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Give Simon Armitage

Regular Form 5 Stanzas, each line has an 8 syllable count

Hunchback in the park Dylan Tomas bread and water from a chained cup are often given to prisoners, as if he is treated like a prisoner and has been cast away by society. Imagery of chains as well

5 Stanzas could signify 5 fingers of an outstretched hand The Word Give is an imperative, but also shows a sense of need that reverberates throughout the poem. Last Stanza is monosyllabic, whilst still keeping 8 syllable count. Repetition of you and beg contrasts to give

Never Discover Protagonists name as if they are not important enough or society doesnt care

Both Reffer to locks and chains as if to reflect how they are trapped in their situation

Some Rhyme (park/dark) but no regular pattern contrast with regular stanza structure, suggestion of how, despite hi life appearing routine, it is infact not, and he struggles to find a warm place to sleep

The references to frankincense and myrrh suggest a religious aspect to this poem Comparing todays homeless

both characters were seen as outsiders who are mocked by society

Seven stanzas six lines each constant and similar, like the hunchbacks daily routine

to the infant Jesus, who was born homeless

Treated as less than human animal like his kennel

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