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Lesson Topic: Sound: Seeing Sound Description of Classroom:

Third Grade classroom, 30 students 12 boys, 18 girls, ages 8-9. General education classroom. 5 ELL students.

This will be the third lesson of a sound unit. One day lesson. Students are in the generalization level of learning. Lesson is set up for 45-50 minutes.

Content Objective(s):
Students will conduct an experiment to see how sound is formed. Students will feel that vibrations cause sounds. Students will make predictions as to what they will see during the experiment.

Language Objective(s):
Listening : Students will listen to the different sounds that make the sugar crystals move Speaking: Students will make different sounds with their voice (talking, humming, changing voice pitch) Reading: Students will read the book Edisons Fantastic Phonograph Writing: Students will write their observations in their science journals.

Nevada Standards:
N.5.A.1 Students know scientific progress is made by conducting careful investigations, recording data, and communicating the results in an accurate method. N.5.A.3 Students know how to draw conclusions from scientific evidence. N.5.A.5 Students know how to plan and conduct a safe and simple investigation. P.2.C.1 students know sound is produced by vibrating objects.

Key Vocabulary:
Sound: something that can be heard Vibration: an instance of shaking or moving back and forth very rapidly Pitch: a particular degree or level of something

Best Practices: (put an X next to those that you address in your lesson)
Preparation Adaptation of content Links to background Links to past learning Strategies incorporated Integration of Process Listening Speaking Reading Writing Scaffolding Modeling Guided practice Independent practice Verbal scaffolds Procedural scaffolds Application Hands-on Authentic (Meaningful) Linked to objectives Promotes engagement Assessment Individual Group Written Oral Grouping Options Whole Class Small groups Partners Independent

Teaching Strategies:
Guided discovery: I will guide students throughout the experiment and through their observations Questioning: I will ask the students what they know about sound. Cooperative learning: students will work together in the experiments. KWL chart: students will use this chart to record what they know, want to know, and learned about sound.

Warm Up Activity: (15 min) Engage: I will start off the lesson by reading a book called, Edisons fantastic Phonograph By Diana Kimpton. When I am done we will have a discussion with the class about what they know and learned about sound (based on the book). Students will fill in their KWL charts. ( Ask students: Based on the book we just read, what do you think sound is?) Lesson Sequence: ( 30 min)
1. Pass out materials. (students will be in groups, one set of materials per group) 2. Have a student from each group cut a piece of plastic wrap big enough to cover the top of the bowl. 3. Have another student put the rubber band over the plastic and around the top of the bowl to hold the plastic in place. Make sure the plastic wrap is held tight, and isnt sagging. 4. Next, have a different student sprinkle a small pinch of sugar crystals in the center of the plastic. 5. Explore: Now, have another student get down close to the cup, and say his/her name aloud. Tell them to watch the sugar crystals. Stop and ask them to describe what they saw happening. (The sugar crystals look like theyre on a trampoline! They're moving!) 6. Explain: Ask students to try to explain what is happening. If someone offers their breath as an explanation for the sugar moving, have them try the experiment again, only this time a different student should hum instead of talk, and be careful not to breathe on the sugar. Ask: Do they still move? Tell students: Sound is created by vibrations. Have students put their hand on their throat to feel the vibrations when they talk. These vibrations caused the plastic to vibrate, too, which made the sugar move. 7. Ask students to think of ways of altering their voice to repeat this test. (Eg: louder, softer, singing voice, speaking voice, high pitch, low pitch, whisper, etc.) Have each student from each group try a different way so that everyone gets a turn. 8. Elaborate: For fun, and if time permits, try making other sounds and testing the effects of the vibrations. Try banging on the table. Try stretching a rubber band across the ends of your fingers, and then give a pluck. Try making a clucking sound with your tongue. Observe the sugar. What happens? 9. (5 min) After the experiments have a class discussion on the students observations. What sounds made the sugar crystals move more? What sound pitch worked better? Etc. Finish filling in KWL charts.

I will meet all required student accommodations. I set students in a group so that students can help each other. For students who are still having trouble with the experiments I will go over and work with them individually or have a parent volunteer help them while I help the rest of the class.

Materials and Resources:

Empty bowls Rubber bands Plastic wrap Colored sugar crystals

Form: 005 JDC 4/22/08


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