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ADDU HIGH SCHOOL Hithadhoo, Addu city, Rep.

of Maldives

Scientific Article June 2013

Expected question from Pre-releasing Scientific Article

For Question number 7 = 30 marks) (6BIO5/01)

7. PARA 7 Explain the peculiarities of mole-rats in connection with life-span and general health. ANS: Generally life span is more in large bodied animals but mole-rats show have a small body size and still have an unusually long life span also they are in the best of their health even at the very fag end of their life. 8. PARA 8 Explain the possible modes of investigations into the longevity of mole-rats. ANS: The best means of investigating longevity of rats is by looking for molecular explanations like response to oxidative stress. 9. PARA 9 State the main correlation between cell damage & oxidative stress. ANS: Accumulation of oxygen containing free radicals occurs over time and these free radicals bind to DNA and proteins and lead to cell to deteriorate and stop to function altogether. 10. PARA 10 State the anomalous relationship between oxidative stress and longevity in mole rats. ANS: Since the mole rats are having a long life span it was expected that they would have low Levels of oxidative damage but actually the reverse is seen but this has no effect on their Well-being. 11. PARA 11 Justify the statement If proteins have the mechanism to maintain their integrity it doesnt matter What stress comes along? ANS: Since one of the main reasons for oxidative damage is due to the binding of free radicals to Proteins which leads to the unfolding of the structure if the proteins can maintain their Structural integrity it doesnt matter what stress comes. 12. PARA 12 State the second important factor contributing to the longevity of mole rats. ANS: The second important factor for the long life of mole rats is their ability to prevent Cancer. 13. PARA 13 What were the means devised by Buffenstein and her colleagues to understand the effect of cancer causing genes? ANS: By introducing cancer causing genes into cell and introducing the altered cell into immune-compromised Mice and noting the observation that they developed invasive tumors within six months but under similar Conditions mole rats did not develop tumors.
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1. PARA 1 Justify that the statement made by biologist Thomas Park is sarcastic. ANS: The statement is sarcastic since the true appearance of mole rats are actually bald, wrinkled and purply pink with near-bind eyes and large yellow teeth. 2. PARA 2 State the uses of mole rats in experimental biology and their nativity. ANS: Mole-rats are useful in the study of regarding oxidative damage due free radicals and also are use In studies regarding cancer. 3. PARA 3 Justify the statement that mole rats are having burrowing habit. ANS: In the lab, the biologist park mimics the conditions of burrowing by having plastic boxes interconnected with long tubes a condition similar to that of natural burrowing tunnels and chambers. 4. PARA 4 Compare social life styles between Mole Rat and insects. ANS: Like insects mole rats live with single breeding queen mating with 13 kings and the rest are workers Who perform duties like defending the colony against predators and house-keeping functions 5. PARA 5 Define the term Poikilothermic and explain why mole rats are called poikilotherms. ANS: Poikilotherms mean cold blooded animals. Mole rats are poikilothermic since they lack an insulating Layer and also they have pigment containing layers in the dermis than in the epidermis. 6. PARA 6 State the most remarkable aspect of mole-rat biology and state the reason for them to receive Scientific attention. ANS: The most remarkable aspect of mole rat biology is their un-usual long life span.

Addu High School, Department of Biology / Scientific Article June 2013/A2

ADDU HIGH SCHOOL Hithadhoo, Addu city, Rep. of Maldives

Scientific Article June 2013

14. PARA 14 What types of mechanisms are seen in mole rats to avoid overreplicating of their DNA? ANS: In mole rats the abnormal cells even though are alive they stop to replicate since the deviant cells are locked away and are unable to replicate. 15. PARA 15 How does contact inhibition play a role in preventing cancer? ANS: When cells of both human and rodent origin begin to multiply in a petri dish the grow till they form single dense layer and at that point they stop to grow this is called contact inhibition- cells stopping grow further when they come in close contact with each other. But in tumorous cells they keep on growing one above the other and form a clump of cells 16. PARA 17 What is peculiar about mole rats long life span? ANS: Mole rats live up to 30 years which is unusually long for rodents also they appear to age little until the very end of their lives. 17. PARA 18 and 19 Name the two scientists who discovered the enzyme that is responsible for long life of DNAs and name the enzyme. ANS: The enzyme is TELOMERASE and the discoverers are Gorbunova and Andrei Seluanov. 18. PARA 20 Justify the statement Early death or short life span prevents cancer! ANS: The enzyme telomerase plays a role in enhancing life span of cells and cancer is nothing but uncontrolled cell division. So an animal living for 70 years has a greater chance of getting cancer than a short living Animal its not such a digestible fact but its true! 19. PARA 21 and 22 What is the reason between for the anomalous relationship between Telomerase activity and common grey squirrel? And draw the relationship between small bodied animals and anti-cancer mechanism? ANS: Grey squirrel is an animal which lives for nearly 24 years and there is no reduction in Telomerase activity and still are not subjected to cancer. And the possible reason could be that they have evolved some another cancer mechanism.
Addu High School, Department of Biology / Scientific Article June 2013/A2

