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Design and Simulation of Four-Stroke Engines

Also by Gordon P Blair:

Design and Simulation of Two-Stroke Engines (Order No. R-161)

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Design and Simulation of Four-Stroke Engines

Gordon P. Blair


Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc. Warrendale, Pa.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Blair, Gordon P. Design and simulation of four-stroke engines / Gordon P. Blair. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 0-7680-0440-3 1. Four-stroke cycle engines--Design and construction I. Title. TJ790.B577 1999 99-27316 621.43--dc2l CIP

Copyright 1999

Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc. 400 Commonwealth Drive Warrendale, PA 15096-0001 U.S.A. Phone: (724)776-4841 Fax: (724)776-5760 E-mail:

ISBN 0-7680-0440-3 All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America

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SAE Order No. R-186

The Last Mulled Toast

A Grand Prix race is very rough, the going's fast, the pace is tough. The four-stroke rules the world of cars, in bikes it's two-strokes that are the stars.
Now, why is this you'd have to ask? The rulemakers you can take to task. For the intake air never needs to question, "Is this the right bellmouth for my ingestion?"

The designer ofboth must surely know, or else his engines will all be slow, unsteady gas dynamic trapping by right and left waves overlapping.
To model an engine is algebraic simple. You sit on the gas like a veritable pimple, solving the maths the waves to track from valve to bellmouth in the intake stack.
At the inlet valve you scan induction, count the air that's passed by suction and just as the valve would shut the door, you get a wave to ram home more.
In the exhaust it's furnace hot, for the modeller 'tis a tropic spot. Exhaust waves reflect but do the job of sucking out the burned gas slob.

Some time ago I wrote two tomes on two-strokes, including poems. It seemed only fair to tell those with cars that black-art tuning is best kept for bars. This book informs the four-stroke tuner what I wish I knew those decades sooner, as Brian Steenson followed Agostini with my exhaust on Mick Mooney's Seeley.

The pen's both strokes have now been told. My writ is run, I'm pensioned old. While I may be ancient and time is shrinking, only Dei voluntas can stop me thinking.
Gordon Blair 1 November 1998

Since 1990, 1 have written two books on the design and simulation of two-stroke engines. Not many in the four-stroke engine industry will read such books on the assumption that they are not relevant to them. I will not dwell on this issue as I have already dedicated a couple of stanzas to this very point, on the previous page. Hence, when I came to write this Foreword, and reread what I had set down in those previous books, I realized that much of what was written there for the two-stroke enthusiast was equally applicable to the reader of this book. So, if much ofthis reads like the Foreword in my previous books, I can only respond by saying that I know only one way of teaching this subject. So, if you have already absorbed that, then pass on. This book is intended to be an information source for those who are, or wish to be, involved in the design of four-stroke engines. More particularly, the book is a design aid in the areas of gas dynamics, fluid mechanics, thermodynamics, and combustion. To stop you from instantly putting the book down in terror at this point, rest assured that the whole purpose of this book is to provide design assistance with the actual mechanical design of an engine in which the gas dynamics, fluid mechanics, thermodynamics, and combustion have been optimized so as to provide the required performance characteristics of power, or torque, or fuel consumption, or noise emission. Therefore, the book will attempt to explain the intricacies of, for example, intake ramming, and then provide you with empiricisms to assist you with the mechanical design to produce, to use the same example, better intake ramming in any engine design. Much ofthe engine simulation, with which I was involved at QUB over the last twentyfive years, and to which I have applied myself even more thoroughly in the three years since I formally retired from my alma mater, has become so complex, or requires such detailed input data, that the operator cannot see the design wood for the data trees. As a consequence, I wound this empiricism into visual software to guide me toward a more relevant input data set before applying it into an engine simulation computer model. Quite often, the simulation confirms that the empiricism, containing as it does the distilled experience ofa working lifetime, was adequate in the first place. However, sometimes it does not and that becomes the starting point for a more thorough design and comprehension process by simulation. You will find many examples of that within this book. However, even that starting point is closer to a final, optimized answer than it would have been if mere guesses had been the initial gambit for the selection of input data to the engine simulation. The opening of the book deals with the fundamentals of engine design and development, ranging from mechanical principles, to engine testing and the thermodynamics of engine cycles. To some it will read like the undergraduate text they once had; to undergraduates it will read


