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Went to a 504 meeting

Teachers discussed the RTI interventions (Tier 2) the student was receiving. In this particular case, the students scores were fluctuating, so it was determined that continued instruction was needed. I looked through this plan and was able to see what the tier 1, 2, and 3 interventions looked like for behaviors, for math, and for reading. The most interesting of these interventions included an additional RTI class for reading. The math interventions involved extra classes: tier 2 involves double blocked math classes, and tier 3 involves a math computer program in addition. Scheduling these can be difficult if students require multiple interventions, especially in different subjects.

Jan. 24

Reviewed a copy of the school RTI plan.


Attended scheduling meetings

One of the major concerns was that double blocking math classes, which is the plan for everyone, is currently the tier 2 math intervention. If this were to take place, a new Tier 2 intervention would need to be developed. Because of so many conflicts with this schedule, it was delayed a year, and this was partially due to the conflict with RTI. All students receiving Tier 2 RTI get a reading boost class to work on reading deficits. Most students with disabilities concerning reading also get a reading boost class, with the difference being that theyre in a self-contained English class. Both students in RTI and students with disabilities were benchmarked in fluency and comprehension quarterly in addition to regular assessments. These assessments, in addition to MAP (aptitude) testing, were used to determine continued eligibility for services for students receiving Tier 2 services.

unknown Assisted with Benchmark Assessments for an RTI class


Met with a family regarding RTI interventions in another district 7th grade RTI meeting

This student is receiving RTI in another district and is receiving tier three reading interventions. While Im not a teacher and by the sound of things their program is very different, it was interesting to discover that their program involved much less supports than the tier 2 program at Mahomet. This meeting was a follow up to the written MAP scores (a test conducted Fall, Winter, and Spring in both math and language


arts). It was used to determine if any students would be dismissed from RTI services. An interesting point that came up was the fact that Tier Two services for math is double blocked math, so when a student was dismissed, their schedule had to be changed. In many cases, there was to room in the other math classes, so the students remained in services. 8th grade RTI meeting 2/21 This meeting was a follow up to the written MAP scores (a test conducted Fall, Winter, and Spring in both math and language arts). It was used to determine if any students would be dismissed from RTI services. An interesting point that came up was the fact that Tier Two services for math is double blocked math, so when a student was dismissed, their schedule had to be changed. In many cases, there was to room in the other math classes, so the students remained in services. 3/27 Attended an RTI team meeting In this meeting, led by the principal, was supposed to determine different changes that would happen to the RTI process now that the head interventionist is leaving. It was basically meant to establish who was responsible for referrals and other bookkeeping aspects of RTI. My cooperating teacher trained general education teachers in the RTI process. She walked through the tiers of RTI, the curriculum and interventions that are involved in each tier, how to conduct assessments, and how team meetings typically run.


PD day-RTI

The agreed upon product for this assignment was a log of experiences I have had through and related to RTI, It is impossible to state everything I have learned through this on going process, but I can now say that I know the entirety of the IEP process and much more of what it entails.

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