20. PARA 23 What are the two most studied animals in anti-cancer research? And state the reason for the lack of reason in studying them in this regard. ANS: Mice and Humans. The reason that both of these organisms cant actually be used as models for Anti- cancer research is that mice are short-lived and humans are large-bodied. The correct models Would actually be small long-lived animals. 21. PARA 24 State the possible reason for the anti-cancer activity of smaller animals and name the person who proposed this theory. ANS: In smaller animals for avoiding cancer they have evolved and early warning system by genetic mechanisms against overcrowding. The theory was proposed by Gorbunnova. 22. PARA 25 What is the actual control mechanism for cell division in mole rats as regards to cell division? ANS: The actual mechanism exhibited by mole rats against cancer were that they ceased their DNA replication mechanisms at a much earlier stage of their life when compared to humans. 23. PARA 26. Cancer can be controlled by preventing runaway replication. Justify. ANS: Cancer is basically uncontrolled cell-division and the primary cause of this is Uncontrolled Cell Division is Run-away DNA replication so if DNA replication can be controlled then progression into tumorous stage can be prevented 24. PARA 27. And 28 Describe the two-tier mechanism for controlling of cancer in mole rats. ANS: Besides having the usual anti-cancer gene p27 ( also present in humans also) the mole rats have another gene called p16 (exclusively found in mole rats) and this is referred to as two-tier mechanism Present in mole-rats for anti-cancer activity 25. PARA 29 What could be the possible reason for the anti-tumorigenic activity in mole rats? ANS: Contact inhibition is the possible for anti-cancer activity of molerats.
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ADDU HIGH SCHOOL Hithadhoo, Addu city, Rep. of Maldives

Scientific Article June 2013

26. PARA 30 Describe the method by which mole rats could be used directly in devising an anti-cancer drug. ANS. The method would be to find out the signals to promote contact signals in mole rats which could be prompted in humans for preventing tumors

31. PARA 36, 37 and 38. Define stroke. How can mole rats be used in research to find a remedial cure for strokes in humans? ANS. A condition wherein there is lack of flow of blood to the brain is called stroke Since the brain of mole rats can withstand very low levels of oxygen (a condition called hypoxia) due their habitat conditions If the actual mechanism of how this is applied in mole rats and if it could be copied in humans then there could be a possible cure for stroke. 32. PARA 39. What is the difference between the neurons of mole rats and other animals? ANS. Neurons of mole rat are insensitive to very low levels of oxygen when compared to humans. In the case of mole rats the neurons of the brain recover even after 30 minutes of oxygen deprivation!! And in the case of humans 2 minutes of oxygen loss its enough for death of brain cells. 33. PARA 40 & 41. What is the common feature between human fetus and mole rat physiology? ANS. Human fetus does have the capacity to tolerate very low levels of oxygen which is lost as we reach adult hood this tolerance reduces but in mole-rats this ability extends to the end of their life. 34. PARA 42 & 43. What is the factor that favors mole rats? And how can they be used in the research being carried out to treat human ailments like strokes and heart attacks? ANS: The ability of mole-rats to withstand low levels of oxygen which is a physiological adaptation making Mole rats to live in near zero levels of oxygen. And if we study this amazing property of mole-rats By analyzing the molecular aspects then maybe in future we could find remedies to ailments like Stokes & Heart-attacks which essentially involves conditions wherein oxygen supply to brain and Heart in affected severely. 35. PARA 44. How can mole rats be used in first aid against accidents? ANS: The ability of mole-rats to have no apparent pain stimuli to trauma conditions like that of Acid burns etc. can be investigated and if the actual mechanisms are properly understood then they could pay way for pain relief in post trauma conditions.
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27. PARA 31. Justify the statement that mole rats are resistant to chemical stimuli. ANS. The Study of neurobiology of mole-rats shows that they lack a receptor that is sensitive to chemical Stimuli which is unique in itself! 28. PARA 32. Mole rats can be treated as pain killers! Justify. ANS. The most excruciating pain is that of post-surgical pain and if the methods of pain alleviation in mole-rat models could be studied effectively they could be applied to humans to prevent Post-surgical pain. 29. PARA 33. Explain the possible relationship between CO2v concentration and lack of pain stimuli in mole rats. ANS. Generally mole rats live and wallow in burrows wherein the concentration of CO2 is of the range of 5% generally not-withstand able range for humans. And studies reveal that this high levels of CO2 in their habitat has led to the disconnection of pain-stimuli nerves which is an evolutionary adaptation

30. PARA 34 & 35. Mole rats can withstand extreme conditions of hypoxia Justify the statement. ANS. Mole rats can with stand not only high levels of CO2 but also low level of oxygen ( Generally atmospheric levels of oxygen are 21%) but the mole-rat survives in habitats wherein the concentration of oxygen is around 12%- a level in which most humans cant survive and as it can be said that they can withstand severe conditions of hypoxia.