Design and Simulation of Four-Stroke Engines

like a tutorial by some pedantic professor, and to those who had no such formal education it will provide the thermodynamic backdrop they never had, but which they will need to follow the logic of the design and development of the four-stroke engine. It reminds you all, expert and novice alike, of the basics of the scene in which you wish to operate. The acquisition of a fundamental understanding of unsteady gas dynamics is the first major step to becoming a competent engine designer. Hence, this book contains a major section dealing with that subject. It is little different than that within the more recent book on twostroke engines*, although it is updated and extended with, it is hoped, all, typographical and theoretical errors removed. The fundamental theory of unsteady gas dynamics is the same for two-stroke and four-stroke engines, but I repeat myself as yet another stanza has already dealt with that. Nevertheless, without a basic understanding of unsteady gas dynamics, the mysteries of intake and exhaust tuning will remain just that. The "flowing of cylinder heads" is a way of life for many developers of high-performance engines. As with all technologies, there is a right, and a wrong, way of going about it. I explain the only way to acquire the discharge coefficients offlow which will be meaningful if they are also required to be accurately applied with an engine simulation model. The discussion of combustion follows a pragmatic approach, as distinct from one steeped in the chemistry of the subject. It provides data on the burn characteristics of a considerable range of actual engines, spark-ignition and compression-ignition, in a manner which gives real data input for those who wish to simulate a wide variety of power units with truly representative combustion characteristics. The discussion on noise emission illustrates the point that actual silencers, intake, and exhaust, can be designed by simulation so that the trade-offin noise emission and performance characteristics can be thoroughly executed by the modeling of the entire engine together with its mufflers. It also makes the point that the traditional empiricism, which is based in acoustics, has a useful role to play in the design process as long as you do not believe implicitly in its predictions. The majority of the book is devoted to the design of the spark-ignition engine, but there is also comprehensive treatment ofthe diesel or compression-ignition engine. The totality ofthe book is just as applicable to the design of the diesel as it is to the gasoline engine, for the only real difference between them is the methodology of the combustion process. Much like this Foreword, the opening paragraphs of many of the chapters are very similar to those in the book on two-stroke engines. I suppose it is a simple statement, albeit a truism nevertheless, but having figured out a logical way to introduce you to the fundamentals ofany given topic, and as those fimdamentals do not change just because I am writing about the fourstroke engine, I decided that I would only sing the song badly if I attempted to change the lyrics. I have had the inestimable privilege of being around at precisely that point in history when it became possible to unravel the technology of engine design from the unscientific black art which had surrounded it since the time of Otto, Diesel, and Clerk. That unraveling occurred because the digital computer permitted the programming of the fundamental unsteady gasdynamic theory which has been in existence since the time of Rayleigh, Kelvin, Stokes, and
*See Chapter 1, Ref. [1.9]



Taylor. For me, that interest was stimulated by a fascination with high-performance engines in general, motorcycles in particular, and two-stroke engines even more particularly. It is a fascination that has never faded. The marriage of these two interests, computers and racing engines, has produced this book and the material within it. For those in this world who are of a like mind, this book should prove to be useful.
Gordon P. Blair 23 October 1998


