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Tel. USA +1 (202) 390 2851 Tel. Netherlands: +31 (0) 6 412 25 312

Professional Profile

Committed performance-driven professional with 15+ years of continuous international advancement in

capacity development, sustainable development, monitoring and evaluation (M&E), climate change
knowledge management, change management initiatives and operations management improvements
Creative and enthusiastic change agent with proven track record in knowledge management, learning and
capacity development initiatives, and operational process improvements
Highly analytical thinker with demonstrated ability to scrutinize technical, performance and financial data
Strong networker, communicator and presenter with excellent multicultural, cross-cultural and crossthematic experience in leveraging stakeholder relationships. Stakeholder analysis, relationship management,
dialogue mapping expertise in team and stakeholder environments, organizational and virtual networks
Skilled trouble-shooter / problem-solver who recognizes issues clearly and focuses on options
Longer term missions in: Angola, Brazil, Cambodia, Congo Dem. Rep., Indonesia, Kenya, Libya, Sudan, Thailand
and the United States. Short term training and capacity building in: Ethiopia, India, Jordan, Myanmar, Nepal,
Nigeria, Papua New Guinea, Sierra Leone, South Sudan and Uganda
Fluent in English and Dutch, good French understanding, basic understanding of Portuguese and German.

Key Areas of Expertise

Monitoring and evaluation towards process and

output improvement initiatives
Climate change and sustainable development
Training and capacity development
Creation of buy-in and change management
Cross-functional and thematic leadership

Management of stakeholder (virtual) networks

Large complex interdisciplinary projects
Problem solving and decision making
Operational and process management
High professional ethics


IPDET Certificates in RBM&E and Innovation in M&E, IPDET at Carleton University, Ottawa (Canada), 2015
M.Sc. Supply Chain Management w. merit, climate risk indicators and climate risk management in global
supply chains, The Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen Business School, Aberdeen (UK), 2014
Certificate in Business Leadership Skills (BLSHRPC1), Cornell University, Johnson Graduate School of
Management and the School of Industrial and Labor Relations, New York (USA), 2011
Certificates in Executive Leadership (LSMC04) and Managing for Execution (MEC1), Cornell University's
Proactive Leadership program, New York (USA), 2011
Certification in Technology for Sustainable Development, TDO department, Eindhoven University of
Technology (TU/e), Eindhoven (NL), 2003
M.Sc. Technology and Society, international knowledge transfer and technology policy on renewable
energy, Technology Management faculty, Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e), Eindhoven (NL), 2003
B.Sc. Commercial Engineering, Fontys University of Applied Sciences, Eindhoven (NL), 1998.

World Bank eInstitute courses

Course Economics of Climate-Resilient Development, completed September 2014

Course Climate Finance, completed December 2014
Course Policy Instruments for Low Emissions Development: From Design to Implementation, completed
April 2015
Course Safe and Resilient Cities, completed May 2015
Course Energy Sector Strategies to Support Green Growth, planned for November 2015.

Professional experience
Adaptation and Resilience M&E Consultant, Thematic Evaluation Team, Global Environment Facility Independent Evaluation Office (GEF IEO), August 2014 to present

The Global Environment Facility (GEF) is a financial mechanism providing funding to meet the agreed incremental costs
of securing global environmental benefits. It partners with the GEF Agencies, national governments and civil society

The GEF Independent Evaluation Office has following functions: 1. To ensure the evaluation function within the GEF, 2.
To set minimum requirements for monitoring and evaluation (M&E), 3. To ensure oversight of the quality of M&E
systems, and 4. To share evaluative evidence within the GEF partnership

Thematic evaluations conducted by the GEF Independent Evaluation Office assess topics of concern to all GEF activities
and provide a basis for decision making and lesson learning on specific themes

Provide support as thematic evaluation team member to the Scientific and Technical Advisory Panel (STAP) of the Global
Environment Facility (GEF) on STAP PROVIA M&E studies

Provide support as thematic evaluation team member to the two adaption funds managed by the GEF: the Least
Developed Countries Fund (LDCF) and Special Climate Change Fund (SCCF)

Development and co-authoring of the Climate-Eval commissioned GEF IEO good practice study on indicator development,
selection and use principles for climate change adaptation M&E.

Development of the Annual Evaluation Report (AER 2015) of the LDCF and SCCF for the GEF Council meeting.

Other elements of work focus on enabling activities, capacity development 2, country case studies, evaluability
assessments and methodological development on cross-cutting issues.

