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~FOREVER WITH PEACE~ {PROLOGUE} In life, we have all been through the stage where one encourages you

to choose what you want in your far existence. You know that saying 'What you want in life, is what you choose to make it'. In my verdict, I think life is all about what happens. What happens out of love, what happens out of curiosity. What happens because of your strong desire to accomplish your perseverance. My story begins with the conflict of choice, the yearning of my inner goddess battling between the choice of which life I long desire. It began with the necessity of my body convulsing ferociously; the blood in my system leisurely congealing into blobs. I have never experience something so exquisite, it felt so painful and yet, there was a strange cold sensation that warmed my heart. The comfort it provided only enhanced my longing. It is what makes me want it so bad, bad enough to give up all I have. I took a deep impatient breath through my stifling nostrils; my chest rose and fell as I gradually exhaled through my clenched teeth. My throat swelling and tightening. This is the beginning of my desire, it started with the inquisitiveness of being in the darkest of the midst. I did not know that wanting something so passionately will lead to this. Every minute of each day, There is something within me that longs for this intimacy. I have learned to connect with the power of my inner being. When it takes over me, it makes me feel... alive. I swallowed hard; My throat ached and throbbed, colliding with every breath I took. Panic shot through my veins. My pulse quickened, giving me a little muscular contraction transmitting me into a spastic zone. My hands flew up to my chest, compressing tenderly. My heart slowly motioned, I froze. I can already see it, it was like being buried in the deepest of the abyss and the only thing you can see was a bright light bulb slowly illuminating your whole presence. I can see it in the back of my eyes, and can feel it right at the tip of my toes. I welcomed it with full contentment. I gave myself willingly, my senses fading, I laid there, completely motionless. I let it take me. I let the oblivion takeover, I gave myself into the nothingness.


~Hearts are restless till they rest in thee~ After pulling my running gear on I quickly fled down the stairs, making my way up to the front door. I paused on the door knob looking back upstairs once more, and then slowly pulled it shut. I turned on my heels and fished out my iPod from my front pocket as I calmly rushed down the driveway, switching to Amy's favorite playlist. I love her taste in music. Even though I tease her about it all the time. Amy always sings along to them when we are at home or in the car, and she does this little dance, its pretty cute. I got up early this morning debating on whether to leave Amy, still sleeping; while I go for a quick run. After last nights restless sleep I couldn't bring myself to disturb her. She finally looked so peaceful when I left. I should probably be here for her when she wakes; but my back is feeling a little stiff you know. My mama always said you gotta do what you gotta do. I better make this a quickie, just around the block. I started jogging, picking up my pace as I go. I couldn't wipe the ridiculous grin off my face when Swim Good by Frank Ocean started playing. I recorded her singing this about a week ago. I am glad she hasn't figured it out yet, because shes hands down Beyonce good! she obviously doesn't think so but damn...I could listen to her all day. I got carried away with the lovely Saturday morning breeze, a quickie around the block turned out to be a marathon around the neighbourhood. I left the house at around 7:30, but when I re-entered it was quarter to nine. I flew up the stairs entering the bathroom for a quick shower. The water was perfect. I wonder what Amy dreamed about last night, she even mumbled a few words that I didn't quite catch. By the time I got out of heaven it was 9:15, I guess I get carried away with everything. I slipped back in the bedroom and pulled on a fresh pair of tracksuit bottom, and quickly made my way back to her. Amy was sweating and stirring, my eyes widen. She looks so ... Ah Jesus. I

cursed under my breath. I started to panic " Shit... Amy what do I do?" I grabbed her by the shoulders and lifted her upper body to mine and gently shook her and crying out her name. "Amy please get up! Don't do this to me". Get up, Amy!" she opened her eyes, I gasped, and they quickly shut.

~When the heart speaks, the mind finds it indecent to object.~ He grabbed me by the arms and pulled me closer to his chest, shaking me slightly while he cried out my name. The arrhythmical beating, of my heart was the only source of reminder of my waking, slowly bringing me back to reality. My eyes flung open, long enough to see the horrid look on his face, and quickly shut. I can hear the concern lashing through his pleases as my adrenaline slowly subsided. The supernatural ability vanishing and the strong force shifting my entire body into the weak human flesh. Slowly lifting my heavy lids I started blinking furiously, a part of me wants to be angry, but he doesn't deserve this...he doesn't deserve any of this. The moment my eyes landed on his caribbean blue I couldn't help the bile that rose in my throat; settling uncomfortably, like my professors gigantic Adams apples. My heart clench, squeezing so tightly I thought it would combust. I grazed my inner cheeks and bit into them fighting the urge to not cry. No, no Amy please dont cry he pleaded. I remember at the age of six, every month my father used to take me down the street to the ice-cream truck. When we got there, he would make me scream at the top of my lungs how much I love the vanilla flavour and how much I wanted it; then he would say: "You know sweetheart, there will come a time where nothing matters more than what you are assigned for; one day you will be strong, you will want it more than this vanilla ice-cream. Just remember, every good thing comes with a price, it takes sacrifice. As for now enjoy your ice-cream". I didn't know what that meant until five months ago; where I was united with my father's kingdom. I've searched for this land my entire life, I didn't know it was my destined, where I belonged. It is so beautiful you cannot