As I explained in the Foreword, this is the third book I have written, but the acknowledgements in those earlier books are still pertinent. The individuals who have influenced my life and work are still the very same people, so what else can I say. The first acknowledgement is to those who enthused me during my school days on the subject of intemal combustion engines in general, and motorcycles in particular. They set me on the road to a thoroughly satisfying research career which has never seen a hint of boredom. The two individuals were my father, who had enthusiastically owned many motorcycles in his youth, and Mr. Rupert Cameron, who had owned but one and had ridden it everywhere-a 1925 350 cc Rover. Ofthe two, Rupert Cameron was the greater influence, for he was a walking library of the Grand Prix races of the twenties and thirties and would talk ofengine design, and engineering design, in the most knowledgeable manner. He was actually the senior naval architect at Harland and Wolff's shipyard in Belfast and was responsible for the design of some of the grandest liners ever to sail the oceans. My father and Mr. Cameron talked frequently of two fellow Ulstermen, Joe Craig and Walter Rusk. They are both shown in the photograph in Plate 1.0, Joe Craig standing to the right and Walter Rusk astride the motorcycle. Walter Rusk is just about to start in the Ulster Grand Prix of 1935 on a works Norton; he crashed on the second lap while leading. The Ulster Grand Prix was the Grand Prix d'Europe that year, so it was an even bigger show than normal in a province where 10% of the entire population were known, and still are known, to turn up to watch a motorcycle race. Local media coverage ensures that racers, tuners, and engineers are household names. Joe Craig was the Chief Engineer ofNorton Motorcycles from the early 1930s to the 1950s and he was responsible for the development of the single-cylinder 500 cc Manx Norton throughout that period. A cutaway drawing of the 1959 version ofthis engine is shown in Plate 1.2 and you can see its heredity etched in the lines ofthe 1935 engine in Plate 1.0. Joe Craig came from Ballymena in Co. Antrim. He designed and developed that same engine from 31 bhp in 1931 to 53 bhp in 1953, and as a schoolboy I listened to those tales and thought how grand it would be to know so much about tuning engines as to be able to do that. Walter Rusk came from nearby in Whitehead in Co. Antrim and went to my alma mater, Larne Grammar School. He was one of the top-bracket racers of the 1930s. He was killed while flying in the Royal Air Force and I looked up at his name, written in gold on the Roll of Honor for World War II, at school assembly every morning. These two people were my schoolboy heroes, but ofthe two it was Joe Craig, and his genius at engine tuning, who exerted the greater fascination. I have to acknowledge that this book would not be written today but for the good fortune that brought Dr. Frank Wallace (Professor at Bath University since 1965 and now retired) to Belfast in the very year that I wished to do postgraduate research at The Queen's University of


Design and Simulation ofFour-Stroke Engines

Plate 1.0 Walter Rusk and Joe Craig at the 1935 Ulster Grand Prix. (Courtesy of Norman Windrum)

Belfast (QUB). At that time, Frank Wallace was one of perhaps a dozen people in the world who comprehended unsteady gas dynamics, which was the subject area I already knew I had to understand if I was ever to be a competent engine designer. However, Frank Wallace taught me something else as well by example, and that is academic integrity. Others will judge how well I learned either lesson. Professor Sir Bernard Crossland deserves a special mention, for he became the Head of the Department of Mechanical Engineering at QUB in the same year I started as a doctoral research student. His drive and initiative set the tone for the engineering research that has continued at QUB until the present day. I emphasize the word "engineering" because he instilled in me, and a complete generation, that real "know-how" comes from using the best theoretical science available, at the same time as conducting related experiments of a product design, manufacture, build, and test nature. That he became, in later years, a Fellow of the Royal Society, a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering, and a President of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, and was knighted, seems no more than justice.