Adaptation Advisor to the Kresge/ND-GAIN Urban Adaptation Assessment Project, Kresge Foundation and the
Notre Dame Global Adaptation Index (ND-GAIN), January 2015 to present

The Urban Adaptation Assessment project, by the Kresge Foundation and the Notre Dame Global Adaptation Index
(ND-GAIN), will provide an adaptation measurement solution by building an urban-scale assessment protocol and
putting it into practice in five cities.

The urban adaptation assessment will advance consensus around standards for adaptation measurement for cities
across the U.S. The project also will help elevate critical needs on climate actions and thereby inform decisions about
infrastructure, land use, water resources management, transportation and other policy and funding issues. The
ultimate goal is to inform communities so that government, corporations and people are motivated to build social,
physical, and natural systems that are resilient to the impacts of climate change.

ND-GAIN and a team of 20 adaptation advisors will work collaboratively on the development of a framework for
adaptation measurement and a set of potential indicators that will include the sectors and components recommended
for the urban adaptation assessment, as well as recommendations on handling methodological issues such as indicator
sensitivity and target value identification.

Member of GHG Management Institute ISO Technical Committee, GHG Management Institute, and
Member of the ISO/TC207/SC7 Sub-Committee 7 Strategic Planning Task Force on Adaptation, International
Organization for Standardization (ISO), December 2014 to present
The objectives and outcomes of the SC7 strategic planning adaptation task force (ATF) are:

Develop a document describing the landscape of adaptation, resilience and related activities To identify potential
scopes for adaptation standards and to present such scopes within an overarching framework for framework standards

Recommend which standards should be priorities in the form of a "roadmap" and work programme

Recommend potential ISO committees and stakeholders (e.g. UNFCCC) to contact for liaison and coordination

Deliver the outcomes to the SC7 strategic planning AHG and present/discuss the work at the SC7 plenary.

Steering Committee Member, Climate Knowledge Brokers group, REEEP/CDKN, May 2012 to present

The Climate Knowledge Brokers (CKB) Group is an alliance of around 50 leading global, regional and national websites
specialising in climate and development info. It brings together a diverse set of information players, from international
organisations to research institutes, NGOs and good practice networks, and covers the full breadth of climate themes

Support and provide feedback and guidance towards the climate knowledge brokers workshops in Bonn, knowledge
sharing events and collaborative projects developed, including the development of the CKB manifesto.

Co-editor of a Special New Directions in Evaluation Journal on Climate Change Adaptation/Resilience Monitoring and
Evaluation, New Directions in Evaluation - Wiley Periodicals, October 2013 to September 2015

This journal issue addresses emerging scholarly and professional interest, research, and practical debate surrounding
climate change adaptation and resilience (CCAR) monitoring and evaluation (M&E)

Guide the process of abstract submission and selection, guaranteeing rigor, originality, timeliness and detail in the
CCAR M&E abstracts being chosen and developed into final chapters

Support the development of final chapters, meet with the NDE editorial board and guide and go through the iterative
process of peer-reviewing, final approval and publication of this special NDE journal edition.

Steering Committee Member, 2nd International Conference on Evaluating Climate Change & Development,
Global Environment Facility - Independent Evaluation Office (GEF IEO), February 2014 to December 2014

Provide guidance, overall strategic direction and planning support towards the development and execution of the 2nd
International Conference on Evaluating Climate Change and Development

The 2nd International Conference built upon the gains made by the first one held in Alexandria, Egypt in 2008, and pivoted
around emerging challenges of the evaluation of climate change mitigation and adaptation and the policies and its
relations to natural resources management.

Board Member, Pan Asia-Africa Results-Based M&E Forum, RBM&E Forum, August 2012 to September 2014

The Pan Asia-Africa Results-based Monitoring and Evaluation (RBM&E) Forum was founded to fill a identified gap in the
market for opportunities for M&E/RBM&E practitioners to meet, learn, and share their knowledge, skills, and experience
related to project and program performance management

Provide input regarding the general positioning of the Results-Based M&E Forum, identification of M&E knowledge gaps,
how each Forum program should be structured and support in the facilitation of the Forums

Two highly successful and interactive Pan Asia-Africa RBM&E Forums took place, the first one in November 2012 and the
second one a year later in September 2013.

After an extensive consultation process with M&E stakeholders as well as training providers in the region, a decision was
made in September 2014 to not continue the Forum in its current configuration. Instead, an approach will be sought to
complement other existing M&E workshops and engagements in the region by focusing on specific M&E knowledge
niches and by tailoring training elements to the particular target populations of these workshops.

