MAYDAY Statement FLTI 2013

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In this May 1, 2013, International Workers Day

Honor and tribute to the anti-imperialist revolutionary Syrian masses, massacred by the genocidal Al Assad, on account of U.S. imperialism and Zionism!
Obama's left Assad holds near revolution and the Syrian masses slander, as he did in the '30s Stalinism with the Spanish workers and peasants militias

Hands off World Social Forum and the entire working class reformism! "To live the proletariat, imperialism must die"
Down with "XXI century socialism" of new PC Red Chinese mandarins and the "Bolivarian revolution" of the native bourgeoisie, all servants of Wall Street!

Experience the World Socialist Workers Revolution! For the refounding of the Fourth International!
This May 1st world internationalist workers we pay tribute to the heroic revolution of the Syrian and Libyan masses, and across North Africa and the Middle East. In Syria and Libya will pay tribute to the working class and the exploited who have been tainted and maligned by the directions of the global reformist left. Here the working class and the exploited have challenged the power of imperialism and the bourgeoisie insurreccionndose arming and fighting for bread and freedom. In Libya armed masses demolished the bourgeois state and even Gaddafi executed him, the dog of imperialism and Syria betrayed and bloody revolution still lives and resist the unbridled fury of the exploiters who have played all their might to crush the revolution. These links in a single chain of revolutions in North Africa and the Middle East on the largest s worker and anti-imperialist revolutions of the world working class in recent decades, where even did burn the Yankees and French embassies, and this heroic deed world left calling slander "NATO ground troops" to militias Libyan workers and popular masses and treating martyred in Syria as "agents of imperialism". Today all the workers of the world should know that the World Social Forum is playing the role of Stalinism in the 30's during the Spanish Civil War, slandering and throwing back against the revolutionary masses, and saving the interests of the capitalists. Assad, on behalf of imperialism and supported by Russia, China, the Iranian bourgeoisie, Hezbollah and the World Social Forum is played crush the masses, while the Free Syrian Army (ESL) led by generals who had previously been with Al Assad the disarm and surrender. Thus Assad and ESL, as different agents Obama, I care properties and parasites interests of Wall Street, and borders genocidal Zionism to not flare up the Palestinian masses, the vanguard of the struggle against imperialism in the Middle East.

From Tunisia to Israel, and from the French imperialist invasion to Mali, financial capital moves to all parts to crush the revolution in Syria and try to end the revolution in the Arab Maghreb and Middle East. To do this, Obama maintains his agent disciplined Zionist, who has been weakened by the emergence of masses and their borders remain standing only by the bourgeoisie in the region. Is that Wall Street has defined that do the dirty work and the rabble Assad of Ayatollah Iranian bourgeoisie, who already tried holding the Yankee protectorate in Iraq.

With two years of genocide and scorched earth, the danger is that the army of Al Assad will disintegrate, and that resistance junction with Syrian uprising that has already begun by the exploited in Lebanon, as both have the common enemy Zionist-fascist state of Israel. The ESL is to control the masses and ensure a smooth transition and an agreed to Assad. The danger is that this situation is taken by the masses as a triumph of the revolution and advance to finish demolishing all the machinery of the bourgeois state, as happened in Libya,. To be sure that in that scenario imperialism will be forced to take direct action to crush the revolution. That's what "allegations" of Zionism on "chemical weapons" because she is terrified that these fall into the hands of the revolutionary masses. Imperialism is aware of this danger, so as from Qatar and Saudi Arabia sent, under the pretext of fighting for jihad, the Islamic bourgeoisie Jabata al-Nusra, to contain the sections of the masses to break with the ESL . The revolution in North Africa and the Middle East, not left alone to imperialism, because that's where the masses far arrived, and that is where imperialism concentrates all counterrevolutionary forces. This May 1st Trotskyists and revolutionary workers worldwide fight and die in the streets of Aleppo, Homs, Deraa and Damascus with our martyrs of Chicago today, to them we honor honor them and raise their banner, calling world working class to break the siege on the Syrian masses, while the World Social Forum cries and honors the executioners of the working class as Gaddafi, Chavez and the imperialists pirates ambassadors. "... Die happy, because I'm sure that hundreds of workers who have spoken will remember my words, and when we have been hanged they will set off the bomb. In this hope, I say I despise, despise your order, your laws, your strength, your authority. AHORCADME! " (Louis Lingg, Martyr of Chicago, last words bourgeois court sentenced him to death)

The May 1st international day of workers struggle forged by heroic martyrs of the international proletariat and powerful struggles, we find the workers of the world in this 2013 resisting a brutal offensive of imperialism. Massacres of workers redoubled attack overexploitation and workers' conquests, plunder the world, genocides and Syria, as in Mali imperialist invasions, massacres against the workers and peasants in China at the hands of the PC, the advance of capitalist restoration in Cuba and heightened attack on workers in Europe, Japan and USA, are the pillars of the current imperialist offensive.

