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Kevin Dang Malcolm Campbell English 1102-011 02/04/13 Topic Proposal: The Power of Tumblr Fame Introduction/Overview For

my topic proposal I will be examining why society strive to obtain fame from online websites like Facebook, YouTube, or Tumblr. From personal experience I have witness people saying things and doing certain actives to obtain more likes on their status or comments on ones pictures. On average we spend more than 4 hours every single day on social media websites that usually lead to people creating identities for themselves online. Online, we find people that pull for approval and nice comments on their pictures. Which lead me to question, why are people so timid about being famous or popular on social websites? Andy Warhol's 1968 quote that "In the future everyone will be world-famous for 15 minutes" What Warhol is trying to say is that in every ones lifetime there will be a moment when one experiences their time in the spotlight. As time passes I believe more and more that this is the case. Today we can see that there is a dramatic increase of people getting discovered by producers from websites such as YouTube. An example of this is Justin Bieber, Conor Maynard, and Soulja Boy are just some YouTubers that has been discovered and have many popular tracks on the radio. My specific preliminary source of research has become Internet search engines such as Google, my own personal experiences, and interviews from UNCCs library. I
Christopher Estrada 2/6/13 6:59 PM Deleted: people like Christopher Estrada 2/6/13 6:09 PM Comment [1]: strives

Christopher Estrada 2/6/13 6:57 PM Comment [2]: witnessed Christopher Estrada 2/6/13 6:58 PM Comment [3]: ones Christopher Estrada 2/6/13 6:58 PM Comment [4]: leads

Christopher Estrada 2/6/13 7:00 PM Deleted: the

asked questions about their own experiences with people on these websites and how they felt about why individuals want to become famous and why they do certain things like taking booty pictures on the bathroom sinks. Most people will say that fame is not everything when it comes to social media websites. Usually the people that deny this statement are the people that have the most friends on Facebook or the most followers on Tumblr. People would argue that Facebook is just a way to reconnect with old friends. The places most of these conversations about how they would disagree could be found on articles and conversations that are found on blogging websites. Initial Inquiry Questions What I wanted to question was why is fame so important to us and is social media the cause for the increase of being discovered? My Interest in this Topic Im interested in the subject of fame and social media because it has always grabbed my action of what makes one famous and how did they get to where they are. I know that a lot of people want to become famous because of the attention but what got them to where they are. Also what kind of things makes one famous as in do they have to be fat or skinny? Do they have to be tall or short? These types of question have sparked my interest in this area of social media. Next Steps To find more information on my topic, I will be conducting interviews with people around campus to see how they feel on the matter of being famous on the Internet. Also I would be asking Tumblr famous people in hopes that they would reply to some of
Christopher Estrada 2/6/13 7:02 PM Comment [7]: Famous people on Tumblr? Christopher Estrada 2/6/13 7:01 PM Comment [6]: Im not sure what you are trying to say. Christopher Estrada 2/6/13 7:01 PM Comment [5]: who did you ask this to? And I like the booty pictures thing!!!

my questions. Since my subject is a fairly modern topic, I do not believe that the library would be a good source so the Internet search engines and blogging websites would definitely be a more resourceful in this situation. I will also be looking for news articles as well as academic journals that have been written on this subject.

Kevin, You seem to have a very strong topic and thesis. I find the idea of what makes one famous an extremely interesting topic as well. I would say that you could still look through the librarys database to see if you can find something, even though I agree that I doubt you could. I do not believe blog sites are good resources because they are really subjective usually. You seem to have a good start to your paper and it should turn out really well.


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