Sacred Heart Catholic School News 04-22-2013

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APRIL 22, 2013

Sacred Heart Catholic School News

Principals Corner
Dear Parents, Tuition scholarshipsApplications are due May 1st. All families seeking a nancial scholarship must apply annually online at All information must be turned in for the application to be considered. A processing fee is due at time of the application. Scholarship awards will be mailed the 3rd week of May. Reminders: 1. Is your 2013-2014 tuition contract in? Work agreements will be distributed in May and we want to verify our numbers. 2. Is your childs lunch account up-to-date? Check our your household lunch account on Cornerstone. 3. The last May/June lunch calendar and payment is due tomorrow. 4. All tuition money must be paid in full by May 24th. Please make sure your tuition is paid in full in order to be ofcially enrolled for the 2013-2014 school year. 5. Basketball uniforms are still out. Please make sure they are turned in to Mrs. Jandl ASAP. Exciting News for the School

Mission Statement - Sacred Heart Catholic School is dedicated to educating children through high academic and moral standards in a faith-based setting. We achieve this goal through collaboration with our families, parish, and local community.. Events: April 23 - Lunch Menus Due April 24 - School Mass April 25 - Kindegarten Round Up April 27 - Athletic Banquet May 1 - Title 1 Family Night Home & School Meeting May 3 - Gr 1 - 3 Play at Totino Grace Progress Reports, gr 6 - 8 May 5 - 1st Communion 10:00 a.m. May 10 - No School Teacher In Service

With the new building project, we nished one of the four new classrooms for the school. We have started the discussion regarding the possibility of completing one or all three of the classrooms this summer. Our plan is to add either another kindergarten or a new pre k room.
We need your help. In order to make this a possibility, we are looking for school parents, alumni, and parishioners to help volunteer their time and talent. We are also looking for getting some of the materials donated or purchased at a discount rate. Please contact Karen Bursey if you can help.

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MAP NWEA testing Students in grades 1-7 will begin spring MAP testing beginning April 26-May 14th. Your childs teacher will inform you when testing will be for your child. Depending on the grade level, your child will have 3-4 different test days/times in the computer lab. This test is a powerful tool to help us monitor student growth over time. Your child took the test in fall, teachers then shared the results with you and student goals were set so that we could partner with you at home and school to help your child meet his/her targeted growth goals. Please make sure your child is well rested and on time for school. Test results will be sent home at the end of May.

PAGE 2 Family Fun Night and Live Art Auction Update Thank you to everyone who came out and enjoyed a great night with us at!Family Fun Night and our 2nd Annual Live Art Auction! It was such a fun evening! The dinner was yummy, our Middle School room was a success with over half of our MS students attending that evening! Our Lightning Competition was a huge success and many students had fun with our other!free games! Of course the art was amazing and our silent auction items and kids baskets were very popular! Congratulations to the Jordan Family for winning the, "Free Lunch for a Year" from Taher! I am excited to tell you that with the kids baskets, silent auction, live art auction and Taher free lunch rafe...we made roughly $4,500 that evening! Thank you so much for your support! We hope you had as much fun as we did!!

Food for Thought

Please join us at Davanni's in Golden Valley for April Food for Thought. on Monday, April 29 from 4-9pm. This is always a fun Food for Thought because we get our own room and there are always give-aways for the kids! As a reminder, Food for Thought is a fun way to eat out with the family, share in our school community AND our school benets because the establishment gives SHCS a!percentage back from our night of proceeds. Come and join us, I look forward to seeing you!!
Teacher Appreciation Week May 6-10 Have you heard of teacher appreciation week? This is a fantastic opportunity to celebrate the wonderful, dedicated teachers at Sacred Heart. Teachers play a key role in every individuals development and growth. Consider sending your childs teacher a note or card letting him/her know that your child has enjoyed their class and that they have been appreciated throughout the year. Make your teachers day by telling them, even a simple thank you email can mean so much. Our teachers deserve a pat on the back for all the time and dedication to our Sacred Heart Community. Donalds Uniform Sale Thursday, May 30 2:30-5:30 p.m. Gym This is the time to stock up on school uniforms for next Fall. Donalds staff will be available for sizing.

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: 1. TRACK AND FIELD DAY-MAY 24TH (GR. 1-4) AND JUNE 4 (GR. 5-7) 2. 7TH GRADE PARENTS-NEED HELP AT 8TH GRADE GRADUATION RECEPTION-JUNE 3 3. 1ST GRADE PARENTS-1ST COMMUNION RECEPTION MAY 5 Annual Spring Plant Sale PICK UP WILL BE FRIDAY, MAY 10 9:00-5:00 p.m. Summer Kids Club-Information regarding our summer program is now available. We are open June 10August 23rd. Daily rate of $30.00/day. Full and part time available. Screen-Free Week April 29-May 5, 2013
This week in library we are discussing the upcoming Screen-Free Week where children and families around the country and world turn off the TV, computer, video games and more. It's amazing the amount of extra time you may nd that you didn't know you had! Students who choose to participate will be given a pledge card that will go home. Please journal the week, what you did instead of spending your time watching TV, etc. You can do this by writing out what you did, drawing a picture, or print out the journal template on the link attached. All students who participate in Screen-Free week will receive a non-uniform coupon when they return their journal with a parent signature. Exceptions would be work/homework that must be done with a screen. Please return to school May 6th and 7th. For more information or to print a journal template please visit: If you have any questions please contact Mrs. Svien

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