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This month were looking at some door idioms.

TO BE NEARLY DEAD. Stop worrying about it! Youve only got the u. Its not like youre at deaths door.

Be at deaths door

TO ALLOW SOMETHING NEW TO START. The discovery of a cure for the disease opens the door to big changes in the pharmaceutical industry.

Open the door to something

TO TELL SOMEONE THAT THEY MUST LEAVE. I told her that I wasnt interested in her product and I showed her the door.

Show somebody the door

Open doors

TO GIVE SOMEONE NEW OPPORTUNITIES. The success of his lm opened doors for him, and within a year he was working in Hollywood.

VERY NEAR TO WHERE YOU LIVE. The great thing about our new home is that the train station is right on our doorstep.

On somebodys doorstep

TO MAKE IT IMPOSSIBLE FOR SOMETHING TO HAPPEN, ESPECIALLY A PLAN OR A SOLUTION TO A PROBLEM. There are fears that the recent attack may have closed the door on a peaceful solution to the con ict.

Close the door on something

TO START WORKING AT A LOW LEVEL IN AN ORGANISATION BECAUSE YOU WANT A BETTER JOB IN THE SAME ORGANISATION IN THE FUTURE. I know its not the job youd hoped for, but at least youve got a foot in the door.

Get your foot in the door / Get a leg in the door

TO BLAME SOMEONE FOR SOMETHING BAD THAT HAS HAPPENED; TO SAY THAT SOMEONE IS RESPONSIBLE FOR SOMETHING. Blame for the lack of progress was laid rmly at the governments door.

Lay something (the blame) at somebodys door

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