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Result Update | Ceramic Products

April 26, 2013

Cera Sanitaryware
Performance highlights
Y/E March (` cr) Total operating income Operating profit OPM (%) Adj. PAT
Source: Company, Angel Research

CMP Target Price
% chg (qoq) 23.4 1.3 (287)bp 16.7 4QFY12 100 16 15.9 9 % chg (yoy) 57.6 30.1 (278)bp 50.3

`447 `562
12 Months

4QFY13 158 21 13.1 14

3QFY13 128 20 16.0 12

Investment Period
Stock Info Sector Market Cap (` cr) Net debt Beta 52 Week High / Low Avg. Daily Volume Face Value (`) BSE Sensex Nifty Reuters Code Bloomberg Code

Ceramic products 565 13 0.3 478 / 236 7,885 5 19,287 5,871 CERA.BO CRS.IN

Cera Sanitaryware (CSL) reported a strong set of numbers for 4QFY2013. The top-line surged by 57.6% yoy to `158cr, 21.5% higher than our expectation of `130cr. The EBITDA grew by 30.1% yoy to `20.8cr, in line with our estimate of `20.7cr. The EBITDA margin dipped by 278bp yoy and came in at 13.1% mainly due to the rise in raw material cost. Net profit grew by 50.7% yoy to `14cr on account of higher other income and a lower tax expense for the quarter.

Expanded capacity and high brand visibility to aid revenue growth

CSL has expanded its capacity of sanitaryware unit from 2.0mn pieces per annum (p.a.) to 2.7mn pieces p.a. in FY2013 and is planning to expand it further to 3mn pieces p.a. in FY2014. The expansion will thus enable CSL to en-cash on the opportunity emerging from the consistently growing sanitaryware demand owing to factors like urbanization, rising standard of living, changing lifestyle, growing construction activities etc. Simultaneously, high brand visibility, due to consistent marketing efforts (marketing cost has grown at 36% CAGR over FY2008-12), is expected to further boost revenue growth going forward.

Shareholding Pattern (%) Promoters MF / Banks / Indian Fls FII / NRIs / OCBs Indian Public / Others 55.5 5.0 13.0 26.5

Outlook and valuation

We expect CSLs consistent marketing efforts coupled with expansion of its product portfolio (in the tiles segment) to help it post a revenue CAGR of 27.6% over FY2013-15E to `795cr. The EBITDA and net profit are expected to grow at a CAGR of 19.8% and 18.3% over the same period to `108cr and `65cr respectively. At the current market price, the stock is trading at a PE of 8.7x FY2015E. As we rollover to FY2015, we maintain our Buy recommendation with a revised target price of `562, based on a target PE of 11x for FY2015E. Key financials (Standalone)
Y/E March (` cr) Net sales % chg Adj. net profit % chg OPM (%) EPS (`) P/E (x) P/BV (x) RoE (%) RoCE (%) EV/Sales (x) EV/EBITDA (x)
Source: Company, Angel Research

Abs.(%) Sensex CSL

3m (4.1) 5.8

1yr 12.6

3yr 8.7

69.3 258.8

FY2011 243 27.0 27 38.4 18.8 21.7 20.6 5.1 27.4 25.6 2.3 12.1

FY2012 319 31.5 32 16.7 16.7 25.3 17.6 4.1 25.5 23.2 1.8 10.8

FY2013 488 52.7 46 44.3 15.4 36.5 12.2 3.1 29.0 26.7 1.2 7.7

FY2014E 630 29.1 54 17.1 14.4 42.8 10.4 2.5 26.6 25.6 0.9 6.1

FY2015E 795 26.2 65 19.5 13.6 51.1 8.7 2.0 25.2 25.0 0.7 5.1

Twinkle Gosar Tel: 022- 3935 7800 Ext: 6848

Please refer to important disclosures at the end of this report

Cera Sanitaryware | 4QFY2013 Result Update

Exhibit 1: 4QFY2013 performance (Standalone)

Y/E March (` cr) Total operating income Net raw material (% of Sales) Employee cost (% of Sales) Other Expenses (% of Sales) Total expenditure Operating profit OPM (%) Interest Depreciation Other income PBT (% of Sales) Tax (% of PBT) Reported PAT PATM (%)
Source: Company, Angel Research 4QFY13 3QFY13 % chg (qoq) 4QFY12 % chg (yoy) FY2013 FY2012 % chg



