Biohazard Design Concept

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Biohazard Design Concept

Garrysmod 13 Gamemode

Summary of Intent: To create a gaming experience based on fast-paced round-based gameplay which gives players room to take part in light roleplay while providing a system that promises a unique experience every round. This will be accomplished through the gamemode Biohazard, in which the majority of players take the role of a citizen just prior to a bioterror attack. A small selection of players will take the role of Bioterrorists and Bioterror Response Unit to try and facilitate and prevent the terror attack, respectively.

Citizen: The role of the citizen is to survive the round, Citizens will randomly be assigned jobs which define their starting equipment and abilities. They are protected by the BTRUs ( Bioterror Response Units ) who will try and protect them and will evacuate them in the event of an outbreak or successful terrorist attack. Bioterrorist: The bioterrorists are hidden amongst the citizens and cannot be differentiated from them by simple appearance. Their mission is the complete eradication of the civilian population, which they will achieve through cleverness rather than brute strength. Many actions that the BTs take part in will expose their true nature unless they are discrete, and some will cause them to change skins, permanently revealing that they are terrorists. Their natural opponants are the BTRU, but killing them is not necessary. Bioterror Response Unit: Must focus on two objectives, the protection of the civilian population while attempting to kill all the Bioterrorists. If there are no BT or undead alive on the map, the BTRU have accomplished their mission. They will have a difficult time hunting down the BT, so their primary objective will be protecting the citizens. They will accomplish this through evacuating them and keeping the population under control during the outbreak.

Gameplay Mechanics
Before the outbreak, players will have basic needs to attend to. In summary, these needs are 1) Hunger 2) Thirst 3) Sleep Which the players will have to maintain and keep satisfied in order to stay alive and efficient. This will be done by reaching specific parts of the map, such as a well, bed or vending machine. These entities will be immobile and in very unprotected places, far from the strongpoints of the map, to prevent camping and to force players to stay exposed and mobile. Terrorists will be able to poison wells, rig vending machines and poison people while theyre sleeping.

Infection will be a major component of the gamemode, bridging the gap between the living and the undead. Once infected, it is merely a matter of time before you turn. If you are infected in a cloud of virus, then you will rapidly lose health until you die and turn into a zombie. If you are infected by a well or while you sleep, you will show symptoms such as sneezing and coughing and suddenly, unpredictably turn. The latter method will result in a puff of virus once the victim turns. Being damaged by an undead will result in either method, 80% of the time being the latter and just 20% of the time resulting in rapid death.

Crisis State
Crisis state refers to the point in the game in which at least 50% of the civilian population has been killed. At this point, all of the maps zombie spawn locations will activate, flooding the streets with a horde of the undead until the game ends. This will make the job of the BTRU and civilians massively more difficult and result in all of the Bioterrorists becoming exposed. This can also be triggered by the BTs investing in a WMI ( Weapon of mass infection ) which is an immobile entity placed on the map at the location in which it is purchased. After five minutes, if not destroyed, the WMI will trigger a crisis state manually. If all of the BTs manage to link up, they can each interact with it. Once all the BTs ( if one is dead, this cannot be completed ) have interacted with the WMI, it will immediately cause a crisis state. Once one of these are placed it will alert the BTRU who will then begin to search for it.

Team Composition
The ratio of BT > BTRU > Civilian will be 10% 10% and 80%, meaning that the amount of BTs and BTRU will each be 10% of the total players, the remaining 80% will be civilians. This ratio will be true no matter the player count on the server, though there will always be a minimum of 1 BT and 1 BTRU.

Sabotage refers to the many methods in which the BTs may infect the general population. Their primary toolkit is the syringe, which can infect one person via method 2 (the slow method which displays minute symptoms). This is a very obvious way to reveal that you are a BT, so it is best used against sleeping people. The second tool is the suicide bomb, which immediately releases a huge puff of infectious smoke, which will infect everyone who comes in contact via method 1 (rapid loss of health until death). This will kill the BT and any civilians immediately near him, instantly turning them all into zombies. Using the sabotage kit, a BT can infect a well of drinking water causing anyone who drinks from it to be infected via method 2, or rig a vending machine to explode when used, similar to how the suicide bomb works. Some other tools such as remotely detonated virus can be purchased from the point store.

Point Store
The point store is an interface for purchasing aesthetic items and gameplay items, such as hats or guns. Points can be obtained by donating, which gives credits, or by winning rounds, which results in Points. Here is a brief chart of how points will be awarded according to player performance, wins and loses.


WINNING A ROUND +5 +7 +10 +3

LOSING A ROUND -3 -5 -3 -5


BEING KILLED -2 -5 -5 0

Here are some things that each team can buy from the store including possible prices Bioterrorists ITEM Remote Virus Bomb 9mm pistol Gas mask Sabotaged Gun Bioterror Response Unit ITEM Flashbang Shotgun C4 explosives Ration Water Ammunition Signal Flare POINTS 5 10 15 5 5 5 5 CREDITS 2 3 5 2 2 2 2 POINTS 25 25 15 20 CREDITS 5 5 2 5

Civilian ITEM Armour Bandages Knife Antiviral Undead ITEM Fast Zombie Mutate Rapid Infection Damage Resist Leap Ability Infectious Spit POINTS 15 15 20 15 25 CREDITS 5 5 10 5 15 POINTS 50 10 15 100 CREDITS 15 3 5 25

Price conversion for buying credits (In Canadian Dollars) Price in Dollars 5 10 15 20 Credits Received 50 150 250 500

Bioterror Response Unit Loadouts

The bioterror Response units will be randomly given a role when they spawn, which will determine what weapons and gear they spawn with. This is a breakdown of those roles. Sniper: Snipers will spawn with a scoped rifle and a signal flare, their primary uses are in covering retreating citizens and eliminating known bioterrorists. Supply: Supply BTRUs will spawn with a shotgun and a swep, similar to the medkit which drops pick-upable medkits, except it will drop 9mm handguns up to 3 times. This is for equipping civilians in an emergency. He can also drop ammunition crates which give ammo for all weapon types when picked up, up to three times. Medic: Medics can heal anyone, slowly restoring their health points. They have no way of fighting infection, except delaying those suffering from infection method 1 by offsetting the damage they take from the infection. Assault: The most common, spawns with an assault rifle and a sidearm. Demolition: Spawns with a single C4 charge and a shotgun, only BTRU that can destroy the WMI. Useful for destroying large attacking zombie waves by using the C4.

Civilian Loadouts
When civilians spawn they have a chance of randomly spawning in as a specialized class which gives them extra equipment when they spawn, here is a breakdown of those roles. Police: Police spawn with a 9mm and are considered limited authority until the bioterror attack begins. Construction Worker: Spawns with a wrench which is a powerful melee weapon.

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