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About Antenna Gain Measurement in a

Fresnel Zone
Boris Levin
Tlamim St., 5/23, Lad, 71338, Israel
Tel: 972 8 9246996; E-mail
A method for clculating the measurement error of the directivity characteristics for a two-dimensional antenna placed in a
Fresnel zone is presented. The calculation method is based on replacement of a planar-area field with rays converging to an
obseration point, by a cnvex-area field with parallel rays. The method is different frm the well-known method. It is easier to
understand. It permits more exactly defining the magnitude of an error by more rigorus calculation of the dimensions of an
equivalent radiative surace, and by taking into cnsideration the efects on the amplitude of the received signal of diferent
distances beteen separate antenna points and the obseration point.
Keyors: Antenna measurements; antenna radiation pattems; antenna theor; antenna arrays; error analysis; Fresnel zone;
gain measurement
1. Introduction
t is known that a obseration point in measurement of a
atena's patte ad gain should be placed in the fa zone (the
Fraunofer zone) of te radiator. If the atena's dimensions ae
large in compason to a wavelength, te fa-zone bounda lies at
the distance
where U is the maximum dimension of the atena ad X is the
At R R, the obseration point falls within a Fresnel zone
(a near radiating zone). H this zone, the for of the patter
depends on the distace between the atenna's center ad a spher
cal surface that passes though the obseration points. (This
behavior is diferent fom that in a Fraunofer zone). m this zone,
the radial feld component is also rather large.
During the measurement of a atenna's characteristics, the
limited dimensions of the rage, ad also insufcient sensitivity of
the measuring equipment, fequently requires placing receiving ad
trasmitting atennas in the Fresnel zone (for exaple, during a
gain measurement). The dependence of the patter on distace
entails a coresponding gain change. The problem to solve is,
"How big is the error in a gain measurement with such a atenna
The given problem, in relation to linea radiators with difer
ent types of distributions, was examined in [1]. The results were
presented d curves that ca be used as nomogs. [2], a
method for calculating the gain of a rectangular aperture in the
|SSN109Z43Z010ZZ010 |EEE
Fresnel zone wa presented, ad te results for a uniforly exited
antenna were given. This solution has analytical restrictions
imposed on the accuracy of the calculation of felds created by the
several pars of te aperture:
1. The radiuses fom the given pats of the aperture to an
obseration point ae paallel to the radius R, passing
fom the aperture's center to a observation point. This
means (Figure I) that the sigals come to the observa
tion point fom the aperture, which is a straight segent
with a length a 2R ta (a/2) . Here, a is the agle at
which the segent 0 is seen fom the observation point.
Actually, the sigals come to the obseration point fom
an area, the section of which is a ac with length
b aR . Since a > b, the sigal at the observation point
is higher tha the actual signal.
2. The magitude lR) Ij(R+l) is replaced by lR,
i.e., the infuence of the diference l R) -R on the
signal's amplitude is neglected.
This article deals with two-dimensional radiators. I the sug
gested analysis method (which is different fom the method
described in [2]), a fat atenna is replaced by an equivalent non
fat (convex) strcture. The distace of ay element of this struc
ture fom the plae that passes through the obseration point, P,
paallel to the fat atenna is equal to the distace fom the core
sponding element of the fat atenna to the obseration point. One
ca then consider that rays fom the separate points of the atenna
to the observation point, P,ae parallel. The suggested method is
equivalent to the method of Polk, but it is distinguished fom this
by greater obviousness, since the geometrical interpretation of the
approximate solution is used herein. This permits selecting a shape
IEEE Antennas and Pragatn Magazine, Vol. 52, No.2, A||l2010
Figure 1. The feld of a broadside array.

