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Women are generally considered a burden to the family in our society. To ease such load one has to spend money (dowry) to get the girls married off as early as possible (below 18 years). The adolescent girls are being treated in a somewhat negative perspective and their careers are being ruined. Family members could take little interest in the well being of the children because of poverty and lack of awareness. This often gives rise to the scope of trafficking women and children. This problem exists in our working area also. Coochbehar is close to Bangladesh. Here, in Gobarchhora GP under Dinhata no. 2 block, close to Bangladesh border, it is noticed that teen-age girls are being married off under 18 years. Grooms come here from Hariyana, Gajiabad, Delhi etc. to get married with such girls, with the help of local people. In these weddings the grooms family do not generally demand any dowry. On the contrary, they bear all the wedding expenses even they pay good amount of money to, brides family. But after the marriage there is no communication between the groom and brides family. These girls never come back to their families. They are made to be engaged in prostitution. In the name of such marriage women trafficking is going on. Besides, women are allured for employment and thus they are being trafficked to other places. But at present some change is being noticed for creating awareness about this. Specially, the zeal of the women groups has led to prevent trafficking in some places. One incident is narrated here : Karla village is under Gobrachora Nayarhat GP. Poverty stricken Adhir Barman passed away five years back leaving behind wife, two marriageable daughters and a son. Rekha, widow, of Adhir, maintains her family by working as daily labourer. She requested her neighbours to find suitable boys for her daughters. Bimal, neighbour Ajay Barmans son, works in Delhi. Last August he came home along with a friend from Delhi who wants to get married here. Bimal talked to Rekha and expressed his friends intention. He would not demand any dowry for this marriage. Poor Rekha was happy to know that she would not have to give dowry. Bimals friend met Rekhas daughter and agreed to marry her. In the mean time a group of women came to Rekhas place along with Najrul Pally SHG members. They asked various questions to the boy. But the women were not satisfied with the answers. They were suspicious about him and threatened to hand him over to police. So in the next opportunity he ran away. Rekha was so angry that she blamed the women for her daughters marriage being broken. The women discussed with Rekha, the hazy and uncertain future which would possibly ruin her daughters life. The whole group decided to look out for a good boy meant for Rekhas daughter. At last the women group arranged Rekhas daughters marriage with a boy without dowry. Moreover, the women collected all the money for the wedding ceremony.

Rekha is now happy with the groups activity. She confessed that she was on the brink of destroying her daughters life. She is more happy because her daughter is happily settled.


This is mainly in rural areas that girls are treating as a burden in her families and get married in early age. After marriage there is no relation between groom and brides family. Girl never came back to her family. So, because of unaware family, the girl went to hell. These girls are uneducated also. That is why, trafficking of women rises. a case is also there, in a village, a poor widow, Rekha is having 2 unmarried daughters. So, her neighbor introduces a man for Rekhas daughter. He demanded no dowry and wedding expenses is also beared by him. In mean time, a group of women and self help group member came and asked questions to the man. The women were skeptical about his answers, after some time the man ran away. Rekha blamed the women for breaking the marriage of her daughter. Then, the group of women found a man that demands no dowry and Rekhas daughter marry him. She is now happy. Q1. What is the main problem being a matter of concern discussed in the above case? Ans. following are the problems discussed in this case: Illiteracy Inequality in boys and girls Unawareness Wrong intention side of boy family Poverty Villagers following the ancestors tradition Girls treated as a burden Q2. What is the help done by women group? also give suggestions to overcome these problems as discussed in above case? Ans. Help done women group: Create awareness Shows right path to Rekha and her daughters Making girls future bright by arranging a good person for her Learnt a lesson to other villagers Suggestions By educating girls By awaring rural people for better future of girls Giving knowledge about government schemes related girls education Motivating girls By making association of persons who take care of girls for not marry before 18 years of age Create self help groups

Creating employment opportunities in rural areas


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