Centre For Architectural Heritage Research

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29 apr, 2013

centre for architectural heritage research


DATE: FRI 17 MAY 2013 PROPERTY: BELSAY HALL, CASTLE AND GARDENS TIME: 7PM-8AM SUITABLE FOR: ADULTS Have you ever fancied a sleepover in a historic building? Heres your chance. With 10 bedrooms inside the Hall, each group will have their own unique room. Belsay Hall is unfurnished, but we provide air beds for everyone. The night will start with a tour of the Hall, including the servants quarters, followed by a warming supper. Then a twilight walk to the medieval castle for some spooky storytelling and back to the Hall for a bedtime drink and more ghost stories. In the morning theres a hearty Northumbrian breakfast. Suitable for adults and families with children aged over 12. THE PLACE Belsay Hall, Castle and Gardens are the creation of the Middleton family, over more than seven centuries. First came the castle, still dominated by its massive 14thcentury defensive pele tower. Built as a refuge at a time of Anglo-Scottish warfare, it was also designed to impress: it still displays rare traces of elaborate medieval wall paintings. In more peaceful times a Jacobean mansion wing was added: here the family lived until Christmas Day 1817, when they moved into Belsay Hall. Belsay Hall is an austerely Classical Greek Revival villa, now displayed without furnishings to reveal the fine craftsmanship of its construction. Begun in 1807, it was designed by Sir Charles Monck (formerly Middleton), a man inspired by Ancient Greece and the buildings he had seen on his honeymoon in Athens. Yet despite its austere faade, it had a comfortable interior, arranged round its amazing central two-storey Pillar Hall. You can spend hours exploring both inside and out on fair and wet weather days. The Hall is an unfurnished architectural masterpiece inspired by the temples of ancient Greece, with its fabulous pillars. Explore the great room of the ruined medieval castle and dont miss the stunning views from the top of the tower. Outside, there are the huge grounds. A grade I listed heritage garden, lovingly restored and packed with an impressive array of shrubs and flowers which change with the seasons. The high point of any visit to Belsay is the unique Quarry Garden, a fantasy of ravines, pinnacles and exotic plants. No wonder Belsay Hall is one of the most loved visitor attractions in Northumberland. FASHION WEEK A WEEK-LONG celebration of fashion from the past including Anne Boleyns blue silk gown and Henry VIIIs full regalia will go on display from today. The English Heritage event at Belsay Hall, Castle and Gardens, in Northumberland, features costumes fit for the kings and queens as well as medieval costumes that children can try on. The Tudor costumes will be on display in the majestic library in the hall from today until August 7 and a Fashion from the Past weekend is also taking place on August 6 and 7 which will bring to life fashion from the Georgian era to the Swinging Sixties. Fashion shows will be held on both days alongside historical presentations, whilst wartime singing trio, the Spitfires, will entertain the crowds with lively 1940s tunes. Jon Hogan, events manager at English Heritage, said: We have some spectacular Tudor costumes on display from Henry V111 to Elizabeth 1 and there are some medieval costumes for the children to dress up in. There are nine costumes on display. The week is building up to the Fashion from the Past weekend. We are going to have forties and sixties fashion and music. To complement that we will have a fashion talk from the Georgian era. MIDSUMMER EVENING PICNIC Experience the splendid Belsay garden after hours with a special evening opening on Midsummers Eve for visitors to promenade around the grounds. Reflecting the Costumes from Austen display of TV and film costumes, we bring together a Regency gardener who can be found exploring the grounds re-telling of the landscaping of Belsay and maybe passing hints and tips too. A lady of the house is also enjoying the garden by taking tea on the lawns an activity expensively re-assuring for Regency high society.