45.7 9.9 9.0 27.6


100.4 30.9 29.5 62.8









36.3 39.8 54.4





























9.6 (4.9) 16.7


34.9 7.6 50.3



39.4 28.3 45.3
















Exhibit 2: Actual vs Angel Estimates

Actual v/s Angel's Estimates Total Income EBITDA EBITDA Margin Adjusted PAT
Source: Company

Actual (` cr) 158.0 20.8 13.1 14.0

Estimate (` cr) 130.0 20.7 15.9 11.7

% variation 21.5 0.3 (277)bp 18.9

Expanded capacity and high brand visibility aid revenue growth

For 4QFY2013, CSLs top-line surged by 57.6% yoy to `158cr, 21.5% higher than our expectation of `130cr. The EBITDA grew by 30.1% yoy to `20.8cr, in line with our estimate of `20.7cr. The EBITDA margin dipped by 278bp yoy and came in at 13.1%. The dip is attributable mainly to the rise in raw material cost. Despite the relatively low growth in EBITDA compared to revenue growth, net profit grew by 50.7% yoy to `14cr on account of higher other income and a lower tax expense for the quarter. The top-line for FY2013 grew by 52.7% and came in at `488cr, higher than our expectation of `460cr. The EBITDA for the year grew by 40.9% to `75.3cr, in line with our estimate of `75.2cr, while the EBITDA margin dipped by 124 basis points yoy to 15.4%, owing to higher raw material costs. The company reported a net profit of `46.2cr, vis--vis our estimate of `44cr, while the net profit margin stood at 9.5%, lower by 44bp yoy.

April 26, 2013

Cera Sanitaryware | 4QFY2013 Result Update

Exhibit 3: Revenue growth on an up-trend

180 160 140 120 40.0 37.9 28.1 27.3 28.9 32.8 52.0 55.2 57.6 70 60 50

Exhibit 4: Raw material cost dents EBITDA margin

24 21 18 15 16.4 18.8 16.0 16.5 15.9 17.2 16.5 16.0 13.1 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0



( ` cr)



( ` cr)







60 40 20 0



20 10 0

6 3 0





















Revenue (LHS)

yoy growth (RHS)



Source: Company, Angel Research

Source: Company, Angel Research

Investment arguments
Companys emphasized focus on marketing and high brand visibility
Owing to continuous marketing activities, that has led to greater visibility of the Cera brand, the advertisement cost for the company has been consistently moving northwards. Marketing expenses constitute around 16% of the net sales and have grown at a 36% CAGR over FY2008-12.

Exhibit 5: Marketing expenses moving northwards

60 50 40 43.3 48.0 43.4 18.2 45 35 21.6 8.7 4.9 5.9 4.6 FY2008 Advertisement
Source: Company



(` cr)

30 20 10 0

10.6 12.3 9.7 FY2010

25 19.3 15 5 -5

13.2 11.3 9.8 FY2011 Distribution 14.5 FY2012

8.6 4.7 FY2009


% change yoy

CSL intends to widen its reach by opening more retail formats of Cera Style Galleries which display the complete range of Cera products. Moreover, CSL had a massive media campaign during the launch of its new re-designed logo by employing former Miss Asia Pacific turned actress, Dia Mirza, as the brand ambassador.

Expansion of product portfolio to complete the package

CSL has announced its entry into the tiles segment which is a logical extension of its product portfolio, thereby enabling customers to fulfill their entire bathroom products needs. As per the management, the company is to launch high-definition digital wall tiles with matching floor tiles, besides digital polished glazed vitrified tiles, the manufacturing of which would be completely outsourced. Being
April 26, 2013













Cera Sanitaryware | 4QFY2013 Result Update

complimentary products to CSLs existing product portfolio, it would be easy to penetrate these new products into the market, through utilization of the existing distribution channels. CSL is aiming at a revenue of `20cr from the tiles segment in the first year of launch itself.

Increased contribution expenditure






Owing to changing lifestyles, sanitary products are now perceived as more than basic necessity. Their role has widened to being status statements; thus commanding a higher allocation of the spending budgets of individuals. Increase in disposable incomes of people has been a vital factor supporting the demand for sanitaryware products. Also, requirement of personal space and privacy are gaining inevitable place, subsequently leading to nuclear families. This has led to augmented residential figures, thereby increasing demand for sanitary products. This trend is expected to continue providing sustainable demand visibility for sanitary products.

