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General Package Evaluation Criteria Template

Vendor A Rank (e.g., M, D, O) Weighting Factor

Vendor B




Weighted Weighted Score Score Score 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Recovery mechanism ensures data integrity to the business function level. Data is recoverable after computer failure with minimal operator assistance, within 24 hours. Audit trails automatically provided for all transaction detail. System capable of enabling before and after logging feature. Reporting tools provided for browsing audit trails.

Opportunities for phased modular deployment provided. Products developed in or can interface with a widely used 4GL development tool. Products use a widely recognized database management system. Data dictionary provided. Data shared in same file structures across sub-systems. Redundant versions of data are not maintained. All subsystems can deliver data to and accept data from other automated systems. Modification of data in one subsystem automatically updates related data in all subsystems. Data structures can be integrated with customized software Supports exports of data extracts. Supports batch import of data files. Supports customer programmer access to database. Predefined facilities and interfaces to allow addition of custom routines. Product implementation supports inherent designs of operating system and does not attempt to override them. Correctly computes comparisons of dates into the next century.

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General Package Evaluation Criteria Template

Vendor A Rank (e.g., M, D, O) Weighting Factor

Vendor B


Category/Criteria Functions that require exclusive use of data files are clearly identified and documented. Supports timely updating of information; critical updates take place immediately. Supports multiple users. Accessible from remote locations. Supports Electronic Data Interchange (EDI).


Weighted Weighted Score Score Score 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Architectural Principles
Supports an open system approach. Provides single system image. Operates on preferred hardware (e.g., PC, Mac, Mini). Operates in preferred operating environment (e.g., Windows, UNIX, MVS). Platform independent. Layered architecture with maximum independence between layers. Re-usability employed during code development. Supports client/server implementations. Consistent with customer standards for protocols, operating systems, network operating systems, disk storage mediums, and other technologies).

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Ownership of components clearly defined. Source code available in hard copy and electronic media. Ownership of modifications to source code clearly defined. Protection of source code provided against bankruptcy, receivership, liquidation, take-over, absorption. Warranties for performance available. Satisfactory right to terminate clause in contract.

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General Package Evaluation Criteria Template

Vendor A Rank (e.g., M, D, O) Weighting Factor

Vendor B


Category/Criteria Remedies for breach of contract provided. Contract protects customer from damages due to non-performance of software. Payments are milestone/delivery based.


Weighted Weighted Score Score Score 0 0 0 0 0 0

Conversion Aids
Will supply conversion expertise on-site on a per-diem basis (provide rates). Will coordinate data conversion activities. Provides data cleansing services. Provides conversion utilities.

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0 0 0 0 0

Costs and Pricing

Pricing arrangements available (purchase, license, lease) Invoices will be payable in appropriate currency. One time costs are included in pricing. Recurring annual and monthly costs are included in pricing. Incremental costs for upgrades and expansions are included in pricing. Implementation support costs identified. Training costs identified. Customization costs identified. Conversion support costs identified. Prices of other products that must be licensed/purchased for use with each product (e.g., DBMS license) identified. No or low price increases (including maintenance/support) over last 3 years. Training materials include in price. All documentation included in price.

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General Package Evaluation Criteria Template

Vendor A Rank (e.g., M, D, O) Weighting Factor

Vendor B


Category/Criteria Copies of documentation included in price: ** quantify requirements ** 100 % of requirements met, 80 to 99 % of requirements met, 50 to 79 % of requirements met, less than 49 % of requirements met. No or low costs for additional copies of documentation. On-line help facilities included in price. Training Days included in price: ** quantify requirements ** 100 % of requirements met, 80 to 99 % of requirements met, 50 to 79 % of requirements met, less than 49 % of requirements met. Pricing structure for follow-up training provided.


Weighted Weighted Score Score Score

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0 0 0

0 0

0 0

Installation guide available. Maintenance guide available. System documentation available. Operating documentation available. Training documentation available. User documentation available. User and training documentation describes how to use each component in non-technical terms (e.g., functional description). User documentation clearly defines procedures for all processes. System documentation includes design and setup information. Documentation is available in electronic format (e.g., CD-ROM). Documentation may be maintained by the customer. Documentation can be copied by customer without restriction. Documentation is regularly updated and distributed. Source code provided.

