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Hall of Languages, Room 306 Texas A&M-Commerce April 29, 2013, 7:20-10:00 Final Presentations: English 771 Join

us as these MA and PhD students present findings from their archival research about reading, writing, and writing instruction in Northeast Texas. English 771: Teaching Reading/Writing in College Course Description: An overview of the history and theory of teaching reading and writing at the college level. Objectives

to gain familiarity with various ways reading and writing have been taught in American colleges to gain familiarity with the scholarly conversation in composition studies to develop an awareness of the ways in which local conditions and individual, lived experiences shape writing and writers to gain familiarity with a variety of resources and professional organizations available to college teachers to expand research skills by engaging in primary and secondary research inside and outside the library to learn how to expand initial observations about college reading and writing into an extended argument presenting relevant research

Geoffrey Clegg, Quantum Echoes: How the Archives, Interdisciplinary Composition, and a Forward Thinking Professor Reshaped Graduate Level Writing In the Fall of 1983, Joanne Cockelreas began teaching a unique graduate level course at a small Texas university, East Texas State University (ETSU), that focused on bringing in the theoretical and cognitive fields of science to the study of composition. Based partly on her prior research and CCCCs presentations (1980-1981), Cockelreas developed a course that shifted away from traditional graduate level pedagogical techniques in order to focus on how to integrate different approaches to common themes found in the field at the time. The purpose of this presentation is to utilize archival evidence to highlight how Dr. Cockelreas approached her course Interdisciplinary Approaches to Composition as well as the ways in which her small corpus of published work reflect the exchanges of new advances in fields outside of composition. Bill Lancaster, Agency in Alternatives: The Student Voice in Underground Newspapers at East Texas State University, 1989-1996 In this study, I explore the relationships between The East Texan and the two alternative newspapers, The East Texan Lite and The Least Texan, to discover how the underground newspapers create student agency, allowing for alternative viewpoints not expressed in The East Texan. I contend that underground newspapers follow the short tradition of underground student newspapers as a way to create agency for students and voice concerns not addressed in the university sanctioned student newspaper. I indicate how previous student newspapers represent the student voices and how the academic community responds to those voices. Susie Warley, Transcending the fin de sicle Chaos of Comp-landia with Fulkersons Enduring Focus on the Argument When Richard Fulkerson arrived at East Texas University in 1970, he did not anticipate a decades-long career in composition and rhetoric. At that point, he was a Victorianist whose primary interest was Charles Dickens. However, by 1979, Fulkersons atten tions had shifted; in that year, he initiated a series of ten-year retrospectives on the field that would become touchstone texts (CCC 1979, 1991, 2005). This work continues to receive attention in our fields publications. Yet, less familiar to composition studies may be his work in the area of argumentation which colleagues in Speech Communications and related areas have long recognized as vital and continue to praise today as smart, forward-thinking, and game-changing. In this

presentation, I will illuminate Fulkersons pioneering work in the area of argumentationand more specifically, in the teaching of the argument in writing. I will discuss the principles Fulkerson inculcates in the graduate course he designed for future teachers as well as those imparted in his monograph Teaching the Argument in Writing (1996). At the same time, I will illuminate the forward-thinking relevancy of Fulkersons pedagogical approaches in education today, as evidenced by the recent changes to the state and AP exams, both of which have shifted the writing focus from the personal narrative to that of expository modes of persuasion and argumentation. Finally, I will propose that an application of the Fulkersonian concepts has the potentiality to benefit todays college composition classroom in important ways. Max Shelton, Title Abstract: TBA Diane Carrington, Forever Fleur-de-lis: Making the French Connection in Rural East Texas This presentation will explore the lasting appeal of the singularly charming French teacher, Mademoiselle Eusibia Lutz, otherwise known to her students as, Mamselle. Her passion for life, for teaching, and for all things French leaves posterity to marvel at the legacy of her forty-year career. Mamselle was, by all accounts, a unique and gifted teacher. As educators today, we share a common desire to find methods for connecting our students to the material they are studying. Is there something special we can learn from the unforgettable Mamselle and her remarkable ability to connect her students to the study of French and the world? (bibliographic essay) Tara Ashley Allen, A Collective Voice: Women in Composition and Rhetoric Studies During the Twentieth Century Despite the varying opinions within scholarship, women have had an impact on composition and rhetoric studies throughout the course of the development of higher education, particularly resulting from the feminist movements of the 1920s and 1960s. Even with the presence of these movements, women as composition and rhetoric faculty and students have not received much focus within scholarship. Through the exploration of composition and rhetoric scholarship, a focus on the role and background of women in higher education, feminist influence on composition and rhetoric studies, as well as the personal experiences exposed through student writing will be established. Additionally, the impact on composition and rhetoric studies within the scope of the conditions women have encountered in higher education over the last hundred years. It is through these various lenses that a collective voice for women of the twentieth century will be revealed. (bibliographic essay) Dawn Kerr, Fred Tarpley: Behind the Name This research looks at the works of Dr. Fred A Tarpley, professor emeritus from Texas A&M of Commerce. A student at East Texas State University from 1951-1954, he left the area for graduate school. After earning his PhD at Louisiana State University in 1960, he returned to ETSU for a tenure line position in the Department of English with an emphasis in Linguistics. Throughout his career, he published several books and numerous articles about the origins of names, especially place namessmall towns and cities in Northeast Texas, as well as the history of the Bois dArc tree, native to the area where ETSU is located. This research draws upon mostly primary sources including past recollections from colleagues and scholars at East Texas State University, past and current newspaper articles, published books, and community involvement in writing programs. Though my focus will be on his work with place names, it is important to note his extensive work with Northeast Texas dialects and, more recently, creative non-fiction. Since 2008, he has led the local writers group the Silver Leos Guild. This group has published two collections: Memories of Old ET (2009) and Fiction/Non-Fiction (2012). (bibliographic essay)

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