Capacity expansion of sanitaryware

CSL has expanded the capacity of its sanitaryware unit from 24,000MT (2.0mn pieces p.a.) to 32,400MT (2.7mn pieces p.a.) in FY2013 and plans to further expand this capacity to 3mn pieces p.a at a cost of `100cr in FY2014. This will enable the company to tap and cater to the increasing demand for sanitaryware products.

Exhibit 6: Capacity utilisation of Sanitaryware unit

40,000 35,000 30,000 102 106 90 85 90 120 100 80

(` cr)

25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 0 FY2011 FY2012 FY2013E Production FY2014E FY2015E Installed Capacity Capacity Utilization

40 20 0

Source: Company, Angel Research

April 26, 2013



Cera Sanitaryware | 4QFY2013 Result Update

Following are the key assumptions used to forecast the financials of the CSL:

Exhibit 7: Key Assumptions

Particulars (%) Finished Goods: Sanitaryware Installed capacity (MT) Capacity utilisation Sales quantity growth Sales value growth Sale Price/ unit growth Faucetware Installed capacity (units) Capacity utilisation Sales value growth Tiles Sales value (` cr) Raw Material Sanitaryware value growth Traded Goods value growth Sandstone/clay value growth Brass Ignots value growth
Source: Company, Angel Research

FY2014E 36,000 90.0 17.0 25.2 7.0 900 40.0 25.7 20.0

FY2015E 36,000 90.0 17.0 25.2 7.0 900 50.0 37.5 30.0

28.0 2.9 50.6 13.0

29.0 3.7 29.0 13.0

Exhibit 8: Change in estimates

Y/E March Net Sales (` cr) EBITDA Margin (%) EPS (`)
Source: Angel Research

Earlier estimates FY2014E 528 14.6 34 795 13.6 51

Revised estimates 630 14.4 43 795 13.6 51

% change FY2014E 19.3 (18.3) 24.8 FY2015E 0.0 0.0 0.0

FY2015E FY2014E FY2015E

April 26, 2013

Cera Sanitaryware | 4QFY2013 Result Update

Net sales to grow at a CAGR of 27.6% over FY2013-15E

With the enhancement in capacity and the recent entry into the tiles segment, net sales of CSL are expected to grow at a CAGR of 27.6% over FY2013-15 to `795cr in FY2015E. Sanitaryware contributes ~98% to total sales, which is to reduce to ~94% in FY2015 owing to increased contribution from the faucetware and new tiles segments.

Exhibit 9: Revenue growth momentum continues

900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 243 FY2011 319 FY2012 488 FY2013 630 FY2014E yoy growth (RHS) 795 FY2015E 31.5 29.1 52.7 26.2 60 50 40

(` cr)

20 10 0

Net Sales (LHS)

Source: Company, Angel Research

EBITDA to grow at 19.8% CAGR over FY2012-14E

On the back of strong revenue growth, the EBITDA of the company is expected to rise from `75cr in FY2013 to `108cr in FY2015, ie at a CAGR of 19.8%. The operating margin is expected to correct from 15.4% in FY2013 to 13.6% in FY2015. The dip is mainly on account of rising raw material costs, which the company is not being able to pass on completely to consumers owing to stiff competition from cheaply available Chinese substitutes.

Exhibit 10: Rising raw material cost dents EBITDA margin

120 105 90 75 18.8 16.7 15.4 13.6 14.4 20 18 16 14 12 8 6 4 46 FY2011 53 FY2012 EBITDA (LHS)
Source: Company, Angel Research

(` cr)

45 30 15 0 75 FY2013 91 FY2014E EBITDA Margin (RHS) 108 FY2015E

2 0

April 26, 2013







Cera Sanitaryware | 4QFY2013 Result Update

Net profit to grow at 18.3% CAGR over FY2013-15E

A robust operating performance is expected to lead the bottom-line to grow at a CAGR of 18.3% over FY2013-15 to `65cr. Moreover, owing to capex plans and entry into new avenues, we expect the debt of the company to rise, still placing the debt equity ratio comfortably at 0.2x times in FY2015, and interest cost at manageable levels. Thus the resultant PAT margins are to dip from the current 9.5% to 8.1% in FY2015E.