FORT YORK COMMUNITY CLEANUP DAY Sat. April 20, 10 am to 12 noon Help us with spring cleaning of the Garrison Common on Mayor Rob Fords Community Cleanup Day. All equipment will be provided. Meet at the west Fort York gates. Contact David Juliusson @ 416-392-6907 ext. 233 A Free Family Pass to the site will be offered to all volunteers. PARLER FORT: THE BATTLE OF YORK: MYTH, REALITY, AND THE EXPLOSION OF THE GRAND MAGAZINE Sun. April 14, 7:30 pm. Join celebrated British author, historian, and archaeologist Andy Robertshaw, a featured expert in the film Explosion 1812. Robertshaw is best known for his television work with the BBC in Two Men in a Trench and The Trench as well as the popular shows Time Team and Battlefield Detectives. FREE MEN OF COLOUR: AFRICAN CANADIANS AND THE DEFENCE OF UPPER CANADA, 1812-1815 Sun. February 24, 1:00 pm For African Canadians, the American invasions of Upper Canada during the War of 1812 posed a dangerous threat to their lives and freedoms. In response, African Canadians, despite representing a small minority of the population, played an active part in the defence of the province. African Canadians contributed to the defence of the province in a variety of roles throughout the war. This presentation will seek to place their service in its military and historical contexts, and explore the roles of African Canadians in some of the key events of the War of 1812 in Upper Canada. Gareth Newfield is a former historian and researcher with Parks Canada and the Canadian War Museum. A specialist in colonial era Canadian military history, he has written a number of articles and publications on the War of 1812. One of his particular focuses has been the Coloured Corps, the only segregated unit of African Canadians to serve in the defence of Upper Canada during the war. FREE with regular admission to Fort York Fort York War of 1812 March Break Mon. to Fri. March 11 to 15, 10 am to 3 pm Bring the kids down to the fort during March Break for some fun-filled activities. Families can learn about Fort York and the War of 1812 through colourful exhibits, costumed education staff, tours, and 1812-related activities. Children can dress up, try cooking in the kitchen, practice musket and sword drills like an 1812 soldier, or learn about music from the War of 1812. Timed and ongoing activities offer education and entertainment for the whole family. Guides and audio tours are available in our Museum Store, which also carries a wide selection of souvenirs and books for all ages. This event is recommended for ages 3-12. Regular admission. No registration required.


Canadas largest collection of original War of 1812 buildings and 1813 battle site. Located in the heart of downtown Toronto, Fort York is open year-round and offers tours, exhibits, period settings, and seasonal demonstrations. During the summer months, the site comes alive with the colour and the pageantry of the Fort York Guard. Fort York also provides a wide variety of education programmes for groups of all ages.

education programme |
A Living History Experience Fort York offers unique hands-on, living history experiences which engage students first-hand in the social and military history of the fort, Toronto and Canada. JK to Gr. 3 Curriculum Connections: Pioneer Life Pioneers at York (1.5 hrs) Discover the daily life and routines of the soldier, his family, and officers See their living quarters Visit a working 1826 kitchen Play military music from the War of 1812 Gr. 4 to 8 Curriculum Connections: British North America The Birthplace of Toronto (1.5 hrs) Explore the life of an early garrison community during the War of 1812 See the living quarters of officers and soldiers Visit the historic 1826 kitchen Hear period music on the fife and drum See and examine a flintlock musket Additional themes that can be explored Fort York and the Great War (WW1) Canada/U.S. relations


The Real Mary Kings Close is a warren of underground streets and spaces. It can be a strange concept to understand back in the 1600s, Mary Kings Close and neighbouring Closes were at the heart of Edinburghs busiest and most vibrant streets, open to the skies and bustling with traders selling their wares to the Old Towns residents. For hundreds of years the true story of the Close has remained untold - until now! In the company of an expert guide, you can explore this unique site and experience what it was really like for the people who lived, worked and died here. DURING AUGUST, whilst the city heats up for the summer festivals, visitors can experience a chilling Edinburgh Festival Fringe first as The Real Mary Kings Close gets darker than ever before for this late night special tour. Not for the faint hearted, the Dark Truth Tour will tell the sinister tales of plague and pestilence and murder most horrid witnessed by those who lived and worked in the closes. With lights turned low and shadows cast wide, those who dare to be there will learn the whole truth behind the myths and mysteries shrouding this hidden city, the question is, are they brave enough? An eerie late night DARK TRUTH TOUR ON HALLOWEEN for those that dare will mark the launch of Close Fest, a week long celebration of underground events. Visitors can expect to experience The Close as never before with events ranging from comedy, live music and fun for the kids, in what promises to be a celebration like no other previously witnessed in this hidden warren of closes. In the wintry month of December visitors will feel a further chill in the air at The Real Mary Kings Close when they learn the shocking truth that until fairly recently Christmas across the city was banned. The Christmas On The Close tour reveals the history surrounding Christmas as an ordinary working day for Scots that saw the celebrations moved to Hogmanay instead. The story of those early merrymakers who paved the way to Edinburgh now playing host to one of the biggest New Year street parties in the world will culminate with a warming mulled wine and mince pie.

