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Memories By Lewis Pearlman

EXT. BUILDING ROOFTOP A man stands alone on the rooftop, looking down at the people. Another man enters through a door and goes towards him. WILTON BREMER Have you got it then? David Jones hands Wilton a strange looking metal tube. DAVID JONES Here. The memory of one Mary Bremer. Who is she anyway? WILTON BREMER Shes my mother. She died when I was very young. To this day I dont know how she died. This is the memory of her death. DAVID JONES (sarcastically)Nice. WILTON BREMER How much? DAVID JONES 250 Wilton gets his wallet out of his jacket pocket and hands him the cash. David counts it and walks away. Wilton follows shortly after. CUT INT. BEDROOM Wilton stands and stabs the metal tube into the side of his head. He starts to shake and collapses on the floor. CUT TO TITLES FADE INT. POLICE OFFICE Subtitle: "Two Weeks Earlier" Two men are standing around a table with a map on it.




PHILIP BLAKE Whatve we got ere then? JOHN WAINWRIGHT David Jones. He hacked into the memory database and hes selling them to people. Hes on the run and theyve put me in charge of the search for him. This is big. We cant let the public know this has happened. They dont even know theres a memory bank let alone that someones got a hold of it. I want you to be my assistant. PHILIP BLAKE I dont understand. Surely if the government had a database full of people memories then it would have been secure enough so it couldnt be compromised. JOHN WAINWRIGHT Apparently not. Anyway, we need to find this man and either capture him or kill him, whatever it takes to stop him. FADE EXT. ALLEYWAY David Jones is swiftly walking down the alley looking behind him every few seconds. Philip Blake and John Wainwright appear. PHILIP BLAKE Well well well, look who weve got here. DAVID JONES Who the hell are you? JOHN WAINWRIGHT Detectives Blake and Wainwright, Metropolitan police. Weve been looking for you for quite some time. Blake pulls out a pistol from his inside jacket pocket. DAVID JONES (whispers) Shit.




David starts running and the two officers start to chase him. JOHN WAINWRIGHT (Yelling)Put the hands behind your back and stop running or I will use lethal force. FADE EXT. ALLEYWAY A woman is walking down the alley when a hooded man appears with a gun. Wilton Bremer is there but is unable to interact with the people HOODED MAN Oi love, give us yer purse will ya? The man points the gun at the woman WILTON BREMER (Yells) MUM! D WILTONS MOTHER Why should I? I bet thats not a real gun. HOODED MAN You wanna bet? Just gimmie ya purse and Ill be on my way. The man slowly walking closer to Wiltons mum. WILTON BREMER (Yells) MUM NO! The man pulls the trigger. CUT TO BLACK Scream. CUT


INT. BEDROOM Wilton gasps as he wakes up on the floor with the metal tube in his hand. CUT CREDITS

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