dream of it because there is no vision to fulfil your imagination. It is where perfection is an understatement. In reality, there is nothing more precious to me than him. I know I have already made that ultimate sacrifice the day I gave in. Choosing the life I wanted so badly over my best friend. But it cannot end like this. It just can't. I can't bear to ever lose him. I reached out and gripped the hands slowly wiping the tears from my cheeks. My lips curled up into a dreamy smile, gazing up into this beautiful men's deep caribbean blue. "Hey Jacob" I said unconsciously, now smiling like an idiot. He drew his well trimmed brows together with a confused expression on his face. "What? He breathed, looking hurt for a split second. "Amy, who's Jacob?" He scanned over his shoulders. Left, then right. Slowly turning his head back to me, his pupils progressively followed after. He glared at me like a lost child. That's when I really woke up. I looked away from his intense gaze feeling the heat rise on my cheeks; and I know damn well who jacob is. Sorry kellan, bad dream, I lied. I shrugged and flung my arms around his neck gripping my opposite elbow with my right hand holding him in a tight embrace. That bad, huh? Kallen chuckled. Its okay Amy; do you want to talk about it? I buried my face into his neck and shook my head. Last night was unbearable. how can you explain the impossible yet possible without driving away the only person that truly matters in this world. I hope you haven't been watching the twilight series again. You know how that makes me feel. he growled. I huffed and silently giggled. Kallen removed one of his hands from my waist and started drawing stars on my back, it felt nice. I dont want to let go of him. And with that, I couldn't stop the hot tears rolling down my face.

~But better to get hurt by the truth, than comforted with a lie.~

I am so glad Amy is okay, she even giggled a few times. I think I died just about ten times at the look on her face when I was trying to wake her up. Its safe to say that I reacted like a little girl, not knowing what to do. Maybe growing up with a sister would have been helpful, but being an only child and allI took a deep breath and sighed. Something really must have bothered Amy last night; but I cant ask her in detail, not just yet anyway. Amy held a firm grip on my neck, so tight that she probably thinks I would vanish if she lets go of me. It doesn't bother me though, I like it when she holds me, and I like being near her. Amys long shiny black hair smells like Vanilla; its burning my nostril; especially when shes this close to me. She shifted from the bed up to my lap, never letting go of my neck. Her soft small hand still buried in my hair. She removed her head from my neck and places it on my chest now gazing up at me; I stared right into her hazel green eyes, never breaking contact. Shes so beautiful, even after what seemed to have been a horrid dream. I smiled down at her and pulled her tighter and she buried her face under my chin, my smile widened as I pressed my lips to her temple. We sat there in silence, a comforting silence.

~What you do to me, before the rainbow ends~ For what seemed like half an hour later; Kallen patted my back. Come on Amy, let's go have some breakfast I didn't want to get up yet so I moved from his lap, now straddling his hips, my arms tightened around his neck. Kallen chuckled and with a quick swift, he got up with my body wrapped around him. "Nooo" I started protesting, not such a good idea to straddle him, it only gave him an easy excess to carry me. And In no time we were down stairs. Kallen unwrapped both of my arms and legs and gently lifted me up on the counter; he gave me a quick peck on the cheek before strolling of towards the fridge. Alright, Amy; what would you like for breakfast?" he turned his head around from the fridge to gaze up at me with a huge smile playing on his perfectly sculpted face.