Figure 2.The equivalent circuit of a broadside array.
and the dimensions of the convex structure, in order to remove the
frst aalytical restriction. It also permits changing the denominator
of the integand, in order to remove the second analytical restric
tion, and to refne the results obtained by Polk.
I this article, simple expressions for the calculation of the
measurement error of an antenna's gain are obtained. The eror
depends on the dimensions of the antenna under study, the wave
length, the distance fom the measuring antenna, as well as on the
distribution law for a feld along the antenna. The results obtained
were partly presented in [3, 4] without detailed analyses, and with
out careful comparison with known methods. The detailed aalyses
and comparison with other methods are provided in this aicle.
Measurement erors induced by multiple indirect refections,
gound refections, and unidentifed atennas ae not considered
here. They can be taken into consideration by the method described
in [5], based on a sigal amplitude measurement as a function of
the distance between the transmitting and receiving antennas.
2. The Field of a Uniformly Exited Antenna
Let us assume that the antenna is represented by a broadside
array, which consists of number of radiating elements with identi
cal phase (see Figure 2). At an observation point, P, located along
a normal to the aray's center, the felds fom the antenna's edges
will delay the phase fom the feld of a central element by

m . As is clear from the fgure,
IEEE Antennas and Prpagation Magazine, Vol. 52, No.2, A||I 2010
For 0 a,R,
That is,
If the allowable difference of the phase paths of the individual
antenna elements is equal to 118, i.e., 0 A/16, then Equa
tion (I) follows fom Equation (4).
If the radiuses drawn fom the antenna points to the observa
tion point are paallel, then in order to take into account the delay
of the felds fom the diferent antena elements, the antenna's
equivalent circuit should correspond to Figure 2. Any radius RI is
given by
where likewise to Equation (4),
Thus, in order to have the delay in the felds of different atenna
elements be the same in both circuits, the line of intersection of the
convex antenna area depicted in Figure 2 with the AZ plane must be
a piece of a paabola (with length aJ). The end point of the parab-
ola is spaced away fom the A axis by a distance
J = al/(8R) . Let
us suppose that to a frst approximation, the length of the parabola
is equal to
where is the projection of this segment onto the A axis. Then,
For the case of a rectangular aray with sides al ad a2'
The aea-projection length to the ) axis, similarly to Equation (8),
b2 a2 [1-02/
]. (10)
where 02 = a /(8R) .
The replacement of the feld of the plae antena (with rays
converging to the point P), by the feld of the convex area (with
parallel rays) allows a sigifcant simplifcation of the feld calcu
lations. On the other hand, the feld of the convex uniformly
excited aea, represented in Figure 2, differs fom the feld of a
plane area with paallel rays, which corresponds to an aragement
with the observation point in the far zone. The bigger the ratios
all R and a21 R, the bigger is this diference. One ca estimate the
value of the error of the measurement in the Fresnel zone on the
basis of the diference between those felds.
I order to demonstrate this, the feld of an elementa
(infnitesimal) dipole of length d, with current 10 fxed on its
length, is equal to
8 = j7
where 7 = 120n is the characteristic impedance of fee space, ad
k = 2n/ is the propagation constat of a wave in a air. Accord
ingly, along a noral to a radiator (for B = n/2 ), the feld of the
direct dipole with length al and curent 10 is equal to
k -jk
. oe
80 =

The feld of the dipole bent along a parabola with a q /2 is
K '

J! !V

Note that in order to corect the frst aalytical restriction, in the
upper limit of the integal of , ad2 is relaced by q/2. H order
to corect te second aalytical restriction, the value of M/ R is
added to one in the denominator of the integad.
Within the scope of the physical model used, which considers
the magitudes of k
/ ( 2R) ad x
to be small, ad limit
ing oneself to ters of the same order of smallness, we fnd that
Hview of Equation (8),

For the direct dipole with length ai' the Pointing vector, 10' is
For the convex uniforly excited aea with sides al and a
a a
1 =