Exhibit 11: Notable absolute PAT growth

70 60 50 11.3 10.0 9.5 8.6 8.1 12 10 8 6 30 20 10 0 27 FY2011 32 46 54 65 FY2015E FY2012 FY2013 FY2014E PAT (LHS) yoy growth (RHS) 4 2 0

(` cr)

Source: Company, Angel Research

April 26, 2013



Cera Sanitaryware | 4QFY2013 Result Update

CSL, with a market share of 23%, competes with the market leader - Hindustan Sanitaryware & Industries (HSIL; ~41% market share) and the unlisted peer Roca Parryware (~26% market share). CSL with a RoE of 25% and EPS of `51.1 for FY2015E looks attractive vis--vis its competitor HSIL.

Exhibit 12: Peer comparison

Company CSL HSIL* Year FY2014E FY2015E FY2014E FY2015E MCAP (` cr) 565.0 565.0 694.0 694.0 Net Sales (` cr) 630 795 2,011 2,362 OPM (%) 14.4 13.6 16.4 15.8 PAT (` cr) 54.1 64.7 107 121 EPS (`) 42.8 51.1 15.6 20.3 ROE (%) 26.6 25.2 9.6 10.5 PE (x) 10.4 8.7 6.5 5.6 PBV (x) 2.5 2.0 0.6 0.6 EV/Sales (x) 6.1 5.1 0.8 0.6 EV/EBITDA (x) 0.9 0.7 4.5 4.0

Source: *Bloomberg, Angel Research

Outlook and valuation

We expect CSLs revenue to post a CAGR of 27.6% over FY2013-15E to `795cr. EBITDA and net profit are expected to grow at a CAGR of 19.8% and 18.3% over the same period to `108cr and `65cr respectively in FY2015E. At the current market price of `447, CSL is trading at a PE of 8.7x and EV/Sales of 0.7x on FY2015E earnings. Considering the expansion and development plans being undertaken by the company, CSLs returns are expected to rise further and valuations are likely to become more attractive on a forward basis. As we rollover to FY2015E, we maintain our Buy recommendation on the stock with a revised target price of `562, based on a target PE of 11x and implied EV/Sales of 0.9x.

Exhibit 13: One-year forward PE band

550 450 350
(` )

250 150 50
Apr-08 Apr-09 Apr-10 Apr-11 Apr-12 Oct-08 Oct-09 Oct-10 Oct-11


Source: Company, Angel Research





April 26, 2013



Cera Sanitaryware | 4QFY2013 Result Update

Risk from un-organized players: The main risk associated in the sanitaryware segment is from the unorganized and local players. The unorganized sanitaryware manufacturers enjoy the benefit of nil excise duty and sales tax and hence their products are ~70% cheaper than the organized sector products. Increase in excise duties from 8% to current 12% will make products from organized players more expensive. Advent of foreign brands in India is also becoming a threat since increased purchasing power may lead to shift in consumer preferences to bigger brands. Changes in government policy related to housing construction, imports, etc are bound to impact the industry. Further slowdown in the housing segment will impact fresh demand for sanitaryware.

The company
CSL, a Gujarat based company, is the third largest sanitaryware company in the organized sector with about 22% market share in India. Apart from sanitaryware and faucets, CSL also deals in the wellness range, consisting high-end and luxury bath tubs, steam cubicles, shower partitions and shower panels. Of the total sales volume, ~55% of its products are being produced in-house while the remaining 45% are outsourced from other parties, including those from China and Oman. The company has also expanded its brand presence to other related categories like showers, faucets, PVC cistern seat cover, etc. It entered the tiles segment recently which will be completely outsourced.