"Omelettes" I grinned back. "Coming up" He shook his head knowingly before turning back towards the fridge. I knew omelettes were the only thing Kallen was good at making, I bet he was praying to God that I didn't say anything else. I watched Kallen work in the kitchen, with my favourite ghost smile playing on his breathtaking face. His muscles flexing is every direction. I couldn't take my eyes of him; I was practically drooling at the sight of my best friend. His good looks are so unfair! I tried to drag my gaze away, but only succeeded in turning my head; my pupils remained exactly where they were. Kallen caught me staring at him; his lips turned up on the side, but didn't say anything. He grabbed both plates from the stove and placed them on the counter beside me; he propped up on one of the stools and gazed up at me. Enjoying your view? he chuckled. I pushed his shoulders slightly. You were checking me out Amy, I mean how could you not. He smirked. I was not! I gasped and slapped his arm this time before scooted in the stool next to him. After all my good looks are so unfair Kallen chuckled. My eyes widened You heard that!?... how? What? did I say that out loud? he just stared at me, I wanted to wipe the huge smirk playing on his perfect face. I huffed and glared at him. His lips twitched and burst out laughing. Kallen was howling uncontrollably next to me. I crossed my arms and bit into my lower lip to stop myself from joining in; but failed miserably when he didn't stop. Not. Funny. I choked in between laughter. Which only made him laugh harder. I am pretty sure we even forgot why we were laughing. Everything just seemed funny after that. Moments later we were both holding our

stomachs and inhaling long deep calming breaths. I am glad you find me amusing kallen. Good God, you have no idea. he breathed. Kallen turned back to me slowly with creased eyebrows and tucked a strand of hair behind my ears. I love your laugh Amy. Nothing compares he said, before lowering his hands back down. My heart melted. I glanced at me him, with an eyebrow slightly lifted. He was now completely zoned out, he looked like he was in deep thoughts. Er, Earth to Kallen I snapped my fingers in front of him. Amy... his voice slightly cracked. Startling me. ...about this morning I... I was so worried about... Y-you left me, wh-where did you go? I stuttered, almost tearing up. The moment I said that, I wish I didn't. Kallen woke me up this morning, how could I have known that he left. I was just so overwhelmed, today was a bit different. Kallen stiffed and glared at me with wide eyes. Amy I am so sorry I...Please say you forgive me, I am sorry I didn't know what to do and He trailed off; I nodded, not trusting my voice to speak again. He lowered his head and stared at his hands, clearly blaming himself for everything right now, it was heartbreaking. I just wanted to hold him, feeling guilty for bulging in like that. No Kallen I reached out and lifted his chin, until hes eyes met mine. Listen, its not your fault Kallen. I am sorry; I shouldn't have scared you like that, and thank you. I whispered. I reached and snaked my arms around his neck, he pulled me tighter into his bare chest and I blushed, hoping this hug would last till it subsided. Lets eat before it gets cold he mumbled into my ears.


~Nothing compares. Shh, my heart aches too~ "Amy?" "In the bathroom, I'll be right there" Amy called out. "Alright" I yelled back. We are headed out to my apartment to pick up more of my clothing, which is only five minutes from Amy and Katherine's apartment. After breakfast, Amy has agreed that I stay with her for another week. Well, actually she said she will be fine all alone, but I insisted. I walked back upstairs after clearing the dishes to comb my impossible hair. I knocked on the slightly open door before pushing it; My eyes trailed up and down quickly then immediately locked with Amy's in the mirror. She's wearing a white dress shorts and a tucked in navy thin strap top, with little white anchors on them. "Hi" she squealed. My heart leaped out of my chest. I can feel the heat on my cheeks, but thank God for my fair skin, which made it less noticeable. I smiled and released the breath I hadn't realized I was holding. How can she do this to me! My body goes into a frenzy from the little things she does. I focused on taking one step at a time, slowly strolling towards her. Not long before I realized Amy was digging into my pocket. "What are you doing!" I yelped and jumped a meter away. She frowned at me,"Kallen your phone is ringing" Amy cocked an eyebrow and held out her hand. She mouthed 'Clay' as I took the phone. "Er..h-hey, Clay" I stuttered. Looking down on the clear glass bathroom tiles. " Yea, I am fine, what's up?" When I lifted my head they met a huge hazel green drilling into my carribean blue. She narrowed her eyes and dragged them up to my head before pivoting back to the mirror and brushing her hair. I stood watching her intently already forgetting I was on the phone. "Wait, sorry Cal. What did you say?" I saw Amy's lips twitched in the mirror. "Um... no, we are just headed out for a bit". Amy opened the

drawer in front of her and placed my comb beside her on the counter."Yea sure, we'll drop by. Cya later". I snapped my phone shut and shoved it back in my pocket. I slowly walked towards her, I stood closer than I intended to, before wrapping my arms around her waist from behind. "Amy" I whispered in her ears" And she shivered, leaning back against me. I smiled to myself know that I have that effect on her. She stop mid brush and locked eyes with me in the mirror." I know you don't like going to Clay's so much, but I really want you to come with me today, I promise I won't leave your side". Closing my eyes I inhaled her exquisite strawberry hair and harshly exhaled. Slowly untangling myself I grabbed my comb and started combing my hair. "I like you with short hair" I froze mid air and looked down at a now smirking Amy, so typical. I rolled my eyes and continued combing. I gotta call Mike this week to get a fresh cut, just how she likes it.