6R 18R
where P
is the power density created by the plane aea along the
noral to it. Equation (21) allows the determination of a ratio
beteen the maimum directivity factors for the convex ad plane
atennas (with uniforly excited area):
For exaple, if the obseration point is at the boundary of the
Fresnel and Fraunofer zones, then for al = a
/DO =[0.
- (6)
equal to The above forula taes into account that A ( 6R) 1. The eror
For the cured dipole,
in the directivity measurement in the far-zone boundary in com
parison with measurements in the depth of a far zone is thus about
2.8% (0.12 dB). A result close to this (0.06 d) was obtained in [6]
for a circular aperure. For a twice-smaller distance, the eror will
sigifcantly increase:
/cccAntennas and Prpagatn Magazine, Vol. 52, No.2, A||I2010
at =R),
a )
that is,
which is more than 0.5 dB.
The error, W, in decibels in the general case is equal to
1010gio (n.1 Do) = 4.3
(n.1 Do)
Since for 1^1, I(l 1) 1_ then
According to the analysis as presented, the second ter in paren
theses in Equation (27) is caused by the increase of distance fom
the radiation point of the convex area to the observation point, and
the third term is caused by the phase diference of the sigals fom
these radiators. Both factors result in attenuation of the total signal,
and in a measurable diminution of the directivity. These calcula
tions demonstrate that the third ter is greater than the second
ter, but the second ter is not small, and has an efect on the
magnitude of the gain.
If we neglect the frst ter in Equation (28), for a linea
radiator of length a we obtain
( )
02 a2
WI [dB]=-15.4-
=-15.4 -
Let R = Na2 /). Then, !J. = -0.24 N2 . for N = 0.5; 1; 2; 4 ,
the magnitude !J. is equal to 0.96; 0.24; 0.06; 0,01, respectively.
This is entirely in agreement with the results obtained in [1] by
direct calculation. Note that
that is, logl o
and 10gIO N are related by a linear correlation.
This circumstance was also noted in [1].
IEEE Antnnas and Prpagatn Magazine, Vol. 52, No. 2, April 2010
3. Analysis of Results
Let us compare the results obtained with the results presented
in [2, 7]. For the most pa, the proposed metod is equivalent to
the method of Polk, but it is easier to understand and this saves
occasional mistakes. For exaple, in [7], the diference between
the directivities measured at the infnitely large distance fom the
atenna and at the boundary of the Fresnel and Fraunofer zones
was practically ignored.
Furthermore, in [2], A was taken into account only in order
to calculate a signal phase. I the proposed metod, the infuence
of A on the signal's aplitude is also taen into account. I the
calculation of felds, this makes it possible to consequently limit
oneself by values of the same order of smallness. I the proposed
method, the accuracy of the calculation corresponds to the accuracy
of the determination of the distace between a convex antenna
element and an observation point. Furthermore, in the proposed
method, the diference of the length, q, of the straight segent
between the ends of the parabola and the length, ai
of the parab
ola itself is taken into account. This diference allows for the con
dition where the radiuses are not parallel. The integration in [2] -
which goes, in our notation, fom -ad2 to al /2 - causes an
increase of the antenna's area, and a decrease of the accuracy of the
calculation, i.e., resulting in a ratio n.1 Do the is higher than the
actual value.
The values of the ratio n. 1 Do for the square cophasal aper
ture, calculated by the proposed method and quoted in [2] and [7],
are presented in the Table 1. They prove the earlier remarks. H ca
be seen fom Table 1 that at the far-zone boundary (more precisely,
at the distance that is usually considered to be the boundary
between the Fresnel zone and the Fraunofer zone), the magnitudes
of the gain eror calculated by the proposed method and by the
method of Polk ae practically the same. The eror is close to 3%.
Panalogous result was obtained in [8].
On the other hand, as it is easy to prove, at R 2a2 / ), the
proposed method does not give a reasonable result, since a small
number of terms in the series for the fnctions under the integral
sig was used in the calculation. However, this case coresponds to
a gain measurement deep in the Fresnel zone (far fom the bound
a with the Fraunhofer zone), where the measurement accuracy is
small, since it depends on the radial feld component and on an
oscillating power.
Graphs for the gain error as fnctions of the magitude
= a/ .UR for different values of a
1 al were given in [9]. They
Table 1. Tbe ratio n. 1 Do for a square co-pbasal aperture.
Tbe Proposed Metbod
J [7J
1 0.9724 - )/( 6Ro) 0.9726 1
0.5 0.884- )/(3R) 0.895 0.90
0.25 0.605 -2)/(3R) 0.641 0.61
0.167 0.250-)1 R 0.383 0.31
were made in accordace with Polk's paper. It is necessay to note
that the maximu value of in those fgures was 1.5, which
corresponds to a magitude / = 0.111. At this point, the rela-
tive error is close to 100%.
4. The Field of Nonuniformly Exited
Equation (30) allows determination of the err of gain meas
urements for the case of uniforly exited radiators. Examples of
such radiators are antena arrays with unifor excitation of the
rows ad unifor excitation of the elements in each row. I some
caes, the feld along the coordinates of a atenna's aperture is
distributed according to the cosine law (for example, the feld
along a hom's aerture). Let us consider the feld of a curved
dipole with a at/2 and a curent 1 = 10 cos (1x/ad . The
feld magitude is calculated as earlier under Equation (16). How
As was done ealier, limiting the calculation to magtudes of the
frst order of smallness, we fnd
j1x/at)+exp( -j1x/at)}.
The integation of the expression for Jt gives
The feld of a direct dipole with length at ad with a cosine cur
rent distribution along its length is