Team Leader SEA Change CoP, Pact / Rockefeller Foundation, Cambodia/Thailand, December 2011 to June 2014

Provide leadership and constant direction and momentum to the SEA Change Community of Practice for Monitoring and
Evaluation of Climate Change Interventions in Asia

Development and implementation of the Knowledge Generation Strategy to move the Community from knowledge
dissemination to knowledge development, based on identified knowledge gaps in climate change M&E

Development of webinars, resources, conference facilitation and the coaching of members on publishing articles and
presenting at regional and international conferences on the M&E in climate change initiatives

Development of the SEA Change Knowledge Management Strategy on the sharing and dissemination of information and
the further development of M&E tools and techniques through strategic partnerships and strategic knowledge
generation through e-discussions, a technical advisory committee and focus groups

Responsible for achieving all outputs for the SEA Change project; knowledge dissemination through conferences,
publications, online platform and webinars and specific climate change M&E knowledge generation

The method of active hands-on online as well as offline knowledge management is being copied by other KM networks.

Related Activities

Technical Working Group Member of the TWG on VOPE toolkit development, EvalPartners, August 2013 to present

2014: Guest lecture Monitoring & Evaluation of Climate Change Adaptation / Resilience Interventions, The Challenge
of Climate Adaptation ENV 670-660 course, Masters in Environmental Sciences program, University of Pennsylvania

2013: Co-facilitator at the regional workshop on gender and climate-smart agriculture in ASEAN, focusing on gendersensitive M&E in climate-smart agriculture. FAO, WOCAN and GIZ, December 2013, Bangkok - Thailand

2013: Presenter and panellist at the American Evaluation Association (AEA) Conference, focusing on resilience thinking
to build evaluation knowledge for climate change adaptation. AEA. October 2013, Washington DC - United States

2013: Panellist at the Asia Regional Evaluation Summit, focusing on M&E local capacity development in Asia. USAID and
UNEDAP. September 2013, Bangkok - Thailand

2013: Co-organizer and facilitator at the Evaluation Conclave, focusing on three sessions on the M&E of adaptation,
mitigation and related capacity development. Community of Evaluators South Asia. February 2013, Kathmandu - Nepal

2012: Presenter and pre-conference workshop trainer at the European Evaluation Society (EES) Conference, focusing on
theory of change and the M&E of climate change adaptation. EES. October 2012, Helsinki - Finland

2012: Participation and co-facilitation as Steering Committee member in the Climate Knowledge Brokers workshop,
focusing on climate change related knowledge management. CDKN and GIZ. May 2012, Bonn - Germany

2012: Speaker support at the Asia Pacific Climate Change Adaptation Forum, focusing on the M&E of climate change
interventions. AKP, APAN and ADB. February 2012, Bangkok - Thailand.

Mediation Leadership Summit Operations Manager / Co-owner, From Talk To Action, Asia Pacific Mediation
Leadership Summit, Thailand, March 2010 to December 2011

Linking up and coordinating the efforts of virtual collaborators, actors, delegates, donors and members of the APMF
community to develop action themes and cross-cutting topics in relation to mediation leadership
Co-owner and manager of From Talk To Action and
Development of an online collaborative platform on mediation and other conflict transformation and peacebuilding
processes in the Asia Pacific region and beyond
Operations management and coordination of the three-day Asia Pacific Mediation Leadership Summit held in Bangkok 2
4 December 2011 under the umbrella of APMF Asian Pacific Mediation Forum
Web development, venue planning, budgeting, sourcing and staging towards a successful Summit
The Summits format has been copied by the UN Friends for Mediation Group in other regions, given its success.

ERP Operations Manager Fragile States, Save the Children UK, Congo Dem. Rep., Eastern Libya, Kenya, SouthSudan, Ethiopia, June 2010 to July 2011

Monitoring and evaluation (M&E) and operational profiling for bringing about changes in the use of international
procedures, policies, systems, minimum standards and general standards of good practice regarding procurement,
general operations management, supply chain management and medical and food commodity management
The use of M&E to come to improvements in international policies and minimum standards for Saves programmes
Change management initiatives to come to operational improvements with a focus on operational process management
and resource utilization in the DRC-wide mission for the next programme cycle
Training of commodity management staff Ethiopia on audit preparedness regarding commodity management systems,
procedures, monitoring, evaluation and reporting (MER)
M&E of supply and warehousing procedures in two South Sudanese field locations; audit preparedness development and
M&E guidance training of trainers for all field locations to be used by roving operations trainers in South Sudan
Improvement of linkages between thematic programme elements and project support services
Capacity building through formal training, training of trainers and one-on-one coaching and support
Work with fragile states country programme teams to implement the integral operational structure ensuring that fragile
states programmes are in the best possible state for scale up if required.