April 26, 2013

Cera Sanitaryware | 4QFY2013 Result Update

Sanitaryware industry
The Indian sanitaryware Industry, estimated at around `1500-1800cr, contributes to ~8% of the worlds sanitary production. In India, the organized market dominates the high-end products segment but a majority share is still captured by the unorganized segment in the low-end products segment. The industry has a sustained growth rate of 12-14% p.a. due to increasing housing demand, purchasing power and consciousness towards hygiene. India is emerging as the second largest sanitaryware market in the world and is expected to witness robust growth owing to following:

Low penetration in Indian sanitation coverage

Considering Indias dense population, its sanitation coverage is only ~40%, which is considered to be one of the lowest in the world, thus increasing risk of health hazards and epidemics. According to a recent report by UNICEF, 638 million people in India lack proper sanitation facilities. The government of India is keenly focusing on improving the level of sanitation in the country by introducing housing policies, sanitation policies, public toilets schemes, 100% FDI in real estate, etc which are being termed as some of the major factors contributing for the growth of sanitaryware market in India. With increasing awareness towards improving public health, the sanitaryware segment is to enjoy high attention.

Change in lifestyle and awareness in population

Witnessing a paradigm shift in the change in middle and upper class lifestyles in small but significant ways, rising per capita income, increasing awareness about health and fitness and changing consumer mindsets will drive the demand for premium sanitaryware products. The concept of making a clean and hygienic toilet is growing rapidly in those rural areas where a toilet did not even exist until a few years ago.

Wide exports horizon

Indian sanitaryware products are very competitive because of their low production cost, and hence exports from India are also increasing every day. Seven foreign brands like H&R Johnson, Roca and Kohler to name a few, have established their operations in India.

April 26, 2013


Cera Sanitaryware | 4QFY2013 Result Update

Profit and Loss (Standalone)

Y/E March (` cr) Gross sales Less: Excise duty Net Sales Other operating income Total operating income % chg Net Raw Materials % chg Other Mfg costs % chg Personnel % chg Other % chg Total Expenditure EBITDA % chg (% of Net Sales) Depreciation & Amortisation EBIT % chg (% of Net Sales) Interest & other Charges Other Income (% of Net Sales) Recurring PBT % chg PBT (reported) Tax (% of PBT) PAT (reported) Extraordinary Expense/(Inc.) ADJ. PAT % chg (% of Net Sales) Basic EPS (`) Fully Diluted EPS (`) % chg Dividend Retained Earning FY2011 256 13 243 243 27.0 86 29.6 15 18.8 28 21.1 68 28.3 197 46 26.8 18.8 7 39 30.8 16.1 3 5 2.1 36 32.9 42 15 36.1 27 (1) 27 38.4 11.3 22 22 38.4 4 24 FY2012 336 16 319 319 31.5 119 38.0 43 55.7 104 51.8 266 53 16.7 16.7 8 46 16.5 14.3 4 7 2.1 42 14.2 48 16 34 32 32 16.7 10.0 25 25 16.7 4 28 FY2013 513 25 488 488 52.7 214 79.4 58 34.4 141 35.7 413 75 41.1 15.4 9 66 44.4 13.5 7 9 1.8 59 41.3 68 22 32 46 46 44.3 9.5 37 37 44.3 6 40 FY2014E 662 32 630 630 29.1 283 32.2 75 29.1 182 29.1 539 91 20.4 14.4 13 78 18.5 12.4 8 9 1.5 70 18.9 79 25 32 54 54 17.1 8.6 43 43 17.1 6 48 FY2015E 835 41 795 795 26.2 363 28.4 94 26.2 229 26.2 687 108 19.2 13.6 16 92 18.3 11.6 9 12 1.5 83 18.6 95 30 32 65 65 19.5 8.1 51 51 19.5 6 59

April 26, 2013


Cera Sanitaryware | 4QFY2013 Result Update

Balance Sheet (Standalone)

Y/E March (` cr) SOURCES OF FUNDS Equity Share Capital Reserves & Surplus Shareholders Funds Minority Interest Total Loans Other long term liabilities Long Term Provisions Net Deferred tax liability Total Liabilities APPLICATION OF FUNDS Gross Block Less: Acc. Depreciation Net Block Capital Work-in-Progress Lease adjustment Goodwill Investments Long Term Loans and adv. Current Assets Cash Loans & Advances Inventory Debtors Other current assets Current liabilities Net Current Assets Mis. Exp. not written off Total Assets 113 35 78 6 8 15 132 36 6 50 39 1 62 69 176 133 42 90 11 1 15 177 31 8 92 45 1 78 99 216 177 52 125 4 1 21 228 40 9 94 83 1 102 125 277 237 64 172 8 1 28 277 76 12 99 90 1 154 123 332 297 80 217 8 1 35 336 80 15 105 135 1 190 146 407 6 105 112 32 5 14 14 176 6 133 139 41 6 17 14 216 6 173 179 55 7 20 16 277 6 221 228 63 13 13 16 332 6 280 286 73 16 16 16 407 FY2011 FY2012 FY2013 FY2014E FY2015E