Libya: "Today Libya, tomorrow Wall St.

However, this May 1st internationalist Trotskyists want to say first that this imperialist system is not decrepit remains standing or his force or his own strength. Just keep standing pushing the working masses to barbarism, to ensure the super-profits of a small group of parasites, because it has the support of the reformist leaderships of the working class world destroy each step what the masses built with his struggle. If workers in the world today are experiencing unprecedented hardship is because reformism prevented the working class succeed in their international bouts making power, the bourgeois states demolishing and crushing imperialism. From the corners of history, still thundering brave words of the Martyrs of Chicago "... if you think ahorcndonos can contain the labor movement, the constant movement that move millions of people living in poverty, wage slaves, if you expect salvation and believe, ahorcadnos ...! Here ye are on a volcano, and there and everywhere and under and beside and everywhere ferments the Revolution. "(Augusto Spies) Is there no possible solution to the plight and suffering of the masses without the triumph of the international socialist revolution, without expropriating and crush the handful of 600 managers transnational parasites through 140 large companies control, exploit and plunder the world. There is no solution without the victory of the socialist revolution, first in the United States, the main imperialist power. This is what silence hide and addresses WSF and their servants. Today we must say that the "Martyrs of Chicago" this is the thousands and thousands of workers and fighters imprisoned in the jails of the capitalist states in their concentration camps and military sites, so this May 1st we need an International Day Action and Fighting to win the streets and the prisons to start our class brothers. This May 1st the cry of the world working class to honor the martyrs of Chicago should be: Freedom to all political prisoners of imperialism, transnational corporations and their government lackeys!

Freedom to the tens of thousands of prisoners in the prisons of Al Assad! Immediate release the thousands of Palestinian prisoners in Zionist cceles! Free the prisoners Suzuki workers in India! Free the prisoners at Guantanamo imperialist fighters and secret CIA prisons around the world! Free the political prisoners in Argentina and dropping of the oil workers of Las Heras and more than 6500 workers fighters, popular and socialist leaders!

This May 1, 2013: The world's workers are paying the betrayals of the FSM, the fake Trotskyists and Stalinists
"Everything depends on the proletariat, that is, first, to its revolutionary vanguard. The historical crisis of mankind is reduced to the crisis of revolutionary leadership "(Transition Program, 1938). The reformism had to centralize worldwide under the orders of financial capital, because in 2011 the revolutionary struggle of the masses buzzed the bourgeoisie. The actions and the program as landmarks of socialism that the masses stood and drew an angle opposite to program their addresses and that's what allowed the world to be moved with a generalized eruption threatened to synchronize the colonial world revolution semi-colonial, with the opening of the revolution in the imperialist countries, an issue that would have changed history. The bourgeoisie was terrified with mass actions that demolished bourgeois states like Libya and Gaddafi executed him, the fascist Zionist state of Israel came into total crisis surrounded by revolution, Europe was filled with general strikes, factory occupations and barricades in China and India the workers occupied factories hostages patterns and in many cases they rolled the head of the exploiters, the Occupy Wall Street finance capital surrounded and coordinated actions dockworkers Egypt in South Africa miners coordinated their struggles against transnational in Latin America the workers and peasants in Bolivia Evo Morales and stormed against scam "Bolivarian revolution". In these battles the world vibrated: "The top 1% of Wall Street parasites steal the world! Let's fight like in Egypt! "Said the movement" Occupy Wall Street "and exploited into the U.S.," Spark in Athens, fire in Paris, the coming insurrection "Greek masses proclaimed," Our dreams do not fit in your polls, live the Republic of the indignant! If our children suffer hunger, shed your blood! If this is not settled, war, war, war! "Mocionaban youth, miners and workers in the Spanish State;" Nationalization without compensation and under workers control copper to conquer the living wage and public education "Chilean students raised; "We get the raise or kill the managers!" said miners Marikana, South Africa, "Bread, work, freedom, outside the regime! America, NATO, Hezbollah and Al Assad borders Zionism care! Imperialism out! Today Libya, tomorrow Wall Street! "Was heard in the chain of uprisings and labor and socialist revolutions in North Africa and the Middle East. The trend of the working class in its struggle was to unify their forces on the borders, the trend was to proletarian internationalism, picking the best traditions of the proletariat in its May 1. Against the triumph of these battles and to control and liquidation of mass radicalization processes is that global centralized the Stalinists of all stripes, bureaucracies and labor aristocracies in its variants, the parties of the "left" social-disguised " anticapitalist "and the fake Trotskyists, in his" Conferences "," Lectures "," Encounters "and meetings such as the World Social Forum in Tunisia in March, to prevent the working class takes power in North Africa and the Middle East and begin working class and socialist revolution in a number of imperialist countries. The World Social Forum are the addresses of the truces and pacts with the bourgeoisie. A squeezed