1 (20R2)
i.e., the error in the measurement of the gain in decibels is
As can be seen fom Equations (28) and (38), here a eror in the
measurement of the gain is smaller than in the case of a uniformly
exited antenna.
If the excitation falls down to both edges of a array under a
linea law, the magnitude, , decreases more strongly. H is
known that the feld, E
, of a direct dipole of length at with a lin-
ea cur ent distribution 1 = 10 (1-2x/ at) along a is equal to
half of the feld of the dipole with a curent 10, i.e.,
E04 Eoo/2.
For the cured dipole,
-]kA (
=2 f
1-": d
o 1+-
where J wa calculated ealier. M is equal to
It follows that
If the feld along one of the sides (with length at) is distributed
under the cosine law, ad along other side (with length a
) is
fxed, the power density created by a planar aea is equal to
The power density of a non-plaar area with the sae distribution
of felds is
/cccAntennas and Prpagatin Magazine, Vol. 52, No.2, A||l2010
/ -Aq,dB
Figure 3a. The results of calculations of the magnitude of
for antennas with uniform excitation.
b} ADs,dB
J r-
Z U `
Figure 3b. The results of calculations of the magnitude of
for antennas with nonuniform excitation, falling down to the
edges of the antenna under a linear law.
If P4 is the power density created by a planar area with curents
that fall down to the edges of the area under a linear law, then

