Khawariji Typology

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Khwariji Typology By Ahmad Imran 29th April, 2013

The political economic and theological context and origins of the Khwarijis were described in the work Who are the Khwariji?, therefore this article will discuss types and classifications within the broader Neo-Khwariji movements. Scholars have known of the evolutionary processes that afflict the movement, in that the earlier chief ideologues do differ from the contemporary ones in many aspects and the movement is always in flux and like many political movements the leaders who display one set of political rhetoric yet another set of policies when they come to office. The central component of Khwarijis (Islamist) is to re-define Islam and thus a popular nomenclature would also be Revisionist Islam. Initially there existed a close core of confluence of the religious and political, but now as the Islamists gain power there exists what will be called a Clash of Islamists where the religious and political components of the Khwarijis now, not only openly sit in opposition but have clashed violently over governance, political, religious and leadership issues. Khwarijis maybe classified in three broader categories: 1) Politico-Islamists. 2) Religio-Islamists. 3) Politico-religio-Islamists.

Politico-Islamists short for Political-Islamists may be defined as modern (jadidi) reinterpretation of Islam and derive their primary sources of legitimacy by advocating matters of governance as in establishing a political entity that conforms to their convoluted corruption of Islam. The Politico-Islamists also display a lack of intellectual and epistemological origins and continuity of Classical Islam. The Politico-Islamists are also reactionary specially towards the West and may spew anti-Western or anti-secular venom, however, they want to establish Muslim nations as mirror images of the West. Chief ideologues of the politico-Islamists will include the father of Islamism Jamal ud Deen Afghani, and his student Mohammad Abduh. Other famous Politico-Islamists would include the likes of Rashid Rida, Hassan al Banna, Syed Qutb, Abu Ala Maududi, Iranian Imam Khomeini, Groups will include the Ikhwan-ul-Muslimeen (Muslim Brotherhood) and its many off shoots in many nations including the now ruling parties of Turkey, Tunisia,Morocco and Egypt as of this writing. Many Muslims are unaware of the fact that some militant outfits including Hamas and Hezbollah are also off shoots of the Politico-Islamist movements of the Ikhwan ul Muslimeen. The Politico-Islamist are primarily interested in establishing a modern State and the driving force is the political psychology of control which sometimes resemble Western fascist regimes where there exists false notion of an ordered society. There exist not only political and ideological overlap with Western fascists, but in some cases covert and overt collusion. Refer to the Political-Islamist resources at the bottom of the article.

Religio-Islamists may be defined as modern (jadidi) shallow reactionary literal orthopraxy devoid of intellectual and or/or epistemological continuity of Classical Islam, and as a general rule,

dwell mostly in pseudo-theology even though there exists very scant corpus of literature on the issue by them. Groups in this category include the Wahabis, and their international globalists known as Salafis. Deobandis are rooted in Classical Islam school of Hanafi Jurisprudence and accept Sufism, but in all other aspects resemble Wahabism and thus must be included here. Another group is the AhleHadeeth and as the name implies dwell primarily on the Hadith for interpretation which leads to very rigid, totally devoid of intellect, reason and rationale, view of Islam and the world. Ahle-Hadeeth thus give tremendous importance to Hadith like the Jews give to Mishnah almost equivalent of the Torah itself which is why the Mishnah is called the Oral Talmud, whereas for Muslims the Hadith is what it is; the sayings of the Prophet(PBUH) as narrated by others, but for legal purposes the Hadith is authentic as in what the individual said in attributing to the Prophet(PBUH) and cannot be equivalent to the Qur'an but only authenticates what the Qur'an says but can never contradict or be equivalent to the Qur'an. Further more, Wahabis claim legitimacy by belonging to fiqh (jurisprudence) of Imam Hanbal, yet the resultant Islam that emerges out of this revisionist effort is hideously in sharp contrast to Islam. Classical Islam focused on the love of God (SWT), the Prophet (PBUH), where women could conduct their affairs, but this Revisionist effort calls for fear of God (SWT) and is misogynistic to the core. The entire exercise is thus a ignoble self-contradictory occultist wizardry in retrogressive oppressive view of reality that mimics the xenophobia and bigotry of Rabbinical Judaism of archaic times or Christendom of the Dark Ages. Leading clerics of the revisionist movement would be the much despised individuals like Ibn Taimiyyah,Ibn Wahab, Ibn Jawzi, Ibn Baz and Al-Qaradawi. Please refer to Religio-Islamist resource at the end of the article.