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General Package Evaluation Criteria Template

Vendor A Rank (e.g., M, D, O) Weighting Factor

Vendor B




Weighted Weighted Score Score Score

Human Interface
Consistent user Interface; e.g., screen layouts, keyboard functions, and navigation. GUI interface (e.g., windows, icons, mouse, pull-down menus) consistent with CUA or similar standard. Makes consistent, effective use of colour. Data (decimals, dates) entered, stored, and displayed consistently. Provides formatting options for dates (e.g., DD/MM/YY, MM/DD/YY, YY/MM/DD) that can be easily changed from one format to another. Provides formatting options for currency (e.g., amounts formatted with commas or spaces). Single point of entry provided for all data input. Menus provide access to all applications. Menus can be customized. Quick paths provided from one function to another without using menus. On-line help provided including: features to assist in locating a function or feature, descriptions of how each function works, descriptions of fields, their contents, and acceptable formats. Context sensitive help provided (e.g., F1 from any window field). Minimal effort required to escape from incorrect selection or system error. Provides on-line look-ups of key field information (e.g., customer by ID or name). Provides on-line look-ups on partial keys (e.g., part of customer name).

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General Package Evaluation Criteria Template

Vendor A Rank (e.g., M, D, O) Weighting Factor

Vendor B


Category/Criteria Numeric entries automatically signed where possible (e.g., credit displays as negative). Minimum two levels of error messages provided: error and warning. Descriptions of error messages are understandable.


Weighted Weighted Score Score Score 0 0 0 0 0 0

Interface Requirements
Ability to interface/interoperate with existing systems.

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0 0

System upgradeable without migration to another platform. Incremental growth path to permit expansion, as needed. Minimal customization to products required. Customization and developed interfaces will not impact option to upgrade product.

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Response time for devices not using telecommunications: ** specify response requirements; e.g., 98 % of window to window response within 0 to 2 seconds. **

Proposed configuration supports expected performance levels. Resource requirements (e.g., memory, storage, I/O channels, special) defined and costed. Designed for easy installation and support. Designed for use in a distributed environment.

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General Package Evaluation Criteria Template

Vendor A Rank (e.g., M, D, O) Weighting Factor

Vendor B


Category/Criteria Capable of supporting external portable devices; e.g., handheld computers.


Weighted Weighted Score Score Score 0 0

Name and password control provided. Provides individual control of password. Provides central control of passwords. Passwords never display on monitors. Automatic password expiry definable. Stored passwords are encrypted. Provides an add/query/delete security function. Functional security by user provided. Functional security by user group provided. File level security by user provided. File level security by user group provided. Data attribute (field) level security provided. Access control of data (read, write, delete, copy) at the file level by user provided. Access control of data (read, write, delete, copy) at the file level by user group provided. Security violations are automatically logged.

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Reporting Requirements
Title, page number, report ID, report date, rundate, and time are shown consistently. Provides for special forms alignment, interrupting, restarting, and backward and forward spacing through printouts. Tools provided to create custom reports. Report writing tools are user friendly with a short learning curve. Provides choice of print directly or view display on monitor and then route to printer.

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General Package Evaluation Criteria Template

Vendor A Rank (e.g., M, D, O) Weighting Factor

Vendor B


Category/Criteria Provides ability to print multiple copies per request. Able to reprint reports. Provides ability to select specific pages of a report to print. Provides automated report distribution facilities.


Weighted Weighted Score Score Score 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Training in functional use provided. System administration training provided. Training provided at: customer site(s), vendor site(s). Training pre-requisites defined; e.g. basic keyboarding skills. Multi-language training and training materials provided, as required. Computer based training software provided. Classroom instruction and hands-on training provided. Training program can be customized to meet specific customer requirements.

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Vendor Qualifications
Years in business: 0 to 2, 3 to 5, 5+. Age of product (in years): 0 to 2, 3 to 5, 5+.


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General Package Evaluation Criteria Template

Vendor A Rank (e.g., M, D, O) Weighting Factor

Vendor B


Category/Criteria Number of new customers in last 24 months (as a percent of customer base): 0 to 5, 6 to 10, 11 to 25, 26+. Number of employees: 1 to 100, 101 to 500, 501 to 1000, 1001+. Employees are assigned to product development for each product in sufficient numbers to allow for regular maintenance and enhancements. Number of employees in customer service for each product per installed user base is sufficient to meet service levels. Developers of products are currently employed by vendor (i.e., original developers are available for enhancements): 1 to 10, 11 to 25, 25+. Percentage of sales revenue allocated for R&D on each product: 0 to 1, 2 to 5, 6+. A methodology was used to develop the products. Vendor's customer service employees are available for implementation. Location of customer service employees (in relation to customer): same city, same region, same country, different country.