Himeji Castle
Himeji Castle is a hilltop Japanese castle complex located in Himeji, in Hyogo Prefecture, Japan. The castle is regarded as the finest surviving example of prototypical Japanese castle architecture, comprising a network of 83 buildings with advanced defensive systems from the feudal period. The castle is frequently known as Hakuro-ji (White Egret Castle) or Shirasagi-ji (White Heron Castle) because of its brilliant white exterior and supposed resemblance to a bird taking flight.

Japanese armor-like transformation


http://www.peterborough-cathedral.org.uk/ As part of this years Katharine of Aragon Festival come along and meet Katharine, Henry VIII and a cast of Tudor characters accompanied by period music from Hautbois. Learn how to cook Tudor meals and glean insight into the life & times of Tudor surgeons & how they cured illnesses. Immerse yourselves into a fascinating period of English history with colourful characters & a wealth of activities for all ages. The cathedral now marks the funeral date with the Katharine of Aragon Festival on the Friday and Saturday nearest the 29 January.A representative of the Spanish embassy is invited to a civic service on the Friday and a Catholic mass is held on the Saturday. Hundreds of children are encouraged to dress in Tudor costume, and learn how people lived in the early 16th Century from historic re-enactors.

Dress up as Japanese armor, and walk around Himeji Castle Respond with pose to tourist asking for photos You can enjoy the atmosphere of Japanese armor. Ninja Class Dress up as Ninja, and walking around Himeji Castle Respond with pose to tourist asking for photos You can enjoy the atmosphere of Japanese Ninja. Experience a gate guard(foot soldier) during the period of civil war Dress up as a gate guard(foot soldier) during the period of civil war, and walking around Himeji Castle Respond with pose to tourist asking for photos You can enjoy the atmosphere of Japanese gatekeeper.


The doors of our restored historic stables recently opened, complete with resident horses and a Victorian groom. Our stables experience includes an exhibition where you can find out about the workers who lived on the estate in the 1880s, the tack house and the Audley End fire engine. Try our dressing up clothes in the stables and meet our horses, Duke and Jack, too. Children can let loose in our fun themed play area next to our Cart Yard Caf which is always very popular with visitors.Audley End House itself is a magnificent house, built to entertain royalty, and includes a Victorian Service Wing complete with kitchen, laundries and a dairy. With beautiful grounds to explore, including an impressive formal garden and the working Organic Kitchen Garden, theres so much to see and do at Audley End House.


Date: Sat 15 & Sun 16 Jun 2013 Property: Audley End House and Gardens Time: 11am-4pm Suitable for: Everyone Come and see the Service Wing and Stables brought to life by costumed characters at Audley End. See how the estate springs to life at this time of year and learn some seasonal recipes from Mrs Crocombe in the kitchens. GRAND VICTORIAN FAYRE Date: Sat 4 - Mon 6 May 2013 (bank holiday) Property: Audley End House and Gardens Roll up, roll up and see May Day fun as it used to be! Enjoy visiting Victorian side shows and watch the fun travelling show or marvel at our traditional Victorian gymkhana. Meet a fortune teller in her authentic gypsy caravan and while away the afternoon listening to a range of music at our bandstand. All this coupled with the servants busy preparing their annual May Day picnic in the kitchens and the groom readying the horses for the May Day parade in the stables, plus the spectacular house and grounds, Audley End is sure to make this a day out to remember.


Date: Sun 16 Jun 2013 Property: Audley End House and Gardens Time: 11am-4pm Suitable for: Everyone This Fathers Day, treat Dad to a special day out at Audley End, where a beautiful collection of classic cars will be on display. You could also treat him to lunch or an afternoon tea in the cafe!