I have been very fortunate in my early education to have had teachers of mathematics who taught me the subject not only with enthusiasm but, much more importantly, from the point of view of application. I refer particularly to Mr. T. H. Benson at Lame Grammar School and to Mr. Scott during my undergraduate studies at The Queen's University of Belfast. They gave me a lifelong interest in the application of mathematics to problem solving which has never faded. The next acknowledgement is to those who conceived and produced the Macintosh computer. Without that machine, on which I have typed this entire manuscript, drawn every figure that is not from SAE archives, and developed all ofthe simulation software, there would be no book. In short, the entire book, and the theoretical base for much of it, is there because the Macintosh has such superbly integrated hardware and software allowing huge workloads to be tackled rapidly and efficiently. The influence of Frank Wallace and Professor Bannister turned out to be even more profound than I had realized, for it was a reexamination of their approach to unsteady gas dynamics that lead me to produce the engine simulation techniques described herein. Professor Bannister was the external examiner for my PhD at QUB and came from the same University of Birmingham which educated Frank Wallace. I wish to acknowledge the collaboration ofall of my research students over the thirty-two years that I worked at QUB, commencing with the late Dr. John Goulburn and concluding with Dr. Dermot Mackey. The others will forgive me if I do not list them all-they are too numerous-but any glance at the References reveals their names. Without their intellect, support, enthusiasm, hard work, and, indeed, friendship, a great deal of that which is presented here would be missing material. I am indebted to those who have provided many of the photographs and drawings that illustrate this book. Quite a few also provided experimental data, or theoretical predictions, which are found herein. I refer to, in no particular order of precedence: Hans Hermann of Hans Hermann Engineering Frank Honsowetz ofNissan Motorsports Dr. Donald Campbell of Perkins Technology Rowland White, Norman Windrum, and Bill McLeod Mr. Rosenthal of Classic Bike Paul Reinke of General Motors Melvin Cahoon of Innovation Marine Lennarth Zander of Volvo Douglas Hahn ofVolvo Penta Ron Lewis of Ron Lewis Engineering Fred Hauenstein of Mercury Marine Dr. Barry Raghunathan of Adapco Ing. Mario Mazuran of Seatek Mr. Kometani and Mr. Motoyama of Yamaha Motor Steve Wynne of Sports Motorcycles Hau-Bing Lau (when an undergraduate), Fran9ois Drouin (when a visiting student from the Ecole Nationale Sup6rieure des Arts et M6tiers), and Emerson Callender, Laz Foley and Graham Mawhinney (as doctoral students) at QUB

Design and Simulation of Four-Stroke Engines

David Holland, a QUB engineering technician, requires a special mention for the expert production ofmany of the photographs that illustrate this book. I cannot finish without recognizing those who helped me to establish QUB in motorcycle road racing, for without them our design skills would have been much less evident. I refer to the late Mick Mooney and the late Ronnie Conn of lIish Racing Motorcycles, the late Brian Steenson, and Colin Seeley and Ray McCullough. That QUB tradition continues to this very day.

Gordon P. Blair 25 October 1998


The Last Mulled Toast ........................................................................................................... .................................................... v Foreword Acknowledgements ................ ............................................... Nomenclature ............. ................................................ xi

Chapter 1 Introduction to the Four-Stroke Engine ................................................................ About 1.0 This Book .................................................................................................. 1.1 The Fundamental Method of Operation of a Simple Four-Stroke Engine ............. 1.2 The Cylinder Head Geometry of Typical Spark-Ignition Engines 1.3 The Cylinder Head Geometry of Typical Compression-Ignition Engines .....1 .......................2 1.4 Connecting Rod and Crankshaft Geometry 1.5 The Fundamental Geometry of the Cylinder Head ...................3 1.6 Definitions of Thermodynamic Terms Used in Engine Design, Simulation, and Testing ........................5 ...............................7 1.7 Laboratory Testing of Engines ....................7 1.8 Potential Power Output of Four-Stroke Engines 1.9 The Beginnings of Simulation of the Four-Stroke Engine ..............8 1.10 The End of the Beginning of Simulation of the Four-Stroke Engine ....... 12 ....................................... 13 References for Chapter 1 Appendix Al.1 Fundamental Thermodynamic Theory for the Closed Cycle ...... 13