Communication Consultant, Mediators Beyond Borders, at the Climate Change Conference, Denmark, December
2009 to February 2010

Creating awareness and an agenda for alternative dispute resolution techniques in climate related conflicts
Supporting the mediators in their international collaboration and networking efforts with international delegates and
other INGOs at the UNFCCC COP-15 Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Project Manager Worldwide Implementation National Staff Database, Doctors Without Borders, Worldwide,
August 2008 to August 2009

Evaluation of current human resource practices and payment structures 22 field missions, both technically and with
respect to country-specific labour law
Management of implementation of the Homre national staff human resource database in the organization, being at
head office and in 22 field missions under the Doctors Without Borders (MSF) operational centre Amsterdam
Development of work procedures, policies, manuals and communication management
Helpdesk and front-office development, as part of the bigger support structure - technical, functional and helpdesk
Development of a Memorandum of Understanding between the various MSF operational centres and software suppliers
towards future product development
Training of trainers and staff at head office and in the field, i.e. Nairobi (Kenya), New Delhi (India), Kampala (Uganda),
Port Moresby (PNG), Yangon (Myanmar), Amman (Jordan) and Sokoto (Nigeria)
The Homre national staff database and trainings developed were later implemented by all operational centres of MSF.

Operations and Supply Chain Coordinator, Netherlands Red Cross Tsunami Intervention, North Sumatra, Banda
Aceh and Nias, Indonesia, October 2006 to November 2007

Disaster Risk Reduction and direct emergency assistance towards affected communities
Monitoring and managing performance of the supply pipeline, with a focus on timber products and the certification of
hardwood timber and implementation of operational process improvements if needed
Coordination of international tenders for high value medical procurement and capital procurement
Sumatra capital logistics and supply chain coordination from Medan towards the Tsunami reconstruction efforts in Banda
Aceh and on Nias Island, including managing the logistics support towards ICT, communications, energy systems and
vehicle parks in collaboration with the local Red Cross branch and the International Federation of the Red Cross.

Procurement Manager, GOAL Ireland, Sudan, March 2006 to September 2006

M&E of current practices with a focus on medical ordering procedures and procurement systems in place
Management and capacity building of national procurement, cargo and logistics staff to improve the Sudan operational
capacity to international standards and monitoring of implemented improvements
Improvement of GOAL Sudan procurement capacity up to GOAL international procurement standards ensuring donor
compliance and efficient resource utilization and monitoring of implemented improvements
Coordination of international tenders for high value medical procurement under multi-donor funding
Transport management and collaboration with other actors to arrange convoys through the most dangerous areas.

Operations and Security Manager, War Child Netherlands, Sierra Leone, Sudan, Uganda, July 2004 to March 2006

M&E of country programme operational practices, with a focus on logistics, ordering and procurement
Development of international logistics standards with linkages towards operational security management, and
international ordering and procurement systems and pipeline monitoring tools
M&E of security procedures and operational profiling in Sierra Leone, Sudan and Uganda missions
Development of the security framework, security standard operating procedures and incident management guidelines
for all War Child missions (Afghanistan, Balkans, Caucasus, DRCongo, Sudan, Sierra Leone and Uganda)
Coordination and evaluation of War Child Netherlands / Center for Safety and Development security trainings
The security system and trainings developed became a spin-off company, which is now a recognized training institute on
security management called Center for Safety and Development,

Field Logistics and Procurement Manager, Doctors Without Borders, Angola, September 2003 to May 2004

Base / field logistics management in MBanza Congo and Kuimba primary healthcare and malaria projects
Managing rehabilitation work to health centers, maintenance supervision of cars, energy and communication equipment
and control of administration and finance
Responsible for the all-day logistical supervision and the monitoring of stocks, stores, pharmacy systems, cold chaining
and ordering of pharmaceuticals, in line with international standards and best practice.