lemons club to which imperialism them out all the juice to push back the masses that butted against imperialism and its lackey governments. With recipes that the bourgeoisie "morigere adjustment" in Europe and the U.S., with its policy of "socialism by peaceful means" as SYRIZA in Greece, supported the pro-imperialist bourgeoisies as in Latin America and the Bolivarian Middle East, and fencing dividing the working class by country, accusing the revolutionary workers and peasants in Libya and Syria to be "NATO troops"; was reformism which fulfilled the task of tying the hands of the desatrselas masses and a fenced imperialism and revolution crack, for it to pass the counteroffensive against the masses. It was in Greece where currents played any role socialimperialists to prevent opening the revolution on the European continent, first held at PC Greek parliament saved from the fury of the masses, and then held to SYRIZA promised that elections and by the "peaceful road" was to defeat the bankers. This policy is paid today with the rise of fascism and head bands beating up the workers and their class brothers immigrants, and the brutal decline of the Greek economy and the achievements of workers. This May 1st 2013 the working class has been fenced country by country and being attacked by the bourgeoisie. To reinforce this situation comes from sessions on World Social Forum in Tunisia, which began with a tribute to the leader of the bourgeoisie and its meetings Chavez "ad hoc." Union meetings "combative" that neither word genocide in Syria said the Mali imperialist invasion and capitalist restoration in Cuba. It was expected, on the shoulders of the reformist leaderships of the proletariat holds decadent imperialism and brutal attack. Reformism masses subjected to a limitless capitalist decadence, an ever-increasing misery. 1 billion of workers have been thrown out of the production process or even could ever enter. Examples are the indices of the New York government itself which states that in this city that is the financial center of the world, half of its population live below poverty levels. Those who revolted against this as the movement "Occupy Wall Street", the Castro enchalec restorer bringing their leaders to Havana to receive lessons in how not to overthrow capitalism, touting the program of "spreading the wealth" and not to expropriate the appropriators. Reformism was centralized to reverse the socialist revolution and sustain global capitalism. Prevented the working class takes power and now pay the consequences Hands off the working class reformism, their organizations and their struggle! With these directions and you can not fight! To prepare a counter global mass must regroup the revolutionary forces of the working class! We must reestablish the Fourth International!

May 1, 2013: Do not let those who surrounded the revolution, divided country by country the proletariat and capitalism argue rotten, try camouflage talking about "unity, struggle and socialism"
The workers and youth aware we seek a revolutionary path, this May 1, 2013 must do honor to the Martyrs of Chicago, 1886. 127 years later, the world is populated with "Martyrs of Chicago" of the working class. Today we suffer over-exploitation and worse massacres. But what we suffer in this, and that workers and leaders of Chicago, 1886 internationalists had not, are the treacherous leaderships of the working class at every turn give us the bourgeoisie That is the cancer worse for workers in the world! Thus the Trotskyists, this May 1, 2013 we collaborate with the working class world brand them their allies, enemies and fundamentally reformist leaderships betray us at every turn. No defeat current

address world working class, in all its variations, we can not respond to imperialist attack and prepare the conditions for victory.