Chapter 2 Gas Flow through Four-Stroke Engines

2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.14



..........................................15 Introduction Motion of Pressure Waves in a Pipe ...........................15 ..............17 Motion of Oppositely Moving Pressure Waves in a Pipe Friction Loss and Friction Heating during Pressure Wave Propagation .....18 ...................19 Heat Transfer during Pressure Wave Pro pagation ................19 Wave Reflections at Discontinuities in Gas Properties ...............................19 Reflection of Pressure Waves ..............19 Reflection of a Pressure Wave at a Closed End in a Pipe ..............19 Reflection of a Pressure Wave at an Open End in a Pipe An Introduction to Reflection of Pressure Waves at a Sudden Area Change 20 Reflection of Pressure Waves at an Expansion in Pipe Area ............ 21 Reflection of Pressure Waves at a Contraction in Pipe Area ............ 21 Reflection ofWaves at a Restriction between Differing Pipe Areas ....... 21 An Introduction to Reflections of Pressure Waves at Branches in Pipes ........... 22 The Complete Solution of Reflections of Pressure Waves at Pipe Branches ..... 22


Design and Simulation of Four-Stroke Engines

2.15 Reflection of Pressure Waves in Tapered Pipes .................... 236 2.16 Reflection of Pressure Waves in Pipes for Outflow from a Cylinder ....... 239 2.17 Reflection of Pressure Waves in Pipes for Inflow to a Cylinder .......... 248 2.18 The Simulation of Engines by the Computation of Unsteady Gas Flow ..... 255 2.19 The Correlation of the GPB Finite System Simulation with Experiments ........ 288 2.20 Computation Time ...................................... 313 2.21 Concluding Remarks ..................................... 313 References for Chapter 2 ...................................... 313 Appendix A2.1 The Derivation of the Particle Velocity for Unsteady Gas Flow ........ 318 ............... 323 Appendix A2.2 Moving Shock Waves in Unsteady Gas Flow

Chapter 3 Discharge Coefficients of Flow within Four-Stroke Engines

3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5

........... 327 Introduction to Discharge Coefficients .........................327 The Traditional Method for the Measurement of Discharge Coefficients . 328 The Reduction of Measured Data to Determine a Discharge Coefficient . 331 The Discharge Coefficients of Bellmouths at an Open End to a Pipe ......337 The Discharge Coefficients of a Throttled End to a Pipe ..............339 The Discharge Coefficients of a Port in the Cylinder Wall of a Two-Stroke Engine ...................................343 3.6 The Discharge Coefficients of Poppet Valves in a Four-Stroke Engine..... 350 3.7 The Discharge Coefficients of Restrictions within Engine Ducts .........385 3.8 Using the Maps of Discharge Coefficients within an Engine Simulation . 399 3.9 Conclusions Regarding Discharge Coefficients ....................404 References for Chapter 3 ..................................... 405

Chapter 4 Combustion in Four-Stroke Engines

........................... 407 4.0 Introduction ..........................................407 4.1 The Spark-Ignition Process ................................408 4.2 Heat Released by Combustion ..............................414 4.3 Heat Availability and Heat Transfer During the Closed Cycle ...........421 4.4 Theoretical Modeling of the Closed Cycle .......................465 4.5 Squish Behavior in Engines ................................474 References for Chapter 4 ...................................... 497 ................................ 502 Appendix A4.1 Exhaust Emissions .................. 507 Appendix A4.2 A Simple Two-Zone Combustion Model
..................... 521 Introduction ..........................................521 Structure of a Computer Model ..............................523 Physical Geometry Required for an Engine Model ..................524 Mechanical Friction Losses of Four-Stroke Engines .................534 The Thermodynamic and Gas Dynamic Engine Simulation ............537 The Ryobi 26 cm3 Hand-Held Power Tool Engine ..................537