Sun 25 & Mon 26 Aug 2013 (bank holiday) Visit Audley End House aka Station 43 this weekend and be transported back to the time of WWII. Join our troops as they train for battle, learn more about Audley Ends secret wartime history and witness an explosive display!

1646 12711368 18281838 II ) (12:15pm & 4:15pm) ) (1:00pm & 5:00pm) ) (2:30pm to 4:00pm)

Stonehenge is a prehistoric monument in Wiltshire, England, about 2 miles (3.2 km) west of Amesbury and 8 miles (13 km) north of Salisbury. One of the most famous sites in the world, Stonehenge is the remains of a ring of standing stones set within earthworks. It is in the middle of the most dense complex of Neolithic and Bronze Age monuments in England, including several hundred burial mounds Summer Solstice English Heritage are again expected to provide Managed Open Access for around 20,000 people to Stonehenge for the Summer Solstice. Read more at http://www.efestivals.co.uk/festivals/stone henge/2013/#JGSIRFxIEOeyEUZy.99


Inujima Seirensho Art Museum is a museum that preserves and reuses the remains of a copper refinery on the island. Based on the concept of using the existing to create the yet-to-be, the project brings together architecture by Hiroshi Sambuichi, which makes use of the existing smokestacks and karami bricks from the refinery and uses solar, geothermal, and other natural energies to reduce the burden on the environment, and art by Yukinori Yanagi, which uses Yukio Mishima, who sounded warnings over aspects of Japans modernization, as a motif. The building also employs a sophisticated water purification system that makes use of the power of plants. The project truly embraces the concept of a recycling-based society as a model for a new type of regional revitalization through industrial heritage, architecture, art, and the environment.


RIEVAULX ABBEY Date: Sat 4 - Mon 6 May 2013 (bank holiday) Time: 11am-5pm Suitable for: Everyone Theres been a murder at the Abbey and the medieval townsfolk need your help to find the culprit. So if you fancy yourself as a medieval super sleuth help them out, interview the costumed medieval men and women and find a suspect with a motive.

THE PLACE | Rievaulx was one of the first Cistercian abbeys to be founded in England. Surrounded by a massive agricultural and industrial estate, staffed by lay brothers, it was intended as the focus of a substantial family of daughter houses throughout northern Britain. Suppressed in 1538, the existing monastic ironworks was developed by new owners, the earls of Rutland. Incorporated into the parkland of Duncombe Park, the shattered abbey ruins became a popular subject for Romantic artists in the 18th and 19th centuries.

OTHER EVENTS | THE ART OF STAINED GLASS - BEGINNERS WORKSHOP Date: Sat 8 Jun Property: Rievaulx Abbey Time: 9.30am - 4pm MEDIEVAL MUSIC AND MINSTRELS Date: Sun 9 Jun 2013 Property: Rievaulx Abbey Time: 11am-4.30pm Enjoy the sweet sounds and songs of medieval England in a series of performances amongst the ruins of the magnificent Rievaulx Abbey. Each Sunday costumed minstrels will promenade and perform a selection of gentle music and song and stories. Sit, listen and discover or stroll around the monument and enjoy the atmosphere. This Sunday Trouvere performs Reynard the Fox. Taking the role of medieval jongleurs, the trio mix music and drama with slapstick and masterly musicianship to deliver the story of the Fox. A delight for young and old alike. Plus Peter Bull serenades visitors. ABBEY QUEST Sat 20 Jul - Sun 1 Sep 2013 (bank holiday) A fun family quest amongst the ruins of the magnificent Rievaulx Abbey. Seek out the monks within the ruins of the abbey church, cloisters, and chapter house as they depict the daily life of the medieval abbey. With a prize certificate for every child.

If peace and tranquillity is what you seek from a family day out in Yorkshire, then Rievaulx Abbey is the perfect choice. Set in a remote valley in the North York Moors National Park, Rievaulx is one of the most complete, and atmospheric, of Englands abbey ruins. Its no wonder its one of the most popular visitor attractions in the North. Learn about the monks in medieval times how they devoted their lives to spiritual matters and at the same time established a thriving business to become one of the wealthiest monasteries in Britain.

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