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Video 2/ Episode 5 Change of Dress Headway

Helen: So where are they having a party? Alison: On a boat. Helen: Youre joking! Janes sister, Alison, is staying for the weekend. Shes going to an engagement party for Tom and Zoe, two old friends of hers. Jane: It sounds like fun. What are you going to wear? Alison: I bought a new dress. Its really lovely. Helen: Can we see it? Alison: Sure. Helen: Oh, thats beautiful. Alison: Do you really think so? Jane: Youre going to look fantastic. Alison: Thanks. Oh Gosh. Ive got to get a move on. Jane: Where are you going? Alison: Im going into town to buy a present for Tom and Zoe. Jane: What are you going to get them? Alison: Ive no idea. Something romantic. See you later! Helen, Jane: Bye. Jane: What are you doing? Helen: Nothing. David: Is that another new dress? Helen: Its not mine. David: Whose is it? Jane: Its Alisons. Matt: Its quite nice. Helen: Quite nice? Its wonderful! Matt: Whats it made of? 1

Video 2/ Episode 5 Change of Dress Headway

Helen: Matt, whatch that ball! Oh no! Jane: Its no good, Im afraid. The stains not coming out. Helen: What am I going to do? Alisons going to be really upset. David: Buy another dress. Helen: What does the label say? Jane: New York, Paris, Milan. I think its very expensive. Matt: Why? David: Never mind. Helen: Okay, lets go and get another dress. Matt: All of us? Helen: This is an emergency, Matt. Helen: Okay, Jane, you go with Matt. Take the shops on the left. Ill go with David. Well take the shops on the right. Have you got all the details? Alison: Hi, everyone! Helen: Alison! Oh, hi! Alison: What are you doing? Helen: Wereerm were planning our shopping. Alison: Okay. Helen: See you back at the house. Alison: Yeah, right. Bye. Helen: Have you got your mobiles? Good luck. Helen: Any news from Jane and Matt? David: No. Helen: This is hopeless. David: What about this one? Helen: Its too small. David: This one looks bigger. 2

Video 2/ Episode 5 Change of Dress Headway

Helen: Its the wrong kind of white. David: The wrong kind of white? Helen: David, look! That dress is almost exactly the same as Alisons. Oh, no! Shes going to bu y it! Salesmwoman: Can I help you? Woman: Yes. Can I try this on, please? David: Excuse me, I dont think its white enough. Woman: Sorry? David: I think this ones much better. Woman: Oh, really? David: Yeah, really. Its very nice. Can she try it on? Salesmoman: Oh, yes. David: The changing rooms are up there. Helen: Ill take it. Phone the others. How much is it? Saleswoman: Two hundred and fifty pounds. Helen: Can I pay by American Express? Saleswoman: Of course. David: Jane? We got one.Yes, were going home now. See you later. Jane: Wow, thats perfect! Matt: How much was it? David: Two hundred and fifty pounds. Matt: Two hundred and fifty pounds!? Alison: Its Alison. Hi! Whats wrong? Helen: I had an accident with your dress. So, I bought another one for you for tonight. Alison: Oh, thank you. Helen: Its almost the same as yours. Alison: Oh, this dress is much more beautiful. Its gorgeous! The other one only cost ten pounds. David: Ten pounds? 3

Video 2/ Episode 5 Change of Dress Headway

Alison: Yes, I got it second hand from a charity shop. Next time, Helen, forget Paris, Milan and New York. Head straight for a charity shop.

Questions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Who is staying for the weekend? Where is she going? What did she buy? What does Helen think of the dress? What happens to the dress? What does Jane think is the dress expensive or cheap? How much was the dress Helen bought? How much was the dress Alison bought?

spill prosuti primer za Simple Past Tense

Helen spilled some coffee on the dress. Helen he prosula malo kafe na haljinu.

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