Chapter 5 Computer Modeling of Four-Stroke Engines

5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5


........... 547 5.6 The Matchless (Seeley) 496 cm3 Racing Motorcycle Engine ................... 563 5.7 The Ducati 955 cm3 Racing Motorcycle Engine 5.8 The Nissan Infiniti 4000 cm3 Car Engine for the Indy Racing League ..... 574 ........... 585 5.9 Automobiles: A 2000 cm3 Four-Cylinder Sports-Car Engine 5.10 Automobiles: A 2000 cm3 Four-Cylinder Turbocharged Diesel Engine ..... 598 .....................................617 5.11 Concluding Remarks ..........................................618 References for Chapter 5

Chapter 6 6.0 6.1 6.2

..........621 Empirical Assistance for the Designer of Four-Stroke Engines .......................................... 621 Introduction ................... 622 Empiricism for the Design of the Cylinder Head The Relevance of Empiricism for the Design of the Cylinder Head ................. 639 6.3 Empiricism for the Optimization of Intake System Tuning ............. 652 6.4 Empiricism for the Optimization of Exhaust System Tuning ........... 671 .......... 693 6.5 Concluding Remarks on Empiricism for Engine Optimization References for Chapter 6 .......................................694

..............697 Chapter 7 Reduction ofNoise Emission from Four-Stroke Engines 7.0 Introduction .......................................... 697 7.1 Noise ............................................... 698 7.2 Noise Sources in a Simple Four-Stroke Engine .................... 703 7.3 The Different Silencing Problems of Two-Stroke and Four-Stroke Engines ..... 704 7.4 Some Fundamentals of Silencer Design ......................... 705 7.5 Acoustic Theory for Silencer Attenuation Characteristics ............. 713 7.6 Engine Simulation to Include the Noise Characteristics ............... 729 7.7 Concluding Remarks on Noise Reduction ....................... 762 .......................................764 References for Chapter 7

Postscript-The Second Mulled Toast

.................................769 .................771

Appendix-Computer Software and Engine Simulation Model

Index About the Author




Most parameters are expressed in strict SI units, but custom and practice often dictate the units below to be declared in metric but non-strict SI units. Where such units are used theoretically, unless in the simplest of equations where the units are declared locally, they must be employed as strict units such as m, s, N, kg, J, W, or K values.

Coefficients Coefficient of heat transfer, conduction Coefficient of heat transfer, convection Coefficient of heat transfer, radiation Coefficient of friction Coefficient of discharge Coefficient of discharge, actual Coefficient of discharge, ideal Coefficient of contraction Coefficient of velocity Coefficient of loss of pressure, etc. Squish area ratio Coefficient of combustion equilibrium Area ratio of engine port to engine duct Manifold to port area ratio Local port area ratio Valve acceleration ratio Valve ramp lift ratio Valve lift ratio Modified valve lift-diameter ratio Intake tuning ramming factor Exhaust tuning factor for primary pipe length Exhaust tuning factor for collector tailpipe length Exhaust collector pipe area ratio

Ck Ch Cr Cf Cd Cda

W/mK W/m2K W/m2K4



Csq Kp

9v Cr Lr LD Cir


A d x

Dimensions and physical quantities

area diameter


m m


Design and Simulation ofFour-Stroke Engines


L m M r t V F p P X m


length of computation mesh mass molecular weight radius time volume force pressure pressure ratio pressure amplitude ratio mass flow rate volume flow rate velocity of gas particle velocity ofpressure wave propagation velocity of acoustic wave (sound) Young's modulus wall shear stress gravitational acceleration

kg kg/kgmol
m s m3 N Pa

c a a Y T g
Fr Gr M Nu Pr Re

kg/s m3/s m/s m/s m/s N/m2

N/M2 m/s2

Dimensionlessnubr Froude number Grashof number Mach number Nusselt number Prandtl number Reynolds number
Energy Mwork anld heat related 1aaetr system energy specific system energy internal energy specific internal energy specific molal internal energy potential energy specific potential energy kinetic energy specific kinetic energy heat specific heat enthalpy specific enthalpy