April 26, 2013


Cera Sanitaryware | 4QFY2013 Result Update

Cash Flow Statement (Standalone)

Y/E March (` cr) Profit Before Tax Depreciation Other Income Change in Working Capital Direct taxes paid Cash Flow from Operations (Incr)/ Decr in Fixed Assets (Incr)/Decr In Investments Other Income Cash Flow from Investing Issue of Equity/Preference Incr/(Decr) in Debt Dividend Paid (Incl. Tax) Others Cash Flow from Financing Incr/(Decr) In Cash Opening cash balance Closing cash balance FY2011 42 7 (5) (8) (15) 20 (14) 8 5 (1) 3 5 (4) (17) (16) 2 34 36 FY2012 48 8 (7) (18) (16) 15 (20) 6 7 (6) 12 (4) (22) (14) (5) 36 31 FY2013 FY2014E FY2015E

68 9 (9) (18) (22) 29 (37) (6) 9 (35) 18 (6) 3 15 9 31 40

79 13 (9) 38 (25) 95 (64) (6) 9 (60) 7 (6) 1 36 40 76

95 16 (12) (20) (30) 49 (60) (7) 12 (55) 16 (6) 10 4 76 80

April 26, 2013


Cera Sanitaryware | 4QFY2013 Result Update

Key Ratios (Standalone)

Y/E March Valuation Ratio (x) P/E (on FDEPS) P/CEPS P/BV Dividend yield (%) EV/Net sales EV/EBITDA EV / Total Assets Per Share Data (`) EPS (Basic) EPS (fully diluted) Cash EPS DPS Book Value DuPont Analysis EBIT margin Tax retention ratio Asset turnover (x) ROIC (Post-tax) Cost of Debt (Post Tax) Leverage (x) Operating ROE Returns (%) ROCE (Pre-tax) Angel ROIC (Pre-tax) ROE Turnover ratios (x) Asset TO (Gross Block) Inventory / Net sales (days) Receivables (days) Payables (days) WC cycle (ex-cash) (days) Solvency ratios (x) Net debt to equity Net debt to EBITDA Int. Coverage (EBIT/ Int.) (0.1) (0.3) 14.4 0.1 0.2 11.4 0.1 0.2 9.3 (0.1) (0.2) 9.6 (0.0) (0.1) 9.8 2.1 65 54 115 50 2.4 105 52 108 77 2.8 70 62 90 64 2.7 72 52 104 27 2.7 75 62 101 31 25.6 35.7 27.4 23.2 30.5 25.5 26.7 32.6 29.0 25.6 32.7 26.6 25.0 32.7 25.2 16.1 0.6 1.9 19.8 5.4 (0.1) 18.3 14.3 0.7 1.8 17.4 6.4 0.1 18.1 13.5 0.7 2.1 19.4 8.8 0.1 20.2 12.4 0.7 2.6 21.6 8.8 (0.1) 20.8 11.6 0.7 2.5 19.8 8.8 (0.0) 19.5 21.7 21.7 26.1 2.5 88.2 25.3 25.3 31.4 3.0 110.0 36.5 36.5 43.9 3.0 141.8 42.8 42.8 52.7 3.0 179.9 51.1 51.1 63.5 3.0 226.3 20.6 16.6 5.1 0.6 2.3 12.1 3.1 17.6 14.2 4.1 0.8 1.8 10.8 2.7 12.2 10.2 3.1 1.0 1.2 7.7 2.1 10.4 8.5 2.5 1.0 0.9 6.1 1.7 8.7 7.0 2.0 1.0 0.7 5.1 1.4 FY2011 FY2012 FY2013 FY2014E FY2015E

April 26, 2013


Cera Sanitaryware | 4QFY2013 Result Update

Research Team Tel: 022 - 39357800



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Cera Sanitaryware No No No No

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Ratings (Returns):

Buy (> 15%) Reduce (-5% to -15%)

Accumulate (5% to 15%) Sell (< -15%)

Neutral (-5 to 5%)

April 26, 2013


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