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Isai Aguilera ENGL 1102 Mrs. Keaton April 15, 2013 Annotated Bibliography Tileston, Donna Walker.

10 Best Teaching Practices: How Brain Research, Learning Styles, and Standards Define Teaching Competencies. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin, 2000. Print. In this book, 10 Best Teaching Practices, the author summaries and gives a lot of explanations about how the brain works and the importance of teachers being able to recall the information and give a practice in which the students can learn from. The author states that we live in a time where a revolution in education is occurring and through brain research and technology, people have unlocked many of the reasons why some children experience a difficult time in learning. While reading this book, in chapter 2,the author addresses the need for wide repertoire of teaching techniques so that all students regardless of leaning styles being successful. I got a basic understanding of mainly three different teaching styles that the author describes. The author actually calls them modalities instead of styles. The author explains learning modality as sensory channels or pathways through which individuals give, receive, and store information. The three modalities that the author explains are: auditory, visual, and kinesthetic as well. She also explains the attention span of a student in a class and how a teacher should work around the timing in order to capture the students attention. I can use this source in my work whenever I need to explain the main different teaching methods that there are. The author gives some tips on how to change their teaching methods and

adapt to their students learning methods. I can also include some information about the attention span students have in a classroom from this source. While lecture has its place in some courses, it should be used only in short segments, 20 minutes or less, depending on the age of the students. (13) There are three primary learning modalities that make up the learners in our classrooms: auditory, visual, and kinesthetic. (14) These students make up about 20% of the classrooms. (14) Talking about auditory learners. Vairo, Philip D., Sheldon Marcus, and Max Weiner. Hot-button Issues for Teachers: What Every Educator Needs to Know about Leadership, Testing, Textbooks, Vouchers, and More. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Education, 2007. Print. The first section of this book talks about how the teaching professionalism is today and how the teaching market is. This book is not really helpful in the beginning because it talks more about important is it for teachers to act professional rather than their style of teaching. But the author starts getting into important information for me towards the end of the book. At the end of the book the author starts to talk about how an effective teacher should be in a classroom as well as some tips for them to become better. The author explains that a teaching normally teaches the way he or she was taught and does not change much of the way they teach. As well as the teacher only teaches one way and that does not suit every student, it only suits those students who learn the way the teacher teaches. Not all students are dumb because they are not doing well in that class it might be because the teacher is not teaching the way the students learns. Many students might do badly in one class but might do very well in another because that other class might be suiting his learning

style. The author also states that a well-behaved learning environment is also a great factor in order to make students become successful. A teacher might have a hard time teaching in a classroom where many students are talking and not paying attention; the teacher will give more of her attention to those students who are misbehaving and not put more effort to her teaching. From what I read in this book, I plan on using the first quote at the bottom and explain what the author is trying to say by that quote. I also plan on using the description on how the learning environment is a important factor in a classroom. If a teacher only teaches in one way, then they conclude that the kids who can not learn well the way the teachers teaches, when, in fact, it may be the way the teachers teaching the reason why the student is having problems. One can imagine the difficulties in teaching a class when there is no discipline. From times in the past to the present time, teachers have had to contend with all kinds of undesirable behaviors which disturb the learning environment. Lerkkanen, Marja-Kristiina. "The Role of Teaching Practices in the Development of Children's Interest in Reading and Mathematics in Kindergarten." Contemporary Educational Psychology (2012): 1-14. Print. In this article Lerkkanen talks about an experiment or study in which teaching practices were observed in kindergarten classrooms but it was more of a reading and mathematics based. With the experiment, a pair of trained observes 49 kindergarten teachers and observed their teaching practices in the classroom. The results revealed in this study that in classrooms in which the teachers placed greater emphasis on child-centered teaching practices than on teacherdirected practices, the children showed more interest in reading and mathematics.

In this article the author explains a few tips in which a learning environment can become more successful. The author mentions that motivation is a key factor in the lives of students and teachers. Motivation is what drives someone to accomplish something they want. This articles gives a lot of tips to make a student more interested in certain topics and overall in classrooms. Some students motivation often varies across different subjects. For example, a child who is highly motivated in reading may not be as highly motivated in math therefore pays less attention in math and that is where a problem can be developed. I plan on using this article to say what motivation is and how important motivation is in a class environment. Many people do not see the importance of being motivated for a subject but reading this article made me think that motivation is a big factor for those students who need to have a better learning environment. Motivation plays an important role in academic performance because it directs students behavior and effort in learning situations. One widely used framework in the conceptualization of motivation in the school context is the question of how interested students are in carious school subjects and academic topics, and how much they like and enjoy doing tasks related to these topics. Hartjen, Lisa F. "Art and Transformation: Embodied Action in a First-Grade Art Class." Art Education (2012): 12-17. Print. In this article the author makes a huge connection between the students who learn from kinesthetic and students. She mainly did this experiment to address disparities in learning styles present in her art classroom. Students who were generally disruptive during teacher-centered art instruction often focused easily during lessons infused with movement activities. She finally

noticed that she needed to include kinesthetic learning in her art instructions in order to level the playing field to those students who needed that type of teaching. She gave some details on how she effectively conducted the classroom while teaching to those who learned by kinesthetic. In this article it is mainly about kinesthetic learning. It gives a few suggestions for using a kinesthetic teaching and how important it is to engage the students with different activities in order to have them succeed in the classroom. I plan on using this article to reinforce the kinesthetic section of my paper. By doing this I can get different points of view from each author and come up with a final conclusion for this section. I also plan on using one quote that I like a lot and its the first quote at the bottom. A 5-minute train walk around the classroom pretending to be animals, insects, vehicles, or toys cab help students embody the experience of their art subjects People know the world through active participation in it, often exploring situations from several angles in order to solve a specific problem.\ Whether focusing on popular culture, or exploring materials or kinesthetic-based experiences, art educator can meet students where they are and invite them into a deeper engagement with the learning process.

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