E e U u U PE pe KE ke Q q H h

3 J/kg








specific molal enthalpy entropy specific entropy work work, specific

h S



J/kgmol J/K J/kgK J J/kg

Engin e. physical agorney number of cylinders cylinder bore piston area cylinder stroke bore to stroke ratio connecting rod length crank throw swept volume swept volume, trapped clearance volume compression ratio, geometric compression ratio, trapped speed of rotation speed of rotation speed of rotation speed of rotation mean piston speed crankshaft position at top dead center crankshaft position at bottom dead center crankshaft angle before top dead center crankshaft angle after top dead center crankshaft angle before bottom dead center crankshaft angle after bottom dead center crankshaft angle angle of obliquity ofthe connecting rod combustion period throttle area ratio exhaust blowdown time-area exhaust pumping time-area exhaust overlap time-area intake ramming time-area intake pumping time-area intake overlap time-area intake valve opens

dbo Abo Lst Cbs




Lct vsv Vts vcv


mm mm
m3 m3 m3


rpm rps C) cp tdc bdc btdc atdc

bbdc abdc


rev/min rev/min rev/s rad/s mA/ degrees degrees degrees degrees degrees degrees degrees degrees degrees


s/m s/m s/m s/m s/m degrees


*eo *ir

Vjp C



Design and Simulation ofFour-Stroke Engines

NAME intake valve closes exhaust valve opens exhaust valve closes

ivc evo evc


degrees degrees degrees

Pa Pa Pa Pa kW kW kW Nm Nm Nm

Engefe. cierforems related parameters mean effective pressure, brake mean effective pressure, indicated mean effective pressure, friction mean effective pressure, pumping power output power output, brake power output, indicated torque output torque output, brake
torque output, indicated air-to-fuel ratio air-to-fuel ratio, stoichiometric air-to-fuel ratio, trapped equivalence ratio equivalence ratio, molecular specific emissions of hydrocarbons specific emissions of oxides of nitrogen specific emissions of carbon monoxide specific emissions of carbon dioxide specific fuel consumption, brake specific fuel consumption, indicated air flow, scavenge ratio air flow, delivery ratio air flow, volumetric efficiency charging efficiency trapping efficiency scavenging efficiency thermal efficiency thermal efficiency, brake thermal efficiency, indicated mechanical efficiency fiuel calorific value (lower) fuel calorific value (higher) fuel latent heat of vaporization mass fraction burned heat release rate

bmep imep fmep pmep W Yb Wi Z Zb


A Xm bsHC

bsCO bsCO2 bsfc isfc SR DR N CE TE SE

g/kWh g/kWh g/kWh g/kWh kg/kWh kg/kWh

lb ms TIM


Cfhi hvap B QRq


MJ/kg MJ/kg



combustion efficiency relative combustion efficiency wTt purity relative combustion efficiency wrt fiueling index of compression index of expansion flame velocity flame velocity, laminar flame velocity, turbulent squish velocity engine speed for intake ramming peaks engine speed for intake ramming troughs




ne nc Cfl



R R r v

rev/min rev/min

Gas properties gas constant universal gas constant density specific volume specific heat at constant volume specific heat at constant pressure molal specific heat at constant volume molal specific heat at constant pressure ratio of specific heats purity temperature viscosity kinematic viscosity volumetric ratio of a gas mixture mass ratio of a gas mixture
Noise sound pressure level sound intensity sound frequency attenuation or transmission loss wave length of sound perforation opacity ratio


Cp Cv Cp

J/kgK J/kgmolK kg/m3 m3/kg J/kgK J/kgK


T A v u

kg/ms m2/s


I f

Hz dB

A 0

General vectors and coordinates differential prefixes, exact, inexact, partial and incremental

x, y, z

d, 8, f, A

ISBN:978-0-7680-2554-5 Copyright 1999 SAE International

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