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Nikki Hidden from the World I was about 5 when the massive earthquake happened and too little

to remember. I lived in what used to be Italy when it happened, now I live in what used to be Canada. All that I know is a huge earthquake occurred, and I lost my dad that day. In the year 2366, not too long ago, a recreation of Pangaea took place. A tectonic plate boundary fell apart and made Pangaea for the second time. What used to be the seven continents is now New Pangaea. Lots of people died that day, it was like the 9/11 of the 24th century.

To prevent any other disasters from happening, a man named John Gates invented a wall that only surrounded part of New Pangaea. It kept us from the outside of our new world. Nine years later, I was walking on Main Street, and I knew something very bad and life changing was going to happen. All of a sudden, a huge tornado from outside the wall came out of nowhere. I hid for cover, and the next thing that I knew, a piece of the wall broke off. I ran straight home into my kitchen, Mom! Mom! Mom! A piece of the wall broke off because of the tornado! What tornado? Lisa, are you OK? she said absolutely sure that I had lost it. You didntWait! I think because of the wall, the tornado was just a minor one! I was completely amazed. I was the only one who knew what really happened. Not even telling my mom why I demanded she take me to the presidents house on the eastern side of New Pangaea. He lived in what used to be Germany. As soon as we got there, I told the president to come with me. I took him straight to the piece of the wall that got torn off. He was amazed at what he saw. I think we should knock down the wall for good. He had some very tall police men measure the whole wall, and then he got out his phone and called his supplier, for all of the wood and metal he would need. After that, he called the most successful business in town. They sold big trucks like; excavators, tractors, and off highwaytrucks. He must have ordered at least 25 different trucks, and at least 96 different parts. I think Mr. President probably can have this project done

in at least 11 months. After a while of pay bills and paperwork the project finally started. In the first week of tearing down the wall the president and I managed to get 6% off. That is a lot in the first week. In the second, week we got 21%. Considering that we only have 11 months, which is tremendous. In the third week, we had 49% taken off. In the first month all together we had an outstanding score of 79%. I thought we could get it done in the first two months. Just then, disaster struck. The president was standing underneath an excavator with a huge piece of metal. It broke and fell on top of the president, and he died at the age of 41. We called his wife, and she ran straight here with her two kids Tasha and Bob. We had a funeral and after that, we decided to finish the wall in honor of the president. In the next week we had a total of 88%. The very next day, we finished the wall with 97%, the other 3% was used to make a statue in his honor. The very next month, we had a museum so people could see the statue, the excavator that crushed the president, and the document he signed when we decided to knock down the wall. When I went home that day I wondered when I will do my next project. We did the impossible and created a new life style for the civilians of New Pangaea.

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