But then I realized it was only a dream.

Coffee in the morning

Daniel Lund

Drinking coffee all morning long, listening to the birds sing there song. Out on my deck in the early morning light, the squirrels awake and start to fight. People going to church on this fine morning, as the clouds darken they don't take warning. The wind starts to blow from out of the west, people dressed up in their Sunday best. The birds and squirrels stop what their doing, look to the sky a storm is brewing. Blowing and raining so hard I fear, I can feel it coming the end is near.

Watching the clouds spin their awful fury, I'm going inside now in a hurry. I pour me another fresh brew in my hand, outside I go to watch it all end


Rain Snow Wind Sun Thunder Lightning Water Water cycle Clouds Precipitation Evaporation Purify Tornado Tsunami Hurricane

Day 1: Lesson 1
Title: Introduction to weather Goal: The goal is to introduce the topic of the different types of weather. Objectives:
1. Students will understand the different types of weather 2. Students will explore past knowledge to fill in chart. 3. Students will learn what makes weather.

Nevada state standards:

E.5.A.4 Students know the role of water in many phenomena related to weather (e.g., thunderstorms, snowstorms, flooding, drought). Identify and list seasonal weather changes. (E.2.A.3, E.2.A.4) Identify changes in daily weather. (E.2.A.3, E.2.A.4)

Pictures of different types of weather Weather 101 video Coffee in the morning poem K-W-L charts

1. Ask students, what are the different types of weather? 2. Have students fill in K-W-L chart of what students know, want to know , and learned.( 1st and 2nd columns only) 3. Watch weather video 4. Answer any questions students might have about the video 5. Show students pictures of different types of weather and ask questions to get students to identify the weather. 6. Read weather poem (coffee in the morning) 7. Have students write a weather poem. 8. Have students write something in column 3 of K-W-L chart (dont fill the whole thing in)

Students will read poems out loud to the rest of the class and teacher will evaluate if it is weather related.

Day 2: Lesson 2

Title: Rain Goal: The goal is to identify rain as a type of weather and inform students all
about rain.

1. Students will understand what rain is and why it is important. 2. Students will be able to identify what rain water is used for. 3. Students will be able to identify different sounds heard in rainstorms.

Nevada State standards:

E.5.A.2 Evaluate the interactions between processes (evaporation, condensation, and precipitation) in the water cycle.

Book: Who likes rain Book: Thunder cake Thunder cake ( previously made by teacher) The Art of Rain poem rain water (water bottles) Plates Napkins Reading Logs

1. Start with book, who likes rain, and ask students question before reading the book. (Who likes rain?) Write in a reading log their predictions. 2. Read book 3. Explain how rain is made.( include water cycle) 4. Explain what rain water is used for. 5. Give students water bottles with rain water and explain how water they drink can come from the rain. 6. As a class discuss about the different sounds they hear and things they see during a rain storm. 7. Read the book Thunder cake 8. Pass out pieces of cake for students to enjoy while drinking their rain water. 9. Read poem, The Art of Rain 10.Have students write in column 3 of K-W-L chart

Teacher reads their reading log and their K-W-L chart

Day 3: Lesson 3
Title: Snow Goal: The goal is to teach students about snow Objectives:
1. Students will be able to identify the characteristics of snow and what it is made of.

2. Students will be able to explain how rain is contributed to snow.

Nevada State standards:

E.5.A.4 Describe waters role in many weather phenomena (e.g., thunderstorms, snowstorms, flooding, and drought).

Book: Snow Poem: Snow Dream Baby food jars (empty and cleaned) White glitter Plastic snowmen Hot glue and gun Water Previous K-W-L charts

1. Teach students how snow is made and how rain (previous lesson) is connected to snow. 2. Read book: Snow (book has no words, just pictures) 3. Have students make their own words to the story in their reading logs. 4. Have students fill baby food jars with water and glitter (snowmen previously glued to top of jar by teacher). Students will shake jars and watch snowstorm. 5. Have students write in their last column of K-W-L charts. 6. Finish with poem: Snow dream

Teacher will read reading logs.

Day 4: Lesson 4
Title: Wind Goal: The goal is to teach students all about windy weather Objectives:
1. Students will understand windy weather. 2. Students will learn what makes wind. 3. Students will identify different storms caused by wind.

Nevada state standards:

E.5.A.5 State that air is a substance that surrounds us, takes up space, and moves around us as wind. E.5.A.5 Explore properties of air.

Fan Book: I Face the Wind Poem: Whisper in the Wind Flags Previous K-W-L charts

4. Have students answer following questions: Ever lose your hat in a strong wind? Ever feel the wind pushing you from side to side? Know why you can feel the wind, but never see it? 5. Explain what makes wind and characteristics 6. Read book: I face the Wind 7. Have students stand with flags in front of fan. Start off with low speed then go to higher speed. Explain this is an example of how wind works. 8. Read poem: whisper in the wind 9. Have students fill in K-W-L chart.

Ask students to write down what they observe about the wind on their way home. Have them write it in their reading logs and teacher will read the following day.

Day 5: Lesson 5
Title: Sunny Days Goal: The goal is to teach students all about sunny days Objectives:
1. Students will understand how the sun warms us up 2. Students will understand how the sun helps us recover from other weather storms such as rain and snow.

Nevada standards:
E.2.A.1, E.5.A.1 Explain that the Sun provides light and warms the land and water on Earth. E.2.A.1, E.5.A.1 State that the Sun warms the water on Earth.

Lollipops Book: sunny day

Poem: sunlight Paper plates Crayons, markers Construction paper Ice

1. Have students discuss if they like sunny days and what they like to do on sunny days. 2. Read book: Sunny Day 3. Explain what the sun is and how the sun warms the earth and water. 4. As a class go outside and watch how the sun melts the ice on the ground. 5. Pass out lollipops for students to enjoy. 6. Go back inside and have students make suns out of construction paper and paper plates 7. Read poem: Sunlight 8. Students fill in the rest of K-W-L chart

Teacher hangs up suns around the classroom and reviews K-W-L charts

Day 6: Lesson 6
Title: Weather Wrap Up Goal: The goal is to see how much students have learned. Objectives:
1. Students will be able to show the teacher what they have learned about weather.

Nevada State standards:

All past standards from previous lessons

Different props for play

1. 2. 3. 4. To wrap up the unit, students will act out all they have learned about weather In groups, students will use props and act out a small play Students will assign their own roles but every student must have a role. Will act it out for another class.

Teacher will watch plays and learn what students have learned.

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