/4. (45)
The power density of a convex antena with the same distribution
Accordingly, the eror of the gain measurement in decibels is
Thus, if the antenna's aperture is exited nonuniformly ad the feld
falls down to the aray's edges, the measurement eror decreases.
5. Numerical Results
Figure 3 presents the results of calculating the magitude,
, in decibels for a distace R 5 m between the antenna and
the observation point. The magitude, is given as a fnction
/cccAntennas and Prpagation Magazine, Vol. 52, No. 2, Aril 2010
of fequency for different atenna dimensions (in meters), includ
ing 0.3 m, 0.4 m and 0.5 m. For square antennas with a side ai' the
magitude, , is given as a continuous curve; for linear antennas
with length a, the magitude is given as a dashed line. Figure 3a
presents the curves for antennas with unifor excitation, and Fig
ure 3b shows the cures for atennas with nonunifor excitation
falling down to the edges of the antenna under a linea law. The
results of measurements of the eror magitude for a square
antenna with a side of 0.5 m at tee fequencies over a rage ae
denoted by circles. The antenas studied were plana co-phased
broadside arrays of vertical half-wave microstrip radiators with
operating fequencies 6, 8, and 10.4 GHz. The gain was measured
at a distance of 5 m and in the far zone. A measurement at a dis
tace of 5 m was perfored in a anechoic chamber, with a length
of 7.5 m, and at an open metal test bench with a length of about
30 m. Measurements in the far zone were also accomplished using
this stand. The distance between the antenna being studied and the
measuring atenna was 25 m. The error in the gain measurement
was equal to the difference of the mentioned magitudes. They are
shown in Figure 3a. Standard procedures using a vector network
analyzer were used during the measurements.
6. Conclusion
The proposed method of calculating the magnitude of the
error calculation in a measurement of directivity for a two-dimen
sional antenna placed in the Fresnel zone is diferent fom the well
known method. It provides geater clarity. It allows a more-exact
defnition of the error magnitude by means of a more-rigorous cal
culation of the dimensions of an equivalent radiative surface, and
by means of taking into consideration the infuence on the received
signal aplitude of the distances fom separate antenna points to
the observation point.
If the measurng antenna is located in the Fresnel zone of an
antena under study, and the measuring antenna is a broadside
antenna with constant phase, the measured gain will always be less
than the tre gain, since the phases of the felds fom the antenna's
edges will not coincide with a the phase of the feld from the
antenna's middle. The measurement eror is deterined by the
sizes of both antenas. The measuring antenna must therefore have
smaller dimensions. The eror increases with an increase in fe
quency if the atena's dimensions (the geometric dimensions ad
the dimensions in wavelengths) are constant and the distance
between the two atennas is the sae. the case of nonunifor
excitation that falls down to the edges of the antenna, the eror is
smaller than in the case of unifor excitation.
7. References
I. P. S. Hacker and H. E. Schrank, "Rage Distace Requirements
for Measuring Low and UItralow Sidelobe Antenna Patters,"
LLL Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, AP-30, 5, Sep
tember 1982, pp. 956-966.
2. C. Polk, "Optical Fresnel-Zone Gain of a Rectangula Aperture,"
LLL Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, AP-4, 1, Janu
ary 1956, pp. 65-69.
3. B. M. Levin, "Analysis of Antena Characteristics in a Fresnel
Zone," Proceedings of the 13th Interational Seminar/orkshop
DIED-2008, Tbilisi, 2008, pp. 65-68.
4. B. N. Levin, "Antenna Gain and Patter Measurement in a
Fresnel Zone," Proceedings of the 13th Iterational Semi
nar/Workshop DIED-2008, Tbilisi, 2008, pp. 69-72.
5. L. N. Zachariev, A. A. Lemansky, N. I. Turtchin, et aI., Meas
urement Methods of Microwave Antennas Characteristics, Mos
cow, Radio ad Svyaz, 1985 (in Russian).
6. D. J. Bleyer. R. C. Wittman, and A. D. Yaghjian, "On Axis
Fields fom a Circular Unifor Surface Current," Proceedings of
Ultra-widebad Short-Pulse Interational Conference, Brooklyn,
7. V. I. Kopeykin, "To Calculation of a Rectangula Aperture Gain
in Fresnel-Zone," Radiotechnika and Electronik, 12, 1, January
1967, pp. 132-136 (in Russian).
8. B. E. Kinber and N. B. Ceytlin, "On Measurement Error of a
Gain and Patter at Short Distaces," Radiotechnik and Elec
tronik, V, 9, September 1964, pp. 1581-1593 (in Russian).
9. A. Z. Fradin and E. N. Rizkov, Measurement of Antennas-Feed
ers Devices Characteristics, Moscow, Svyaz, 1972 (in Russia).
Introducing the Feature Aricle Author
0t8 cV0 was bor in Saatov, Russia, in Janua 1937.
He graduated fom Leningad Polytechic Istitute in 1960. He
received his PhD in Radio Physics fom the Central Reseach
Institute of Automatic Devices in Leningad in 1969, and the Doc
tor of Sciences Degee in Physics and Mathematics (Russia
equivalent of professor degee) fom St.-Petersburg Polytechic
University in 1993. From 1963 to 1998, he worked for the Desig
Ofce "Svyamorproyekt" of the Russia Shipbuilding Depament.
In 2000-2003, he worked for the Company MAS, Holon, Israel.
Since 2008 he has worked at the Holon Technology Institute.
Dr. Levin has authored three books, 76 original papers in
technical jouals, 43 papers in the proceedings of interational
scientifc conferences, and 37 abstracts of conference reports. He
holds 44 patents. His main research interests are in the felds of
electromagetic theory, the theory of linea antennas, ad atenna
optimization. His major accomplishments have been the analysis,
design, ad development of new antennas. @
0 /cccAntennas and Prpagatn Magazine. VO|. b2, NO.2, A||I2010

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