This May 1, 2013: They can not speak on behalf of workers who slandered besieged Syrian masses and the revolution in North Africa and the Middle East
Reformism hands free let the agent of imperialism Al Assad to impose a brutal genocide in Syria. These are those who gathered at the FSM for weeks to support the transitional government and its pitfalls "democratic" in Tunisia, Libya and Egypt, and silence the slaughter of the Syrian masses. That left him a free hand to end Assad crush the revolution in Syria. Castro and Chavez were on behalf of the FSM, who called, first to support Gaddafi in Libya and then to Al Assad in Syria, to vote for Obama in the last U.S. elections. They were responsible to convince the American working class that their friends are Obama, Gaddafi and Assad, and the revolutionary masses of the Maghreb and the Middle East. They are speaking of "Arab Spring" hand of the bourgeoisie "democratic" and what lives in Syria today is hell against the masses. All the World Social Forum and its "left wings hold" policy of "two states" with which condemns imperialism Palestinian masses to concentration camps open West Bank and Gaza, and hold the Zionist state of Israel fascist in the midst of the greatest crisis in its history, surrounded by the revolution. Governments supporting the FSM are those in Egypt and Tunisia with its election fraudulent parliamentary and constitutional conventions. Today these governments "transitional" guarantors of "democracy" shows its true face: Egyptian army officials are bathing in the blood of the masses worse than Mubarak and Tunisia Enhada government counter-nourished banded by the Salafi movement- killing leftist leaders and attacks workers' organizations. The FSM Ahmadinejad of Iran says his Republican Guard mobilized 30,000 men to massacre the masses in Syria and support the army murderer of his friend Al Assad. All sepoys who spoke that Iran "imperialism faces", you have to swallow his words. Obama on his last visit to the state of Israel was clear to tell Netanyahu that makes no military adventure that Iran not touched since it is a key device against the revolution in the region. It is shown that the real "NATO troops" in Syria are the Republican Guard of the Iranian ayatollahs with occupation troops Al Assad. At that meeting the WSF were those who wanted to pose as "left" as the fake Trotskyists of ITU-CI and the "left Syrian" who brought an international appeal in solidarity with Syria, where not even call to defeat the siege , or crush the genocide of Al Assad, or expropriate the bourgeoisie and imperialism. This is the "left" of the FSM who met with the organizations pro Al Assad, and that in its call for "support for Syria" will cover their backs on the Free Syrian Army which is mounted on the resistance to prevent the working class expropriates the bourgeoisie and imperialism to win the war, and its role is to try to ensure a smooth transition "orderly" exit Assad masses without guns drawn directly involved returning to the path of revolution. The role you must meet the SLA to ensure the "transition" is to finish disarming and control the masses, and no doubt that from the depths of their general managers out next Al Assad bleeds to bathe in the revolution. This May 1st call to the world working class to fight alongside the Syrian masses: genocide must be defeated Al Assad on behalf of imperialism and the direct support of the Iranian bourgeoisie

and Hezbollah! Break the international siege against the Syrian masses massacred! International Brigades of labor organizations to bring food resistance, provisions, medicine, clothing and weapons! Marches, pickets, boycotts and strikes war machine in Europe and America to defeat the genocide in Syria! You re working and popular revolution in the streets in Tunisia, Libya and Egypt! Down the Rafah wall supported by the Muslim Brotherhood and the Egyptian army officers mubarakista to hold the state of Israel! For the destruction of the Zionist state of Israel fascist! These are the forces in Syria to defeat the genocide with the Expropriation without compensation and under workers control of all assets of imperialism and the native bourgeoisie! All forces Coordination Committees with workers' democracy! Armament generalized and exploited working class! The weapons are not delivered! Address proletarian war to crush al Assad agent of imperialism! Government workers and poor farmers based on coordination committees and workers' committees with direct democracy and its weapons! Out with imperialism and NATO! Outside the ESL and general masses that prevent expropriate the entire bourgeoisie! A single class, a single revolution! For a Federation of Workers and Socialist Republics throughout North Africa and the Middle East!

