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Beginning Spanish 1a

Appendix C: End Surveys and Questionnaires

Learner Exit Survey
Please answer the following questions based on your perceptions. Put the number in the blank
to the left of the question.
1 Strongly agree
2 Agree
3 Neutral 4 Disagree 5 Strongly disagree
Upon completion, please return the questionnaire to the administrative assistant, Mrs. Young.
1. Did the instructional content meet the course goals and objectives?
2. Are you able to use Spanish phrases to communicate at a basic level?
3. Was the program compatible with your equipment?
4. Did the course lend itself well to the WBI format?
5. Was the technical support sufficient for the course?
6. If there were problems with the WBI, were they addressed and resolved in a reasonable
amount of time?
7. Did the computer specifications and Web browser work well with the Website?
8. Are you planning to take the next course in the WBI series, Beginning Spanish 1b?
9. Would you like to take another WBI course at JB K-12 Public School?
10. Did you feel the course met your needs in terms of age appropriateness, interest,
intended use, and personal goals?
11. Were course expectations clearly stated and followed?
12. Did the actual time commitment reflect what was advertised in the course syllabus?
How much time on the average did you spend on this course? _________
13. Was the course Web site user-friendly?
14. Was the Web site easily accessible?
Write Additional Comments on back of paper:

Beginning Spanish 1a
Parent Questionnaire
Please answer the following questions based on your perceptions. Put the number in the blank
to the left of the question.
1 Strongly agree
2 Agree
3 Neutral 4 Disagree 5 Strongly disagree
Upon completion, please return the questionnaire to the administrative assistant, Mrs. Young.
1. Were your expectations of the course met?
2. Is your child able to use Spanish phrases to communicate at a basic level?
3. Do you think the WBI format was compatible with your childs learning abilities?

4. Would your child like to take another WBI course at JB K-12 Public School?
5. Did the course meet your childs needs in terms of age appropriateness, interest,
intended use, and personal goals?
6. Were course expectations clearly stated?

7. Was the communication with the instructor and school satisfactory regarding your
students progress?
8. Did the actual time commitment reflect what was advertised in the course syllabus?
How much time on the average did your child spend on this course? _________
9. Was the course Web site user-friendly?
10. Was the Web site easily accessible?
Write Additional Comments on back of paper:

Beginning Spanish 1a
Interview Questions for Administrative Assistant
1. Did the instructor submit masters for needed materials in a timely fashion? Comments:
2. Were extra materials available to give to students when the instructor was not on
campus? Comments:
3. Did the instructor communicate student concerns and non-participation to the required
authority (Mrs. Gleeson) in an efficient manner? How were those concerns
communicated? Comments:
4. Did the schedule work well using the hybrid format for the class? What are some
concerns that you would like to see addressed? Comments:
5. Were grades submitted at regular intervals and on time? Comments:
6. Did the hybrid model fulfill the course expectations? How?

Write Additional Comments on back of paper:


Beginning Spanish 1a
Interview Questions for Current Teaching Staff
1. Were you aware of students participating in the Web-Based Instruction (WBI) course
Beginning Spanish 1a?
2. Did students discuss the workload and expectations of the course? What were their
3. Did they voice any concerns regarding the WBI hybrid format of the course Beginning
Spanish 1a? What concerns did they discuss?
4. Did students appear overwhelmed by a WBI hybrid course due to technology issues or
number of assignments?
5. What attitudes did you sense in students regarding the WBI hybrid course Beginning
Spanish 1a?

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