Researcher Sustainable Market Development of Amorphous Solar PV Technology and Climate Change Benefits,
Free Energy Europe, Brazil, January 2002 to June 2003

Research on the market potential of amorphous solar PV panels, with a focus on off-grid rural households, through M&E
of rural electricity needs, decentralized electricity generation and the market for electrical appliances and equipment in
the Central Amazon region
Creation of practical guidelines for sustainable market development of renewable energy in the Central Amazon Region,
area, taking into account the needs of the potential customer as well as the local business environment
Creation of a guideline towards climate change benefits when using solar amorphous PV panels and the applicability of
CDM certificates in small scale PV projects.

Course Developer and Instructor, Eindhoven University of Technology, the Netherlands, July to November 2001.

Developing course material for the course Planning and implementation of technological projects in developing and
developed countries and instructing the part on using MS Project, under the authority of Dr. H. A. Romijn.

Course Instructor and Project Group Evaluator, Eindhoven University of Technology, the Netherlands, September
2000 to March 2001

Instructing the course Technology assessment, managing and evaluating the work of project groups of adult part-time
students under the guidance of Dr. Ir. G. P. J. Verbong.

Researcher on Economic and Social Development Indicators, Eindhoven University of Technology, the
Netherlands, March 1999 to October 2000

Evaluation of data sources and compatibility of raw statistical data related to social development indicators
Updating of raw statistical data on economic and social development indicators and statistical analysis of these indicators
under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Adam Szirmai, preceding the revision of Mr. Szirmais book "Economic and Social
Development, Cambridge University Press 2005,", department International
Technological Development Studies, Technology Management faculty.

Course Development for Small Scale Product Developers, Mikrocentrum, the Netherlands, March 1997 to
February 1998

Needs analysis and the development of technical courses for SME product developers, focusing on mechatronics, product
development strategies, opto-electronics and data- and telecommunications in product development environments.
Under the authority of Mikrocentrum, an Eindhoven-based training institute and knowledge centre.

Publications and professional reports

Leagnavar, P., Bours, D.P., McGinn, C., 2015. Good Practice Study on Indicator Development, Selection and Use for Climate
Change Adaptation Monitoring and Evaluation. Draft Study, Climate-Eval and the Global Environment Facility
Independent Evaluation Office (GEF IEO), Washington, DC.
Viggh, A., Bours, D.P., 2015. LDCF/SCCF Annual Evaluation Report 2014. GEF/LDCF.SCCF.18/ME/02, Global Environment
Facility Independent Evaluation Office (GEF IEO), Washington, DC.
Viggh, A., Bours, D.P., 2015. Four-Year Work Program and Budget for the GEF Independent Evaluation Office under the LDCF
and SCCF. GEF/LDCF.SCCF.18/ME/01/Rev.01, Global Environment Facility Independent Evaluation Office (GEF IEO),
Washington, DC.
Bours, D.P., McGinn, C. and Pringle, P., 2014. Monitoring and Evaluation for Climate Change Adaptation: A Synthesis of Tools,
Frameworks and Approaches 2nd Edition. Report, SEA Change CoP, Phnom Penh and UKCIP, Oxford.
Bours, D.P., McGinn, C. and Pringle, P. 2014. Evaluation Review 3: Evaluating programmes through a climate adaptation lens:
Reflections from coastal areas in Asia and the Pacific. Evaluation Review, SEA Change CoP, Phnom Penh and UKCIP,
Bours, D.P., McGinn, C. and Pringle, P., 2014. Evaluation Review 2: Lessons Learned from International and Donor Agency
Portfolio Evaluations: Past, Present, and Emerging Trends in the Monitoring and Evaluation of Climate Change
Adaptation Programmes. Evaluation Review, SEA Change CoP, Phnom Penh and UKCIP, Oxford.
Bours, D.P., McGinn, C. and Pringle, P., 2014. Evaluation Review 1: Agriculture, Food Security, and Climate Change Adaptation
in Asia. Evaluation Review, SEA Change CoP, Phnom Penh and UKCIP, Oxford.
Bours, D.P., 2014. Climate Proofing Supply Chains: Identification of Climate Risk Indicators to Improve the Supply Chain Risk
Management Process (SCRMP). Thesis, Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen.
Bours, D.P., McGinn, C. and Pringle, P., 2014. Guidance Note 3: Theory of Change Approach to Climate Change Adaptation
Programming. Guidance Note, SEA Change CoP, Phnom Penh and UKCIP, Oxford.
Bours, D.P., McGinn, C. and Pringle, P., 2014. Guidance Note 2: Selecting Indicators for Climate Change Adaptation
Programming, Guidance Note. SEA Change CoP, Phnom Penh and UKCIP, Oxford.