This May 1, 2013: They can not speak of "unity and solidarity among workers" alleged "anticapitalist" who are true servants of their own imperialist
As the so-called "New Party Antiicapitalista" of France, which encompassed factory occupations led the workers in response to the crisis and the attack of the capitalists in 2009. This same party, with its leader Bessancenot that year traveled to Guadeloupe (French colony) where the masses were revolting to argue that "the French workers could not afford with tax increase wage demands of the exploited of the island." Today in its International Congresses Conlutas by the Brazilian-led IWL not only silenced the genocide in Syria, but they hide that French imperialism invades and slaughters in Mali ... "Anticapitalist"? Balls! They are social-! We call on the French workers who resist the attack of "socialist" V Hollande and French Republic to fight for the defeat and expulsion of French imperialism's murderous troops of Mali and the expulsion of all military bases on the continent! Boycott of the war machine! Expropriation without compensation and under workers control of imperialism in Mali, Africa and around the world!

This May 1, 2013: They may not speak of "unity, struggle and socialism" who have become the "left of Obama"
The reformism submitted to the American proletariat Obama, the Bush sooty, under the program "All against the right and the Tea Party" is ... all with Obama. So the antiwar movement settled into the U.S., immigrant workers mobilized and the movement Occupy Wall Street. They are the AFL-CIO, the Castro and the renegades of Trotskyism in all its variants. This May 1st can not speak of "unity, struggle and socialism" who have undergone the most combative of the workers and peasants of Latin America to the bourgeoisie "Bolivarian" as proimperialist as NAFTA. The reformist left yesterday called to vote Chavez and Evo Morales, the appropriators of the workers and peasants revolution on the continent today are on a "democratic front"

with Obama and the bourgeoisie covering his back to the Bolivarian. In Venezuela sustain Maduro and the officers of the Armed Forces against "fascist Capriles" when the two are agents of Obama and transnational corporations, and guarantors of the Bolivarian Constitution with which Venezuela delivery and Yankee imperialism. This May 1st, we can not speak of "unity, struggle and socialism" who like PSTU-LIT come to sign minutes of surrender with the employer saying surrender "was the only possible" as they did with the workers of General Motors of San Jose dos Campos in Brazil, passing layoffs, wage cuts and ensuring the transnational automotive business, as yesterday I did the AFL-CIO in the U.S. This May 1st, we can not speak of "unity, struggle and socialism" who as the PER of Bolivia and his "Front Revolutionary Anti-Imperialist" class collaboration, along with the rest of the reformist left holding the bureaucracy of the COB which in turn holds Evo Morales and his covenant with Fascist Crescent. Corrientes as LOR-PTS LIT or are in a political front with Solar treacherous bureaucracy in the COB and PT who is born to bring the electoral trap the thousands of workers and poor peasants have begun to break down and confront the government of Evo Morales. This May 1st, we can not speak of "unity, struggle and socialism" the reformist left in Argentina refused at every step to unify, coordinate and centralize the most combative of the working class and youth who underwent industry by sector to the Ministry of Labour, the "organic bodies" of the union bureaucracy and nationalized unions, or the justice of the capitalists in search of "democratic judges". The FIT and their allies relentlessly applied this policy, while Cristina Kirchner's government and the opposition gorilla downloaded an unprecedented attack against the exploited with rate hikes, devaluation, the most savage massacres and repression and imprisonment against political prisoners working class and more processed fighters 6500, imposing the greatest looting of the nation in its history. In the Latin America of the "Bolivarian" has imposed an "FTAA" of plunder and exploitation that not even Bush would have dreamed. Without the role of the renegades of Trotskyism in its international congresses as the ELAC and CONCLAT underwent the most combative of the proletariat to pressure the Bolivarian bourgeoisie in the frames of their nefarious schemes, we would not be suffering like offensive against workers. This May 1 workers must say Not Obama, imperialism and transnational! We must expropriate the expropriating! Not all imperialist military bases! Neither TLC, or ALBA, MERCOSUR and the multinationals! Outside the Bolivarian revolution! For the United Socialist States of America! For the United Socialist States of Central and South America! This May 1, 2013: They may not speak of "unity, struggle and socialism " Those who cover their backs on the Castro that are restoring capitalism in Cuba, as he did yesterday Stalinism in 1989 with the USSR, Eastern Europe and China Down with "market socialism" of Obama and Wall Street! The World Social Forum is composed of Stalinism waste coming from the ultimate betrayal when he gave the world proletariat workers states of the USSR, Eastern Europe and China to the greed of capitalist restoration. This gave it a miss survived a real injection of "fresh blood" to this decadent imperialist capitalist system and rotten because it allowed the world economy directly incorporate slave labor and enormous natural resources. Imperialism transformed and relocated their businesses in China