The Religio-Political Islamists are a hybrid of the religio-Islamists and Politico-Islamists in that their approach straddles both in terms of theology, politics and governance in their modern fundamentalism. Theology resembles the shallow literal rigid and reactionary of the Wahabis while political activist zeal of the Ikhwan. The newer groups emerging in this typology are multiplying in every Middle Eastern nation and are very technologically savvy, the most prominent one being the Khilafah Movement also known as Hizb-ut-Tahreer, not to be confused with the historical IndoPakistani movement Khilafat Movement to support the Ottoman Sultan,and a lesser known Pakistani group The Jannat Pakistan Party. Hizb-ut-Tahreer (HuT)in particular is very pernicious in that it is the most secretive in its propagation, even though it has a fairly prominent internet presence but the center or the core practically does not exist. HuT is very effective in visiting Islamic history and individuals, specially when the Broader Middle East is becoming increasingly unstable with the NATO and UN onslaught of interventionism, working on both sides of the Islam /West divide. HuT's origins may lay in Palestine in the 1950's but had laid dormant for most of the time then burst on the scene in the early to mid 1980's with little or no growth (not visible anyways) but with stellar growth post September 11th 2001. The Jannat Pakistan Party (JPP) is the defacto Islamo-socialist party similar to the Iranian mujaheddin-e-khalq (MeK). The flag has a bizarre similarity to the flag of the German National Socialists party popularly known as the Nazis. The JPP is having marginal success with the low income and illiterates of Pakistan. There are other secular socialist and communists party in Pakistan, and the JPP may be an effort to bring their constituencies in the fold of the Khwariji (Islamist) fold. These Khwarijis have therefore expanded to the entire political spectrum of society. The religiopolitical-Islamists are successfully active on social media and take full advantage of the Muslim tribulations whether it be the drones, hot spots like Kashmir, and Palestine, or the obvious flaws of Neo-Conservative and Neo-Liberal policies towards the Broader Middle East. In fact one can say , the

Ceasar-Herod Nexus has been a windfall specially for this group of Khwarijis.

Clash of the Islamists ( Khwarijis)

As stated earlier, observers are keenly aware of the evolutionary processes acting upon the broader Khwariji movement in that the original or foundational Khwarijis were more closer to mainstream Muslims than are the current ones because they wee more acutely aware of the collective (Ijma) positions on most political and religious positions. However the current Khwarijis have deviated more on social,cultural,political and religious norms as they have successfully created a space for themselves in Muslim society. While the political and religious fissures were clearly demarcated even in the beginning, but they were still tightly knit, however ,the contemporaneous ones have begun showing signs of frictions and opposition amongst one another. A unique and interesting phenomenon has emerged where the these disparate groups actively work towards similar goals which shows confluence at strategic levels but there is opposition at tactical levels. Just when the religious marketplace in the Middle East critiques the religio-Islamists they move more toawrds the center on religious matters mimicking nomenclature like Ahle Sunna Wal Jama or plain Ahle Sunnah which fools some but not all. There exists a littany of websites where the Wahabis and Salafis never refer to themsleves as such, but most interestingly go on a offensive against the Political-Islamist like the Ikhwan. In other words, the Salafis are on the defensive and the phenomenon maybe under pressure, so they lauch an invective against the Political-Islamist to cozy up to the mainstream by altering their nomenclaure. The political-Islamist like the Ikhwan have come of age and are enjoying successes. Ikhwanist parties now rule the Modernist Kemalist Turkey, Morocco, Egypt, and Tunisia. Imran Khan may be the defacto Ikhwanist underdog in Pakistani politics specially if the Ikhwanists like Maulana Hafiz Saeed support him. The phenomenon occuring in the Broader Middle East may actually be referred to as the Ikhwanist Spring as opposed to Arab Spring. The Salafis have enjoyed elelction successes but they have to play second fiddle to the Ikhwanists, which has led to open resentment and in some cases open armed conflict. Please refer to the Clash of Islamist resources at the end of the article. Politico-Islamist Resources ( The politicos) %2BAdolf+Hitler&source=bl&ots=gOUHu8Cg1V&sig=uJ8SQ0cRN2wxK6lr4faSCxTfZc0&hl=en&s a=X&ei=Kw18UbnFO47e8wSh-4HYCQ&ved=0CEgQ6AEwBTgo Religio-Islamists Resources ( The relgios) http://www.maaref- Religio-political-Islamist Resources (The All Rounders)

Clash of Islamists ( as of this writing the website went off line) ( went off line today ) ( Hamas killed Salafis) ( Ikhwan dominated house angered by Salafi )

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