Bours, D.P., McGinn, C. and Pringle, P., 2014. Guidance Note 1: Twelve Reasons Why Climate Change Adaptation M&E is
Challenging. Guidance Note, SEA Change CoP, Phnom Penh and UKCIP, Oxford.
Bours, D.P., McGinn, C. and Pringle, P., 2013. Monitoring and Evaluation for Climate Change Adaptation: A Synthesis of Tools,
Frameworks and Approaches. Report, SEA Change CoP, Phnom Penh and UKCIP, Oxford.
Bours, D.P., 2013. Monitoring and Evaluation of Climate Change Adaptation Interventions - What Can We Learn From Existing
Climate Change Adaptation Monitoring and Evaluation Frameworks and Principles? Webinar, SEA Change CoP, Phnom
Bours, D.P., 2013. The Role of Power in Single Sourcing Relationships - Negotiation Strategies to Enhance Collaboration During
the Relationship. Report, Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen Business School, Aberdeen.
Bours, D.P., 2013. Financial Rewards Alone Will Not Increase Job Performance and Satisfaction - A Study Into the Relationship
Between Rewards, Job Satisfaction and Performance. Report, Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen Business School,
Bours, D.P., Pruna, L. and Sok, S., 2012. Communities of Practice - Lessons Learned From the SEA Change Experience. Article,
Monitoring and Evaluation of Climate Change Adaptation, MECCA Africa monthly, 1(7), Addis Ababa.
Bours, D.P., 2010. Switching Between Supply Chain Types. Report, CILT Certification in Humanitarian Supply Chain
Management, Fritz Institute, San Francisco.
Bours, D.P., 2008. Homre Global Staff Database - Training Manual. Manual, Mdcins Sans Frontires, Amsterdam.
Bours, D.P., 2006. Security Policy and Standard Operating Procedures. Manual, War Child Netherlands, Amsterdam.
Bours, D.P., 2003. The Dissemination of Amorphous Solar PV Panels in the Manaus region, Amazonas Brazil; A Guideline for
the Development of a Sustainable PV Market. Thesis, Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven.

Professional affiliations

International Organization for Cooperation in

GHG Management Institute (US)

Evaluation (IOCE)

Climate-Eval Community of Practice, GEF

International Development Evaluation Association

Independent Evaluation Office network (US)


RedR UK training institute (UK)


Fritz Institute (US)

Professional endorsements

Dennis has a talent for cutting through the waffle to get to the point, and has brought a lot of useful experience to the
Climate Knowledge Brokers Steering Group on convening online communities, knowledge management, capacity
development as well as the challenges of effective monitoring and evaluation of climate initiatives and related knowledge
management environments.

- Geoff Barnard, Knowledge Management Strategy Advisor, Climate & Development Knowledge Network (CDKN).

Dennis is a highly valuable member of the "Climate Knowledge Brokers" Group and its Steering Committee. He always is
keen to share his strong experience in M&E and sustainable development, which is a big asset for the group and helped lots
of group members to improve their own work substantially. I personally value his opinion and experience on setting up and
running Communities of Practice and managing virtual networks (especially in a cross-cultural environment) very much and
can highly recommend working with Dennis.

- Florian Bauer, Operations Director, Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency Partnership (REEEP).

Dennis is a very experienced, academic as well as practical manager and has much to offer. He adjusted quickly to the more
advisory role of the Regional Operations Manager position when in Nairobi. His willingness to travel to field locations that
have not seen support for a long time was much appreciated.

- Ben Boxer, Regional Financial Manager East and Southern Africa, Save the Children UK.

Dennis did a very good job in driving the project home, in resourcing the project and also through technical solutions and by
having good ideas about the support structure. He has proven to be a very good project manager with a wide set of skills,
very result oriented and practical but also creating intelligent solutions, having bigger ideas and able to see the bigger picture
and contribute to that.

- Ramon Baijens, Head of Human Resources, Doctors Without Borders OCA.

Dennis has a strong focus on detail and quality when it comes to support in the operational areas of humanitarian
interventions and related analysis and auditing. In terms of guidelines and procedures development as well as field audits
and reports, his level of detail is unmatched. And then he is a great guy to work with.

- Tjipke Bergsma, Deputy CEO, PLAN International.

References relevant to a specific position and contact details will be provided upon request.

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