Weighted Weighted Score Score Score

0 0

0 0

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0 0 0


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General Package Evaluation Criteria Template

Vendor A Rank (e.g., M, D, O) Weighting Factor

Vendor B


Category/Criteria Number of customers (e.g., companies, organizations) using each product: 0, 1 to 9, 10 to 24, 25+. Number of releases (functional enhancements) for each product in last 5 years: 0 to 1, 2 to 3, 4 to 5, 6+. Number of these releases still being supported: 0 to 1, 2 to 3, 4 to 5, 6+. Satisfactory policy on supporting past releases. Other software products that could be integrated with these products are available. Active user group exists for each product. User Group influences release of the product; e.g., controls x% of enhancements to the product. Reference sites provided for each product. Published evaluations of software provided. Proof of success in similar organization provided. Willing to demonstrate products: at customer site, at vendor site. Proposed contract provided. Sample plans provided (e.g., implementation, training). Software license agreements provided (e.g., software maintenance, support).


Weighted Weighted Score Score Score

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

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General Package Evaluation Criteria Template

Vendor A Rank (e.g., M, D, O) Weighting Factor

Vendor B




Weighted Weighted Score Score Score 0 0 0 0 0 0

Vendor Financial Position (using financial statements for last three years)
Gross Margin on Sales (Net Sales Revenue - Cost of Goods Sold) / Net sales Revenue: 0 to 30, 31 to 40, 41 to 50, 51+. Return (before taxes) percent on sales (Income before extraordinary items and taxes / Net Sales): 0 to 5, 6 to 10, 11 to 15, 16+. Return (before taxes) on Shareholders' Investment ((Net Income before extraordinary items - Preferred Dividends) / (Average Total Shareholders Equity - Preferred Shares)): 0 to 5, 6 to 10, 11 to 15, 16+. Working Capital Ratio (Current Assets / Current Liabilities) is 1:1 or more. Acid Test Ratio ((Cash + Marketable Securities + Current Receivables) / Current Liabilities) is 0.75:1 or more. Equity / Assets is at least 30%. Equity / Debt is at least 50%. Times Interest Earned (Earnings before interest expense and income taxes / Interest Expense) is at least 1.5. Average Collection Period 30 days or less.

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General Package Evaluation Criteria Template

Vendor A Rank (e.g., M, D, O) Weighting Factor

Vendor B


Category/Criteria No significant cautions in financial statement notes (e.g., legal actions, tax assessments, contingent losses or gains, large lump sums due). No significant cautions in Dun & Bradstreet report. Consistent financial position over last three years: very consistent, somewhat consistent, inconsistent.


Weighted Weighted Score Score Score

0 0

0 0

Telephone service provided: 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, 24 hours per day, 5 days per week, 8 hours per day, 7 days per week, 8 hours per day, 5 days per week. Guaranteed response time (e.g., customer representative responds with either fix or action plan) within: 1 to 2 hours, 3 to 5 hours, 6 to 12 hours, 24 hours. Maximum time to implement an emergency fix: 1 to 2 days, 3 to 5 days, 6 to 10 days, 11+ days. Documentation updated for any fixes. Procedures for vendor-initiated fixes provided. On-site expertise available at no or low cost.

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General Package Evaluation Criteria Template

Vendor A Rank (e.g., M, D, O) Weighting Factor

Vendor B


Category/Criteria Software warranty begins at: shipment, receipt, installation, acceptance. Customer can modify software without impacting warranty or support. Updates, enhancements, and new releases covered under maintenance agreements. Failure to install an update, enhancement, or new release impacts the warranty/support/maintenance after: 30 days or less, 31 to 60 days, 61 to 90 days, 91+ days. Warranty/support/maintenance continues after a product function or the entire product is discontinued for: 30 days, 31 to 60 days, 61 to 120 days, 120+ days. Warranty/support/maintenance is provided for modifications specifically requested by the customer.


Weighted Weighted Score Score Score

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0 0 0

Total Score


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General Package Evaluation Criteria Template

Developing Professional Intellectual Property for our Clients since 1995 Imagination Edge Consulting (416) 410-0647


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