~"A creature of it own mind. A beast of its own kind"~ "I am going to wait in the car" I announced "Amy, his in the backyard, I promise" Kallen signed "Kallen he is a humongous dog". I whined As much as I would like to go inside I just can't face Skittles. I haven't even seen Clay's backyard. Well I was about to, until I discovered he had a dog. Skittles lunged himself on me, but missed because I pulled the back door shut before he could attack me he smacked his face on the door and growled. I don't think I have ever seen such an aggressive creature in my entire life! And, I could have sworn he barked, "I'll get you next time Amy!" Kallen laughed at me that day until I told him I would never come to Clay's with him again. That shut him up alright. "Please Amy" he bagged

"I don't care, his huge and I think billy would appreciate it if Clay leaves skittle with him while I am at his place." Billy is Clay's 15 year old neighbour, he's a cute kid, quite a charmer. He has a passion for animals. But me on the other hand would bolt at the sounds of any living creature. Before I could react, Kallen bent down and scooped me into his arms and threw me over his shoulder before kicking the door of his sleek black Chevrolet Corvette shut. I squealed and started kicking and screaming while pounding on Kallens back. My face was almost directly on his butt. Although it was quite a fantastic view I might say. I continued to squirm, I didn't want him to know I was enjoying it too much. "Put me down you baboon! I yelled swatting his behind. I felt Kallen's back rumble with thunderous chuckles, sending cold chills shivering down my spin. Almost on cue I held on tighter as we approached the Welcome sign on Clays platform. More like "Welcome and keep watch of the big bad wolf." I started shaking slightly while sternly commanding Kallen to put me down; I didn't realize I was almost yelling when he gently bent down so I could slide of his shoulder. "Alright Amy, I heard you. Now shh okay?" Kallen was a good 6ft6 with my little frame he had to almost Kneel for my foot to touch the rough mat on clay's front door. Before I could settle my feet on the ground, I stepped on what I thought was a rock causing me to lose my footing. "Oh, shit!" Kallen reached out and snaked his hands around my waist pulling me closer to his chest. I buried my face into his chest before peeking up at his face. Kallen was smirking down at me, I could tell he was suppressing himself from laughing, I didn't understand why before ... oh shit indeed. "I always knew you had it in you" I grunted and silently begged with my eyes for him to not tell Griffin or I

would never hear the end of this. I cupped my face with both hands and buried it into Kallen chest before letting out the longest wail. Griffin though it was amusing when I swore, he always pushed it to the next level to see if he could get anything other than crap out of me. The door swung open startling both of us. When I lifted my head, kallen was no longer looking at me; the expression on his face changed from carefree to looking vexed. I tried to free myself from his tight embrace to get a better look at what caused his mood to change all of a sudden. Kallen didn't let go of me so I slowly spun around in his arm to face Clay, who was also looking at Kallen with an intense glare, but quickly covered it when he realized I was giving him a questioning look. Kallen immediately let go of me and ushered me through the front door. Weird. The tension between the boys was still evident. I looked up at Kallen, wanting to ask him what that was all about but. He glanced at me and quickly spoke up, almost like he sensed my question. ", what's going on Clay?" Kallen asked sounding a bit confused as to why we were here in the first place. I knew he couldn't recall the conversation he had with Clay this morning, which caused me to snicker. Kallen poked me in the ribs probably thinking I was trying to not laugh at his awkward remark. A loud holler came from the living room followed by an endless "In your face Kell Kell, In your face!" Upon hearing his loud mouth I couldn't wait to leave already. The Guy I would so much love to use as a punching bag just happens to be in Clays lounge, watching NBA from what I could see from the long distance. Kallen walked over to the sitting room, I trailed behind him, but made sure to keep my distance. Peeking in the living room, I saw the beginning of the human evolution jumping around like he had ants in his plants. Almost on cue skittles started barking in unison to Griffins pandemonium hullabaloo. After witnessing the bizarre moment, I wasn't so sure who the beast of this house really was. The moment Griff laid eyes on Kallen, he was no longer next to me. Griffin grabbed Kallen's face and kissed him on the forehead. "In your face dip-shit, you owe me five

bucks!" he stated proudly holding his hand out. Kallen chuckled and smacked griffin on the head. "Let just hope you'll put it to a good use and wrap it up Griff" Scratching his head like he was trying to figure out why a rock would not float if you threw it in the air; poor griffin looked Confused as ever. "Ah, whatever kelly, I just want my five fucking bucks, in notes kung fu panda. Wasuuu!"

