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Description of Classroom:
Third Grade, 11 girls and 10 boys, 8-9 years old, 3 ESL students

Title: Easter Egg Hunt (Review of basic math facts). This will be a review of the student basic math facts skills of adding and subtracting for our test the following day. Students will also be learning metacognition skills through reflective writing strategies. Students are in the generalization stage of learning. This lesson will take one day since it is just a review.

Content Objective(s):
Students will become proficient in basic math skills for their test. Students will learn about HOW they learn during math.

Language Objective(s):
Students will answer sample problems and write in a Learning log.

Nevada Standards:
1.3.5 Immediately recall and use of addition and subtraction facts 1.3.7 Add and subtract two and three-digit numbers with and without regrouping.

Key Vocabulary:
Add Subtract

Best Practices: (put an X next to those that you address in your lesson)
Preparation Adaptation of content Links to background Links to past learning Strategies incorporated Integration of Processes Listening Speaking Reading Writing Scaffolding Modeling Guided practice Independent practice Verbal scaffolds Procedural scaffolds Application Hands-on Authentic (Meaningful) Linked to objectives Promotes engagement Grouping Options Whole Class Small groups Partners Independent Assessment Individual Group Written Oral

Teaching Strategies:
Cooperative learning, Questioning, Learning Logs

Warm Up Activity: Students will be given sample addition and subtraction problems ( two of each) to refresh their memories. When they are finished they are to write in their Learning Logs and answer the following questions: Where the questions difficult or easy to solve? What made them easy or difficult? How did you solve the difficult problems? What were you thinking about when you were solving these problems? Did that help you solve the problems? Once everyone is done, have the class sit in a circle and have every student share their answers to the LL questions. Lesson Sequence:
Teacher prep: Before class The teacher will write addition and subtraction problems and put them inside Easter eggs. The eggs will be labeled with group numbers. The teacher will hide the eggs around the classroom. Students: Students will do warm up activity. When the students are done, randomly put them into groups of three and assign each group a number. (7 groups will result). Each group will then look around the room for eggs that have their group number on it. (must have their group number on it, if it doesnt they must put it back) When a group finds one of their eggs they are to solve the problem together. Each student will write down the problem in their learning log and solve it together. When the group is done they are to put the egg in their basket and search for more eggs.(this helps in the cleaning up ) Once they find all their eggs including the mystery egg ( the mystery egg has their group number and a question mark on it, instruct the students before the activity that once they find this one they are to not open it and just put it in their basket until they are told to open it) they are to go to the check station. Here you will check their answers. If they have it wrong they must redo it. Once they have all questions correct, they must sit in the carpet with their mystery egg and write in their LL what they think is in their egg while they wait for the other groups to finish. Once all the groups are done, as a class go over any questions that were the most difficult for the class as a whole. Go over strategies to help them remember how to solve them. The last step is to have the students open their mystery eggs. (the egg has treats inside for each student to enjoy)

Group members who are proficient will help other group members who are having trouble with the problems.

Supplementary Materials:
Plastic Easter eggs ( number depends on the number of groups and how much time you want to spend on the activity) Learning Logs for each student Pencil Easter baskets, 1 for each group

Going over the difficult problems. Ask students what they thought of the lesson and if it helped them with their math facts. Have students answer 1 problem as their ticket out the door.

Reflection: This lesson went better than I expected. The students really loved the searching for eggs part. It went great since it was close to spring break. I was surprised during the warm up activity how every student was eager to share their answers; usually I only have three or four who like to share. The students worked very well together and luckily there werent any problems. The only thing I would change would be the activity they must do when they are finished. I had them guess what was in their eggs but I guess that didnt take too long and the students were talking too much. I had to tell several students to keep it down. Next time I might have them solve more problems or draw a picture. Other than that, the lesson was a success. Lesson plan: Learning Log : Billmeyer and Barton pg 148
Form: 005 JDC 4/22/08

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