Addu High School, Department of Biology / Scientific Article June 2013/A2

ADDU HIGH SCHOOL Hithadhoo, Addu city, Rep. of Maldives

Scientific Article June 2013

36. PARA 45. What are the uses of research into mole rats behavior and what could be their possible implications in applied research? ANS: Behavioral patterns in mole-rats monogamy & maternal performance can be attributed to levels of hormones like oxytocin levels in the pleasure centers of the brain and their can help in solving problems like autisms in humans. 37. PARA 46. Justify the statement that mole rats can be used in hormone replacement therapy. ANS: Mole-rats dont experience conditions like osteoporosis and if the hormonal mechanisms related to this can be studied in detail then they can be used in Hormone replacement therapy in humans also. 38. PARA 47. How can mole rats be used in prosthetics? ANS: Prosthetics is a study of attachment of artificial limbs wherein the bone is directly attached to the Amputated limb. By looking in the way the incisors of mole rats are arranged which grow directly into the skin of the lips if how this mechanism can be understood then new methods in prostetics could be evolved wherein relief to heal infection and sores could be studied 39. PARA 48. What are gonandotrphins? And how are they related to queens and non-breeder males? ANS: Sexual characters inducing hormones are called gonadotropins. They help in the formation of gonads which help the development of secondary sexual characters. The suppression gonandotrophin- releasing hormones occurs in non-breeding females and also testosterone levels are reduced in males. In queens mating times only gonandotrophins are released in abundance

41. PARA 50. How can we say that in mole rats genetic disorders involving recessive genes are avoided? ANS: By avoiding inbreeding wherein recessive genes tend to accumulate following inbreeding Mole rats avoid recessive gene disordersAN INDICATION TO HUMANS NOT TO MARRY CLOSE RELATIVES!!! (CONSANGIOUS MARRIAGES) 42. PARA 51. In mole rats how is sexual status determined? ANS: By looking for females only we can determine their sexual status because males are drones as in honey bees. 43. PARA 52. Based on the information in this para how can we differentiate between sexually active and inactive female mole rats and how they avoid inbreeding? ANS: Reproductively active females prefer to mate with unfamiliar males while inactive one dont discriminate. 44. PARA 53. Justify the statement that mole rats are indispensable for applied research. ANS: Almost every facet of human ailments can be cured if the various mechanisms of mole-rat are understood like anti-cancer, prosthetics and what not!! They are truly indespensible to applied research. 45. General Question. (a) Define / explain the following terms. (i) Rodents: small mammals with burrowing habit with long incisors) eg: rabbit, mole rat, squirrel, mongooseetc (ii) Telomerase : An enzyme which promotes DNA replication in evry form of eukaryotic life (iii) Contact inhibition: The prevention of cell division when cells grow to a mono layer is called contact inhibition. this prevents the cancer in Naked-mole rats. (iv) DNA fingerprinting: A method which is used to compare and contrast the genetic ratedness between organisms.
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40. PARA 49. What is monomorphic? How can we say that mole-ratss are monomorphic? ANS: single type of body form is called monomorphic. By comparing the DNA fingerprints between individuals in a colony we have concluded that they are monomorphic.

Addu High School, Department of Biology / Scientific Article June 2013/A2

ADDU HIGH SCHOOL Hithadhoo, Addu city, Rep. of Maldives

Scientific Article June 2013

(v) Monogamy: Stick on to one male to one female.marriage bond (vi) Polygamy: One male mating with many females (vii) Hypoxia: Shortage of oxygen leads to hypoxia. (viii) Gene: Unit of DNA coded for specific trait/character. (ix) EMRI: EMERGENCY MEDICAL RESEARCH INSTITUTION- Para 44 (x) LYMPHOMA: Cancer of the lymphs (b) Write about the validity and reliability of the article (c) Give possible suggestions to improve the validity and reliability of the article (d) Quote the complete reference of this article from which it is obtained. (e) What do you mean by copyright 1998 Anatomical Society of Great Britain and Ireland (f) Write about social implications. (g) How the scientific research would affect the nations economy, poor facilities and leads to civil wars.

Prepared by

Dr.Karthikeyen +960 7460198

Addu High School, Department of Biology / Scientific Article June 2013/A2

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