~Spitting Venoms~ He holds her like he owns her, ugh makes me want to spit venoms... I can feel the hair on the back of my neck standing up at every word he spoke to her, the temperature rising every time he scooted closer to her, who does he think he is? Clay thinks he can charm his way in everything, especially with the seductive look he was giving her; and the way he throws his head back with an excessive laugh whenever she says something funny. A part of me was happy that Amy had a no dating rule. I know it's foolish and selfish of me to think that; but I am still trying to figure her out. Picking on my burger, I watched him handle Amy as though she was a Christmas snow globe. I am sure she wouldn't break if he doesn't have his hands on her somehow. I wanted to smack myself for having these awful thoughts, but I couldn't help the feeling in my stomach. I don't know what it is, but all I know is that it makes me wish I had one of those sticks in that movie. The one with Ed Sheeran, and the other boy, I forgot his name... Oh yeah Harry or Potter, I can't remember which. So I could struck the living shit out of the arm that clay had casually slung around Amy's chair. He knows she is off limits; besides, friends don't cheat on friends. With the corner of my eyes I could see Amy giving me death glares; I don't think the tension in this room can get any muffler than a steaming hot bathroom or even worse if I don't get out of here.

"Excuse me guys, sorry. I am actually not that hungry." I got up and walked over to the lounge and switched on the Television; I don't actually understand why people watch this animated box. Other than NBA with Griff, Matt, Clay and Quinton I don't think I can handle keeping up with a TV shows or watching one of those documentary shit. After flipping through all the channels almost three times, I settled with watching the NBA highlights Not long before I heard Griffin mumbling a few curse words to himself. Griffin is a hell of a funny guy, one of the reasons why he's one of my best mate. Life is incomplete without a Griffin. "Amy where's Kay Kay?" I heard him ask. Peeking over to where Amy stood with Griffin looking like a lost puppy while Clay cleared the table, I couldn't help the chuckle that escaped my lips. Griffin was such a wimp when it came to Ket. "Ketarina is with her boyfriend Matt, visiting her parents in Italy, remember?" Amy informed Griff, emphasizing the word "boyfriend" so griffin would get the idea, but as long as Matt is in the sentence I don't think the word boyfriend is classified in Griffins vocabulary. "Oh yea douchbag thinks he can do whatever he wants with Kay Kay doesn't he" Griffin mumbles I chucked walking over to Griff and slinging my arms around him "No Griff, the ticket you contributed to is what got her there." Griffin scoffed "Yeah, if I knew sleazeball was going with her, I would have never given my gold coin!" "Hey! quite is Griff, Matt is your friend." Stated Clay. "Friends don't cheat on friends play dough" I couldn't control my laughter after that, the look on Clays face was priceless.

"Who cheated on whom Griff?" I asked in-between laughter. "Douchebag created on our friendship and took the only lady specifically planted on this good gracious earth for me," he said, slamming his fist into his chest. Like I said, life is incomplete without a Griffin. "Anyway, um... Clay, you called me this morning, but I don't recall the reason; busy morning I guess" I said shrugging. "Er, Griff wanted to shoot some hoops, you in?" "Yea sure, tonight?" Griffin and Clay were looking at me as though I grew another head. So I quickly added "I promised Amy we'd" Damn, I should have thought before I opened my mouth. I couldn't exactly tell them we were grocery shopping so we could watch the Notebook tonight. "We uh...we got a few errands to run beforehand." The boys clearly not understanding so I told them to call Quinton and maybe someone else because Matt is absent; and we'll be there at 5. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The moment we got back in the car, Amy pinched me on the arm. Hey! What was that for? You and Clay, what was that all about? Huh? What about me and Clay? Don't play dumb kallen I don't know Ams. Its nothing, I promise She slammed herself back on the seat clearly frustrated. Hey babe, look at me I lifted her head with my index finger, turning it till she was facing me.

Strawberry, or Vanilla? Vanilla She replied immediately with the biggest smile Ive seen her wear in a long time. ha! works all the time. You still want to watch the Notebook right? She replied with a slight nod. Okay, but we have to go grocery shopping and then shoot some hoops with the boys first, is that okay with you? She nodded again, still smiling. So cute.

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