enslaved, turned into a real maquila with cheap labor, which eventually lower the salary and achievements to the world working class. Workers slaves: This is the "XXI century socialism" of new red mandarins Chinese PC! "Socialism of the XXI century" are the Libyan workers with a salary of $ 20 a month in the companies 'socialist' Gaddafi! Down with "market socialism" of Obama and Wall Street! For the restoration of the dictatorship of the proletariat under revolutionary ways in Russia, China and other former workers states! Amid the morass of the global economic crisis Obama agreeing with the Castro regime has given Cuba to Wall Street and Miami worms. The WSF's reformist left refuses to call the working class to defeat the capitalist restoration in Cuba because they are servants of the restorers: the Castro and his covenant with Obama. Ests 1 million workers laid off, settled the monopoly of foreign trade, destroy the nationalized economy, guarantee imperialist penetration and return the right to private property ... and inheritance. You are the new rich of the Cuban bourgeoisie, rendering it associated with imperialism and Miami worms with their companies are returning to the island. The Castro with his "XXI century socialism" and "socialism by peaceful means" conspiring against the world socialist revolution, because only can finish defeating definitely deliver the gains of the Cuban revolution to imperialism. The reformist left claims to defend Cuba calling for "struggle against the blockade" when the true enemy of the destroyed main achievements of the Cuban revolution are restaurateurs and their covenant with imperialism. So the American left kneels before Castro and even small streams as the PTS of Argentina receives awards in Havana for their labors. The working class must crush the capitalist restoration in Cuba at the hands of Castro, the new rich of the PC and its covenant with Obama! The gains of the Cuban revolution are defended with the triumph of the socialist revolution in the United States and throughout the Americas! For a new successful socialist revolution in Cuba to expropriate imperialism, the new rich of the PCC and replace the island as the vanguard of the world revolution! Outside the Stalinism of all labor organizations in the world! May 1: An international day of struggle for workers revolution and world socialist Under the banner of the Fourth International! This May 1st, call the workers of the world to draw lessons revolutionary about who and how given our struggles, we call regroup the forces of the proletariat over the borders to disperse the forces of reformism and prepare a counter-mass back on track 2011 Revolutionary. The grandchildren of the sons of the martyrs of Chicago that today continue to struggle not surrender. The flame of the revolution is still alive, still has not overcome the thousands of betrayal in the back. In every struggle and fight against imperialist capitalism, speech and revives the spirit of the martyrs of Chicago. Their deaths must be avenged. Ahead is not "more democracy", but new shots Bonapartism counter and anti-worker to make their super profits multinationals. If the proletarian revolution permitting, decadent imperialism lead to new wars civilization where they can do business out of its crisis. The conditions for this time of crisis, wars and revolutions exacerbate and are exacerbated by the day. The renegades of Trotskyism, Stalinism revived the decrepit who gave the former workers states against imperialism to again be starring in the new betrayal of the world revolution, as we saw in Greece where the PC broke her head to the workers and youth that surrounded parliament of transnational corporations in China where new mandarins massacred every worker and peasant uprising, in Syria where the Kurdish PC agreed with Al Assad to bust the resistance, in Chile the "red pacos" attacked

from behind students in struggle to give a few examples. The proletariat needs a program at the height of the war declared by the class enemies. Need a international staff up to higher states of reformism and financial capital to not only present battle, but to defeat them. It is an urgent task of the revolutionary workers and youth conscious proletarian internationalism rebuild which was founded and fought for decades the working class and the treacherous leaderships demolished. "The Fourth International, as of now, is deservedly hated by the Stalinists, social democrats, liberals and fascists bourgeois. There can be no place for it in any of the Popular Fronts. Combat irreducibly to all political groupings holding the skirt of the bourgeoisie. Your task: the abolition of capitalist domino. Their goal: Socialism. His method: the proletarian revolution "Transitional Program of the Fourth International, 1938. The working class has not been defeated, did not give up, who surrendered are their addresses. To prepare and organize a mass revolutionary counteroffensive to win victory, the urgent task is reshaping the 1938 Fourth International, world party of socialist revolution. "... On your verdict will be the American people and the world to show them your injustice and social injustices that lead to scaffold the verdict will be popular to say that the social war is not over for so little." (Albert R. Parsons)

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